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open To justify the means ( IC RP)

Vae Victis

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----------------------(the arena in canterlot)-----------



Avaerus had created a magical viewing mirror In the arena. It was showing him and Zephrael the fight. So far, it looked like kazas would lose.



" looks like he became to greedy for a fight. At this point, he might di-.... Zephrael, where are you going?"


Zephrael had started to hover off the ground, looking at the westward sky in the direction of ponyville.



" to make sure he doesn't slaughter everyone. He's holding back for the fun of it. I used to do the same thing. Plus, they are not interacting with him in the way we intended. They were suppose to try and make him see reason. Instead, that foolhardy samurai decided to step up to challenge kazas before truly trying to scope his power. At this point, he has been feeding samurai just so that he can strike him down at full strength. He's been hiding the fact that he is at stage four... It looks like he had completely skipped stage three. He can now internalize extreme levels of power from the object you gave him. At this point...it's only a matter of time before he reveals that. I'm going to end it."



" very well.... Be careful zephrael. May Sannis's soul watch over you."



Zephrael nodded, and flew off.




No one was there. Avaerus could finally do it. Avaerus got on his knees and started to mourn, and pray.



" Allmaker..... I wish there was a better way. You granted me wisdom and great magical power. And yet, in my mind... This was the only perceivable way.... Why allmaker? Why isn't my power enough... Why is this the only conclusion I could think of? Please, remove this corruption that I suffered in Tartarus... Have mercy on me, Allmaker. I am no saint. I have become sinner. A monster to my beloved children whom of which curse me in life and death... And allmaker, I ask that you have mercy on Zephrael's soul.... It was I who coerced him into doing this. Do not blame the murders on him... For I take upon myself his guilt. May he find respite in your paradise, while I burn in the righteous fires of the very bottom of Tartarus..."







Oh, now this one was a trickster. A teleporter, AND a fire magic user? This was perfect! It seems as though it was time to get serious!



Samurai had grabbed on to one of kazas's limbs, but not before slashing him in the back. Turns out, this new kazas liked the thrill of pain. Using his flame, he opened up his claw, and a ball of flame did appear. He brought it to samurai's side, and smiled.




" you are a little glory whore aren't you... Well then.... Lets see how you handle fire that's too strong for you to take!"



The ball exploded! It sent samurai flying away from kazas, and spiraling to the ground. Kazas then diverted flight away from the patch of thornes and back into the sky.


" it'll take a lot more than that! Give me a reason to stop toying with you all! Give me a reason to fight for real!"

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Samurai finds himself being blown up into the sky, higher than before.

A blast at point blank range like that would normally be very lethal for a normal pony. But like the other champions here, Samurai is anything but ordinary.

As he flies upwards, the flames from the blast follow him. Samurai is absorbing all of it as fast as he can.

"I've been holding back since the chaos began. It's a technique I was taught that I wanted to save for just the right occasion... It's time."

Once fully absorbed and once he has reached the height of his ascent into the sky, Samurai does his best to flip and spin across.


When Kazas re-ascends into the sky, he sees Samurai doing everything he can to over stretch himself.
It is only with a swing of the bottom end of his sword is he JUST BARELY able to lasso Kazas in with the long cloth chained to the handle.

And when he does so, he grabs onto Kazas again and closes his eyes.

In the span of only a second or two, Samurai concentrates, chanting a spell in his head...


"I call upon the brightest of lights
To shield me from evil and fright
This light exists within my soul
And now I summon it to protect me whole!


And then, Samurai opens his eyes, and his eyes glow white while his horn burns with a white flame! "Now... Holy Flame Attack!"
Samurai stabs his horn into Kazas and pour on the magic, but in a controlled amount. Not to kill Kazas, but maybe, hopefully, to end the curse.
"Kazas! Fight the darkness! Come back to the light! This isn't you. This isn't the Kazas who I respect, the one who is friends to Lorec, Alrahm, and Syuren. You're HURTING people! You're BETTER then that! Please, open your eyes... MEZAME YO, KAZAS-SAN!!!" Samurai declares.

Edited by Samurai Equine
  • Brohoof 1


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The dirge permeated all. Even if they did not realize it yet, it poured out across most of the worlds. Those more sensitive to the workings of the planes would find themselves crying, yet have no ready reason why. Some of the oldest worlds of existence would be almost swept by tears and sorrow.


It was tradition in Mortus to continue a constant, ritualistic song for ten days whenever one who had been protected by Death itself had fallen to another's predations- which, when translated to other realms, meant that this feeling would continue for roughly a day or two. During this song, the soul or souls in question would be given time to discuss with Death itself what had happened and their possible plans to continue with their afterlife. Due to his position as the princess's guardian, he was expected to sing the first note before proceeding to sing at least the first part of the song, providing the words and the meetings therein. It was a very sad event, especially since it highlighted to those there that nothing- not even death- was infallible in their protections.


Agririon had spent the last day in Mortus, however, searching through everything that he could. Ancient scripts, old histories, anything to do. He had learned the name of his quarry- a griffon named Zephrael- as well as much of his previous life. The oracles had been consistent as well as their little habit of collecting everything. He knew now from these records even much that even Zephrael had forgotten about himself. He payed special attention to the recorded styles of fighting- it was an old, almost forgotten style that was taught only to the phoenix knights. Indeed, he couldn't perform it himself without years of study and training. But he didn't have that long.


But... his companion...


It was one of the Ancient Ones, that was for sure. But besides that, he couldn't tell. There were one hundred of them that survived, and, out of that, only roughly twenty of them were still not consorting with Death. But those twenty scared him. They were both the best... and the worst. Taking away the five that had survived through pure valor, that made... fifteen possible choices. But he couldn't identify anything past that- the oracles were created immediately after the war that destroyed their race. "Come on..." he growled. "There's got to be something... ANYTHING... in here that can help me!" Growling to himself, he threw down the spectral book- which disappeared back onto its shelf the moment before it touched the ground- and stalked over to a nearby table, flinging himself into the table before bringing his fist down with a slam. After a moment, his head followed, and soon, he was sobbing silently- between this despair and the dirge, he couldn't do anything.


But, after a moment... he felt something. It was... warm, and coming from within him. He opened his cloak and searched around for a bit before finding it.


The phoenix blade.


Was it... calling him?


He stood up and smirked a bit, reversing the blade. Perhaps it was the phoenix inside, telling him to continue on with hope.


With a sigh, he replaced it in his cloak before focusing. Mentally trying to locate his quarry from across the dimensional border. And...




He thrust with his hand, and a portal appeared. With a white swirl, he stepped in, hearing the last notes of the song of the dead before crossing over. Listening to the last notes fade as he got his bearings, he realized he was in the forest.


The Everfree, to be exact.


Seeing the glow of fire from a nearby something, he started stalking. He had a quarry to settle.



As Shelevan gently graced her way away from the crowd, she let her mental barriers drop ever so slightly, as she was away from the mass of mind-bent ponies that were stumbling her way around. As the night air settled in and she stepped away from the mountain, she sighed ever so slightly. She was alone.


Walking forward- she seemed to have unusually good vision in the dark for some reason- she came to rest roughly a mile outside of Canterlot, roughly a half of an hour later. She was starting to lose hope of ever seeing the others again. They will probably be gone by the time I get there, she thought, and then I will have to track them across Equestria, when they will be intentionally obscuring their tracks. With a sigh, she said out loud to herself, "I wish I could get to Ponyville faster..."

  • Brohoof 1
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@Magos Amphrose



Ezerepth spoke into agririon's mind.




"Agririon.... My master hath fallen to the corruptions of his own heart. Bloodlust and ruthlessness are but a symbol of a deeper primal emotion... Rage. Indeed, I can feel the same rage coming from within thyself. However, the difference between you and my master is that you can control your emotions, whereas it seems as though Kazas's mind has been tampered with. Along with his rage, I can feel guilt... Possibly his subconscious failing to control his actions... Agririon. Mastering ones emotions... Coming to terms with who they are... That is the secret to unlocking greater power for a keeper of a divine primordial. Take for example, Syuren, the one you fought. His representative qualities are perserverence and confidence, while his primal emotions are loneliness and self worthlessness. The representative qualities fight against the primal. Kazas's forgiveness and compassion quarrel with his bloodlust and ruthlessness. It takes a perfect balance to achieve power, and to realize one's self. Please, agririon. You must reveal this to them. It is against the law of the primordial ancients to reveal to their beneficiaries the secrets.... But you are not bound to this rule, and Kazas knew this. Kazas considers you a mighty warrior, and a great friend, Agririon. He trusts you. Remember, no matter how twisted a being's mind may be by an outside force, their soul remains resolute... Tis Ironic. Death now represents life, and life now represents death....."



---------(around canterlot airspace)----------




A lone griffon could be seen flying away, casting a shadow in the moonlight. 'twas zephrael on his way to ponyville... He could swear that he felt something. A presence... A keeper? But had they not fled? Zephrael's shadow passed quickly by shelevan. And that is when hyldran spoke out to her.




" Shelevan! Quickly! Merge with that shadow! The reason why you can see so well in the dark is because you've been tapping into my power unconsciously. I must say, well done. It took Vorrin a week to master the darksight. Now will yourself into zephrael's shadow! When you come upon it, just imagine that you're entering water! You will then enter his shadow. Be warned, that you will form a mental link with the one you are shadestalking, quite possibly seeing and hearing things that they are thinking about. Quickly! You won't have another chance! Don't let vorrin's sacrifice be in vain!"


-------------------------( in ponyville)-------------



Samurai finds himself being blown up into the sky, higher than before.

A blast at point blank range like that would normally be very lethal for a normal pony. But like the other champions here, Samurai is anything but ordinary.

As he flies upwards, the flames from the blast follow him. Samurai is absorbing all of it as fast as he can.

"I've been holding back since the chaos began. It's a technique I was taught that I wanted to save for just the right occasion... It's time."

Once fully absorbed and once he has reached the height of his ascent into the sky, Samurai does his best to flip and spin across.


When Kazas re-ascends into the sky, he sees Samurai doing everything he can to over stretch himself.

It is only with a swing of the bottom end of his sword is he JUST BARELY able to lasso Kazas in with the long cloth chained to the handle.

And when he does so, he grabs onto Kazas again and closes his eyes.

In the span of only a second or two, Samurai concentrates, chanting a spell in his head...


"I call upon the brightest of lights

To shield me from evil and fright

This light exists within my soul

And now I summon it to protect me whole!"


And then, Samurai opens his eyes, and his eyes glow white while his horn burns with a white flame! "Now... Holy Flame Attack!"

Samurai stabs his horn into Kazas and pour on the magic, but in a controlled amount. Not to kill Kazas, but maybe, hopefully, to end the curse.

"Kazas! Fight the darkness! Come back to the light! This isn't you. This isn't the Kazas who I respect, the one who is friends to Lorec, Alrahm, and Syuren. You're HURTING people! You're BETTER then that! Please, open your eyes... MEZAME YO, KAZAS-SAN!!!" Samurai declares.


Samurai had hit kazas above the right lung, narrowly missing his vitals. Kazas plummets to the ground, with a hard thud. That divine attack did more than what samurai had intended, and more than he could comprehend. Kazas sat up, clutching his right side. And that's when it hit him. Memories came rushing in. Old and new alike.



Who he was.


Who he is now.




Samurai equine.




Syuren, Lorec, Alrahm, and Vorrin.


Encore and Evergreen.


And finally..... Mason.


It seemed as though it had come full circle. If they wanted to reason with him, now was their chance. However, something was brewing within kazas. A struggle between two halves of the same coin. A coin that had landed perfectly on it's edge.



@literally snails @strider @samurai equine



Kazas spoke.


" so many memories.... Coming out. Help.... Me.... I.. Can't..."


He stopped mid sentence. He grabbed at his head, feeling intense pain and groaning.


" make it.... Stop... Please... End.... Me... Before I..."


He stopped mid sentence once again.



Lorec stepped out from under the stone shield, and slowly walked in kazas's direction.



" kazas... Stop this. We are your friends... Remember us?"


Syuren also spoke out.



" yeah, kaz! It's us! C'mon man! snap out of it! You're playing for the wrong team right now, and we need our leader back, pronto! So cut the crap and come to the light side! We have cookies!..... Okay, not the time to jest.... But seriously.. Get your ass over yourself."




More memories flooded his mind. These were his friends, and the others were innocent, but there was one he loathed entirely... And for what reason? He could not figure it out.




" yeah I remember you... Friends... But not the one behind Lorec....."





@literally snails


Kazas stood up, and drew his sword to use as a cane while holding his side. He looked at mason. He had a disgusted look about his face. He yelled at mason from about 25ft away.



" you.... Why do I hate you? Why is it when I see you, I have the urge to do anything to end you?... Answer me!"







It was obvious that kazas was not in his right mind. Whatever it was that samurai's attack did to him, quite potentially changed kazas for better, or for worse. The divine aspect had revived a portion of goodness in kazas's fractured psyche. But the primal emotion could still prevail at any moment.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Shelevan nodded once to the shadows, intending it for Hyldran, and then started running. She closed her eyes, muttered a short mediation to focus herself, and connected her mind to the power within the blades. As she then sprinted towards the shadow, she took a breath... and fell into the shadow, as if it was just a pool, but, instead of going down, she ... melted into it? The sensation was so strange- it was as if her entire being was liquefied and redistributed across the entirety of the shadow. But then, afterwards, she noticed... she was flying!

It had always been her dream to someday break free of her connection with the ground. She had the magical prowess to levitate, and, of course, there were machinations that she could ride to be airloft, but she had always wanted to feel the wind in her feathers... and... through her claws?


She mentally sighed as she realized that she was sharing the eyesight and some of the more stronger sensations of Zephrael. While the experience was exhilarating, she took a breath and tried not to lose herself in the sensations. Returning to her meditations, she gradually opened her mind to Hyldran, as well as slowly closed her mind to Zephrael- although she still maintained a link with him.


What an interesting feeling, she commented.



Agririon sighed. "Life becomes death becomes new life. As was, shall always be..." He nodded once before stepping into Ponyville.


The city was cloaked by a red mist, the source of which he could not locate. Looking around, he noticed several things simultaneously- most notably, a single combat between Kazas and Samurai Equine. Drawing out his scythe, he began to prepare to intervene...


When a twinge in the back of his skull caused him to look to the skies.


He saw a small, familiar shape, and what he saw matched with what could be...


Zephrael was here.


Snarling, he entered a combat stance and waited for him to land, blending into the shadows so that it would be hard to identify him from a distance. He had a score to settle, and he would ensure that to the best of his ability, the griffon would not escape his grasp for long... 

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Hokuto's Heir, on 09 Nov 2014 - 11:42 PM, said: " you.... Why do I hate you? Why is it when I see you, I have the urge to do anything to end you?... Answer me!" It was obvious that kazas was not in his right mind. Whatever it was that samurai's attack did to him, quite potentially changed kazas for better, or for worse. The divine aspect had revived a portion of goodness in kazas's fractured psyche. But the primal emotion could still prevail at any moment.


Evergreen shouted something up at Kazas, but her quiet voice was barely audible through the torment, the fog and the sounds of distant battle. A look of pure frustration on her face, she looked around for help, and, recognizing the two earth ponies standing behind Lorec, Syuren and Mason, beckoned them over. Ragtag approached Eve, looking confused. A few short words were shared between the three, and then some more intense magicks were taking place between Evergreen and the earth pony twins.


"My rose," Eve explained to them, while the twins' eyes strayed to the rose Eve wore behind an ear. The deep red, crystalline rose was quite possibly the most unique magical plant this pony of magic plants owned, if just because it was a living plant made of pure gemstone. "My Sapphire Rose has magical properties. It's unbreakable, and its scent is generally soothing, and its appearance shifts representative of the person holding it."

"Yeah, yeah, we know, Evey, we only grew up together. We've been living next to you for how long?" "We know this, how is it relevant at all again?"


Three more seconds whispered conversation, and a perfect copy of Evergreen's everpresent Sapphire Rose had been grown from a seed she'd placed in the ground. A little help from the twins, and it was raising up into the air, tied to a balloon with ribbon, directly to where Kazas hovered, a gift to soothe his tormented soul.




Cascade continued to swim upriver, and arrived at where Alrahm and Encore escorted the survivors towards the Everfree. She smiled at Alrahm, and at a very surprised looking Encore, flashing every glimmering tooth. "Thanks for waiting for me! Looks like the army's heading this way, doesn't it?" She seemed oddly cheerful about the approach of a possibly genocidal army. Then, her face fell, and she looked back towards Ponyville. A black speck of a figure could be seen descending into the ominous red fog she had left hovering over the city. She had a bad gut feeling, a dark premonition. "We need to get this lot away. Now." Cascade rarely ever sounded worried, but the one she sensed through extension, through the river and fog, was worth worrying over indeed. "They might need me back over there."

Edited by Strider

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Kazas stood up, and drew his sword to use as a cane while holding his side. He looked at mason. He had a disgusted look about his face. He yelled at mason from about 25ft away.



" you.... Why do I hate you? Why is it when I see you, I have the urge to do anything to end you?... Answer me!"


Mason began to chuckle softly before giving an answer, "I can't think of a single person who doesn't have that reaction to me. If you'd take the time to notice, you'd see that your friends are willing to work with me despite this."


Oni stepped up to the group, now nearly three times his normal size. "What's happening now? I thought we were fighting."

Edited by Literally Snails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Samurai takes a moment to judge. It seems he has brought Kazas down and has mostly brought him back to his old self. Additional help from his friends, magic or otherwise, is the only thing that would bring Kazas back to the way he was completely. With gentleness, he pulls his horn out of Kazas, helps him cover his wounds, and then pulls away from him. "Mason is right. I also don't agree with someone who threw away their mortality for the path of demons, but... Right now, we're all working towards the greater good."


Samurai faces Kazas, a few steps between them, and kneels down. "Kazas, will you return to our side and join us in the fight? We need you to help restore this world to its once peaceful state. And I'd rather have more comrades to fight beside than more enemies to fight against."


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Kazas was still in a daze. Yes, he could recognize the faces and match names to them... And he knew that he had connections with them in the past. Lorec and Syuren in particular... They were allies. Friends. Brothers in arms. But how so? If he could just dig further..... But he couldn't. He tried to summon older memories from the bottom of his mind, but it was an effort in vain. He couldn't even remember where he was exactly, other than his own name and fragments that accompanied it.


And then the Sapphire flower from evergreen arrived, being carried by a balloon. A gift prehaps? Kazas untied this precious little flower from the balloon, and looked upon it. The sweet scent hit his nostrils. Suddenly, it began to change. Golden in color it did shine, and it's petals unfolded to reveal peculiar shapes... Three petals in the shape of young griffonlings. Another was a shape of a female griffon. And a large petal took the shape of a pheonix, with it's wings folded over the griffonlings and their mother as if to protect them. Kazas, for whatever reason, almost instinctively pulled the rose closer to his chest, holding it as if it were something excessively precious. Indeed, the rose had revealed what amnesia failed to do. The most important thing in his life was family. Faint flashbacks came upon him. Two sons. A daughter. A wife. Where were they?


Kazas spoke.



" thank you for this beautiful gift... I'll cherish this..."





Samurai takes a moment to judge. It seems he has brought Kazas down and has mostly brought him back to his old self. Additional help from his friends, magic or otherwise, is the only thing that would bring Kazas back to the way he was completely. With gentleness, he pulls his horn out of Kazas, helps him cover his wounds, and then pulls away from him. "Mason is right. I also don't agree with someone who threw away their mortality for the path of demons, but... Right now, we're all working towards the greater good."


Samurai faces Kazas, a few steps between them, and kneels down. "Kazas, will you return to our side and join us in the fight? We need you to help restore this world to its once peaceful state. And I'd rather have more comrades to fight beside than more enemies to fight against."


Kazas then looked at samurai intensely after he had finished speaking.




" yeah but... I remember our fight... Or at least.... Your fight with him.... I wasn't in the driver's seat for that one. It was like being tied up in the chair of the back of my mind, and watching someone else control my body... So thanks for whatever you did to give me back the reins of my body... Only problem is, I can barely remember anything... That creature... Did something to me. That Vakor angel. And it worries me. Vakor is the only thing that I remember clearly."



Mason began to chuckle softly before giving an answer, "I can't think of a single person who doesn't have that reaction to me. If you'd take the time to notice, you'd see that your friends are willing to work with me despite this."


Oni stepped up to the group, now nearly three times his normal size. "What's happening now? I thought we were fighting."

Kazas then looked over to mason, and started speaking once more. This time, in a near-hateful fashion.


" no... It's more than that..."



Just then, kazas could feel a strange presence, speaking directly into his mind. Whatever it was, it was taking control as well.



' Kill them, Kazas. Kill them all. Traitors. Working with demons. Scum. Not even worthy of your time. Look! Your friends have betrayed you! They've sided with him! A demon that would slay everyone and destroy everything you ever cared about! Heartless creatures. They need to be put down like the animals they are! Don't you remember all of those murders mason confessed to? The one named Frey? The Minotaur female? Stone Heart? You never knew them, but in the end, no one deserves to be murdered, lest they be murderers themselves! End them kazas! End mason! Look at his soul... Filthy. Grimy. Not even fit for the deepest bowels of hell. Kill him. End him....'




" no, I won't!"



' then I will... Back into the darkness with you, weakling!'




Something started to change within kazas. He gripped at his chest. It was throbbing in pain. Something was taking over. And he couldn't stop it.






@samurai equine:


Kazas yelled.

" samurai! Please...!!! Run!!! I can't hold him back! Get out of here!!! All of you, run! It's mason he wants!!! Get away from here with Mason! I... I can't hold him in!!!"






Lorec raised his sword. Syuren raised his spear.




" something's wrong.... Get ready. He's coming back at least 4 times as strong as before...."




" oh man..... I don't like this... None of us have even pushed this far...."






----------------(in canterlot)--------------



Avaerus kept watching from his magically created window. He murmured to himself.



" now, kazas... This is a test both for you and your friends.... Please do not fail...."





------------------( above ponyville airspace)-------



Zephrael came upon ponyville, and landed upon a cloud above the five hundred or so mind bent pegasi. He would watch what happened before he intervened.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas yelled.

" samurai! Please...!!! Run!!! I can't hold him back! Get out of here!!! All of you, run! It's mason he wants!!! Get away from here with Mason! I... I can't hold him in!!!"


"What kind of an example would I lead if I ran away now?" Mason said as he walked up and squared off against Kazas.


Oni figured out what was happening quickly and stood between Lorec and Mason.


Kierro zipped into view with the same speed as before, but instead of going to his masters side, he darted to Syuren and put a hoof on his sword. "Don't be selfish, love," he said, "Mason hasn't had a chance to fight yet, and now he's finally been called out."


"You're not Kazas any more, which means I don't have to hurt anyone's feelings!" Mason said. He stood still in an open and vulnerable stance, an easy target. The soft soil beneath his feet started to crack and shift around, but there seemed to be no effect.

Edited by Literally Snails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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The sudden change in tone startles Samurai! "Run?! We can't run now!"

Samurai goes to Kazas' side to try and help him. "Speak to me, Kazas-san. Is the darkness taking over? Do you need another dose of holy magic? Just feed me more flames and I can give you whatever you need. Don't give up on us now!"


Samurai didn't like this. He turns to his fellow champions. "Does anyone have a way to incapacitate Kazas without killing him?! Even if we can't save his soul, maybe we can keep him from being a pawn!"


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The sudden change in tone startles Samurai! "Run?! We can't run now!"

Samurai goes to Kazas' side to try and help him. "Speak to me, Kazas-san. Is the darkness taking over? Do you need another dose of holy magic? Just feed me more flames and I can give you whatever you need. Don't give up on us now!"


Samurai didn't like this. He turns to his fellow champions. "Does anyone have a way to incapacitate Kazas without killing him?! Even if we can't save his soul, maybe we can keep him from being a pawn!"



The change was as sudden as the last. It had taken over. Avaerus's mind-bending on kazas had been.... Special, to say the least. Where others were controlled by Avaerus or any that he chose to give dominion to, kazas had been changed in another way. Retention of free will was obvious. However, it was also evident that kazas had changed. He tried his best to fight what could be described as a ramped up primal emotion. When samurai equine pumped the element of divinity into kazas, it had beckoned the old kazas. The flower that evergreen had given him had supplemented the beckoning. However, the primality had returned. Samurai equine's action would have a very undesirable effect as well. Because it helped to bring kazas's true concious to surface, whatever was taking him would now have access to the divine flame due to the positive aspect remerging. And use it, this Unstable griffon would.


Without warning, the darkness took back kazas's mind. It remembered samurai's abilities, and would use a different tactic... Samurai would learn he would soon be to kazas as Icarus was to the sun. An upstart flying too close.




" you really are a bleeding heart, aren't you, samurai?"



Power started to corse through kazas, a fiery aura of crimson around him. Except he wasn't releasing this power as a flame... He was internalizing it. In a flash, his feathers turned to crimson. Rising up quickly to surprise the Samurai, veins could be seen thickening throughout his body. He brought back his claw, closed it, and through a punch at samurai, connecting with his gut! The force was so great that samurai was sent flying far away, to the right of the main group and into a building! Chances are, he wouldn't be getting up from that soon. ( sorry if that seemed a bit OP. I just want snails to have some action.)



"What kind of an example would I lead if I ran away now?" Mason said as he walked up and squared off against Kazas.


Oni figured out what was happening quickly and stood between Lorec and Mason.


Kierro zipped into view with the same speed as before, but instead of going to his masters side, he darted to Syuren and put a hoof on his sword. "Don't be selfish, love," he said, "Mason hasn't had a chance to fight yet, and now he's finally been called out."


"You're not Kazas any more, which means I don't have to hurt anyone's feelings!" Mason said. He stood still in an open and vulnerable stance, an easy target. The soft soil beneath his feet started to crack and shift around, but there seemed to be no effect.



Kazas simply chuckled as he completely rose up after slugging equine.



" oh, but I am, mason! I am kazas, flesh, blood, mind, and all! I've accepted what I am! Rage is quite an addiction, you know... So many little things managed to anger me over a lifetime, and yet, I never let it out. I kept it all in! I wanted to be a do-gooder who loved helping people! A paragon of forgiveness, compassion, faith, and virtue. Well, to hell with that! I'm done being a 'leader' to such weaklings! They can't even get past the soul infusion stage! I don't need anyone to hold me back! Who needs a Minotaur with PTSD, a pegasi with a dead whore-mother, or a old bastard unicorn who lived in question of what he did in that pathetic war was ' ethical'? I don't! I don't need weaklings at my side mason! At that is the difference between you and I!"




Syuren snapped when he heard what kazas said about his mother. Friend or no, no one got away with that. He broke away from kierro, and charged ahead. In an instant, a green orb appeared from his his spear, and went into his chest. He was using soul infusion.








Lorec tried to get passed Oni, but his girth was too wide.

" Syuren! No! He's beyond us now!"





Kazas smiled dementedly. Syuren had no clue. syuren charged at kazas, flying rapidly, but would be unable to attain his maximum speed due to close quarters. He thrust his spear at kazas. The spear's blade seperated into two at their base, taking the shape of centaur horns. Because of this, a well placed blade from a strong opponent between the blades could stop syuren. And that's exactly what kazas would do. He raised his blade, ready to meet syuren. Kazas gripped his sword in both claws. This would be fun! he met syuren's thrust attack head on, slashing vertically between syuren's spear's blades. It stopped syuren dead in his tracks, and sent him flying past kazas, as he couldn't control his own force. This new internalization ability of kazas's proved to give him an extreme boost in power. The spear dropped in front of him. Syuren had collided with a building behind kazas. He kicked the weapon behind him, laughing.



" take your weapon, and charge again if you feel like it boy! I won't be as merciful next time!"



Lorec realized the situation. Syuren was trapped and potentially incapacitated. Samurai was close, but possibly knocked out. He spoke once to mason.




" you're strong.... But be careful.... He's at a level that none of us have reached yet. Don't kill him... The good is still in there..."



@samurai equine


Lorec then ran to the side to find samurai equine. He yelled as he ran to the building that equine was sent into.

"Samurai!!!! Are you alright?!?"






Kazas then laughed again.




" oh, but I don't want the others to get lonely..."


He pointed towards the sky, towards the 500 pegasi. He then gave a signal downward. Immediately, they responded.


" 250 to slaughter in the town, 250 to kill the escapees! Leave nothing left!!!!"


-----------------------------( outside of ponyville)-------------



@strider @literally snails


Alrahm turned around. He gasped.



Alrahm: they're coming! Everyone! At arms!"



Alrahm's eyes and horn started to glow dark silver, and water started to float out of the river and into the air around alrahm. It then seperated into little droplets, and froze. He then used his magic to shoot them at the incoming pegasi, but he knew that his power alone wouldn't be enough.




@magos amphrose


Zephrael decided to land near the edge of the forest, as he had sensed a familiar power. Agririon, prehaps? It was there that he waited, unaware of shelevan hiding in his shadow. He spoke to himself.




" I know you want your vengeance.. I know you are here.... Attack me if you wish. You have the right. But know that it may not work in your favor."










Kazas laughed as ponyville was starting to burn slowly due to his earlier attack.




" I know that there are still some ponies trapped in town! You all better do something, or my friends will find and kill them all! Now it's just you and I, mason! I'll even let you have first move!!!!!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Agririon snarled, stepping forth. "You killed my charges. Nay, not only my charges, but my friends, and not only my friends, but two of the last true incarnations of good in all of existence! The darkness will grow, not just in this realm, which you and you 'benefactor' have shattered almost beyond recovery, but in all realms with a connection to this one, knowing that their two greatest enemies now lay rotting in their graves! That might have just signed the death warrant for countless worlds to be dragged into oblivion!"


With his scythe drawn, Agririon calmed down for the moment before closing his eyes, keeping his mind focused on Zephrael. "I know of your history, your motives. I know of the council of specters that was called to sentence you to oblivion... I know of the outcome. But... why? What darkness has entered you that has driven you to become the doomsayer of Equestria and many other worlds beyond it? Surely you feel at least the slightest sense of remorse?"




Shelevan realized that Agririon was trying to contain his rage, if only to learn of this griffon's reasons. She prepared to leave the shadow that she was sitting, planning to emerge the moment before Agririon attacked. Perhaps she could help extract her own vengeance against this monster she was sharing the shadows with.

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Mason took in Kazas' speech but didn't find it to be useful or entertaining. More so, he ignored what Lorec said.


"You talked for an awfully long time, Kazas. I already made the first move," Mason said. But that was impossible. He was still standing in the same place. He had hardly moved at all while Kazas spoke. "That sword of yours is awfully sharp. Try not to slip."




" oh, but I don't want the others to get lonely..."

He pointed towards the sky, towards the 500 pegasi. He then gave a signal downward. Immediately, they responded.

" 250 to slaughter in the town, 250 to kill the escapees! Leave nothing left!!!!"



The Demons spread throughout the city were prepared for this. Mason's lower ranked demons were still much stronger than the pegs, though their numbers posed a threat.


Kierro was the most adapted to fighting large groups of enemies. He held out his hooves and summoned large quantities of invisible, living bombs (Which could only be seen by someone with extremely high demon awareness). Each bomb was a living creature that only wanted to find a living target and detonate.




When Snowstorm saw the group of pegasi coming toward the forest, he acted quickly to ensure that he was the first to respond. He turned the hilt of his blade so that the fleshy face was pointed at the horde. Blue lights emitted from the vacant eyes and mouth holes. "CHORUS OF A THOUSAND SKULLS!"


Once again, spectral skulls began to fly out from the eyes and mouth of the Banshee Shriek as if the face itself was an opened portal to hell. They were larger than any normal skull, each nearly the size of a ponies torso, and had no bodies attached to them. Each individual one could easily bite through rock and bone. The numerous ghouls flew through the air with no specific targets in mind, crashing into the ranks of pegsi and easily grinding through them.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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( sorry if that seemed a bit OP. I just want snails to have some action.)


(It's cool. I had my moment, time to let others have theirs)


Samurai doesn't even have time to be surprised at how fast he was hit.


When he comes to, sees Lorec helping him out. "Ugh... Yes, I'm fine. I think he may have broken a rib, but I've had worse." Samurai staggers a bit back onto his hooves, only to see the chaos unfolding. "It's war all over again. Two sides, two armies, and nothing but destruction for everything in their way... Lorec-san, did I fail? I thought I could save him, I thought it would mean more bringing Kazas back to our side than it would bringing Shogun back, but it looks like I only made him stronger. Were my actions too hasty?"


Samurai then sees Syuren's disgarded weapon. "Is that...?" He follows the trail to where Syuren was knocked back. "Syuren-san?!" Samurai trots over to see if he can reach him, attempting to walk around Kazas for now, keep some distance between them.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Agririon snarled, stepping forth. "You killed my charges. Nay, not only my charges, but my friends, and not only my friends, but two of the last true incarnations of good in all of existence! The darkness will grow, not just in this realm, which you and you 'benefactor' have shattered almost beyond recovery, but in all realms with a connection to this one, knowing that their two greatest enemies now lay rotting in their graves! That might have just signed the death warrant for countless worlds to be dragged into oblivion!"


With his scythe drawn, Agririon calmed down for the moment before closing his eyes, keeping his mind focused on Zephrael. "I know of your history, your motives. I know of the council of specters that was called to sentence you to oblivion... I know of the outcome. But... why? What darkness has entered you that has driven you to become the doomsayer of Equestria and many other worlds beyond it? Surely you feel at least the slightest sense of remorse?"



Shelevan realized that Agririon was trying to contain his rage, if only to learn of this griffon's reasons. She prepared to leave the shadow that she was sitting, planning to emerge the moment before Agririon attacked. Perhaps she could help extract her own vengeance against this monster she was sharing the shadows with.

Zephrael stared at Agririon intensely, and then spoke.




" Remorse.... Tis an emotion I have felt ever since the day of 9,999 epitaphs. If you truly do know my history, you'd know that most of my crimes were not crimes at all, in the eyes of those who choose to see. I slew that pig, Emperor Miras for bleeding my people dry of their coin to fuel his lavish tastes. I struck down his tax collectors who would subvert the people and ruin their ways of life. I ended over 9,000 lives to protect my family when his corrupt war council decided to try and end my family line... 9,999 griffons who I once called breathren in arms, so that my sons and wife could live. And even being justified as I thought myself to be back then.... I could still feel the agony of regret as Raziqa assisted me in my suicide, so that his righteous ideals and blood could live on."



If shelevan had a mental link with zephrael right now, she would see the influx of memories. The killing of a tyrant. His bastardization. His need to defend his family. Along with the strongest pangs of guilt that could've been felt. Regret and agony, mixed with the realization of what needed to be done.


" I guess there is no sense in hiding it anymore, and at this point, mi'lord doesn't care what I tell you either. Of course I feel remorse. I slaughter. All life is sacred. However, you must realize that this was not my plan. And although I would've tried to think of another solution, then I would've. But Mi'lord wanted to prove a point to all mortality. That mortals had grown soft and divided, forgetting the true threat that had existed since mortality's conception..."


He stepped forward, looking agririon with a look of sorrow. Blood started to flow from his eyes. The tears of an undead.


" One of Death, surely you know that my lord is an ancient, as he has told me. But he isn't just any ancient.... He is Avaerus, the legendary second son. He is one of the oldest beings in existence, being younger than only Sannis the Progenitor and the Allmaker himself. The source of all mortal life. He planned this all. The alicorn princesses, in his eyes, were too weak to rule in his eyes, and countless situations proved his point. Luna's corruption, Their struggle against discord, their failure against queen chrysalis... All testaments to their failures. Avaerus reasoned that if the world relied on leaders such as these, then all of mortality has become pathetic and ripe for extermination, considering that they had also divided into seperate kingdoms. Their deaths were an attempt to bring the world back to reality, to show all that nothing is permanent, and that no one is unconquerable. Without their leaders to take care of it themselves, the world must become strong, and unify under a single banner once more. Regardless of what you believe, we are not the worst threat you could possibly face. If Avaerus thought that there was no redeeming mortality, then he would've turned this world to ash by now. And he hasn't... So he still believes in all of you, as do I."


He paused, and spoke one last time.


" I will make no secret that I too, have a stake in this. After 763 long years of lonely damnation, Lord Avaerus saved my soul. He told what would happen soon. And that if we didn't prepare mortality, then you all wouldn't stand a chance. When he had enough power, he helped me escape from Tartarus and brought me back as an undead, and helped me defeat the pheonix lord who now lends me his power. He told of his plan, and I was reluctant at first. But if the threat of what is to come is looming, and it is, then my choice was obvious. Better it be the lives of sovereigns and many, than the entire world. As a reward... No matter the result, Avaerus has pledged to plead my case to the allmaker once this is all over. And after the longest time.... I will see my wife and children yet again, In paradise."



Again, more emotions corded through him along with memories. Memories of his children and his beloved, accompanied by an intense, almost insatiable longing.


" I can't tell you everything. Only Avaerus can. But know that whatever enemies come from these different realms are nothing compared to the tyranny of he who devoured the progenitor.... Do you think me a monster, for trying to save this world? Am I truly evil for following the will of my creator....? Am I not mortal as well? And can you truly blame me... For doing anything to see my loved ones again?"


----------------------( in ponyville)----------------


Kazas smiled.




Mason took in Kazas' speech but didn't find it to be useful or entertaining. More so, he ignored what Lorec said.


"You talked for an awfully long time, Kazas. I already made the first move," Mason said. But that was impossible. He was still standing in the same place. He had hardly moved at all while Kazas spoke. "That sword of yours is awfully sharp. Try not to slip."







The Demons spread throughout the city were prepared for this. Mason's lower ranked demons were still much stronger than the pegs, though their numbers posed a threat.


Kierro was the most adapted to fighting large groups of enemies. He held out his hooves and summoned large quantities of invisible, living bombs (Which could only be seen by someone with extremely high demon awareness). Each bomb was a living creature that only wanted to find a living target and detonate.




When Snowstorm saw the group of pegasi coming toward the forest, he acted quickly to ensure that he was the first to respond. He turned the hilt of his blade so that the fleshy face was pointed at the horde. Blue lights emitted from the vacant eyes and mouth holes. "CHORUS OF A THOUSAND SKULLS!"


Once again, spectral skulls began to fly out from the eyes and mouth of the Banshee Shriek as if the face itself was an opened portal to hell. They were larger than any normal skull, each nearly the size of a ponies torso, and had no bodies attached to them. Each individual one could easily bite through rock and bone. The numerous ghouls flew through the air with no specific targets in mind, crashing into the ranks of pegsi and easily grinding through them.


"Thanks for the tip. I've got one more surprise for you..."


Kazas said.


Suddenly, a different aura had taken hold. One that was white with golden sparks flowed around kazas.


" Divine enclosure!!!!"


The raw power that had snaked around kazas's body expanded outwards, in all directions. It traveled excessively fast, covering alleyways, buildings, and all. Eventually, the entire town was encased in what appeared to be a dome filled with divine power. Part of a plan. Everything appeared a bit brighter, but there was something more....





" a gift from myself to your underlings. You are strong enough to survive... However, your weakest demons will fry in a matter of minutes. I give the ones that are stronger than them fifteen. And your lieutenants could possibly last twenty minutes in here before the divine enclosure drains them of all of their power, leaving them dead. Of course, I left the door open.... You can thank that ignorant, merciful side of me for that.... It seems as though I have to fight you along with him. So be it! Lets do this!"


Kazas lifted off of the ground, activating his divine flame. Even if mason survived his attacks, the holy energy would surely cause extreme levels of pain.


Kazas lifted his claw.


A white ball of flame appeared. It shot from his claw, and expanded to nearly the size of a building... And it was heading straight for mason. Even if he managed to dodge.... Could his lieutenants do the same and leave before they were left dead by the divine enclosure?



Kierro's bombs had done a number on the attackers. At least 30 dead, leaving 220 in the town.

But there would be more. And unlike any demons in the area, they wouldn't be effected by kazas's trap.

(It's cool. I had my moment, time to let others have theirs)


Samurai doesn't even have time to be surprised at how fast he was hit.


When he comes to, sees Lorec helping him out. "Ugh... Yes, I'm fine. I think he may have broken a rib, but I've had worse." Samurai staggers a bit back onto his hooves, only to see the chaos unfolding. "It's war all over again. Two sides, two armies, and nothing but destruction for everything in their way... Lorec-san, did I fail? I thought I could save him, I thought it would mean more bringing Kazas back to our side than it would bringing Shogun back, but it looks like I only made him stronger. Were my actions too hasty?"


Samurai then sees Syuren's disgarded weapon. "Is that...?" He follows the trail to where Syuren was knocked back. "Syuren-san?!" Samurai trots over to see if he can reach him, attempting to walk around Kazas for now, keep some distance between them.


Lorec followed samurai equine, too concerned about syuren and samurai to care about the fight going on.



" you didn't fail. If anything, you and that girl proved that the old kazas is still in there. At this point, there is nothing I can do until I get stronger. Same with syuren. We can only train when this is finished and get strong enough to match him... And hopefully bring him back... Are you okay, samurai?"




Just then, syuren appeared from the rubble, rubbing at his head with his left forehoof.




" man.... That hurt.... Guys... Oh no! We need to stop those mind zombies!"


--------(outside of ponyville)------



Alrahm conjoined an ice shard barrage with snowstorm's chorus. The effect was deadly. 100 left dead in a single strike, with 150 more to go.



" impressive! Let us repeat!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Defying all logic, Mason continued not to move. He stood still with a smirk on his face like he was somehow in control while the rubble crashed down on him. Most of the chunks of concrete and wood missed him, but one massive slab of solid rock landed directly on him, smashing the back of his body. The front of his body was still sticking out of the rubble, but the other half, along with his hind legs, was crushed, flattened underneath the debris. His body was stiff and motionless. Clearly, he must have been dead.


Oni had completely abandoned his men at this point. He neither knew nor cared where they were. He walked toward Samurai, Seryun and Lorec, a booming sound accompanying each step. With so much of Kazas' power absorbed, even Lorec was tiny compared to him. "We're not big on sacrificing ourselves for the greater good." He said, "Find a way out of this. Mason and Kierro are the only ones that can survive in here!"


Kierro kept with the remainder of his demons and continued what he was already doing. He and Mason were the strongest Yokai within the barrier, so they would certainly last the longest. Even with his new disadvantage, he was still cutting down the mind bent pegasi with brutal efficiency. 


Femi was the only one of the lieutenants who had any care for her demons. She created a small dome shield around her to allow the weaker demons to be protected while the stronger units fought the mind bent ponies.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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((My apologies. I've been very busy...))

When Snowstorm saw the group of pegasi coming toward the forest, he acted quickly to ensure that he was the first to respond. He turned the hilt of his blade so that the fleshy face was pointed at the horde. Blue lights emitted from the vacant eyes and mouth holes. "CHORUS OF A THOUSAND SKULLS!" Once again, spectral skulls began to fly out from the eyes and mouth of the Banshee Shriek as if the face itself was an opened portal to hell. They were larger than any normal skull, each nearly the size of a ponies torso, and had no bodies attached to them. Each individual one could easily bite through rock and bone. The numerous ghouls flew through the air with no specific targets in mind, crashing into the ranks of pegsi and easily grinding through them.

Responding to the assaulting pegasi threat, Encore pulled out a large, heavy instrument that looked far too large to have ever fit inside his backpack. Putting it on around his shoulders, Encore took a deep breath, and, joining Snowstorm's chorus' refrain, started blasting away on his sousaphone, blasting out large, solidified music notes at the assaulting army, as well as adding an ominous bass ring to the air, shaking the very ground upon which they began to fight. The water began to ripple from the force of the sound waves, and up from among the rippling waves poked the wet head of Cascade Swirl. Utilizing her wings as scoops, she began to launch whirling discs of water at the assaulting army. Her first target was hit in the head, and while the water splashed and fell to the earth after impact, it hit the pegasus more than hard enough for his head to jerk backwards and snap. It almost came clean off.





Rag and Tag sprinted for cover, skidding to a halt among Samurai, Oni and Lorec. Evergreen, however, stayed put, looking up at Kazas. What kind of power did he have to create flames that could penetrate this otherworldly mist that still hung about the scene, and more impressive than that, banish them entirely? Rag and Tag watched Eve from their group, in great concern.


She watched Mason fall to the ground in horror, and directed her gaze back up at Kazas. He had taken her rose. And apparently it hadn't worked. The beast had not been calmed, and was killing again. It had struck down her friend, the one who had comforted and fought alongside her while Encore had not, and it had also apparently smote her most powerful ally. She doubted it was responsible for its actions, because she wasn't sure it was really Kazas anymore, but that didn't matter. It was time to punish it.


Magically influencing the Crystalline Rose she had given to it, the thorns grew long, piercing Kazas' skin, burrowing painfully down, down, down, the stem taking root in the Kazas monster's flesh, splitting off, wriggling through Kazas's body like worms through the earth, while the scent emitting from the flower itself grew unnaturally foul. Unless she decided otherwise, Kazas would smell nothing less than the worst, most rotten scent imaginable for the rest of eternity. The rose's stem burrowed deeper into its flesh, searching for bone, for it to bind to. Once it reached bone, there would be no releasing the rose from Kazas, and it would forever cause him pain, a parasite leeching every sap of his strength that it could. The bonus of the same granting a floramancer control over his body once the Rose conquered the spine was just an added bonus.

Perhaps she could use this pain and scent to tame it.

Crystal Roses, such as Evergreen's Sapphire Rose and the clone that was currently burrowing into Kazas, have powerful magical properties. They cannot be burned or severed, and while they can be shattered, a rose can be regrown by any broken segment of stem, so long as that stem has access to food - which Kazas' body, full of flesh and bone, certainly provided. Even if broken away from food, crystaline roses were powerful containers for energy, and could store years' worth of energy if one so desired to invest energy into one. When shattered, the rose could easily survive and regrow, even in the most inhospitable environment, if it had energy invested into it.

The rose began to change, the stem and flower becoming a deep blood red, as it began to absorb the same nutrients that currently powered Kazas. While the flowerbud represented Kazas' thoughts, the plant would never truly obey him or move for him the way it did for Evergreen. It was she that was lord of things that grow. Her magic that tamed the mighty, murderous flora of the Amblezon Jungle. And hopefully, the same magic that would tame this monster.

Because now, Evergreen was convinced that Kazas was little more than that.




As the Blood Rose's thorny tendrils continued to slink their way through, under Kazas's skin, Evergreen called to him. "I'm sorry!" She looked like she'd started to shed tears again, yet she continued to push the Blood Rose further, egging it on. "Stop hurting them! And this'll be over! Your gift will be back to normal again! You've gotta still be in there somewhere!"

While she did intend to tame Kazas before he maimed any more of those she cared about, she still had to resent the need of this whole underhanded trick. It wasn't honorable. And she had intended that as a genuine gift. But she had to protect them all.

Edited by Strider

Find the Heart of the Jungle!

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Agririon took a breath and sighed. "Would that we all functioned on logic alone..." he muttered to himself, out of Zephrael's hearing. Speaking up, he turned to him. "As much as I understand your longing for your loved ones... how would it feel if they were snatched out of life as if an Eldwurm had eaten them whole? Would you not feel the same longing to avenge them and... perhaps... rejoin them?" With a deep breath, he sighed. "Avaerus has proven, through his actions and commands so far, that he is a risktaker. This could backfire on him extremely quickly. If he were to do it to another world, another species... maybe I would be tempted to take this as a misguided but acceptable solution."


He sighed. "I believe that your time in Tartarus has clouded your vision, but, unlike the griffons or the minotaurs, these ponies are weak. Weak! There are but eight ponies willing to stand up and fight amongst the crowd across all of Equestria. Two of them have been slain, and the other six are nowhere to be found. It is.. like a coconut. You destroyed the thin outer shell, so all that is left is a pool of milk that will either harden itself spontaniously or soak into the dirt..." He shook his head.


"But, it matters not. I seek vengeance the way you have look for deliverance. Under sworn oath, I am the one to hunt who is responsible for the princesses death..." With a gesture of his blade, he prepared a battle stance, prepared to begin to fight him.


Then his suppressed emotions kicked in, which he had been hiding since Celestia's death.


He muttered a curse as his emotions began welling up inside, providing reasons to preserve this life, reasons to let him go, reasons to find some sort of loophole. Reasons that his logical side of his mind couldn't refute. Striving in this self-battle, he let his weapon drop... before he smelled something.



Something foul... something demonic...


He quickly took a pair of steps back before turning around and sprinting, with a short gesture that Zephrael should follow. Skidding to a halt at the edge of the town square, he paused as he saw the giant, thorned flower that was impaling Kazas in several locations. "What in Tartarus is that?!?" He screamed, preparing his scythe and pacing the pulses of his mind. He gave it a second before moving towards it, prepared to both destroy the demonic flower and to rescue Kazas. "If you are there, Zephrael, we save Kazas first, then we continue our conflict."


((Let's see if I can do this without destroying your Sapphire Rose...))

Edited by Magos Amphrose
  • Brohoof 1
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"Syuren-san! Thank goodness... You're okay." Samurai calms down knowing he's not too badly hurt.


The arrival of Oni was an interesting one. Samurai thinks about all this. "What to do, what to do..." He really isn't sure what his next move should be.


Kazas has evolved into something new, and he is using a power that Samurai cannot easily absorb.

Staying here and helping everyone out is not part of his mission, but he'll need their help eventually.

They are all holding their own against Kazas, even Evergreen. But the more they face these constant fights, they're all going to face their limits eventually.

So much is riding on all this...


Samurai looks at Syuren's weapon, lying out in the open. "Everypony, go on without me. Syuren-san, I'll get your weapon for you. After that, I'm staying here. I don't know if I can help, I'll be lucky if I can manage damage control at this point. But I'm not leaving until I know for sure there is nothing more I can do here." Samurai says.


He leaves them and heads for Syuren's weapon. Provided he doesn't accidentally falls in a trap or somehow gets attacked by Kazas again along the way, Samurai finally reaches Syuren's weapon, picks it up, and tosses it back. "Syuren-san! Catch!" And once that is done, Samurai finds a place, sits down, and watches the madness unfold. If an opportunity presents itself, then Samurai will act.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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((My apologies. I've been very busy...))


Responding to the assaulting pegasi threat, Encore pulled out a large, heavy instrument that looked far too large to have ever fit inside his backpack. Putting it on around his shoulders, Encore took a deep breath, and, joining Snowstorm's chorus' refrain, started blasting away on his sousaphone, blasting out large, solidified music notes at the assaulting army, as well as adding an ominous bass ring to the air, shaking the very ground upon which they began to fight. The water began to ripple from the force of the sound waves, and up from among the rippling waves poked the wet head of Cascade Swirl. Utilizing her wings as scoops, she began to launch whirling discs of water at the assaulting army. Her first target was hit in the head, and while the water splashed and fell to the earth after impact, it hit the pegasus more than hard enough for his head to jerk backwards and snap. It almost came clean off.




Rag and Tag sprinted for cover, skidding to a halt among Samurai, Oni and Lorec. Evergreen, however, stayed put, looking up at Kazas. What kind of power did he have to create flames that could penetrate this otherworldly mist that still hung about the scene, and more impressive than that, banish them entirely? Rag and Tag watched Eve from their group, in great concern.[/size]


She watched Mason fall to the ground in horror, and directed her gaze back up at Kazas. He had taken her rose. And apparently it hadn't worked. The beast had not been calmed, and was killing again. It had struck down her friend, the one who had comforted and fought alongside her while Encore had not, and it had also apparently smote her most powerful ally. She doubted it was responsible for its actions, because she wasn't sure it was really Kazas anymore, but that didn't matter. It was time to punish it.


Magically influencing the Crystalline Rose she had given to it, the thorns grew long, piercing Kazas' skin, burrowing painfully down, down, down, the stem taking root in the Kazas monster's flesh, splitting off, wriggling through Kazas's body like worms through the earth, while the scent emitting from the flower itself grew unnaturally foul. Unless she decided otherwise, Kazas would smell nothing less than the worst, most rotten scent imaginable for the rest of eternity. The rose's stem burrowed deeper into its flesh, searching for bone, for it to bind to. Once it reached bone, there would be no releasing the rose from Kazas, and it would forever cause him pain, a parasite leeching every sap of his strength that it could. The bonus of the same granting a floramancer control over his body once the Rose conquered the spine was just an added bonus.

Perhaps she could use this pain and scent to tame it.

Crystal Roses, such as Evergreen's Sapphire Rose and the clone that was currently burrowing into Kazas, have powerful magical properties. They cannot be burned or severed, and while they can be shattered, a rose can be regrown by any broken segment of stem, so long as that stem has access to food - which Kazas' body, full of flesh and bone, certainly provided. Even if broken away from food, crystaline roses were powerful containers for energy, and could store years' worth of energy if one so desired to invest energy into one. When shattered, the rose could easily survive and regrow, even in the most inhospitable environment, if it had energy invested into it.

The rose began to change, the stem and flower becoming a deep blood red, as it began to absorb the same nutrients that currently powered Kazas. While the flowerbud represented Kazas' thoughts, the plant would never truly obey him or move for him the way it did for Evergreen. It was she that was lord of things that grow. Her magic that tamed the mighty, murderous flora of the Amblezon Jungle. And hopefully, the same magic that would tame this monster.

Because now, Evergreen was convinced that Kazas was little more than that.




As the Blood Rose's thorny tendrils continued to slink their way through, under Kazas's skin, Evergreen called to him. "I'm sorry!" She looked like she'd started to shed tears again, yet she continued to push the Blood Rose further, egging it on. "Stop hurting them! And this'll be over! Your gift will be back to normal again! You've gotta still be in there somewhere!"

While she did intend to tame Kazas before he maimed any more of those she cared about, she still had to resent the need of this whole underhanded trick. It wasn't honorable. And she had intended that as a genuine gift. But she had to protect them all.

Pain. That was all he could think about. The agony of thorns burrowing deep into his bones was unlike anything he felt before. Screaming in helplessness, he fell to the ground, trying to use his sword to get back up, but to no avail. All he could do was scream. And the midst of his yelling, something had changed in him yet again.




" Good! N-n-now finish me! Do it before I regress back! I-I don't want him in control! For the love of the allmaker, make it stop!!!!!"





Zephrael had followed agririon to the site of kazas's fall. He looked upon kazas. And then, he looked at Evergreen. This was the one who killed Cadence, Luna, and Celestia. That was probably all evergreen knew for now. Zephrael had a drilling stare that could pierce into one's very soul. He spoke to evergreen. The resemblance to kazas would seem uncanny to evergreen.




" When I took their lives, they didn't suffer. It was almost instantaneous. You all think me a monster, and yet look at this. My descendant suffers grievously because of your actions. I know you're the one who did this.... Over the stench of rotting death, you exhibit the scent of jungle and forest. You are lucky that the circumstances are what they are, pony. If this were centuries ago and you did this, I would've reduced you to ash in a heartbeat. If you harbor the need to avenge your princesses in this moment, then go ahead and try to take vengeance. But know that the Azure Terror will not fall to you."






Agririon took a breath and sighed. "Would that we all functioned on logic alone..." he muttered to himself, out of Zephrael's hearing. Speaking up, he turned to him. "As much as I understand your longing for your loved ones... how would it feel if they were snatched out of life as if an Eldwurm had eaten them whole? Would you not feel the same longing to avenge them and... perhaps... rejoin them?" With a deep breath, he sighed. "Avaerus has proven, through his actions and commands so far, that he is a risktaker. This could backfire on him extremely quickly. If he were to do it to another world, another species... maybe I would be tempted to take this as a misguided but acceptable solution."


He sighed. "I believe that your time in Tartarus has clouded your vision, but, unlike the griffons or the minotaurs, these ponies are weak. Weak! There are but eight ponies willing to stand up and fight amongst the crowd across all of Equestria. Two of them have been slain, and the other six are nowhere to be found. It is.. like a coconut. You destroyed the thin outer shell, so all that is left is a pool of milk that will either harden itself spontaniously or soak into the dirt..." He shook his head.


"But, it matters not. I seek vengeance the way you have look for deliverance. Under sworn oath, I am the one to hunt who is responsible for the princesses death..." With a gesture of his blade, he prepared a battle stance, prepared to begin to fight him.


Then his suppressed emotions kicked in, which he had been hiding since Celestia's death.


He muttered a curse as his emotions began welling up inside, providing reasons to preserve this life, reasons to let him go, reasons to find some sort of loophole. Reasons that his logical side of his mind couldn't refute. Striving in this self-battle, he let his weapon drop... before he smelled something.




Something foul... something demonic...


He quickly took a pair of steps back before turning around and sprinting, with a short gesture that Zephrael should follow. Skidding to a halt at the edge of the town square, he paused as he saw the giant, thorned flower that was impaling Kazas in several locations. "What in Tartarus is that?!?" He screamed, preparing his scythe and pacing the pulses of his mind. He gave it a second before moving towards it, prepared to both destroy the demonic flower and to rescue Kazas. "If you are there, Zephrael, we save Kazas first, then we continue our conflict."


((Let's see if I can do this without destroying your Sapphire Rose...))


Zephrael spoke to Agririon.



" That plant has spread throughout his entire body. Avaerus can heal this. Allow me to take him away so that he can be cured, and so that he cannot cause you anymore grievance. Kazas has a battle to fight within mind and soul. He isn't himself. If you release him here, there is a strong possibility that he may attack again. And if he's anything like me.... He won't fall for the same tactic twice."



"Syuren-san! Thank goodness... You're okay." Samurai calms down knowing he's not too badly hurt.


The arrival of Oni was an interesting one. Samurai thinks about all this. "What to do, what to do..." He really isn't sure what his next move should be.


Kazas has evolved into something new, and he is using a power that Samurai cannot easily absorb.

Staying here and helping everyone out is not part of his mission, but he'll need their help eventually.

They are all holding their own against Kazas, even Evergreen. But the more they face these constant fights, they're all going to face their limits eventually.

So much is riding on all this...


Samurai looks at Syuren's weapon, lying out in the open. "Everypony, go on without me. Syuren-san, I'll get your weapon for you. After that, I'm staying here. I don't know if I can help, I'll be lucky if I can manage damage control at this point. But I'm not leaving until I know for sure there is nothing more I can do here." Samurai says.


He leaves them and heads for Syuren's weapon. Provided he doesn't accidentally falls in a trap or somehow gets attacked by Kazas again along the way, Samurai finally reaches Syuren's weapon, picks it up, and tosses it back. "Syuren-san! Catch!" And once that is done, Samurai finds a place, sits down, and watches the madness unfold. If an opportunity presents itself, then Samurai will act.


Syuren catches his spear, and smiles.



" thanks man, but we have a burnin' town to save! Samurai, climb on my back! I'll fly you around, and you can absorb the flames while I keep any of those bad guys away from us! We an still save the town! Lorec can lure 'em off of us and beat most of them down!"



" Syuren.... That's actually a good plan..."



" of course it is! It came from my noggin! Come on samurai, we won't get another chance!"




Defying all logic, Mason continued not to move. He stood still with a smirk on his face like he was somehow in control while the rubble crashed down on him. Most of the chunks of concrete and wood missed him, but one massive slab of solid rock landed directly on him, smashing the back of his body. The front of his body was still sticking out of the rubble, but the other half, along with his hind legs, was crushed, flattened underneath the debris. His body was stiff and motionless. Clearly, he must have been dead.


Oni had completely abandoned his men at this point. He neither knew nor cared where they were. He walked toward Samurai, Seryun and Lorec, a booming sound accompanying each step. With so much of Kazas' power absorbed, even Lorec was tiny compared to him. "We're not big on sacrificing ourselves for the greater good." He said, "Find a way out of this. Mason and Kierro are the only ones that can survive in here!"


Kierro kept with the remainder of his demons and continued what he was already doing. He and Mason were the strongest Yokai within the barrier, so they would certainly last the longest. Even with his new disadvantage, he was still cutting down the mind bent pegasi with brutal efficiency. 


Femi was the only one of the lieutenants who had any care for her demons. She created a small dome shield around her to allow the weaker demons to be protected while the stronger units fought the mind bent ponies.

Lorec shook his head at oni.



" first of all, we can't feel his divine enclosure. It targets your kind specifically. Secondly, we don't run."


Lorec said, drawing his zweihander from his backside. There were approximately 160 mind bent left in the burning town thanks to the combined effort of the demons fighting them off.


--------------(outside of ponyville, near the everfree.)--------------



The combined efforts of the group had devastated the attacking flying units. Cascade and encore's attacks had blasted another 120 out of the sky, leaving only 30 left. These mind-bent adapted, and landed when they got in close to the crowd to begin a futile charge. They were heading straight for havoc and roto, swords drawn and ready to attack!

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec shook his head at oni.



" first of all, we can't feel his divine enclosure. It targets your kind specifically. Secondly, we don't run."


Lorec said, drawing his zweihander from his backside. There were approximately 160 mind bent left in the burning town thanks to the combined effort of the demons fighting them off.


--------------(outside of ponyville, near the everfree.)--------------



The combined efforts of the group had devastated the attacking flying units. Cascade and encore's attacks had blasted another 120 out of the sky, leaving only 30 left. These mind-bent adapted, and landed when they got in close to the crowd to begin a futile charge. They were heading straight for havoc and roto, swords drawn and ready to attack!

Oni turned around and placed a hoof on his massive neck. He opened his mouth and a strong green light shone from his throat. With a howling screech, he fired a massive ball of energy from his throat at the attackers. The energy ball was infused with sound waves and would super vibrate to destroy anything it touched at a molecular level.




Havoc raised his axe and swung it horizontally at the small group. Killing the twelve assailants in the front of the pack instantly as if he was cutting through wind.





Zephrael had followed agririon to the site of kazas's fall. He looked upon kazas. And then, he looked at Evergreen. This was the one who killed Cadence, Luna, and Celestia. That was probably all evergreen knew for now. Zephrael had a drilling stare that could pierce into one's very soul. He spoke to evergreen. The resemblance to kazas would seem uncanny to evergreen.




" When I took their lives, they didn't suffer. It was almost instantaneous. You all think me a monster, and yet look at this. My descendant suffers grievously because of your actions. I know you're the one who did this.... Over the stench of rotting death, you exhibit the scent of jungle and forest. You are lucky that the circumstances are what they are, pony. If this were centuries ago and you did this, I would've reduced you to ash in a heartbeat. If you harbor the need to avenge your princesses in this moment, then go ahead and try to take vengeance. But know that the Azure Terror will not fall to you."



"Ah, yes, you're right," Mason's voice said. The voice wasn't coming from his corpse, it was coming from somewhere else. Somewhere under ground. "The poor boy suffered so greatly. How unfair is it that those you fight are so merciless when you've shown them nothing but mercy in return?" His voice had a condescending tone as it echoed through the ghost town. A single tendril of Mason's sprung out from beneath a gravel road and stretched out silently before piercing Kazas's flesh on his stomach. The tendril burrowed deep inside his body, purposefully missing every vital organ. Mason had a reason for doing this of course. Zephrael had emotions. And emotions could be exploited.


"Poor little boy!" Mason said, "You should have stopped him when your master sent him here to die, but this is all for the greater good, isn't it? I understand your masters decisions completely. Pawns must be sacrificed in order to get what you want."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Samurai hesitates, he wants to keep watching.

..."Fine. I'll do it. But let's make this quick. I ran away from one war, I will not bring further dishonor by running away from another." Samurai explains before getting Syuren's back.

Will the weight of another horse on his back, as well as armor and a weapon, slow him down? That has yet to be seen...

Unless Syuren activates his soul infusion powers, chances are he could run almost as fast as he can fly. But with a broken rib, Samurai won't take any chances for now.


With each sweep of the town they make, Samurai absorbs more fires and keeps Ponyville from burning down. And the more fire he absorbs, the more spare magic he has to burn. "Don't slow down, Syuren-san! I need to be close, but I can absorb fire very fast!"


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Something foul... something demonic...


He quickly took a pair of steps back before turning around and sprinting, with a short gesture that Zephrael should follow. Skidding to a halt at the edge of the town square, he paused as he saw the giant, thorned flower that was impaling Kazas in several locations. "What in Tartarus is that?!?" He screamed, preparing his scythe and pacing the pulses of his mind. He gave it a second before moving towards it, prepared to both destroy the demonic flower and to rescue Kazas. "If you are there, Zephrael, we save Kazas first, then we continue our conflict."


((Let's see if I can do this without destroying your Sapphire Rose...))



Pain. That was all he could think about. The agony of thorns burrowing deep into his bones was unlike anything he felt before. Screaming in helplessness, he fell to the ground, trying to use his sword to get back up, but to no avail. All he could do was scream. And the midst of his yelling, something had changed in him yet again.




" Good! N-n-now finish me! Do it before I regress back! I-I don't want him in control! For the love of the allmaker, make it stop!!!!!"


Zephrael had followed agririon to the site of kazas's fall. He looked upon kazas. And then, he looked at Evergreen. This was the one who killed Cadence, Luna, and Celestia. That was probably all evergreen knew for now. Zephrael had a drilling stare that could pierce into one's very soul. He spoke to evergreen. The resemblance to kazas would seem uncanny to evergreen.



" When I took their lives, they didn't suffer. It was almost instantaneous. You all think me a monster, and yet look at this. My descendant suffers grievously because of your actions. I know you're the one who did this.... Over the stench of rotting death, you exhibit the scent of jungle and forest. You are lucky that the circumstances are what they are, pony. If this were centuries ago and you did this, I would've reduced you to ash in a heartbeat. If you harbor the need to avenge your princesses in this moment, then go ahead and try to take vengeance. But know that the Azure Terror will not fall to you."



Zephrael spoke to Agririon.



" That plant has spread throughout his entire body. Avaerus can heal this. Allow me to take him away so that he can be cured, and so that he cannot cause you anymore grievance. Kazas has a battle to fight within mind and soul. He isn't himself. If you release him here, there is a strong possibility that he may attack again. And if he's anything like me.... He won't fall for the same tactic twice."



"Ah, yes, you're right," Mason's voice said. The voice wasn't coming from his corpse, it was coming from somewhere else. Somewhere under ground. "The poor boy suffered so greatly. How unfair is it that those you fight are so merciless when you've shown them nothing but mercy in return?" His voice had a condescending tone as it echoed through the ghost town. A single tendril of Mason's sprung out from beneath a gravel road and stretched out silently before piercing Kazas's flesh on his stomach. The tendril burrowed deep inside his body, purposefully missing every vital organ. Mason had a reason for doing this of course. Zephrael had emotions. And emotions could be exploited.

"Poor little boy!" Mason said, "You should have stopped him when your master sent him here to die, but this is all for the greater good, isn't it? I understand your masters decisions completely. Pawns must be sacrificed in order to get what you want."


The sudden arrival of a very aggressive Agririon certainly startled Evergreen, especially as he started to bear down on Kazas, a scythe ready to sever the stem of the Blood Rose that was currently ensnaring the griffon. She started to approach where Kazas lay on the ground, calmly watching the figure who had followed Agririon to this scene. He was the spitting image of the griffon who was currently in her flower's loving embrace, but there was something... dark about him, lingering in the air about him. She stared right back at him, stony-faced, with the resolve drilled into her by her training. Her eyes met his, and not a trace of fear showed on her face. "I'm perfectly aware that it is not to me you will fall, like we both know you will in the end."


Now standing next to where Kazas writhed in pain, she simply held a hoof up in his direction, indicating that he really should stop. "I wouldn't suggest you do that," she said to Agririon without even looking at him. "You'll interrupt the process and make the stem impossible to extract. And I'm afraid I simply can't allow you to interrupt this process. Although, Dark One, I believe you're right. I acted in anger, and now nopony can deny that Kazas has paid for his crimes, the deaths of Mason, my sister, and the burning of who knows how many towns and lives, tenfold." She placed a hoof on Kazas' side as he writhed on the ground, and the thorns in the vines that were inside of his skin withdrew, so they would do no more damage as the vines began to extract themselves from Kazas. The scent of the flowers shifted once again. The Blood Rose no longer smelt of death, but again of beauty. Perhaps it smelt of a more tragic sort of beauty than Evergreen's Star Rose, which smelled pure and whole, but that made the Blood Rose Kazas still clung to smell all the more beautiful. The magic of the rose once again began to have its normal effect of purifying beauty. "He shall suffer because of me no more. You see, Dark One, I know your story, but you do not know mine. I do not end lives. I tame them, and return them to the light." The vines continued to extract from Kazas back into the flower as she continued to speak. "Kazas will not be yours again, unless he chooses to be of his own free will. And why should he? He knows nothing but shame in your story." Her confidence in herself, and in Kazas' newfound freedom (assuming Eve had actually achieved that for him, which she was certain she had) was absolute. She arrogantly looked up at the demigod. almost challengingly. "In fact, you're little more than a slave yourself, to Avaerus. Would you have me free-"


It was at this moment that Mason began to mess everything up, interrupting her discourse. Evergreen flinched, distracted, when his voice sounded, looking wildly back at his still crushed body. She had plenty of experience with the extraordinary, but usually ponies who were dead or injured remained dead or injured, and didn't start speaking all paranormally. She took a hasty step back from Kazas, now staring at the tendrils that were entering his body and tangling with the vines of the Blood Rose, which had yet to extract itself completely from his body. Plants could only move so fast.

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The sudden arrival of a very aggressive Agririon certainly startled Evergreen, especially as he started to bear down on Kazas, a scythe ready to sever the stem of the Blood Rose that was currently ensnaring the griffon. She started to approach where Kazas lay on the ground, calmly watching the figure who had followed Agririon to this scene. He was the spitting image of the griffon who was currently in her flower's loving embrace, but there was something... dark about him, lingering in the air about him. She stared right back at him, stony-faced, with the resolve drilled into her by her training. Her eyes met his, and not a trace of fear showed on her face. "I'm perfectly aware that it is not to me you will fall, like we both know you will in the end."


Now standing next to where Kazas writhed in pain, she simply held a hoof up in his direction, indicating that he really should stop. "I wouldn't suggest you do that," she said to Agririon without even looking at him. "You'll interrupt the process and make the stem impossible to extract. And I'm afraid I simply can't allow you to interrupt this process. Although, Dark One, I believe you're right. I acted in anger, and now nopony can deny that Kazas has paid for his crimes, the deaths of Mason, my sister, and the burning of who knows how many towns and lives, tenfold." She placed a hoof on Kazas' side as he writhed on the ground, and the thorns in the vines that were inside of his skin withdrew, so they would do no more damage as the vines began to extract themselves from Kazas. The scent of the flowers shifted once again. The Blood Rose no longer smelt of death, but again of beauty. Perhaps it smelt of a more tragic sort of beauty than Evergreen's Star Rose, which smelled pure and whole, but that made the Blood Rose Kazas still clung to smell all the more beautiful. The magic of the rose once again began to have its normal effect of purifying beauty. "He shall suffer because of me no more. You see, Dark One, I know your story, but you do not know mine. I do not end lives. I tame them, and return them to the light." The vines continued to extract from Kazas back into the flower as she continued to speak. "Kazas will not be yours again, unless he chooses to be of his own free will. And why should he? He knows nothing but shame in your story." Her confidence in herself, and in Kazas' newfound freedom (assuming Eve had actually achieved that for him, which she was certain she had) was absolute. She arrogantly looked up at the demigod. almost challengingly. "In fact, you're little more than a slave yourself, to Avaerus. Would you have me free-"


It was at this moment that Mason began to mess everything up, interrupting her discourse. Evergreen flinched, distracted, when his voice sounded, looking wildly back at his still crushed body. She had plenty of experience with the extraordinary, but usually ponies who were dead or injured remained dead or injured, and didn't start speaking all paranormally. She took a hasty step back from Kazas, now staring at the tendrils that were entering his body and tangling with the vines of the Blood Rose, which had yet to extract itself completely from his body. Plants could only move so fast.


Zephrael remained resolute in his gaze. This one was feisty.



" What is written in history is written by those who achieved victory in conflict. Much as how the victor in a war decides what crimes the loser has committed, so too, do the survivors write the history we see. History is subject to bias, young one. Tis a rare event that the other side is revealed. But let it be known that I fell to Raziqa of my own volition. If I willed it, I could've decimated my homeland. But no, I chose to save it by dying and leaving the most righteous griffon at the time alive to take the throne. And do not speak as if you know why I do what I must. I had a choice. Watch mortality's end due to forces you can't possibly fathom, or temper you all from iron into steel. You will understand when you're actually ready to fight me, girl. Be ready when that time comes. However, you should be happy. You haven't brought him back completely... But you've given him a fighting chance. If you truly wish to understand what he's going through, ask the Minotaur with the zweihander, the pegasi with the spear, or that unicorn who is in charge of evacuating the civillians. He may still be a threat to you, and I'm here to take him back. Now I'll be-"


Zephrael then saw what was happening to kazas, and heard mason's voice. Kazas's suffering had just ended. And now, it had began again. His screaming was unbearable.




" By the allmaker, make it stop!!!!!!! Geagggghhh!!!! Stop it!!!!!!!"



Oni turned around and placed a hoof on his massive neck. He opened his mouth and a strong green light shone from his throat. With a howling screech, he fired a massive ball of energy from his throat at the attackers. The energy ball was infused with sound waves and would super vibrate to destroy anything it touched at a molecular level.




Havoc raised his axe and swung it horizontally at the small group. Killing the twelve assailants in the front of the pack instantly as if he was cutting through wind.








"Ah, yes, you're right," Mason's voice said. The voice wasn't coming from his corpse, it was coming from somewhere else. Somewhere under ground. "The poor boy suffered so greatly. How unfair is it that those you fight are so merciless when you've shown them nothing but mercy in return?" His voice had a condescending tone as it echoed through the ghost town. A single tendril of Mason's sprung out from beneath a gravel road and stretched out silently before piercing Kazas's flesh on his stomach. The tendril burrowed deep inside his body, purposefully missing every vital organ. Mason had a reason for doing this of course. Zephrael had emotions. And emotions could be exploited."Poor little boy!" Mason said, "You should have stopped him when your master sent him here to die, but this is all for the greater good, isn't it? I understand your masters decisions completely. Pawns must be sacrificed in order to get what you want."


Zephrael's face changed to the chargin of his anger. It wasn't wise of mason to toy with his emotions.




" you will in hand him immediately, worm! And to show you I mean what I say....."



Zephrael drew his halberd. He lifted slightly off the ground, fluttering his wings. With his other claw, he placed it near the hilt, but not grabbing it. A blue flame could be seen forming his claw, drawing out of his halberd. It wasn't a flame.... But a soul. The soul of a pheonix lord.


" Uzuran! Awakened soul infusion!"



He thrust the soul into his chest. His eyes blazed a bright blue. Blue flames appeared to envelope him, as if they were protecting him.



" Kazas erected a divine enclosure! And now, I'm going to strengthen it! Either you let him go, or die here along with every demon present! You are not as important as you think, and Avaerus won't care if I kill off a selfish bug and his unworthy underlings! Make your choice! Release him, and you'll be absolved."




The power coming from zephrael, unimaginable. Almost immeasurable. It was clear that mason has pressed a button that should not have been pressed. Slowly, zephrael fed the divine enclosure.... If mason didn't comply, then so be it. He and his small army would be reduced to ash soon.




Samurai hesitates, he wants to keep watching.

..."Fine. I'll do it. But let's make this quick. I ran away from one war, I will not bring further dishonor by running away from another." Samurai explains before getting Syuren's back.

Will the weight of another horse on his back, as well as armor and a weapon, slow him down? That has yet to be seen...

Unless Syuren activates his soul infusion powers, chances are he could run almost as fast as he can fly. But with a broken rib, Samurai won't take any chances for now.


With each sweep of the town they make, Samurai absorbs more fires and keeps Ponyville from burning down. And the more fire he absorbs, the more spare magic he has to burn. "Don't slow down, Syuren-san! I need to be close, but I can absorb fire very fast!"




Syuren kept flying with samurai on his backside. He was using soul infusion to give himself the strength to haul samurai. Samurai had absorbed a good amount of flame from the town. It was almost completely extinguished, except now, they had attracted the attention of the mind bent flyers. 110 had been left after Oni's scream attack, and 40 had locked on to them, flying behind them!




" man, if it wasn't over a town, you and I could've pulled a move that kaz calls the Flamenado. But that ain't gonna happen. Too dangerous! Shoot em with fire, samurai! You gotta keep em off me!"




Al the while, Lorec was elsewhere, defeating mind bent one at a time, clearing them out.





( sorry for the late reply. Stuff happened.)

  • Brohoof 2

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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