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ooc An Unexpected Trip to the Human World Reboot (OOC)(On Hiatus)


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A lot of Celestia's backstory clashes with her sister, but I'll approve ya! We can work on the backstory to better fit her in!





Fingers crossed, 00! Just post what you can!




We did, but he got banned shortly thereafter...

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Right now, I have to head into work, and I don't have a phone at the moment, so I'll have to fill you in when I get back home...

That's cool I can wait, I've just been reading the RP in order to be on top of things. We'll just plan things out when you get back




After reading the whole RP it seems Luna only had one section in the thing, whats the deal?

Edited by Princess-Sunbutt
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We're waiting on @00Pony... Speaking of which, his app for Luna's in the spoiler!



Name: Princess Luna (occasionally known as Selene)


Species: Alicorn.


Age: 1030+. Appears as though she was late 20's to early 30's.


Gender: Female


Height: 5'11"


Weight: exact weight unknown, but she is of a slender, elegant build.


Eye color: Light blue.


Mane color: A sort of mix between dark blue and royal violet.


Pony form: (http://mitadmissions.org/images/mit-blogs/Princess-Luna-Pictures-princess-luna-34772881-1280-1317.png)


Human form: (http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/080/d/a/princess_luna__humanized__by_riotfaerie-d5yrs6q.jpg)


Cutie Mark: A crescent moon in a sea of black.


Backstory: Most of this should be known.


Sister to Celestia, and do ruler of Equestria. Luna and her sister had a good relationship when they were younger, and even in their adulthood, defending Equestria and fending off many who would do the nation harm, Avarice, Sombra and Discord, on at many more. Eventually, however, Luna became corrupted by jealousy and herself became a threat to Equestria, forcing Celestia to banish her sister to the moon for a millennia.


After her return, and her cleansing, Luna has been trying to atone for her past sins, and to reintegrate herself into pony society. She has taken to being the spearhead of Equestria's military focuses, while Celestia handles the more diplomatic matters. Luna leads her own expositions with her Thestral - bat winged - guards into the Everfree and other such places during the night to seek out and remove threatening creatures and other such things.


Despite her lofty position and how seriously she takes it, Luna is still certainly the younger sister, and this shows in her curiosity about many things (and her getting deeply immersed into most activities, even taking games of chess - a personal favorite of hers - incredibly seriously.


Ever the atoner, Luna set off on her own to deal with Avarice after the dragon pony fled The Summer Sun Celebration, after she and Chrysalis banished the Mane 6. In the struggle, Luna had managed to banish Avarice through her own portal, but was unable to celebrate as she herself was drug through by the villain.



As you know, the story's been changed so that Celestia plays a more active role in the RP. I'm gonna save some time and quote what I said to the last player who wanted to play Celestia:


It's finally time to work things out! Had to rework this several times, that's what took so long!


The original idea was to have Celestia remain behind, as two princesses have already been sent to earth, and Luna's set to get into a fight with Avarice, which will result in her being sent to the human world as well. Equestria will be devastated enough at the loss of three princesses, and losing all four would throw the poor country into absolute chaos.


Luna was also to remain in limited contact with her sister after she's sent to Earth... HOWEVER, since 00's not very active, you do make a very good point...


This is more than likely gonna rustle a few Jimmies, but I could change it so that Celestia is sent to the human world by Avarice shortly after giving a speech to her subjects, before joining Luna in hunting down Avarice.


It doesn't take long to find the dragon, and even less time for them to get into a fight, which culminates in Avarice opening a tear meant for Luna, but Celestia is the one to be caught in the spell...


Seeing this, Luna becomes even more enraged and corners the dragon pony, until she too, is caught in a tear, but not without dragging Avarice with her...


It's a crappy setup, but it's late. Lemme know what you all think! I'm gonna work on my long overdue posts, then try to start on Colette's YouTube skit after some sleep!

Celestia is also to give a speech to her subjects before joining Luna, but I failed to mention that earlier. I'll PM you the speech in a bit!


@@Pripyat Pony,


Also, you can start after Celestia gives her speech and finds Avarice. I'll try to chip in as a few minor Equestians after you post!


Anyone can do the same!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Oh God, so I really want to apologize. I just went and checked to see how many pages it's been since I got a response for Mirror Image. I would have sworn I had written a post a few weeks ago. Apparently it never went through or it was a dream or something. I'm going to try to start on the post right now and if I can't finish it I have roughly two hours tomorrow before school starts that I can write it. Again I am so sorry for the wait.

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I'm not really sure if it matters but I'm giving an update. I won't be able to finish the post I'm writing tonight (unless I get a sudden creativity spurt right before I fall asleep) so I'll finish it first hting when I get up since I have tomorrow off. 


@@00Pony, I'm not sure if you're waiting on me (since you said you'd make a post today) but if you want to go ahead and write your post. I apologize for making you wait. It is my fault for not checking to make sure my post went through earlier. 

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So I got off work like, 13 hours ago... Whoops. Maybe I should just say 'before the sun rises on whatever day' from now on...


Anyways, yeah. Post is live. If I jissed anything or anyone, let me know and I'll amend.


Also - apologies ahead of time for any sort of bits that seem God moddy. That was not my intention. I merely wrote that way to give assumption that things were movig forward (because otherwise we'd be stuck in one spot for the whole RP, with how active I've been able to be, as of late)


And finally - I'll explain how the Jaeger, Connery, and I suppose Walker households all look either in one big post here, so as to allow the Equestrian to exore for themselves, or I could somehow work them into future posts, whether as the Finder giving a small tour, or just as exposition that anyone who walked around might see it. Take your pick.


P.S. - @SilverHeart, don't worry about it. I've made you wait for abhorrent kt long amounts of time in the last, so if anything I should be the one apologizing. I'll try to respond to you - and everyone - quicker.


P.P.S. Destiny is still insanely fun. Hunter is now level 26, and I've since made a level 9 Warlock Void Walker, and an as of yet level 2 Titan Striker. I've also decided names for each of them, because I do that sort of thing.

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So I got off work like, 13 hours ago... Whoops. Maybe I should just say 'before the sun rises on whatever day' from now on...


Anyways, yeah. Post is live. If I jissed anything or anyone, let me know and I'll amend.


Also - apologies ahead of time for any sort of bits that seem God moddy. That was not my intention. I merely wrote that way to give assumption that things were movig forward (because otherwise we'd be stuck in one spot for the whole RP, with how active I've been able to be, as of late)


And finally - I'll explain how the Jaeger, Connery, and I suppose Walker households all look either in one big post here, so as to allow the Equestrian to exore for themselves, or I could somehow work them into future posts, whether as the Finder giving a small tour, or just as exposition that anyone who walked around might see it. Take your pick.


P.S. - @SilverHeart, don't worry about it. I've made you wait for abhorrent kt long amounts of time in the last, so if anything I should be the one apologizing. I'll try to respond to you - and everyone - quicker.


P.P.S. Destiny is still insanely fun. Hunter is now level 26, and I've since made a level 9 Warlock Void Walker, and an as of yet level 2 Titan Striker. I've also decided names for each of them, because I do that sort of thing.

Thank you for being understanding.


I finally got the post out, it's not great but I think it will have to do.


And yes Destiny can be pretty fun.

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@@Princess-Sunbutt, @@00Pony, @@Pripyat Pony,



Here comes a new challenger to take on 00's impressive writing! I'm DYING to see the princesses and Avarice go toe to toe, or rather, hoof to hoof!


@@Windbreaker, @,


I'm almost done with my post as Stephen, which should be up sometime before the weekend; I'll try to get Shawn's up before then as well.


Having no phone on which I can work on posts REALLY sucks!

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Here comes a new challenger to take on 00's impressive writing! I'm DYING to see the princesses and Avarice go toe to toe, or rather, hoof to hoof!


Was my writing really that good? I had to write a lot to pick up the slack because Celestia is so far behind everypony else, I felt that it may have been stretched a bit thin. That may just be me though, you are your worst critic after all..... 

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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Princess-Sunbutt, @@Pripyat Pony, @@00Pony, Is it just me or did you just obliterate the whole changeling army without taking even one prisoner.

Sunbutt... did you just act like a glowing bulb to gather and make into ash every changeling around you? Granted i can see the changelings going after you just looking for their Queen but... i dunno... the bloodbath kinda makes me sad.

Chryssie won't take this easy. Dunno... depends on what you do.

Also... real sad there isn't another changeling rper. But that's been mentioned and eh... what can ya do?

And why does Celestia have a scythe? Is it because it looks cool? It's more likely that she has a sword and a shield like Leona from League of Legends rather than a scythe.

In a familiar note it's real easy to condone unlimited violence against the bad guys. But... it makes you stoop to their level. Right now i'd say there is no "Good" guy anywhere.

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@@Princess-Sunbutt, @, @@Hypn0ticD, I have to agree on what Nios said. I don't believe that the Princesses would kill the changelings, especially since they didn't do so in "A Canterlot Wedding". All that happened was that the changelings were ejected from Canterlot. It just seems a bit ott to me for Celestia to go all Stabatha and start killing indescrimately. In this situation, perhaps their main objective would be to capture rather than kill, so as to find out what the tartarus is going on.

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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Princess-Sunbutt@@Pripyat Pony@@00Pony, Well it's not just that... i mean we can't go on a bloodless conflict here i get it and i am cool with SOME changelings dying. But absolute obliteration? I mean come on! They are an army! They have generals! Granted two of their Vanguards are gone but that doesn't mean that changelings will charge recklessly into the Princess! If anything you think they would have learned they can't antagonize her without some serious power boost.

Plus there's always the option of retreat... They aren't minions that can't think for themselves. If anything Chrysalis called them "subjects" not minions. There is a sense of individuality.

Edited by NioniosTheSilent
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A Canterlot Wedding doesn't show any evidence of this army mentality. Individuality is plausible, but in the episode they were more like a swarm of bugs than a cohesive military unit.

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A Canterlot Wedding doesn't show any evidence of this army mentality. Individuality is plausible, but in the episode they were more like a swarm of bugs than a cohesive military unit.

Still. They wouldnt charge straight to the fire blindly. Not with this Chrysalis leading them.
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With Chrysalis herself charging headlong into battle and fighting one on one with Cadance? Her subjects follow her example, and her example is to throw herself into combat in a bloodrage.

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With Chrysalis herself charging headlong into battle and fighting one on one with Cadance? Her subjects follow her example, and her example is to throw herself into combat in a bloodrage.

Too bad they arent her. As i said they wouldnt all go bloodrage thats impossible.


Excuses but still total obliteration is unadvisable.

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Sunbutt... did you just act like a glowing bulb to gather and make into ash every changeling around you? Granted i can see the changelings going after you just looking for their Queen but... i dunno... the bloodbath kinda makes me sad.


And why does Celestia have a scythe?


i am cool with SOME changelings dying. But absolute obliteration? I mean come on!




I have to agree on what Nios said. I don't believe that the Princesses would kill the changelings, especially since they didn't do so in "A Canterlot Wedding". All that happened was that the changelings were ejected from Canterlot. It just seems a bit ott to me for Celestia to go all Stabatha and start killing indescrimately. In this situation, perhaps their main objective would be to capture rather than kill, so as to find out what the tartarus is going on.


Ok, Ok I see somepony is upset with my choice to have Celestia obliterate the changelings, I can take a hint. However Celestia did not destroy all the changelings, far from it because its not a part of her character to destroy a whole race, she only took care of the ones that happened to be in the vicinity (Trottingham square) at the time. She will think about her moral choices later, it was a in-the-moment decision in order to get the enemy out of the area and secure it. Also Celestia can have a scythe, just because she doesnt have one in the show doesnt mean she cant have one. From 00's post Luna had battle armor and a weapon so I only found it necessary that Celestia had that too. Celestia isnt perfect and has flaws, her split second decision to burn the changelings may be a bit of and overstep on my part but dont worry she will regret it once the action dies down. 


     Also Celestia is going to battle Avarice who is the biggest threat at the moment and she could have questioned a changeling sure but there are no other characters who are changelings besides Cicada in the human world. Writing multiple character interactions is a bit tough for me in my position because I have to pick up so much slack and get to Avarice and Id much rather not put in padding with a extra changeling character when we can get the same info from Avarice because I do expect her to at least reveal her motives

Edited by Princess-Sunbutt
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She will think about her moral choices later, it was a in-the-moment decision in order to get the enemy out of the area and secure it.
Glad of the clarification.


Also Celestia can have a scythe, just because she doesnt have one in the show doesnt mean she cant have one.
Not saying Celestia doesn't have one. I am just thinking it doesn't fit her theme is all. However... your character your decision. I just can't see Celestia acting all like a grim reaper.


From 00's post Luna had battle armor and a weapon so I only found it necessary that Celestia had that too. Celestia isnt perfect and has flaws, and this is one of the choices she'll regret just trust me on this I know what I want to do.  
She will... i know that. As i said i can understand the battle armor and stuff i just think that the scythe is more Luna's style or the bad guys. Not the good guys. Just saying. 
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