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Count to 42 Before 42, Dovashy or (sometimes) Stormgiggle, or Sir Hugs posts

Message added by Ice Princess Silky <3,

Hello, everyone! If you are not Sir Hugs then you should feel free to count here while also knowing he is one huge derp. :pout:

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You respond to my awesome feat with indifference?!




Edited by Safer-Stormgiggle

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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You guys are making it sound like I'm leaving forever, I'm just heading to bed

NO!!! Don't leave us Nomed Deps! I can't live without you! :o



Edited by Safer-Stormgiggle
  • Brohoof 1

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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What did you say to them?



My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Ah, I bet they're in a frenzy.  :lol:



  • Brohoof 1

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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I'm just glad you're feeling better!



My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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Yeah, uh... I forgot what I usually talk about here. I've got nothing. So...




I admit that your light elemental magic would be difficult to counter, but... 


Maybe it's time I went into a little detail about exactly what I am.


My true form isn't one of flesh and blood, but of dark, shadowy magic. I do have a physical form, but it's a large mass of shadowy, corrosive ooze. I disguise myself as a human (or a pony) just for fun. A normal battle with me usually has three stages:

  1. I am still in disguise as a human/pony. At this point I'm not taking the battle too seriously, and will attack mostly with low to mid level shadow elemental spells. 
  2. After I've taken enough damage, I will drop my disguise and take on my true form. I now have the many advantages and new abilities granted to me by my shadowy ooze form in addition to my magical talent.
  3. After my physical form is destroyed, I'll become an intangible apparition made up entirely of dark magic. At this point I'll be immune to almost all types of physical damage, and I'll start using the most powerful magical spells I have.

So I'm just not sure one single person can take me on, light elemental magic or no. Still, if you're positive you can take me, we can try a one on one battle. Who knows, you might end up curb stomping me!  ^_^

At this point, I think you still have the advantage. You still seem very powerful and have a lot of abilities that will be hard to counter. I still don't know what I actually do at the moment! BUT, I have recently put quite a lot of thought into this, and came up with an idea I call the math meter! Have a look at the bottom of the freakout where I explain it.



Who said anything about magic? Air because I can fly, and Thunder because I use electricity as a robot.


Do you, like most pegasi, have the ability to control the weather too? Imagine launching tornadoes at your foes!



No magic? Then you'll never defeat me!



What if we use friendship? Friendship is magic, after all.




Why would I want to defeat you? I know 42 and others may, but I have no desire to rip you limb from limb.

I don't want to rip him from limb to limb either! I'm just a fan of epic battles, and want to participate in one! Consider it more of an epic friendly sparring match than an epic duel to the death.




So, are we going by RPG's in general, or by a specific game, because I don't play the turn-based RPG's

I don't go by a specific game, but I was thinking it was a general turn-based RPG. Although pretty much anything I come up with could be extended to any form of RPG, so let's forget about that 'turn-based' part and just say RPGs in general, turn-based, real-time or otherwise.





Seriously though, where the heck is Dovashy!?

I don't know either... Dovashy, where are you? Are you in some sort of trouble? Do you need help? What do I have to do?!



Yeah, and all the pictures on his profile page have mysteriously vanished, an omen of ill fortune... I'm really worried about him... 



It says his profile is 'under construction', so obviously there's nothing to worry about... right?



Are you saying the evil enchantress got Dovashy?! What do we do?!



This is serious! What if he's trapped down a well!?  :o



Punicpunch, you're a robotic pegasus, fly down there and help him back up!




Suddenly I feel sick. Like, during school I randomly became nauseous  and now I'm cold and have headache as well.

Life is annoying.

Sick? I thought robots don't get sick. Your body isn't glitching up, is it?! Anyway, I hope you find the source of these glitches and feel better soon!




Help me, Sweetie Bot is about to destroy me!



What about that "Guest" that is coming and going? He/she is a phantasm, hovering at the edges of our vision. I wonder who they are...



Who is this 'Guest'? I've heard nothing about them...


















Wait, that thing that tells you who's reading the post is back? How long had that been there?!



Who are these people!? Why are they here!? I'm scared, Punicpunch!



Don't worry. You're OP, so you can just obliterate them if you want.



Look at them sitting there, silently JUDGING us! Reading our most private thoughts without giving out any input of their own...



I know. They must think I'm a horrible failure for letting you get to 70. Now what will I do?! How will I redeem myself to them?!




Am I the only one intrigued by that "Coursing rivers... Dark side of the moon... Blah blah"Song from Mulan? It's gotten stuck in my head for quite a bit.


+210 respect points!


MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE: I thought two video embeds was the limit? Now I have three videos embedded in this post: This one, the 'That makes sense, right' one and the evil enchantress song one. What's going on?




Hey, new face! Welcome to the game where I become increasingly humiliated by my inability to stop huge numbers from appearing here!



Flowers for Algernon.
Have you heard of it?


No, haven't heard of it. Then again, reading is a thing I tend not to do. Who has time to read when you have video games that need playing?!




...I'll just leave now. Good luck with the Dethroning and all!

Bye, Brad... I mean, Lord Bradley! That's one less counter to worry about now...





(I know 42 will mention this, but we're off somewhere)

Yeah, things got confusing. I'll walk you through how I checked everything.

First, I checked the first post of each page. These are the results:

315: 4

316: 24

317: 45

318: 64

319: 84

320: 103

321: 124+

So, Nomed Deps was right about his post being 124. There are obviously two errors here, one between 24 and 64, and the other between 84 and 124, but those seemed to have sorted themselves out. Still, I can't let any counting errors go unpunished, so now I go to 24 and go through each post one-by-one to find where the error started, and where the error was fixed.


COUNTING ERROR! You were meant to say 30! Now everyone is saying a number one higher than they're meant to!


There you go! You fixed it! Although since it was the first post of the new page, I can't tell if you did that by accident or not...


What are you doing?! Safer-Stormgiggle just fixed it, and now you've ruined it again!


You fixed it again! And this time the fixing worked and no-one ruined it immediately again!


And now you ruined it again. This time you fell one post behind!


Hey, you fixed it again!


And you immediately ruined it again!


So in conclusion, I verify Nomad Deps was correct about the post being 124+. Now I'm about to deal with the rest of you messing this up, aren't I?



Impossible! My counting skills are impeccable!   :okiedokielokie:

I was agreeing with you at first, since you fixed the count at 64 and 70, but then you messed it up at 103 and 105! Your counting skills deteriorated fast!



I'm guessing we were 1 off.

You were ahead by 1 at first, then you fell behind by 1. And by the way, that post is ahead by 1 too. COUNTING ERROR!



I swear to Celestia that it's

I checked,
Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.

You didn't stop at 45 and thought every post was supposed to start with a 5, right?


MESSAGE FROM THE FUTURE: Actually, it turns out you're completely right! The very first post that was at the top of a page was the 4 on page 315, but it turns out that 4 is wrong! If you go to page 314, there are 4 posts on that page, so the first post on page 315 should be a 5! Until Punicpunch said 31, you were all 1 behind! Punicpunch actually fixed everything then! So, now I have to go through all those counting errors again and change my comments on them. Why did you all have to mess up in such a complicated way?! I have to keep shuffling around my brohoofs to make sure I'm brohoofing the correct 42nd and 84th post!




And you fixed it! Well done!


You ruined it! It was supposed to be 65!


Well done for fixing that immediately.


You ruined it again! Now you've fallen behind by 1 again!


And now you've made it even worse. Now you're 2 behind!


You kind of fixed it! You're still behind by 1, but hey, it's better than being behind by 2!


Never mind, back to being behind by 2.


And now you're just 1 behind. Although that plus sign says you're probably aware you're a bit behind.



+126 respect points!




Alright then

Anyway, my stats:

Element: Lightning
Class: Buffer

HP: 1
MP: 5
Attack: 1
Magic: 6
Defense: 1
Resistance: 1
Speed: 8
Luck: 1

Well, that does add to 24, so it's balanced in terms of adding to the same number as if every category had the average value of 3. But if stats are going to be as high as 6 or 8, can we really call 3 the average number now? Will we have to redefine the scale so it's 1 to 9 with 5 being the average number to stats should add up to 40?



Lightning. Why does everypony go for lightning?



Hey, lightning is awesome! It's among my favourite elements too! Although I generally call it thunder. Still, wind (or air as it's sometimes called) and light (or holy) are my most favourite elements. I don't love thunder quite as much as those two.




Punic, i just tried to exaggerate the speed a lot :P

They still average at 3 though

And I went Lightning because I feel like it would be good for speed

COUNTING ERROR! Now we're back a count again!


That aside, I did verify it averages at 3. Although when it comes to elements that represent speed, I feel wind is the best for that. It's part of the reason I love wind, I typically like being really fast and wind really seems like it supports such a thing.




Element: Lightning
Class: Buffer

HP: 1
MP: 5
Attack: 1
Magic: 5
Defense: 1 (with recoil of 2)
Resist: 3
Speed: 5
Luck: 1

Normally, I'd ask what this recoil thing is. But I'm pretty sure someone else is about to ask the same thing. By the way, you're aware those stats only add to 22, right? Is that to balance out your recoil thing, so when that's added it comes up to 24?


Also, why does everyone seem to like magical attacks? Everyone's low physical defense is starting to look like it won't matter at all.



I've done it! I will be Thunder and Air!

I've chosen two elements...like a Pokemon! Seems fitting.

Oh and here:


HP: 3

MP: 1

Physical attack: 3

Magic attack: 2

Physical defense: 4

Magic defense: 2

Speed: 3

Luck: 2


Dunno, seems good enough


NOTE FROM BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION: Just realized the current page is Pi



This isn't chronological, but I only just now remembered Punicpunch also created such a post. I actually saw this last night before I went to sleep and had my lair ransacked, and missed it when I started doing responses. So...


Hey, you might just be our first physical attacker! So, uhh, I'll have to make sure I keep my distance from you. By the way, your stat total adds to 20, so you're missing out on 4 stat points. You don't want to be underpowered, do you?


And yep, 314 is pi! Now just wait until we have page 3141...




And there are Net H'cam's specs ^^

Net H'cam?




Net H'cam, Mach Ten

Yeah, he is made of electricity, so physically attacking wouldn't be the best move :P

Oh, Mach Ten, right. You really like your speed. By the looks of things, I'm not too sure if I'll be able to land a hit on you! Well, at least it's a good thing I tend not to attack physically. Compared to math based explosions, shadow magic and lightning stuff, smacking something with a giant 4 or a 2 sounds like a pathetically weak move. But hey, it's an option I have!




Okay, that makes sense.


Also I just want to clarify, the magic I use is actually just an electrically conducted hooksword.

Because Thunder element.

Electrically conducted hooksword? That sounds very painful. Are you sure your physical attack isn't a 5?




Yeah, I'm picturing him like that since I feel that being made of electricity he'd be able to move quickly enough to practically teleport

Okay, if you're made of your element, perhaps lightning is better than wind for moving quickly. But light is the fastest thing in the universe, so does that mean I should have max speed? Well, I'm not made of light, I just use it in my attacks, so I guess not...



Did you read back far enough to read what I'm made of?



Just look at the first comment I responded to here. It's all there, You currently have the form of a normal pony. If you take enough damage, you'll reveal your true form, a shadowy ooze. If that gets destroyed, you then become an intangible apparition made from dark magic. You didn't specify this, but I'm guessing if your intangible apparition form is defeated, you'll finally be completely vanquished.




You are made of Shadow!


Shadow, right.?

Well, kind of. It's complicated, he has multiple forms!




Man, if I were on my computer right now I would definitely be having fun speed posting

As it is though, I think I need to head off

Bye! We'll miss you! I mean, they'll miss you, while I'm glad my lair has one less attacker!



Don't be silly! I am a normal pony and thus have normal pony organs!



Is there meant to be an image attached to this post? Because the link seems to be broken. And anyway, normal pony with normal pony organs is just your first form, isn't it? You technically are made from shadow, aren't you?




Didn't he say he needed to leave?

Thanks to Nomed making a counting error and putting you 1 behind, this post is actually meant to be 168. So, you actually just barely managed to get a quadruple dethrone...






Are my freakouts really this exciting? You sure seem extremely excited! It's good to know all the work put into these is worth it.



:ph34r: Punicpunch's Responses for Reasons of Boredom! :ph34r:

It's in the clipboard


Isn't it too early for a Punicpunch's Responses for Reasons of Boredom? I haven't made my freakout yet!



NO!!! Don't leave us Nomed Deps! I can't live without you! :o



You, an extremely powerful demigod, can't live without Nomed? This seems rather odd....




I've just taunted the Youtube comment section

Oh boy...




Not yet, surprisingly.

By the way, I'm feeling 2x better, but my temperature is 100.0

Makes sense.

Is that 100 degrees celsius, 100 degrees fahrenheit, or 100 kelvin? I have no idea what the normal temperature is for a pegasus robot.



You won't believe how much fun I'm having with picking apart your counting errors at the moment...

Hey, me! How are you doing? Yeah, it was a pretty complicated matter this time, wasn't it?





No wonder I had nothing to talk about at the start of the freakout. All the stuff to talk about is down here instead!


First of all, as usual, you all use too many emoticons and I had to remove some because of that emoticon limit. Instead of listing each time I removed one, I just did it silently, trying to make sure the more important emoticons stay.


Secondly, about generic RPG character stuff. I believe I've come up with a great mechanic for myself to incorporate my love of maths into my fighting style, which I call my math meter. It's a value that starts at 21 by default, and depending on the abilities I use it can end up going all the way down to 0 or all the way up to 42. Most of my abilities are sorted into two groups, which I call additive and subtractive. Additive abilities become stronger when the math meter is closer to 0 and weaker when the math meter is closer to 42, but whenever an additive ability is used, the math meter increases slightly. Subtractive abilities are the opposite, they're stronger when closer to 42 and weaker when closer to 0, and they always decrease the math meter. In general, using an ability over and over will make it weaker since the math meter is moving towards the value that makes the ability weaker. But if I'm cleaver and, for example, use additive abilities many times to bring the meter close to 42, my subtractive abilities will become very powerful! And if the meter gets all the way to 0 or 42, I can use my limit break, after which it gets reset to 21 again.


Now all I need to do is come up with what these abilities and limit breaks actually do.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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1. Alright! I'm back And ready do some probably useless counting since 42's here, but let's do it anyway!

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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:ph34r: Punicpunch's Responses for Reasons of Boredom! :ph34r:



Do you, like most pegasi, have the ability to control the weather too? Imagine launching tornadoes at your foes!

Well, if I'm not mistaken, I still have my soul, and the soul contains my magic, so I could probably do that.



I don't want to rip him from limb to limb either! I'm just a fan of epic battles, and want to participate in one! Consider it more of an epic friendly sparring match than an epic duel to the death.

It was hyperbole...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfk2wvZAxgc



Punicpunch, you're a robotic pegasus, fly down there and help him back up!

*Sips Root-Beer Slushie* Wait what was that? Didn't quite catch that.


No, haven't heard of it. Then again, reading is a thing I tend not to do. Who has time to read when you have video games that need playing?!

Yeah, but It's most of my grade.

And I still procrastinate playing them games.





Hey, you might just be our first physical attacker! So, uhh, I'll have to make sure I keep

my distance from you. By the way, your stat total adds to 20, so you're missing out on 4 stat points. You don't want to be underpowered, do you?

K den. It'll be in my next normal count.



And yep, 314 is pi! Now just wait until we have page 3141...


Electrically conducted hooksword? That sounds very painful. Are you sure your physical attack isn't a 5?
I'm only missing 4 stat points... :umad:


Isn't it too early for a Punicpunch's Responses for Reasons of Boredom? I haven't made my freakout yet!
I said I copied the title part and it's in my clipboard ready for the freakout.


Is that 100 degrees celsius, 100 degrees fahrenheit, or 100 kelvin? I have no idea what the normal temperature is for a pegasus robot.
Farenheit, because normal brain + America and dimension travelling
That's a very confusing way to stay in character.


Secondly, about generic RPG character stuff. I believe I've come up with a great mechanic for myself to incorporate my love of maths into my fighting style, which I call my math meter. It's a value that starts at 21 by default, and depending on the abilities I use it can end up going all the way down to 0 or all the way up to 42. Most of my abilities are sorted into two groups, which I call additive and subtractive. Additive abilities become stronger when the math meter is closer to 0 and weaker when the math meter is closer to 42, but whenever an additive ability is used, the math meter increases slightly. Subtractive abilities are the opposite, they're stronger when closer to 42 and weaker when closer to 0, and they always decrease the math meter. In general, using an ability over and over will make it weaker since the math meter is moving towards the value that makes the ability weaker. But if I'm cleaver and, for example, use additive abilities many times to bring the meter close to 42, my subtractive abilities will become very powerful! And if the meter gets all the way to 0 or 42, I can use my limit break, after which it gets reset to 21 again.
I am as interested in RPG things as the next guy...but...
Current Respect points: 662
Edited by Punicpunch
  • Brohoof 2


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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*Sips Root-Beer Slushie* Wait what was that? Didn't quite catch that.

Save Dovashy! Now!!!



I'm only missing 4 stat points... :umad:

Yeah, so even if you set your physical attack to 5, you'd have 2 leftover stat points to allocate!



Farenheit, because normal brain + America and dimension travelling

That's a very confusing way to stay in character.

Ah. Being in Australia, we use Celsius everywhere, so it gets confusing when I discuss temperatures with people online.

Also, what's this about staying in character? Are you suggesting that I'm not actually a giant floating 42 with deadly math powers, but instead I'm just some normal, boring maths-obsessed human pretending to be a 42 online? That's ludicrous!



I am as interested in RPG things as the next guy...but...

Exactly! I'm an egghead and I'm proud of it! You thought I'd incorporate something as complicated as maths into my fighting style in a non-complicated way?! That wouldn't be a fair representation of maths!


Maybe I need a tl,dr version... But what could I do to shorten such an explanation without cutting some vital information?



Current Respect points: 662

One of these days I really need to go find all my previous freakouts and count up how many respect points you've all gotten. I need to verify 662 is indeed how many respect points you have, and find the total for everyone else too.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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The revision of my awe-inspiring dominance!


HP: 3

MP: 2

Physical attack: 5

Magic attack: 3

Physical defense: 4

Magic defense: 2

Speed: 3

Luck: 2


And, here:



Save Dovashy! Now!!!

Oh, uhhh, I don't know where the well is. If I find it, I'll...get back to you on that.



Exactly! I'm an egghead and I'm proud of it!

...Didn't mean it as an insult...Just didn't understand most of it-



Maybe I need a tl,dr version... But what could I do to shorten such an explanation without cutting some vital information?

Yes...that would work



Being in Australia

Hey look, useful information towards your demise.


One of these days I really need to go find all my previous freakouts and count up how many respect points you've all gotten. I need to verify 662 is indeed how many respect points you have, and find the total for everyone else too.

420 from the (Must I say, marvelous) picture, plus 126 from last freakout sums up to 546 off the top of my head. So you'll need to find 116 points worth to prove I'm telling the truth.

Good Luck!

Plus 1 from geussing your favorite number and plus 4 from something else I think

Edited by Punicpunch


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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