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movies/tv MLP Forums WWE Discussion Thread - 2013 to Wrestlemania XXX

Doctor XFizzle


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  1. 1. Best WWE debut?

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Aw snap, Raw #1000 is going to be awesome. Looking forward to next Monday


- CM Punk © vs. John Cena for the WWE Championship (Cena using his briefcase cash-in)

- Brock Lesnar responds to Triple H's challenge

- Christian defends the Intercontinental Title

- DX reunion begins the show

- The Rock returns

- New permanent Raw General Manager announced

- The Wedding of Daniel Bryan and AJ


In the words of Booker T "Awww shucky shucky quack quack!"

Edited by Doctor XFizzle

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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Raw has been a real letdown lately. I'm hoping that WWE pulls out all the stops with the 1000 episode to put all the bad episodes behind them.




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WHat happend to Lesnar?

Haven't seen him since he got defeated by Cena.



[And ofc, Cena wins the ladder match. Bullshit.

Edited by Vicke



Signature made by Kyoshi

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bleh WWE rely arnt gona let the newer guys shine, tyson kidd was the highlight of money in the bank next to Cm punk vs daniel bryan and the divas divion is sinking into a black hole

hhhmmm time to go see what happening on TNA

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I finally saw an episode of RAW for the first time in who knows how long, surprised they have kept the title on Punk this long.


Don't worry, Cena's getting his title back next Monday. I would be very surprised if Punk retains.

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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Hey, fellow WWE fans. I haven't watched Raw or Smackdown since Lesnar returned months ago. Could anyone possibly summarize all the important events that have happened up until now? Thanks for your time guys~

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Hey, fellow WWE fans. I haven't watched Raw or Smackdown since Lesnar returned months ago. Could anyone possibly summarize all the important events that have happened up until now? Thanks for your time guys~


As for Lesnar himself, he hasn't appeared since he destroyed Triple H the night after Over the Limit. In the meantime, Paul Heyman has been on Raw to serve as his representative. Triple H wants to fight Brock at Summerslam but Heyman says Lesnar will not accept yet. So Heyman and HHH have been going back and forth and Brock is supposed to respond to HHH next Monday.


As for other events, Punk is still champion, Daniel Bryan and AJ are back together and getting married even though she was the center of a Punk-Bryan-Kane love square which was a fight for her as well as the WWE Title. Cena and Big Show have been fighting each other since Cena caused John Laurenaitis to get fired. Santino hardly defends the US Title, Christian same with the IC Title. Rey Mysterio returned last night from his injury/suspension and will be feuding with Del Rio. Cena won Raw's Money in the Bank and is cashing in his title shot for next week. Dolph Ziggler has Smackdown's MITB case.


That's about it since then really.

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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Don't worry, Cena's getting his title back next Monday. I would be very surprised if Punk retains.


No don't get me wrong I want Punk to keep the title, I'm surprised WWE is actually pushing him this well. I'm praying they make Cena the first guy to unsuccessfully cash in his MitB contract it would be a nice way to push their storyline and add to Punk's better than you character.

A Machine For Pigs - #6 l Abduction - #6 l Outlast - #8 l Clive Barker's Jericho - #11


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I added a poll about Monday's title match. God willing Cena will be the 1st to lose a MITB cash-in.

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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I cannot see John Cena win the championship after cashing in his MITB briefcase to face CM Punk. Cena's been WWE Champion too many times, I can't bare to see another title reign from John Cena.




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I cannot see John Cena win the championship after cashing in his MITB briefcase to face CM Punk. Cena's been WWE Champion too many times, I can't bare to see another title reign from John Cena.


Well it has been since last August but I think this Punk run needs to go a tiny bit longer. Here's how I want to see Monday end. Cena has Punk in the F-U (Attitude Adjustment is such a lame name) but when he's got Punk on his shoulders, he swings Punk into the ref and creates a ref bump. Big Show comes down to the ring and attempts to KO Punch Cena but he ducks and gives Show the F-U. Distracted by that, Punk grabs Cena and hits the Go To Sleep and by this time the ref is back. Punk retains and Cena is dazed.


That's not all. Punk's celebration begins when suddenly "IF YA SMELLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN". Rock heads down to the ring and everyone expects him to attack Cena or trash talk him. Rock shakes Cena's hand and Cena leaves. Rock goes to shake Punk's hand, which Punk obliges, but wham, Rock locks in for a Rock Bottom and slams Punk down. Rock grabs the title belt and poses with it to end the show.




So excited for this Raw even though it will probably outshine any other Raw the rest of the year. Let's do this.


Shucky shucky quack quack

  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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This outta be a helluva night. The 1000th episode video package was good.


Vince McMahon to start off the show.




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HBK looks weird being in there with full DX lol. All that's missing is Chyna but she's in some rough straits right now.


Oh man. Game over. End Raw right now. Nothing will top Mae Young's hand son returning all grown up.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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HBK looks weird being in there with full DX lol. All that's missing is Chyna but she's in some rough straits right now.


Oh man. Game over. End Raw right now. Nothing will top Mae Young's hand son returning all grown up.


It's not really the same when Shawn Michaels found Christianity by his wife. I'm not getting into religious discussions, but that is the truth. That's why he tries to avoid sexual innuendos and profanity like he used to.


Anyways, so far Raw has been pretty awesome so far. I haven't seen much disappointment in tonight's episode.


Oh great, A.J. is the Raw GM?


Holy sh!t!

Edited by Deeмo
  • Brohoof 1




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early Royal Rumble 2013 card:

WWE Championship - ?????? © vs. The Rock


Please let CM Punk either hold the title til then or regain it before RR


That Heath Slater segment was super awesome. I marked out for the APA, especially since my good friend is a huge JBL/Bradshaw fan.


Aww man CM Punk turning heel? Not sure how that's going to go but him attacking The Rock? Now that's awesome. Here's hoping for a legit Punk/Rock feud

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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I used to watch wwe all the time when I was a kid, but not so much anymore. But I did see some parts from tonights raw. When the undertaker came out, I freaked out in excitement! He's my favorite wrestler. But kinda disappointed he went bald. :/

Just another background cat. Move along.

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Did I miss something, when did CM Punk turn Heel? I didn't get to watch RAW today because I was busy editing my next video. How well was it?


It was built up pretty quickly but decently. There was a ref bump so that allowed Big Show to come down and whack Cena around. Punk sat back and let Show beat up Cena then like he looked conflicted as to whether or not he should grab the downed ref and try to pin for a cheap win, but by time he got the ref back up, Cena kicked out. Big Show came back to demolish Cena and that ended the match in disqualification. Show beat up Cena more while Punk sat back again. The Rock comes down to save Cena. Rock punches Show around a bit then sets up for The People's Elbow. Right before Rock goes to lay the elbow, Punk flies in with a vicious clothesline to Rocky.

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow that actually sounds like a good finish. I guess I should have asked when did Punk turn Babyface? I could have sworn he was always a heel or at the most a tweener.


I would say he officially turned face last summer when he had that big promo ranting about the WWE then winning the title at Money in the Bank. That made him an anti-hero. He was really over when he returned a month later with the Cult of Personality theme and fighting Cena for the rightful championship. If not that, then he REALLY turned face when he started getting into John Lauranaitis' face when Johnny was GM of Raw/SD




First normal Raw under the 3-hour format w0000000


I guess there was a fire at the arena due to a pyro fail, but I don't know if the show is delayed or not. CM Punk promo to open the show about his attack on Rock.


Well, nothing much of note from tonight except Randy Orton returning from suspension to squash Heath Slater and looking like 2004 Legend Killer Orton in the process


Tentative Summerslam Card

Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

WWE Championship - CM Punk © vs. Big Show vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship - Sheamus © vs. Alberto Del Rio

World Tag Team Championships - Kofi Kingston & R-Truth © vs. Titus O'Neal & Darren Young (????)




Tonight's Raw is unofficially known as HBK Appreciation Night since it's in San Antonio, Texas. Probably going to show a lot of clips of HBK's memorable matches/promos


- The Barber Shop and throwing Marty Jannetty through the window

- Ladder match vs. Razor Ramon - WM X

- Iron Man match vs. Bret Hart - WM XII

- "Lost My Smile" promo

- Casket match vs. Undertaker - RR 98

- vs. Stone Cold - WM 14

- Street Fight vs. Triple H - SmS 2002

- Elimination Chamber championship win - SvS 2002

- vs. Undertaker - WM 25 and 26

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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HBK should be appreciated for what he's done for the company indeed.


IMO, I believe his greatest match of all-time is WrestleMania X when he fought Razor Ramon in a Ladder Match.


I disagree with his match against Taker at the Royal Rumble (1998) when he suffered a back injury which led to his retirement after WrestleMania XIV when he dropped the title to Stone Cold.


His match against Triple H at SummerSlam (2002) was a very good match. I can't understand why Dave Meltzer didn't rate the match Five-stars on his website, Wrestling Observer.


Overall, HBK is one of the greats to wrestle for the company.



Edited by Deeмo
  • Brohoof 1




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  • 1 month later...

So with Smackdown results in, our Summerslam looks like this


Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H

WWE Championship - CM Punk © vs. Big Show vs. John Cena

World Heavyweight Championship - Sheamus © vs. Alberto Del Rio

Intercontinental Championship - The Miz © vs. Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Championship - Kofi Kingston and R-Truth © vs. Primetime Players (Titus O'Neal and Darren Young)

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chris Jericho

Daniel Bryan vs. Kane

(Youtube Preshow) United States Championship - Santino Marella © vs. Antonio Cesaro


Meh, it's an okay card. Looking forward to Dolph/Y2J and Bryan/Kane. Really looking forward to Santino/Cesaro since Cesaro is my all-time favorite indy wrestler when he was Claudio Castagnoli. His WWE run so far hasn't been all that great but winning the US Title will help.


In free agency/talent news, WWE has signed Alex Shelley from TNA. Alex Shelley is mostly known for being 1/2 of the Motor City Machine Guns (MCMG) with Chris Sabin. That would be cool if Sabin was signed too. MCMG put on great matches in TNA and in the Indies.



Well it's been a while since anyone updated this but:


On Raw tonight during a tag team #1 contender's match between Kane/Daniel Bryan vs. Primetime Players, Jerry The King Lawler collapsed at commentary. The cameras did not show it and stayed focused on the match. Unseen off-camera, medical crews came to take King to the back where they had to apply CPR. King was taken to the hospital and when it finally came time to update the home audience on what happen, Michael Cole was visibly distraught. There was no more commentary the rest of the show except for updates on King.


Final update said that King is in stable condition at the hospital, responding and breathing on his own.


Sure felt real awkward watching Raw knowing something as serious as a potential heart attack was going down.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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