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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (RP Reboot)(On Hiatus)


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@@Gloomfury, "Well, that's true in some ways," Clare replied with a laugh. "I don't really like onion rings either, but we can ask the waiter to leave them off and add more chicken instead."


Their drinks arrived at that moment and Clare raised her glass. "To us," she said, smiling, "And to new aquaintence."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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@@Pripyat Pony,


Shamrock smiled and reaised her own glass, then clinging it gently to hers. Which made a lit ding sound. "Cheers." She said before taking a long drink from her glass.. "Aaaah, it's been a while since I've had a drink. It still is a bitter sweet taste but I love it." She set her drink down and wiped er mouth. "But I better start acting like a real lady and not a rowdy boxer lass."


She reached across the table and took Clare's hand. "I'm really glad I get to go on a real date with you instead of going to just some run down pub." She played with Clare's fingers a little. "I really like to be myself around you, but I sometimes get embarrassed about what you might think. I was lucky that you like to dress up as well. But I'm not sure about the other things." 

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@@GeneralDirection, @@~The Snowy Wolf~,


Chloe sighed as she caught at Rainbow's reaction out of the corner of her eye, and shook her head. It looked like she had some rather awkward explaining later!


"I know it doesn't! It doesn't make any sense to me, either, now that you're here, but remember that computer I was on, and how I said I was on the internet? That will be the answer to one of the many questions I'm sure you have, but like I said, I'll show you when we get home." Chloe then thought for a moment before speaking again. " And yes, I know about how your elements, and keys, represent which attributes of friendship you contribute to each other, and in turn all of Equestria, but we humans only get to see so much, so there's so much we don't know about you. I also believe asked you first..." she said thoughtfully. "But I'll ask again. What're your friends like? I wanna hear it from you--straight from the horse's mouth, as it were!"


She chuckled at her exceedingly bad pun right as she pulled up to the pub, and pulled into her usual spot, thankful no one took it. Chloe cut the engine, but leaned back in her seat as she looked to Rainbow Dash. "We have a few minutes, so I'm all ears. It doesn't need to be a secret or anything like that, but tell me something--anything about your friends..."






Stephen smirked as the queen of parasites left the kitchen for the time being. If standing up to her was all they had to do, then dealing with her shouldn't be so bad! It didn't address the matter of how they were gonna deal with that overgrown bug's need to feed, however...


"Where were we? Oh yeah, martial arts. I was actually gonna ask about that. I'm used to a different body, though, so it's going to be a little strange for me at first. Say, would you happen to know of anything I could use as an example of how to move like that in a body like this?" Aegis asked.


"Well, there's--" Stephen was immediately cut off by the Pegasus' exclamation, "Ah! Need to be careful with sharp things."


Stephen winced, then chuckled nervously at that; he was distracting Aegis. "Yeah. I was gonna tell you that there's a few parks where others like to show off their moves from time to time so you can pick up on their moves, but other than that, I don't have a clue. Maybe I should get outta your hair so you can finish up without chopping off a finger, and look for some places for you..."


With that, Stephen waved to Aegis as he left the kitchen, and headed back to his bedroom.


((A rather crappy post, but wanna f-f to breakfast?))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Aegis paused to wave back to Stephen before getting back to cooking. He was already getting back to normal...kind of. The form was different, but Aegis was already getting back into his general steady frame of mind. Which was good, considering he was handling a sharp knife.


Chrysalis, meanwhile, simply sat and pondered some things. Foremost in her mind was whether she done too much damage to consider asking their forgiveness, a feat that would require her to swallow her pride. It made her feel weak and helpless to consider such a thing, but it would be necessary to get them on her side.




A little bit later, Aegis tracked down Stephen and Chrysalis, setting plates with omelettes in front of them along with cutlery and a glass of milk each because he didn't know what the coffee machine was. "Onion and pepper omelettes. Not bad for my first attempt at cooking with unfamiliar appendages. Anyway, enjoy."


Chrysalis stood up. "Wait a sec. Aegis...I would like to make a request. One kiss to replenish my power, and I promise you a favour in return."


"I'll think about it. For now, I've got to take Shawn's breakfast to him." Aegis said, getting back to the kitchen and trying to figure out what Chrysalis wanted. Last night, she'd just forcibly kissed him and now she was trading favours? She was up to something for sure. But he put it out of his mind as he took the tray in to Shawn, checking to see if he was awake before entering the room.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Sounds like fun! Are you excited? 'Cause I'm excited! I'm so excited! I wish my friends were here to have fun with us, but I'm so excited anyway!"


And there Pinkie went again, prattling on. "Well, it's just my apartment, so it's not that exciting!" Erick said as he led Pinkie to the front counter. He caught sight of the waitress giving the pink former mare a strange look, but merely smiled as he paid for their meals. He then led Pinkie outside. If she had any idea! "Alright, follow me. I don't live far, but stay close! This isn't Manehattan or Fillydelphia."


The buildings towered into the black alien sky, each one illuminated inside and out by something most alien. The street lamps, though vaguely familiar, were taller and shone brighter than those in any big Equestrian city, but were shaped differently. Even at this late hour, carriages of all shapes and sizes zipped about the paved roads, and were a great deal faster than any taxi pony-- quite a feat considering that not a single one of them had a pony pulling them!


A few humans were also out and about this time of night as well, all dressed in dark, boring, unfrilly clothes much like Erick was. Were Rarity here, she'd surely have a meltdown at the drabness of human fashion!


Erick continued to lead Pinkie down the road, stopping at a few crosswalks before arriving at their destination, a hulking building.


"Here we are!" Erick said, "The Astoria Tower! The place I call home." He then opened the door for Pinkie, bowing slightly with an "after you!" before following her inside. He then led her to the front desk, and greeted the man seated behind it.


"Hi Jim! This is Diane. She'll be staying with me for a little while." He said, gesturing to pink haired girl in the brightly colored clothes.


"I know it's been a while Erick, but don't you think she's a little young for you??" Jim asked. "NO! It's nothing like that!" Erick responded, his face going red. "She's my niece, and is having problems at home, so she came to stay with me. Just let upper management know, and I'll speak to them on Monday."


Erick then turned and led Pinkie Pie to the elevators, face still a little flushed. "Don't mind him," he said, pushing the button. "He... nevermind!" Erick led Pinkie Pie into the elevator, pressed the button for his floor, and leaned back.




19 floors later, and Erick was leading his new guest to his door. "It's no Canterlot, but it's home!" He said, opening the door to his apartment.


The door led them directly into the foyer, with the door to the bathroom to the left, and the entrance to the kitchen on the right. Erick led Pinkie into the living room, which held dark furniture, coupled with a large table in the center, as well as a dark wooden entertainment center that housed a large flat screen tv. He went to another door on the wall closest to them, opening it to reveal his bedroom.


"You can crash in here," Erick said, heading over to the closet, stepping back out with a rather peculiar shirt and pants.


"They'll be big on you, but at least you'll have something to sleep in! We'll go clothes shopping tomorrow, so you can have something that'll fit during your time here.


Erick then made his way back to the door, stepped out, but poked his head back in. "I'll leave ya to it to get dressed. It's not too different from when you were a pony, so it shouldn't take too long. Lemme know when you're done!"


Erick then closed the door, giving Pinkie some much needed privacy.



Erick's floor plan


((It took me five tries to add this post in its entirety! >_>))


Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Rainbow rolled her eyes at Chloe's bad pun and silently considered her question for a moment. Back in Equestria, she would often get ponies asking her what her friends were 'really like', and most of the time they turned out to be reporters for some newspaper trying to make her friends look bad. However, with this being a completely different world, Dash figured that anything she said here would be staying here.


"Okay," she replies, "I don't know the full extent of what your internet says about our world, but I will tell you as it is from my eyes. Even though our society views us as heroes, we really aren't much more than a group of friends that like to hang out and do awesome stuff together. I'm not saying that we didn't save our world from impending doom multiple times, but all the attention gets annoying after a while. Even for me." She smirked. "Can't go anywhere without somepony bothering you. At least I can hide in the clouds; I kinda feel bad for my friends that can't, though…"


She went quiet for a bit before speaking again. "Anyway, I guess that doesn't really answer your question, does it? My friends are awesome ponies, but even they have their problems. Nopony's perfect, ya know? AJ's real honest with other ponies and she's always hard at work at the farm, but there's times when I wish she'd just take a break and hang out with us. There have also been times when I wish she'd just keep her mouth shut about things. But she just can't help herself, I guess. Rarity is really good at what she does, and she enjoys helping other ponies when she can, but she can act rather...girly, I guess you would call it. Can't get her hair or her hooves dirty, world's gonna end otherwise. Fluttershy isn't as much of a doormat as she used to be, but she still could do with being more direct with ponies now and then. Pinkie is a blast to hang out with, although I think her constant need to make everypony happy can make her seem insensitive sometimes. And Twilight? She's a total egghead! I mean, she lives in a tree, reading books, casting spells, and doing experiments all the time. She really could do with getting out more."


"But eh, like I said, nopony's perfect. I like all my friends for who they are, despite their problems." She smiled.  


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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"I'm Corsica," she said awkwardly with her arms crossed at her wrists. "So uhh... What now?" She was once again in an uncomfortable position, being in an unfamiliar place with no one she knew.


@Pripyat Pony


"And this wasn't what I was expecting to do either... How about we go get something to eat and you can get a drink there?" Cat turned back to Cicada and smiled. "Did you find out where she is?"


((It's not much of anything, I know. Feel free to god mod if you need to))

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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@@~The Snowy Wolf~@@Miss Reaper@@Astral Legend,


"First off, you don't have to explain a thing. You're from Equestria, right? Well, you're not the first Equestrian I've found. Why not come and meet the others? Then I've got a call to make and the four of us need to figure out living arrangements while I think of an alibi for you guys being here. If it was just one of you, Dad would just assume I met a girl at work and, like all teenagers do, brought her home while he wasn't here. 2 girls and a kid is not so easy to explain." Alex said, with a strained expression on his face as he unwittingly worked himself into a panic.


He led her back down to the living room. "Fluttershy, Spike, we have another guest. Her name is Corsica. Sound familiar at all?" He didn't intend to sound on edge, but he was starting to feel like he couldn't handle this situation and panic was inevitable.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@~The Snowy Wolf~, "Yes, I did," Cicada replied, feeling despair at what her Queen had told her. "She's among less sympathetic... people, I think you said that your kind is called. They see my Queen as being a villain, and I suppose that they've heard about what happened at Canterlot. But surely they would have more empathy for her being trapped in a world not her own? I know that ponies don't think much of we changelings, but I hope that we would do better for one of their kind who was trapped in ours."


Cicada didn't even want to think about what would happen if Avarice found her way here. The geis was still fixed on the changelings, meaning that she and Chrysalis would be forced to help Avarice in any plan if she chose to invoke it. The alternative was suffering unending agony of the sort that nopony could ever hope to live thru. Cicada voiced her thought aloud.


"If Avarice makes it to this world, then we're all in deep trouble," she said. "She could invoke the geis on our Hive and make my Queen and I help her and we wouldn't be able to stop her. I just hope that she remained back in Equestria."


Cicada didn't have very high hopes of the Royal Sisters being able to do anything to stop the dragon pony. After all, from what she'd heard from various sources, Celestia had been defeated by Avarice the first time and Luna had barely been able to win the battle. The dragon pony was a terrifying enemy, who cared very little for her reluctant allies and even less for the ponies she wished to defeat and impose her will upon.




Diego stood nearby, not paying any attention to the conversation between the changeling and the human, and instead amused himself by watching the people nearby. He wasn't interested in the slightest at why the changeling had suddenly stopped and gone daft and he wasn't about to try and find out. Diego couldn't help but laugh loudly as a man wearing a suit walked straight into a lamp post while talking into a weird metal box thing. The man glared in Diego's direction before marching off, visibly upset and with the beginnings of a black eye. Diego looked about and saw lots of these weird humans talking into similar boxes; there was even a shop nearby with the boxes in the window. He wandered away from Cat and Cicada to look in the window of the shop. The boxes had buttons with numbers and a glass square in the front. He rolled his eyes. What good were any of these stupid things anyway? Especially if they made people walk into lamp posts.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Pinkie was in awe of the carriages, but she didn't quite feel as happy about the drab colours. It just didn't seem right to her. Maybe she'd have to do something about that once she found her friends. Twilight could whip up a spell, no problem. But no one really looked happy. At least, not how Pinkie would define it.


"Does anypony smile around here? Why are the only colours out here some kind of grey and maybe brown? Does fun exist in this world? Oh, maybe that's it! Maybe we need to bring fun here when we find my friends." Pinkie babbled all the way to Erick's apartment, skipping along beside him.


She finally finished her rambling, having reached the topic of watermelons somehow, by the time they reached the building. Pinkie simply skipped inside with a cheery “Thank you!”, hands behind her back and her frilly skirt bouncing merrily.


While Erick sorted things out with the man at the front desk, Pinkie's eyes wandered until she heard Erick get flustered, prompting a giggling fit from the pink-haired former party pony. She kept giggling and laughing all the way to the elevator.




“So, that boxy window thingy you were looking at back at the cafe place...what is that thing? What does it do? Is it just a window thingy to let you look at people you don’t know? And why'd that guy say what he said?” Pinkie asked, bombarding Erick with questions in the elevator. The ride itself was boring, so Pinkie decided to satisfy her curiosity.




"It's no Canterlot, but it's home!"


It did look like a home alright. Pinkie looked around the place, though she looked like she wanted to inspect everything more closely. This meant touching things, some of which she probably wasn’t supposed to touch. Taking the lesson she learned from her little misadventure with Cranky Doodle Donkey, she’d decided against it...for now. Not that she had much choice in the matter, since Erick was leading her somewhere, but the entertainment system caught her eye.


“Oooh, another one of those window thingies. Does this one do what the little one does, only bigger?”


Of course, she was swiftly led to a bedroom and handed what appeared to be clothes. For some reason, the pants had pictures of her and her friends on it. And the shirt had a silhouette of her.


“It’s a picture of me!” She exclaimed happily as she changed clothes, her old ones laying haphazardly on the floor. Once she was done changing, she came out in the shirt, pants and her socks. “These are really comfy. I like the breezy feel.”

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@00Pony, @@Miss Reaper,


It was all Applejack could do to keep herself from groaning aloud as the human returned with their drinks. How could he have missed that?!


To make matters worse, he refused to believe her when she recounted their plight, and even went so far as to mock her, adding some nonsense like 'OC material' and 'role play'. As far as she knew, Applejack never heard such terms, and was fairly certain Twi didn't either, but like that mattered. What mattered was convincing this human that they weren't full of hot air, but how in the hay were they supposed to do that if he was gonna be pig headed?!


Applejack looked over to Twilight again, unsure of where to go at this point. Unless she-- read her mind!


Twilight had raised her hand again, using her magic once more to levitate her glass to her mouth, take a sip, then lowered it slightly whilst she addressed him. If this wasn't proof that at least Twilight was Equestrian, Applejack didn't know what she would do!


She smirked as she turned back to face the human. "Well, mister? Whaddya say? Do ya believe us now, or should Twi splash some water on ya??"




((Awesome job, but you're a little behind on a few things...))


"Well, saving Equestria five times is quite the feat!" Chloe said with a smirk. "That's pretty damned awesome if you ask me! And now, you even went to a whole new world! I'm sure not even Daring Do herself has even done that!" Chloe said with a smirk, adding "I'm sure that every reporter on Equus would wanna hear your story when you get back!"


Chloe then fell silent and allowed Rainbow to describe each one of her friends. "Yeah, that sounds like 'em alright! But that sounds like stuff we already see." Chloe replied, before realizing something. "Wait a minute... wasn't the library destroyed and replaced by the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom? And doesn't Twilight have a kingdom all her own now?" Chloe asked, wondering how Rainbow could've missed it.


She then checked the time, and gasped. It would have to wait until later! "Crap, we gotta head in! Come on!" She said as she practically peeled herself from her seat. She turned and awaited Rainbow Dash to exit the car, rushing inside once she was out. "I'm here!" Chloe called out as she spotted her sister*. "I had to get--" she turned to face Rainbow Dash, her brow knit in thought. "I had to get, uh, Rachel here! She was askin' if she could work here for a while! Is dad around??"


((@@~The Snowy Wolf~,

Since I took over Chloe, you mind being her sister?))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Gloomfury, Clare gently entwined her fingers in Shamrock's. "Never mind the other things for the moment," she said. "Let's just enjoy this evening we have together, and worry about everything else tomorrow. I'll need to show you around, and, I expect, explain about a few things in this world that you don't have in yours. And in return, you can tell me things about Equestria. For example, where do you go to have fun in Equestria? What is school like? And what about your celebrations? We have Christmas here which is a lot like your Hearth's Warming Eve, but with differences."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Rarity sighed, sitting back with these strange legs folded awkwardly beneath her after she gave up on walking for the most part. She was getting nowhere, at least not anytime soon. Whatever had happened to her, it made it terribly difficult to walk!


Not long after that, she heard someone approaching, and she turned her head only to flinch and raise one limb up to shield her eyes from the source of light being aimed at her. Where was that light even coming from? It seemed far too powerful to be from a unicorn; a light spell cast a far gentler glow than this.


Then a voice, calling to her, asking if she was alright. "I-I'm fine, honestly!" she answered straightaway. "Perhaps my dignity might be a tad wounded, but I - " She interrupted herself, her face immediately brightening at the mention of one of her friends. "You have? Oh, thank goodness, for a moment I thought I was stuck here all alone!"


At once, she tried to push herself up to her feet and stumbled again before she could get even halfway up. She appeared perfectly aware, of course, but these peculiar new limbs were hopelessly hard to control and she knew she was making a fool of herself. Glancing to the stranger, fluttering her long eyelashes out of nerves more than anything, she said with a sheepish smile, "If you could be a dear and help me up, that would be appreciated..."

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Shawn was still on Stephen's bed, snoring his head off as per usual. The latter sighed as he tiptoed over to his laptop, making sure not to wake his twin.




One successful sneak into his own room and Google search later, Stephen found himself frowning and crossing his arms. There were plenty of martial arts schools in the area, but what discipline did Aegis practice? Or rather, which human style would translate the best? And could they afford to pay for classes once they found the right place?


He was distracted from his thoughts when Aegis appeared, bringing him admittedly the best looking omelets he'd ever lay eyes on. "Looks wonderful, Aegis! I'd say for someone who's using their hands for the first time, you did a damned good job. Thanks!" Stephen said softly, so as to not wake his brother, who was still very much out cold. He didn't hesitate to start eating his breakfast as Aegis snuck out of the room*, only to be stopped by Chrysalis.


He overheard the exchange between the Aegis and Chrysalis, and stepped out of the room just as the conversation had ended. And just what was this favor she promised?? He eyed the Changeling as he made his way to the dining room, just as Aegis was making her return trip to the bedroom.


Stephen sat down at the small table as he continued to leer at the Queen. "What was this favor you're promising Aegis...?"




((Can't think of a proper response for Shawn at the moment without straight up Godmoding, so I'll let Aegis do his thing, then take it from there!))

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"Looks wonderful, Aegis! I'd say for someone who's using their hands for the first time, you did a damned good job. Thanks!"


Aegis smiled at the compliment. "You're welcome, Stephen."




"What was this favor you're promising Aegis...?" 


Chrysalis shrugged. "That was for Aegis to decide. In exchange for some of her love, I would owe her a favour. It'd be best if it came from her, since she's smitten with your twin brother. And given the vibes I got from him, he feels similarly attracted to her. And placing myself in her debt seemed preferable to me simply taking it by force. Furthermore, I have to find some way to make it up to you all for my behaviour last night." She said, starting to eat her omelette. If she weren't a changeling, it might be fulfilling, but sadly, it couldn't restore her power or sustain her body.




Aegis crept over to the desk and set the tray down, before creeping over to the bed beside Shawn. He sat down and whispered sweetly to Shawn.  "Breakfast is ready, Shawn. Time to wake up."

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Windbreaker,@@Miss Reaper,


Spike had to admit as he was sitting there, he realized just how even more strange this world was. It didn't help that there was no way he could send a letter back to Equestria. He was kinda scared to. Considering he'd probably be scolded by Twilight because he was on the field of battle where he lost control. Everytime he tried to think about it, the only feeling that he was met with was anger and rage. Not exactly in that order. It also didn't help he had a nightmare prior to waking up when he passed out from exhaustion and hunger. Speaking of which, he was still very hungry but he didn't really make that noticeable besides there was still the problem of finding out how he and Fluttershy got here or a way that they could get back. He couldn't lie to himself that this was going way over his head. Twilight would have a better idea of it better than he would but he had to stay strong for Fluttershy and attempt to try to solve this mystery by himself. After all, he was Twilight's number one assistant! With that resolve set, he heard the door open. Most likely due to Alex coming back.


Seeing that he came in with yet another girl but the question that Alex had asked if she seemed familiar. Spike tried to think but nothing came to mind yet. Considering how she was walking and definitely the way she acted, she wasn't from around here. He wasn't talking about this world but she was definitely Equestrian. Her look said it all. Spike just slowly shook his head. "I'm sorry. She doesn't look familiar to me. I haven't met her before but that doesn't mean anything right now. Still, it's nice to meet you. I'm Spike the Dragon, it's nice to meet you." he looked at her. She and Alex could probably see deep green reptilian eyes. It almost seemed as if you could get lost in them considering how big they were. 

Edited by Astral Legend
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@Windbreaker, @Miss Reaper, @Astral Legend,


Corsica's eyes widened and she looked back at Alex. "Fluttershy?" She turned back and took a couple steps closer to her. "You mean the Fluttershy? The one that saved Equestria a bunch of times? Wow! It's an honour to meet you." She then looked over to the kid. "And who are you?"


@Hypn0ticD, @GeneralDirection,


Chloe's sister turned around from behind the counter and eyed her curiously. "Aye, he passed by and I told him that you were running a bit late, but you'd get here. He didn't stay too long though."

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Erick glanced over to Pinkie Pie every now and again as they walked, doing his best to read her expression as they made their way to his apartment. She seemed to take in the sights well enough, but didn't seem to happy... was it because she was here all by herself?


"Does anypony smile around here? Why are the only colours out here some kind of grey and maybe brown? Does fun exist in this world? Oh, maybe that's it! Maybe we need to bring fun here when we find my friends." Pinkie Pie asked as she skipped alongside Erick, earning herself a few awkward stares here and there from passersby.


Erick ignored them as he answered the former mare, or at least tried to. "Well-- it's rather hard to explain, but we do smile, and we do have fun, but just it's just in a different way." Erick paused a moment, think of what else to say. Oh, where was he going with this?! "Things are much different here than they are in Equestria, but you can see that, can't you...?" Erick asked, laughing nervously. He had no idea just how to explain the differences between humans and Equestrians, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he very well will have to at some point or another!


"As for the lack of color-- well, the Human World just doesn't have as much color in it as Equestria does. It--" Erick fell silent, losing what he was trying to say yet again. But just as well. Pinkie was probably thoroughly lost by his poor explanation, though she didn't seem to mind, for she had began to prattle on whatever seemed to come to mind.


Pinkie was rambling on about watermelons by the time they reached the apartment's entrance. "You're welcome!" he chirped, unusually happily, as he let Pinkie through the door. Erick quickly explained "Diane's" reason for being there, only to get a rather salacious inquiry by the night concierge. And just where did that come from?!


Erick felt his cheeks grow that much hotter as Pinkie giggled her way to the elevator; he seriously hoped she didn't hear, or get the gist of, what was asked of him.




“So, that boxy window thingy you were looking at back at the cafe place...what is that thing? What does it do? Is it just a window thingy to let you look at people you don’t know?"


"In a way, you're right!" Erick replied. "This is called a phone, and almost every person you'll meet will have at least one. They let people talk or send messages to one another even when they're really far away from each other, and browse what's called the internet--which people do a lot nowadays, because there's a lot you can do on there!" Still not not a very good explanation, but a far better one than the lack of smiling and bright clothing...


"And why'd that guy say what he said?” Shit. Of course Pinkie caught it! "He, uh-- well he asked because he thought you and I are--uhhmm..." How was he gonna explain what bringing a girl home even implied without irrevocably corrupting her??




"Oh, we're here!" Erick said quickly, breathing a sigh of relief. He was literally saved by the bell on that one! The birds and the bees can be explained, hopefully by another Equestrian, some other time!




"It's no Canterlot, but it's home!"


Erick didn't notice Pinkie looking all around, as he was far too focused with getting Pinkie changed and ready for bed, until she made a comment about the flat screen. “Oooh, another one of those window thingies. Does this one do what the little one does, only bigger?”


"Sort of." Erick said as he led her to his bedroom. "That big screen's a t.v., and it lets us watch what're called shows and movies. You can even watch a show where you and your friends are in it!" Was that last part too much?


Of course, she was swiftly led to a bedroom and handed what appeared to be clothes. For some reason, the pants had pictures of her and her friends on it. And the shirt had a silhouette of her.


Erick held up the set of pajamas just then, wondering how Pinkie Pie would take it. “It’s a picture of me!” she chirped happily. A much better reaction than he expected! "I'll leave ya to it to get dressed. It's not too different from when you were a pony, so it shouldn't take too long. Lemme know when you're done!" Erick said as he made his way out of the room, so as not to catch sight of anything that shouldn't be seen.




“These are really comfy." Pinkie said as she emerged from the room. "I like the breezy feel.”


Erick turned to look up at Pinkie Pie placing his phone down on the coffee table. Noting that other than the bagginess of his clothes off her rather tiny frame, she sported them rather well! "Looks great! Wait here whilst I get dressed. I won't be long!" Erick then rose from the couch, stepped into the bedroom, and closed the door.



The t.v. and the phone... which should be meddled with first...? Go on, get curious! I'll stall Erick! :umad:


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@@Pripyat Pony


Shamrock thought a minute or two on what to say. "Well, we also have nightmare night. Which is were everyone dresses up in costumes and have parties. The colts and fillies also go from do to door and ask for candy. My da use to take me out do do that till I was 13. It was loads of fun considering I wasn't able to do it before. For the teenagers we mostly called it hooligan night.


We would throw eggs at houses and toilet paper at trees.  Sometimes get in fight in the sewers. Most don't know this but there's basically an underground city in the sewers of Detrot. It's mostly filled with homeless ponies, gangs, ponies doing black market dealings and what not. 


Any way we also have a few other celebrations. Like heritage day. It where we have other races shear there history and there customs. Like the Donkeys, Breezies, Minotaurs, Griffons and the like. Along with ponies from Prance, Germanigh and Stalliongrad. Last year we even had a dragon show up. "

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Alone with the phone thingy and the big window thingy and some free time while Erick was getting ready. Pinkie's dilemma started instantly. She was curious about what these things did and how they worked, but the last time she went and touched everything hadn't worked out well. But eventually, curiosity won out and she moved over to inspect the phone, turning it over and looking at it from all angles trying to figure out how to turn it on.


"Is there an 'on' switch for this? Does it work by voice? Maybe I'll try it. Ahem...turn on." She said, though nothing seemed to happen. So she started pressing buttons to see if that worked. The screen lit up, but Pinkie couldn't figure out the symbols. Naturally, she picked at random, activating the camera function. "Oooh...How does this work?"

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Miss Reaper,


Colette lifted an eyebrow as she shone the light oh the stranger's back. This chick just had to be with the blue lady out in back, if her hair was indication... was there a cosplay meetup that she didn't know about? If so, why wasn't she privy to it??


"Ma'am, are you okay? Are you looking for your friend, 'cause I think I found 'er out back..."


The woman turned to face her, only to shield her eyes as Colette approached, to which she lowered the flashlight. "I-I'm fine, honestly!" Really now? Then what's with all the stumbling? From what she could tell, the woman wasn't slurring her speech, oddly enough, nor was she swaying. That ruled out inebriation, at least!


"Perhaps my dignity might be a tad wounded, but I - " the woman stopped herself short. "You have? Oh, thank goodness, for a moment I thought I was stuck here all alone!"


Now, why would she say she'd be alone?? Colette was about to ask, but that would have to wait, as the woman was trying to get to her feet, but failing miserably. It was all Colette could do to keep from groaning as the woman looked to her for assistance. She may not be drunk, but she may not be sober, either! Joy...


"If you could be a dear and help me up, that would be appreciated..."


Colette sighed as she took the woman by the hand, and with one good tug, had her standing upright. "There. Can you walk?"

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Alex wandered back into the kitchen, taking the still whistling kettle off the active hotplate and turning off the stove. It would be a little while before it cooled down enough to make tea with and he needed something to help him relax and think about this rationally before he gave himself a stress-induced heart attack. So, Corsica wasn't one of Fluttershy and Spike's friends. That was kind of a pity because having another of her friends around would help Fluttershy's confidence. And he had enough to worry about without adding their quirks to it. He just wanted to go and calm down with a few games, but that wouldn't make him a good host.


He came back out to the living room and sat down in the seat in front of the laptop, looking incredibly stressed by now. To think he'd been playing Titanfall not long ago and now all this...


(It's kinda crappy, but that is honestly all I got right now.)

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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"Looks wonderful, Aegis! I'd say for someone who's using their hands for the first time, you did a damned good job. Thanks!"


Aegis smiled at the compliment. "You're welcome, Stephen."


Stephen smiled and nodded to Aegis in response before stepping out of the room to go speak to Chrysalis...




"What was this favor you're promising Aegis...?"


The queen shrugged in response, then added, "That was for Aegis to decide. In exchange for some of her love, I would owe her a favour. It'd be best if it came from her, since she's smitten with your twin brother." there were no arguments there. It looked like Shawn and Aegis were to become quite the item! "And given the vibes I got from him, he feels similarly attracted to her. And placing myself in her debt seemed preferable to me simply taking it by force." Stephen narrowed his eyes a bit at this. Who's to say that she wouldn't just take by force if she got too hungry again? Would it even be wise to trust what she's saying now?? "Furthermore, I have to find some way to make it up to you all for my behaviour last night."


"Oh?" Stephen said, raising an eyebrow. "Well, you can start by not faceplanting into pavement. Hospital bills around here aren't cheap. That visit set us back several hundred dollars. Add to that, we have to foot your bill." With that, Stephen rose to his feet and walked out of the kitchen. He hadn't realized just how much enmity he held toward the queen, and needed a moment away from her, to clear his head...




Shawn stirred Aegis whispered into his ear, turned to face her, then smiled. "Hey there!" He said, voice fogged with sleep. He then sat up on his elbows. "Breakfast, you say? Let's see what ya got!"


((Again, cant really think of doing anything without Godmoding, so...))






Erick made his way to the bathroom, running a hand down his face and sighing.


As if it didn't already sink in, THE Key of Laughter was in his apartment, wearing his clothes, and was about to sleep in his bed, and ultimately depending on him to get her in contact withhome. Hypothetically, this would be a Brony's dream come true, but factor in a job like his, limited free time, and her naivete about this world, and one would only begin to fathom the difficulties of pulling off such a feat. There was the task of locating her friends, provided they were in this world and on the same continent, getting in contact with them, assuming that he didn't run into a troll, and actually getting to them... Add to that, there was the fact that he had to give advance notice to take time off--


"Agh!" Erick found himself gripping the bridge of his nose, as he had worked himself into yet another migraine. 'I need to stop worrying like this!' He thought as he climbed in to the shower. 'But all the same, this is Pinkie Pie here... I'm gonna need a smoke after this!'


Erick turned the shower on, and sighed again as he let the hot water run over his body, taking a little stress from the day away...




((I'm gonna try my hand at this, though it's not gonna be very good...))


The screen came to life as Pinkie activated the camera feature, capturing everything on its window like an Equestrian camera, only much, much smaller. And as Erick said, this was not just a mere camera... it could also send messages to people who're far away, and get on what Erick called 'the internet'...




@@~The Snowy Wolf~, @@GeneralDirection,


((Let's get the ball rolling on Rainbow and Chloe again! And Wolf, I have to admit, that was REALLY paltry...))


Chloe sighed. At least he won't question her choices in potential new hires just yet! "When dad gets back, just let him know that I've decided to give Rachel--" she turned to glance at Rainbow Dash, "here a shot ta work, as she could use the money. If he has any questions, and he will, tell 'im ta come find me." With that, she too Rainbow Dash by the arm, and led her to a door in the back that had a large "Staff Only" sign.


"Alright, here's your backstory," Chloe began as she closed the door behind her. "It's not all that good, but I'm making it up as I go... Your name is Rachel Dawson, you're from the United States, and you've come here to Ireland to get in touch with your Irish roots, but the trip here cost a lot more than you thought it would, and you found you were broke in no time flat. Not to brag or anything, but Ah found you wandering around on the streets, and decided ta help ya out."


Chloe took a moment to study Rainbow's expression to gauge if she got any part of the story. "See if you can repeat any of that back ta me..."


((Crappily short, but I hope it's something you can work with, GeneralDirection! I'll try to make the next post longer and better!))

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((I'm just happy to be able to post again! :lol: ))


"Quit dragging me around all over the place, would ya?" Rainbow remarked rather crossly. "I have learned how to walk now, alright?"


Chloe then proceeded to explain to Dash what her new backstory would be.


Rainbow blinked a few times; slightly overwhelmed by the large amount of information she had just thrown at her. "Right. So...now my name's Rachel, I'm from a country I've never heard of called 'the United States of something', and I've now decided to visit Ireland to get in touch with my non-existent Irish roots. Then I totally blew my budget, which is so totally unlike me, and then you found me on the street and set me up with this job to help me out. All of which is not true, except for the last part about you finding me." Dash was silent for a moment, contemplating her new fake life in this world. "Well, I have had to work with worse. I guess I'll be able to go with this, although I'm still not so sure about this whole waitress-ing thing. But I suppose I don't have much of a choice now, do I?" She asked, remaining unimpressed with the whole situation.  


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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@@GeneralDirection, @@~The Snowy Wolf~,


((I'll try my best to keep you active, then! ;) ))


 "Sor~ry! Ah just didn't want ya ta wander off! Chloe said as she continued to drag her to the staff room, conveying a rather rushed backstory for the former Pegasus, then proceeded to explain to Dash what her new backstory would be, and listened as she repeated it back to her, nodding and "right!" for each she covered.


"Well, like I said. It's not the best story, but it'll have to do for now. Once you get the hang of the human world, you can add or change whatever you want, but for now, follow me..."


Chloe then led 'Rachel' back out to the main area, and then on to the bar. "Alright, I'll start you off with something simple. All you have to take drinks to patrons when I make 'em. That Sound fair?"


Just then, an older man approached the bar, gave Rainbow a questioning glance, then turned his attention back to Chloe. "The usual for me and my friends, my dear. We'll be at our usual seat."


"It'll be right out!" Chloe chirped, immediately grabbing several glass beer mugs and filling them with drafts and ales from the tap. When all was said and done, Chloe had filled half a dozen mugs and placed them on a rather large tray. "See that table over there?" Chloe asked, pointing to the one in the far corner, which seated six older, rugged men. "This goes to them. Carry it like this..." she asked, picking the tray up and holding it above one shoulder with ease, before setting it down. "Now you try!"

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