Pastel 7,630 August 1, 2014 #26 Share August 1, 2014 Mean Trixie.... +Shining Armor in A Canterlot Wedding, Pinkie Pie in Filli Vanilli... 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Special Brony 24 August 10, 2014 #27 Share August 10, 2014 Also not sure if this counts but season 2 pilot episodes where chaos makes the ponta hate each other Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Professor Annabella 330 August 10, 2014 #28 Share August 10, 2014 that face... it's just.... so tragic.... Canterlot Wedding for sure, especially when Celestia turns her head to Twilight 2 Click My Sig to check out my OC Professor Annabella Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chaos rains 190 August 10, 2014 #29 Share August 10, 2014 I dont get you lot since if it wasnt mean spirited at times they would never learn and thats what this is about even the canterlot wedding wss about learning. Everybody did sadly and harshly dissown twi but in the end they learned that they should never doubt a friend and humor them at times when they are trying to get something across and bullyshy was just fluttershy struggling to get attention as people kept taking advantage of her pure heartedness and making her feel like crap. The mean spirit wasnt meant to have a lasting effect rather delve into the character and coping mechanisms and how friendship can overcome. Thats how I see it. Its good to be light hearted but to keep certain stories to a serious note aswell as its a proccess of learning for both kids and adults. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abia 258 August 10, 2014 #30 Share August 10, 2014 Trixie's "that was supposed to make you writhe in agony" was quite mean as well. That was pretty much an Unforgivable. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nuke87654 1,849 August 11, 2014 #31 Share August 11, 2014 (edited) Most mean spirited moments from my collective memory are: 1. The whole town of ponyville suddenly getting scared of Zecora simply because she was different from them in 'Bridle Gossip'. Rather pointless racism just so we can see the show's minority character. 2. The Mane 6 trying to teach Rainbow Dash a lesson about humility by humiliating her in front of the whole town by upstaging her through a persona in 'Mysterious Mare do well'. Seriously, if RD wasn't cool for what they did, what they did would destroy friendships. 3. Fluttershy cruelly insulting Pinkie Pie and Rarity by stating their lives are worthless in 'Putting your hoof down'. If you thought what Pinkie Pie did to Fluttershy in 'Filli Vanilli' was bad, this makes Pinkie Pie's oblivious actions look caring in comparison. 4. Fluttershy trying to beat Discord at his own game by being manipulative as well in 'Keep Calm and Flutter On'. If it weren't for her character arc with Discord going much better now and that awesome 'Hurricane Fluttershy' episode, I would seriously question the direction Fluttershy was going. Also imho, Pinkie Pie being oblivious to Fluttershy's feelings in Filli Vanilli is not as bad as people let on (especially compared to what Fluttershy did to her in 'Putting your hoof down'), but I wish Pinkie Pie had been more conscious for Fluttershy's feelings. Edited August 11, 2014 by Nuke87654 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 August 11, 2014 #32 Share August 11, 2014 Well first off there's the scene at the end of canterlot wedding part 1. I actually wanted to turn off the tv with how hard it was for me to sit through. And then there's the whole unfunny gag of rainbow dash not getting cider. It's not funny and it doesn't help that it goes on the whole episode. And don't even get me started on Pinkie's bragging. So much for you gotta share you gotta care. Oh, and any scene with Diamond Tiara. Need I say more? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hive King 2,001 August 11, 2014 #33 Share August 11, 2014 (edited) I for one think that Canterlot Wedding was perfectly justified. Twilight was smiling after she made Cadence run away in tears, she just got a time out for her actions. Really, the fact that it wasn't harsher punishment is amazing. I am aware it was Chrysalis, but come on, she smiled whilst she called her out. Anyway, on topic, I'd probably have to say somewhere around the time that Tirek betrayed Discord. Dear lord that was painful. Look at Discord's face Also, anything that comes out of Diamond Tiara's mouth(why I think she should be an official villain) and AJ being a dick to Spike in The Ticket Master (Ain't that just like a boy? Can't handle the least bit of sentiment) Also, pony racism against other species, particularily Iron Will. Pinkie and Rarity called him a monster even before he did anything. Hell, Iron Will didn't do anything. He did exactly what he claimed to do Edited August 11, 2014 by Evil Dragon Master 4 "Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abia 258 August 11, 2014 #34 Share August 11, 2014 On 2014-08-11 at 12:13 AM, Nuke87654 said: Also imho, Pinkie Pie being oblivious to Fluttershy's feelings in Filli Vanilli. It's not as bad as people let on (especially compared to what Fluttershy did to her in 'Putting your hoof down'), but I wish Pinkie Pie had been more conscious for Fluttershy's feelings. I agree. Pinkie Pie was not being malicious whatsoever. She was completely oblivious to Fluttershy's feelings. She should have been more considerate and sensitive, definitely, but that's not what I would call a mean-spirited moment. The spirit was good and healthy! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CosmicHooves 2,705 August 11, 2014 #35 Share August 11, 2014 (edited) Really? I mean really? No one called this one? Season 2 Episode 19? Also, the scene where Fluttershy was mean to Pinkie Pie and Rarity left me a bit hurt emotionally. I hate to see any of the main six cry. Edited August 11, 2014 by Emerald Starlight 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ideaguy1998 15 August 11, 2014 #36 Share August 11, 2014 (edited) I thought up of something that will definitely qualify for the most mean-spirited episode in the show: All the ponies in Ponyville throw Trixie an apology party. But Trixie gets hung and beat up like a pinata. Next, Trixie gets used as the donkey in pin the tail on the donkey. Half of Trixie's cutie mark gets ripped off and everypony gives this to Trixie: "Boo-hoo! Looks like Twit-sie lost what made her special!" "But what's so special about her! She was a dumb fraud anyway!" "That's because she's really a donkey, not a pony!" Then Trixie gets twirled around on the dance floor with a bunch of ribbons and kicked to a table. Finally, Trixie gets force-fed the cake. To wash it down, Trixie is given some punch, but it turns out to be drugged. She passes out and everypony send her floating off to dragon territory. Somepony tells Trixie this while making a rape face: "Have fun with the dragons, the gross and powerless Twit-sie!" Snips and Snails then dash off to save Trixie. But Snips and Snails keep on messing up, slowing them down. At dragon territory, Trixie wakes up and asks if anypony's there. All the teenage dragons from "Dragon Quest" tell her to shut up because no one wants anything to do with her. Trixie tells them to get her back to Equestria if they don't want her around. But the teenage dragons' response? They charge at her. But we finally get an awesome fight in which Trixie manages to win through pure skill even if her horn gets broken in the process. Snips and Snails finally find Trixie and guide her back to Equestria. They tell everypony of the fight. But Trixie is a laughingstock once again, and this time, for losing her horn. Enraged, Trixie calls everypony out for treating her like crap. But even the Mane Six view her as an ass for doing this, leading to this: Twilight: Trixie, do you know what you're doing? You're judging ponies, which is something only Princess Celestia can do! Trixie: You too, Twilight! Argh! CAN'T TRIXIE EVER GET A F***ING BREAK! *Princess Celestia walk in.* Princess Celestia: What's the matter? Trixie: Oh Princess Celestia! Thank goodness you're here! Everypony around Trixie can't make any sense and- Twilight: Trixie was judging everypony! She needs to learn that only you can do that. Celestia: Oh don't worry Twilight, I know just what to do. So Trixie gets sent to Magic Kindergarten and gets laughed at by the idiot foals. Edited August 11, 2014 by ideaguy1998 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nuke87654 1,849 August 11, 2014 #37 Share August 11, 2014 On 2014-08-11 at 12:27 AM, Emerald Starlight said: Really? I mean really? No one called this one? Season 2 Episode 19? Also, the scene where Fluttershy was mean to Pinkie Pie and Rarity left me a bit hurt emotionally. I hate to see any of the main six cry. The hilarious thing was that she made Flutterbitch in 'Return of Harmony' look like a harmless prankster in comparison. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hive King 2,001 August 11, 2014 #38 Share August 11, 2014 @@Nuke87654, Iron Will is Hulk Hogan's/Mr T's MLP Form. Hulk Hogan/Mr T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pussy Snake Thing(Discord) Of course his influence is far stronger 1 "Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nuke87654 1,849 August 11, 2014 #39 Share August 11, 2014 On 2014-08-11 at 12:41 AM, Evil Dragon Master said: @@Nuke87654, Iron Will is Hulk Hogan's/Mr T's MLP Form. Hulk Hogan/Mr T>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pussy Snake Thing(Discord) Of course his influence is far stronger Lol nice job pointing that out. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abia 258 August 11, 2014 #40 Share August 11, 2014 On 2014-08-11 at 12:27 AM, Emerald Starlight said: Oh my goodness. I have not seen that episode in quite a while. That was heartbreaking. The look on Rarity's face... I think I need to go lie down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,861 August 11, 2014 #41 Share August 11, 2014 Diamond Tiara in Flight to the Finish takes the cake for me. I didn't find much to complain about with Pinkie in Filly Vanilli or Trixie in Magic Duel. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EpitomeOfTruth 243 August 11, 2014 #42 Share August 11, 2014 Why is mean spiritedness looked down upon. In a way, it strengthens the show and shows that everything isn't all cupcake and parties 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BionicBrony 385 August 11, 2014 #43 Share August 11, 2014 I know that it's a thing that many ponies here have siad, but I'm going with the scene where Pinkie is completely put down in Pinkie Pride. There are three reasons why I don't exactly let this scene just slip me by: 1) Pinkie just had ponies calling her the best party pony. Then, one song and dance and then they all forget her. It was as thoguh her very purpose was basically written off. IT's as thoguh you trade in a perfectly good old style hairdrier that has never broken down for the newest model that could break down at any moment. Pinkie didn't deserve that. 2) ONLY TWILIGHT NOTICED?!? For starters, Pinkie has been in almost every single episode, in more than Twilight herself! Pinkie is one of the most well known ponies in ponyville. How was it that each pony just wrote her off like trash? 3) There wasn't really any justification. Okay, so Chesse Sandwhich is an awesome pony. Okay, well Pinkie was already planning the party. You can't just repalce her without informing her. It makes everything very very cruel. Also, that scene in Canterlot breaks my heart every time. 2 Quillina Script: Emerald Shine: Sky Chaser: Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Euphonium Brony 134 August 11, 2014 #44 Share August 11, 2014 The Mane-6's treatment of Discord, when he was trying to be there friend. Except for Fluttershy, they are all asses Bronies United: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BionicBrony 385 August 11, 2014 #45 Share August 11, 2014 On 2014-08-11 at 12:55 AM, BronyOfJustice said: Why is mean spiritedness looked down upon. In a way, it strengthens the show and shows that everything isn't all cupcake and parties I don't think that we're looking down upon those moments. I think that we're simply stating they're present. Quillina Script: Emerald Shine: Sky Chaser: Please PM me if you wanna RP, chat, or just talk! I'm open to any and everypony! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ideaguy1998 15 August 11, 2014 #46 Share August 11, 2014 (edited) On 2014-08-11 at 1:04 AM, The Euphonium Brony said: The Mane-6's treatment of Discord, when he was trying to be there friend. Except for Fluttershy, they are all asses In all fairness, Discord had a few tricks up his sleeve, so there would be a good reason to distrust him. Edited August 11, 2014 by ideaguy1998 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EpitomeOfTruth 243 August 11, 2014 #47 Share August 11, 2014 On 2014-08-11 at 1:05 AM, BionicBrony said: I don't think that we're looking down upon those moments. I think that we're simply stating they're present. There are a few people saying things like "this part ruinedthe episode for me" and "I almost turnedmy tv off." 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,861 August 11, 2014 #48 Share August 11, 2014 On 2014-08-11 at 12:55 AM, BronyOfJustice said: Why is mean spiritedness looked down upon. In a way, it strengthens the show and shows that everything isn't all cupcake and parties I was wondering that myself. Take Snape and Voldemort out if HP and what do you have? No Walking Dude in The Stand? Nurse Ratchet in Cuckoo's Nest? You need that sort of moment to drive a plot, or add diversity. Though I think some people have focused on OOC issues in this topic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 August 11, 2014 #49 Share August 11, 2014 (edited) On 2014-08-11 at 12:55 AM, BronyOfJustice said: Why is mean spiritedness looked down upon. In a way, it strengthens the show and shows that everything isn't all cupcake and parties For this case, they're talking about how much they're present and which examples are the most mean-spirited in the show. Also, FIM's biggest purpose is to present likeable characters. Because the environment itself is warm and welcoming, the audience is invited to a warm and welcoming story. Because the environment is likeable firsthand, the characters — most of whom are very relatable — are expected to behave the same or get treated with severe criticism in the story. When characters act completely mean-spirited, especially if done without (logical) justification and a narrative supporting their actions, it goes against the roots of the generation, and the character gets shifted deeper into "hated characters" lists. Fluttershy: Her actions in Putting Your Hoof Down are one clear way to destroy a character's popularity. When she abused her authority and then demeaned Pinkie's and Rarity's lives as purposeless, her character took such a major hit in popularity, and it hasn't recovered. To make it worse, the rest of the act downplays her horrendous insults by shifting the blame on Iron Will and contrivedly treating Iron Will as an antagonist. There's a reason why PYHD is high up on several bronies' personal worst episode lists. Pinkie Pie: Acting as an asshole to Fluttershy thrice and rubbing in her win to Big Mac, who was clearly in pain from injuring his vocal chords. Rainbow Dash: Abusing the animals in May the Best Pet Win and the narrative treating it as nothing. The ReMane-ing Five in The Mysterious Mare Do Well is self-explanatory. Edited August 11, 2014 by Dark Qiviut 4 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 August 11, 2014 #50 Share August 11, 2014 By the way, this thread is defiantly something I can sink my critical claws into especially since my biggest pet peeve in entertainment is mean-spiritness. It's very rare if you get it right so I usually tend to see the most mean spirited things ever. That being said, the third act of Ponyville confidential was a bit too far and made me wanna punch Diamond Tiara so hard. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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