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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom,



Mezra was enjoying herself. She hasn't been dumpster diving in a long time. The last time she did it was in the underworld. And she found a talking skull she later named Garry. As she dug though the trash she found many neat things to collect. She placed most of them under her cloak to check out later. But when she found something really cool she broke though the top of the trash and hold it up. "I found a spatula!" She polished it on her cloak. It was a large metal  spatula with a wooden handle. 

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@@Blitz Boom

(Gah, sorry! My notifications are screwed up. :P)

Book blinked and watched in half-surprise at what Storm and Pinkie were saying and their visuals about how the fourth wall existed. Considering it was Pinkie Pie, it made sense to him. He looked at Last Stand. "Heh, yeah... They're a bit silly... But that's Pinkie, she makes sense when it also doesn't make sense... We shouldn't question her logic." Book shrugged a bit.


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@@Harmony Cube,


Pinkie giggled,  "Twilight tried to question my logic once! Or maybe it was my Pinkie sense... Maybe both?" She shrugged, "Oh well, she never really did figure it out and it was one heck of a doozy to find out that she'd given up! I never ever ever ever in a million suns and moons and years would've expected that she'd just accept it!"


@@Blitz Boom


Storm blinked in surprise, "Hi there!" He chirped once he'd gotten his bearings back. "I'm Storm Shine, but everypony just calls me Storm! What's your name?" Storm asked curiously with a friendly smile on his face.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Harmony Cube,



"Something tells me that regular logic tends to fear you Pinkie."


Last cracked a short-lived, small smile towards the pink pony after the comment. She didn't ask about the Pinkie sense though, as she was about 95% sure it would end with her just giving up and accepting things, something that the story Pinkie just told confirmed she wasn't alone in.


The other one had been quiet for so long that Last had more or less forgotten about him, but once Storm had taken off and Pinkie appeared to be taking the next shift at the counter things there hadn't been enough trees to cover the forest anymore, especially not when said *forest* began to talk.


"Been deep in thought or did the storm take your words away?"


Considering Storm had buzzed off to do what he had to, she might as well talk with this uneven pair a bit more. It sure beat wandering into the forest again to find more beasts to fight considering her wound, but she had little idea what to do beyond those two things.


((Just happy to see you back again. ^_^))









Ziggy flew a little backwards so that the stallion could get a better view of her, knowing that it might be a tiny bit hard when she was in his face, fun as that usually was though.


"Hello then Storm. My name's Doc Zinger, but everypony just calls me Ziggy."


The mare looked at him with the big pink eyes and put up a hoof to press the frames on her face a little inwards. They were stuck solid, so they wouldn't fall off, but they did slide off often when she grew up, so pushing them back up was a habit more than anything that was actually needed.


"I like your goggles. They fit you well."


Ziggy gave him a big smile. She might technically be a grown mare (in more sense than one) but she still had a more impish side to her than a serious one. Hopefully Storm wasn't scared off by weird behaviour.









Brittle jumped a tiny bit when Mez broke through, but not enough to force on a transformation.


"I-It's pretty Mez... I guess t-that it's with uhm..."


She looked around, scraping a few things off the surface before finding it and lifting it up with her hoof. It was a big spoon, matching the handle of the spatula that Mez had found she had put a little to the side.


"T-This one."


While it was true that Brittle did have a horn to have used to pick out things, the fact of the matter was that she didn't know how it worked. The wings had been somewhat easy, but magic? She didn't even know how to begin. It was as hard for her to control as the flames of change, and considering she hadn't the faintest idea there either it should point it to a point so near nil that it might as well be.


Considering the trash pile, she had yet to find something she found that interesting. A few foods that seemed too fresh to have been tossed and a broken off head for a hammer had stuck out, but nothing else.


Then, not far from where Mez had popped up, something caught her eye, A small, wodden box sticking a piece of the edge up through a bunch of apple peels and what she thought was an old sock.


She fluttered the little way over, transfixed on the thing and picked it up, turning the thing around in her hooves and seeing that it could be opened, as well as there had been a chain to it at some point, perhaps taken off when whatever it was broke? The lock was bashed a little and it was scratched a good deal, so that together with the fact they were in a dumpster told a likely story it was garbage.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,

Storm chuckled, "Thanks, I like your glasses Ziggy!" He replied happily. Storm pulled out a muffin and offered it to Ziggy. "Want a muffin?" He asked with a happy smile. "It's yummy!"

(Sorry about lack of color, but I had to resort to using my tablet to respond since the internet on my computer cut-out... :catface: Edit: Colored now that I got on my computer. :) )

Edited by Huggle Prince Storm

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom

Book looked over at Last Stand. He scratched the back of his neck nervously at what she said. "Oh... It's just better not to question Pinkie's logic and leave it to her to explain it in my opinion at least..." Book said, shrugging a little. He knew that questioning the pony who even science couldn't explain how her 'Pinkie Sense' worked isn't a good idea.


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@@Blitz Boom,


Mezra had giddy smile on her face when she saw the  spoon Brittle found. "Awesome! We match. Kinda." She put the spatula in her cloak and 'swam' over to Brittle. "Oh, neat. What kinda box do you think it is? A music box or a jewelry box. Wanna hear about the time I almost open Pandora's box? It was a very pretty box with beautiful markings and jewels on it, but inside was a great evil power. the Caretaker  said it contained all the evil of the world from a very, very, very long time ago. I found it when I was in the underworld warehouse


It's where all the ancient artifacts from almost every story you can think of is placed. It's really cool. And because I'm a Uincorn and to some, unicorns are ancient creatures symbolizing purity and grace, which was a pretty nice complement, I was able to go in and see everything


But back to Pandora's box. Before I could open it I was stopped. Which was a really good thing. I that it hold another artifact inside it like a monkey's palm or something. But the Cartaker tod me what it was. I offered to put a sealing spell on it so no one could open it. But my magic wasn't strong enough to do it. So I just put up a whole bunch of sighs saying what it was and to not open it. Plus a few unbreakable chains to keep it in one place so no one could take it."

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@@Harmony Cube,


"Never ask a question without an answer, as my pa used to say."


The phrase had mostly revolved around when she were a small filly and wondered what they were guarding, how long they would do it or if her majesty would come back in their lifetimes, but considering the topic, it felt like it belonged here as well.


It had confused her when she was a small one, but she had grown to understand that they just didn't want her, or anypony else in their ranks, wondering about things that nopony could answer. It was a distraction that didn't lead anywhere, and where she was from, that sort lead to an early end.


Likely not gonna be something that'd be harmful to ask how Pinkie worked, but still, it was a search for an answer and a logic that didn't have a real answer, it just was.


Sides, if the bit of time with Pinkie had taught her anything, it was that - much like Book said - it was easier to just accept it and move on without asking questions. Would save productive hours and a headache or four.











Ziggy didn't waste the offering of a muffin and before Storm knew it, where the muffin had been was now only her head, chomping down on the baked good in her mouth before pulling herself back again, though this time slower.




She tried to say something with the muffin still filling her mouth, but as could be expected, it didn't lead to anything more than a few muffled sounds before she was done with it, looking at Storm with a big smile and closed eyes.


"Thanks that was really tasty."


A small burp escaped her mouth before she could stop it and she held her hooves up in front of her mouth with a look of *whoops* going over her face.


"Sorry, didn't mean to."









Brittle had been looking at the box with fascination, wondering what was inside... Then Mez had told of a box she had seen with great evil in and the fascination began t dwindle into scared territory.


"I-I U-Uhm... I m-mean..."


The sound of somepony clearing their throat was heard nearby as Brittle was trapped in her confused, scared and flustered mood.


"I hate to interrupt, but considering everything Mez, do you really think it a good idea to tell Brittle of a box like that when she have just found a simple one? It is perhaps not the best timing on things."


Frankly, he would think that the only thing that would have made this worse was to then open the box in front of Brittle and use some sort of magic to make it seem like it was about to hurt her.


On the pile of trash Brittle had other thoughts, mostly revolving around her opening the box and then have a tentacle or something shoot out and pull her in. Or dark magic to burn her head, Or... Or...


The line of thoughts was too much and the jade fire spread over her again, resulting in a colour-change to murky brown, the loss of her wings, and the inevitable drop of the small box from surprise when she fell the few centimetres, slipped and fell flat on her stomach, giving her a good view to the now opened box and it's insides.


As it had hit the surface the weak lock had given after again and opened up to show it was not full of evil. Or candy. Or even empty. Inside it was a myriad of small cogs, springs, and things she didn't even know what was showing up from under a bent plate supposed to hold them down, and a dusty figurine of somepony standing on top of the plate, though who was anyones guess under the dust, dirt and Celestia knew what else.


It was - or rather Had been - a music box. Now, it was a broken mess that would have to have a dedicated tinkerer to look at it to make it workable again, not to mention cleaning it out and setting the plate etc. Basically, an item that had been tossed because it was too broken for anypony to find it worth it to go out and find a place to fix it up.


Still, broken or not, Brittle was thankful it didn't contain evil and slowly felt her heartbeat slow down as she picked up the box with a shaking hoof.


"A-At least i-it wasn... Wasn't, e-evil."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Pinkie smiled, "But the answer might not be what you want, or even what you would believe..." Pinkie replied wisely, before chomping down on a cupcake.




Storm waved off the apology with a hoof, "It's natural, it happens... Besides, you should see the burps me and my marefriend'll let off sometimes..." Storm chuckled, "Those, we apologize for.... Ponies don't like going airborne via burp, it seems.." He smiled, "The way you snatched that muffin kinda reminds me of my marefriend and I as well...." Storm's expression turned serious. "Now, I have one absolutively super-duperly-duper important question for you...." He said ominously. ".....Do you like Huggles?" Storm chirped, his attitude doing a 180-turn and a smile jumping back onto his face.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom,


Mezra's ears fold back  as she started to fill bad. "I'm sorry, Brittle. I didn't want to scare you. I just thought it was interesting. When I see something it reminds my of other things sometimes. And sometimes I just say things without thinking." She sunk in to the dumpster. "I've been told that I come on too strong. I don't try to. It's just how I am sometimes. Will it help if I say there are no other boxes that hold evil in it? Pandora's box is the only one of its kind."

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Ziggy let out a chuckle behind her hooves.


"Ohoho, you have not yet seen, exactly how keen, but you know what they say. Up, up and Away!"


The pony set off without warning, zigzagging around Storm Shine so it almost looked like he was being capsuled by a holed orb where the holes were mended and ripped open new places all the time.


When the time would be right, she would bolt out of there and get a hold of him with enough momentum to make them both fly off for a little and him feeling like he had been hit by an stormfront.


That is, unless he was quick enough to dodge, in which case she would grasp empty air and end up flying a few metres straight before she had things under control again and would look back at him, luckily not hitting anything or anypony.


The third way things could go was that Storm were quicker than she thought and decided to get her while she was *circling* him, which would end in an uneven pattern in the air for the two of them because of the momentum, but ultimately, Storm would be the one in charge of what would go on there.


((I figured a multiple choice option would fit. Have fun. ^^))









"I-It's... It's okay..."


Brittle was mostly still focused on the box, but when Mez had started to say sorry it felt like she had to respond to her. And to be honest, it Was okay. Mez liked to tell stories, it was just her that took the things more as warnings than anything else, finding the places in the tales that were bad more than other things.


"B-Briar, do you t-think you could... Uhm... Hold t-this? At least a l-little?"


"Most certainly, just stick it to the veins and I'll keep it safe for the time being."


One of the spiked veins came up towards them and when near Brittle, opened the *bud* on the end into the 4 sharp part of this plant version of a beak, Brittle would sloy go over there and put the box in the middle, then go back while it closed and went back towards Briar that started to shiver.


"Urgh, tastes like three week old banana and thin cider with a hint of pottery dirt."


Considering this was one of the entry ways he ate with, he could taste what was in there, even if he didn't like it. The banan he could live with. Dirt he was used to. But thin cider? What a horrendous taste.


((Got this planned for something in the long run. You can ignore it if you so chose to. :) ))


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


(I think Imma go for the mystery third option... :catface: )


Storm smiled at Ziggy's speech pattern, "She must be part zebra..." He thought, putting it together with the stripes. When she flew at him, it took him slightly off guard with the unique flight pattern, but he quickly recovered and dove at Ziggy for a tackle-hug.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Ziggy wasn't expecting Storm to have gone after her, much less be able to catch her like he did. Buuut... Considering he was now clutching her and she still had free reign on things... Hehehe, perhaps they should take a little spin.


Feeling sure that Storm had a secure grip in her she began to faze towards the centre of Ponyville, zigzagging in twists, turns, spirals and whatever else direction things took them as they approached like a multicoloured, drunk lightning.


Being this close, Storm would be able to feel when she stomped in the air, twirled, unfolded and/or folded her wings to give her the direction she wanted, and perhaps even see a pattern in the madness as it mostly revolved around where her latest jump or flap allowed her to move combined with quick thinking. That is, if he was still hanging on.


Considering the speed, the shaky ride and abrupt stops at times it was hard to be sure, and focused as she was on her flight she didn't really notice if he was there or not. Sides, the air pressure made it hard to tell if somepony was adding to the weight with her right now, especially another Pegasus considering their sorts lighter bones.


Eventually, she made a halt about a metre above the ground about... Well, not far from where they had started ac tually. Seemed like she had gotten bored and made it a circle instead. Not landed yet she looked down to see if he was still clinging on, which she would think was mighty impressive if he could.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


"Wow Ziggy, that was some seriously amazing flying!" Storm exclaimed, letting go of the hug-hold he'd had on Ziggy. "How can you take such tight turns and spins at such high speeds? I normally travel in straight lines when I fly, and though being able to break the sound barrier's pretty cool.... That was just plain awesome!" He chirped happily. 

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom

He had to think about it a bit before understanding to the best of his abilities. "Yeah, and it's usually one of those moments to simply smile and nod when she talks about things like the fourth wall or her Pinkie Sense." Book said, leaning back a little.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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@@Harmony Cube,



"Sounds about right. Hold on a second."


Last left the table, went to the counter and bought a new citrus muffin. She felt like having another after the weird talk that had been going on since she went into this place to begin with, and she didn't see a reason not to react on it. Sides, it was some good food they got going here.


When she was done she came back, placed the muffin near her and before taking a chomp asked a question so there weren't gonna be a wall of silence guiding this.


"So, Pinkie, are you and Storm hearing church bells yet or haven't he popped the question yet?"







Ziggy looked at Storm with a big smile, surprised to see that not only did he hang on, but he didn't even seem disoriented.


"Hehe, impressive. Not everypony that can hold on long enough."


She looked down, seeing how close they were to the ground and slowly flapped down before landing, wanting to give her wings a little rest. Then to answer the question, she looked up at him with a big grin still plastered on her face.


"When you're as big as me, you tend to be clumsy unless you train, and in the hospital I had little to do beyond that, so I got a lot done. When the growing finally stopped and I was let out, I kept it up cause I'm used to it, and found that if I stomp hard enough in the air really fast-"


She raised her right front leg and stomped it down in quick succession to show what she meant.


"I can change the path a little with the pressure. After that it's just keep doing that, use your instinct and know when to fold the wings and presto, more speed than I can get flying straight. No way I break any sound barrier, but I get around fast, so all I wanted really."


The instinct part was the important bit, as the split decisions you had to make whilst flying was generally too fast in succession for your brain to kep uop with it in the long run. It took a lot of time, and she had lost ttrack of all the things she flew into, but it had gotten there eventually.


"Oh, and speaking thereof, you can break through the sound barrier? Like, easy or just very rarely if the weather is right?"


Ziggy looked at Storm curiously, wondering what the answer would turn out to be. Was he really fast, or had some good space to work with? Or perhaps both? Not many ponies in Las Pegasus that could break through the barrier.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


 Mezra poked her head out of the dumpster in time to see Briar open a flower thing on his body and hold onto Brittle's box.  She watched with big eyes. "That's so cool!" She said in a hushed voice. She was about to say something else but she calmed herself down. She climbed out of the dumpster and walked over to Brittle with her ears still folded back. "I am very sorry that I keep scaring you, Brittle. Maybe it would be better if I just stop talking."

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@@Blitz Boom


Pinkie giggled, "He hasn't asked just yet, but I think he'll ask soon..." She told Last with a small smile and a pretty much unnoticeable blush.




Storm sneezed, "Somepony must be talking about me..." He thought, "Probably Pinkie... Thinking of which, I need to get the finishing touches on those rings I've been working on...." Storm shook his head, "Sorry, lost in thought... Anyways, that's really smart! I never would've thought somepony could change direction mid-flight by stomping...." He commented, impressed. "Sound barrier? that's as easy as 1, 2, " Storm disappeared, leaving behind a sonic boom. He reappeared in another sonic boom with two ice-cream cones, "Ice-cream?" He asked, holding one out to Ziggy with a smile.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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"Yey, thank you."


Ziggy had looked in awe as he more or less just vanished, then got back like he had teleported. Defiantly not one that needed favourable weather and conditions to get the sonic boom going, that was for sure.


"And it's not easy to stomp on air, Takes a Lot of training, and it helps that Pegasi have lighter bones so there's less to weigh down too though, but you'd know about having to train for it right? Since I doubt your speed just arrived overnight."


Ziggy was mostly not aware when she started to use the rhymes in her speaking. It was as natural as speaking any of the ways was to mix it up a little, but it did weird some ponies out a bit. Unless they'd talked to a full fledged Zebra before that was, usually they understood things a lot better then, especially since some of them tended to be Really cryptic.


Right now though, that wasn't on her mind. The tasty icecream had taken that place with ease as she slowly munched down the delicious, frozen treat.










"Y-You don't have t-to... Just... N-No more evil b-boxes... Please?"


Brittle looked down on Mez from the dumpster with worried eyes. Not worry for herself for once, but worried about Mez and her downwards ears. She didn't want Mez to feel bad, especially not because of her, but perhaps she had made it sound like that? Like she had been blaming her for something? She didn't think so, but... She was never sure. Her social skills were bad considering that she never needed to have any, so she couldn't always see when she said something bad the few times when somepony was nice to her.


It made her feel bad to think that she might have said something to Mez, but it countered out the nervousness, which in turn meant the jade flames went over her and she returned to her *normal* shape again, including her wings. It was good because if she had to get down to the ground again, she was going to need them, even if the way was short.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom



Storm took a bite of his ice-cream, "Yeah, I did a lot of speed training when I was younger. But I guess I trained too hard at a young age, because it's unlikely that I'll ever increase my top speed of flight.... But hey, being able to break the sound barrier at will is still pretty cool, right?" He chuckled, "Hey, not to be rude but... Um... Are you part Zebra or something?" Storm asked curiously. "Because you talk kinda like the Zebra I know, her name is Zecora and she lives in the Everfree Forest... Always speaking in rhymes, I've tried speaking like that myself sometimes because it just looks so fun!" He laughed happily, "But, uh... Yeah, anyways.. You speak with rhymes and you have stripes, so I figured I'd ask." Storm took another bite of the ice-cream.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom

Book decided to stay quiet when Last Stand left. When she asked Pinkie the question about her and Storm getting married he looked at the bubbly pink mare. He munched on his delicious baked treat as he waited for a correct turn to speak. Book actually didn't mind staying quiet for a bit.


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@@Harmony Cube,


"Sounds like you already got a yes ready Pinkie. I hope he'll man up and get the question asked soon then so that the two of you can get proper hitched, Perhaps start to talk about some siblings for Grey, eh?".


Much could be said about Last Stand, but *overly subtle* was not often amongst the words being chosen. Sure, there were times she could hold her tongue, but mostly she just flat out said was was on her mind, and currently that mind was that she doubted that Grey would stay a lonely child in the long run. Something about how Pinkie acted around Storm, or at mention of him, began to speak a few volumes to the right ears.


"What about you Book? You got a special somepony stacked behind one of your shelves at home?"








Ziggy stopped just after chomping down on the waffle part of the icecream, and looked with almost a twinkle in her eyes when Storm began to mention the Zebra thing and how there was another in the area.


"There's a Zebra in the area? Sweet! Ooh, I wanna know what she's like, and, and... Oooh."


A great big smile spread on her face as she did a little swirl in the air before landing nimbly on her hooves again.


"I never saw many beyond my dad back in Las Pegasus. Not that I Looked really, but you know, not an abundance. It's fun to talk to the full blooded ones, especially the rural ones. They can Really twirl their words to make it rhyme, and mom said that dad was just as bad before the city mellowed him out. Unless you pour cider on him, but we're not supposed to do that outside of when the whole family is gathered."


She went closer to Storm and placed her head next to his, holding a hoof up on the other side not turned towards him as if she was trying to whisper something to him even if she spoke normally.


"I sometimes put some in his tea on boring days, but shhh about it. Hehe."


She made a flip and returned to where she had been before, looking over Storm with an impish grin.


"My brother and sister doesn't look like him at all. They look totally like mom and doesn't talk in rhymes even if dad have tried to trick them into it. But still, they like making potions, so he's happy about that. Do you have any siblings Storm?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Pinkie giggled, "He's going to ask soon, I'm absopositivilutely sure!" She glanced around, "Don't tell anypony, especially Stormy, that I know this since Stormy's been trying to keep it a secret but I accidentally found the rings. He's been working to make them himself, and from the notes in his little box-work-shop, he's just recently finished... They look really nice. Simple engraved gold hoops with two sapphires... One is a normal dark blue, and the other is pink." Pinkie said with a smile before she drifted off and began staring into space, daydreaming about living married to Storm, with little foals running around.



"Yeah, I have a little brother..." Storm replied with a smile, "His name's Nimble Flight and he's living back on the family Wheat Farm..." He chuckled, "He's an interesting pony, and definitely unique..." Storm shook his head with a fond smile. "Anyways, if you wanna meet Zecora then I could probably bring you over for a visit or something... She's very nice and makes some seriously amazing tea! Then again if you can make complex magical potions, than why not be able to make amazing tea, huh?" He said with a small laugh. "By the way, speaking of not looking like your family, you should see my brother's tail... It's really unique, cool, and fluffy too! Nopony can understand how it happened, but he has a fox tail..." Storm pouted slightly, "I'm actually kinda jealous he has such a cool tail..."

Edited by Huggle Prince Storm

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom

Book kinda was spacing off with his muffin as Last Stand was talking with Pinkie. He knew Sugarcube Corner had the best food he's ever had, even better than those back at home. He shook his head and returned back to he conversation when his name was brought up. "Hmm? Oh..." Book blushed. He put a hoof to the back of his neck. "Oh um... No... I don't have a special somepony right now. I haven't really had any before either..." He admitted with a small blush.


Sig made by Kyoshi

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@@Blitz Boom, ((Sorry, took me a bit to think of something.))


 Mezra nods. "Okay." With her ears still folded back she pulled her hood over her head. She usually did this when she didn't want to be noticed or when she was feeling bad. She sat on the ground and leaned against the dumpster. Then out of nowhere she started casing a spell that formed a ball, the same color as he magic, around herself.

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