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"of course it counts!" she said "if its in the town it still counts as the town." a yawn sounded from inside her hair. "Oh! i almost forgot you were there Blue!" she laughed or rather giggled and entered the resaurant like princess Celestia. she followed the group towards the misterious pony.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Pat.Rio.T.@@C. Thunder Dash,@@Alicorn Fluttershy,@,@@Comet Starflash 


Rain looked at crystal as she trotted inside. "Blue? who is that?" she asked still half doodling then giggled at Riley's sudden shout "Uhh Riley I think you better keep your voice down, I believe it might bother some other customers" Rain half muttered to herself, not that she really cared if anyone thought they were loud.

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@@@Pat.Rio.T.@@C. Thunder Dash@@Alicorn Fluttershy@@Comet Starflash,


Riley and Anala scurried over to a table, which, conveniently, had exactly enough seats for the whole group. They sat down a chair apart from each other, and on that chair, Anala placed a whoopee cushion. Now all that was left to do was see who would fall into the trap...

OCs: RileyAnala

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"oh i forgot!" Chrystal giggled "you don't know her." a sleepy pink breezie head peeked out of Chrystals hair. it was soon folowed by a shock of blue hair tied with a pink bow on each side of her head, a tiny breezy body compleate with a pair of breezy wings and and a blue and pink tail. "bluebell wishes meet my er... friends"

Edited by Alicorn Fluttershy


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


"Aw, she's such a cutie!" said Riley.


"Yeah... just look at her, she's so..." Anala stopped. "I mean, yeah, sure, that's cool." She was deep down rather soft and sweet, but she had a brash and bold demeanour to keep up.


"Why don't you sit down and tell us more?" The two of them snickered to each other.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Blubell flitted above the chair. "oh but you don't even know her and wouldn't you guys like to sit next to eachother?" Bluebell knew she had them in a bind. she wanted to see what they would come up with as an excuse. afterwards she would tell Chrystal Heart what they were doing rather dryly in fact. yes she had it planed out. Chrystal hadn't knoticed the woopy cushion yet. "i'm sure bluebell wishes would love to tell you her autobiography." she giggled.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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, @C. Thunder Dash, , @Alicorn Fluttershy,  @Comet Starflash,



((OOC: So I see people got really active while I was gone and the only way to reply was by mobile. Now I'm back, and everyone is gone again. *sigh*))


After Pat managed to seat River back in her wheelchair, they continued on down the street until they came to the cafe where Pat saw the sports car parked in front.


Pat: "Hmm, I can see why they were in a hurry."


He remarked sarcastically.


"So, do you want to grab something to eat, River?"


River: "Whatever you like."


Patterson wasn't overly confident that she really wanted to.


"Well, do you really want to eat here, or not? Because I can wait if you don't want to."


"No, it's fine."


"But, you sound like it's not fine. Do you not want to eat here?"




"No, you don't?"


"No, I do!"


"You're sure?"




"Are you just saying that to stop this conversation?"


"Ye- NO!"


"River, if you always just agree to do whatever I want to, and never make decisions for yourself, you'll never get to do anything you want to."


*sigh* "Alright..."


She pondered for a moment.


"I want to eat here."




River pulled his hat down over his face and started giggling. They both kept laughing until they realized that they were still just standing out in front of the cafe.

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Pat.Rio.T.,@, @, @@C. Thunder Dash,  


Bluebell Wishes pointed at the woopie cusion. Chrystal got the hint and pulled out her chair so that it tipped forward dropping the woopie cusion on the ground she then sat down and pulled in her chair kicking the woopie cusion towards Anala in the prosess. she acted as if it had never happened. she didn't like makeing a fool out of herself but also didn't care to point a joker out if it wasn't a dire situation. Bluebell continued acting normaly as well "so what do you wanna know?" she asked.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@,@@Alicorn Fluttershy, @@Pat.Rio.T., @,


Nitro looked at Anala and Riley and got the hint from the whoopee cushion. "So...I guess you two really like to play pranks eh?" Nitro asked as he started to look at the menu. He decided he would get a salad, a hayburger and some hayfries. He then turned back to Riley. "So...I guess my friend Thunder told you guys all about me. Did he tell you anything about me being an undercover?" Nitro asked. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,@@Pat.Rio.T., @, @,  


"As in Undercover agent? a secret agent? or is it an undercover cop? a spy?" bluebell would kept asking until he answered. "Bluebell stop pestering the guy! you've just met him and he's trying to talk!" Bluebell sat down and made a lip zipping motion. "sorry about that Nitro." said Chrystal.


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


"Undercover cop." Nitro stated pulling out his badge from one of his pockets on his racing jacket. He took off his helmet and swung his mane around. He then put his helmet right next to him on the seat. "If you want me to tell you some stories then...I'll be happy to." Nitro stated.  

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"Doesn't undercover mean you arn't supposed to show ponies you are an undercover cop? i mean any one of us could have connections to whoever you're trying to stop. wow you really trust ponies you just met alot." Chrystal imagined what could happen next. her mind wavered to her imaginary horror place where Nitro was saying "i know i'm not supposed to...unless i'm takeing you in! and then he put handcuff on all of them and stuck them in his car which turned into a jail. Chrystal sat shivering in her seat perhaps a little to lost in her horror fantasy. Bluebell knew what was going on. "Nitro you scared her. tell her you arn't going to put her in jail and she'll be alright."


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,

@@C. Thunder Dash,


"So...I guess you two really like to play pranks, eh?" asked Nitro.


"Gosh, what gave it away? :P" replied Anala with a chortle.


"So...I guess my friend Thunder told you guys all about me. Did he tell you anything about me being an undercover?" asked Nitro.


Riley's eyes widened. "No! No he didn't! That has 'awesome' written all over it! BAM! PLOT TWIST! Tell us some stories!"


(OOC: I don't think that's technically godmodding, Thunder; you did have Nitro say those things in your own posts)

OCs: RileyAnala

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Patterson and River went inside the Cafe after they had calmed down, then Pat asked her where she wanted to sit. She immediately noticed the large group in the middle of the cafe, and pointed to a small table in the corner, wanting to avoid attention. Pat jokingly responded to her decision,


Pat: "Are you sure you want to sit there? Because we do-..."


River pulled his hat down again, and laughed as she wheeled over to the table.


'It's times like this I wonder if I should ever where my hat around her.'


He thought before taking his hat off and trotting towards their table. As he passed by the big group, he heard a squeaky voice, and he turned and looked to see a breezie.


'Whoa, It's a breezie! I've never seen one before! I never expected to see one in the city of Manehatten. What the hay is it doing here any way?'


Of course, passing by a large group of ponies while distracted and lost in thought, was doomed to end up disastrous. And indeed, Pat did not notice the tail that was sticking out back of the chair he was passing by, and consequently tripped over it. To make matters worse, he instinctively grabbed onto the lower back of somepony's chair two places over, on the way down, to stop his fall, which immanently caused them to fall after him, and land on his head. This caused quite a commotion in the cafe.


, @C. Thunder Dash, , @Alicorn Fluttershy,  @Comet Starflash,


((OOC: I'm leaving this open, so if any of you would like your OC caught up in this mess you can just put in your next post. But of course, you don't have to have your OC fall on Pat's head if you don't want to.))


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,@@@Pat.Rio.T.,


"I'm off duty. So no need to worry." Nitro stated. Suddenly he heard a commotion. He got up and saw a pony in a wheelchair had fallen. He went to help her. "Miss? Are you alright?" He asked as he made sure she was injured badly. "Do you need an ambulance or is everything going to be fine?" Nitro asked. 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,



Riley opened his mouth, ready to ask more, but just then, both Anala and Riley heard the commotion starting up at the very same time Nitro did. They saw that a stallion who had just entered the building had fallen over. Anala picked up the stallion and propped him back on his legs.

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@,@@C. Thunder Dash@Pat.Rio.T.,


"hmmm never seen someone react like that to seeing me" said bluebell, "i am verry sorry sir." she ended while standing on his nose. "bluebell don't stand on his nose." Chrystal scolded then to pat she said "sorry about that. some days she can have no manners at all. are you alright?"


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


Nitro then came back to the table and saw Bluebell and Crystal. "Is that your...?" Nitro asked as he went to sit down. He then saw Anala and Riley coming back after they helped the stallion who had fallen get back up. Nitro briefly looked at the menu before looking back up at Crystal.  

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Sun just sat there sipping his coffee. He didn't stand up, he didn't look, he didn't even change a bit. All the commotion and everypony else was standing, looking or helping. Helping was ok, but not too many ponies otherwise you got in their way. Standing and staring in silence just made the matter worse, you made them feel even more embarrassed to know that everypony saw you fall. So if somepony was helping, just continue about your business.

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@@C. Thunder Dash@,


"i'm not sure what you mean Nitro." Chrystal Heart said with a confused look.then again they usualy spoke differently in the chrystal empire due to being around 10,000 years back in dialect. and they usualy finished their sentences. Bluebell landed on Riley's nose and fluttered her wings she giggled in her high pitched laugh and said "well i'm not really supposed to have left the breezi home land but i was so bored there. there was no adventure and everything was peaceful and quiet all the time. i learned your language. then one day i was in the everfree forest and a cockatrice came out of a bush. it started to turn me to stone. just then chrystal came along and made it turn me back. since chrystal ponys are practicly stone already it had no effect on her."


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy,


"I was talking about Bluebell...oh! She's a breezie! How cute!" Nitro stated as he continued to look at his menu. Suddenly, a waiter came and asked them what they would like to order. "I'll take a salad, a hayburger and some hayfries." Nitro stated to the waiter. The waiter then turned to everypony else.  


@,  @@Comet Starflash,

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy

@@C. Thunder Dash


As Bluebell was on his nose, Riley went cross-eyed looking at her. He listened intently to her story. "I wonder what being stone would be like? Probably sort of like when I was a plushie, except I'd be my normal size, plus, I'd be really, really, hard instead of soft and cuddly!"


Anala was placing the whoopie cushion on Riley's seat when she noticed the red pegasus about to sneeze. To stop that from happening, she rushed over and pinched his nose shut hard.


"I'll have a pizza," Riley called to the waiter.


"Same here," added Anala.


"If we're both having pizza, we may as well have a huge one between us!" said Riley.

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@C. Thunder Dash, @Alicorn Fluttershy,


Pat was still quite disoriented when somepony helped him up.


Pat: "I'm food... er, I'm fine, I'm good."


He looked around till he found his hat, which had been dented by the chair. He picked it up.


River: "Pat! What happened?"


River said as she quickly wheeled over, after she heard the commotion and saw Patterson on the floor.


"Aaw, my hat got dented."


He said as he tried to pop the hat back into shape with his hoof.


River proceeded to feel his appendages for broken bones while he absent mindedly continued to fix his hat. He finished fixing his hat, meanwhile River moved on to checking his head. He continued to ignore her and introduced himself.


"Thank you. I'm Patterson Tacitus, and this is my ever-present sibling River."


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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