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Anyone else ever feel like that will never meet anyone just or mostly like them?


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So I seem to be a very unique individual. I never thought I was that much different than most people but after meeting people for the last 29 years I have never met anyone just like me. not even mostly like me. I have met a lot of people that are just like me in one or two ways but never in most ways. I am an INTJ personality type and I can never seem to find anyone else with that same type. I know its not the rarest type but it seem that way at times. My introvert sensing meets that I can feel that way things effect body chemistry even in small ways. It makes me pic foods basted on how they make me feel just as much or more so then how they taste. after a work out a bland protein shake taste better to me then big thing of ice cream or cupcakes or anything like that. another way that I seem to be unique is that I seem to collect skills. I can mountain bike, road bike, dive a manual car, offroad a jeep, play COD, swim, kayak, make exact copy of vector art and a hole bunch of other stuff better then average person that can only do just one of thous things. for example I can swim better thin anyone that was in my offroad club and I can play most video games better then anyone in my mountain bike club. when ever I meet up with a group of people most of the time I am not the best one there at what ever there doing, but there is almost always something that I can do better then anyone else there that is not related to what ever activity we are doing. I always have friends from each type of things I like but never have friends that are not broad or disinterested with half of the stuff I like to do or talk about. I have always felt like an outsider in just about every group I have been involved in including bronys. it seem like any group I am in I only have about 20-40% shared interest with the people of that group.

anyway, anyone else ever feel like that will never meet anyone just or mostly like them?

Edited by SolidTwilight
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Dude,dont worry.There are 8 billion people in this world,there are people like you.No matter if theyre american,chinese,japanese,african,italian or other there are.You just have to meet them or they meet you.

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Dude,dont worry.There are 8 billion people in this world,there are people like you.No matter if theyre american,chinese,japanese,african,italian or other there are.You just have to meet them or they meet you.

Thanks, never any doubt that there are people like me, its just how do I find them? (if I wanted to look for my self in another life, where would I be?)

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I understand what you mean, but differences are better in my opinion. I hope I never meet anyone just like me. Personally, the best part of a friendship, or any relationship for that matter, is the uniqueness they add to your experience. I get that you need to have some compatible traits to make a connection and maintain a friendship (I don't associate with people who are cruel shit weasels), but someone just like me would not interest me at all.


For example, my closest friend is my wife. She and I are different in many ways and I am grateful for that. I've known her for what seems like eons, but because of our unique personalities and approaches to life she still surprises me. Same with my two closest friends IRL. No ... different is better. Besides, what if I'm a pain to be around and just don't know it? I don't want a friend like that!

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  Even though I have a Tumblr, and an account on here, both places FULL of people who I consider to be just like me, and I love them for it, I still have many moments where I think about myself and I go "God, I am SO unique!  It's wonderful!  But there are still so many people so similar to me that we can all fit together like family (and argue like them too)!"  I don't understand why you would think that being different would be a BAD thing, really.  It means that you can make more friends!  Different people are so much more likable!  Whenever I'm reading a book, or watching a show or movie, do you know who my favorite characters tend to be?  Luna, Luna Lovegood, Ayanami Rei, all of the ones that really stick out.  There are different ways to stick out though, those might not have been the best examples.  Like, how are you different?

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yeah I try to stand out from the crowd there is not a lot of people who follow me though no one I know is like me



I'm two different people (this is hard to explain)

I have the traits of a thief I can sneak very well and I have pickpocket my friends just to screw with them I would take things like gum, combs, phones, and pencils then hand it back to them to see there reaction

I dress like its winter even though I live in a desert

if I could I would dye my hair pink... why you ask... cause I can that's why



If I found somepony who was just like me I would be amazed and they would be one of my best friends

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Yeah, that's pretty much been my life at 24. I won't go into detail, but most things about me are alternative or downright weird, even when I'm among alternative or weird communities. Generally, people prefer those they relate to and share important values with so it's left me with a few lonely periods in my life where I struggled to connect and make reliable friends.


I used to consider it depressing because it meant I would never quite fit in as well as others, but I've become more comfortable with the quiet life over the years and it gives me alternative perspectives for creative purposes. I haven't found any methods for honing in on others like me and have always bumped into them at random.

Edited by Jonquil
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When I was in high school I honestly believed I was an INTJ... I took the test several times back then, always getting the same result...


but now, in college, I've realized I was lying to myself the whole time.  I'm an INFJ  -  based more on emotion and feelings, rather than logic and reason.  I mean, I try my best to be logical and reasonable at all times... but I find myself constantly succumbing to my emotions... following how I feel, rather than what may be more logical.  


But, to answer your final question:


focussing on thinking about waiting for that person to come will only make matters worse.  *You must be able to be willing to compromise some of your own beliefs in order to find those special friends in your life... because sometimes your own previous beliefs might not be how you actually feel*

I just recently... and I mean, VERY recently, figured out *that* - and so, I felt that you should try to take this into account.

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I'll never meet anyone who is like me. That's because i'm the only me. Sure, somebody might be similar to me, but that doesn't mean i'll find an exact duplicate like me out there. It's obvious you make relations with other people based on what you like and your personality.


I guess it says a lot about me when my two best friends are a couple of trolls, one of them is a pathological liar and the other is a noisy fop.

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If i ever meet someone 'just like me' you will know it,because your reality will collapse because we said so.  :maud:


My point is there can only be one you,and its for the better. Be happy to be unique.  :maud:  


As for meeting someone 'mostly like me' then that'll depend on your definition of "mostly",but i guess in a broad sense of the term; sure,i have a few times.  :maud:

Edited by Pinkamena-Pills
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