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Ask Discord

Old Fluttershy

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*changes Amira back and takes Discords powers* it's only for a day okay Discord.


Sheesh! And I thought Celestia was boring!

*takes powers back*


ok fine I'll ask Princess Twilight on a date

Oh, I'm sure you'll do a fine job...NOW GET ON WITH IT!!

*chair and a tub of popcorn appear*

*Discord sits in chair and starts eating popcorn*


btw good luck Discord

I'm sorry but I'm all comfy...you first. :umad:

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Why u be a jerk to the mane 6

If one more pony accuses me of...! Ok, yes I am a jerk but it's for their own benefit. Even if they can't see that.


ok here I go...

*laughs hysterically*

Oh, that was sooo funny.

*popcorn bucket falls*

Oh....wait, now it's my turn

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So how was your date with Fluttershy?


Horrible! It was so terribly BORING, I honeslty don't know why ponies ever want to do it.


I have something for you *Pip gives Discord cotton candy*

*looks down at Pip*...for me? *gives Pip a hug* *quickly puts him down*

ahem, um thank you little fellow. Next!

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*pip hugs Discord*

*melts into a puddle*

Come now kid your embarrassing me.


How are you doing?

Not as good as I would be if I was RULING EQUESTRIA...*looks around*...(ahem) I'm doing fine.


*makes it rain choc milk* I now know how to do...that

that's...nice...I guess *crosses arms and frowns*

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How did it feel to be turned to stone?


Was it more like being trapped inside stone while you couldn't move anything or was it more like having your entire body, at the molecular level, turned into stone?

Edited by DJ Shy-3
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