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Azure Envy

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@@Lunatic Envy, @@SeraphStar,


(OOC: I never said that Riley exited the room, Envy)


To answer Astra's question, Pinkie Pie said, "Yup! That's me alright! Element Of Laughter, and proud of it!"


Before Riley could get a word in, his belly gurgled loudly. "Can I get a cupcake, Pinkie?" he asked, holding out a Bit.


"Yes indeedy!" replied Pinke merrily, taking the Bit and fetching a cupcake from behind the counter.


"Thanks!" said Riley, and took a big bite out of the treat.


Pinkie Pie inspected the note above the glass cupboard that she had gotten the cupcake from, and began to panic. "Oh, no... this is bad... very, very bad..."


Riley raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What do you-" He abruptly stopped, and then went into a sugar-induced hyper mode.


He bounced around the room. "This cupcake tastes great! It's just so sugary and delectable! You really know how to make the best cakes, Pinkie! Look at me, I'm a butterfly!" His speech sped up faster and faster as he became more and more hyper.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Astra processed the conversation — when she moved to Manehatten, she heard the odd story of ponies who represented harmonies or something of that name; she just brushed off those tales as urban legends. But, right here, the pink pony claimed to be one.


Astra snapped out of her stupor when Astral introduced her and himself, paying more attention now. She wondered which of the smaller settlements Astral hailed from. As Riley paid for a cupcake, Astra stifled a yawn, having spent most the day just exploring. She pondered excusing herself so she could claim a rogue cloud before a local pegasus moved or smashed it, when Riley exploded with ecstatic, hyper motion, talking a mile a minute.


" Wha- What happened?!" Astra asked, moving out of the way as Riley bounced and raced around the bakery.


"Uh, miss Pinkie? Why is this very, very bad?"

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Astral cocked his head to one side at the sight of the hyperactive pony and mouthed to himself quietly, "Interesting. Wonder if this happens all the time."


He paused to peruse some of the other pastries and collected a few into a small box, wrapping it up with some string. He took a few steps towards the glass cupboard wondering what all the commotion was about. "So... what's up with these? Could I get one? They look pretty tasty."


Shrugging, he trotted over to the front counter and placed the box onto it then a hoof full of bits next to the counter. "I'll take this and one of whatever he had," gesturing to Riley.

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@@Lunatic Envy@@SeraphStar,


"Well... that cupcake I gave him was the only one," said Pinkie. She peered into the box to see four pastries. "That'll be four Bits, please," she said.


Soon, Riley's hyperactivity died down. He went slower and slower until he came to a halt completely. He fell over, mouth open and eyes closed.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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He smiled and nodded, "Four bits? I guess I'll grab a couple more for the road," and proceeded back to the shelves to collect a few more.


"Should be enough for now," he said as he sorted out another four bits onto the countertop. "Thank you kindly, Miss Pie. By the way, is uh... he going to be alright?"

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@@Lunatic Envy,


Pinkie Pie looked at Riley. "Yes, he'll be fine and dandy," she replied, watching Riley breathe ever so slightly. "It wouldn't be fair for Mr. and Mrs. Cake to ban him from this place, because this doesn't happen under normal circumstances. That cupcake was the result of an experiment I helped Twilight with."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Astra looked upon the collapsed Riley with a bit of bemusement, and fought the urge to walk over and poke him. Giving in to her sweet tooth, she placed a box of cupcakes on the counter, bits in hoof.


Wonder what was in his cupcake, Astra thought, trying not to step on Riley while completing the possible ingredients to an experimental cupcake.


After placing her sweets into her saddlebag, she yawned outright, covering her mouth with a hoof and wiping the few tears that formed in the corners of her eyes.


"I think I'm going to find someplace to take a nap," she said as she walked up to Astral and extended a hoof.


"It was nice meeting you all." She beamed.

Edited by SeraphStar

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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"Experiment huh...," he mused as he watched the slowly breathing pony sprawled on the floor, "Well, I hope it went as expected, I guess?"


He slipped the box of pastries into his knapsack and swung it over his shoulder. "Well thanks again, Miss Pie. I'm sure we'll be meeting again sometime soon," he said smiling turning back to Astra.


"Yeah, it was really great meeting you too, Astra," he said shaking her hoof, "Pleasure is all mine. I couldn't help but overhear you mentioning you were going to find a place to nap? Do you not have a place to stay?"

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@@Lunatic Envy, @@SeraphStar,


At that moment, Riley's eyes fluttered open. He got back up onto his hooves. "Man, what just went down?" he asked to nopony in particular. He looked down to see the chocolate cake crumbs on his shirt. "Oh, yes, of course... Perhaps I'd better stay clear of cupcakes for a while."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Astra shot a glance sideways, before replying to Astral.


"No — I don't know anypony from around here, but clouds are free and comfortable." She said in a assured voice. She put on a smile as Riley stirred and got to his hooves.


When he suggested avoiding cupcakes for awhile, Astra looked to his shirt and couldn't help but laugh a little.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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"Whoa! Hey Riley... welcome back. That was some cupcake you had... too bad it was the last one..." he frowned.


Astral couldn't even begin to fathom the thought of sleeping on a cloud at night, at least, not because somepony wasn't camping or didn't have a place-- or palace to stay in.


"Miss Alcor," he began in a much more formal tone, "Truth be told, I've been staying at a friend's for the past week since I arrived in town. It's only temporary until I can rent out a place of my own, but you're welcome to come stay for a few days if you'd like."


Realizing what he just said could've been construed as being ever so slightly creepy, he quickly jumped to correct himself.


"I apologize. That was very forward of me, and I definitely didn't mean for it to be so. You see, my friend is out of town in Manehattan for a few weeks on business. I'm certain he wouldn't mind, we've been friends since we were colts. I would think it rude of myself to not at least offer."

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@@Lunatic Envy, @@SeraphStar,


Riley trotted over to them. "You guys don't mind if I crash with you, do ya?" he asked, liking the idea of spending some time with his two new friends. "Of course, I completely understand if the answer is no. I have a place of my own for my stay here in Ponyville."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Lunatic Envy, @@SeraphStar, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


At that moment, a purple unicorn walked into Sugarcube corner. She immediately began browsing the various cakes and muffins on display, not paying attention to the ponies already there. In fact, not paying attention to them caused her to accidentally walk right into Riley as she moved around the shop. 'My apologies,' she said after bumping into him.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Shadowhide nodded. 'Hello, Riley.' She seemed to smile for a fraction of a second, before putting her standard serious expression back on and answering Riley's question. 'No new cases recently, so I'm not currently busy.'


@@Lunatic Envy, @@SeraphStar,


Shadowhide turned towards Astral and Astra. 'You two friends of Riley?' she asked them.


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Astra nodded to Shadowhide's question, smiling. She turned to Astral and responded to his offer.


"I couldn't impose myself upon you like that." She said, her smile becoming fainter. "Thank you for the offer, though. It means a lot to me."


She glanced towards the ground and began for the door, before lifting her head and proclaiming, "Oh!"


Turning to everypony in the bakery, she asked "If everypony isn't busy, maybe we could spend the day together tomorrow and do stuff!" She beamed toward Astral to Riley and to Shadowhide in anticipation of their thoughts.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Astral smiled and nodded to Shadowhide, "Yeah! A pleasure to meet you, miss."


He turned back to Astra, his smile diminishing somewhat. "Oh, uh... sure, of course. If you change your mind, do let me know."


"That sounds absolutely splendid, Astra. Shall we all meet for lunch or dinner perhaps? Riley? Maybe you could show us around...? And Shadowhide, we would love to have you join us, if you'd like."

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@@SeraphStar, @@Lunatic Envy, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


The three of them essentially asked Shadowhide if she would be happy to join them for various activities tomorrow. She nodded and said 'Certainly,' directed at all three of their questions.


Shadowhide felt Riley's question was rather unclear, so she had to ask him what he meant. 'To clarify, Riley, do you mean we met at your hotel room for lunch today or tomorrow? Also, which hotel are you staying at, and what room number?'


Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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@@SeraphStar, @@SeraphStar, @@FortyTwo42,


"I'd be delighted to have all of you round any day of the week! The more, the merrier, right?" he replied. "I'm staying at the Horseshoes Hotel."


He then told the three of them what room number he would be residing in.


Riley was very much like a child, in that he would be inviting people round to his place within minutes after they met. Most ponies his age had to take ages before getting to know somepony.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Horseshoes Hotel for lunch. Got it," replied Astral with a confident tone. "Shall I bring anything? I'll have some free time before work tomorrow, so I can stop by the market and pick something up."


"Such a hospitable place, this Ponyville," he thought to himself. "Already being invited to parties..." Being on guard duty most of the time meant he'd missed out on most of the banquets and celebrations hosted in the Royal Palace, or spending much time with his friends at all for that matter.


"Uh... where's Horseshoes Hotel?"

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Back Slash walked up and down the street asking everypony for some food. "GET A JOB!" they say or "Sorry i dont give to Cider addicts" Its a hard life on the streets but Slash makes it by somehow. "Today is the day i find my talent" he thought. " i hope its not a bum cutie mark" (sigh)

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@@Lunatic Envy,


"Shall I bring anything? I'll have some free time before work tomorrow, so I can stop by the market and pick something up."


"All I want you to bring is a warm smile and apositive attitude!" replied Riley, beaming.


He gave Astral directions to Horseshoes Hotel.




It was then that a new pony entered. He was a blank flank, and his wings looked... peculiar.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Does anypony have a muffin? or part of a muffin? or a crumb from a muffin?" Slash asked, "im starving"


 Slash noticed a red pony looking at him and met the ponies eyes "you smell like muffins. Do you have any crumbs you can spare?" he asked as his stomach growled loudly. Hopeing for even a little food but not wanting to offend.

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Before Riley could get a word in, he let out a belch that filled the room with the aroma of muffins. "Excuse me..." he said sheepishly, and blushed. "Better the front exit than the back, right?"


He reached into his saddlebag and took out an emergency muffin, giving it to the pony.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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