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Count to 42 Before 42, Dovashy or (sometimes) Stormgiggle, or Sir Hugs posts

Message added by Ice Princess Silky <3,

Hello, everyone! If you are not Sir Hugs then you should feel free to count here while also knowing he is one huge derp. :pout:

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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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thank's and it was my background pic for a day haha, it's a little like this one...there is nothing telling you what's going on and it's not cannon but despite the fact that and it's such a anti climactic pic you know exactly what's going on and you feel sorry for it..




"by gign-3208"




Ya if only that was a thing...wait!!!




"by Eriada1992"




yes it did happen on this tread actually..you know when I had a war with StormGiggle and stalemated him by turning everyone he know against him (except you and Cinni of course)haha all over a "misunderstanding" haha and even after all that StormGiggle turned into a good ally of mine adding to my influence KD


But don't worry too much, if you stay on my side I am a very loyal person haha all I do is question the loyalties of my enemies allies by making them feel like there morally wrong to fight against me haha (and people don't like going against there moral's)




Sorry I am a bit like Palpatine....you don't think I could possibly be the bad guy until your own followers are shooting you in the back haha and it's not like i'm doing little things to make you change your opinions in slight insignificant ways or anything (insignificant on there own anyway)..besides how would you know anyway?




ahh him, sorry I don't know haha although it is very strange for him to disappear like this....especially only a few week's after our conflict...but hay i'm sure he will show up eventually †)

Once again, you post some great pictures! In the first picture, Everypony's rushing to get on the train! Each pony is doing something unique, so there's a lot to see!


I had no idea that Zecore and Trixie adventure picture was actually part of a series. I actually just looked up the artist and looked through the rest of the pictures. They're amazing! There's so much storytelling you can do with just pictures!


We may be foes in this game, which kind of makes you the bad guy right now. But I doubt you'd be able to make me feel morally wrong about stopping your count. I completely believe in my cause, and nothing you say can make me falter! :fiery:







Wigglytuff :maud:

Yes! Pokemon! I like this! Although I must say, I am disappointed I got a Wigglytuff instead of a Fearow. Everyone knows Fearow is number 22 in the national Pokédex! Wigglytuff is meant to be saved until number 40!


I challenge you all to count up using Pokémon by national Pokédex order! It might actually compel me to let your count reach a little higher than usual. :smug:



Haven't counted for a while...



Welcome back, Bolt!





So...did they leave?  :(

I'll just let the following comment answer this for me. They were much more succinct than I could ever be:






I know my master doesn't post here anymore... and I haven't seen 42 nor Dova in ages... victory is ours! That'll show'em for not letting me ruin the counts.



Yeah, Stormgiggle seems to have vanished into thin air. One day he's probably going to suddenly reappear with an enormous undeed army he was preparing in another dimension, and destroy absolutely everything! I hope so, at least. I really have no idea if he's coming back or not.


Dovashy still reappears very occasionally, so you still need to watch out for him too. But ultimately, I will always be around to defend my lairs, so don't expect this to be a cakewalk!





Hello cinni *boop*




"by TheT-Rex"

That's certainly one way to boop someone. I suppose if I ever become a picture, I should probably be cautious of pens.





they have a thing for that haha




"by DeathPwny"

For about a minute, I was just stating at this thinking 'That quite a cute fishing lure.' Then I realized what it actually was... :wacko:







Scared, little flower?


Let me assure you of one thing...

Your anguished cries will be nothing but a testament to my unrivaled power.


Don't cross me, ever again. Got it? :sneer:



Whoa... Cinnamon's really bringing the creepy today... I'll just stand over here, well out of your way.





Cinnamon's always been creepy like that. I don't think anything's the matter with her. It's just Cinnamon being Cinnamon. Although she usually just makes random creepy posts instead of making a direct creepy threat to someone else. I hope she doesn't target me next... :awuh:





Huzzah! How many points do I receive?

Points? I wasn't prepared for giving out points! Umm... You get 21 points now, but you shall receive twice the points if you can answer me this question: How many digits does 42! have when written in binary? (To be clear, that's 42 factorial, not a really excited 42)




True, still about 1720 to go. I'm sure FortyTwo will let me know if my count there is off.

You are correct! The duoquadraguple dethrone occurs at 1764, which is 1720 more than 44. You shall receive an extra 6 points for having the correct number!

  • Brohoof 3


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Points? I wasn't prepared for giving out points! Umm... You get 21 points now, but you shall receive twice the points if you can answer me this question: How many digits does 42! have when written in binary? (To be clear, that's 42 factorial, not a really excited 42)



You are correct! The duoquadraguple dethrone occurs at 1764, which is 1720 more than 44. You shall receive an extra 6 points for having the correct number!

Yay I think I'm the first one to receive points from FortyTwo, which puts me 27 points ahead of everyone else (thanks random Luna quote :P).


Now let's see, using the internet for this is cheating, and even using a calculator makes it too easy. *gets out pencil and paper* I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!!!


42 factorial is 1,405,006,113,472,347,219,272,686,225,486,706,550,390,784,000,000,000 (yes I did that by hand and it took forever) which is approximately 1.405 x 10^51

2^170 is approximately 1.497 x 10^51 (used a calculator for that one) so the most significant digit is 2^169


42! in binary is 170 digits long! Never challenge a math geek with a computer science degree at binary math (or math in general). :)




  • Brohoof 2

Signature made by @Sparklefan1234 (Thank you!)

Want to know something? Ask me, Nyx, Lyra, or Roseluck anything.

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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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I had no idea that Zecore and Trixie adventure picture was actually part of a series. I actually just looked up the artist and looked through the rest of the pictures. They're amazing! There's so much storytelling you can do with just pictures!

ya there awesome ¦) good thing I always leave credit though haha




We may be foes in this game, which kind of makes you the bad guy right now. But I doubt you'd be able to make me feel morally wrong about stopping your count. I completely believe in my cause, and nothing you say can make me falter!

oh it appears we have a misunderstanding my friend, I won't stop you from fighting me just get your allies to think that you might be the tyrant while i'm the underdog fighting for the people, so they will question whether they should even be your allies and maybe even side with me haha (it's not the first time haha hell I even got StormGiggle to question why he was fighting me and got him to call a truce between us securing a powerful ally in both him and Cinni and pinned the blame on Vulcan which by the way also became my ally because of it haha)




I challenge you all to count up using Pokémon by national Pokédex order! It might actually compel me to let your count reach a little higher than usual.

Challenge accepted  


"by Natsuakai"




Yeah, Stormgiggle seems to have vanished into thin air.

I though I would have been questioned more after my last post but fair play haha




Whoa... Cinnamon's really bringing the creepy today... I'll just stand over here, well out of your way.

Ya Cinni is always cool and intimidating when she wants to be haha Good job she is also one of my allies ¦) and she became an ally of mine because she asked me for help and the first chance I got I literally betrayed her haha 




Points? I wasn't prepared for giving out points! Umm... You get 21 points now, but you shall receive twice the points if you can answer me this question: How many digits does 42! have when written in binary? (To be clear, that's 42 factorial, not a really excited 42)

Points? wait where's my points pal



"by 2kaze"

Edited by Trottermare Galamane
  • Brohoof 3

img-36235-1-img-36235-1-img-36235-1-img-  points from 42 =139 and 2 coupons 

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5?... or was it 6?... screw it we're at 5...

Yeah, Stormgiggle seems to have vanished into thin air. One day he's probably going to suddenly reappear with an enormous undeed army he was preparing in another dimension, and destroy absolutely everything! I hope so, at least. I really have no idea if he's coming back or not.

Trust me when I say this old friend Storm ain't returnin... I know where he is, and what he's doin. He along with a few other familiar faces (and me, but I came back) went to a different forum. Now he could return someday, but its very unlikely as he is pretty active there, and I can't say I've seen any sign of him here.


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"And from the depths of chaos a voice spoke to me and said ‘Smile, and be happy, things could be worse’ - and thus I smiled, and was happy, and things got worse."
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Yay I think I'm the first one to receive points from FortyTwo, which puts me 27 points ahead of everyone else (thanks random Luna quote :P).


Now let's see, using the internet for this is cheating, and even using a calculator makes it too easy. *gets out pencil and paper* I ACCEPT YOUR CHALLENGE!!!


42 factorial is 1,405,006,113,472,347,219,272,686,225,486,706,550,390,784,000,000,000 (yes I did that by hand and it took forever) which is approximately 1.405 x 10^51

2^170 is approximately 1.497 x 10^51 (used a calculator for that one) so the most significant digit is 2^169


42! in binary is 170 digits long! Never challenge a math geek with a computer science degree at binary math (or math in general). :)




Yes! That's right! Congratulations! You now get an extra 21 points, for a total of 48 points!


It was really interesting to see how you solved the problem. I did it a bit differently. I actually derived a formula for determining how many digits (n) a number (x) has when written in a particular base (b ): post-27784-0-38276300-1469200599.jpg. Set x=42! and b=2 and you get n=170. And of course, I calculated that with a calculator. It's impossible for me to enforce doing these questions without a calculator, so I always make them with the assumption that a calculator will be used to solve them.



Let's try something a little more complicated. Next challenge, for, let's say 24 points: Show me why the above formula for the number for digits works! First person to post their explanation gets the points (as long as it's correct, of course)! A little hint to get you going: post-27784-0-00335500-1469201490.jpg. And another hint: keep in mind n must be a positive integer, that's important.



ya there awesome ¦) good thing I always leave credit though haha



oh it appears we have a misunderstanding my friend, I won't stop you from fighting me just get your allies to think that you might be the tyrant while i'm the underdog fighting for the people, so they will question whether they should even be your allies and maybe even side with me haha (it's not the first time haha hell I even got StormGiggle to question why he was fighting me and got him to call a truce between us securing a powerful ally in both him and Cinni and pinned the blame on Vulcan which by the way also became my ally because of it haha)



Challenge accepted  




"by Natsuakai"



Points? wait where's my points pal





"by 2kaze"

Yeah, leaving credit helps me find the images myself if I'm interested in the artist's style! And also it's just respectful to acknowledge who actually created it so people don't think you made it.


Things are getting a bit too convoluted for my taste. But please, feel free to make whatever devious plans you want, and I shall do what I can to make sure your plans crash and burn!


Yes, that Charmander picture is amazing! +10 points for you! :pinkie:


However, I do not appreciate people begging for points. -1 points for that. :unamused:  Although I suppose you can also get +2 points for using a cute Luna image to do so. I can't resist that cute! So, in total, you have 10 - 1 + 2 = 11 points.



5?... or was it 6?... screw it we're at 5...

Trust me when I say this old friend Storm ain't returnin... I know where he is, and what he's doin. He along with a few other familiar faces (and me, but I came back) went to a different forum. Now he could return someday, but its very unlikely as he is pretty active there, and I can't say I've seen any sign of him here.

I haven't heard anything about this... Do you mind mentioning which forum you're talking about?

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Yes! That's right! Congratulations! You now get an extra 21 points, for a total of 48 points!


It was really interesting to see how you solved the problem. I did it a bit differently. I actually derived a formula for determining how many digits (n) a number (x) has when written in a particular base (b ): attachicon.gifDigits formula.jpg. Set x=42! and b=2 and you get n=170. And of course, I calculated that with a calculator. It's impossible for me to enforce doing these questions without a calculator, so I always make them with the assumption that a calculator will be used to solve them.



Let's try something a little more complicated. Next challenge, for, let's say 24 points: Show me why the above formula for the number for digits works! First person to post their explanation gets the points (as long as it's correct, of course)! A little hint to get you going: attachicon.gifDigits formula hint.jpg. And another hint: keep in mind n must be a positive integer, that's important.

Thanks for the points! And I'm sorry FortyTwo, but I can do one better than that.  :orly:


So let's see, where to start?  That log function is saying "b to what power equals x?" and the floor function rounds it down to the nearest whole number, so now we're only dealing with the most significant digit as a 1 and everything else as 0. For example, using 4812 in regular base 10, log10(4812) is approximately 3.682, floor(3.682) = 3, and 103 = 1000. Everything from 1000 to 9999 (aka every 4 digit number) would give this same result, so now the 3 tells us the most significant location (103). we have every location from 103 to 100, counting them will give us 4 digits (the 3 we got plus 1 for the 100 digit, accounting for the "+1" in your equation).


So now that that's out of the way, let's make your equation a bit more efficient. The floor function rounds down to the nearest number, but since you're using that then adding one anyway why not just round up (ceiling function) and get the same result?






Signature made by @Sparklefan1234 (Thank you!)

Want to know something? Ask me, Nyx, Lyra, or Roseluck anything.

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