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@@C. Thunder Dash@@,


Drakk just kept trotting over to where Nitros directions where. He stopped when he heard the horn, followed by the question. Drakk looked behind him."Y-Yeah, im going there to buy a spellbook, Hope Drakes there.."Drakk said. "Anyways, im off. Hope to see you all soon!"Drakk said, as he gallopped quickly to the store, soon out of they're sight.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@, @@C. Thunder Dash,

Rain laughed slightly "I know thats not what you were looking at". She then pulled her saddle bag off and wandered through it, making sure everything was there. Levatating a small notepad and a pencil she writes down all she has and what paints she needs.

Edited by RainMuffin
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Riley's face went pale. "What? Yeah, it was! I'm just trying to ensure her safety!"


Anala rolled her eyes. "How old do you think I am? Five? I'm a full-grown mare, I know basic vehicle safety guidelines, thank you very much."


"Well... um... we've never ridden in a Saleen before! Suppose the... seatbelt system was different?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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@,@, @,


"Alright then...hang on everypony!" Nitro stated as he put the car in drive and slammed the gas. The tires let out a huge squeal as the car launched forward hitting speeds up to 65mph. Nitro kept it at that same speed as he passed some slower-moving taxis and ponies looked at his Saleen.  

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@@C. Thunder Dash, @,

Rain, startled by the sudden movement let out a small little squeal as the car took off, dropping her items in the process of doing so. She sits there frozen for a few seconds and then takes a deep breath and quickly picks up the spilt items. She also shrinks in the seat as ponies turn to look at the Saleen.

Edited by RainMuffin
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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Riley and Anala jolted up as the car sped off.


"WOOOOO! LIVIN' THE FAST LIFE, BROS!" he yelled, his arms raised in the air.


Anala giggled. "It must have been so frustrating when you couldn't speak or move," she commented. "We gotta tell them all about The Plushie Incident, eh, Rye?" she said, nudging Riley playfully.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@C. Thunder Dash,@, @,


The seats in the back started moving"THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!" Said a voice in the middle of the two seats, as a baby dragon jumped out in the middle of Anala and Riley."Can you drive faster? This is so cool!" Said the baby dragon as he jumped up and down in the middle of the two ponies.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@, @, @@C. Thunder Dash,

Rain snapped her head to look at the baby dragon "Oh dear....It appears we have picked up a little.....Friend..." She muttered. "You wouldn't happen to be Drake would you?" She asks the dragon while quietly sketching the little dragon on her notepad. She then looks at Anala "Plushie Incident?"

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Up until now, Riley and Anala hadn't noticed the baby dragon; it was rather short, after all.


Without taking a second thought to think of the possible consequences, Riley picked up the baby dragon and nuzzled him. "Aren't you just a little cutie? Yes, you are!"

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@,@, @,


"Wait a sec? Drakk was in here all this time?! We've gotta find Drake!" Nitro exclaimed as he pulled the handbrake and pulled a 180-degree spin. He then pushed his nitrous buttons on his wheel. "Brace yourselves!" Nitro yelled as the car shot off hitting 90mph. A taxi was right in his lane. He pulled the lever that contracted his jump springs and then pushed the button on the lever that retracted them. This caused the Saleen to spring into the air and fly over the taxi. Nitro landed it on all fours as he kept going to search for Drake. He slowed down a bit and drifted around a corner.  

Edited by C. Thunder Dash
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@,@@C. Thunder Dash, @,


Drake was smiling and laughing a little, enjoying being the center of attention, the speed, and being nuzzled by the pony."Yes, im Drake!" Drake said to answer Rain's question, then just a little after going faster than what it was due to the Nitro, of course, Drake freaked out a little because of the speed and turns."Uhm, Driver, im Drake! My friend is Drakk!" Drake said, as he heard him mistaking their names. Drake held onto the pony holding him, not wanting to fall out of the car.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Anala cleared her throat, and prepared for the story. "You're likely gonna think we're crazy, but here we go:"


"There was this one time that Riley and I were playing near the Everfree Forest, and then the ball flew into the forest, so Riley ran in there and stuck his hoof into a hole in a tree. It turns out there was a cursed artifact inside, and it turned him into..." She stifled a laugh. "A plushie!"


"Anyway, there was a pony called Escapade who said that we had come across an artifact he had searching for. He told us that the curse could be lifted by attention. So I stuffed him into my saddlebag and took him home.


"And when we got back to my apartment, I played what could be considered one of the most sadistic pranks known to ponykind."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@C. Thunder Dash, @, @,


Rain suddenly burst into a fit of laughters as rileys reaction to the baby dragon, but they were cut short by squeaks and screams as the car suddenly lurched and turned, as well as flying through the air. Rain was having a hard time calming down after that breathing faster then ever and freaking out.

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Riley and Anala showed no fear of any sort - they just took enthusiasm in the car's twists and turns.


"I just placed him on my lap, took some scissors, and then slooowly moved them towards him. He couldn't move or speak, and fabric gives way easily to the blades. I was, like, this close-" She made a tiny gap between her front hooves to illustrate her point. "-to slicing him in half, when I put the scissors down, and said, 'You really fell for that one, didn't you?'"

OCs: RileyAnala

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Sun Stream was on the train, about a few minutes from the next stop. He wasn't doing anything in particular, nor going anywhere in particular. Just trying out the fairly new transport system he guessed... Sure it got him places fast, but other than that he wasn't all that impressed with it. Everything went by so fast, and even then there wasn't anything to look at apart from lighs that went by so fast it looked like one light flashing in the window. He liked Manehattan, but there wasn't much to do that seemed interesting to him. When he went back to his apartment it was so high up you could just about see a dot of a pony walking past. He had inspiration, but not the tools necessary to capture the image the way he saw it. He could never find (nor have the ability to) paint, draw or sketch. Cameras were too expensive, considering his big splash out on the penthouse apartment.


The train finally came to a stop and the doors opened with the all new rrecordings of 'doors opening, mind the gap'. He got up and, without paying any attention to his surroundings, walked out of the subway and straight past the crafts shop. Even if he had noticed it, he didn't have enough bits to buy anything AND get home without walking or grabbing a lift with somepony else, which he would rather not. He stood around on the corner, his back to the arts shop and looked at the scenery. Hussle and bussle everywhere. Controlled chaos in the form of overcrowded roads. He could, however, see and hear a rather flash car roaring down the road. It even left the ground at one point! As an ex guard, he would have reported them, however when he saw the ponies inside he chuckled.


"Reminds me of myself when I was younger..."

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@,@,  @@C. Thunder Dash,


((Sorry for the late post, i was working on a project))


Drakk, which was trotting down the street, looking for Drake after he had bought the spell book and used the counterspell. He saw a fast car drift by. It looked kind of familiar. He was wondering why it was, then he realized it was the Saleen that one pony had when he asked for the map from Rain. He heard a familiar noise from it, and he knew who always made that noise. He used a advanced spell to stop the car and it and whoever's in it in time, basically, they would stop in time, unable to move the slightest muscle. Drakk simply trotted over to the car which was stopped in time, once he was beside it, he looked at the ponies in it, and Drake, which looked like he liked the speed. He used a little magic to move Nitros hoof from the pad, then used the counterspell to fix their time. They would notice that Drakk, which was the pony that stopped the Saleen, as is now beside it, looked older than when they met him at first."Of course, Drake. Of course you would get on their ride. Well, hope you enjoyed it."Drakk said, as he looked at everypony in the Saleen.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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@@RainMuffin,@Blue Eclipse,


Nitro slammed the brakes. "Wait...what just happened." Nitro stated as the car came to a full and complete stop. Nitro looked around and noticed that the dragon had grown older. "Wait a second...did Drake just...?" Nitro asked confused. "Seriously, does anypony know what just happened?" Nitro asked. 

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Nitro slammed the brakes. "Wait...what just happened." Nitro stated as the car came to a full and complete stop. Nitro looked around and noticed that the dragon had grown older. "Wait a second...did Drake just...?" Nitro asked confused. "Seriously, does anypony know what just happened?" Nitro asked. 

((You probably are confused. Just so you know, Drakk is the pony, he grew older. Drake is the dragon, he is still a baby, and Drake is the one in the Saleen with you. Maybe i wasnt clear))


(It isnt really a rp post, i just wanted to clear things up for Thunder Dash : P)



(The dragon isnt the one that got older, the pony beside the Saleen was the one that got older, i probably wasnt clear enough  )

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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The pair of them having been too wrapped up in making fools of themselves, Riley and Anala hadn't been concentrating. "Huh? Why did the car just-"


Riley then noticed that Drakk had somehow become older. "Yeah... Good question, Nitro."


"You think any more age spells will happen during this ride?"

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@,@, @@C. Thunder Dash,

(I had fell asleep on my keyboard :blush:




Rain slowly looked up from the now stopped car, her heart still racing from the mini 'heart attack' she just had. Seeing on how Drakk just got older her eyes widen even more so from the widened state they were already in.

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@, @,  


"If Drakk got older...then Drake must be nearby!" Nitro stated. "But before that, I'll drop you two off at the prank store." Nitro stated as he revved his engine again. he then slammed the gas and turned a corner. The prank store was just ahead of them. "Look, there it is." Nitro stated. 

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@,@, @@C. Thunder Dash,


Drakk did a quick sigh, then took a deep breath."Alright, all of you are probably wondering why the car suddenly stopped, that was a time spell, stopping you in time, rendering you completely unable to move a single muscle, same for the car. As for those wondering why im older, i got tricked by a zebra into drinking tea enchanted with an age spell, so it made me younger than what i really am, i used a spellbook i bought at the magic store to make me my real age. Anyways, im here to pick Drake up, but first, Nitro, mind me doing something to your 'Saleen'?"Drakk said to the ponies in the Saleen.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"What do you need to do with it? Do you need to modify it? I've already done so many things to it, so I prefer that it's kept untouched." Nitro stated. "And no wonder why we couldn't move. It was because of that time spell. And how did you get tricked by that zebra?" Nitro asked. 


(OOC: That seemed like an OP move right there Bradly.) 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,@, @,


Rain only made a slight squeaking noise during all of this. Her breath and heart rate has now returned to normal but she is quite scared that she cant move, but grateful that the car isn't moving that fast anymore. She tried to make sense of the conversation.

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"Wow. That sounds pretty fun! A great prank idea!" said Riley. "You could pour a cup for your boss just as he's about to deliver a speech, and..." He snorted in amusement.


@@C. Thunder Dash,


"Thanks to the lift, Nitro!" said Anala.


"Anala, wait," said Riley. He turned to the other occupants of the car. "Guys, it's really fun hanging out with you. So, Nitro, can we stay for the ride?"

Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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