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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (RP Reboot)(On Hiatus)


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Pinkie blinked when he asked her real name. "Well...I don't usually go by my full name, but it's Pinkamena Diane Pie. My friends are Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack. We're from Equestria, which is probably a whole other world from here." Pinkie started going on about some of their adventures together, probably digging herself deeper into a grave she didn't see.


After a little while, it finally occured to her to ask where she was. "By the way, where are we? It looks kinda like Manehatten, only with a teeny smidgen less colour." She said as her stomach grumbled. "Huh? Hungry already? Do you know any good places for food?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@Pripyat Pony,


Alice instructed the pilots to take Catherine's luggage and put it in the back of her Land Rover, then turned back to Cat. "Let's go. We don't have much time."

"I need just a minute, Ms. Alice." Alice got in the car, while Cat spoke to Cicada. "Are you completely sure, because, as I'm sure you know, we can't just go up to random people and and ask if they're from Equestria. Well, if you're sure, let's go talk to him. It'd probably be best if you explain to him what's going on, but we don't have much of any time to talk here."




"Actually, I do. There's not too much and I was hoping to enjoy it, but... That's alright. I can get some more." Chloe opened the fridge and pulled out a small plastic container filled with cider, opened it, and put it on the counter in front of Dash. For herself, she took out a Guinness and started pouring it. "So you think the Internet is boring, do you? Most people would disagree."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Riza remained seated on the counter throughout Cadence's dialogue, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from snickering. She was still very skeptical about all of this, but it was starting to sound like a fan fiction or something like that. Most of the names she recognized, but the one, Avarice, was foreign - at least as a character from the show.


All the same, Cadance ended her sentences with the statement that she needed sleep. That shot Riza back to reality. She hopped from the counter, steadying her Remington with one hand as she landed, "Well, I can't really answer any of the questions you have, but.. We do have a guest room. You're welcome to stay the night in there," she shrugs, "Maybe you'll figure something out with some sleep?"


Without waiting for an answer to her rhetorical question, Riza started towards the stairs that led towards the bedrooms of the home, gesturing for her guest to follow, "Come on, I'll point you to the room and facilities and all that stuff."


Whenever Cadance joined her upstairs, Riza would show her the guest room - which bore all the usual bedroom things, among them a double bed that was older, but still comfortable. A dresser was in the corner across from it, a window to the outside between them. Directly beside the guest room was Riza's own bedroom. Across the hall from the guest room was the master bedroom, where Riza's father would likely be sleeping, were he at home. Between the lot of them, were the restrooms. Riza would simply lean against the wall after giving the brief tour, simply stating, "You look about my size, so if you need anything to change into, I can lend you some of my clothes."



(Probably should have been better, but... Eh, I'm getting my muse back slowly, but surely. I will need to do some more digging to find what else I need to respond to, and maybe be faster about it.)

  • Brohoof 1

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@~The Snowy Wolf~


Rainbow's eyes went wide as Chloe placed the cup in front of her. Her mind was immediately filled with thoughts of the delicious Apple Family cider she craved. Despite her excitement, she grabbed the drink slowly, as she still hadn't got quite used to her new appendages. She took a nice big gulp, but to her disappointment, it didn't taste anywhere near as good as she thought it would.


"It's alright." She replied, taking a casual sip. Her tone of voice no longer matched the exuberance look that once lit up her face only moment ago. To Dash, this cider seemed to sum up what her opinion was of this new world: Boring. She would have to make do, but in comparison to her home, this world appeared to be lacking a lot of liveliness. As if it were dying. Rainbow idly entertained the thought of a changeling invasion, but her thoughts were soon interrupted.


Chloe asked her about the internet, to which she replied, "Well, I don't really know what that is. We don't have anything like that back in Equestria. From what little I've seen, what goes on inside those boxes doesn't really seem to affect the world around them much. So to me, it just seems like a waste of time."


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"What are you doing?!"


Both twins awoke to Aegis' shout with a start, before tearing out of their blankets and, after a bit of scrambling over each other, they ran to the end of the hall, where they caught sight of Chrysalis emerging from Aegis' room.


"What the fuck?!" "CHRYSALIS!" they shouted simultaneously, before Shawn followed up with, "how much did you take?!"


Stephen looked over to his brother, then back to Chrysalis. "Take what??" He asked. "Emotion. Changelings use them as sustenance..." he said before he took a step forward, glaring at the queen. "Get back into your room... We'll deal with you in the morning."


Shawn then made his way into Stephen's room without waiting for a response, purposely pressing his back to the wall to maneuver around the Changeling Queen. Stephen followed suit for the most part, but opting to merely sidestep around her before joining his brother.




"Are you alright, Aegis?" Shawn asked as he all but raced over to the Pegsus' side. Stephen made his way to the foot of the bed, saying nothing, but looking on with concern. He just had to find some sort of emotion-stealing vampire, didn't he??

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@@~The Snowy Wolf~, "Trust me, I'm sure," Cicada replied to Cat. "I always notice things like this, cuz it's part of being changeling commander, noticing details that slip by others. One thing you can be sure about tho is that this Equestrian is not going to welcome my talking to him. It'll be down to you to persuade him that being with us is in his best interests."


Cicada walked over to where the Equestrian boy sat on the bench. Close to, it was even more obvious that the boy wasn't a regular human. He was looking at the aeroplanes as tho they were savage monsters and shrinking away from any nearby as tho they were going to eat him. Cicada sighed heavily and spoke.


"Get up," she said. "You're going to come with us. Before you object, let me tell you something. Yes, I am a changeling but my companion here is named Cat and is a human. She can help both of us while we're here; however, if you stay here, you're going to have to make your way around this strange world by yourself and believe me, that won't be easy."


Diego glared at Cicada thru narrowed eyes. "By Luna, you're bossy," he grumbled. "OK, even if what you say is true, why should I trust one of the bugs who's responsible for all the trouble? What does your friend have to say, or can't she speak?" He snickered before turning to Cat. "Cat got your tongue?"




@@Gloomfury, Ooc: Retconning, as per the PM, Celestia as not having been here at all. XD


Clare was walking back to Mary's house arm in arm with Shamrock when her phone beeped. "Just a moment, Shamrock," she said to her friend. "I just want to check this." Looking at the message, Clare grinned when she saw it was from a girl named Chloe. "Another one who doesn't think I'm crazy!" Clare said with a laugh before tapping out a message.


Thanks for not thinking I'm mad! Hey, have you found any ponies or do you know someone who does? Where abouts are you at the moment? If you're far away, we can always Skype!



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony, ((Works for me.))


 Shamrock smiled, feeling a little bit more hopeful, knowing that she wasn't alone in all this. "That's great!" She then picked up Clare and a hug and spun her around. She put her down, still wearing a a smile, ear to ear. "This is fantastic. I thought we would never find another pony, let alone tow."

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"Good evening to you, too." Chrysalis said dryly when the twins caught her leaving Aegis' room. "She's fine, by the way. I'm glad to see you're so concerned."


She was aware that she was being mostly ignored, which burned her up inside. But she had to keep her composure. She was a queen, after all. Even as she was told to go to bed, she maintained a cool indifference. "Fine. I know when I'm not wanted. Goodnight, gentlecolts." That, fortunately for the twins, was the last they'd hear from Chryssie for the night.




Aegis was sitting in a huddle, scared and lost in thought when Shawn and Stephen came in. He remembered how he'd been in Equestria. Happy, laid-back, always eager to go travelling and learn new things and see what adventures he'd fall into. In a single night, he'd lost his confidence and may as well have been violated by that changeling. When Shawn asked if he was ok, his only response was to uncurl and wrap his arms around Shawn.


"Please don't leave me alone tonight." Aegis said, now very paranoid and on the verge of tears.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Wow, this cosplayer was really sticking to her guns, wasn't she?? Erick could only shake his head as she not only insisted that she was THE Pinkie Pie, but prattled on about her friends, and then her various adventures with them. "Believe it or not, I already know all about Pinkie's adventures," Erick said, still not convinced that this girl was the real McCoy. "I've seen the show. Every episode, in fact! I know I don't look it, but I'm as big a fan as you are! But Pinkie Piecan't be here! It's just a show, okay?!"


Normally, Erick would've taken his secret love of the show to his grave, but this girl masquerading as Pinkie Pie was, well, a special case. She had the hair, the mannerisms, and even her voice down pat. He had to even give her credit for the rather loud choice of outfit. But she was just a cosplayer, he was sure of it.


"By the way, where are we? It looks kinda like Manehatten, only with a teeny smidgen less colour."


Still not dropping the act, huh?? Fine, he'll humor her for a bit more! "We're in the city of Chicago, in the state of Illinois, which is in The United States. We aren't in Equestria, so feel free to drop the act for a bit..."


"Huh? Hungry already? Do you know any good places for food?"


Looking up, Erick saw that they had reached their destination. "We're here!" He said with a bit of a sigh. "Just--just act normal and follow me!"


((Fast forwarding a bit here. Hope you don't mind! Squeeze in a Pinkie moment if you want!))


"Just call me when you're ready!" The young waitress said after seating the strange duo, placing seated, menus before them. Erick noticed her looking over to Pinkie a few times before heading off. "Okay, we will!" He said with a tight smile. Once she was gone, Erick lost the smile and turned to Pinkie. "Alright, you're getting food on my dime, so the least you can do is at least tell me what your friends' numbers are, so you can get home!" He said, pulling out his phone.


((Oyy... crappy post, but hopefully it gets the ball rolling!))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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He didn't believe her! After she told him everything that she and her friends had gone through! It took a little while for her to think of something with her stomach rumbling the way it did. 'How can I prove I am who I say I am? And can we be friends after?' She thought as they went in.


Once they were seated, she looked over the menus and didn't know what half of this stuff was. Was it even food? She didn't even know what kind of creature he was and she'd been talking to him the whole time.


"Alright, you're getting food on my dime, so the least you can do is at least tell me what your friends' numbers are, so you can get home!"


At this, Pinkie shifted a bit, flashing a sheepish grin. "Well, uh, y'see, the thing is, we don't actually...have one. Nopony does." She started rummaging in her pocket for something. Then she found it. A certain coin from Equestria. "Aha! Here's your proof, Mister Doubty-pants. Do you believe me now?" She said as she held the coin right in front of his face.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@Pripyat Pony,


"She and the other changelings are not the reason you're here. Otherwise, she wouldn't be here. They didn't attack Equestria voluntarily. It was... Umm... What was the name again? Avarice, non? That was who orchestrated the attack. I hope you can believe us, because we don't have much of any time to discuss this here. I'm running late for something."




Leaning on the counter on her elbows, Chloe took a sip of the drink and looked over to Dash again. "Sorry the cider's a disappointment to you. I was actually looking forward to it. I don't buy it often. That way it stays special and something I look forward to." She left her beer on the counter and walked over to the computer. She refreshed her inbox and noticed a response from Clare. Well that was quick. Wasn't even expecting anything for a while.


>>No problem, I guess. I found a rainbow-haired girl who calls herself Rainbow Dash, if that means anything to you. And I'm actually about 30 to 40 minutes from Dublin at the moment. Where are you? And have you heard of anyone else finding these "ponies"?<<

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@~The Snowy Wolf~, Now that they were standing in front of Diego, Cicada was absolutely certain he was from Equestria. She could sense his magic, something which was alien to this world, as much as her own abilities were. "Great, a unicorn," she thought to herself. "That's all I need."




Diego looked at the two of them, and shrugged. "Whatever," he said. "As for that, I've done some pretty weird things with my chaos magic so who knows? Anyway, I guess I might as well come with you."


He stood up, and as he did so, Diego felt something in a pocket digging into his leg. He pulled it out and it was a bottle of Braeburn's hard cider that he had spent his last bit on back in Equestria and hadn't had time to drink before being transported here. He handed it to Cat. "Here," Diego said, with a crooked grin. "Have one on me. I guess I ought to keep my head clear for the moment."




@@Gloomfury, Clare's phone beeped and she checked the message, a growing smile upon her face as she did so. "Wow," she said to Shamrock, the excitement in her voice plain. "This girl did find a pony and not just any pony, either. She found Rainbow Dash! Apart from Rarity, of course, Rainbow Dash is my fave of the mane six. Do you know her, or of her?"


Clare quickly tapped out another message to Chloe.


"I'm in North Bay at the moment, a few miles from Racine. Dunno if you know anyone there. Anyways, I am so gel you wouldn't believe. You found Rainbow Dash!!! That is the coolest thing I've ever heard of!!! We have just got to Skype. Oh, and I got a message from a girl who said that a friend of hers found a changeling."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Neither twin could bring themselves to acknowledging the Changeling as she made her way back to her room. Just how in the Hell were they going to deal with her if she could potentially feed off of anyone in the apartment, at any time she wanted to!


Sadly, with no real way to lock her in any room, they had no choice but to try their luck and wait until morning. Hopefully, there wouldn't be anymore attacks that evening! Hopefully...




Feeling rather stupid and useless, Stephen turned and left his room. He cast one more glare at Shawn's bedroom door before heading back to his place on the couch. Though he had no clue who or what Chrysalis was exactly, he was finding that he regretted finding her more and more...




Shawn frowned deeply upon the pitiful sight, sitting down next to Aegis, reaching out and touching a shoulder. "It's okay. Chrysalis went back into her room."


Before he knew it, Shawn found himself being tightly embraced by the former Pegasus, who pleaded not to leave her alone.


Shawn smiled as he wrapped his arms around Aegis, and began stroking her back. "Alright, I'll stay." With that, he maneuvered his body so that he could slip under the sheets. He pulled Aegis closer to him as he lay down on his pillow, and smiled at Aegis. "Normally, I take a girl on a few dates before I go to bed with 'er!" He said with a chuckle. "But I think I make an exception tonight!"

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Aegis started to calm down as Shawn held him, though he was beginning to think that maybe he was getting dependent on Shawn. It felt kinda nice when Shawn stroked his back, though. Helping to ease the tension in his body.


'No, no. I'm a male. Not...ah, nevermind. This is all just making it easier for me to get a headache.' He thought while Shawn climbed into bed with him.


"Normally, I take a girl on a few dates before I go to bed with 'er! But I think I make an exception tonight!"


Aegis giggled softly, partly to make himself feel better and partly because he enjoyed how Shawn tried to keep positive. "We can fix that. I wouldn't mind going out with you sometime." He said, resting his head on Shawn's chest.




Chrysalis lay on the bed, once again silently fuming. Sleep currently eluded her, and the cause was literally right in front of her. The room they'd given her was more or less the closest physical representation of her own personal hell, with all the pony posters everywhere. A reminder of her past mistakes, the arrogance that cost her a victory, underestimating the power that resides in a pony's heart.


'They call me a monster and a villain... What do they know? Do they have thousands depending on them for everything? Do they feel the weight of thousands of minds calling to their queen everyday? No. They don't understand how it feels. And these naked apes...They understand even less and now they see fit to taunt me with events they know nothing about.' She thought. She put a pillow over her face to try and block out the pony pictures, while also making a mental note to inquire about alternative living space. She'd honestly prefer to sleep on the couch at this rate. Give Stephen/Shawn/whoever-this-room-belonged-to their room back. Who knows, maybe that Pegasus would be happier in a room full of this pony stuff.


'Then again...maybe I've just had a really bad day. And all of this pink and pony stuff... Ugh. I don't mind pink, but there's so much of it!'

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Erick sighed as he led the pink tressed cosplayer into the diner. Just what the hell was he doing? Why was he taking this delusional girl that he just met out for a meal??


It didn't help that the girl looked over the menu with utter confusion. Has she not seen meat before??


"Alright, you're getting food on my dime, so the least you can do is at least tell me what your friends' numbers are, so you can get home!


"Well, uh, y'see, the thing is, we don't actually...have one. Nopony does."


Incredulity. That is what he felt. "How can you NOT have one in this day and age?" He asked right as he noticed the strange girl was fishing in her pocket.


"Aha! Here's your proof, Mister Doubty-pants. Do you believe me now?" She said as she held the item in his face-- a gold coin, but there was something about it...


"Can I see it...?" Erick asked. Once in hand, he inspected it closely. He felt its heft as he turned it over in his hand, also noting the the markings of a sun, moon, heart, and a star on one side, and insigne of the Equestrian flag on the other. Small nicks here and there revealed that this coin was indeed genuine gold through and through, at least 18 carats. No. This couldn't be!


Erick leaned back against his seat, bringing up his free hand to cover his face. "How are you...? This is impossible! Y-you can't be here!"

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@@00Pony, @@Hypn0ticD,


Violet eyes scanned the interior of the man's home. At the least, Twilight could appreciate how neat and organized the place was; just the way she liked it. And far better than a messy home, which would have nagged at her OCD tendencies to no end. There were things familiar to her and some not-so-familiar things, the latter drawing her interest if only for a few moments. Perhaps she could explore and examine things more a little later.


When invited to sit, the Equestrian princess seated herself at the table in the chair nearest to where Applejack sat. Her posture was proper, straight, but it still felt a little... off. She felt as though she wanted to draw her legs up so they would be positioned like hind legs would when sitting, yet she had the feeling that too would be awkward; these new legs were so long compared to what she used to have...


To the question about a drink, her answer was the same as Applejack's. "Water will be fine, thank you." She then paused when Applejack went on to talk about a way to prove that their story was true. How to prove beyond reasonable doubt that they were Equestrians... that was a good question. And until they come up with some answer, there likely wasn't a thing they could do to make the man believe them.


What was something the Equestrians had that humans did not...?


Wait. An idea crossed Twilight's mind, something she at least wanted to try. Humans apparently had no horns (and it was probably safe to assume no wings either), but... did she still have her magic somehow? Glancing at the man, then Applejack, Twilight stated, "Hang on a moment. I want to try something..."


She closed her eyes to concentrate more efficiently, attempting to draw on her magic. It was there, she felt it, but the question was could she harness it? After a moment or two, she could feel that power responding to her will, gathering and flowing into her... hands. Huh. Made sense, she supposed, given that humans had no horns to channel the magic.


Okay then, time for something simple to start out. With a flick of her wrist, she opened one of the cupboards, demonstrating the telekinetic ability that came naturally to all unicorns, let alone alicorns. She had plenty more where that came from, this was mostly to gauge the reaction from the man first.

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"Can I see it...?"


"Sure." Pinkie said, going strangely quiet as she waited for the reaction. And when she got the reaction she was waiting for, she couldn't help but laugh.


"How are you...? This is impossible! Y-you can't be here!"


"I'm hungry." She said, interpreting his first shocked words as him asking how she was, rather than asking how she was there in the first place. The third part received a response that would seem sarcastic if it came from anypony else, except for Pinkie. She gave him a confused look and asked, without any trace of sarcasm, "Is there a sign that says 'No Pinkies allowed'?"

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Pripyat Pony, @@~The Snowy Wolf~, @@00Pony,

@, @@Love, @@SilverHeart, @@Gloomfury, @@Windbreaker, @@GeneralDirection, @@Miss Reaper, @,


Heaven, please sing for me a song of life/

Heaven, take me into your skies/

There's no place here for me to hide my cries/

Night and day, I'm missing you (ooh)/


Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt - Fallen Angels …:


Colette crooned as she strummed her bass, bobbing her head to the beat all the while. Whilst she was singing and matching the pitch well, any one of her subscribers would say this song was well out the ordinary for her.


You're so close, so close/

And it's you that I believe in, I believe in/

So close, but far away I seek for your light/

I'll hold on/


'Cuz for you my heart keeps beating/

When the wind, the fire, and all is gone/

Caress me with your sweet lullaby/


She ended the video after she finished the song, and the video faded out to black, only ti fade back in a few seconds later.


"Hey, everyone!" Colette began, waving a hand. "I know what you're thinking. 'Colette just did something that wasn't metal or a game cover, double-you-tee-Eff?!' Well, I just wanted to try something different this time around. I'll go back to growling and shredding my ass off soon! Should I do more songs like these, or should I stick to Alternative and Metal? Lemme know what you think by leaving a comment! if ya liked it, leave a like, if you didn't, don't worry, I'm still doing metal and videogame music! If you're new here, take a second to clickity clack the giant '0' on the outro screen. You won't regret it!"


The video then cuts to the outro screen, which depicts three thumbnails of Colette's previous videos in the center of the screen, the logo bearing her name along the bottom. As was mentioned, the "0" bears a link to her channel. The videos on the left and center depicts Colette playing her guitar and bass; the one on the right depicts Colette playing Five Nights at Freddy's; Colette is in the upper left hand corner of the video, wearing a black security hat and t-shirt, and is soundlessly ranting, until Foxy pops into the door making Colette jump and yell.


"Again, if you're new here and wanna see more of what I do, check out the vids on the screen. If you're into videogame covers, click on the left to check out my cover of VVVVVV, if Metal, Punk, or Alternatives's your thing, then click the center vid to check out my cover of Metallica's One, and if you're into idiots playing scary videogames and screaming their heads off, then the video on the right is for you! The link'll take you to my gaming channel, where you can watch me fail at Five Nights at Freddy's, or other scary games! It'll be fun! Until then, I will see you when I see ya! This is Hypn0ticD, signing off!"


The video then ends.




((Posting this for Windbreaker!))


As Alex pondered what to do about their guests, he decided to check out a video or two before bed. He hadn't checked the time, but it was getting pretty late by now. 'Good thing I don't have work tomorrow. Sleep in... Ooh, Hypn0ticD has a new video.' He thought, clicking on the thumbnail. While he watched her videos, he wasn't a fan of metal. But he loved her gaming videos. Not so much for the games themselves, as he was more of an FPS kinda guy, but it's always good to at least look at other genres of games.


After the song, he was astounded. It was just beautiful in his opinion, and it got him thinking. She wanted opinions on doing more than just metal and if wanted to get into singing, he needed to get his voice out there and heard by more people. If Colette was up for it, a collab might be in order.


>>"Hi there. Alex Jones here. I've been a subscriber and fan of yours for a while. Anyway, I saw your recent video just now, and I was wondering if you'd like to do a collaboration on another anime song. Do you like blues?


Message me back if you're interested. Hope to hear from you soon. Alex out. ^^ "<<


Now, he waited.

Edited by Hypn0ticD
  • Brohoof 1
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Colette heaved a deep sigh as she leaned back in her chair. She felt satisfied that she was able to upload another video school and work swamped her again, but at the same time felt a little apprehension. Most of her subscribers came for the metal or videogame covers. Were they ready for a cover of something that wasn't heavy, fierce, and loud?


Granted, anyone who knew about the show where the song originated would laugh at how the song contrasted with the show's content, but what about the uninitiated?


One glance at the comments section revealed that it didn't much matter; the video was only up a few minutes, and already there were 10 likes and only 3 dislikes, and mostly favorable comments, some even asking her to cover similar material in the future.





"Hm?" Colette looked over to her phone, which indicated she had a new message. Unlocking it revealed an email from one of her subscribers:


>>"Hi there. Alex Jones here. I've been a subscriber and fan of yours for a while. Anyway, I saw your recent video just now, and I was wondering if you'd like to do a collaboration on another anime song. Do you like blues?


Message me back if you're interested. Hope to hear from you soon. Alex out. ^^ "<<


Blues, huh?? She had never attempted anything blues related. Could she pull it off? Only one way to find out!


>>Hey there, Alex!


While I do like blues, I've never really tried play any blues songs. I am intrigued, though I have a few questions:


1. What song did you have in mind??


2. Who will be providing vocals, if that applies?


3. If there are vocals involved, will the song be in English or Japanese? My Japanese isn't necessarily the best, to put it mildly!


4. Do you also play any instruments? If so, what do you play? In case you don't know, not only do I play guitar and bass, I also play an acoustic guitar as well as keyboard.


Hope to hear back from ya!


- Colette. <<


She sent the email, and leaned back in her chair once more. Hopefully in a short while, she'll either know if she had someone new to collaborate with...

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@@Pripyat Pony, ((Sorry, i got too wrapped up in star wars: old republic to do any posts.))


Shamrock scratched her head. "I think I have heard of her. Was she that lass who did that rainboom thing? I read about it in a newspaper. You pretty much hear about all the elements in the newspaper when something big happens. Like when Princess Luna came back. But to be honest i didn't really pay much attention to'm. It was like one of those things that you hear some much about than you kinda lose interest at some point. Plus I was was still training and doing bouts. So I didn't really find time to read a newspaper." She said with a shrug. 


After a second she realized that she was still holding Clare. Instead of letting go she pulled her a little closer. "Hey, how about we get some dinner tonight?"

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@@Gloomfury, Clare hugged Shamrock hard. She smiled at her new girlfriend. "Sounds a great idea," she said. "There's a really nice restaurant in the town, where we could go. They do lots of vegetarian options; I assume that you're one? It's hard to imagine ponies eating meat! I can lend you some of my clothes if you want to dress up."


Clare felt extremely happy. She'd never expected for one moment to fall in love on her big trip, and now it was happening. As for the girl who'd messaged her, and who she'd replied to, she hoped to get a reply soonish. Rainbow Dash! Pity it wasn't Rarity, who was Clare's all time favourite mane six member, but Rainbow Dash was pretty cool. Clare wondered about the other mane six ponies. Were they on Earth, too? She imagined so, as it was difficult to think of the six friends going anywhere alone.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,


 "That sounds lovey. And it's funny that you say that. I have a mate who eats meat, and he's an earth pony! He told me he was raised by a griffin and that she fed him meat when he was growing up. So he has sharp teeth like, well, like a human. And its true normal ponies only eat greens and whatnot. But for some ponies from other parts eat a sort of meat. But not cows, pigs or birds. Mostly just fish. In Detrot we have the largest dock in the county so we have a lot of fishing boats. And you cant really go anywhere in town without running into a fish market or a restaurant that serves fish or seafood  But anyway, I'm sure wherever you pick to go will be grand." She kissed Clare's forehead.

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There she was, the Key of Laughter, savior of Equestria, member of the Mane6, turkey call champion, and she was right in front of him. Erick merely stared back at the former Earth Pony, trying to form words, Pinkie Pie laughing all the while. This was some sort of joke that the universe was playing, right? It had to be! How the hell was he going to handle Pinkie Pie?!


"Is there a sign that says 'No Pinkies allowed'?"


"No! No, that's not what I meant! I meant you're just a cartoon! It's physically impossible for you to be here..." Erick hissed, noting the waitress from earlier making her way over to them from the corner of his eye, as is if she heard the pink mare.


"Are you two ready??" She asked, to which Erick nodded. "Um... yes!" He then ordered a Philly cheese steak for himself. "And what would you like??" The waitress asked as she turned to face Pinkie. Before she could answer her however, Erick cleared his throat. "DIANE here would like your pancake special, extra hash browns!"


The waitress raised an eyebrow at Erick, but took the order nevertheless. Once she was gone, Erick to the doubtlessly irked Pinkie. "Before you start, I ordered for you so you don't--" Erick stopped himself. Perhaps telling her about meat wouldn't be the brightest of ideas. "I'll tell you later! In the meantime, humor me and tell me how you got here..."


He was sure he had told him when she was blithering before, but he had tuned it out. Now, however, he was all ears!

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"No! No, that's not what I meant! I meant you're just a cartoon! It's physically impossible for you to be here..."


Erick's statement didn't seem to make sense (Then again, with Pinkie around, what does make sense?). How could it be physically possible for her to exist when she was right there in front of him, real as the table or the chairs they were sitting on? Naturally, her question had nothing to do with the potential existential crisis that would arise from asking how it was impossible for her to exist. No, her question was more like this. "What's a cartoon?"


Of course, the answer would have to wait a bit as the waitress came over. And just as soon as Pinkie had found the only thing on the menu that she knew for sure was food, Erick had already ordered it. "Don't be silly. I was gonna order it anyway. Are you sure most of this is food?" She asked, holding the menu up in front of him, once again demonstrating that she had no understanding of the term 'personal space'.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Cadance sat werely down on the offered bed with a nod of thanks. It bounced a bit more than she was used to, but comfortable none the less. Clothes would be a boon, and she was lucky that Riza was in fact her size. She felt rather naked and a bit cold, lacking fur. Riza had also mentioned a bathroom, which she got back up and tottered to. After some fumbling, she was able to lift the lid of the toilet, then stared down in horror. It looked like a black hole with water in it. At least I'm too large to fit in it. She at least knew what the sink and bathtub were, at then continued to relieve herself in the tub. The toilet would be an adventure for another day. One when she was more alert, because right now just about everything was scary. She wandered back to her room and flopped down, her eyes sinking as soon as her head hit the pillow. The last thing she remembered was thinking about Shining Armor.

  • Brohoof 1


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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