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Brandi pulled out a little doll of a brown mare with a brown mane and set it up on-top of the now jade colored bed and sat on the bed, pulling out various notebooks and setting them up neatly on the nightstand. She was paying attention to what Midnight was saying during all of this, but when she heard 'vampire fruit bat' she automatically was interested. Turning her body to look over at where Ziggy was, she had a little fangirl attack. "Aww...Hes so adorable! Where did you get him?"

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Sunset looked around, he seemed confused when Paladin said he was studying normal ponies but didn't question it, he waited for the announcement to finish, not really paying much attention then went back to Paladin "you ever go on any adventures with the princess or anything like that?" Sunset asked, thinking about the stories he was told about the princesses back in Ponyville "wait, how long have you been one of her personal guards?" sunset asked seeming really excited, he was trying to figure out if Paladin had been involved in anything he had been told about by one of his relatives from Ponyville

Paladin went on to describe how he had been sent here to study basic pony/unicorn/pegasus biology and history in the hopes of better understanding and relating to them. He then sees Sunset's intrest begin to wane and slows down, eventually coming to a stop with a sigh. He looks around, his attention also beginning to wander and just barely catching the question about the length of his employment to Luna. "I've been with her for a long while now. I was one of the two who had the privilege of escorting her to her first nightmare night. That was quite an event."





Darius had left the fountain in hopes of finding something else to keep him preoccupied. After hearing the welcome announcement, he decided to go to the dormitory. On his way there he wrestled with the notion to take a nap or explore. He finally settled on exploration and set off to wander the halls. 



Dark-Cloud let out a deep sigh and tapped her hooves together, if these ponies are abnormal, they are going to have to get used to abnormal environments meaning she was just going have to make their year....special. She trots out of the office and out into the courtyard the way she came, but before she reaches the gate, she spreads her green/scorched black wings and soars into the sky, her green and purple colors hard to not notice and she sits on a low dark looking cloud, studying the ground from above.

 Lee watched Brandi leave and stretched, arching his back and letting out a soft yowl. He paused half way through, catching himself. He smiled and would've laughed but decided against it as he didn't know what other strange noises he might make. Finally he decided to take a walk. He went outside, adjusting to the height of everything and getting a sense for the world at large (pun pun pun pun pun). Finally, bored, he climbed a tree, quite effortlessly and sat down on one of the over arching branches. He'd tried shifting back to normal to with little success so he sat there, purring and licking his front paws. Finally he decided to try something else. Closing his eyes, he concentrated and, in a small poof of green flame, shifted in to a small bird. He smiled (can you smile with a beak?) and took to the air. He flew around and around, listening to the announcement and enjoying the feeling of flight. Finally he saw somepony fly out of the school and land on a cloud nearby. He quickly made his way over to them (it's Dark-Cloud but he doesn't know that) and lands next to them. "Hello?" He asks in a high pitched chirpy voice. "Can you point me towards the dorms? I need to find my room and get set up." 

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Midnight was taken back a little by Brandi's excitement. Ziggy fluttered in the air and did a little loop before landing back on the bed. He obviously enjoyed the attention. "Oh, I found Ziggy as a little orphaned baby. His group had migrated without him. His wings were under developed at the time so he couldn't fly." she said. "I was a filly when I found him outside a cave. It's also how I got my cutie mark." she smiled.

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Brandi listened to the story while watching Ziggy do his little tricks "that's soooo cool...I have a pet cat back at home that followed me home on nightmare night...I wasn't allowed to bring him though...Oh! Can he have treats? I think I have some fruit treats in my bag..." She ponders as she digs through her bag, plopping a medium sized book on her bed with the title 'Brandi's Spells' along with a few other school books.



Dark-Cloud didn't notice the bird at first and kept looking across the courtyard, but when the little thing started chirping at her she looked down at it with her eyes narrowed "The dorms? Why would a tiny bird want to find the dorms?" She asked Lee "I don't remember accepting a application of a bird..." She ponders over it for a moment "Yup, there was no application with a species of a bird..Now answer me this...what is a bird doing in my school?"

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Dark-Cloud didn't notice the bird at first and kept looking across the courtyard, but when the little thing started chirping at her she looked down at it with her eyes narrowed "The dorms? Why would a tiny bird want to find the dorms?" She asked Lee "I don't remember accepting a application of a bird..." She ponders over it for a moment "Yup, there was no application with a species of a bird..Now answer me this...what is a bird doing in my school?"


Lee sighs, which sounds more like a depressed chirp, and replies, "Long story short, a magic shape changing spell cast wrong plus a changeling can yield interesting results like a changeling that can turn in to other animals, but not other ponies. I think it's only temporary...I hope it's temporary...I was assured that it should be temporary..."

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"He only likes the really juicy fruits." Midnight replied. Ziggy's eyes lit up as he licked his lips very eager for his special treat. Midnight walked toward Brandi's side of room looking around. It looked pretty different from her style. She then noticed Brandi's spellbook. "So you dabble in magic huh?" she asked. "What exactly is your talent?" Midnight was curios about her new roommate. She seemed very different from her except for liking animals.

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"Ah...From that Brandi student hm? I read up that she has a weird thing for doing that...Spells like that are temporary by the way, and the dorms are down near the back of the school, just make a right turn and you should be able to find it, has a large purple and green banner saying 'Dormitory' on it..." She states pointing out the directions.



Brandi looked up for a moment "Magic? Oh right, ya I can do transformation spells..." She continues to dig through her bag "Im a apprentice at magic, self-teaching so im really my mentor as well..My talent...er hard to explain, I have a thing for nature and magic put them together and you get my pony to animal spells...Oh found them!" She pulls out a little baggy of what look like apple tarts "They are a special recipe, They are somewhat like apple cookie things except they have a juicy inside"

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Paladin went on to describe how he had been sent here to study basic pony/unicorn/pegasus biology and history in the hopes of better understanding and relating to them. He then sees Sunset's intrest begin to wane and slows down, eventually coming to a stop with a sigh. He looks around, his attention also beginning to wander and just barely catching the question about the length of his employment to Luna. "I've been with her for a long while now. I was one of the two who had the privilege of escorting her to her first nightmare night. That was quite an event."

Sunset didn't know much about when nightmare night started, being quite young and not really having the time or people or even books to know about it, he just knew basic history on equestria, he kept that amazed face on, he layed back on the corridor wall slightly, "was it just after the..." Sunset stopped, not wanting to bring up nightmare moon with Paladin incase he could start an argument, his face was a bit more serious, he looked down slightly

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"Ah...From that Brandi student hm? I read up that she has a weird thing for doing that...Spells like that are temporary by the way, and the dorms are down near the back of the school, just make a right turn and you should be able to find it, has a large purple and green banner saying 'Dormitory' on it..." She states pointing out the directions.


Lee nods. "Thanks!" Taking off, he flies through the air towards the dorms. He almost wished the spell would never wear off. It was so nice to fly again. He landed in a window and ducked inside, shifting into a gecko. After looking himself over and nodding with a happy look on his face, he took off, climbing up the wall and running along the ceiling. He passed over a large scaily pony but took no notice of him as he quickly ran past door after door, looking for his room. 





Darius thought he saw something move along the ceiling, but ignored it. Probably a spider. He walked along until he stopped in front of his room.  Room 9. He stepped inside and looked around. A little sparse and he didn't have much with him. He opend up his saddle bags and put his books on a nearby book case. He sat down on his bed and realized how tired he was. Yawning, lay back and fell asleep. 



Sunset didn't know much about when nightmare night started, being quite young and not really having the time or people or even books to know about it, he just knew basic history on equestria, he kept that amazed face on, he layed back on the corridor wall slightly, "was it just after the..." Sunset stopped, not wanting to bring up nightmare moon with Paladin incase he could start an argument, his face was a bit more serious, he looked down slightly

Paladin cocks his head questioningly. "After..." Then his eyes widen. "Oh, that. Nightmare Moon. Yes. She didn't contact my people until after all that occurred. It was actually just before her first nightmare night. Not the first nightmare night, just Luna's first nightmare night." 

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((Can we please have nightmare night in the RP?))

Ziggy's eyes grew larger with excitement when he saw Brandi's fruit treats."Transformations, huh?" Midnight said curiously. She flipped open the spell book without even thinking to ask first. She had never seen magic spells like these before. "I didn't even know that transforming ponies to other animals was even possible." Midnight said sounding interested. "What kind of classes are you taking?" she asked.

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((Around the week of Halloween I am planning to have a little 'nightmare night rp week', it starts around October 20th-31st so that gives about 2 weeks to rp nightmare night festivity's and stuff. The first week will be like nightmare night decorating and stuff the last week will be the actual nightmare night))


Brandi pulled one of the treats out of the bag and held it out to Ziggy. "They're not, I write them myself, never really thought to share them sense they practically drain most of my magic and iv had practice with them." She closes the bag of treats and sets them on her bed as she starts to fill her saddle bag with her books again. "My classes are basic, Algebra, History, etc. with the addition of Gym and spell casting. Yours?" Brandi seemed alot more talkative.




Dark-Cloud simply watched the bird go "I might have to put a rule up for magic if this keeps going on...The fountain needs to be turned on as well..." She muttered things like this to herself as she studied the school. After maybe another few minutes she few down and landed on the edge of the fountain, She bent down and took a look at the inside which had weird swirl designs on it and did something, then after a few moments water spurted from the top and started swishing down, filling the inside.

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Ziggy quickly snatched up the treat with his little bat hands and gobbled it up happily. Midnight closed Brandi's book. "My classes are less...basic" she said as she let out a small laugh. "Animal study, AP Equestria history, gym, flight class, and chemistry." she said. Then she got a serious face and decided to ask a random question. "By any chance, are you afraid of the unknown?" she spoke as if the answer was important.

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Brandi smiled brightly at Ziggy, then turned back towards Midnight "Those sound interesting and the unknown? Iv lived in the everfree once...so unknown is somewhat normal to me...Unknown ponys im scared of though..." She took her spell book and slid it under the bed with the other item she stuffed under there.

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The unknown goes far beyond the Everfree. Midnight said to herself in response to Brandi's answer "The Everfree? How did you survive in there? That place is dangerous for ponies and critters." Midnight sounded surprised. "How did you survive the timber wolves and mantacores and cockatrices?" she asked. Midnight was curious about the other item underneath Brandi's bed. Maybe it was worth checking out later.

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"Uhh I sort of didn't, I was born there, only stayed their for around a year or so then was abandoned in a ponyville orphanage...and Iv turn ponys, including myself into various everfree animals...Iv been in their on countless occasions...not myself though, I was always some sort of weird creature..." Brandi said quite weakly

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As you guys are speaking, you hear a high pitched squeaky voice exclaim "Excuse me! Can either of you tell me if I'm approaching room 15? Or is it still a ways away from here?" If you follow the sound of the voice, your gaze will be directed to the ceiling near the doorway where, upon examination, a small gecko can be seen clinging to the door frame. 

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Brandi's ears turn towards Lee before her body does, and upon seeing the gecko on their doorway "What....Sense when can geckos talk...and um...This is room 5 so...around 10 doors down I believe....Im still confused on wh-....Never mind" Brandi looked down and tapped her hooves together lightly.

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Midnight was about to comment on Brandi's story when suddenly, she heard a squeaky voice. She turned around to see a small gecko. Before she could say anything, Ziggy flew up to him and opened his mouth as if he was going to eat him. "Ziggy..." Midnight said as if the little bat was about to get into trouble. Ziggy just rolled his eyes and flew back to Midnight's bed. Midnight flew up toward the gecko. "Shouldn't be too far." she said as if talking geckos were normal. "I can get Ziggy to give you a ride if you want." she smirked.

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Paladin cocks his head questioningly. "After..." Then his eyes widen. "Oh, that. Nightmare Moon. Yes. She didn't contact my people until after all that occurred. It was actually just before her first nightmare night. Not the first nightmare night, just Luna's first nightmare night."

Sunset smiled "interesting, it is always nice to learn about the princesses, I suppose you spend most of your time up in Canterlot?"Sunset said, moving his hooves around as talked, he sighed after, he seemed to find something wrong with Canterlot, even though he had never really been around Canterlot
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Lee smiles. "Thanks and no thank. I got this." Upon saying this, the gecko starts to fall from the ceiling and, halfway to the floor, in a flash of green fire (actually probably just sparks because he's so small) an owl appears. The owl hoots at them and, with a poof of feathers, disappears out the door, flying silently down the hall towards his room.  



Paladin simply nods. He looks at his hoof watch and his stilted eyes widen. "Great Luna! Look at the time! So sorry, but I have to go. I have lunch meeting with a subordinate that I must attend to." He turns around to leave but as he's walking out, calls over his shoulder "It was good talking to you! Maybe we can do this again sometime?" 

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Paladin simply nods. He looks at his hoof watch and his stilted eyes widen. "Great Luna! Look at the time! So sorry, but I have to go. I have lunch meeting with a subordinate that I must attend to." He turns around to leave but as he's walking out, calls over his shoulder "It was good talking to you! Maybe we can do this again sometime?"

Sunset quickly replied with "I would love that" as Paladin left he just walked the halls, with a smile on his face. Sunset ended up finding his way to the dorm rooms, he stood around, with his saddle bag, he finally entered the room, number 9, he put his saddle bag down and just sat there, he just rested, without any worries, he went into his saddle bag, setting thing out in the room like his pencils, pens and other things, he kept his bits close by him, he couldn't trust someone he didn't even know, ecpeccialy when his while life was in his saddle bag, he read up on something's like the history of the princesses and such, he had his personal map of equestria with places like Ponyville and Appleossa all crossed off in red, with the biggest cross being on Appleossa, as a sign to Sunset that as much as he wants to go back he can't, he was saddened by this slightly, so he checked when he had something next, he didn't for quite a while, which just made him feel happy and careless as he lied there on his back. Eventually Sunset started to get up and read some more, until he recognised a name of somepony he had met in ponyville, Twilight Sparkle, even though it was for around a minute he stilled remembered the whole thing, it was burned into his mind, along with all the events that occurred in Ponyville, he played some music to distract himself, Sunset had no idea what it was but it kept his mind occupied, and that is what is important, he just lied there on his back, slowly losing that sense of joy but he knew it still remained somewhere in him. Sunset finally noticed there was another pony in the room, he lifted his head up to see the pony asleep, noticing that he was a unicorn or so it would seem, Sunset looked at the pony (he assumed it was a pony) and then got out of his bed to look closer at the pony, he had never seen anything or pony like this one, he noticed the wings and thought to himself "an Alicorn?!" Then decided to just sit around and read seeing as he could find nothing else to keep him busy and he didn't want to sleep, the other "pony" seemed very different and he sat there trying to think of what it was for quite a while Edited by madjack2001
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Midnight turned away after the Lee left the room. It was like what just happened was completely normal. "Well, I'm gonna go get something to eat." she said to Brandi. "I hear there is a small café around here. You can come if you want." she offered. Midnight saw this as an opportunity to get to know her roomie better. They were gonna spend a long time together after all.

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Sunset quickly replied with "I would love that" as Paladin left he just walked the halls, with a smile on his face. Sunset ended up finding his way to the dorm rooms, he stood around, with his saddle bag, he finally entered the room, number 9, he put his saddle bag down and just sat there, he just rested, without any worries, he went into his saddle bag, setting thing out in the room like his pencils, pens and other things, he kept his bits close by him, he couldn't trust someone he didn't even know, ecpeccialy when his while life was in his saddle bag, he read up on something's like the history of the princesses and such, he had his personal map of equestria with places like Ponyville and Appleossa all crossed off in red, with the biggest cross being on Appleossa, as a sign to Sunset that as much as he wants to go back he can't, he was saddened by this slightly, so he checked when he had something next, he didn't for quite a while, which just made him feel happy and careless as he lied there on his back. Eventually Sunset started to get up and read some more, until he recognised a name of somepony he had met in ponyville, Twilight Sparkle, even though it was for around a minute he stilled remembered the whole thing, it was burned into his mind, along with all the events that occurred in Ponyville, he played some music to distract himself, Sunset had no idea what it was but it kept his mind occupied, and that is what is important, he just lied there on his back, slowly losing that sense of joy but he knew it still remained somewhere in him. Sunset finally noticed there was another pony in the room, he lifted his head up to see the pony asleep, noticing that he was a unicorn or so it would seem, Sunset looked at the pony (he assumed it was a pony) and then got out of his bed to look closer at the pony, he had never seen anything or pony like this one, he noticed the wings and thought to himself "an Alicorn?!" Then decided to just sit around and read seeing as he could find nothing else to keep him busy and he didn't want to sleep, the other "pony" seemed very different and he sat there trying to think of what it was for quite a while

Darius's ear twitched. There was someone else in the room. He slugishly got up taking his time. After streching and scratching a bit, he finally managed to wake himself up enough to take a look around the room. Upon seeing somepony in the other bed, he smiles and opens his mouth to say something, but yawns, letting a small fireball fall out of his mouth and land on his bed. He looks down, eyes wide, his ears going back, and furiously looks for something to put it out with. Finally he just gets up and lays down on top of it, extinguishing the blaze. He lets out a small sigh and looks up at Sunset. "Well...that was interesting."

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Darius's ear twitched. There was someone else in the room. He slugishly got up taking his time. After streching and scratching a bit, he finally managed to wake himself up enough to take a look around the room. Upon seeing somepony in the other bed, he smiles and opens his mouth to say something, but yawns, letting a small fireball fall out of his mouth and land on his bed. He looks down, eyes wide, his ears going back, and furiously looks for something to put it out with. Finally he just gets up and lays down on top of it, extinguishing the blaze. He lets out a small sigh and looks up at Sunset. "Well...that was interesting."

Sunset seems quite shocked at the fireball that was just in his room, he just looked at Darius and smiled slightly "very interesting" was what he replied with, he seemed quite interested in Darius. Sunset got up out of bed, he held his hoof out "anyway, hi there, my name is Sunset Hooves, I suppose we are room mates" Sunset said with his appleossian accent kicking in, he said it with a very friendly smile.

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  • 2 weeks later...

An orange unicorn runs to Outcast Academy. Ugh, I'm late! Why can't I ever just listen to my alarm instead of waking up then going back to sleep?! the unicorn thought to himself. The orange unicorn finally reached the academy.  I hope I'm not extremely super late or something... the unicorn thought to himself.

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