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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (RP Reboot)(On Hiatus)


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@@Miss Reaper,@@Hypn0ticD,


Bowen nodded as both women stated they would have waters, "Better that way." He mumbled as he poured himself a quick shot of whiskey, which he downed quickly.

Setting his glass down, the officer turned on his heel and made his way over to the sink and cupboards.


Retrieving two glasses from the cabinet, he knocked it shut with his elbow, setting both glasses beside the sink before turning the water on and beginning to fill them. It was around this time that Twilight telekinetically opened the same cupboard he had been previously looking in. Needless to say, the movement caught his attention. Setting the second glass down beside the first - both now full - he walked slowly back over to it, pushing the door shut with one finger and muttering, "Come on now... I just fixed you last week..."


After holding it for a few seconds, Bowen walked back to the waters, and eventually set them before his guests, taking his own seat and pouring another shot as he spoke, "So. Which of you wants to tell me how you ended up in the street?"





@@Pripyat Pony,


It was with a panicked cry of fear and rage that Luna rocketed from her place to slam into Celestia's side with her own shoulder. She was not about to let her Sister be sent away! She couldn't run Equestria on her own.. The Moon Princess's tactic worked, the elder being flung from the portal's grip to land several feet away, slightly stunned.


Luna, however, had a new problem. She was now caught in the portal's grip, and she could feel herself being pulled into it. With a furious beat of her wings, Luna tried to extricate herself, and when that failed, she increased the speed of her wings. Little headway was made at first, but eventually, Luna shot from the fringe's of the spell's grasp and into the sky.


She arched in her flight, and came slamming back down to earth like a fury fueled blue comet. For a second, Luna stood still as a statue, glaring at the dragon pony who dared to try and harm her sister. Such was Luna's wrath, her comet-like aura pervaded, and her angered cry echoed brought with the inflection of royalty as she winked out of existence in a brilliant flash.


All was calm for but a second, before the Princess reappeared in another flash, this time behind Avarice. It was with but a yell that Luna released the spell she'd been charging, and with it her brilliant aura. It traveled quickly, as if with the reverberations of her voice on the air, as it would slam into the Alicorn's adversary with such unrelenting force to tear the dragon pony from her perch, and directly towards the very portal she had tried to send Celestia through prior.






Riza remained at her position leaning against the wall until Cadence passed by her and back into the room. At which time, the young woman stood and spoke as her guest flopped on the bed, "I'll put a set of clothes on the dresser for you to wear tomorrow, 'kay?"


She didn't wait for an answer, assuming that Cadence hadn't even registered that she was talking. No big deal, really. Riza sifted through her own dresser, glancing over several articles of clothing before tossing a complete set her own bed. What lay before her was a pair of fitted blue jeans - that might be a bit tight for Cadance, but Riza doubted it. Seriously, the woman had to be late twenties at least, and she was freaking slender! At least, slender enough to wear a seventeen year old girl's clothes - coupled with the jeans was a graphic tee

(http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0228/9021/products/Boopart800.jpg?v=1380235941), and the usual undergarments in a delightful red shade. Riza wasn't sure what Cadance's size was - it wasn't really something she thought to check on women - but she figured that if the woman was of relatively the same body type, she was likely the same cup size as well. If not? Well, then Riza was going to have to go shopping for a size range other than 'C'.


But that was a different adventure for another day. For now, it was time to sleep. She has to pick her father up from the airport in a few hours, and had to be on time for that. Folding the clothing she has selected for her guest, Riza carried it in to Cadence's room, taking care to walk very carefully so as not to disturb her guest. She shut the door gently behind her after leaving.


Riza then retreated to her own bedroom, shutting the door most of the way and quickly discarding everything but her underwear before climbing into bed. If tonight was the last that she'd be able to do this, then dang it she was going to do it. The Remington leaned against the wall beside her headboard as Riza drifted off to sleep.

Even though she hadn't been commanded to, Valkyrie has foregone her usual behavior of sleeping alongside Riza, instead choosing to sleep in the hall between her owner's bedroom, and their guest's.




It would be about an hour and a half after Riza and Cadence slipped into slumber that the lock on the door would be undone, and a third resident would enter the home. It wasn't someone nefarious, or anyone with negative intentions. Unless of course, you counted a father wanting to scare and surprise the living daylights out of his daughter a negative intention.


Staff Sergeant Logan Jaeger stepped as quietly as he could after easing the door shut. For as big a man as he was, in full fatigues and boots no less, he made surprising little noise. He didn't do much, other than chuckle quietly to himself as he lowered himself onto the couch and removed his boots before lying down on the furniture, pulling his beret over his eyes as he began to sleep. Logan's instruction for Riza to retrieve him from the airport was only a ploy, and he had instead been delivered home by a friend. Logan smiled to himself as he imagined his daughter's reaction on the morrow, as she came downstairs all prepared to go get him, and to instead find him lying right there on the couch.

of course, he knew absolutely nothing about their unexpected guest. Suppose Riza won't be the other one with a surprise waiting for them?



(I can't make that shirt link any shorter on mobile, I'm sorry)

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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((OOC: So for whatever reason I just can't seem to get happy enough with this post. No matter when I try to write it or what I what write. So since I've kept 00brony waiting and he's on the long car ride, I'll just write whatever and post it.))


"Yes, you're probably right." Mirror replied with a slightly forced smile. It felt unnatural to smile in this body. The muscles just felt...wrong. Hopefully the intention wasn't lost somehow. "Well...thank you, Mr. Aiden." Mirror said as she unintentionally gave Aiden's hand a light squeeze. She wasn't exactly sure how she had done that, but it seemed like there would be time to learn later. For now she just needed to play along.


Thankfully pulling herself up with her new forelegs didn't seem to be too different from her old one's. The real challenge came in finding her sense of balance while only standing on two legs. Several seconds of rocking back and forth eventually ended with Mirror leaning into Aiden.


It seemed that even in her current situation she could still embarrass herself. Even something as simple as just standing was proving a bit difficult. "I'm sorry to ask this, but it seems I'm feeling a tad dizzy, could you help me inside please?"

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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"It's no problem at all." Was Aidan's reply to her thanks.


He kept had kept his hands slightly outstretched as Mirror pulled herself up, ready to steady her if need be. It turned out to be necessary, as the poor woman seemed really unsteady and ultimately had to lean into him. The photographer changed his stance to support her weight as well, placing one of his hands on her shoulder.


Aidan shook his head when she apologized, "No need for apologies, Mirror. But yeah, I'll give you a hand." She was only an inch shorter than he was, so moving one of her arms to rest over his shoulders wasn't difficult. He moved his own arm to wrap around her back, his hand coming to rest on the bottom of Mirror's rib cage. It was in this way he aided her up the stairs to his balcony, and eventually to the living room or his home. Once inside, he would assist her until they reached his recliner, where he would then let her sit, before asking, "Is there anything I can get you? Something to drink maybe?"



(Why do I feel more eloquent in my posts at 3 am)

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Gloomfury, "Well, this place has seafood meals, if you'd like one," Clare replied, smiling as she returned the kiss. "I love their chilli shrimp for a starter. Anyway, let's get back and get ready. We're gonna do this properly and enjoy ourselves epically. We might as well, after all."


@@00Pony, Avarice let loose a cry of purest fury as she felt the force of Luna's spell slam into her. Try as she might, she could not resist the terrific force which dragged her relentlessly towards her own portal, opened to receive Luna's sister Celestia who currently lay stunned nearby. Avarice struggled hopelessly, then gave it up as lost when a devilishly fiendish plan occurred to the dragon pony. She looked Luna in the eye and grinned, showing all her sharply pointed teeth.


"You might have defeated me this time, sweetheart, and sent me to this other world," Avarice said, mockingly. "But I won't be going alone!"


With that, Avarice sent out a pure beam of magic from her own horn; a solid blast of pitch black magic which crackled with energy. It wrapped twice around Luna's hind legs, dragging her inexorably towards the portal in company with the dragon pony. Avarice burst into a peal of wicked laughter, even as darkness began to close...

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony,


 Shamrock smiled. "Fantastic. " She then head back to Clare's places while still holding an arm around her waist. "I always wanted to dress up for someone other them my gran. Most of the dates I went on were with  tomcolt lasses who didn't much care for looking girly. That's why I like the the more feminine mares. But it was really hard to find one who had the same 'tastes' as I do. I'm sure in they show it doesn't really talk about ponies who like the same sex. Most of the old ponies don't much care for others like me. I had one or two mates who were kicked out of their parents place after they tell them. When I started having feelings for mares I was so scared to tell my da. I thought I would end up back on the street if I told him." A frown made its way on her face when she thought about that time.

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Shawn smiled as Aegis seemed to calm down, and settled down on the pillow. Whilst he felt lucky to have not only find such a cute girl, he felt that it was rather odd that he was getting so lucky so quickly.


No... not only did one of Equestria's worst monsters potentially violate Aegis, but there was only one door separating them from another attack... One would be foolish not to think of that prospect as other than absolutely terrifying! And to think, the were to put up with her until they found a way to send her


"We can fix that. I wouldn't mind going out with you sometime."


"Yeah... Let's go out sometime!" Shawn said as his eyes eyes drooped. "As for now, let's get some...sleep..."


With that, Shawn's eyes closed, sleep claiming him from the rather hectic night.


((With that sucktacular ending, let's f-f to the next morning, shall we? I don't see either twin sneaking into Chysalis' room for any reason...))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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The last thing Aegis was aware of before he finally fell asleep was Shawn’s breathing and his mind finally feeling at ease. ‘That’s it… Be like clear water…
She couldn’t take it. She just couldn’t stand it. Under the impression that she’d be kept awake all night lying in this little slice of Tartarus, Chrysalis picked up a blanket and a pillow and crept out to the couch. ‘If they have a problem with it, they can bite me. I’m not sleeping in there. No way, no how.’ She thought to herself as she made herself comfortable on the loveseat. Sure, Stephen was likely to freak out in the morning, but she couldn’t care less. She was a queen and he was but a peasant. And at last…the peaceful blanket of sleep enveloped her.
 When morning came, Aegis was no longer curled up in a ball at Shawn’s side. Instead, his body was aligned with Shawn’s as he cuddled up to the human. He’d come to the conclusion that he couldn’t have been found by a nicer guy. A nice guy who made him feel like a mare, which really confused him. He was used to acting like a mare and sounding like one, since he used to do it for harmless pranks or to help get himself out of sticky situations. But feeling like one was something new…though strangely, it wasn’t unwelcome.
Deciding he was going to do something nice for Shawn, he kissed Shawn on the cheek and got up to go to the kitchen. He was going to make breakfast for the twins. But as he peered out the door, he saw a sight he really didn’t want to see. Chryssie asleep on the couch. “Wonderful…” He grumbled quietly to himself. He was doing better with his movement now, especially since he remembered that it’s not so different from rearing up for his martial arts, which reminded him that he needed to ask Shawn about a place where he can practice.
He crept into the kitchen and started looking around at what they had. But he didn’t quite recognize most of the food items, so he went with what he knew best. Eggs were simple enough to make, though the stove had him stumped for a bit. “How do I work this thing?”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@Pripyat Pony,


Catherine handed the bottle of cider to Cicada and motioned for her to go back to the car. "Well now that you're on board, as they say, let's go. You'll have plenty of time to get to know each other and get your bearings when we get to where we're going." They walked back to the car and Cat got in the passenger seat, leaving the other two to the back. Cat took out a small, white square from her bag and handed it to Cicada. "Here, put this in your pocket, and as long as you don't take your pants off, we'll be okay. It's so that I know where you are in case you get lost or something."




After a bit of googling, Chloe found that Racine was almost in the middle of North America. Her eyes widened and she looked over to Dash. The amount of work I'm going to put myself through for you amazes me.


>>You're like straight in the middle of the states! Ugh... I'm going to be spending all of my savings to get over there with her. I guess we could Skype for now. And where's that other girl from? Any chance that she's closer?<<

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@Windbreaker, @@Astral Legend,


The timid girl was practically startled when Alex suddenly moved to catch Spike, but recovered a moment after when she realized that the young boy had just passed out asleep. Poor thing, the excitement of it all must have worn him out... Honestly, she couldn't blame him. This was all so much to process.


When Alex started walking, Fluttershy walked with him. She still felt unsure about her new legs, but she held her balance well enough. Still, she reached out, fingers twitching and fumbling awkwardly before she managed to grasp his shirt. That was enough to reassure her, that she wouldn't get separated from him. The last thing she wanted was to get lost in this strange, alien world.


She released the handful of fabric only when they were safely inside, and she surveyed the new surroundings. Distracted just for a moment, she turned and followed the young man into the living room.


Those soft doe eyes of hers stared owlishly at him for a few moments when he spoke again. She bowed her head slightly, letting a few pastel locks of hair fall across her face. She mumbled something in response, her shyness getting the better of her again.


Then she seated herself, feeling somewhat awkward as she tried to figure out how to place her legs. These things worked differently than what she was used to...




It hadn't actually been that long, but it felt like ages. She was nervous, fiddling with the appendages that had taken the place of her hooves. Everything was so foreign and strange. And how was she going to get back home? Oh, she wished her friends were here... They'd know what to do.


It was around that time that she overheard what Alex was listening to. Was that... music? Didn't sound like any sort of music she'd ever heard, but she did recognize that it was the sound of someone singing. Curious to find out the source of it, she slowly stood and made her way towards the sound.


Huh... What in the world was that weird thing? Was that thing where the music was coming from? It sounded like it, but... What was it? She was too nervous to approach, let alone gather the courage to ask anything of it, so she lingered at a respectful distance, staring and listening to the music. It was a lovely voice, for sure. She just couldn't stop wondering how it had somehow gotten trapped in something that clearly wasn't a living being.

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@@Hypn0ticD@@Miss Reaper,



Before messaging Colette:
Alex didn’t quite hear what Fluttershy said, but he had to do something. “So, uh, I’ll just make that tea, make a sandwich and we’ll figure things out from there. I’m guessing you’re a vegetarian?” He asked, scratching at his neck. Something he usually did when feeling nervous or awkward. 
He set the kettle on and decided to use his Dad’s laptop for a while. For one, it was always left out and Alex was getting tired of putting it away all the time. Well, he needed something to do while waiting for the kettle and he had to be close in case the girl needed anything.
Pipipi~ Pipipi~
Alex’s phone went off shortly after, the distinctive message tone alerting him to a response from someone. ‘I really need to change that one day. It’s bloody annoying...’ He thought as he swiped across the screen and revealed the message from Colette.
>>Hey there, Alex! 
While I do like blues, I've never really tried play any blues songs. I am intrigued, though I have a few questions:
1. What song did you have in mind?? 
2. Who will be providing vocals, if that applies?
3. If there are vocals involved, will the song be in English or Japanese? My Japanese isn't necessarily the best, to put it mildly!
4. Do you also play any instruments? If so, what do you play? In case you don't know, not only do I play guitar and bass, I also play an acoustic guitar as well as keyboard.
Hope to hear back from ya!
- Colette. <<
This was perfect. He remembered he had a guitar that his mother bought for him when he lived in Australia. And for the song he had in mind, there was only one language to sing it in: Japanese. For vocals, he’d work that out with Colette. And the song? The ending theme to his favourite anime. The Real Folk Blues from Cowboy Bebop.
So, after going over his plan a few times to make sure he had everything, he began to work on a response.
>> Hi!
Honestly, I didn’t expect a reply so soon. I had figured a few more days before you got back to me. Anyways, um, here’s what I had in mind.
1. I’d picked out the song ‘The Real Folk Blues’. The ending theme to the anime Cowboy Bebop, which is my favourite anime of all time.
2. I’d figured we split the vocals between us. I think that’s how it’s done. First time doing a collab, y’see.
3. The vocals are Japanese, and I can sing in Japanese, but I’d be happy to walk you through parts of it if you’d like. Especially the chorus. I kinda learned Japanese because I’m a huge anime and video game nerd.
4. I play the acoustic guitar, but I haven’t had a lot of success with music.
And thanks for this opportunity. It’s not every day you get to work with someone you admire.
Alex out ^^ <<
Once he was happy with the way the response was, he sent it off. It was only then that he noticed Fluttershy. She just seemed to be standing around shyly. He had to admit, it was kinda cute, but it could cause the poor girl some problems.
“Sorry, I didn’t see you there. Was the music too loud? I can turn it down or use a pair of headphones next time.” He said, though he wasn’t sure if it was that she was bothered or just too shy to come closer. He held out a hand to her anyway. “It’s ok to come closer. It’s not gonna hurt you.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Gloomfury, "Well, there are some people here who think that way, but I just ignore them," Clare replied. She gave Shamrock's hand a sympathetic squeeze. "I'm sorry that happened to you. My family believe that love is love, no matter what form it takes and they support me. In any case, if someone ever said anything bad about you while I was there, I'd knock them flat."


When they got back to the house, Clare let herself and Shamrock inside, and headed upstairs. "We ought to make that youtube video I talked about earlier," Clare added. "We can do that after we get all dressed up."




@@~The Snowy Wolf~, Diego shrugged. "Whatever," he muttered as he went back to the car, taking care to sit as far away as possible from Cicada. "I never thought that being stuck in this crazy world could get worse, but looks like it just did."


Cicada glared at Diego, as she turned the cider bottle around in her hands. "You can talk," she said. "Just why do you drink this stuff anyway? From the looks of it, it would send anypony flat on their back even from just one taste."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony,


A smile made it way back on Shamrock's face after what Clare said. "Sounds like a plan."  She said as she gave Clare another kiss. "And when I did tell my da he was very supportive. Along with my gran. So a load was lifted from my mind." She then Pulled her new girlfriend into a caring hug. "And I'm glad you care enough for me to KO someone for me." She nuzzled her head a little. "And you know I will do the same, along with knocking a few teeth out." She chuckled.

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Erick sighed, resisting the urge to facepalm. Shoulda figured she'd ask! "A cartoon is a series of moving pictures that're mostly mostly for kids. I'll show you a few when we get home, okay?" Wait. Did he just say he was taking Pinkie the Party Pony home with him?? She had nowhere else to go, did she? Maybe she won't be so bad... maybe...




Erick leaned back and breathed another sigh of relief as he sent the waitress off to her duty, only to have Pinkie Pie shoved the menu into his face. "Yes, it's food, Pinkie. It's just that--" he tried to find a way to word it properly. No sense in having The Mare of Laughter lose it in a restaurant! "lt's human food. Humans have a different diet that Equestrians. I'll go into that later, but just enjoy the pancakes."


It wasn't long before the waitress returned, placing "Diane's" pancakes and his Philly cheese steak in front of their prospective orderers before smiling, nodding, then taking her leave.


Erick smiled back to the waitress before she left, turning his attention back to Pinkie. "Alright, now that we've got our food, tell me again how you got here. I kinda missed it the first time!"

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"Ok. Humans are weird." She said. It took a moment for her to register that he'd more or less said he was taking her home, which she wasn't sure how to respond to yet, so she went for the easier one of retelling the story of how she got here.


"Well, we had this huge party, the Summer's Sun Celebration, at Trottingham. It was a pretty great party with candy and cake and all sorts of sweet and sour stuff. Then the mean old Changelings and their Queen Meany, Chrysalis came and crashed the party. Then this mean old dragon lady came along and started opening these weird holes in the ground. My friends and I tried to stop her, but Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were sucked into the portals. Rarity and I followed them and ended up here, but I guess we got separated. I don't know where they are, and I have to find them. And I dunno where to look. This place is big, and if our adventures taught me anything, it's that it's only gonna get bigger."


She eventually finished, then started on the pancakes. They tasted really nice, which reminded her of Equestria, and staying positive was important. She'd been depressed twice in her life, one was...never spoken of. Ever. They only two who knew about that breakdown were herself and Rainbow Dash, and neither told anypony about it. A depressed Pinkie was not a good time.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@00Pony, @@Miss Reaper,


Applejack also scanned the Human's living quarters once more, also taking note of the more 'foreign' objects, feeling more and more lost with each one spotted. As much as she didn't want to make the creature feel like she and Twilight were hayseeds -- any more than he more than likely thought so already -- she would have to swallow her pride and ask him what each and every one of them were, as not even Twi would know. Oh joy!


She looked over to Twilight, taking note that she was looking around as well before glancing back at her and saying that she wanted to try something. Twilight then closed her eyes, her face contorting to an expression of concentration. She looked down to see Twilight lift one of her strange clawlike appendages and flick it. She was using her magic!


Applejack looked around for whatever it was that was manipulated, just catching sight of the cupboard door open. Surely, the Human saw that!


Applejack looked over to the Human, only to frown. If he saw it, he certainly didn't look impressed. That frown was quickly replaced with a forced smile as he made his way to the table, offering the requested waters.


"So. Which of you wants to tell me how you ended up in the street?"


AJ looked over to Twilight, then back to the Human. "Like Ah said, Ah don't know what we can say to prove we ain't tellin' no stories. You can drink all ya want, but what Ah'm about to tell is the honest to goodness truth."


Applejack then took a moment to take a sip of her water before she began. "We were at The Summer Sun Celebration in Trottingham when outta nowhere, Changelings started attackin' Ponies. We went ta go and deal with those varmints, when this Ah spotted this freaky lookin' Dragon Pony witch who was castin' some sort of dark magic that swallowed Ponies up. Twi, Ah, and the others went to go stop 'er when she musta cast the same magic on us..." AJ said, looking down at the digits at the ends of her mutated forelegs, then back to the Human. "Like Ah said, it sounds like Ah'm tellin' a story, but it's what happened." She looked Bowen in the eyes, gauging his reaction before speaking again. "We're gonna need yer help. We got nowhere ta go, and we're gonna need ta find the others."


She then fell silent, waiting for either the princess or the Human to respond.

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Stephen stirred, stretched then turned as woke up, pleasantly surprised. He wasn't expecting to get much sleep, as well as have a nightmare or two, but to his surprise, his sleep was pleasant!


He lifted himself off the couch, and took notice of the bundle of sheets on the loveseat opposite him. Did Shawn come back to the loveseat? Lifting himself up further, he let out a yelp as he nearly lost his balance. It was friggin' Queenie! on there!


He tore out of his sheets, and quickly made his way to the bathroom. That overgrown gnat had better not have fed offa him, dammit!




A long shower and a change of clothes later, Stephen made his way to the kitchen, not wanting to wake Chrysalis. He spotted Aegis in front of the stove before spotting the carton of eggs, and smirked. "Morning. Need some help?"

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The Queen stirred a little as Stephen yelped. "Go away or go back to sleep... Tired..." She grumbled, adjusting the blankets and her position on the couch.




Aegis almost jumped when he heard a voice, since he'd been trying to figure out the stove, along with the finer points of using his new limbs and fingers. As most of what he was used to was meant for ponies, it was rather different. Still, he glanced in the direction of the voice, letting out a little sigh and smiling when he saw it was Stephen.


"Morning. Yeah, I could use some help with this. I'm, uh, not quite used to stuff like this. It's a little different to operate these things where I'm from." He said, wondering if he should tell Stephen why he was trying to use the stove instead of waiting for the twins to show him how to work it. "What does Shawn like with his eggs?"


As he asked that question, Aegis started blushing when he pictured himself giving Shawn breakfast in bed. He wasn't a slouch when it came to cooking, as his bell pepper stir-fry had been complimented many times before, but he wasn't used to this body. So he couldn't quite guarantee the quality yet, but the thought is what counts.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Heh." Pinkie Pie would soon find out just how "weird" humans were compared to Equestrians... and by "weird", she'd find them to be boring.


Thankfully, however, she didn't seem to put much stock in his mentioning that he'd take her home -- not that he meant it in any way bad, but still...


At least she focused on recounting how she got here, and that's what mattered right now:


"Well, we had this huge party, the Summer's Sun Celebration, at Trottingham. It was a pretty great party with candy and cake and all sorts of sweet and sour stuff."


Yep, this is the genuine Pinkie!


"Then the mean old Changelings and their Queen Meany, Chrysalis came and crashed the party."


"Wait... Chrysalis?" Erick inquired, but Pinkie continued before he could inquire further.


"Then this mean old dragon lady came along and started opening these weird holes in the ground. My friends and I tried to stop her, but Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were sucked into the portals."


Dragon lady?? Holes??? Erick was sure he had never heard of or seen such a villain in the show, so he let her finish.


"Rarity and I followed them and ended up here, but I guess we got separated. I don't know where they are, and I have to find them. And I dunno where to look. This place is big, and if our adventures taught me anything, it's that it's only gonna get bigger."


"If the others are here like you say, then there's probably a nut or two out there that claims they've found one 'a them," Erick said after taking a bite of his sandwich. "But in this world, you can't just take anyone at their word. I somehow have to get them to prove that they've found a real Equestrian, and aren't just posting to troll or get attention..." he added, more so musing to himself than to Pinkie. He returned his full attention to the former mare as a lightbulb went off. "Do know any more about that Dragon lady? Any Equestrians we find will possibly be able to corroborate your claim!"



Totally not copping out... or playing around with the code for colored text...


BTW, Erick's eating meat!





@@Windbreaker, @@Miss Reaper,


Having nothing better to do, Colette was just starting to compose an email meant for the twins. They were in a music school, right Perhaps she could get them to arrange the the synth chords for the next song! But what could she do in return?




But for now, that would have to wait. It seems like she got another message from Alex:


>> Hi!


Honestly, I didn’t expect a reply so soon. I had figured a few more days before you got back to me. Anyways, um, here’s what I had in mind.


1. I’d picked out the song ‘The Real Folk Blues’. The ending theme to the anime Cowboy Bebop, which is my favourite anime of all time.


2. I’d figured we split the vocals between us. I think that’s how it’s done. First time doing a collab, y’see.


3. The vocals are Japanese, and I can sing in Japanese, but I’d be happy to walk you through parts of it if you’d like. Especially the chorus. I kinda learned Japanese because I’m a huge anime and video game nerd.


4. I play the acoustic guitar, but I haven’t had a lot of success with music.


And thanks for this opportunity. It’s not every day you get to work with someone you admire.


Alex out ^^ <<


Oooo, Alex certainly had good taste in music! But her lack of language skills were best left unheard... However, that was no excuse to back out of a collab!


>> Ohh, I LOVE that song! But like I said, my Japanese isn't the best. Truth be told, I only know a handful of phrases, so I wouldn't be much help in the vocals department... just about the only language I know with any certainty is Latin!


Perhaps I could provide the chords for the electric guitar and bass? I could also upload the video to my channel, and say you're a featured artist? That sounded conceited, didn't it? My audience isn't all that large, but it should provide at least a little more exposure for your music!


Do you have Skype? Perhaps we can chat and further arrange the collab! My Skype handle is Hyn0ticD, but it shuld show up as HypnØticÐ. Why so original, right?? Hope to chat with ya soon!


- Colette. <<


Hopefully, Alex won't feel like she's copping out... Hopefully, they could work something out! It seems like Alex wants to collab as badly as she did!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Gloomfury, "Just how it should be," Clare replied, kissing her new girlf. "Now," she said, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes, "Let's get you dressed up."


Clare showed Shamrock her clothes, packed in two suitcases and a few bags. Her clothes were of the quirky type; some were punk style, with some retro clothes and Victorian style dresses as well. She picked out a short red velvet dress for herself, which was gothic lolita style and teamed it with fishnet tights and towering black platform boots.


"Now, you pick," Clare said. "I do have some trousers in there, if you don't want to wear a dress or skirt; my hot pink jeans, and there's some leopard print ones there, too."


Ooc: Clare's dress: http://www.my-lolita-dress.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/650x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/e/l/elpress-l-winter-dark-red-velvet-op-dress-2-el-3.jpg



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Pinkie swallowed and thought for a moment, but didn't seem to remember much about the dragon-lady she mentioned if the look on her face was anything to go by.


"Uh, I don't know much about her, 'cause I'd never seen her before. She was like...well, she was kinda like Nightmare Moon but way meaner. Like... Well, she was half-pony and half-dragon, but we didn't get the chance to see much of her when Chrysalis came at us. Oh boy was she angry. If she's in this world, I feel bad for anypony who finds her, 'cause she's serious bad news."


Pinkie said, though her hair was visibly straightening and wilting a little while her movements slowed. It was as if she was struggling with the idea that she may be alone here but trying to focus on the things that made her smile. Not exactly easy for Pinkie to do in an unfamiliar place when left alone with time to actually think instead of simply being Pinkie.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Pripyat Pony,

Shamrock gave Clare a smile. "That's gonna look cute on you. But I'm not sure what I should pick. Your dresses all look lovely." She said as she started looking though them. She was looking from something that would fit her well and look good on her. After looking at each of them closely, she finally found one that seemed that would fit her very well. Along with brown colored boots that reach under her knee.

"Sweet Celly I've never seen a dress like this back home. I love the way it looks, and the color too."

((Dress: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0a/30/e8/0a30e8c4d2aca6ed270fbb66fc69720f.jpg))

((Boots: http://http://goo.gl/3jDNHC ))

Edited by Gloomfury
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Stephen was all too eager to leave the queen be! He quickly vacated the living room, showered, dressed, and made his way to the kitchen. He was sure to have a nightmare or two tonight! God damned overgrown bug!




He smirked and chuckled a little as Aegis greeted him. "I'm surprised you can tell us apart! Even our own mother has trouble!" He said as he entered the kitchen, withdrawing a pan and cutting board from one of the upper cupboards. "As for Shawn? He's not too picky, so you can add just about anything you want to!"


With that, he migrated over to the refrigerator, pulling out a variety of vegetables as well as some bacon, glanced over to Aegis, then replaced the package. Perhaps he could cook it later! Shawn kept telling him that Ponies were vegetarians... Perhaps he could


Stephen then went to another cupboard door, withdrew cooking spray, then went back to the stove, making sure that Aegis was watching. "This is how you turn the stove on." He said, turning the rear burner on. "May I ask what's prompting you to cook for Shawn?" He then nudged Aegis and pointed to the living room, speaking in a hushed tone. "And do you know if we have to cook for the Giant wasp in the living room??"

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When Stephen mentioned being surprised that Aegis was able to tell the twins apart, Aegis was almost confused. But he was a Pegasus (or at least, he used to be) and thus needed heightened senses to be able to fly as fast as he did without sacrificing maneuverability. It seemed his natural perception had carried over to this form. "There's subtle differences in your tone and the way you speak that makes you and Shawn different. Not to mention some small differences in the way you hold yourself. I'd say Shawn's a bit more relaxed."


He watched Stephen turn on the stove, making sure to remember how to turn it on. Of course, then Shawn had to ask why Aegis was cooking for Shawn. He was immediately and visibly blushing. 'Calm down, Aegis. You've had a crush before and you've never overreacted. Clear water, Aegis. Be like clear water...' He thought to himself, immediately repeating his usual phrase in his head. He had a feeling he'd be saying it a lot in the next few days, if not months. He took a moment to collect his thoughts before answering, resulting in a more confident and relaxed response than he'd given previously, along with a warm smile.


"I'm just doing something nice for somepony I like. I was planning to cook for everyone, but if he doesn't wake up before breakfast is done, I'm planning to give Shawn breakfast in bed." Aegis said, the look on his face suggesting that he hoped Shawn would sleep in a while longer. "No idea about Queen Ham out there."


Naturally, they got a less-than-pleased response. "Would you two shut it? And besides, I have a name. I'd appreciate it if you would use it." Chrysalis said, under the impression that she wasn't going to get much more sleep after Stephen got up. At least Aegis was quiet...

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Uh, I don't know much about her, 'cause I'd never seen her before. She was like...well, she was kinda like Nightmare Moon but way meaner. Like... Well, she was half-pony and half-dragon, but we didn't get the chance to see much of her when Chrysalis came at us. Oh boy was she angry. If she's in this world, I feel bad for anypony who finds her, 'cause she's serious bad news."


Erick's brow furrowed a bit as he listened to Pinkie. "It's unfortunate, but maybe somepony out there could provide some information, to help better verify they are indeed Equestrian... And the queen's here?? To be honest, I hope no one's unlucky enough to find 'er!" Erick admitted. "But at the same time, she could be just as lost as anypony else..." at this remark, he snickered. "Like that's gonna stop her from being horrible!"


He looked over to Pinkie, whose untamed curls were now visibly straightening and losing its luster. "Uhm-- uhhh... perhaps someone's already found one of your friends? Or at least one of Avarice's victims!" He said, picking up his phone and beginning a search. Surely, there was someone out there crazy enough to--"


@@Pripyat Pony,


((Goin' offa this one again, 'cause it's the only usable post from Clare!))


>>"Here is me, still in the same town, but guess what? I met an actual Equestrian! Her name's Shamrock, and she's super cool! Anyone else meet a real live Equestrian? If so, then post in the comments or email me! As you ought to know by now, but in case you don't, my email address is, as always, PinkFluffyUnicorns@gmail.com, so hope to hear from you!"<<


"Well, that didn't take very long! Here, have a look!" He said, turning his phone so that Pinkie could get a good look.


Pictured were two women, one with pink hair, and the other was a rather muscular woman with dark red hair. Both looked to be all smiles, and both were wearing bright and unusual clothing.


"Now, I can't tell which one's the alleged Pony, as they both look pretty bizarre, but I'm gonna bite the bullet and email whomever uploaded the post and see if they're not trolling."


Once Pinkie was finished looking at the picture, and quite possibly the blog entry, Erick began composing his message:


>>Hello there!


I'll cut to the chase. I came across your blog post about finding an Equestrian, and I just wanted to ask, what makes you claim that exactly? Has Shamrock done anything unusual? If at all possible, can you capture said phenomena on a video? What do the kids say again? Pics, or it didn't happen? Yeah, I think that's the term!


Sorry to sound mean, but you can never just take someone at their word over the internet. If you'd like, you can send me a video directly, or send me a link in an email. Whatever you wanna do is fine. I just wanna see for myself.


Also, has Shamrock told you how she got here? Like, did she use any magic or anything like that?


Also, did anyone else contact you stating that they've found a Pony? If so, what dud they say?


You can reach me at Calhoun01@live.com. If you come across anyone else, feel free to give them my email address! I wanba hear from them. <<


He then sent the email, then turned his attention back to Pinkie. "Alright, sent her a message. Hopefully, we should hear back from this person soon. Keep your fingers crossed and hope she isn't lying! If she's telling the truth, I'll tell her about you, okay?? Until then, if you're done, wanna get outta here?"

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@@Gloomfury, Clare looked at the dress that Shamrock had picked out, and a smile spread across her face. "That dress would look stunning on you," she said. "I picked it up in a vintage store in the last town I stayed in. There's probably not another dress like that anywhere. A unique dress for a unique girl like you; it's perfect." She gave her girlfriend a little kiss.


@@Hypn0ticD, At that moment, Clare's phone buzzed, declaring that she had a message. "I won't be a minute," she added to Shamrock as she picked up her phone and checked it. A message from someone else who'd read her blog and who didn't think she was crazy! And, asking for proof. A big grin spread across Clare's face.


"Look," she said, showing the message to Shamrock. "He wants to see proof. I think that I could send him that video of you kicking arse and taking names down at the gym... let's see if he disbelieves me after that!"


Quickly, Clare uploaded the video on to her private Youtube channel and began to compose a message back to Erick.


Hiya, nice to hear from you. Yes, Shamrock did indeed tell me how she got here. Apparently, this dragon pony named Avarice attacked the Summer Sun Celebration in Trottingham and was opening up portals like nobody's business, and Shamrock was sucked thru one. So far, I've heard from a girl who claims to have found Rainbow Dash; including her email below. You can message her if you like, too!


As for this proof you mention, well, I don't know how clued up on the show you are, but it's canonically true that unicorns can do magic, pegasi have wings, and earth ponies are super strong. Watch the video I made of Shamrock in the gym, and tell me if you don't think that is an example of super strength! She's like Wonder Woman! I never seen anyone do that, even some of the men. By the way, the video at the moment is on my private channel, but I may just upload it to my public channel, too, if I get any more responses.


Message me back soon! By the way, I'm Clare. What's your name?


Clare quickly added the link to the video showing Shamrock in the gym, as well as the email address she had for Chloe, then sent the message.

Edited by Pripyat Pony
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