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private WWII: Battle of the Bulge


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Link to OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/105712-world-war-ii-battle-of-the-bulge/?p=2903603


It was the winter of 1944, and after initially having marched their way into Eastern and Western Europe, Germany had now found themselves between two armies with one common goal; defeat Germany and put an end to fascist rule forever. With the Red Army closing in on Seelow, the German High Command formed a plan to halt the Allied advance in the west, Operation Nordwind. If the plan succeeded, then the Germans would be able to concentrate on the Soviets in the east. However, the odds were very much against them. the Allies, led primarily by the Americans, had battled their way through France and were already packing the country with fresh arms and armor. Worse still, they had complete control of the air, soundly outmatching and even belittling what remained of the Luftwaffe, and that same aerial superiority led to the crippling of German ground forces in Falaise. Still, determined to restore the initiative to Germany, Hitler refused to surrender, and thus, the Ardennes was forced to brace itself for a deadly clash of attrition between what remained of German forces in Belgium, and the full might of US, Commonwealth and Free French forces, with help from Luxembourgish partisans.


In Belgium, elements of the 6th Panzer Army under Sepp Dietrich were preparing to engage Allied forces in the Ardennes. Among them was Captain Friedrich Stahlberg, commander of a Pz. V Panther. Having originally seen action on the Eastern Front, he was transferred back to the west for relief. However, after hearing that the Soviets were advancing towards Germany, the High Command placed the 6th Panzer, Stahlberg included, with other elements of the Wehrmacht in Belgium, to await the approaching Allied armies. 


Captain Friedrich Stahlberg, a man well known for his exploits in the early years of the war, was stood outside his Panther, observing a mechanic that was checking over the winterketten, which was attached to his tank's tracks. With his boots sunk into the snow, and a cigar smoking from his mouth, Stahlberg remained fairly relaxed despite the situation. However, it did not change the fact he was still on high alert. US forces were approaching the army's location, and Stahlberg knew that if they caught them unawares, it would be the end of them. "All good Marcel?" Stahlberg asked the mechanic. "Jawohl Herr Kapitan!" Replied Marcel. "The winterketten is locked in and ready. Just be careful that track doesn't get shot at". With a chuckle, Stahlberg replied "I'll keep that in mind". With that, Marcel stood up from the track, taking one last look at the Panther, admiring her beauty. "Beautiful, isn't she sir?" "She's a fine piece of engineering indeed, mein Kamerad" Replied Stahlberg. The Panther was indeed a superb piece of German engineering. Even though mechanics would have a tougher job repairing it than they did with the Panzer IV, it was still a great tank to look at, and even better to command. Just then, a sergeant ran up to Stahlberg, the same sergeant in charge of a recon platoon sent out only moments earlier. "Herr Kapitan, enemy infantry spotted. They're closing on our location. General Dietrich has ordered everyone to mobilize, immediately". With that, the sergeant ran off to alert the other commanders, leaving Stahlberg to assume control. "Well Marcel, it seems I've a job to do. You are relieved". "Thanks sir, and good luck". Said Marcel, who went off to his billet, leaving Stahlberg to rouse his crew. "Quickly men! Into the tank, lets go!" With that, Stahlberg clambered aboard the Panther, ushering his crew inside as around him, the vast mix of German soldiers and crewmen rushed to their stations. As the gunner sunk into the Panther, Stahlberg made his move. He jumped on top of the turret, before lowering his body down through the cupola and closing the hatch behind him. "Right gents, we have a job to do. Max, let's link up with the others". "Ja sir!" Replied Max Steinhauer, the Panther's driver, who proceeded to start the engine and drive the tank forward, joining up with the other panzers. "It begins". Thought Stahlberg to himself. Would this be where his luck runs out, or would he live to fight another day?

Edited by Firebolt Blitz


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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"Sir, its too damn cold out." The driver is complaining again. He is from Arizona and of course he has never seen snow in his life, or the low temperatures. Clancy Orlov however, grew up in this sort of weather. He didn't mind it at all. "Don't need your complaining, do you see anyone else talking about the cold," Orlov questioned the driver. OF course the rest of the crew were from northern states like Clancy and we performing their duties to keep the M36 maintained. The M36 is a wonderful machine, with a 90 mm gun that could kill even the dreaded Tiger. Orlov was happy to get this after his Sherman was unfortunately destroyed by a Tiger a few months back. This baby got him a Tiger kill just a few weeks ago. "Commander Orlov, sir, orders from the Major," an orderly said as he approached. He proceeded to give Orlov a piece of paper which in turn he read. It said to watch over a sector and provide over watch. "Tell the Major I'm on it, crew lets go to see if we can add another kill to our list!" The M36's engine spurred to life and the tank destroyer lurched forward to the recon point.


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

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Lindemann put down his binoculars. He thought he had seen enemies in the distance and he was right. He told his crew to line up a shot at the enemy. The tank shreeked as the cannon aimed a shot. They were ready to fire, waiting only for lindemann to tell them to shoot.

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Will let out a long, slow breath and peered down the scope of his Springfield, chin firmly pressed against it's stock. His target was 300 meters directly ahead, sitting astride the bulky outline of a tank. The conditions were less than perfect, strong shifting air currents and frigid temperatures that would drop his bullet's velocity by at least 120 feet per second. He closed an eye, watching the swaying trees carefully through his scope. Slowly he squeezed the trigger, eye fixed on a pine cone several inches right of the tank operator's head that served as his holdoff point.


The firing pin shot forward into the cartridge's primer, igniting it's powder charge and launching the 150 grain bullet at lethal velocity toward the tank operator. "Casualty confirmed..." Will muttered to himself.

He propped himself up on his elbows; rotating the bolt he ejected the dummy round from his rifle, replacing it with a live cartridge. He peered back at the mannequin he had been using as a target, courtesy of the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops. He had to admit, the division had talent, from this range even he had difficulty distinguishing the inflatable M4 Sherman dummy from it's working counterpart. Rolling his neck, he began to survey the area surrounding him that served as his watch zone. All had been quiet over the last few days as the army prepared it's assault into German territory. The only reason he was here at all was because the 12th army brass had requested a cadre of ranger scouts to monitor the German border and keep tabs on the Axis armored divisions stationed there.

"We're so close now, maybe this war's finally going to be over..." He sighed, settling back down into position to continue his noon watch.

Edited by Sidon Aldermane

College of Synergetics




Ponysona: Sidon Aldermane OCs: Hearthfire, Camellia, Oryol

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(Sorry I haven't posted I was suspended for a week)


Jacob was sitting on the platoon's M4 Sherman tank. He was talking to his friend Pvt. Lee. "So Lee what do you think. How many Jerries they got on there tryin to kill us?" He said turningto Lee. "Probably...10,000. Hell I don't know." he responded back. Jacob reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a cigarette and light it. "Alright men. We'll be heading out in a few. I want you all to make sure you got everything you need." Cpt. Wells the platoon leader called out. "The last thing you want out here is to have your gun jam. So make sure your weapons ok to fire." Jacob walked over to his fox hole and grabbed everything he needed and cleaned his gun. "Alright were headin out. Griffin, Lee, Hudson, Wellsberg take positions around the tank." Jacob took position on the left side of the tank. The Sherman purred to life and geared forward. Into battle.


(I'm in a platoon to myself.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nathan William-Holand Rose marched alongside a company of about one hundred odd rifles, anti tank, machine gun, smg, and sniper infantrymen. A small detachment from the bulk of the First Army. They'd been called upon to do a short reconnaissance mission, checking the northern passes of the Ardennes for possible German activity. Nathan, an Anti Tank infantryman felt the repetitive bump of his M9 as he walked with a steady stride. He was reciting memories of his time back home, a petty and boring life of a farmhand. He remembered how much he had despised the mundane work, but now he would give anything to be back there, sowing wheat, and even shoveling dirt for hours on end. 


The sound of Panzer engines was quick to pull him back to the world of the living. Instinctively he reached for his M9, heaving it off his shoulder. Dennis, his Loading partner ran behind it and loaded it with a rocket. They were a good team, they worked like a machine, too often needing to load the Bazooka in the face of a deadly Panzer, or a concrete German bunker. He didn't ponder this thought though, because as the other men ducked for cover behind the trees, and into small ditches in the forest floor. He was aiming through the iron sight, ready to lock onto the first hint of German tread he saw. 

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Max, stop the Panther please" Ordered Stahlberg, who jerked forwards slightly as Steinhauer brought the Panzer to a halt atop the hill. Flanking the Panther was a mix of Panzer IVs, as well as light armor vehicles and troop carriers, including mobile mortar halftracks which could shell the enemy as they moved. Stahlberg pushed open the turret's access hatch, intending to take a look downhill for any Americans which might be approaching their position. After standing up through the commander's cupola, Stahlberg raised his binoculars up to his eyes, craning his head to spot any hostiles. For the time, nothing came into view, however, approximately 50 klicks from their location, Stahlberg spotted the rounded rim of an American M1 helmet. Jumping back down inside the Panther, Stahlberg began relaying orders to his crew. "Koehler, turn the gun 20 metres left. We got hostiles behind some rocks. Eisenberg, load a HE shell. Let's give those Americans a surprise greeting. Schneider, pass this message around the column. Enemy infantry behind rocks, 20 metres to the left of our Panther. Possible recon unit. Engage and eliminate all targets. Fire only on my order". Collectively, the crew responded, before jumping to action. The turret creaked as it turned to face the American recon patrol. Below him, Stahlberg could hear Schneider passing his message to the other vehicles in the column, intending on ensuring that the Yanks did not make it back to their barracks to tell the tale of their presence here. "Sir, we have a lock" Said Koehler with authority. "HE shell loaded?" Quickfired Stahlberg. "Loaded and ready Herr Kapitan!" Chimed Eisenberg happily. "Good. FIRE!" Stahlberg bellowed out. His roar was followed by a loud bang as the Panther's 75mm cannon spewed death at the Americans. As time seemed to slow down, thoughts were racing through Stahlberg's head. This engagement could either make or break their mission here.

Edited by Firebolt Blitz


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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The M36 was making good speed to the recon point. It wasn't as fast as the Hellcat, but it made a decent speed. But as the recon point neared, something else sounded through the forest that caught everyone's attention. A loud shot erupted from their surroundings, sounded like a Panzer firing a round. So we have a new target. "Anyone got a location on that shot fired, I'm sure it wasn't one of ours!"


"Sir, it seems to be coming form the east!" replied the radio man. "Well then driver, get us there ASAP!"


The M36 lurched to the right as the it began its advance towards the enemy. Let's see if we can add some more kills to our list...


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Lindemann took one last look before he ordered the tank crew to fire. a few moments passed and then a loud explosion killed the silence of the winter and send a tenk shell flying to the air, racing towards it's target, which wouldn't have time to look before he'd die.

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Will froze in the middle of a yawn as what sounded like multiple tanks shots boomed in the distance.  He cocked his head to one side, trying to determine where the shots had originated.

Listening carefully he could hear the sounds of several tank engines revving, as well as more fire. First Army? That's close.

Whoever it was they were certainly making a fuss. A German stray separated from it's unit perhaps? No, this definitely sounded like a full on engagement.

Slowly he retreated into the cover around his position, reaching for his radio. Switching on the small box, he tuned it and spoke his call-sign into the mouthpiece. A tinny voice piped from the device a moment later and he began relaying the situation.

After finishing his report the radio remained silent for a few seconds before the voice spoke again. He was ordered to circle around to the North and rendezvous with the First Army, to await further orders. He sent an affirmative and switched off the radio. Nine miles, just a stretch of the legs, right?

Gathering up his pack, radio and rifle, he rose from the brush and set off at a brisk pace, being sure to keep out of sight as much as possible.

Edited by Sidon Aldermane

College of Synergetics




Ponysona: Sidon Aldermane OCs: Hearthfire, Camellia, Oryol

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The Sherman stopped in its tracks. Jacob stopped with it. They all remained silent. Some tank shots were heard close by. "German armies already attacking. Shit. Come on everyone. Were goona see if we can help." Capt. Wells said. The Sherman turned left and began to headin the direction of the shots. "Fuckin krauts are already here. Who the hell would've guessed." Jacob said. He trudged through the snow along with the platoon until they came over a hil. The sherman stopped again and Wells brought up a fist that meant stop. He crouched down and pointed down the hill. A loud tank shot was heard. "Krauts are down there boys. Get ready for a fight."

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The high explosive round missed Nathan and his loader by an inch. Instead hitting a squad of riflemen, crouching behind a row of bushes. Nathan turned to the direction from where the round had been shot, and realised that they'd completely misjudged the direction of the tanks. He gulped as an assortment of tanks, half-tracks and light vehicles fired down upon them. There was a black panther that stood out from the rest, being the focal point of the entire division and Nathan guessed it must've been the command vehicle for the Panzer IV's and the other vehicles which flanked it. 


All at once the other tanks fired at their reconnaissance unit as the panther reloaded. Nathan knew he could not pierce its armour from where he stood, let alone any of the Panzer IV's. Purposefully he ran with his bazooka to the nearest tree, and took cover. His loader followed suite and soon they were both safely hidden as the sounds of the massacre echoed around them. If the tanks advanced he could possibly take out one, but they would die in the process. There was no way they were making it out alive if they were to stay and fight. From where they sat he could see the remaining men attempting to retreat in the distance, but they were all cut down by the mounted machine guns on the panthers, and more HE rounds. It appeared that they were the last ones alive. His loader, Jim Jacobs spoke to him in a nervous tone. 

"We need to get out of here." 

Nathan nodded in agreement. "The divisions retreating, we can't make it that way. The tanks are cutting us off, we need to find another way back to forward HQ." 

Jim nodded, and together they left the cover of the tree and left their doomed men behind. They needed to find another way back to HQ. 

Dovashy makes me think of soap xD.

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"Herr Kapitan, a large portion of enemy targets have been eliminated. Only two remain, and one of them is armed with a bazooka". Said Koehler, reporting his kills to Stahlberg. "Good work Peter" Replied Stahlberg. "Now it is time to give them fair warning". With that, Stahlberg once more climbed up through the commander's cupola, intent on issuing a warning to the remaining two Americans. "Achtung Amerikaners!" Roared Stahlberg. "You have no chance, but you have warning! Urge your commanders to retreat now, or they will suffer the same fate as your comrades! I say again, leave now or die!" 


Suddenly, just as Stahlberg finished his sentence, a Panzer IV let out a HE round which struck a tree, blowing the midsection to pieces. Surprised, but equally enraged, Stahlberg turned to face the Panzer, sticking up a hand to give the signal. "HOLD FIRE!" He roared furiously, as the snowfall around him began to intensify. The sudden shot may have broken the fresh silence, but it did not shake Stahlberg's resolve. Turning to face the Americans once more, Stahlberg fixed his gaze upon the rocks behind which they hid. "It's up to you, Americans! Turn around now or perish in fire and brimstone!" With that, Stahlberg dropped back down into the turret. "Koehler, keep an eye on them. If they so much as move an arm, you fire, understood?" "Ja sir!" Replied Koehler eagerly. Satisfied, Stahlberg leaned back on his seat, awaiting the next move.


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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As the M36 sped forward towards the action, Orlov contemplated what he may be facing. I wonder what we coul be facing over there? Tigers, Panzer IVs, or even a Panther....oh I want to bag me a nice big Panther. Another sound of another gun firing sounds through the forest once again, this time, it sounded very close. "Alright driver, lets slow down and make sure we aren't spotted. This thing doesn't have the greatest armor...."


The M36 slowed to a crawl as Orlov searched for the enemy Panzers through his binoculars. Orlov then spotted a Panzer IV with a smoking gun pointing towards a fallen tree. It looked like two infantrymen were huddled behind it with causalities lying in heaps behind them. Well, this looks like the time to introduce Mr. Panzer to a lovely 90 mm surprise.... "Gunner aim 26 degrees to the right and aim at that enemy, " Orlov said as the tank stopped short and the turret began to rotate. 


The turret finally came to a stop as the gun made its final adjustments. "Fire when ready!" The gun boomed as the 90 mm round sailed through the air. Not even a second later the round punctured right through the Panzer's armor. That Panzer had no chance of surviving that round through its hull. "Now fall back driver, I don't want to lose this tank, it's quite a beauty." The M36 reversed as fast as it can behind the trees, hoping it wasn't spotted..... 


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

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