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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom & @Cheerilee


"Oh, uh, alright," Twilight said in a flustered tone at being suddenly removed from the premises. At the very least they had managed to finish eating before getting interrupted. Once the group had gotten beyond the town's boundaries and were on their way to the train station, the Alicorn cleared her throat. She had no idea what was happening with Macabre and would have very much liked to stick around but at the same time, she had to respect the customs of the townsfolk. "Remind me to give that place a review at some point ... since it doesn't seem like we have nowhere else to go, it's back to Ponyville for us, right?"

@Blitz Boom


"What could have happened here?" Dawn thought out loud, helping Scarcity clear away some dust by beating her wings and sort of funnelling the loose debris towards her. "It's not like there was a battle or anything, right?"

"I wish I knew," Dazzle said, continuing to stare at the broken off scale that had been given to her. It was definitely blue, like her draconic father, and it bore signs of having been scratched off. She had managed to pull herself together and gotten out of her funk to try and be of some help to her new friends. "It could be a molted scale but something tells me this is different. Maybe ... I don't know," she ultimately sighed and watched the mounds slowly get cleared away. Over at Long Stare's corner, more bruised and scratched blue scales caught her attention underneath the mound she was working on.

@Blitz Boom


"Mainly some tips on being a budding queen," Aurora eventually admitted and swallowed. She wasn't sure how Cheshire would take it so her first question would be a wild one, one that might not sit well with other Changelings. Nevertheless, she knew what Onache thought of her so why not give Cheshire a shot too? Amidst her nervousness, she nodded a bit to make sure she was ready and spoke to Cheshire. "What ... uh ... I do have a question that I want to get out of the way. How do you feel about a surviving daughter of Queen Chrysalis?"

@Blitz Boom


"This feels familiar," Atzy commented, sitting back while watching Enzo and Blitz fret over Karmic. She didn't want to blab her origins to Blitz and Molotov but whatever Karmic was seeing, it could go either way.

Karmic was gasping softly, her eyes glowing a pure white as she watched visions pass by her eyes. One was of Molotov falling off the pier they were going towards. Another was of fireworks exploding for no apparent reason and setting the pier on fire. Yet another was of the Gemling queen approaching Atzy while they watched fireworks and whisking her freshly made princess away. She didn't like any of them and yet more kept coming, with each rolling into one another. She couldn't explain what she was seeing because the words were catching in her throat and because she couldn't speak, she began to tear up and wet tracks rolled down each side of her face.

"Then again, she was nothing like the last time," Atzy said worriedly, now approaching Karmic to see if she could figure out how to snap her out of it.



What else am I meant to put here?


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 @Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-08-04 at 2:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Everything there is outgoing. Thus the labels of the boxes." Solar explained "And what comes to copies, for what's currently there, I've already taken care of that; our copies are currently stored in my desk, as proper storage comes when the construction work is ready." "However in the future, if a copy is needed, it will be specifically mentioned, as we are only required to store what is relevant for our duties; the long term storage is the responsibility of the archive staff. " "Beyond that, we'll store the rough drafts of the reports for two weeks."  "We are to however keep log of reports we finish and send forward, so that in case of something going missing, responsibility can be properly tracked." he walked next to the papers and seemingly randomly took a paper from between a pile "There are some reports that need to be copied though, this being one example." "I have already made the necessary version for us, but as this will be the document releasing the responsibility of certain individuals from us to the guard as a whole, a copy is delivered to each branch of the guard." the certain individuals were the kobolds he mentioned earlier "You can find the amount of required copies from the end of the draft."

"Good. That will make the organizing a good deal simpler. I will make sure to keep this in mind, and have the appropriate paperwork that we do need to keep, be ordered so it will be simple to find what papers might be required, at a later date."

It seemed they were going to need to store far less copies than she had anticipated then, with a lot of the work just being the monotonous copying of some papers to several of the guard branches. Mostly they would keep logs, and personnel files it sounded like. That would not require much space, so a single filing cabinet would suffice, when it came to her requests, instead of a larger construction. Though she did also need something for the various guards.

Considering Equestria had two royal guard branches, one semi-independent guard branch, as well as the police force in smaller areas, where guards were not as accessible, they would need four for that. Then there were the rough drafts, temporary files, anything that the O.M.I. would need, as another somewhat newly established law enforcement branch, and she assumed, a specific drawer for things meant to go directly to the princesses, and that would be another four.

There were technically also foreign affairs, but she assumed those would be sent to one of the former departments, though... There were the newer princess of Twilight Sparkle, who hadn't yet established a guard of her own, and had her own topics she tended to need to handle. Diplomatic ones mostly, far as she heard. And of course, the Crystal Kingdom. It were perhaps best to have a few drawers for that too, in case things needed to reach to them, as they governed separately too. Which would bring the number of drawers up to eleven. If she split their own files up into storage and personnel files, it would fit a standard 4x3 filing cabinet. Yes, that should do nicely.

She'd then need to request a somewhat notable amount of travel briefs for these, but standard, sealable ones should suffice for the vast majority of things, and were not too expensive in bulk. Though some more secure ones should be kept in storage too, for more sensitive things, of course.

Yes, she were getting a fairly good idea of how she wanted things done then, but she would work with what she had for the time being, and then have it prepared for when she had things set up more to her liking.

On 2024-08-04 at 2:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Magma would have somewhere between 20 to 30 minutes to get started before Solar would visibly start getting ready for the briefing he mentioned, he would have been ready earlier, but he realized he hadn't brought everything needed, and had to leave to get it from home, so after going through his desk and some of the storage around it, he informed Magma that he'd be right back, before leaving the room once more. After he came back, he positioned himself such that Magma would have a good view of him; he seemed to have some pictures with him, painted of course, though only the top one would be visible, seeming to be some kind of a map. 

Of course, if Magma had any further questions, Solar would respond to those first.  

Magma hadn't said anything, when he had given his head a clang before he went off for a bit. He were clearly mechanical in some fashion, but she were no engineer. And even then, she got the feeling she wouldn't understand the fundamentals of what he were and could, as it were technology far ahead of their own. It were simpler to think of him as simply part metallic, but otherwise a pony, and don't try to get into further philosophical thoughts on how much pony he still were, if he were mostly machine, etc. It were non-constructive thoughts, and seemed unkind to pursue, considering he had just given her much appreciated work. Though she might ponder such things on dull, uneventful days, yet keep her thoughts to herself, lest it came up in conversation in some fashion.

When he would return, he'd find that Magma had been at work. She had taken all the files out and had them rearranged and catalogued, then sorted them into their specific place, then had prepared the files that needed to be worked on into sub-groups, based on date, and how many copies were needed. Though they were still in their order of importance. She wouldn't mess with that.

Her table were also tidied up, and she were collecting the files that still needed to be filed into neatly sorted piles, when he had shown up, and she would follow along to get her briefing. Though she would first focus on the new paintings he had also brought along. One seemed to have a painting on it? Rather peculiar, but she assumed this were something he needed for the briefing. Perhaps he had painted instructions, and required information? That would be unorthodox, but she would admit, that it did sound like a rather interesting spin on an old idea, as it were.

"Welcome back, sir. I am ready when you are."



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-08-04 at 2:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

However, after few moments of this, he went to eat it, once again imitating leviathan somewhat, as after pondering about the correct way to eat it, he simply put it in his mouth, crushed it and swallowed; though since their mouths weren't evolved chewing in mind, but rather for ripping chunks off of pray, he less bit into it, and more just crushed it with his jaws, which if nothing else, was a showcase of their strength, considering his small size. From his reaction, it seemed that he somewhat liked it, he would have preferred it raw, and the taste didn't beat what he usually preferred, but it was decent, and the crunch was quite pleasant to him, reminded him of breaking bone...he may have been an angel compared to his sister, but he was still a predator, and wasn't entirely pure.

While Leviathan were a civilized dragon, it didn't mean that she were going at these lobsters with a fork and small hammer, to gently pry the meat from the shell. No, she had strong jaws, teeth, and good stomach acid. She were eating the whole thing, crunching through it with great delight. Though she did start at the elbows ats it were, as the flesh were easy and soft to work with from there. Then go to the claws, and then cut off the thin little legs. It left a good chunk she could get into her mouth and just chomp through, bit by bit, without having to halt when she reached the elbows, or have a leg tickle her throat on the way down.

She probably should have tried bringing at least one back with her that were raw, in case they preferred that, but lobsters just tasted so much better when they had gotten warmed up proper. Which to griffons and such, usually meant a pot of water, and then plopping them right into it. She for one, were not keen on wasting time, so she just used magic instead. It was a good deal faster, albeit you had to be careful to not make the insides to ash. Took some trial and error, as well as proper control to get this done. Least for her.

She could handle one more after the one she had been gnawing on when she arrived, and as such, would eat with Charir. The rest of the lobsters would be put on ice. Literally, she'd smack them into a block of it. They could be heated up again after they'd thaw. It'd lose some taste, but it were still better than have them lay around and get stale. Waste of good meat that were.

On 2024-08-04 at 2:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

As Charir was getting ready to lay down for rest, and Ruby had already laid down, Ruby spoke to Leviathan "I was thinking, pony business is out for now, and I am frankly getting sick of curses; how do you feel about visit to our homelands." "We need to rest first of course, but with what happened in that temple, I'm not comfortable delaying getting rid of this..." she pointed at the amulet "...any longer than necessary." she kept a short pause "I'm going, I'm mainly asking if you'll join me, it is clear that I can't properly watch over Charir as long as I'm this vulnerable."  "I acknowledge that it may be for nothing, but it is currently the best option we have." "Besides, it could be a good vacation for Charir too, to help him forget...this." she knew that Charir probably wasn't happy about the idea of the homelands themselves, after all, he had just fled from there, but she was sure that the idea of meeting the more magical side of their kin would intrigue him.

"I'm game."

In fact, she were rather enthusiastic about it, and perked up a little as the conversation came up. Sure they had planned to go there eventually, but she assumed it were gonna be a few decades probably, before they got that far. Not just a few days. That it came up now were sudden, and yes, the place still sounded like a nightmare, but it still sounded better than what they had just been through, so she'd take it.

"Anything we outta bring along for the trip? Snacks? Bear carcasses? That sorta thing? You've told me some pretty disturbing things about your homelands, but isn't there any sort of neutral state you can have with others? If you always fought whoever wandered in on your turf, most would end up near extinct in a few centuries. Maybe decades. Isn't there some sort of way to traverse relatively safely? A tribute you can give for passage through, or something? I've done those things before. Works on trolls and corrupt officials, all the same. Though the trolls can swing harder, and have better humor."

Honestly, trolls weren't so bad, once you got to know them. Yes they were vicious barbarians, who had w ell earned reputation for breaking intruders and eating them, but they did have some degree of an honor system. Pay them the right tribute, show them respect, and that you weren't afraid of a fight, and they were fairly sociable. Also had the absolute best party brawls imaginable. She'd been down to the usage of one arm at the end of the last one, and needed three months to recuperate properly, and another two before she stopped finding bone splinters and gnarly hair in her scales, but it had been fun. She'd even been given a lift to where she could rest up properly, from the first troll who had managed to return the use of his limbs and jaw. They healed fast, so they played rough. Reminded her of the brawls she had with the other pups, when she were a whelp, just with less tail biting.

"*yawn* After we rest of course. I'm guessing I'll need what magic I can scrape together for when we get there. I'm just hoping there won't be any killings of kin."

Probably a naive hope, but it were all she had. She really didn't want to kill her own kin, even if they were more like cousins, she supposed. Though if it stood between doing that, or saving Charir and Ruby... She'd get over the death of some random, who didn't get the hint.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-08-04 at 2:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"If anyone needs any more evidence, just tell them to look at me." he was still holding his hand on Sheska's shoulder "I'd bet my remaining limbs that were most here in similar circumstances as we were, I'd be dead."

"Oh, I don't doubt that you know what you're talking about. But some of the higher rung folks in the big hospitals can get pretty stuck-up, with their snouts firmly planted in the sky. It's usually best to just ignore them, and focus on those who're willing to listen. Cause those sorts won't give a hoot, unless it's been written by somepony with twenty years of medical expertise, who is also head surgeon in some fancy hospital or the like. It can be pretty discouraging for some."

When she were a nurse, she knew for a fact that those sorts wouldn't even be bothered to push a paper from her to the trash can, if it landed on their table. And now, they still wouldn't, because what would some fresh doctor, out in the middle of a small'ish town know about real medicine?

And she knew that was the thought, because one of those sorts had come to a lecture to give a presentation, and were openly, arrogantly saying that the best they could aspire to, were to be working for their betters, and listen to them, as they knew better. The demeaning tone when somepony tried asking a question... Urgh. She had known two that had just flat out left the medical school because of that. Bad times.

On 2024-08-04 at 2:14 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Trox nodded to the mayors explanation, Sheska took the offered notebook and pen "Thanks, this will be a start." "Though I have one more question, what is 'above board'?" "I know what the saying means, but what does it mean in practice." "You see, part of the reason why we chose such a place to live, and why even this whole thing took some consideration, is because, well, we are not ponies." "Our culture is very different, be it in how we live, or how we do things like medical care, which is the relevant thing here." "Without making it any more complicated than needed; Healers can take a life." "Mercy killing is something socially, morally and medically accepted in our culture, we of course do everything to avoid it, but it is part of our duty; So if a fellow kobold needs it, I will provide." "Is that a problem?" It was a serious topic, so Sheska was equally serious when she asked it. Trox also added "In general, our morality is formed by our less individualistic nature, could that potentially cause issues?"

"In broad terms, above board means that you don't scam and cause harm. So for instance, healers selling snake oil, that makes others worse. Or selling fake jewelry, whilst claiming it is not.

We have had some less than scrupulous beings, who tried to earn a quick bit with scams like this, and whilst cheap trinkets are one thing, stuff like medicine that causes more harm than it does good, is a more serious offense. In essence, I will just hear from here and there what is said, on if your potions helps, or what you tinker up falls apart near instantly- Things such as that. You are likely to see me around when you open shop, just looking over things too, but I won't interfere in your process. I'm sure there won't be problems, and as such you won't hear much from me, in an official manner.

However, your other... Activities...

Officially, I cannot condone it. A loss of life, even in grim circumstances, is not something that one in my position can simply stand behind. Unofficially however... I know from personal experience, what assistance in such a case can mean, and how it is a kindness that can be hard to understand.

I believe it best if we simply pretend like we never spoke of this, and whatever you and your kin does discretely, is none of my business."

It were one of those topics that never had a unified response to it, and she could well lose her position, if she openly went and condoned these kinds of things. Especially because of the morality, and questions of whatever it were forced or not. So while she supported the idea, it were best if she simply turned her back, and pretended to not know of this.

"Eeeergh... I'm a medical professional, I can't make a stand on this, and frankly I've never thought much on it, beyond the oath we have to take, to be a doctor. So... I'll just stay neutral on it. Besides, it's a cultural thing, and it's not our place to condemn or condone this sorta thing."

It might be socially acceptable in kobold society, but the concept of mercy killings were the sort of thing that ponies generally didn't like to talk openly about. It were illegal, but some places were just kinda turning their backs on it, and pretended they didn't see anything, as they could understand the need for the practice, under some circumstances. In Ponyville, this were more or less a topic that just wasn't brought up.




On 2024-08-05 at 2:08 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“It seems your thinking got the other village hunters somewhat spooked. Don’t worry; I’ve spoken with them about how things may look strange when it comes to you, and I’ve assured them that you are not dangerous. As far as anyone is concerned, you are a member of our village and are afforded protection just like everyone else living among us.”

“Those unfamiliar with you will get accustomed to your strangeness, but we’ve all been there. Just give it some time.”

"If they are curious, they can come and ask me questions. It is only him that I do not answer, because he hurt my friends."

It was a dubious honor, being one of the few she didn't simply answer. But he had been after her friends, and would not be sorry for it. So until that changed, he were not worth giving answers. And that change would not come, until Sen and Lin said to her, that he were okay to give answers to. She knew that she were not able to tell herself, if he just said he were sorry, or meant it..

As for the other guards in town, if they wanted to come over and talk, they could. She might answer them, unless she thought it was something that the other one set them up for. So them asking about the young longma that had talked with the foals, were not something she should answer them. But if they wanted to know things about her, or what she were doing, she would probably answer. She had already been told what she shouldn't be telling others about, so the rest should be okay, yes?

On 2024-08-05 at 2:08 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Now, as far as packing essentials is concerned, you’ll need some food while traveling. Any items you’ll need to bring to the meeting with the elders will be necessary, though securing them will be necessary. You’ll never know what you’ll encounter at the outposts. I’ve heard stories of animals sneaking in and helping themselves to whatever visitors brought.”

“You must be joking, right? I thought those places were guarded.”

“Sometimes, unexpected things may happen, including small creatures sneaking in while you sleep. I fear your little companion may soon have competitors to his food supply if not secured well. In any case, packing light is recommended.” Ghilan glanced toward Shrimp, wondering about what might be interested in taking his food if given the chance. The siblings caught on to this, quietly acknowledging the possibility of it happening.

"That is okay. I have the bag with his food here."

Omen would be standing still as she spoke, and at the end, open her mouth. Her tongue now wrapped around the bag that they might have seen on the way up her throat. Dry as ever, and half-way filled with the dried fruits that Shrimp liked. She would take a few out, and swallow the bag again, before putting them up on her head. Shrimp weren't waking up, but he would grab at them with his small arms, and clutch them at his chest, like they were small plushies.

"I have four stomachs. I only use one to eat. So I can carry things in the others.

There are still some bits in the third. Do you want to see?"

She would tilt her head, looking questioning towards them. Considering everything, this might be a bit much, or if they were jaded to her weirdness by now, something that were shrug-worthy as *Yeah, sounds about right for Omen*. She did not know, nor think about it. The elders were supposed to learn about them, and Ghilan was an elder. So it made sense for her to show him things like this, yes?

If they declined, or things moved on, she would simply begin to ask another question. Though if they were curious, she'd regurgitate a few bits, balancing on her elongated tongue, for them to see first. They could take them if they wanted to.

"Are there water on the way there? Shrimp gets thirsty. If there is not, I can go to the lake when we need more."

Due to her gates, she honestly did not need to carry anything with her, and as such, were not in need of stashing up on things. Especially since she didn't need to eat or drink herself.

"If you need me to watch you when you sleep, so nothing comes and takes you away, I can do that too. I do not sleep. That is helpful, yes?"

The plans were likely set, guard duty rotations handled, etc. But she were a helpful sort. Came with being a born servant, without a master. She might decide for herself, but she were made to serve, and would be helpful if she could.

On 2024-08-05 at 2:08 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“That is commendable, and upholding the agreement we made is something to be expected. There is no need for us to do anything that will jeopardize a budding business relationship, even in this nascent stage. Even mayhem is reprehensible. The thought of it is sickening.”

“I suppose that attitude stemmed from our own experiences, all the way back to the extinction of our kind. The pursuit of power for selfish ends that day showed us that excesses can lead to a grisly end that will end up hurting others.”

Legatus examined the orb he held as the group walked, attempting to distance himself from the events that led to the golems being held within the orb in the first place. They knew what they signed up for, but it wouldn’t have been necessary. Some days, he wished it never happened, but some wishes are just meant to never come true.

"Yes, it can often cause you trouble to not approach things with a measure of restraint. Greed is so often the downfall of many a promising individual, and it can be a fine balance to wander. Yet it is best done, lest overindulgence, causes it all to fall apart. Or makes beings you do not want to be the focus off, find it the right time to settle the score.

If you need advise for it, do be free to ask. I consider myself well acquainted with this particular line, and could perhaps be of some help, if you find yourself questioning if you are in over your head."

Scarcity had once been visited by one of those karmic warriors. In her early years, when she had pushed to make a name for herself in the right circles, and she had been warned what would happen, were she to go too far. In fact, she were shown what it could bring, to be an issue, in the grand scheme of balance. Albeit brief, she understood the hint, and began to be more systematic. A lot of gain in her life, and more than she could realistically use herself in her lifetime, but she did much good in places too, and thus balanced out her presence in the world. She did not have the luxury of being one of those meant to be a purely evil, or purely good being, that balanced the scale heavily, in time of need. Nor would she want to be, as she were not some pawn to be unsealed from its box, when there were a need for it.

On 2024-08-05 at 2:08 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Ah, a patron of the arts! My fellows and I viewed similar performances at the amphitheaters. It was always a pleasure to see the tragedies and comedies on stage! I may not speak for my fellows but now that you mentioned it, I wonder if productions like Ultoris Tragoedia have survived.”

“It was especially true with the amphitheater’s construction and acoustics. Even if the most distant spectators can hear the actors as if they were in the frontmost seats.” 

"Gotta enjoy the fun things in life. Can't all be work and looking stoic, or things are gonna go mighty dull, rather fast.

Can't say I know that particular play, but you could do worse than to ask. Who knows? You might be able to give them a new show to put on. They'd love it, I'm sure."

Good to hear these were some cultured folks. Spoke well of them, that they could enjoy such things, though now he himself were also curious, about that play they mentioned. Wasn't something he could recall, but there were so many, and he would admit to not remembering the name of every last one. Might be he had seen it, and the name itself, slipped his mind. or it might be a long forgotten play, in which case they could end up giving them something spectacular to work with. Something that the other theaters, or the opera, had access to, would be a good deal of fun for them, and draw in more eyes to their establishment. It were doing well, don't get him wrong, but the more the better, y'know?

Folks like Scarcity helped a lot with their presence. She were a well liked mare of the upper crust of the city.  It were a great boon to have her come around and give her mark of approval to something. Not that they didn't earn it. He'd been there enough to know that they put their heart and soul into what they put on stage, and it definitely showed.

On 2024-08-05 at 2:08 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Thank you for your suggestions. We will visit the places you’ve suggested and more. I believe it would be best to experience the city by exploring the things it has to offer at our pace. Perhaps you could answer one more question? What are Celestia and Luna like?”

It was an odd thing to ask about, at least as far as curiosity for the city goes. However, something about the perception of leaders or rulers piqued the golem’s interest. However, it was merely Scriniarii’s intent to learn about these monarchs and how different they may have become. Discord had changed since they last heard about him, and the same could be true for the two alicorns. 

"The princesses are the sparkle in Equestria's eye.

Princess Celestia, the princess of the sun, were long our main ruler. She is a kind, patient mare, who leads our country with a warm presence, and rises the sun high above our heads every day. I think you will find her welcoming to your presence, and curious about what stories you might know. Most of the daily things that goes into running the kingdom, is done by subordinates, so she have time to mingle with the citizenry, if she so wishes.

Princess Luna, are the princess of night, and dreams. Celestia's younger sister, she is a very old fashioned, with manners and ways to talk, reminiscent of the olden times, when Equestria were still young. She doesn't show up much during the day, but she is a calming presence, that makes sure that Equestrians has pleasant dreams, and guides those in need, in what way she can, within the dreamscape.

Each of them are the final authority of the two royal guards. Celestia of us Solar Guards, and Luna of the Night Guards. There are also the Coastal Guard, but they are not under the authority of a royal.

In general, I think you would greatly enjoy meeting either princess. Perhaps you might even be lucky, and they wander the palace together, so you can meet them both. Or they are in some part of town, for some event or other."

"I do believe I know where she might be, as a matter of fact. Today is when Sweet Rolls unveils her new, award winning cake recipe, as I understand it. Which includes giving samples to the attendants."

"I heard about that. Celestia would definitely be present for that. Bit of a sweet tooth, our royal highness. It would give you a chance to see her a bit closer, and get an impression better than anything I could tell. Though I am not sure if Luna would be there. She's not know for being the biggest cake enthusiast."

"I feel fairly confident that Luna will be convinced to join the party. You know how Celestia does her best to make her more sociable, and this will be a notable event."

"Heh, I'll take your word for it, Lady Scarcity. Always been a good head on those shoulders."

"Thank you dearie. The compliment is appreciated."

Behind them, Brick would narrow his eyes, about a quarter of an inch, yet he didn't say a thing. Just kept his gaze on this guard, who were having a seemingly casual, jovial conversation with Scarcity.

"Will you be needing assistance in there, in some manner?"

"Oh, I'm sure we will be fine. I know this town as well as my own store by now. Yet of course, they may have more questions to ask."

"If so, just lemme know. Not a lot use this gate, so we got time to chatter with folks that do use it."



@Sekel @Cheerilee

"Probably for the best. Things were getting odd here, and if there's gonna be a commotion, it's better to have you somewhere else, that's safe."

"Krrkkrt. There is things we can do in your home too, pony. I wish to bring back words from you, to my queen. She is a kinder soul than her mother, so I think her amendable to approach you ponies in a different way than we have until now. Not that there are many options, as the maidens have left their temple. Without them, we lack worthy adversaries."

"Hmph. Considering what you manetids can get up to, if you are up to your own accord, maybe it would be best to try and reach out. I heard from the townsponies that you are good at making connections like this, your majesty."

Last didn't overly trust the manetids. They are violent, murderous creatures, and they both had countless generations behind them, of warriors that had killed and been killed by the other side. A seemingly endless conflict, that the eternal queen would never let end.

And yet, it were over now. The eternal queen were dead, the maidens gone- It were a new time for them, much as it were for Last and her fellows maidens. Perhaps this new queen of theirs, could be talked sense with. Though she'd remain vigilant, in case it would become a trap. One that Drone potentially didn't want to happen. She seemed okay. For a manetid anyway. but what her queen would do with an outstretched hoof, were hard to say. Maybe try and bite it. Maybe shake it. They would wait and see what would come of it, but it sounded as if Drone were planning on eventually making her way home, sometime relatively soon. And it were irritating Last slightly, that she could actually feel a tinge of sadness over that.

They would get out of town without issues, and the gates were closed by the skeletal guards soon after, and locked. It seemed that the tumultuous time for the town, were about to start. Though Stitch Wraith, who had followed them on their way, would go and press her face up against the gate, to say some last words.

"Hey! It were nice meeting you, princess. When this here's all over, I hope we'll have a chance to chatter again, though it'd probably have to be here. Folks get weirded out by my appearance when I leave town, heh. But hey, maybe I'll take a chance, and test how much you've influenced your town. It'd be a hoot.

Take care of yourself now. And don't worry, your friend's gonna be right as rain here. We might be practitioners of death, but we treasure life."

They would not have a hard time getting back to the thestral town, that were as quiet and sleepy as before. Though there were one thing that were different. A trio of breezies would be flapping about, chasing a small cotton ball, unaware of the approaching guests. If they wanted, they could simply just let them be, and get on their way to the train station. But if they wanted, they could strike up a conversation with them. Breezies were not exactly the most normal of beings to run into normally, though they had been told that there were a town of them in this vast forested area, somewhere. One of the three villages, that lived in here, not counting Sanctuary.




"Uhm... I'm not sure it's that simple."

"Ah, you found something, sister dearest?"

Stare would nod, and point them over to where she had been swiping away. More blue scales, in the condition that the last one had been in as well, hidden underneath the dust.

"Hmm. A single scale might well be molting, or getting stuck on a chair, but several, int he same area? Rather peculiar."

"I hope they weren't hurt."

"Now now, let us not jump to conclusions. It may well be nothing nefarious, and merely an accident. This is however, starting to get rather mysterious."

She would tap her chin, yet continue to funnel dust out, as she had thus far.

"Dazzle? If we do not find a definitely lead or answer, might I inquire if I could send someone out here with a more keen eye for things, to see what they can find? A few friends as it were, with tools suitable for finding well hidden clues.

This is your home, and as such, it seems only prudent to ask. I will also need to send those details of your parents appearance around a few that I know can spread the word too. There ight have been sightings over the years, that can be used to pinpoint a direction, or other places one could look for further clues."

"It won't be easy to get done."

"No, but I do wish to help. And you know how much I dislike not being able to solve something that I have set my mind to."

That were true. Scarcity were never one who enjoyed leaving things unfinished, or guessing on things, rather than find answers. She were one who liked knowing things, and be in control. Mysteries like this, fascinated her, and could sometimes become a nagging thought, in the back of her head, util she had found answers.

It were good it were turning out like this honestly. It meant there were a greater chance this were solved.




"So That's who your mother is, huh? I kinda wondered.

But you have nothing to fear here. We are not the sins of our mothers, or grandmothers for that matter. Trust me, I know. This here's a judgement free hive, for the most part. Besides, just look at you. You're nothing like her, and that's a real good start I'd say."

Cheshire would grin widely, as open and inviting as ever. What reason had she not to be after all? This were but the daughter of Chrysalis, not the evil queen herself. In fact, that just made it more important to be kind to her. Give her a good example, and great role models, so she'd turn out nothing like her mother.

"I mean, it's not like you're somepony with a shady story, like Queen Harrow, or Queen Carnage. Or Queen Onache, though the first two are worse."

"A strange compliment to be given."

"Oh, she's still plenty horrible. She twists the minds of her victims, and runs them dry. And the last time I saw her, I tried to be nice, and she said she'd break my neck if I dared speaking to her again. She's rather rude."

Onache would smirk slightly at that. Perhaps not a memory to be proud off, but it did amuse her somewhat to remember the situation. It would be... Interesting, once she would be made aware of who she were, but that would be for the future.

""Anyway, wanna come inside, and have a look? Might help calm your nerves to see what we're all about, and you can ask me more questions on the way.




"Very well. Let us try and escalate things slightly then, shall we?"

Holding her up to his face, he would open up his maw. The slight spit on the sharp teeth, glistening in the sunlight. He could eat her here, but he wasn't a barbarian. Instead he'd simply just blow on her. Cat breath, at a stiff breeze, should rouse her out of things. If not, he'd try to slightly bonk her on the head with a claw. He knew seers were prone to be stuck in these modes, but if these were bad visions, which the tears indicated, it were best to cut that short. Preferably without knowing her out entirely, though if it seemed things threatened her life, via these visions, minor force would be taken to use.

*sigh* Could the elders see him now, care for a pony in more ways than simply as a servant that would take longer to replace than to help... They would scoff at the mere sight of him, for millennia to come.

Then again, let them. He doubted he'd be welcomed back home as it were anymore, and it were these small creatures, that had come and broken his chains, freeing him from his long prison, not his own kin. Sure it were not these ones specifically, but the sentiment remained, and after what they had been through, he were feeling slightly fond of these. No need to waste good companionship like that.

"If that doesn't work, try and dip her in water! I bet that would wake her right up."

"Eh, hard to say when it's a vision thing. Might need to cover her eyes or something.- This here's more wild magic than science, so I ain't sure what's gonna be coming off all this."

Enzo would keep the suggestions in mind, but for now, he would see what would happen with his attempts. If naught, then they may continue with the others, though with Molotov's first, as it seemed the least invasive, as it were. Though it certainly fit the energetic personally, of the peculiar little filly, to suggest what she had.

  • Hugs 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-08-10 at 7:55 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"That is okay. I have the bag with his food here."

Omen would be standing still as she spoke, and at the end, open her mouth. Her tongue now wrapped around the bag that they might have seen on the way up her throat. Dry as ever, and half-way filled with the dried fruits that Shrimp liked. She would take a few out, and swallow the bag again, before putting them up on her head. Shrimp weren't waking up, but he would grab at them with his small arms, and clutch them at his chest, like they were small plushies.

"I have four stomachs. I only use one to eat. So I can carry things in the others.

There are still some bits in the third. Do you want to see?"

“I… uh… think I’ll take your word about having many stomachs, Omen, but thank you for sharing.”

“That’s something new…. I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking about that for a few nights, but… it’s something.”

Send and Lin chuckled at seeing Xin’s and Elder Ghilan’s reactions to that new tidbit of information Omen shared. It caught the siblings off-guard the first time they heard about it, but seeing how others reacted to it wouldn’t get old. No matter how strange some may see the Ki’Nathar, there was something under the surface that hinted that there was more. Though Omen’s brand of strangeness may lose its novelty over time, the first reaction was always a constant that could get the siblings to perk up.

But quickly enough, Ghilan would change the subject to bring the discussion back on track. It was rather nice to have things go well despite the distraction, but he getting used to Omen’s oddities a little more with each interaction. Knowing about her gates would make things a little easier for the group, as packing light could very well translate to packing nothing. Everything would be a stone’s throw away, though he wouldn’t advise it for Sen and Lin. They still need to do the necessary packing.

“Elder Ghilan has told me about this. We’ll be passing by a stream on the way to our destination, so drinking water should be readily available. That also applies to bathing in case we would need it. As for security while we sleep, the hunters stationed at the outpost would ensure we remain safe, as will I.”

“I’m sure you staying up and watching us while we sleep will be helpful, but there’s no need for you to do that.” Sen placed one claw over the Ki'nathar's shoulder, affirming Omen being a member of their village, something that folks in the village are slowly coming around to and accepting. ”You are a traveler, so there is no need to engage in the things that should be part of a hunter’s job.” 

“However, as you are Shrimp’s caretakers, I hope you will do what you can to make sure he’s behaved, all right?”

Sen and Lin nodded in agreement. Though Ghilan understood the question was mostly directed at Omen, seeing as the refraction was usually perched on her head, it seemed like the siblings were just as responsible. He was fairly certain that the little one would listen to them, so he wasn’t too concerned. However, there was another thing that left him very concerned.

“There is another reason why I am here. What were you thinking going into those ruins?! You know going in there is taboo!” The elder’s voice went from upbeat to serious, though remaining hushed, his emotions slowly shifted as his tone and speed lowered. As for the siblings, they hoped this would have been kept among themselves and Xin, but it seemed like that wasn’t the case. They could only remain silent out of guilt despite knowing it wasn’t even their idea to go in, if only because of the trouble they found themselves in after they explored one such ruin. 

On 2024-08-10 at 7:55 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"The princesses are the sparkle in Equestria's eye.

Princess Celestia, the princess of the sun, were long our main ruler. She is a kind, patient mare, who leads our country with a warm presence, and rises the sun high above our heads every day. I think you will find her welcoming to your presence, and curious about what stories you might know. Most of the daily things that goes into running the kingdom, is done by subordinates, so she have time to mingle with the citizenry, if she so wishes.

Princess Luna, are the princess of night, and dreams. Celestia's younger sister, she is a very old fashioned, with manners and ways to talk, reminiscent of the olden times, when Equestria were still young. She doesn't show up much during the day, but she is a calming presence, that makes sure that Equestrians has pleasant dreams, and guides those in need, in what way she can, within the dreamscape.

Each of them are the final authority of the two royal guards. Celestia of us Solar Guards, and Luna of the Night Guards. There are also the Coastal Guard, but they are not under the authority of a royal.

In general, I think you would greatly enjoy meeting either princess. Perhaps you might even be lucky, and they wander the palace together, so you can meet them both. Or they are in some part of town, for some event or other."

It was apparent that the princesses were well-liked, though that perception may be clouded if impressions were given by just one pony. However, the golems trusted that Celestia and Luna were the good individuals described to them. Luna’s powers involving dreams were an interesting finding. Frankly, rulers who involved themselves with the common folk were rare, but learning of this made them sound more endearing. Scriniarii got his answer, and that made him more than inclined to seek an audience with the princesses if time permits.

Then again, there may be a chance to see one of the princesses. Scriniarii felt the urge to divert from their task to attend the event Scarcity mentioned, but his fellow golems may not be as inclined… Perhaps it would be best to consider their actions and priorities for now.

“Celestia and Luna sound like a delightful pair of rulers, and it is good that they are looking after their subjects. To be honest, the way you described them could put some of those who wielded similar power in the past to shame.”

“The sisters as rulers makes for an idyllic image. They sound like they are perfect, and it, admittedly, makes me feel a little jealous of the fortune of having them as your rulers.”

“Ah, but I suppose we shouldn’t be keeping you from your duties, Tangle Growth. I believe the best way to see the city for what it has to offer is to immerse ourselves, and you have certainly painted an interesting and inviting picture. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and I hope we can cross paths again.”

Though the golems would like to stick around and chat, there may be more to see in the town. Either that or Scarcity and the group may continue further into Canterlot with their current objective. Come to think of it, the task they set out for the day was to enter the city, and what comes after hasn’t been set in stone. It will be interesting to see what comes next. Maybe they might have a chance to see what kinds of productions are showing, if only in passing. 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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On 2024-08-13 at 2:40 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Elder Ghilan has told me about this. We’ll be passing by a stream on the way to our destination, so drinking water should be readily available. That also applies to bathing in case we would need it. As for security while we sleep, the hunters stationed at the outpost would ensure we remain safe, as will I.”

“I’m sure you staying up and watching us while we sleep will be helpful, but there’s no need for you to do that.” Sen placed one claw over the Ki'nathar's shoulder, affirming Omen being a member of their village, something that folks in the village are slowly coming around to and accepting. ”You are a traveler, so there is no need to engage in the things that should be part of a hunter’s job.” 

“However, as you are Shrimp’s caretakers, I hope you will do what you can to make sure he’s behaved, all right?”

Omen would look down on his claw, as it were placed on her shoulder, and raised a hoof up, thinking she were supposed to do the same to him. Like this were a kind of longma greeting perhaps, that she should try and partake in, but she would halt in her calm, slow action, if she were told not to, or he took a step back.

"I will keep watch over Shrimp, but I can keep watch over you too. I can not sleep, and Mother says it is important to help. That we can learn from it."

Shrimp would need some oversight, but he had been mostly nice. A bit of hissing, and there were the one time when he had glitter-breathed someone, but he had been annoying the refraction more than once, and it could be argued that he deserved it.  If it got to that again, Omen would make sure to put a gate in front of that this time, but it should be fine, long as they didn't annoy Shrimp. He seemed to tolerate things well enough, long as you didn't intrude on his personal place. Which were maybe something she should say actually.

"Shrimp does not like when strangers poke him. But you smell like longma. I think it will be okay."

On 2024-08-13 at 2:40 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“There is another reason why I am here. What were you thinking going into those ruins?! You know going in there is taboo!” The elder’s voice went from upbeat to serious, though remaining hushed, his emotions slowly shifted as his tone and speed lowered. As for the siblings, they hoped this would have been kept among themselves and Xin, but it seemed like that wasn’t the case. They could only remain silent out of guilt despite knowing it wasn’t even their idea to go in, if only because of the trouble they found themselves in after they explored one such ruin. 

"Why was it taboo, when you did not know what was there? Or did you know? Then why not tell anyone?"

She tilted her head to the left, looking more perplexed than her normally neutral expression, as something occurred to her.

"...How did you know we were there?"

The elder himself probably wouldn't go there, if it was bad for their kind, so... Did Xin tell him? Why? She were sure there were a reason, but she did not understand it currently. He were a strange one to try and understand the motives off sometimes.

On 2024-08-13 at 2:40 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Celestia and Luna sound like a delightful pair of rulers, and it is good that they are looking after their subjects. To be honest, the way you described them could put some of those who wielded similar power in the past to shame.”

“The sisters as rulers makes for an idyllic image. They sound like they are perfect, and it, admittedly, makes me feel a little jealous of the fortune of having them as your rulers.”

“Ah, but I suppose we shouldn’t be keeping you from your duties, Tangle Growth. I believe the best way to see the city for what it has to offer is to immerse ourselves, and you have certainly painted an interesting and inviting picture. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and I hope we can cross paths again.”

"I wouldn't trade our princesses for anypony else. They ain't perfect, but they're the closest to it that I can think of, and Celestia especially, have made sure to grow Equestria into the beautiful country it is today. I hope you'll get to meet them sooner, rather than later. I think you'll find them welcoming, and a rather awe-inspiring sight, I might add.

But you're best off to see, rather than hear. Been a pleasure talking with you, sir. I hope you'll find our capitol to your liking, and wish you the best of luck ahead. If you need a friendly face, come around sometimes. We got some free time here, and I don't mind trading stories."

Tangle would salute them as they were on their way, As would the other guards. Something that Scarcity would respond to, with a cordial bow, and Brick would with a grunt, and a nod of the head towards Tangle. It took a lot to get proper approval from the former sergeant, and some talking weren't enough. But he would accept that he did his job properly, and acknowledge that. Though Tangle did seem to tense a slight amount, as he also saw a warning in Brick's eyes. Feint, but if you had been around him, or heard enough stories, you started to pick up on the small signs here and there.

"It was much appreciated. Take care for now."

They would be able to walk into Canterlot properly now, and frankly, they were going to get some eyes. Though perhaps not as many as they might have expected. From a distance, it could be hard to tell they were made of stone, due to the detail and color variation in their form, to make them look more alive. Most who looked, were either close enough to notice, or were curious about their form. Some others looked towards Scarcity, sending their regards, waves, or a raised hoof and a smile in her direction. And she responded kindly back herself. Words, nods, a small bow- Whatever the situation called for, and depending on who she were dealing with. In one case, it were a simple, slow wink of her eyes, towards a noblemare who seemed to gaze with a neutral glance, for a bit longer than the rest around the town.

Scarcity had everything handled well, when it came to how she were shown to others. The degree of sociability she needed, were expected to have, who to use it towards, what their preferred way of having that done, etc. Dealing with the populace were an artform, and one she were skilled in, she might add. To the point where there were time, when she even questioned herself, if she could pinpoint who she truly were anymore, beneath all the glamour and carefully crafted persona.

But then things happened at times, that got her out of that zone. Something that made her feel certain of what were real. Among them, being when she were spending time with her daughter. A filly whom she adored above all else, and those in her dark circles knew that. Which were why they made sure to keep distance between themselves and her. Sure the majority of the black market regulars, simply didn't much care for causing direct, deliberate harm to kids int he first place, but more than that, they knew that if they even tried, they would become the sole focus of not only Scarcity's attention, but boundless wrath.

There were enough stories and examples to make even Le Perinne not want to be laser-focused on like that. Sure Scarcity could not physically or magically harm the elder dragon, but she knew how to arrange things in such a way, that the karmic servants that could deal with her, and whom the dragoness had thus far kept at bay, would make her their top priority. Among other troublesome things, though they had enough of a professional degree of respect for one another, to have little interest in harming the other. It were bad for business, and they frankly both had better things to do.

As for those sending glances towards the golems... It were vastly mere curiosity, with no hostility. A few seemed concerned, and scurried along. Likely the sort who knew about golems, and could tell they were, but it seemed they attracted vastly more curiosity, by the few who did look. Though most would simply not notice, and move on. They had their own things to do, and couldn't be expected to keep track of every little thing that happened in town after all. Unless there were screaming, or a bunch of guards descending, they had to assume everything were fine. And a few guards did approach, but seeing Scarcity lead them on, and telling them what varied things they were seeing, between greeting others, made them halt, and not approach, but simply leave instead. All but one, but it were a good question if the various golems even noticed him. A pony standing in shadows at various points during their travel, looking right at them. Not approaching, not talking, yet definitely keeping an eye on them.

The town itself had a lot of wonder to gaze upon though, so it could hardly be expected them to notice everything, like a pony that didn't show much of himself, glaring at them with a single, white-iris eye. The Old Town were near, if they went down that path, but going to the capitol proper, were an explosion of sights. bakers, libraries, tinkerers, miners, large office buildings, stands selling a myriad of various things in the markets, the beautiful fountains, clothing shops, woodworks- So much, and more to come, as they wandered through the jewel of Equestria.

(I can't think of specifics right now, but feel free to insert specific places and such if you wish, and we take it from there)

"- and that is Marble Mane's new boutique. A delightfully bubbly mare, with access to such exquisite marble and porcelain, I simply had to have her install certain things of her creation in my own residency. The flooring is simply marvelous in the bathrooms now.

What think you of our fair town thus far? A little overwhelming perhaps? Less than you had thought? Be not shy to speak in honest of what you think, when you gaze around Canterlot."

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
Solar started with the unit related info "As stated before, this unit was formed to combat threats from mainly my world, but, the more official mission is 'Identifying, investigating and countering anomalies beyond common means.'" "Other worlds is not a new concept for this world, the princesses have been aware of their existence from the start, in fact, travel between them, and the use of them to counter threats is older than the Equestria as you know it." "Banishing of the sirens being one of more public examples." "However, until my arrival, any potential threats caused by these worlds were reasonably simple to combat, as they tend to be tied to the same rules as this one, and thus same means work against them as against comparable local threats." "But my world, while still tied to the same rules of reality, is unique in a way not foreseen by the princesses; harmony failed, and so, evil has evolved beyond the means of this world." "That is where this unit comes in, I am to build a framework for combating threats from places like my world, or in other word, we are to expect the unexpected, prepare for what we don't know." 

"Obviously, our mission is paradoxical, we are to be ready for something we cannot prepare for by its nature, because if something is well known enough to have commonly known counters, it is no longer our responsibility, so, more realistically, this unit is less about active elimination of threats, and more about quickly analyzing them to find a way to combat them." "That is partly why I was chosen to be the commander of the first generation of this unit; while my knowledge is of course a part of it, my history as the head of information in my unit back home, fits the information focused mission of this unit." "This makes you an important asset for the unit, as most information will be going through you way or another, and that is also why you need to understand the exact nature of that information, thus a history lesson." 

He took the first painting; the paintings were just the cloth, making them take less space than paintings usually did; the first painting was a map, the shape of the land was same as Equestria, but that was where the similarity ended "Our history is mostly same to yours, up until certain point." "At some point before the first appearance of Nightmare moon is where things change, though that part of our history is truly known only by the sisters; However, what is known, is that several Alicorns were created, the means, the reason, or the exact time is not known, but I know it happened, because some of them are on the list of 'kill at sight' still to this day." "The most important deviation however, is with Nightmare moon, as she was never banished to the moon, instead, due to reasons only known to the two sisters, Celestia too was corrupted, becoming a being known simply as 'Daybreaker'" "The reason why this part of our history is relatively unknown, is because anyone besides the two sisters who was there to see it, was either killed by them, or disappeared; and as you can probably imagine, the sisters have an interest to paint their own version of history"

"Next thousand or so years is relatively unimportant, the two sisters went to a war, which is still going on to this day: this is what has lead to our current technological and magical development, as all resources were put to try to out advance the other side; to put it shortly, we quickly moved from arrows and swords to ballistic weapons using explosive power to launch the projectiles, to ranged weaponry weaponizing magic and other kinds of energy; there was a time when our weapons were so long ranged, that you could bomb the opposing side without leaving your room." "However, as defenses too evolved, long range weaponry became obsolete, and we went back to hooves on the ground, close quarter combat; which lead to the current style of combat, utilizing super soldiers like myself, and short distance drones." 

"Notable events during this time were; The invasion of the dragonlands, the extermination of changelings, assimilation of the various minority species into the empire, and the invasion and enslavement of kobolds." "It is also notable that beings like Discord, while known to exist, have not been seen since the sisters' corruption." "It is also important to note that the sisters are not what you think when you hear Nightmare moon; the sisters from my world, have amassed so much power that to call them alicorns is an insult; they are, in short, as close to gods as they could ever be, beings of magic broken out of the limits of their physical forms." 

"This map is what our Equestria looks like now..." he gave the map for Magma to look at from closer, the landscape was quite different, The eastern part of the land was a giant desert, the west was a giant forest, and the frozen north had been replaced with crystals "The Solar Empire, the Eastern half of Equestria, my home, is a never ending desert with a never ending day, and its ruler, Empress Daybreaker, is as cruel as her sun is." "It is an empire of pride and greed, golden buildings, golden soldiers..." he gestured at himself "...and the empress's greatness is to be worshiped." "Luckily she has some sense in her, and protecting yourself from the sun is allowed, until of course you are being punished for something." "Under the cursed sun, thirst is least of your worries." 

"West, The Realm of the Night, or as often called, The night realm, is of course Nightmare Moons domain; overseen by the cursed moon and its darkness, it is a thick, endlessly dark forest, similar, yet worse version of what you call The Everfree forest." "And while the humid cool environment is more pleasant, the nightmarish creatures and literal nightmares inhabiting it balance it out." "Nightmare moon, as her name suggests, rules with fear, and thus is quite sadistic ruler." "To put it shortly, While Solar Empire is cruel physically, in the Night realm, you suffer lot more psychologically."  "The two sisters are very similar, yet also the opposites." 

"In the North, is what we call The Crystal North; During the corruption of the sisters, it was the Crystal Empire, ruled by Sombra, but one day the area was taken over by dark magic and Crystals rivaling the mountains in size, and while most likely caused by Sombra, it is not known what his or his Empire's fate is, as nobody has ever gone in or come out; even the sisters with their immense power have not been able to break through." 

"Outside Equestria, there is what is simply known as The United, it is an alliance on paper, an Empire in reality, that was formed to defend against potential Equestrian attack, I do not know much about them, but what I do know, is that unlike us, their military research focused on biological modification over technological one, which we will get to when I'll go through the known potential threats." 


"As I have mentioned, my world is unstable, thus the reason why I'm even here, the situation is not fully understood, but since the corruption of sisters, rips in reality have been appearing, pulling things away and sending them who knows where; it is certain that this is not the only world where things end up, because if it was, you'd been aware of us long before I ever arrived." "What is known, is that it has been getting worse, what started as tiny magical anomalies, has become such that it is taking whole buildings with it, thus the believe that the world will eventually collapse entirely, as with this level of increase, in some centuries, the rifts will be big enough to swallow Equestria whole. And while I'm not expert on the topic, I don't believe reality can withstand that" 

"This is important to know, as with bigger and bigger things get taken, those bigger things also have a risk to end up here." "The situation also has an effect that is by all means good for every other world, as at the time of it starting, all existing connections to other worlds ceased, and regardless of lot of effort, no stable portals have been created since; this is good for us, as it is in the interest of the sisters to flee the collapsing world to other worlds, but as they are unable to create portals allowing it, as they either collapse or lead to dangerous locations, they cannot spread their corruption beyond our world." 
"As stated, reasons for all of this is not understood, but some theories link it back to a landmass that seemed to have disappeared from existence around the time of the princesses corruption, the theory is that the magical surges from something like that could cause the world to start breaking apart." 

"Do you have any comments or questions at this point? Before I go to known appearances and the nature of the potential threats?" 


"It is a long flight there, around 10 hours or so I believe, so extra weight is not suggested." "There is few islands hour or so away from the land, so we can stop there for a meal and rest, before entering the homelands, as it is best to minimize the time we spend in the homelands themselves." Ruby stated, she herself would be fine without breaks, but for the two smaller dragons, especially Charir, it would be dangerous to just fly straight there, as he/they would be way too exhausted to protect themselves properly. "For tribute, we are individuals, and the variation is too great for it to be a good course of action, while some could be bribed, and some may let you through because they just don't care enough, others would not care for gifts, and some could even take it as an insult." "The reason we haven't killed each other to extinction, is the same as why we kill each other in the first place." "We are solitary creatures who hate everyone else, so we avoid each other, and while some of course are more blood thirsty than others, most don't seek out fights for sake of fighting, rather, there is usually only three cases where we get involved with each other, need for more territory, greed for treasure, or reproduction." 

"Our pride, which is also a reason for our violence, is also a form of protection, as most, unlike our mother, have principles, we don't go after the young, small, sick, injured, or pregnant; not from some moral reasoning, but pride, for going after those with no chance against you, is cowardice, and only weaklings need to fight those weaker than themselves." 

"What comes to safe travel, as I mentioned before, we will keep to the southern edge of the land, which is populated by the younger population, we are talking everything from Charir's size to about half my size, so they should be mostly smart enough to not try anything." "And if they do try something...remember that I used to be on the top." "I may have not been much use in the temple, but the Homelands are my turf, as some say." She may have been quite literally thrown to the bottom, but it didn't change the fact that she had climbed up by herself becoming the top of her generation for a while, and while she didn't wish to harm the young dragons any more than Leviathan did, she was more than willing to show why she used to be respected. "And it is good to collect your magic yes, not to fight, but flee, and more importantly, get Charir out of there if necessary." "And try to not let the young age of some of them to fool you, they are not like Charir, Charir lost, the ones we'll meet, are the ones who won." It was bit mean to say about Charir, but it was true, he lost, she lost, they were the ones who didn't make it in the homelands.


"Doctors obsessed with titles sound like a danger for patients." Trox concluded, sure some kobold healers could be prideful too, but they got their pride from teaching others, rather than their own excellence, in fact, from Trox's experience, kobold healers were almost irritatingly modest, even for a kobold, hay, he had to constantly remind his own sister that she had saved his life. 


"So I guess we'll see if it becomes relevant." Sheska remarked "Because let's be realistic, we live in middle of a forest, near a pony settlement, with no permanent kobold residents anywhere near; the likelihood that a kobold in such a state will make it to me alive in the first place, is close to zero." "And if I can be blunt, the wording of the question was purposeful, we didn't ask for permissions, only if it would be a problem." They were not Equestrian citizens, not in this world at least, and they would not make themselves such, as they refused to acknowledge any pony authority over themselves, not anymore; this whole address thing, it was just for convenience.  "But I believe that's everything right? We need to head to the tavern to Inform Chega that she can stop paying for our room." 


  • Party! 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-08-16 at 6:57 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I will keep watch over Shrimp, but I can keep watch over you too. I can not sleep, and Mother says it is important to help. That we can learn from it."

Shrimp would need some oversight, but he had been mostly nice. A bit of hissing, and there were the one time when he had glitter-breathed someone, but he had been annoying the refraction more than once, and it could be argued that he deserved it.  If it got to that again, Omen would make sure to put a gate in front of that this time, but it should be fine, long as they didn't annoy Shrimp. He seemed to tolerate things well enough, long as you didn't intrude on his personal place. Which were maybe something she should say actually.

"Shrimp does not like when strangers poke him. But you smell like longma. I think it will be okay."

“Well, I suppose I can’t stop you from doing something to pass the time. The nights may be long if speaking with the hunters stationed at the outpost isn’t happening. Then again, if Shrimp prefers to sleep, there may be a small space we could find that he could use for himself.”

“It’s unconventional, but the outpost may have some resources we could use to have something ready. Just let us know what you’ll need, and if it can be prepared, we’ll do it.” 

Sen didn’t appear to be perplexed at Omen repeating his actions back at him. Though it wasn’t necessary to reciprocate, it wasn’t harmful either for her either. Frankly, it was more reassuring, but he might explain the gesture and what it means at a later time. It was just something he picked up during exile when he saw others doing it, and its meaning, if correct, was something he surmised from observing it enough times. 

As for the outposts, the living quarters weren’t going to be anything like the roomier huts, but there would be enough for a small traveling party that is often used by the hunters on rotating shifts. Places like these were small enough to avoid taking up too much in the way of resources but had to be spacious enough to be used for travelers. Protection would be up to the hunters stationed there. If some space for Shrimp was required, perhaps a small cubbyhole could be provided.

On 2024-08-16 at 6:57 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Why was it taboo, when you did not know what was there? Or did you know? Then why not tell anyone?"

She tilted her head to the left, looking more perplexed than her normally neutral expression, as something occurred to her.

"...How did you know we were there?"

Unfortunately, things weren’t so positive now that Elder Ghilan started with an outburst. In some ways, he thought the siblings would be better at conducting themselves now that they were back home. Either that or he may not have done enough to curb their more curious tendencies after having spent years away from their beliefs. However it may be, there wasn’t time to second-guess. He knew they were in the ruins, and that may spell trouble for more than just them. 

“Your friend told me you were all there. Look, Omen, you may not have been told but going into the ruins is something we avoid. According to our beliefs, those places are relics and domains of creatures that aren’t longma, and going into them may draw their ire or curses. You know us to be isolationists who don’t want anything to do with other creatures, and that belief extends to the ruins. It may sound strange or silly to you, but I ask that you understand where we’re coming from and why I am angry.” 

Ghilan came into this conversation expecting pushback of some kind given how odd and possibly silly the longma’s beliefs are, but they came to be for a reason. If anything, he only hoped that Sen, Lin, or Omen would respect it. Xin saw the siblings’ piercing glances aimed right at him, but he immediately stepped between them and the elder. 

“I know I said we should keep what happened to ourselves, but it may be better to have someone who may be more understanding if we came clean.” 

“And it is evident that you’re wrong! Why did you think it would turn out differently?!” 

“Because he trusts you? Or because he’s bending the rules a lot more than expected of any elder in his position? He’s already risking a lot by letting you back into the village.” 

“Regardless of what you all think, I’ve been told about what happened in there. As if there was enough to worry about, now there’s a chance the longma are targeted by creatures who want to enslave us. Omen, seeing as you are possibly the most level-headed and honest among everyone in here, are we in immediate danger or should we expect those creatures to come for us soon?” 

On 2024-08-16 at 6:57 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I wouldn't trade our princesses for anypony else. They ain't perfect, but they're the closest to it that I can think of, and Celestia especially, have made sure to grow Equestria into the beautiful country it is today. I hope you'll get to meet them sooner, rather than later. I think you'll find them welcoming, and a rather awe-inspiring sight, I might add.

But you're best off to see, rather than hear. Been a pleasure talking with you, sir. I hope you'll find our capitol to your liking, and wish you the best of luck ahead. If you need a friendly face, come around sometimes. We got some free time here, and I don't mind trading stories."

It was quite unexpected to see guards like Tangle Growth being as open to sharing information like that. In olden times from long lost ages, guards didn’t speak as liberally, especially while at their posts. They knew their role and took it seriously, eschewing other tasks in favor of the one they were expected to do. Now, it feels rather refreshing despite how different the times are back then. Perhaps it may be related to Celestia and Luna’s rule; there was a certain level of ease they exuded that still commands respect from everyone. It was admirable among other things that made the populace look fondly on them. 

“Many thanks and a good day to you, Tangle Growth. We’ll keep what you said in mind.”

The golems smiled and bowed, their stature and form mimicking the bow they picked up from the longma siblings, before moving on and into the city. As they walked past the city’s walls and into the myriad of shops, there was a distinct ivory and gold color scheme throughout the place, a drastic difference from the other locales they had seen in the past. Though even some previous civilizations they’ve come into contact with have had identical color palettes, this one stood out. 

Odd looks and gazes were common, but this was about expected as part of their new reality. When others stared, the golems would smile and give an assuring nod that they weren’t dangerous. They may have an air of strangeness to them, but it wasn’t something that would get them down. For the most part, it did the job, and it put a lot of the locals’ fears and uncertainties to rest. Even the various guards that approached them had their concerns assuaged, as Scarcity’s presence added another welcomed layer of assurance. 

As they went through the town, the various boutiques and cafes were the standouts among the different businesses in operation. Canterlot Carousel, Silver Frame Art Gallery, and Restaurant Row were just a few of the places that caught the golems’ eyes within the main town itself. It was a far cry from the agorá of their times when stalls were mostly makeshift tables covered under tents; now the shopkeepers had properties and spaces for themselves. Even those who sold food had their own fully-fledged stores to prepare them instead of carting their products from somewhere else. 

On 2024-08-16 at 6:57 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"- and that is Marble Mane's new boutique. A delightfully bubbly mare, with access to such exquisite marble and porcelain, I simply had to have her install certain things of her creation in my own residency. The flooring is simply marvelous in the bathrooms now.

What think you of our fair town thus far? A little overwhelming perhaps? Less than you had thought? Be not shy to speak in honest of what you think, when you gaze around Canterlot."

“Overwhelming is one way to put it, Lady Scarcity. Daunting is also another word that comes to mind, but it is an interesting place nonetheless.” 

“Aside from the theater and library, I definitely would like to see the museum. And also the Silver Frame Art Gallery, if time permits. It would be interesting to see how art has evolved through the styles and mediums of various creators. Come to think of it, even the way you described Marble Mane’s boutique made it sound like they are artists in their own right; it is impressive.”

“Coming from a time when cities limited their opulence to the main buildings that wanted to draw visitors’ attention, seeing the entirety of a city’s buildings reflect that reputation is new and unexpected. An entire street dedicated to restaurants and another for clothing and boutiques were some things I didn’t think were possible. Does modern pony culture take pride in cuisine and fashion? I admit, past cultures didn’t place much emphasis on these things compared to now, but times are different.”

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@Blitz Boom

*Slipstream sat in thought for a while. He had a long list of goals he wished to complete, but not all of them were of major importance. Or ones he wished to disclose. Then he remembered a rather important one.*

"Actually, as a race lover I've always wondered why there was never a racetrack within walking distance of my house, so maybe my dream of the Everfree Speedway can be a reality! I'll have to ask the wildlife though. Wouldn't want to disturb them or anypony around them."

"A wise decision if I do say so myself. Ziggy what do you think?"

*Rich then noticed her perfume. It had the same minty scent as she did.*

"Heh, that must be popular at Christmas. The um, the mintiness I mean. And yeah, I do love cuddling fluffy things. I makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and happy. It's such a nice feeling to have, you know?"

*Slipstream began planning out the construction in his mind. It was often something he did to plan ahead of things. He wasn't much of a smart pony, so anytime Math entered the equation, he pushed it to the side and focused on the design itself.*

"Oh yeah, that'll look sick!"

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On 2024-08-18 at 4:05 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Well, I suppose I can’t stop you from doing something to pass the time. The nights may be long if speaking with the hunters stationed at the outpost isn’t happening. Then again, if Shrimp prefers to sleep, there may be a small space we could find that he could use for himself.”

“It’s unconventional, but the outpost may have some resources we could use to have something ready. Just let us know what you’ll need, and if it can be prepared, we’ll do it.” 

"He seems to do okay, sleeping on my head."

Shrimp could get annoyed by loud sounds at times, but generally, he were a heavy sleeper, and long as he were sleeping on one of his caretakers, he felt safe enough to not bother others overly much, or have an urge to wake up. They'd been around plenty of creatures, and in strange situations, where he had just slept through it all. He liked snoozing on a nook or something at times, but for now, best to just have him sleep on whichever one of his caretakers he felt like in the moment. Which right now were Omen.

One could argue he were getting something coddled, but what else did you do with a hatchling, that were less than a month old?

On 2024-08-18 at 4:05 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Your friend told me you were all there. Look, Omen, you may not have been told but going into the ruins is something we avoid. According to our beliefs, those places are relics and domains of creatures that aren’t longma, and going into them may draw their ire or curses. You know us to be isolationists who don’t want anything to do with other creatures, and that belief extends to the ruins. It may sound strange or silly to you, but I ask that you understand where we’re coming from and why I am angry.” 

"I do not understand why you are angry, or even what that is. Especially when you did not know what were there. But something bad did happen at the ruins...

No, I cannot understand why you were against it before you knew, but I can see why you do not like it now. It is one of those... Precautions, yes? A strange rule, that were there, to stop bad things from maybe happening.

Hmm, maybe I need to think about this some other time, but I will listen to what other rules you tell me, and obey, unless I see it hurts my friends."

understanding took time for her, on some things. Precautions on why you would have things down for something that you didn't even know were bad, just because it wasn't a you thing, were not something she could understand the rationale behind, but she were also a creature of chaos. Traditions and strict rules, were not exactly something she had been made to embrace.

On 2024-08-18 at 4:05 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I know I said we should keep what happened to ourselves, but it may be better to have someone who may be more understanding if we came clean.” 

“And it is evident that you’re wrong! Why did you think it would turn out differently?!” 

“Because he trusts you? Or because he’s bending the rules a lot more than expected of any elder in his position? He’s already risking a lot by letting you back into the village.” 

“Regardless of what you all think, I’ve been told about what happened in there. As if there was enough to worry about, now there’s a chance the longma are targeted by creatures who want to enslave us. Omen, seeing as you are possibly the most level-headed and honest among everyone in here, are we in immediate danger or should we expect those creatures to come for us soon?”

Omen would stand completely still, and ponder this question for about a half minute. Turning it around in her head, whilst the only thing that moved on her, were her ever-flowing mane and tail. She didn't even blink, but just had her gaze on where Ghilan stood, as he asked her the question.

"...No. The kitsune took it away, and nothing more happened when we were there. I think it is fine, as long as no one goes there again. At least for now. But I can check some other time? They say my head is strange, so it can not hurt me the same way. Maybe that is useful?"

She were probably the only safe bet to go and check at some point, and check they would sooner or late have top. it were impossible to say if there were a change, without someone going there. But the longma were not safe to enter, and as were evident by what had happened, and Omen were the only outsider currently allowed to be here. That might change later, but for now, she were the only real option to make use of.

On 2024-08-18 at 4:05 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Overwhelming is one way to put it, Lady Scarcity. Daunting is also another word that comes to mind, but it is an interesting place nonetheless.” 

“Aside from the theater and library, I definitely would like to see the museum. And also the Silver Frame Art Gallery, if time permits. It would be interesting to see how art has evolved through the styles and mediums of various creators. Come to think of it, even the way you described Marble Mane’s boutique made it sound like they are artists in their own right; it is impressive.”

“Coming from a time when cities limited their opulence to the main buildings that wanted to draw visitors’ attention, seeing the entirety of a city’s buildings reflect that reputation is new and unexpected. An entire street dedicated to restaurants and another for clothing and boutiques were some things I didn’t think were possible. Does modern pony culture take pride in cuisine and fashion? I admit, past cultures didn’t place much emphasis on these things compared to now, but times are different.”

"Canterlot attracts many a vendor with splendor in mind. The more prominent and peculiar, tend to end up getting stands towards the center of town, where it is more expensive, but if you are good, also more lucrative. Though some like myself, do enjoy a store that is a little further away. A little less noisy on the daily you see.

As for the art gallery, it is a little on the higher end, so you might get some looks by others, as you do not appear to be potential buyers. But worry not, none will question your want to see things, when I am there. Not that it is invite only. You will need to go to other places for that, but if you don't seem like a buyer, you will not get as much attention, if you for instance have questions. One does still need to run a store after all, yes?

It's a wonderful place though. Been a while since I was last there actually, so a visit might reveal something fascinating."

Scarcity enjoyed having some artwork at various places. her store, her homes, safe houses, etc. She were picky on what she liked though, and sometimes her choices did raise an eyebrow, but she thought of where certain things could fit, rather than just the name of the artist themselves. And frankly, she mostly had interest in the very high end paintings, when it came around the black market. Those tended to draw the eye, whereas most of the commonly accessible, were less tantalizing, one might say.

"In regards to the museum, it is open all days, including after the sun sets. Whenever it suits your want, we can go there. Just be aware that certain sections at night, are cast in faint light, as that is a time for thestrals and bat ponies to come and visit, and some of them have rather sensitive eyes. It does provide a different perspective though, if that is your want."

It used to be that it were only open in the day times, but with the gradual acceptance and inclusion of their leather-winged cousins, Canterlot did eventually make it so that a night staff handled guests in the late hours, so that they too could enjoy some culture. Cleaning were usually done in the slow hours, during the early morning, when nopony really were around.

"And to answer your question dear, equines do enjoy both food and fashion in notable amounts. With the more varied races we have connect with in recent years, more peculiar dishes have also entered the scene, making for more options for those who want to eat elsewhere than home, or it presents tourists from said races, places of comfort, where they can eat familiar dishes. There is of course certain things to keep in mind, due to the stance some equines have on eating meat, and there have been protests to some places, but the voices crying out about that are few, as the establishments that does serve that, tend to do so in sections where others then do not need to see it.

Clothes varies. We do not technically need to wear any, but many find comfort in doing so, or use it to stand out. Evening and business attire is also rather common, for higher end establishments. I dare say you might at some point, find some interest in clothes yourselves, though you would likely need things custom made, if it is not minor things such as capes, of ties. Most things are crafted with equines and griffons in mind.

Be that as it may, I have time to spare. What might you want for us to do first, hm? One of those establishments you already mentioned, or perhaps you would like to go and initiate formal paperwork first? There is no need to rush it really, but I am curious as to what you can agree on is the most desirable."



@Catpone Cerberus

As he were talking, Magma had a notebook out and were taking notes. Her gaze did not leave him as he spoke though, as she had long since gotten to where she could write immaculately, whilst not looking at the paper. It were important in a lab setting, where you had to keep your eyes about you, in case something were seemingly amiss, or you managed to spot the Boom prodigy somewhere, so you could go and find a route that made it easier to avoid him. He meant well, but for a pony so smart, it were staggering how stupid he could sound sometimes.

"I do have a few questions, yes. Things related to the work, as it were."

The story were fascinating, but she had to keep this related to work, and as such, it were best to focus on what parts impacted their work. Of which a few things sprung forth for her.

"First off, you mention various aspects to the two sides of the princesses domain, in your world. We must assume then, that some of those beings will get through to various worlds, including ours. And they will not all be dead, as you can personally attest. As such, I would like to question if it were not wise to at some point sit down, and catalogue those beings of note you know of, so that in case one passes through, and are an issue - the horrors and nightmares for instance - we would sooner have a grasp on how to proceed? I am aware you say we are meant more reactively, than proactively, but what preparation we can have, should be taken, yes? This seems a readily available one, soon as there is time to do so, of course.

As a followup, if your princesses are ascended closer to godhood that mere alicorns, might I add what research I do know about gods, demigods, and the varying ways they work, into said files? There are a number of notable theories about why Equestria does not produce gods, like most other countries does, and a fair few are related to the alicorns, as we tend to have more than said other countries too. It might provide some information that can help us prepare better, in case it comes to the point where one of those things who ends up passing through, is one or more of said princesses.

The second question: As you say that your draconequui have been absent, since their rise to power, we can assume they either ran away, not wanting to be part of this, or were captured, and experimented upon, to gain more power from them. In case the latter is not the case, and thus they are less informed on how to deal with draconequui, might it not be prudent at some point, to visit the more notable, friendly draconequui, that is known to Equestria? In a worst case scenario, we may well need to have them prepared for a decisive strike at if not a corrupted princess or two, the option of one of your other alicorns, or something powerful of the kingdoms making, that manages to slip through. I can have a briefing prepared about the known allies of them that Equestria have, at a date of your convenience?

Lastly, I would like to know if we are meant to do research on the matter of your world collapsing? I have not personally partaken in anything, but I know one of the earliest members of the Boom clan in Center Zero, did do some research into the matter of crossing between worlds, and one of her descendants managed to tear a hole between worlds, but glimpsing something unexpected, that caused them to put a ban on research into anything of the like again in their family, into perpetuity. There might be some level of information to gander though, if I can gain access to the paperwork via the guards?

...Actually, I do have one more. You speak of things from your world, ending up here. But is it - far as you are aware - a one way ticket, or are there some indications that things or beings have also been going to your world?"

Those were her main things thus far, though she had made notes about the history she were told, and some of the map she had also been shown. There were plenty to digest here, but she felt confident that they would be able to rise to the challenges. It also helped her to know who more specifically to look for, when it came to future workers. Had to be those who could work on little preparation time, which were inevitably going to cut some candidates, but that were just one aspect. Several more had come in, that she would take into consideration, when finding worthy applicants.



@Catpone Cerberus

"...I swear, every time you talk about your homeland, it sounds like some post-apocalyptic wasteland, where the only ones left to fight over the remaining food, are the ones who killed of those who couldn't kill them first.

*sigh* I ain't saying I don't believe what you say, but it's still just... It sounds so depressing to me.

But I guess it'll always be hard for me to come to terms with, to some extend at the least. I come at it from the perspective, of one who grew up around a pack, and thus enjoy having others you can rely on, as well as having others rely on you. Graduating into roaming society at large after, I like what comes from beings at least tolerating each other to a certain extend, and don't try to make everything into a variation of *Kill or be killed*. Heck, even the most rural of minotaur tribes aren't that bad, and they're all about might makes right.

I'll try and keep things in reserve as best I can, and then focus mostly on stuff that's gonna keep us safe. I'm guessing fog and ice won't work too well, since they'll just break through bindings, and probably have high enough senses to where the fog won't do a thing. Probably gonna have to rely heavily on wind and thunder. Perhaps a little trickery too, if it's needed, but I'm really hoping that they'll just leave us be. I am still not keen on watching our kin be killed, and if it's younglings... I can't stay there, if that happens. I just can't."

She'd take a deep breathe after saying that. She knew that it were unlikely to happen, but just the thought... Even if they were more violent, she couldn't bear to see a young dragon die. They should frolic and enjoy life, not face an all too early end, with their last memories being of pain. It wasn't right.

Was she a softie because of those views? They could call her that if they wanted to, she didn't care. She couldn't live like that, nor watch it happen either. Just the thought were horrifying, and brought a pit to her stomach. Seeing it were...No, she couldn't handle that. It would simple be too much.

"Please promise me that if a youngling do come out to fight, to try and just warn them off. Or let me try to stun them. Even if they go after Charir, we can handle them, without killing them. Even if they are made of harsher stuff than they look like, from their age, it still doesn't sit right with me, to treat them like we do any prey animal.

What the adults do... I won't like it, but they'll make their choice, and at least they've lived a life.

Gawd, I'm getting mushy and rambling again. Don't mind me. I keep thinking the worst about this, when we're probably able to get through without too many issues, or anything remotely like I fear happening. Probably best to get some rest soon.

And.. I hope you don't think I don't trust you, Ruby. I do, I'm just paranoid about some things, is all. If it came down to it, I'd trust my life with you, and that's not something I've been able to say in honest for a long, long time."

She'd look right into Ruby's eyes as she said this, and she didn't show a hint of lies with this.. Which were special, as Leviathan had most of her life had issues with putting this much trust into someone. Sure she liked and respected some, and did trust many beings. But to trust her life to someone? That wasn't something she could remember really doing, since her adopted mother were still alive.

If the rest were ready to sleep, so were she. Frankly they could use rest, after the harrowing day they had.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-08-18 at 1:39 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Doctors obsessed with titles sound like a danger for patients." Trox concluded, sure some kobold healers could be prideful too, but they got their pride from teaching others, rather than their own excellence, in fact, from Trox's experience, kobold healers were almost irritatingly modest, even for a kobold, hay, he had to constantly remind his own sister that she had saved his life. 

"Urgh, tell me about it. Being that stuck up is bound to lead to trouble, but will they think about that? Nooo. Heavens forbid that their standards are changed, or they have to listen to opinions from *lesser doctors*.

Like, they still save lives, but they grow stagnant, thinking that they know everything, and sooner or later that sorta thing goes and bite them in the flank. Which I don't really care about, but I do care about the patients that will be harmed because of that sort of attitude. Thankfully the dangerously arrogant ones are few, but man are they annoying to listen to. Pompous beings like that give real doctors a bad name."

She sounded frustrated, and frankly, she were. Doctors like that were more trouble than worth in her opinion, but she couldn't exactly do anything about that. Best she could do, were to stay clear of the prestigious places that they worked in, and focus on working in good places, like the school of friendship, she had now been hired in, along with the hospital in Ponyville. Much better, down to earth places, where that sorta arrogance didn't get you anywhere.

On 2024-08-18 at 1:39 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"So I guess we'll see if it becomes relevant." Sheska remarked "Because let's be realistic, we live in middle of a forest, near a pony settlement, with no permanent kobold residents anywhere near; the likelihood that a kobold in such a state will make it to me alive in the first place, is close to zero." "And if I can be blunt, the wording of the question was purposeful, we didn't ask for permissions, only if it would be a problem." They were not Equestrian citizens, not in this world at least, and they would not make themselves such, as they refused to acknowledge any pony authority over themselves, not anymore; this whole address thing, it was just for convenience.  "But I believe that's everything right? We need to head to the tavern to Inform Chega that she can stop paying for our room." 

"Yes, I believe that would be all for now. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors, and look forward to see what you will make of yourselves, as residents of Ponyville."

Might be they were not official Equestrian citizens, but that didn't change a lot. It did lock them out of certain social programs, yet nothing that they couldn't live without, and long as they made sure to still work for good purposes, and not try and indulge in tax avoidance, they would likely find themselves as model residents of Equestria. The mayor were not overly concerned for now at least, and mostly just curious and excited, to see what the two would make of themselves.

"Mind if I tag along? I don't have to work right now, and you're a fun bunch to be around. You never know, you might even start to like the company, hehe."

The doctor would pull her tongue playfully at them, and head towards the door. She certainly wouldn't mind some more friends, even if she had to mildly crash into their lives, rather than just sit around and wait for a call. They seemed like a couple of peculiar, but fun folks, and she were sure that given time, they'd open up, and maybe even enjoy hanging out. She could introduce them to some good music, and where to go for a good party, among other things. Wasn't just all medical stuff with her. She knew how to have fun.



@Lawyer Slip

(welcome back)

"Oooh, I can actually help with the first one!"

Ziggy were bouncing gleefully in place, as she actually had something useful about the first issue, that were brought up. Two bits of information actually! This were gonna be exciting!

"If you want to talk to the wildlife, you need to speak with the dryad that moved into the forest. She speaks with the forest, and the animals. I heard she's super nice, and I bet also very huggable.

And also! I know of a race track. It's a bit off, but there's this forest, right? It's reeeeeeally big, and the whole area is split between three villages. And one smaller one, that I dunno a lot about. I just heard it was called Sanctuary. Anyway! The three major ones are a thestral town, a breezie town, and a pegasus town. And the pegasi have a big race track! They hold races there several times each year, and they love to race in general. I never been there, but I bet you'd have tons of fun there."

She had been in the thestral town though, for one of the many festivals they had going. It were pretty fun, though it had been a brief enjoyment. An attendant got sick, and as she were the closest doctor, she felt a moral obligation to help. When everything were finally said and done, the whole thing were over, but it was okay. The young minotaur had made it through with no complications, and that really were the most important thing. She could always come back some other time. It was just a matter of finding said time, y'know?

"Hehe, see? I'm plenty helpful, with more stuff than medicine.

And I dunno what this *christmas* thing is, but I know that I get more comment about my perfume around Hearts Warming Eve. Though it's mentioned every now and again. A few says it makes them feel hungry for snacks, hehe. I just like it in general though. The freshness is nice and fitting, and it beats smelling like... Uuuuh... Turnips? No, that's probably not a perfume. Roses and stuff. Nice smells too, but just not as minty fresh, hehe."

When Slipstream suddenly said something looked sick, her ears perked, and she looked in the general direction that he were, as he said that, now looking more alert and ready for action.

"Something looks sick? Where?! Did it slip into the forest?"

She'd take off, zig-zagging through the air in the general direction, looking for a sick animal or the sort. She had gotten herself a bit hyped up, and didn't think on what he had probably meant in the moment. She'd be back soon enough, more than likely. And it also appeared that wasn't the first time this happened, considering Fah'lina rolled her eyes, and began chittering away to her friend. Likely explaining what the pony's whole deal were.

If they didn't come for her, Ziggy would return after like, 4 minutes or so, with a lot of leaves in her short mane.

"I thought I saw a rabbit, and got my head stuck. But that's not important! Did you see a creature that were sick, or did you mean something looked sick, as in cool? Slipstreeeeeam? Tell meeeee."

She'd lean in as she said that, and lean over, so her head were more in their height as she spoke. Her tone suggested that she assumed the latter, but just wanted to make sure here. Just in case she had gone and overlooked something. Or rather, some one. Or somepony. Look, the details weren't important right now. Just the basics: Were this an expression, or were there a wounded creature somewhere?

  • smile 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
"When it comes to the various magic beings of the world, especially those of the night, there are few aspects which make them....irrelevant for our mission." "Firstly, cataloging them is an impossible task, for not only am I not aware of many of them, but they also do not follow any specific nature, as by their nature as nightmares, they are more psychological than physical, they are what you fear, what you will fear, what you don't want them to be; so to prepare for them, is to make them immune to your means of combating them." "Second, they draw their power from the cursed night, their horrors empowered by the glow of the cursed moon, something which does not exist here." "Simply put, if they were to come here, if not instantly vaporized by the sun, they can be chased away by bright enough light." "Which leads to the third thing, they exist here too, be it in lot weaker form, and mostly trapped in the dream realm, and Princess Luna has been dealing with them as long as she has ruled the night; thus they are easily combated with already existing means." "In general the natural creatures that may not exist here, are still just that, creatures, and pose no bigger threat than those that already exist here; thus our main concern is threats directly caused by the advancement of war technology and magic." 

"For the sisters, while of course all information you can gather is welcome, the unfortunate reality is that they are outside our capabilities, and will require action from the princesses and the calling on the elements of harmony, or whatever equivalent may exist at that time." "I have provided the princesses with all information on their counterparts I have, and will in future do so in case we find something useful, but if the worst comes to pass, we are to run and hide just like everyone else." It was probably not what Magma expected, but it was the truth, him, or really even someone like Sheez, going against their version of the sisters directly, was like a filly trying to take down Celestia and Luna in one to one battle. "The most we can do, is to aid with potential banishment, in case the elements are unavailable." "However there is one aspect of their power that we do need to prepare on relation to myself, but I'll go more to that soon."

"Draconequui in other hoof, are complicated topic." "I do not believe they were destroyed by the sisters, as they wouldn't be trying to hunt them down still if they had, however, Chaos magic has been studied closely, and while there hasn't been any success that wielding it in its full power, it is understood quite well...or at least as well as it can be, per its nature." "I am aware of the local allies, like Discord, even if I haven't had the honor of meeting him myself, and he is of course a consideration in our mission, however, we obviously have no say in the matter, as things like that are between him and the princesses." "However, if there are some more...minor individuals of his kind, I am willing to work with them more directly, as long as the princesses allow it of course." 

"Lastly, while it is an interest of mine, there isn't much research that can be done towards my world from here, as it would merely be speculation based on incomplete information, and it is not part of our duty." "However, if there is information you can request, then please do, as understanding the nature of the situation can help us to combat it" "And as far as I'm aware, all evidence implies that matter is only leaving our world." 

"Any further questions?" if not, Solar would get ready to continue to the next part of the briefing.  


In another show of her excellent ability to read the room and relate to emotions, Ruby started with a thoughtful remark "I guess you could call it post-apocalyptic wasteland." "It is a wasteland, no doubt about it, the fact that life exists there in the first place is nothing short of a miracle; And our kind is descendant of long collapsed civilization." "And you are not wrong thinking it sounds depressing, Myself and Charir aren't exactly flowing with joy now are we?" she had no illusions about it, while she of course liked her old life to the extend of it being what she knew, she wouldn't have claimed that it made her happy, in fact, Charir interacting with Leviathan was the first time she had seen anyone from her kin visibly happy about something; the closest thing was satisfaction of victory. 

Then she addressed the more emotional stuff, and while she was her usual self, there was certain level of genuineness to her that wasn't there usually "While I can promise to try to spare them, as I do not take satisfaction from killing hatchlings either, I cannot promise I'm not forced to do it." "It is true that they are not prey animals, but, we are animals, and when cornered, animals do not act with reason." "And they, we, live by 'kill or be killed', mercy is unknown concept to many, the idea that someone spares you just because they don't want to kill you, is unheard of." "In the mind of most, to be spared, means that more suffering is planned." "And many times they are sadly right, even if not by the one sparing them, losing a fight and surviving, often makes things worse, I would know." the way she said the last three words was...bitter? "I will try my best to keep us out of conflict altogether, but the truth is, kindness goes to die in that place..." she looked Leviathan in the eyes, the cold, jaded killer staring from her amber eyes "...and only the monsters thrive." as much as Leviathan had tried to convince her otherwise, Ruby was still not any less of an monster than rest of her kin, yes, she was a monster that was trying to better herself, but there was over century and half of history behind those eyes, history filled with exactly what she was now trying to warn Leviathan about.

"I wouldn't blame you if you didn't trust me, I have made it no secret that I don't much care for your moral views." "Especially since my life in Equestria has been build on lies." Ruby admitted "However, I appreciate your trust, and assure it is not misplaced, for in all of my faults, I'm a creature of my word." she laid her head down on the ground as she laid down "But can you promise something to me in turn?" she looked at Leviathan "Whatever happens, prioritize Charir." regardless of her answer, or lack of it, Ruby would then close her eyes, Charir meanwhile, while not fallen asleep yet, had closed his eyes a while ago, as with fear and adrenaline finally fading away, he had become exhausted.


"You can tag along, but be careful, the last two ended up in the hospital, technically three, but Light's situation had nothing to do with us." "Though he did almost get himself injured with Sheez too." "The thing causing the injuries has been dealt with, but we do seem to pull trouble to our way." it was a combination of humor and a genuine warning. "But thank you mayor for help, and, we'll see you around, let's hope you won't see our names on your desk anytime soon again." The twins were then ready to leave if there was nothing else, and would do so. 

When outside, the covered their eyes from the sun with their hands, they still weren't used to the brightness outside "Can't wait to get out of the direct sunlight of this place." "Actually, what is the weather like here usually? Is it always this sunny?" they would walk at calm pace, the direction being the tavern.





  • Party! 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-08-23 at 6:52 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I do not understand why you are angry, or even what that is. Especially when you did not know what were there. But something bad did happen at the ruins...


No, I cannot understand why you were against it before you knew, but I can see why you do not like it now. It is one of those... Precautions, yes? A strange rule, that were there, to stop bad things from maybe happening.

Hmm, maybe I need to think about this some other time, but I will listen to what other rules you tell me, and obey, unless I see it hurts my friends."

“Yes, I was taking precautions to make sure everyone is safe, but the way we see those ruins is ingrained into our beliefs as longma. Sen and Lin may not believe in them as much now, given how much time they spent away from the village, but not everyone will see things the way they do.”

“They needed to know, elder. What happened to their parents and what led to that are important to them; it’s why I asked them to come with me to those ruins. I have been going into those ruins so I can get the story right, so if you should be angry with someone, it’s me. Don’t take it out on them.” 

“I can’t have them or you going around breaking village rules just because you don’t agree with them. Look, as much as I agree with Omen about breaking rules that hurt others, I am in a difficult position. I cannot just look the other way if breaking a rule means others will get hurt later. Let me be clear, I simply ask that you all be careful and exercise good judgment, all right?”

The siblings didn’t expect to hear that, even being taken aback by what they just heard. Though it they were both convinced of Xin’s guilt, they didn’t think it would run so deep that he’d go against longma beliefs. It may have even gotten to Sen as he stood there, slack-jawed and silent. He truly meant his words, that he, rightfully or not, felt responsible for something so out of his control. 

On 2024-08-23 at 6:52 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"...No. The kitsune took it away, and nothing more happened when we were there. I think it is fine, as long as no one goes there again. At least for now. But I can check some other time? They say my head is strange, so it can not hurt me the same way. Maybe that is useful?"

“That’s good to know.” Ghilan and Xin collectively breathed a sigh of relief, the former even taking a moment to sit and catch his breath before standing up again. “If necessary, then perhaps you can go and have another look at the ruins but you have to make sure no one but us knows that you’re going. I don’t want anyone else getting ideas because they saw you enter the ruins.”

“I made sure to seal the entrance to the one we went to before Sen and the others left. The only ways in are through Omen’s gates or if someone were to break their way in.”

“Good. If you happen to visit the kitsune again, please send them my thanks. This whole situation could have spiraled out of control if it weren’t for their help. In the meantime, we should all finish our preparations. Bring whatever you’ll need and visit others in the village to let them know what’s happening. You all have connections in the village; I’m sure they’ll appreciate you checking in on them, especially you, Sen and Lin.”

“You’re right. I suppose that means we’ll have some folks to visit. We’ll see to it that we get it done.”

Ghilan didn’t need to spell out what he meant by his words. The siblings know that their grandfather is still out and about in the village plying his trade. Seems like they’ll all need to stop by and say hello, and Grandfather Zo would love a moment to sit and chat, learning about what his grandchildren will be up to in a few days’ time…

Or he might get cranky because the siblings haven’t been visiting. After all, it’s been quite a while since they’ve last seen each other.

On 2024-08-23 at 6:52 AM, Blitz Boom said:

As for the art gallery, it is a little on the higher end, so you might get some looks by others, as you do not appear to be potential buyers. But worry not, none will question your want to see things, when I am there. Not that it is invite only. You will need to go to other places for that, but if you don't seem like a buyer, you will not get as much attention, if you for instance have questions. One does still need to run a store after all, yes?

It's a wonderful place though. Been a while since I was last there actually, so a visit might reveal something fascinating."

Scarcity enjoyed having some artwork at various places. her store, her homes, safe houses, etc. She were picky on what she liked though, and sometimes her choices did raise an eyebrow, but she thought of where certain things could fit, rather than just the name of the artist themselves. And frankly, she mostly had interest in the very high end paintings, when it came around the black market. Those tended to draw the eye, whereas most of the commonly accessible, were less tantalizing, one might say.

"In regards to the museum, it is open all days, including after the sun sets. Whenever it suits your want, we can go there. Just be aware that certain sections at night, are cast in faint light, as that is a time for thestrals and bat ponies to come and visit, and some of them have rather sensitive eyes. It does provide a different perspective though, if that is your want."

“We are simply curious visitors displaced from our time, but I suppose none need to know that should we visit the gallery. Then again, high-class art galleries weren’t around in our day, so we may stand out regardless. My fellows and I are already out of place by virtue of our current forms. It might be wise for a first excursion to avoid drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves, even if we are simply admiring art.”

“You do realize that we are already drawing attention to ourselves, right? The odd looks and glances are very noticeable when we were walking around town.”

“…Drawing more unnecessary attention to ourselves. That said, we could stop by one place first before handling the paperwork. As much as we would like to get to work, one diversion wouldn’t be so bad. Is that something we can agree on, my fellows?”

Scriniarii turned to the other golems, who whispered among themselves about what they would want to do. As much as they seemed to agree on a lot of things, this one took a bit of time before they could reach a consensus. Magus would prefer to get started on work sooner, but Vates was more vocal about seeing a little more before getting to the heart of their agreement with Scarcity. Scriniarii didn’t have a preference and would be amenable to what the majority of his peers would decide upon, leaving someone else to become the tie-breaker. 

On 2024-08-23 at 6:52 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Be that as it may, I have time to spare. What might you want for us to do first, hm? One of those establishments you already mentioned, or perhaps you would like to go and initiate formal paperwork first? There is no need to rush it really, but I am curious as to what you can agree on is the most desirable."

“The museum sounds like an interesting place to visit. Though we have seen the passage of time and the rise and fall of different civilizations, I don’t think we’ve seen all of it.”

“And from a different perspective, if I may add. There is only so much one could glean from an orb. It will be quite a learning experience to see history based on what others have left behind, and Lady Scarcity’s description makes it sound more appealing. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s like the rest of the world came to this place, food and fashion included. However, I am rather biased because I prefer to visit out of a certain kind of… morbid curiosity.”

The golems’ eyes widened as they turned to Videntor; a morbid kind of curiosity? To think they knew him after all that time spent in the orb. Their glances became worrisome now that it was possible their fellow golem didn’t come out right after being given a new body.

But their worries wouldn’t be necessary as the golem would grin, dispelling the tension growing among them. “Don’t give me that look. I am simply curious to know if anything from our time survived to the present day. No harm in that, right?”

“I suppose.” The lead golem nodded and turned to Scarcity, convinced of the other golems’ sentiments. “Lady Scarcity, perhaps the food and clothes can wait another day, but I believe we can spare some time to visit the museum before we proceed with the paperwork. Our curiosity for history has gotten the better of us.”

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On 2024-08-26 at 1:28 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Yes, I was taking precautions to make sure everyone is safe, but the way we see those ruins is ingrained into our beliefs as longma. Sen and Lin may not believe in them as much now, given how much time they spent away from the village, but not everyone will see things the way they do.”

“They needed to know, elder. What happened to their parents and what led to that are important to them; it’s why I asked them to come with me to those ruins. I have been going into those ruins so I can get the story right, so if you should be angry with someone, it’s me. Don’t take it out on them.” 

“I can’t have them or you going around breaking village rules just because you don’t agree with them. Look, as much as I agree with Omen about breaking rules that hurt others, I am in a difficult position. I cannot just look the other way if breaking a rule means others will get hurt later. Let me be clear, I simply ask that you all be careful and exercise good judgment, all right?”

"...Being in charge must be strange. Wanting something, but having to do something else, and thinking on how others sees things... It is confusing to me."

It were much simpler to just follow orders, in her experience. And yet, she had gone against that at times. But that were mainly when things went against her prime basics, such as actions that would hurt others, or rules that would cause bad things to happen, if she did not go against them.

Ghilan were in a much stranger position than her though. She were a follower. She had to think of only a few, and some core basics. Beyond that, she would obey best she could. But he were a leader. Perhaps not the highest one of them, bhut he still led this town, and had to think of many more. Give them orders, follow rules new and old, and by the sounds of it, he couldn't pick favorites. He had to think of the many, instead of the few.

Try as she might, Omen couldn't grasp the weight that his station put him in. Yet she understood that it were not easy, because he had so many that relied on him now, and that meant that things were very different for him, than someone like her.

"It is too complicated for me to understand, but I will listen, and do as I am told. It sounds like that is the best to do, yes?"

She assumed so at least. As said, she were a follower, like most of her kin were. At least initially. Mother were a leader. So were their masters, when they would get picked. Ghilan sounded like he were somewhere between that. A master of some, who had to follow the orders of others, but still think of the many like they did. Which were a thought process that were starting to clutter her head, as she couldn't wrap her mind fully around it, yet clung to it, as it seemed important. Best to have that stored in the back of her mind for now, and maybe later, it would all start to make a lot more sense.

On 2024-08-26 at 1:28 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“That’s good to know.” Ghilan and Xin collectively breathed a sigh of relief, the former even taking a moment to sit and catch his breath before standing up again. “If necessary, then perhaps you can go and have another look at the ruins but you have to make sure no one but us knows that you’re going. I don’t want anyone else getting ideas because they saw you enter the ruins.”

“I made sure to seal the entrance to the one we went to before Sen and the others left. The only ways in are through Omen’s gates or if someone were to break their way in.”

“Good. If you happen to visit the kitsune again, please send them my thanks. This whole situation could have spiraled out of control if it weren’t for their help. In the meantime, we should all finish our preparations. Bring whatever you’ll need and visit others in the village to let them know what’s happening. You all have connections in the village; I’m sure they’ll appreciate you checking in on them, especially you, Sen and Lin.”

“You’re right. I suppose that means we’ll have some folks to visit. We’ll see to it that we get it done.”

"I will go there alone sometime then, elder. I remember where it is."

Worst case, some rocks might get through to her home realm, and that really didn't do anything, except give her siblings something to play with for a time. It weren't like they would crush them. Or well it would, but that were just part of the game. They couldn't be hurt by such things.

And she did means he would go alone. She wouldn't allow the others, or even Shrimp there. Shrimp were small, but his head were probably normal, so he might get hurt. She would not let that happen.

"And I will let them know."

Her head tilted to the side for a moment, as she remembered something about that actually.

"The elders that helped Lin, said that they would like to meet you someday, and see this place. But they would not go here, until they were welcome. It sounded like they understood some of the ways the longma does things. But I think Sen understood more of it than I did."

He would likely find it an enlightening experience, but the kitsune elders understood that this were the longma's home, and that to start off the best with them, required them to be respectful of their rules, and boundaries. So unless something forced their paw, they would respect their want for seclusion, until such a time as that might change. Would it ever? Impossible to say, but one could always hope for change. They would at least, as the longma had drawn their curiosity.

"So we are not going yet? Okay then. We will see you soon."

She wouls raise a hoof to slowly wave, if there were nothing else, and then quietly follow Sen and lin. She hadn't anyone here to really seek out, beyond maybe the one she showed the small ponies to yesterday, but she weren't sure if maybe it were best to stay away, since the mean one might be there. Probably best if she simply followed along.

On 2024-08-26 at 1:28 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“We are simply curious visitors displaced from our time, but I suppose none need to know that should we visit the gallery. Then again, high-class art galleries weren’t around in our day, so we may stand out regardless. My fellows and I are already out of place by virtue of our current forms. It might be wise for a first excursion to avoid drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves, even if we are simply admiring art.”

“You do realize that we are already drawing attention to ourselves, right? The odd looks and glances are very noticeable when we were walking around town.”

“…Drawing more unnecessary attention to ourselves. That said, we could stop by one place first before handling the paperwork. As much as we would like to get to work, one diversion wouldn’t be so bad. Is that something we can agree on, my fellows?”

Scriniarii turned to the other golems, who whispered among themselves about what they would want to do. As much as they seemed to agree on a lot of things, this one took a bit of time before they could reach a consensus. Magus would prefer to get started on work sooner, but Vates was more vocal about seeing a little more before getting to the heart of their agreement with Scarcity. Scriniarii didn’t have a preference and would be amenable to what the majority of his peers would decide upon, leaving someone else to become the tie-breaker. 

Scarcity would smirk ever so slightly, at the notion that they would stand out, then followed up by the reality that they were, and that they were bound to be looked at. It were simply the nature of ponies. They were curious sorts about others, and especially things they did not know, tended to draw the eye, if they noticed it. But the novelty would eventually go away, and they would blend in with the crowd, like so many others before them had. Best one could do, were simply to accept it, and then proceed as if everything were fine. The more natural one acted around others, the easier it were to be part of the collective, so to speak. At least in regards to Canterlot. Different places were not all the same after all, but it functioned rather well here.

She would let them talk among one another, and wait for them to return with a decision. Gave her time to speak with a familiar figure around town, that had passed by briefly. That of Fleur De Lis. Not that she had much of a want for old things, regardless of the condition they were in, but as with most high standing socialites, their ways did cross every now and again, and Fleur did at times appreciate what Scarcity knew, that would come around some of the vendors in town. At times, it gave her a chance to go and get the newest fashion, barely before the store had a chance to present it in the first place.

It was one of those win-win situations really. Fleur got a chance to get to something while it were fresh and be a trend setter, or one of the first in Canterlot to adopt the new style, or gain that new must-have item, and in return, Scarcity would benefit via good will from the stores. Fleur were a very notable figure after all. Having her adopt something early, tended to make others want to follow, and soon the sales would show it too. So a few words here, and few words there, and everyone were happy. Scarcity retained her good connections, that could benefit her via information she needed regarding other things, Fleur would get what she wanted, and the store owners would see profit. So a win-win-win situation in fact, if you wanted to be technical about things.

In the brief time she spoke with her, Fleur were told what Scarcity had heard. That the new jewelry, that had been popularized in Saddle Arabia not too long before, were beginning to be sold to Equestria, and a certain jeweler had been so thrilled, that he simply had to tell somepony about it. Information that she now passed along, to somepony that she knew would appreciate it. A minor notion of meeting for tea someday, when neither were busy, and a farewell, and they would part ways. Gave her a bit more time to simply observe things around her, until the group were done, and seemed to have come to a consensus.

On 2024-08-26 at 1:28 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“The museum sounds like an interesting place to visit. Though we have seen the passage of time and the rise and fall of different civilizations, I don’t think we’ve seen all of it.”

“And from a different perspective, if I may add. There is only so much one could glean from an orb. It will be quite a learning experience to see history based on what others have left behind, and Lady Scarcity’s description makes it sound more appealing. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s like the rest of the world came to this place, food and fashion included. However, I am rather biased because I prefer to visit out of a certain kind of… morbid curiosity.”

The golems’ eyes widened as they turned to Videntor; a morbid kind of curiosity? To think they knew him after all that time spent in the orb. Their glances became worrisome now that it was possible their fellow golem didn’t come out right after being given a new body.

But their worries wouldn’t be necessary as the golem would grin, dispelling the tension growing among them. “Don’t give me that look. I am simply curious to know if anything from our time survived to the present day. No harm in that, right?”

“I suppose.” The lead golem nodded and turned to Scarcity, convinced of the other golems’ sentiments. “Lady Scarcity, perhaps the food and clothes can wait another day, but I believe we can spare some time to visit the museum before we proceed with the paperwork. Our curiosity for history has gotten the better of us.”

Scarcity did not share in the concern that the others had. Certainly there were some kinds of morbid curiosity that were troublesome, but the context were important. And as were shown, there were a rational explanation to it. The want to see if your own, dead culture had somehow gotten into the hooves of others, and now stood on display somewhere. An understandable level of curiosity, though she would keep some ears out, in regards to Videntor. It might be nothing, but there were the chance that he were a darker soul, than his fellows were aware, and were simply trying to hide it now. Unlikely as it might be, it hurt not to just send word out to inform her of things happening, around sights of him in the future, just in case. Some issues could be handled, were they taken care of promptly, and it would be such a hassle, if he became a general liability.

"A wise choice. As is so often said, one must remember the past, to reach the future. Mostly that is in regards to the mistakes of old, but there can be many interpretations.

Follow me then, and we shall be there soon."

It would not be a long trip, before they could see the museum. The place were very large, and the sign above the main entrance were near impossible to miss. The entrance were also second to only the palace, in regards to the size. It were for looks in some regard, but it served well these days, to allow for beings of larger species to have a look too. including some of the larger dragons, though they didn't usually come here. Too easy to squish someone by accident.

"Here we are. I am certain that you will find this interesting, going through the various time periods,, areas, and of course, the unknown section. The place where things reside, whose origin are not understood. If I were to hesitate a guess, your best chance at finding something of your time, might well be in there."

"Ah, new exhibits? Curious, yes. Quite curious."

A pony would approach them, after having wandered out of the main entrance. He carried himself in a fading brown tweed jacket, with short, frazzled hair, and a tail that were so long that it were tied up into regular lengths, then curved back to be tied near the base, five separate times, making his tail seem as if it were made out of five large, muddy raindrops in a cluster. He also wore rather large glassess, seemed to be around his mid forties, and his hazel-brown eyes were focused fully on the statues as he spoke, before speaking to Scarcity.

"Scarcity, hello. I see you have brought new statues? Can't say I were told, no. A surprise donation, I take it?"

It was around there that he would notice they were moving. Potentially they even talked to him, which made him take a step back in surprise, with his eyebrows raising. Something that Scarcity would meet with a short, pearly laughter.

"None of the sort, professor. I had intended so, but my charming new friends here are quite aware, and a little too lively for your exhibition. Though they are interested in seeing the museum, and witnessing the wealth of story on display. Perhaps a tour that would benefit from a more knowledgeable pony than I?"

That seemed to perk him up a little, and he'd push his glasses a little further up his face, before nodding, and then turning his attention fully to the golems again.

"Yes yes, of course. I would be delighted to.

Ah, my apologies for before too. I am not used to statues being overly lively. You caught me quite of guards.

I'm Professor Gears. But you can call me Rusty, if you so please. I work here as one of the Canterlot Museum's head of antiques. My department are mostly things from long dead civilizations, and depictions of ancient gods, creatures of note- So on, and so forth. Welcome to the museum."

He didn't bow, but he did give a small smile, and tried to look as friendly as he could, though a slight nervousness were spotted. Perhaps because he worried he had offended them before, but who knew? He might just be a nervous sort, or way out of his depth, as his history didn't tend to be as animate as they were.



@Catpone Cerberus


"That have helped clarify a few things. Thank you for that, sir.

I will keep that in mind, and I will prepare some overviewing papers on the known draconequui in Equestria. After the important work is done first, of course. Though as a mention, two of them that I currently know of, are working with individuals in an area as is, so there are likely agreements put in place already. I will make sure to dig into that, and have it mentioned in the files if I find it."

There weren't a lot of well known ones, but Equestria were home to a few of Discord's kin, that were probably lower ranked than him. He were considered the prime draconequui for a reason, and so having him on their side, were certainly a boon. But the rest were not exactly worthless, and could well come in hoof, if the situation required it.

She'd have everything she needed to know dotted down, with her notes taking up several pages already. Just meant she listened, and wanted to be thorough, though in this regard, there were not much more she could ask, in regards to things. He had answered her inquires well, and thus she knew the answers to her questions. It would be for him to evaluate, when time were. She would first need to have everything done that were waiting, before she could come to that though, so it would be some time before she'd know that.

With everything scribbled down, including answers, she would nod slightly, and sit ready, pen in hoof.

"I am ready when you are, sir."



@Catpone Cerberus

Leviathan winced at times, hearing more of the reality of where they were going. She appreciated the honesty, truly did, but it just sounded worse every time she heard about it. At this point she practically expected to be tackled and have her throat chewed out, as soon as she set a single claw in their land. A bit of an exaggeration, but not much of one, she'd argue. it were feeling like it were going that way, or at a minimum that it weren't a completely unrealistic chance for it to happen. Which were rather messed up, she'd say. Even from a different perspective and all, it sounded miserable, since even Ruby sounded more and more like she detested it.

Yet at the same time, she were a product of the place. A battle-hardened dragoness, far Leviathan's junior in years, but with notable more combat expertise, and definitely more dangerous. Might be that she could summon a thunderstorm that could wreck havoc, but magic amplifying things were hardly fair, and yet Ruby could likely still do comparable damage, to what her magic could. Given enough time at the least, though she'd rather not think about her going on a widespread rampage. That sorta thing tended not to go well for the perpetrator in Equestria.

As the notion of trust came up, Leviathan did not simply stand still and listen anymore. She actively wandered closer to Ruby, closer her eyes, and put her head on her leg. Or wing. Or whatever were right in front of her at this time. She said nothing, but she hoped her action spoke for itself. That she did truly trust Ruby with her life. And she could have let it be at that, but then, Ruby had to take it further, and ask for her word in return, as she laid down, and prepared to sleep.

Once she had asked it, her eyes were already closed, though there had been a brief moment where Leviathan opened her own, where their gaze could meet. She could almost swear that she saw a small glimmer of tenderness in those large, reptilian eyes, as she spoke... And then it faded, her eyes closed, and the older dragoness were left to wonder if perhaps she had just imagined things. Yet that were a thought, that would follow her to her sleep, whilst right now, she would place a hand on the bridge of Ruby's nose.

"I promise. Sleep well."

An intrusive thought passed by, as she said this, but it were thankfully brief, and left her with room to yawn herself, and stretch, before going over to Charir. She'd put a hand on him, scratching his head as she had done a few times before, then lay down with her tail wrapped around him as much as it could, and laid down on the ground.

It had been a horrible day, but they had gotten through it together. Hopefully for what were to come, they would be able to do the same.



@Catpone Cerberus

The mayor had nothing more to say, and would simply wave at them with a smile on her face, as they got on their way. She still had plenty to do, as were often the case for her. The role of a mayor, were not one of idleness, much as some would believe it so. She did have actual work to complete, and places to be when it were done. Yet it were all done for the home that she loved, so she would most of the time, do it with her head held high, and a smile on her face.

She did have times when she wanted more though. Some sound in her home, when the working day were done, but things were seemingly changing there. If nothing bad happened, perhaps her days would lighten up further soon enough. But daydreaming didn't get her far, it were time to work.

Outside, Neon would at first take a deep breath with a smile on her face. But then as she looked at them, wanting to respond to their warning, she noticed the way they were acting, and the smile stiffened on her face.

"Please do say if the sun gets too much, okay? We'll figure something out then. At the very least seek some shade, until it passes.

And uhm... Yeah, bad news on that, for you anyway. It is mostly sunny here in Ponyville. The weather team tends to keep it that way. But there are days of rain, cloudy, etc. too. If it were always sunny, it would be bad for the plants. They need water after all, but they make sure that the weather don't go all chaotic and critical. Which a fair bit of time means going after budding storm clouds and such. You might need some sun glasses and... Actually, does sunscreen work for you? I don't wanna make assumptions, but I'm thinking... No? Moisturizer perhaps? I don't want to push something, but I don't want you to feel like you're cooking, every time you go outside."

She were a doctor. She were focused a lot of on the health of others, and didn't enjoy seeing others in discomfort. And they were definitely not dealing with the sun well. Something she hoped that maybe, there were something for? A salve? Some lotion? Potentially some dark clothes? She knew where to get some good dark clothes for obvious reasons.

"And don't worry about what happened to some others. I'm sure it were just misfortune that struck there. And it's not like they died. They're getting excellent care, and are on route to making full recoveries. I can imagine they'll track you down when they're up on their hooves again, to make sure you're okay, but they're still in recovery. You have some breathing room until then."

She'd make sure not to take the spot closest to the street, so maybe they could go and seek shade when they wandered near buildings. The sun didn't bother her in the slightest, but for them... Well, thestrals who ventured out during the day, did sometimes have trouble too, and the shade helped. This might be worse though, but the same base idea might apply.

There would be no issues reaching the inn, with no one even trying to stop them, or shoot at them.

  • smile 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
"Next we'll be going through the cases that have already been identified, while you of course don't need to know every detail as you won't be facing them yourself, it will make the paperwork easier to know what is new information and what not." He started by pointing at himself "First, myself." "Solar Guard 308, the head of intel in the extermination unit 5, trained and build for locating and eliminating hidden individuals and groups opposing the Empire." "While not motivated to serve my previous ruler, my systems, regardless of my best efforts to eliminate such risk, could be taken over by said ruler if a stable connection between the worlds is to ever form, thus I have provided a detailed explanation to the princesses on how to best combat me if the worst comes to pass." "Because of my capabilities, which would allow me to take down large company of local guards with ease, combined with my will to help this world to combat those like myself, and few details in my defenses which make it possible, be it costly, to take me down with local means, my threat level is yellow." "This means that while I pose no active threat, eyes are to be kept on me." 

"Next, we have the kobold twins..." He took a painting of two kobolds (Sheska and Trox) "Trox and Sheska, two kobolds from the night-realm, were heavily involved with the local rebel movements." "While highly critical, and in some cases even hostile towards any and all pony authority and military personnel, they have no interest in harming the current order or innocent civilians." "They are highly skilled in combat, and Trox's artificial enchantments, while outdated, provide advantage against many in this world." "However, even with the advantage of these enchantments, the knowledge of weapons and tactics still unknown to this world, and the ability to make those weapons, their threat level is green, meaning that it is not necessarily for us to keep an eye on them; thus the documents moving the responsibility for them into the hooves of the regular branches." "In other words, they are to be treated like any other non-pony coming from outside Equestria." "Any future reports of them that find their way on your desk, are to be redirected to whatever branch has the responsibility of the area or type of issue." 

Solar then took a painting of a male red dragon wearing some kind of armor "Myrkr, or as he calls himself, Brother Myrkr" "He is a paladin and the last member of an order from the United." "He is a skilled warrior and wields a sword and a rapid-fire blaster: Latter can be combated with normal anti-magic defenses, however, the sword seems to be sentient to certain extent, and its abilities are not known to us." "He claims to stand for justice, and has provided us with information in potential threats we may face in the future from the United, giving weight to claims that he shares my goals, even if he was unwilling to join the unit itself." "His threat is yellow, as while he doesn't pose threat to us, we don't know enough of him to properly state his abilities, and as such, it is not safe to leave him to the regular guard." 

Next was a painted picture of a green female dragon with golden metal parts not too different to Solar's "The Solar Commander 20, General Scorch, or should I say, ex-General" "The first commander of the previously mentioned extermination unit, my commander." "She is cold, calculated, and efficient, and with 800 years of service under the empire, her experience is unchallenged." "She wasn't as cruel as some, but where ever she went, only piles of ash were left, as she personally burned down everything." "That is until some years ago, she turned on the Empire, slaughtered half of our unit with uncharacteristic brutality, and went on a campaign of  sabotage and destruction against military and government targets, before disappearing." "As I later learned, this disappearance was because she ended up here." "She is also the one who gave me that cryptic message, foreshadowing a potential kobold uprising." "She is yellow, because while she is extremely dangerous, and we have no means to realistically combat her at the time, she poses no threat, as to quote her, she is done with ponies." "As we speak, she has most likely left Equestria, with no plans to come back." "She however does have a way to contact me, as she too has an interest to make sure that the world that created her, will never come true here; thus she will provide us with any intel she may gather" There was certain respect in Solar's voice as he spoke about Scorch.

 Lastly, he pulled out a painting of Sheez "Sheez, a kobold so infamous that even kobolds despise her." "Commander of a Nightmare unit from the night-realm, her unit was the most feared extermination unit in the whole Equestria." "Cruel and efficient, wherever her unit went, death followed, only kobolds were ever spared, no matter if soldier or civilian, an elder or a foal, any equine unfortunate enough to share a settlement with their target, were killed." "She is ancient for a kobold, her mostly artificial body having allowed her to live several lifetimes; she was there when we invaded the kobolds' homes, she lived through the enslavement of their kind, saw it from the start, was a slave herself." "This left her with deep hatred for us ponies, hatred that led the course of her life, getting her banished not just by her community and family, but her entire species." "Everything in her is designed for a single purpose, eradication of ponies, and it shows in her abilities." "Her blade, made from, in lack of a better term, weaponized void, can cut through magic like it's nothing, and her magic defenses go beyond anti-magic, as magic around her ceases to exist altogether." "I cannot overestimate just how dangerous she is, it is said that some magical beings get ill from just standing near her." "Which is why we are extremely lucky about the two previous individuals for being here, as they are currently the only beings in this world capable of putting up a fight against Sheez."  "Which for the luck of everyone, puts her threat to only orange, as while she is extremely dangerous in both ability and motivation, Scorch and Myrkr are now watching over her, and they will kill her if must." "However, due to the danger, I have put out a word to every other branch of the guard, that if she ever appears again, they are to evacuate everyone form whatever settlement she may be in, and immediately inform me and the princesses." "While I have painted her here as mostly metallic, her tech allows her to disguise herself as biological, so any reports of an orange kobold with four arms, is to be taken to be her, and are to be given to me with top priority." That was all the paintings.


"As a last point, there are few cases told to me by Myrkr, that while not yet spotted here, may show themselves some day" "As mentioned before, The United, unlike us, went into the direction of biological modification, and several of their subjects escaped; Myrkr told me about few he believes have left the world, the information is limited, as he wasn't told everything either, but it is something."

"First, Project name UNA, artificial hybrid, an attempted shapeshifter, She was still work in progress when her room was swallowed by break in reality. Her build is that of a female equine, and she is in a state of constantly shifting forms, she is relatively harmless by herself, but due to her ability to copy skills and abilities, she can become extremely dangerous in wrong hooves." 

"Second, Project name Viper, a living chemical weapon." "A modified dragon, who's bodily liquids and smoke are extremely toxic and corrosive, He escaped his containment, killed everyone in the facility, and disappeared without a trace." "While extremely dangerous, he can be taken down with any ranged weapon with relative ease, though one needs to consider the risk of his toxins spreading in case of death." 

"And third, 'Mercy', the project name is unknown, as the subject destroyed all information of itself, however, in a recording it made, it states that it calls itself Mercy." "Little is known of its creation, for the previously mentioned reason, however, what it is known, is that it is a shapeshifter, that can be anything or anyone, with the ability to adapt to any kind of damage and to learn any skill quickly." "Myrkr followed its trail, only to find himself in a garden with evidence of tear in reality having happened." "He stated that Mercy is unlikely to be a threat, as from sounds of it, while it had killed everyone in its facility, it just wanted to live a life in peace." 

"That is all for now I believe, any questions?" 


Ruby had slightly exaggerated things, not in what the Homelands were, in fact, one could argue she underestimated just how awful place it was to live, but more on what they were likely to face themselves in this specific travel. Ultimately it was like she had said now twice, they were most likely be fine, as the smaller dragons did still have enough sense to not start a fight with someone like Ruby, when they were clearly just going through rather than trying to take over the territory; But she had a reason for it, it wasn't that she was worried that Leviathan was stupid enough to try and befriend someone clearly wanting her gone, but rather she was concerned that she would try to be the third party in something, like for example trying to help someone injured from a battle, as that would be what would get her killed, if anything. She also wanted to try and prepare her mentally, because the Homelands were truly a place where kindness and compassion went to die, there was nobody pure or innocent in there, everyone's claws were dirty, everyone thought about only one thing, themselves. 

As to be expected, Ruby didn't much react to Leviathan's gestures, but it wasn't purposeful dismissal, rather, she didn't know how to react, as she didn't really have context for true trust. She herself had trust issues, that probably was clear, but she also didn't really know how to tell if someone really did trust her, as she was used to being surrounded by distrust; not that she blamed anyone for it, she wouldn't have trusted herself either, after all, it was one of the lessons all of their kind learned, only you yourself can be trusted, everyone else, just like you, are only interested in their own gain, even acts of genuine kindness, are to fulfill a goal for self. 

Charir opened his eyes enough to see what was happening when Leviathan came to him, though while it was quite weird to him still, he didn't mind Leviathan's presence, and while his sense of touch was still limited due to his thick scales, somehow just the knowledge of Leviathan's actions made him feel better. 

Assuming nothing happened around them. nothing special happened with the two dragons during the night, Charir slept peacefully, and Ruby didn't at least do anything that would have woken up the others, depending on when exactly Leviathan woke up, Charir would probably be awake too, as he, like Ruby was a early waker, though while awake, he wouldn't move until Leviathan too woke up. Ruby meanwhile would be gone once again, there being just few deep scratch marks on the ground where she had slept; however, if she looked around, Leviathan would find an answer to where she was, as Ruby had scratched a message on the ground in front of the two 'Went for a drink'. If they waited, Ruby would be back some minutes later, as her usual self, though she did seem to sink her claws into the ground a tiny bit more than usual. If however they decided to go look for her, they'd find her from where Leviathan had found the lobsters, drinking the water; the same observation could be made for her claws. 


"Regular water is enough for moisture, besides, for our scales, the worst case scenario is that we need to shed bit more at once" kobolds shed a tiny bit constantly instead of their whole skin at once, but they had the ability to shed more at a time, even the whole thing if necessary, and while they weren't used to the sun, they still had counters for heat and drying up to certain extend, the bigger problem was the light. "Honestly, what we need is clothing, probably light colored so that it doesn't get hot, and something like a hood so that we can shade our eyes." "And of course time, it's not like the sun is dangerous to us, we just aren't used to it." As the walked, they did in fact try to stay in the shade.

When in the Tavern, Chega and Sear were sitting down eating, and Sheska got straight to the topic, telling Chega that they wouldn't be staying in the room anymore, to which Chega asked if they needed anything, and as Sheska told her to not worry about it, an argument started that soon changed to a kobold language, it wasn't the bad kind of argument, rather, it was clear even without understanding the words, that it was Chega insisting on helping and Sheska insisting that she didn't need to. This clearly amused Sear, and even Trox seemed slightly amused as he addressed Neon "You know, the most common argument between kobolds is and argument between generosity and humility." "Especially healers like Sheska have hard time taking praise or help." "I'd join but I know Chega will win, she has a way with words, she's a bard after all." 







  • Party! 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-08-30 at 3:44 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"...Being in charge must be strange. Wanting something, but having to do something else, and thinking on how others sees things... It is confusing to me."


It were much simpler to just follow orders, in her experience. And yet, she had gone against that at times. But that were mainly when things went against her prime basics, such as actions that would hurt others, or rules that would cause bad things to happen, if she did not go against them.

Ghilan were in a much stranger position than her though. She were a follower. She had to think of only a few, and some core basics. Beyond that, she would obey best she could. But he were a leader. Perhaps not the highest one of them, bhut he still led this town, and had to think of many more. Give them orders, follow rules new and old, and by the sounds of it, he couldn't pick favorites. He had to think of the many, instead of the few.

“It’s a delicate balance and a difficult lesson. Sometimes, what I want isn’t going to be what’s best for others, and other times, I may have to drag everyone to a better outcome. The pressure can be overwhelming, but I work towards what’s best, and the power that comes with leadership keeps me honest. One day, you may find yourself in a situation that will force you to step up and lead; I hope you too will find that balance when others look to you for guidance and leadership.” 

Deep down, Ghilan never saw in himself a leader nor did he want the task of becoming an elder. What led him to become an elder was a product of circumstance, though he may also place some blame on himself and his morals. He couldn’t just let someone get hurt because another abused their power. Sadly, even his best efforts couldn’t spare the unfortunate, grisly ends, which fueled his desire to do right by those who continued to live on. Now that the exiled siblings were back and with Omen, he could find a new perspective through them so he could live up to his ideals. 

For now, he was satisfied. He got what he needed to address off this chest, and the siblings could finalize their preparations. Someone would eventually be left running the village in the elder’s absence, but he also had that taken care of some time ago. Even better was what Omen relayed from the Kitsune elders, bringing a smile to longma elder’s face.

On 2024-08-30 at 3:44 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"The elders that helped Lin, said that they would like to meet you someday, and see this place. But they would not go here, until they were welcome. It sounded like they understood some of the ways the longma does things. But I think Sen understood more of it than I did."

He would likely find it an enlightening experience, but the kitsune elders understood that this were the longma's home, and that to start off the best with them, required them to be respectful of their rules, and boundaries. So unless something forced their paw, they would respect their want for seclusion, until such a time as that might change. Would it ever? Impossible to say, but one could always hope for change. They would at least, as the longma had drawn their curiosity.

“From the way you said it, it seems your meeting with the kitsune elders went very well. Their caution is understandable, and it would in everyone’s best interest that they are ensured their safety.”

“They would be our guests, and so we should treat them the way we’d treat our own. I’d hate for anything to happen to them because that wouldn’t cast a good light on us. The kitsune are good folk who are like us, and I think we can learn a lot from them.”

“I’m sure, and if you vouch for them, then I will look forward to meeting with them. In the meantime, you ought to finish preparing. We’ll meet tomorrow before we head off. Have a good day, everyone.” 

Ghilan and Xin bowed and left, needing a moment for himself to give the latter some words for his task for the coming days. As for Sen and Lin, it seemed they now have the remainder of the day to prepare, though they’ll head off to visit a certain someone. Going by Ghilan’s words, they wouldn’t need to pack much, though some of the things Rosa left to the siblings and Omen will definitely come in handy when making their case to the other elders. 

“Elder Ghilan’s right about us needing to visit someone, but I hope he isn't as cranky as last time. Shall we go?”

If there weren’t any objections to this, the siblings would lead the way to their grandfather’s home. It was still relatively early for the day, and he was not in his workshop. It was still a rather cluttered space, but it was how he preferred things to be. There was chaos, but it was an organized kind of chaos that brought about familiarity in a rather ironic sense. It wasn’t too far from the siblings’ family home, and he could find moments to walk about and see his grandchildren again. Or so he thought for a long while. He’d soon find them approaching as he was preparing to open his workshop for the day.

“And here I thought you would all be around to stay! You don’t come and visit anymore! What? Don’t like being around me?”

Abrasive just like the last time but the elderly longma hobbled up close to his grandchildren and clutched their claws tight. He may be prickly on the outside, but one couldn’t deny there was a familiarity that the siblings recognized, and it was clear they were happy to see each other.

“Ah, Omen! I hope you and my grandchildren have been keeping out of trouble, Come into my workspace, and let’s talk. I don’t get many visitors anyway so there’s time for us. What have you all been up to lately?”

On 2024-08-30 at 3:44 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Scarcity, hello. I see you have brought new statues? Can't say I were told, no. A surprise donation, I take it?"

It was around there that he would notice they were moving. Potentially they even talked to him, which made him take a step back in surprise, with his eyebrows raising. Something that Scarcity would meet with a short, pearly laughter.

"None of the sort, professor. I had intended so, but my charming new friends here are quite aware, and a little too lively for your exhibition. Though they are interested in seeing the museum, and witnessing the wealth of story on display. Perhaps a tour that would benefit from a more knowledgeable pony than I?"

That seemed to perk him up a little, and he'd push his glasses a little further up his face, before nodding, and then turning his attention fully to the golems again.

"Yes yes, of course. I would be delighted to.

Ah, my apologies for before too. I am not used to statues being overly lively. You caught me quite of guards.

I'm Professor Gears. But you can call me Rusty, if you so please. I work here as one of the Canterlot Museum's head of antiques. My department are mostly things from long dead civilizations, and depictions of ancient gods, creatures of note- So on, and so forth. Welcome to the museum."

The golems followed behind Scarcity, mostly content with their next destination. Though Magus hoped to get to work soon, he had to respect the ground rules set by himself and his fellows. A majority vote for the museum means he had to concede, though he understood that even they were just as likely to be itching to get to work. It was not a big deal, as he could find something that could just as likely pique his interest and make him stay a little longer.

However, something Scarcity said caught the golems’ interest: the unknown section. That could be a place for those with unknown origins that the golems can examine to find some parts of their old culture. Though they wouldn’t make their thoughts on that vocal, their collectively raised brows could be enough for Scarcity to pick up on their interest. 

Once at the museum, the five were about to head in until a stallion approached Scarcity. Their conversation got them to stop for a while to listen in, though in their minds, they may have considered standing still to act like statues, at least according to what the stallion thought of them initially.

“I am afraid we may disappoint you, sir, though I suppose talking statues may be more fascinating than disappointing. But there is no need to apologize, professor. Maybe talking statues are not a common sight in Equestria but it is understandable to be caught off-guard. My name is Scriniarii, and my fellows and I are pleased to make your acquaintance.”

The golems smiled and nodded, even bowing. Meeting this professor is an interesting coincidence as he states he knows about civilizations that are no longer around. Perhaps he might know something of the golems’ kind or of other civilizations that could have been around in their time. 

“I don’t suppose we could ask you about something involving your field of expertise, but you probably have encountered many different long-extinct civilizations in your line of study. Just out of curiosity, what is the most interesting one you have encountered?”

And there it was: Videntor’s morbid curiosity kicking in. Though it wouldn’t be evident at first, his interest in learning if something from the golems’ past made it to the present. It wouldn’t matter to him if it weren’t accurate, as he was secretly hopeful that something might have survived, even if it was something mundane. The other golems held their tongues, interested in seeing where this discussion might go.

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@Blitz Boom

"See, Christmas is a holiday from my world. It celebrates a lot of different things for a lot of different people. But mainly, there's a giant tree that you decorate, you put up fancy lights and decorations everywhere in your house, well not everywhere, because that would be weird. And then on Christmas day, you get presents from loved ones!"

"Uh, I meant sick as in cool, and the only reason I said that was because I was drawing up plans for the track in my head, while completely ignoring any math that had anything to do with it since I don't like math. I'll draw a picture once I get some paper and pencils. Anyways, a Dryaid, huh? I've had run-in's with less friendly ones m, but hopefully this one will be nicer."

*Slipstream zipped back to his house to grab a notebook and some colored pencils, then he zoomed back in the blink of an eye, sat down, and started to draw his plan. He almost looked like a little kid with the way he drew, but he had that same firey passion that all young ones did when they drew. His eyes lit up in wonder as he drew, imagining his picture coming to life before his very eyes.*

*Rich looked at him and smiled. He knew that he and Slipstream were not flesh and blood, but they had always treated each other as siblings. It warmed Riches heart to think about it.*

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On 2024-09-02 at 2:55 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“It’s a delicate balance and a difficult lesson. Sometimes, what I want isn’t going to be what’s best for others, and other times, I may have to drag everyone to a better outcome. The pressure can be overwhelming, but I work towards what’s best, and the power that comes with leadership keeps me honest. One day, you may find yourself in a situation that will force you to step up and lead; I hope you too will find that balance when others look to you for guidance and leadership.” 

Omen would tilt her head for a moment, imagining herself being in a situation where she had to make decisions for everyone, in one of the many strange adventures they had the last few weeks. To see herself as the one looked at for leadership, in a tough spot.

...No, I do not think you want that. I do not understand your position fully, or how you balance it, but I know that I could not do what you do. I do not know enough to be in charge, and if I tried, I think some would be hurt. Perhaps many?

It is best to let those who want and can do it, like you. I do best, doing what I was made for: To serve and obey, as long as it does not hurt anyone. Mother forbids that, more than anything else, and most of us will not."

It were rare, but not unheard of, that one of them would turn violent. Might be that they listened and were good children for a long time, but as they grew and learned, they started to develop their own selves, and on rare occasions, that would include a willingness to cause harm. It were not often though, as doing so, would make Mother lock them out of their home, so their bad influence wouldn't spread. Except for the one who went to the realm of screams and teeth. Mother could not keep her out, or her master might break through themselves, and that thing were far more dangerous, than her daughter ever could be, as she at least had familial attachments. Her master were indifferent to what their mere presence could end up causing.

On 2024-09-02 at 2:55 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“From the way you said it, it seems your meeting with the kitsune elders went very well. Their caution is understandable, and it would in everyone’s best interest that they are ensured their safety.”

“They would be our guests, and so we should treat them the way we’d treat our own. I’d hate for anything to happen to them because that wouldn’t cast a good light on us. The kitsune are good folk who are like us, and I think we can learn a lot from them.”

“I’m sure, and if you vouch for them, then I will look forward to meeting with them. In the meantime, you ought to finish preparing. We’ll meet tomorrow before we head off. Have a good day, everyone.” 

"Just let me know when you want to, and I will bring them here. Or you to them.

I will see you, when the sun goes up again. Goodbye."

This seemed the right time to wave goodbye, and so she would, as normal ponies would. Though they might also hug, but she still weren't sure when the right situation were to do something like that. A few times seemed obvious enough to where she would try, but it were not easy. And that was just for ponies. Other races did not always seem to want to hug that much. It were strange, but maybe that were just the way they were. One of many ways they were different from one another.

On 2024-09-02 at 2:55 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Elder Ghilan’s right about us needing to visit someone, but I hope he isn't as cranky as last time. Shall we go?”

"Yes, we should go. Family is important."

She'd have a good look around her as they walked, halting only briefly, as she felt Shrimp move around up on her head, and thought he were about to wake up, which usually meant he'd be either thirsty or hungry. But the refraction merely coiled up to stretch, then laid down again, this time down her spine, rather than just the top of her head, so he could stretch out proper. Meant she would have to not move her head too much, but she could walk again.

It wouldn't be long before they were where they were supposed to be. At Sen and Lin's grandfather, whom it had been a few sundowns since they last saw, yes? He seemed to still be doing okay, though the way their meeting went at the start, made her curious, as to whatever or not something were wrong.

On 2024-09-02 at 2:55 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“And here I thought you would all be around to stay! You don’t come and visit anymore! What? Don’t like being around me?”

Abrasive just like the last time but the elderly longma hobbled up close to his grandchildren and clutched their claws tight. He may be prickly on the outside, but one couldn’t deny there was a familiarity that the siblings recognized, and it was clear they were happy to see each other.

“Ah, Omen! I hope you and my grandchildren have been keeping out of trouble, Come into my workspace, and let’s talk. I don’t get many visitors anyway so there’s time for us. What have you all been up to lately?”

He would speak like someone who were not okay with things, at least at first, but then switch. It were a strange shift in nature. Reminded her somewhat of her master at times actually. As did the cluttering of things around, though it wasn't exactly the same. Things did not shift, or change around, and it seemed there might be some meaning to where everything were. But it were more than for instance, how most homes looked in Equestria, where ponies liked to have their things orderly and put in place.

When she were questioned what they had been up to, Omen would answer, whilst looking closer at some of the clutter. He were family to her friends after all, yes? So she should answer him, as she would Sen and Lin.

"We went somewhere we were not supposed to, and something went into Lin's head, and made her forget things, so it could be her master. We went to the kitsune to get it out of there, and saw strange things in her mind, but she is all better now.

I were a ball of yarn, and it was strange. Everyone looked very tall."

He'd probably have a lot more questions now, but hopefully they would get inside, before things would happen there.

Of course, this might be the sort of thing, were it would have been best if she hadn't said anything, but how would she know, if she wasn't told? It hadn't been said to her, that this was a secret. Might be it were best if they did actually, lest she'd start to mouth on about this, when they met the elders. unless she were supposed to talk to them about that? Either way, she would just assume it were okay to talk to some about, if they asked, but she had been cautious here. She did not say where they had gone Just that they were not supposed to be there.  There were many places in the world like that, in her own experience, but it were really mostly because she did not have a real name for the place. It were just ruins, and that did not say much either, because there were lots of those too. Some of them, Omen even remembered seeing when they were freshly built.

On 2024-09-02 at 2:55 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I am afraid we may disappoint you, sir, though I suppose talking statues may be more fascinating than disappointing. But there is no need to apologize, professor. Maybe talking statues are not a common sight in Equestria but it is understandable to be caught off-guard. My name is Scriniarii, and my fellows and I are pleased to make your acquaintance.”

The golems smiled and nodded, even bowing. Meeting this professor is an interesting coincidence as he states he knows about civilizations that are no longer around. Perhaps he might know something of the golems’ kind or of other civilizations that could have been around in their time. 

“I don’t suppose we could ask you about something involving your field of expertise, but you probably have encountered many different long-extinct civilizations in your line of study. Just out of curiosity, what is the most interesting one you have encountered?”

It were really strange to Rusty, to see statues up and going like this. Sure he had heard of golems, and even seen a few, but nothing as accurate in details as these, and with Scarcity of all ponies? He usually only saw her here, when she were bringing in donations, or came to talk about it. Of course he probably simply missed her going here at times too. He were often a busy pony after all, and it could be hard to keep track of everything.

This time would certainly stand out though. Ancient beings, in living stone, here to get a look on history. What a peculiar, somewhat marvelous experience that were. A chance to show history, to history. And their questions were already rather good. Well deserving of an answer, yes.

"Long extinct civilizations? Ah yes, we have some, but ah... Not all as recorded as we would like.

Arcadia and the downfall thereof, is well documented, and we have several objects from that time. Then there are rumored ones, like those that predated the first pony-dragon war. The dragon's oldest supposedly knows something, but have elected to remain silent on the subject. And since this is at least forty thousand years ago, you can imagine that there is not many others to draw from, or much evidence to discover left.

Some we know even less about. Remnants from times that we can't pinpoint, yet fascinates us. Some machine parts for instance, from times far before any technology we know of that could make them, would have existed, but though they are interesting... No, not my favorite. I think that would be Serfeehra.

Before the siren sisters, there were a time when there were a place were the aquatic lived rather peacefully. The city beneath the waves as it were. Supposedly a very sprawling metropolis in the waves, that were ruled by the Children of the Depths. A council of a the five most prominent, higher sentience races.

It were at least ten thousand years in the past, though it is hard to pinpoint where exactly, but story goes that something attacked it, and afterwards, the city have been in the midst of what is considered unholy sea. A place that's seen as taboo to even try and enter, much less settle in again, though the reason for that, seems to be either closely guarded, or forgotten long ago. Though the Coastal Guard are trying theirs to come on good terms with the aquatic races, and perhaps allow us a chance to go and excavate more directly some day. What we do know and have seen, are very fascinating though. You should really see the halberds for instance. Made of some strange coral, that's still as sharp as ever. Though we have to keep them in separate vases. You will understand when you see them.

Ah, but what of you? Any particular age you are curious about? Centuries old? Millennia? Perhaps tens of them? Barring the unknown section, we have things in order, so the more recent things are first, and then we traverse back in time, as it were. The unknown section is at the end. It is very speculative, but the tourists enjoy it."

If they just wanted the full tour, he'd start them off simplt then, by the first section, which showed some story and visuals of some of the more notable towns they had in Equestria, up until some centuries ago. Including the fishing village near Shark Bay, that were engulfed by the sea, but houses a prominent astrology tower, once upon a time. And The Bronze Yard, which would likely have expanded and been the envy of everyone to this day, had the Rust Beetle plague not devastated the community beyond repair. To the point where the whole area had to be torched, and the earth salted, to stop the infestation from spreading.

A notice would also be there, of examples of the rust beetles, which looked around halfway to pony size, with some nasty looking pinchers, spikes, and sharp teeth. Their example had been caught in tree sap at the time, so it had been preserved well, yet as were noted, the species were far as they knew, fully extinct, with no sighting in at least 70 years.



@Catpone Cerberus

That were quite the number of worrisome individuals already, including her new boss. A troubling thought, to maybe have to fight him, but she admired his willingness to admit that he himself, could be a threat, and as such, provide details where it were needed, of how to combat him. Considering his potential, it were likely good to have an eye out for him that way.

The rest were varying degrees of worrisome, though she honestly found the last ones to be the most troubling, because there were so little known of them. The unknown were generally not something she believed one should fear, as it were their role as scientists, to explore the unknown, and understand it. Yet individuals who were seemingly experiments from a more war-focused dimension, did not immediately make her simply curious, but also worried. Might be they weren't all here, but if they were, their state of mind, and where they would try and settle down, could cause quite the trouble, and with little really known, that also included how to deal with them.

Not the the known ones were notably better. This Sheez for instance, seemed like a problem that were bound to become relevant again at some point, but she would trust his judgement, that she were under observation, from beings that could make a stand, with better goals than herself.

"A few yes.

You say that Sheez, Myrkr and Scorch, are traversing together, and potentially out of Equestria, or headed that way? Have the neighboring nations been informed, or is that up to us to do, once it is determined where they went? The response could wary, depending on the nation in question, if we did not. Caneighdia would likely simply appreciate a notice, whereas Troy for instance, would be suspicious, and get their own trail on them, to make sure it's not a hit squad from Equestria. I know the princesses remain on good hoofing with Princess Arabian Nights, and Princess Twilight, have done well in establishing connections in recent times, but I worry what could happen, if say for instance, Sheez suddenly began to cause problem, in the midst of the country of one of our allies. Without warning, the repercussions could become diplomatically severe."

This concerned her, as there were a delicate balance to deal with, if things moved out of country. Unless of course, there were no indication that they would have come from Equestria, but then what would happen to a country with no idea of what to do? Apparently Equestria had some ideas yes, and several on their side - albeit tentatively in some cases, it sounded like - yet that surely didn't cover outside. And information getting to them about something happening, and any response back, could take quite a while. That were worrisome to her, though she might just be overthinking things here. It were known to happen.

"You also say that Myrkr's weapon are sentient? I haven't heard of that before, outside of cursed weaponry, and those worn by the Gate Guardians in Chroshna. I hope his is better aligned that them, if it is something similar."

Chroshna, the town build around the sealed gates of Tartarus. Unwelcome to outsiders, only did whatever trading they had to, to get by, and only begrudgingly let Equestrian officials wander there at times. The town were not technically closed to outsiders, but it were rare to get a warm welcome there, so it were not exactly a tourist hot spot. And they preferred it like that, as history had shown some being much too eager to try and meddle with the gate. Something the Gate Guardians were there to deal with, if anyone tried.

An unknown amount of various creatures, each carrying weaponry, and sometimes armor, that were allegedly forged over a flame from Tartarus, and infused with malicious souls. Stories were most of what anyone got, because they were not interacted with. They dealt with the locals in silence, in case they needed something, and only showed when there were outsiders, if they had to deal with an issue. Yet they were pariahs in their own town, and being chosen for that role, were widely regarded as a punishment. In the eyes of some, potentially even their last chance of atoning for something, before they would belong to Tartarus fully.

They were fairly easily avoidable though. The town were large, but remote, and Equestria had no reason to encourage tourism. They also couldn't cut it off from rations as such, as the gates being unguarded could be disastrous, so they worked out a system, that so far had kept things are tolerable for all involved as could be.

"I suppose that were a tangent, not a question. My apologies.

Project UNA, sounds like an unstable changeling. Not saying that it is the case, but changelings that would stumble upon her, or those in the known about them, might well assume that is the case, and either hunt her, or in the case of changelings, return them to the hive to see if they could help them. As we are on good terms with at least some of the hives here in Equestria, perhaps sending word out asking for an unusual mare, that seems like an unstable changeling, could yielded some results, if brought to them? King Thorax have the largest hive in Equestria, and as such have somewhat authority within our borders. And as I understand it, Hive Cheshire in Las Pegasus are known to be well established changeling samaritans. They might have heard something, or even harbor her themselves. Perhaps it could be prudent to give them a minor description to go by, just in case? Mercy might also be spotted in this case, though it sounds as if it would be harder to find, since it is more stable.

Project Viper sounds troubling too, but it might be one of those cases where the dragons will try and handle it themselves, if he is spotted. Even if spreading toxins could be an ecological disaster... Hopefully we will get a lead soon, in case he is here. Might be worth sending word to the dragon lord though, to make contact in case of something unusual? It is possible that he might try to seek a place among his own kin, if he made it here.

Regarding you then, sir. You speak of what would happen, were you to be controlled. In case something happens here, I would like to ask what your temperature tolerance are, and if I am given no options, it is allowed to melt part of you, like a leg, to halt your advancing? I would hope it never comes to pass, but if you have foresight to set up your own defenses, then it sounds prudent to ask."

In fact...

She would rummage and take one thing forth. A pouch made from smaller dragonscales it seemed, which made it nice and flame resistant, whilst the size of the scales, made it fairly likely that these were shed scales, rather than torn ones. It were safer to have with her, but could be melted, with enough temperatures, as sadly they were not fire aligned dragon scales, and thus couldn't handle a full volcanic eruption.

From it, she would pull a few pale looking cubes. Almost seemed like they were made of pale, solidified smoke, and were cut into chewing size.

"Perhaps it is prudent to add my own. I have no name for these, but they were made by Bash, the alchemist for the O.M.I. When I chew on them, the chemical with react, and lower my temperature by several hundred degrees in a few seconds. I could chew five times before I passed out from it last time, and I have these, in case an unstable reaction would begin to occur. So far, that have not been the case, but it is my safety net. And I ask that if something happens with me, that it is employed, or that you take direct contact to the O.M.I. at some point, to have him provide you with a version that can be used offensively, in case I have to be subdued.

It is uncomfortable, but it is a far better alternative than melting others, even unintentionally."

She would offer these few to him, if he wanted to keep them himself, in case he had to administer them for whatever reason, though she would still keep most, as they had been made for her. A little safety net, for a worst case scenario.



@Catpone Cerberus

Had she thought on it, and didn't know she had to conserve magic, Levithan might try and use that to make it so he could feel her presence more, in some way. Yet the day had been long, and as such, she didn't even think of it, nor would she if she had, as they needed every ounce of strength they could muster, for what was ahead.

As for the next day, she were not the first to wake up. Not even close. When Ruby rose, she were still laying on the ground, hold in Charir as she had when she had fallen asleep. Added though, were that her mouth were halfway open, and she were slightly drooling. Looked like she had a good dream though, judging by the grin on her face, and the occasional *heh* sound that weakly left her mouth.

If they did not wake her up, after Ruby returned - which would result in her clawing weakly out into thin air, looking like she didn't want to get up, before begrudgingly opening her eyes - one of the lobsters would after a few minutes, eventually thaw from the ice block she had put them in, and slid down, smacking her in the face. It caused much the same reaction as being woken up would, but with the added spectacle of her face wrinkling, before her nostrils flared, smelling her breakfast.

"*yawn* ...Is it morning already? Urgh, could've done with a few more hours..."

She'd rise up, and stretch out, from tail tip, to wingtip, all the way to her mouth. Times like this, she missed having a fluffy cloud to sleep on, but maybe another time. She wanted to be down here with them this time. It were nice and comfy too, in its own way, and there were less of a chance of some pegasi suddenly crashing her bed, or pushing her somewhere else for a laugh. Which had happened. Some of those weather ponies were acting like little tricksters.

In fairness, she had done the same, so who were she to judge?

"Alright, I'm up I'm up. You been out eating yet? I got some leftovers, If you want a go.

Or did I sleep through you going out hunting, and then returning? I slept really good, so I can't rule out that I were a bit away there, heh."

She'd give a goofy grin, while her wings folded in again. Today were starting off well. It'd last for about as long as it took, for them to get to the country were hope died.

Okay, that was unfair. The land where hope went, and got beaten up, tormented, and then killed in a violent fashion. Then eaten.

Seriously, that place were either gonna be worse than she were worried about, and it would break her on a basic level, or it would be less dangerous, and she'd be left in a heightened state for days after, without an outlet for it all. Or they'd get fighting, and she'd hit hard, then run away. Better be a coward, than a kin-killer, in her mind.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-09-02 at 2:09 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Regular water is enough for moisture, besides, for our scales, the worst case scenario is that we need to shed bit more at once" kobolds shed a tiny bit constantly instead of their whole skin at once, but they had the ability to shed more at a time, even the whole thing if necessary, and while they weren't used to the sun, they still had counters for heat and drying up to certain extend, the bigger problem was the light. "Honestly, what we need is clothing, probably light colored so that it doesn't get hot, and something like a hood so that we can shade our eyes." "And of course time, it's not like the sun is dangerous to us, we just aren't used to it." As the walked, they did in fact try to stay in the shade.

"Ah, most stuff I have is bright colors with black... Hmm... Have you considered some big hats? Like, for a start at least. There's some who can cast a pretty big shade, that might do the trick for you, in a pinch. I think those sort of oversized novelty hats are in the tourist trap.

It's not an actual trap, that's not what I mean. It's trinket shop, lots of stuff made for sale for tourists who comes to Ponyville because of its reputation, or to see the princess. I think Princess Twilight gets a cut, since she's not complained about her likeness on things, but I can't say for sure. Never really had a reason to ask.

But if you want custom stuff, you're probably best off saving up, then going to Rarity's shop. She's the best seamstress we have, and she could probably get you just what you needed.

I hope you'll adjust soon if you're waiting though. It can't imagine it's easy to feel comfortable when outside right now."

She'd give them all the shadow space they wanted, and she'd stick around in the sunlight instead. Neon didn't mind it in the slightest, and she didn't want her new potential friends to be feeling worse than they already were, by having them fight for their spot in the shade. That stuff just wasn't right in her mind, even if she didn't want to try and be friends.

On 2024-09-02 at 2:09 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

When in the Tavern, Chega and Sear were sitting down eating, and Sheska got straight to the topic, telling Chega that they wouldn't be staying in the room anymore, to which Chega asked if they needed anything, and as Sheska told her to not worry about it, an argument started that soon changed to a kobold language, it wasn't the bad kind of argument, rather, it was clear even without understanding the words, that it was Chega insisting on helping and Sheska insisting that she didn't need to. This clearly amused Sear, and even Trox seemed slightly amused as he addressed Neon "You know, the most common argument between kobolds is and argument between generosity and humility." "Especially healers like Sheska have hard time taking praise or help." "I'd join but I know Chega will win, she has a way with words, she's a bard after all." 

"As far as arguments goes, I think that's pretty nice. Not any vitriol, or anger, but just a polite back and forth over where to go with the level of help that's on offer. It's pretty admirable really, that it's that level of banter that comes of this, and not something that ends up with narrowed eyes and petty grievances. That's usually how I see it go at least.

Can't understand a single word though, so I'm taking your word for it, that it's like that.

You have a fairly unique language honestly, compared to most others I've heard. Most others tend to still be a variation of ponish, but this here's something else. Is it hard to learn?"

Would she learn kobold if she could? Perhaps. It could be nice speaking with them in their native tongue, to give them a bit of nod of respect towards who and what they were, as well as be a good sign that she were determined to put in the effort to connect with them. It could also be useful if she ran into other kobolds eventually. Who knew, yeah? After all, there were three of them right here, right now.



@Lawyer Slip

It made Ziggy grin wider, to see him zoom off, then return shortly after. This must be what it were like for others to see her take off, at least judging by the way that they talked about it after, and their facial expressions too at times, when she returned. He was faster though, but maybe if she just went in a straight line, she could be too. But she liked her way of doing it. It took a lot more energy, that she needed to burn off, and it felt like a nice, unique thing for her to have. Her very own little sliver of weirdness, that they couldn't take from her.

Heh, she kinda doubted they could do it anyway. It required some strong wings, more than being nimble, as well as having a good internal system to not get disoriented. Cause if you did, you could move much as you wanted like this, but there'd be no direction to it, and you'd probably end up hurling after a few jumps.

But this were no competition. She had just seen the competition, and it had been a close one. Hers were more... No, she lost her train of thought. Probably wasn't important.

"Hehe, I could see the afterimage when you took off. It's funny being on the other side of that.

Oh, and the dryad? I hear she'd plenty nice, and speak with all the forests animals. I dunno what she's aiming to do here, but maybe it's just where she thinks is the best home? Outta be hard with the new draconequui changing things out here every now and again though. But I hope she can talk to her tool, and maybe have less mutant frog attacks on Ponyville again. That was not a fun time, though it did give us Shark. Shark's pretty funny.

Uh, what else... Oh right, your christmas! That sounds like Hearths Warming Eve to me. Maybe that's just what it's called where you're from then, and it's the same thing? That'd be funny, though I like our name for it more. I'm probably biased though, hehe.

Had some good times like that, when I was younger. Had fun with all the other youngsters in the hospital, and my parents and siblings came around to take me on a nice, long walk through Las Pegasus, so I can see all the holiday stuff going on. Even the few years when I couldn't move from the pain, they made sure to gear me up in a wheelchair, and take me for a spin.

Aaah, I remember the first year like that, when I was seven. My sister was allowed to push me around a little in the wheelchair, and I convinced her that we should race down the street. Mom almost jumped out of her good skin, when my wheelchair slipped from her grasp, and they had to see me just roll down the street at high speed.

A nice unicorn stopped me, but mom refused to let anypony else push my wheelchair after that. including my dad, because she saw him smirking at it.

You got any fun *Christmas* stories then, hmm?"

She'd lay down on her stomach, which got her in head height of regular ponies, though that wasn't why she had set down. Not this time. No, she wanted to hear stories, and this seemed the right sort of way to sit when hearing tales. Even if they might be tall ones, she were mighty curious what it might involve.

  • smile 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-09-07 at 2:27 AM, Blitz Boom said:

...No, I do not think you want that. I do not understand your position fully, or how you balance it, but I know that I could not do what you do. I do not know enough to be in charge, and if I tried, I think some would be hurt. Perhaps many?

It is best to let those who want and can do it, like you. I do best, doing what I was made for: To serve and obey, as long as it does not hurt anyone. Mother forbids that, more than anything else, and most of us will not."

Ghilan left rather saddened by Omen’s reply; though he had hoped to impart some wisdom to a friend, there may come a time when the choice to lead may not truly be a choice. Or rather, the choice would be to take up leadership or leave things be to go to ruin. He, however, understood where that response came from. He too was in a similar position, unwilling to lead because of doubts. Those doubts could have led to more pain inflicted on those undeserving; yet he could not leave things be lest harm would come to more than just those who knew the risks. 

He understood her position, and maybe he should have expected that kind of reply despite having, according to him, positive influences. If time permits, this may be a possible source of a friendly debate between their viewpoints. It would be an interesting exchange of ideas. Alas, it will have to wait, bowing before heading off with Xin in tow. 

As for Grandfather Zo, he welcomed everyone inside, mess and all. He’d probably be getting an earful from his grandchildren about keeping things clean and tidy, but he wouldn’t have any of it. The mess was an odd way for him to remain in control of his workshop. No one would be touching it unless they wanted to get a nasty scolding. Then again, the siblings didn’t really know his system and would prefer to stay out of that. It was his mess, and if he wanted to clean it, he’d do it. Though the clutter in his workshop was preferred, the clutter in Omen’s reply left him quiet, slowly attempting to decipher what she just said. 

On 2024-09-07 at 2:27 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"We went somewhere we were not supposed to, and something went into Lin's head, and made her forget things, so it could be her master. We went to the kitsune to get it out of there, and saw strange things in her mind, but she is all better now.

I were a ball of yarn, and it was strange. Everyone looked very tall."

“You… said a mouthful. Sorry if I am not following but did you say something went into Lin’s head? A-and you were a… ball of… yarn? I don’t understand.” 

“She is right about things being strange, but it’s all right now, grandfather. There’s no need to worry. We wanted to visit and let you know what was happening. See, we’ve been… summoned by the council of elders. They want us to meet with them.”

“They do? Does it have something to do with you going into some place you shouldn’t?!”

“No, it doesn’t. It’s more about, well… us… coming home with these very… different ideas. About wanting the longma to be less… isolated. It’s difficult to explain but we hope it could lead to something better for the longma as a whole.”

The elderly longma paused, unsure what to make of this development. He initially thought he’d be proud to know they were about to head off and do something big and unprecedented. Then, he imagined how all this could go wrong and how big of a mistake they were walking into. Knowing how things turned out for his own child, it may be too much to expect something good only to end up leading to a bad end. Now that he’s already getting on in years, he may even feel a little more powerless to change things.

“I hope you know what you’re getting yourselves into. You know how it is with old folks, stubborn and unwilling to see things differently. You try getting me to take my herbs and I’d give you an earful about why it’s none of your business. That might be what you’ll get with old leaders, but what do I know? Maybe you’ll convince them. So, do you have what you need to get them to listen? Or do you also need some advice? I doubt I can be there with you, what with me and my old age, but I think I could give you some help. Something to help you pick at their minds could go a long way, right?”

Grandfather Zo’s advanced age meant he wouldn’t make the trek to the meeting with the elders, but he wasn’t going to take this sitting down. Anything that could help his grandchildren or Omen could go a long way. That may be his only way to help, but he’d give them whatever they needed if it meant they’d succeed. Perhaps his stubbornness might be a point of commonality with the other elders, something Sen, Lin, and Omen could leverage to their advantage.

On 2024-09-07 at 2:27 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Some we know even less about. Remnants from times that we can't pinpoint, yet fascinates us. Some machine parts for instance, from times far before any technology we know of that could make them, would have existed, but though they are interesting... No, not my favorite. I think that would be Serfeehra.

Before the siren sisters, there were a time when there were a place were the aquatic lived rather peacefully. The city beneath the waves as it were. Supposedly a very sprawling metropolis in the waves, that were ruled by the Children of the Depths. A council of a the five most prominent, higher sentience races.

It were at least ten thousand years in the past, though it is hard to pinpoint where exactly, but story goes that something attacked it, and afterwards, the city have been in the midst of what is considered unholy sea. A place that's seen as taboo to even try and enter, much less settle in again, though the reason for that, seems to be either closely guarded, or forgotten long ago. Though the Coastal Guard are trying theirs to come on good terms with the aquatic races, and perhaps allow us a chance to go and excavate more directly some day. What we do know and have seen, are very fascinating though. You should really see the halberds for instance. Made of some strange coral, that's still as sharp as ever. Though we have to keep them in separate vases. You will understand when you see them.

“Machine parts? Ancient ones? Perhaps they could have originated from the Mekhanites? I’ve never seen them, and information that could point to them is sparse. They were supposedly from a primordial ‘god’ that was split into multiple pieces in an attempt to prevent it from coming back. An ancient canyon in a landmass west of the Neighgean was said to have been the product of that ‘god’s’ rampage. That could be of further study if only to confirm its truth or dispel it as myth.”

“Aquatic civilizations are rather new to us, though it is interesting that they are around in one form or another. If time permits, maybe we’d like to see them. It’s all rather overwhelming, seeing this modern age and all that it has to offer. Something seems to pull our intrigue in different directions, inviting us to learn more. Maybe we could see some of it in this place?”

Though somewhat limited, the golems did have some passing knowledge of other civilizations in their time. Or perhaps the more accurate thing to say was that their knowledge was limited to hearsay. Despite having some advancements in their time, the kind the modern age has would overshadow much of what they had long, long ago. Vates and Magus, specifically, had that knowledge, though blind spots in what they knew meant that their knowledge was closer to speculation. Still, it might be nice to be proven right or wrong and expand what they know.

However, Videntor would use this time to pop the question and slowly ease the revelation surrounding himself and his fellow golems.

On 2024-09-07 at 2:27 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Ah, but what of you? Any particular age you are curious about? Centuries old? Millennia? Perhaps tens of them? Barring the unknown section, we have things in order, so the more recent things are first, and then we traverse back in time, as it were. The unknown section is at the end. It is very speculative, but the tourists enjoy it."

“There is a specific period that I hoped this place might have some information on. Several thousand years ago, there was a civilization in the Neighgean Sea inhabited by the Hyracotherians. They were rather small for their size, about half as large as the ponies of today.”

He paused, hesitated even. If it was normal for golems to feel some kind of knot in their artificial bellies, that might be the best description for what Videntor felt. As much as he was initially giddy to bring up his past, something tried to convince him to stop or reconsider. No, he got this far, and he has to go all the way. Scriniarii glanced back and nodded silently, acknowledging his fellow to get him to commit.

“You see, my fellows and I… are the last remnants of that civilization. We just wanted to know if anything from our time survived to this day. A balm upon my soul it will be if even the smallest thing may have been discovered from the Hyracotherians’ ruins.”

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@Blitz Boom
Solar would take the cubes offered to him, and as he started addressing everything that had been said, his systems ran chemical analysis on one of the cubes; this was an entirely automatic process that started without any input from him. "I thank you for trusting me enough to tell me this, for your questions, I'll go in order." 

"What comes to other nations, I have informed the princesses on the potential threat, and they are to decide who is informed and who is not." "But, we must also acknowledge that they are not Equestrian responsibility alone; We will assist others in combating them yes, but the security of other nations is ultimately their own concern." "Diplomatically speaking, only problem they could cause, is it coming to light that we knew of their existence and did not warn others, which is a mistake of politics rather than us." "This Equestria however has no fault in their existence, and thus cannot be blamed for any potential destruction; And in all their unpredictability, they all want nothing less than to be associated with ponies, and thus only a total fool would even try to blame them on us." "Especially Sheez, who is the main potential for trouble. In fact, her hatred towards ponies makes her a very attractive ally for our enemies, not that I believe she'd take such offer." He didn't trust Sheez, but he believed that she cared for her species enough to not bring war to their doorstep.

 "For Myrkr's blade, I'd like to specify that it seems sentient, but I have no real evidence either way, as he was rather vague about it." "All that is certain is that it has eyes that move like it's alive, and based on his word, it has the ability to decide and call upon its wielder."  "For its origin, he was as clueless as we, as while the blade has been with the order since the start, they did not create it, and rather it found them." "The eyes seemingly being from dragons, I can only assume it is dragonic in its origin." "Such an ancient weapon still being effective in the modern day of our world also means that it must be especially powerful, or capable of independent adaptation." It may have not been a question, but he still wanted to address it. "I have my own theories of its origin, but that is entirely speculation." 

"As for the unknowns, I will discuss them in my next face to face report to the princesses, as I will also request them for information about changelings as a species; my information on them is very limited, because in my world, Changelings as a species was wiped out from Equestria, I am well aware of things like the anti-magic properties of Black stone and the nature of their magic, but the species itself was lost to history." "Before learning about project UNA, I wasn't sure if they had survived anywhere." 

"With UNA specifically, we are likely to learn if she appears in Equestria, as we know that she took a part of a building with her, and even if we don't find her, a room filled with advanced technology appearing somewhere will certainly be noticed." Until of course it ended up underground like the kobolds had, as not every cave was in a hive of a Changeling queen. "Project Viper is problematic because we don't know his mental state, it could be that he seeks out his kind, but it could also be that he has gone feral." "There is also the potential that he never left the world; we only know that he disappeared after his escape, and he is the only one from the three that has no clear evidence of being taken from the world." "Mercy will be hardest to track if it truly can be anything, however, if everything else is true too, then we don't need to, as it is unlikely to pose a threat." "Though we will keep an eye out for mysterious gardens.".

"It is also good to acknowledge that there is potential of them appearing outside Equestria, at which point we may never learn of them, as even with Scorch out there, the world is a big place."

"For myself, to put it simply, you'll cook me alive before any of my parts start melting." "However, your abilities can be of use in the worst case scenario." "When talking about control, we are not talking about something akin to mind-control, as my mind is still mostly biological; Rather, it will be a takeover of my systems, things like my eyes, two of my legs, and most importantly, my offensive and defensive systems." "I will still be me, I'll just lose control over most of my body, and knowing my old superiors, I wouldn't put it past them to just kill me to save power for weaponry." "My defense's strength is also its weakness; it blocks everything. And while you alone would be unlikely to be able to do anything, heating the surrounding area enough to burn flesh would help with overwhelming that defense." "And permission?" Solar once again turned more commanding "I order you to annihilate me if it comes to that." he then went back to his usual professional but not overly strict tone "I also hope it never comes to that, and I want to believe that I haven't missed anything in my actions to try to stop it ever happening; But if it does happen, the only course of action is my total destruction."    


Neither saw reason to wake Leviathan, however, after removing the message she had written on the ground, she spoke to Charir in her normal voice, explaining the plans and such, who responded in short responses, but also in his regular tone, so depending on just how deep Leviathan was sleeping, this could have been enough to wake her. "I believe it is starting to be closer to what you'd call 'Day'" Ruby said in dry but slightly joking manner.

"I have already eaten my fill, I woke up before either of you." It was a lie, she hadn't eaten anything, but she also wouldn't, she didn't want to fill herself up before a long flight, and the previous meal was big enough for her to go for a good while. "Charir hasn't, though I doubt he wants to eat too heavily, it's a long flight." if offered, Charir would eat one lobster for a snack, but other than that, he'd gesture what could be understood as 'flying and full stomach bad.' 

As she spoke, Ruby seemed bit distracted, as while she did look towards Leviathan when she spoke to her, her eyes didn't look at her as much as they looked through her, and there was small movements that in most creatures weren't necessarily that big of a deal, but for someone like Ruby who usually sat still like a rock, it was unusual; the tip of her tail was slightly moving from side to side, and she was slowly pushing her claws into the dirt. Her breath was also slightly hotter than usual, but since she wasn't really breathing at Charir or Leviathan, there wasn't really a way for them to tell. 


"We had hats for a moment, Onache made us ones from cardboard, but they were lost in all the chaos." "Which is why we prefer hoods, those don't fly off as easily, and they take less space." "We also know what tourist traps are." even in their world, similar things existed, cities like the Capital sold things for those who couldn't afford to actually live there, and smaller tows also sold things to travelers; Though some of them were actual traps too, used to rob creatures. "I'm sure we'll find some cheap cloth somewhere to make something ourselves to start with." "Forests also have plenty of materials." They, like most kobolds really, tended to first try to make something themselves, and buying was secondary for after they were well off enough for excess. "Though we'll probably see this 'Rarity' later when we'll look into getting a full wardrobe."  

"Our arguments aren't all so nice of course, but you rarely see anything with actual vitriol, that is saved for those who deserve it." 'those' of course meaning a very specific kobold in this case "when it comes to the language itself, it's complicated topic." "First of all, there is no one kobold language. Due to being underground species, each community forms their own language, however, due to our anatomy, all of our languages share similarities with Dragonic languages, and with each other." "Myself and Sheska speak two kobold languages fluently, our native one, which you can hear them speaking, and then a sort of universal language that was created where we come from so that kobolds from different communities could communicate with each other more easily; We are the only ones who speak the latter here." "Sheska also knows several more different kobold languages due to her study of medicine." 

"It is hard to say if it would be hard to learn, because as native speaker of one, it's lot easier to learn others too, as they all follow the same basic idea." "I think the hardest part would probably be the differences that culture causes, just for example, we have three words that all translate to sister, because we are all brothers and sisters, but certain separation is still necessary, as in, Chega is my sister, but she is not my sister like Sheska is." "On the opposite end, we don't have words like Doctor, or Nurse or so on, and instead we have only a single word for the profession of the medical kind, a word that best translates to Healer." 

The 'argument' was slowing down, now sounding more like a negotiation or bargaining.



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“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Catpone Cerberus

When he had given her his order, Magma had stood stunned for a moment. Sure she had expected that she were meant to stop him, but this? It were beyond what she had expected, and what anyone had ever asked of her before. As such, it took a moment before she were able to formulate a response. A moment where many a thought would go through her head, about how to even say something back about such a request.

"I... Am not a murderer, sir. My first instinct have never been to kill, and I certainly would like trying to end the life of you, or any other potential team mate. But if it comes to the point, where you can't be salvaged then, I... Will follow your order, sir. I see your logic in wanting to die free, over living as a puppet. Though I hope that it never comes to such extremes."

It were clear that while she were understanding of the task at hoof, and would do what were best, if she had to, she would not do so, with any degree of joy. Nor would she simply be able to get over it, yet she'd do as asked, in the miniscule, unlikely case that it would ever come to that. What would happen with the task force after that? She didn't know, and hopefully she'd never have to be confronted by such a bleak reality.

"On to other topics, I will keep in mind what you said of the unknowns, and the political aspects, and note it down. I trust that things will go as well as can be expected, when it comes to politics.

If I may though? If you want information on changelings, you can simply go to Las Pegasus. Queen Cheshire is not only open about what her and her hive is about from my understanding, but also gives lectures, to educate others on her kin. I were considering one day going to see one actually, as the knowledge on changelings tend to be spotty, and hearing things directly from a queen seemed interesting. Wise too honestly.

I had that conversation with several of my colleagues back in the day, and while some of them thought it were strange to be so publicly open, I can see it being good for their image, and survivability. After the attack on Canterlot, changelings were more or less completely demonized. They went from tales you tell your foals to keep them in check, to tangible monsters that everypony became afraid of. I believe she's doing the smart move, by being open, so that the public will know what they are about, and as such changelings can be more understood, and normalized.

If there's some book regarding them too, it could have connections to her. If you put in the request, you can try and include her name. King Thorax is also technically a friendly changeling, but his variants are different, and the regular changelings have a certain degree of animosity towards them. Possibly related to them being afraid they'll all be made to change, regardless of their want to.

Speculation regardless.

Now then, with more... Grim subjects handled, as well as things seemingly being set in regards to all current creatures of interest, what is next, sir?"



@Catpone Cerberus

Ruby's voice had woken her up, just in time to avoid getting smacked int he face by a cold lobster. So that was a nice start to the day.

Whilst stretching, she would listen to what Ruby had to say, about eating, and other things. It seemed she were up late to the party then. Guess she needed the rest, huh? Ah well, time enough in the day, and every day were best started off with some breakfast. So she'd use her fire breath to unthaw the rest of the lobsters, and then cook a few in the fire. It didn't use magic, as this were a biological reaction that most dragons could handle, so it didn't count as her wasting magic in any way.

She'd offer the first to Charir, and then grill the second, before chomping that down. It left a few still, but maybe it were best to save those for the trip. Who knew when they'd next find a good place to find prey? Well, or as tasty prey as this anyway. Besides there were only two left, so she could just keep one in each hand. It'd probably look funny, but eh, like she cared what someone else thought of her, as she flew along. She'd outlive any of the naysayers.

Least she usually thought that, but with where they were going...

She'd shake her head, to get those thoughts out. She'd have plenty of time to mull over horrible things later, or preferably never, but right now, she didn't want to start her day of poorly like that.

So she'd settle down, finish her lobster, and when the last of the delicious, crunchy goodness were down, she'd look up towards Ruby, with a big grin on her face.

"Ready when you are then."

It were about then that she'd notice something odd about Ruby. Something she hadn't expected to see: Her tail were moving. Usually she'd sit and be akin to a statue, but not here. And... Were she imagining things, or were she digging into the ground a bit with her claws? Were she projecting her own nervousness? Very possibly, but it could also be that maybe she wasn't the only one who were feeling a little queasy about this.

Well, only one way to figure it out, yeah?

"Say, you nervous, Ruby? You seem a bit off center today. Or is it after the whole... Well, everything, yesterday? Can't say I'd blame you. What a mess it turned into. Frankly surprised I didn't dream of my flesh melting off after all that."

Her dreams had thankfully been a lot nicer than that. A welcome surprise frankly, and one she hoped would continue.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-09-10 at 2:31 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"We had hats for a moment, Onache made us ones from cardboard, but they were lost in all the chaos." "Which is why we prefer hoods, those don't fly off as easily, and they take less space." "We also know what tourist traps are." even in their world, similar things existed, cities like the Capital sold things for those who couldn't afford to actually live there, and smaller tows also sold things to travelers; Though some of them were actual traps too, used to rob creatures. "I'm sure we'll find some cheap cloth somewhere to make something ourselves to start with." "Forests also have plenty of materials." They, like most kobolds really, tended to first try to make something themselves, and buying was secondary for after they were well off enough for excess. "Though we'll probably see this 'Rarity' later when we'll look into getting a full wardrobe."  

"I think you'll like her. She can be a bit eccentric at times, but she means well, and is a lot more approachable for newcomers than Pinkie.

Not saying anything bad about her, but she can be quite a shock if you don't know about her in advance. Rarity is calmer, more high class in general, but not in a way where she looks down on others. I guess I better just let you see when time comes. You'll understand what I meant about her, fairly quickly."

Rarity was a very approachable mare, so she doubted they'd have any issues. She tended to only have issues when it came to brutes, and these kobolds were nothing like it. And in fact, the mare tended to like a new challenge, when it came to wardrobes. A chance to make clothes suitable for kobolds, should prove enticing to her, compared to the quadruped physique of ponies. And might prove good training for her to get some hooves on experience with bipedal creatures. Which considering some of the odd tourists they were getting this day, might be a boon to her store, as nopony else in town could make clothes like that.

But they'd see what happened. Neon felt fairly sure this is how things would go, but you just never really knew when it came to things such as this. It could go in strange directions, when it came to Ponyville. Even among those who tended to be more stable and predictable in nature.

On 2024-09-10 at 2:31 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Our arguments aren't all so nice of course, but you rarely see anything with actual vitriol, that is saved for those who deserve it." 'those' of course meaning a very specific kobold in this case "when it comes to the language itself, it's complicated topic." "First of all, there is no one kobold language. Due to being underground species, each community forms their own language, however, due to our anatomy, all of our languages share similarities with Dragonic languages, and with each other." "Myself and Sheska speak two kobold languages fluently, our native one, which you can hear them speaking, and then a sort of universal language that was created where we come from so that kobolds from different communities could communicate with each other more easily; We are the only ones who speak the latter here." "Sheska also knows several more different kobold languages due to her study of medicine." 

"It is hard to say if it would be hard to learn, because as native speaker of one, it's lot easier to learn others too, as they all follow the same basic idea." "I think the hardest part would probably be the differences that culture causes, just for example, we have three words that all translate to sister, because we are all brothers and sisters, but certain separation is still necessary, as in, Chega is my sister, but she is not my sister like Sheska is." "On the opposite end, we don't have words like Doctor, or Nurse or so on, and instead we have only a single word for the profession of the medical kind, a word that best translates to Healer." 

"I've had married couples in the hospital, where we needed to treat some minor wounds, because they got into an argument over dinner, and somepony got bonked with a frying pan, or something similar within reach. Nothing major, but in the heat of the moment, some folks aren't thinking proper, and some just gets up there when they're disagreeing on something. Though there's mostly something else adding to it, like a bad day, getting fired, lack of sleep- Creatures are infinitely complex beings, to a degree.

I'm just happy things doesn't evolve to stabbings or the like. Ponyville's a bit off at times, but we're at least not a violent town. Barring the monsters, but I don't really think it counts when it's outside forces.

Anyway, your language, it's fascinating to learn that you have basically regional specific variations. I'm used to ponish being pretty much universal, so that's easier to handle, but it still sounds like your language would be possible to learn. Probably start with how it would be communicated in one community, then perfect that before trying to go on and learn some of the variations, yeah?

And I get having the same word, with different meanings. It's like sick meaning both ill, or something being awesome. I'll probably end up mixing them up several times, but sometimes you gotta learn from your errors, to really get somewhere.

Where would be the best place to start? Do you think there's maybe a book, or scroll to go from? Or is it like, I need to learn from an actual kobold? That might become a little too problematic to sort. There's not really a lot of kobolds that comes through here, far as I know anyway. I've heard about... Well, you three. I'd like to try and learn something new, but I don't wanna pester you folks too much, y'know?"

It would be an interesting way to try and connect, but the way to learn, might mean that it were best to just communicate in ponish, and then accept that they had their own way of talking, that she wasn't meant to partake in.

At the very least, she learned something of their culture. That was pretty interesting too.




On 2024-09-09 at 3:21 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“You… said a mouthful. Sorry if I am not following but did you say something went into Lin’s head? A-and you were a… ball of… yarn? I don’t understand.” 

“She is right about things being strange, but it’s all right now, grandfather. There’s no need to worry. We wanted to visit and let you know what was happening. See, we’ve been… summoned by the council of elders. They want us to meet with them.”

“They do? Does it have something to do with you going into some place you shouldn’t?!”

“No, it doesn’t. It’s more about, well… us… coming home with these very… different ideas. About wanting the longma to be less… isolated. It’s difficult to explain but we hope it could lead to something better for the longma as a whole.”

"They want to change things, so us other ones can help them. Rosa have spoken many words about it, but some of them are long, and hard to understand.

I remember he had a long list of reasons why it would be smart to have allies outside, because a lot of bad things can happen. Monsters, illness, and other things. And what happened to Lin, just proves it, yes? You could not have helped her. It needed strange magic, and the kitsune have that. What if someone else got sick here, and the longma does not now how to cure it? It makes sense to me, to ask for help somewhere else. It helped Lin.

And there things that others can get you too. We came here with tools and other stuff, that should be helpful. It can be good, yes?"

Rosa said such things far more eloquently, but Omen did her best to say so in a simplified form. She could just quote some of the things he had said, but she got the feeling like some of the stuff he said, were mostly meant to have context, and she were not asked one of the same things as he had, when he started to talk about such things.

Someday, he'd be here and say them himself., He was a smart one, and could speak with other smart ones about important things. But first the elders had to accept outsiders here, which it sounded like they would be very against. Maybe that would change soon? She got the feeling that she would learn something from meeting them, and the meeting they were bound to have.

What had happened, seemed like it could be a good example of how helpful outsiders could be, but she wasn't sure if she were meant to talk about that right now. She would ask Sen and Lin later, when there were time to do so, but it were maybe one of the things she were meant to keep for herself. Though Elder Ghilan were the one to make the rules, so maybe it were more him to ask? That made some sense, but she wanted to hear from them too. So maybe wait until they were all gathered, and then ask.

On 2024-09-09 at 3:21 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I hope you know what you’re getting yourselves into. You know how it is with old folks, stubborn and unwilling to see things differently. You try getting me to take my herbs and I’d give you an earful about why it’s none of your business. That might be what you’ll get with old leaders, but what do I know? Maybe you’ll convince them. So, do you have what you need to get them to listen? Or do you also need some advice? I doubt I can be there with you, what with me and my old age, but I think I could give you some help. Something to help you pick at their minds could go a long way, right?”

Grandfather Zo’s advanced age meant he wouldn’t make the trek to the meeting with the elders, but he wasn’t going to take this sitting down. Anything that could help his grandchildren or Omen could go a long way. That may be his only way to help, but he’d give them whatever they needed if it meant they’d succeed. Perhaps his stubbornness might be a point of commonality with the other elders, something Sen, Lin, and Omen could leverage to their advantage.

"You could be there if you wanted to. Lin's gates are not like mine. They are more direct. She can put one from here to there, and then you just step through, yes? Or is that a bad idea?"

She were not meant to open gates around the other elders, unless they specifically asked her to, but this were not with the elders themselves, but before that, when they were at the village? Was that allowed then? Also it would be Lin, not her. She did not make that promise, like she had. So she could make her own choice on the matter.

Perhaps Zo wasn't meant to be there, and he could wait here, for one of them to come back and give him news, but if he wanted to be there, and they said it were okay, either Lin or her, could help him there. It were just that Lin had less restrictions on this than her, and the direct gate were maybe better, as it didn't show Omen's home on the way. That sounded like it might be an issue for some, even if the longma they had showed things to yesterday, had seemed okay with things.

It were simpler when she did not think about things, but just did it. Discord were wise in his own way, when he told her things like that. Even if she got the impression that thinking over things, is what would get her closer to being normal in the long run. Though she might be wrong, and it would never happen. She supposed she would just have to live with that then, yes?

"What kind of things, would the elders like? And what are we meant to show them?

...Ifs this was Rosa's bag were supposed to be used for? The one where he showed fangs and poisons and stuff? He talked about the many threats out here, that the longma wouldn't be prepared for on their own. He also talked about nature creatures, that he thought longma would like and get along with. Dryads. Evergrown. Druids. He thought their love of nature, would make you understand each other.

Or are we meant to bring a gift? I do not know what is normal for longma to do here, or what to say. But if you have ideas, I will listen, and get things, if it is needed. I can go many places."

Omen tilted her head for a second, then asked a follow up question, that she had gotten in mind.

"I see many creatures like gold. Would that be a good gift?"

On 2024-09-09 at 3:21 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Machine parts? Ancient ones? Perhaps they could have originated from the Mekhanites? I’ve never seen them, and information that could point to them is sparse. They were supposedly from a primordial ‘god’ that was split into multiple pieces in an attempt to prevent it from coming back. An ancient canyon in a landmass west of the Neighgean was said to have been the product of that ‘god’s’ rampage. That could be of further study if only to confirm its truth or dispel it as myth.”

“Aquatic civilizations are rather new to us, though it is interesting that they are around in one form or another. If time permits, maybe we’d like to see them. It’s all rather overwhelming, seeing this modern age and all that it has to offer. Something seems to pull our intrigue in different directions, inviting us to learn more. Maybe we could see some of it in this place?”

"Mekhanites... Why is that word so familiar?

Perhaps it will come to me later, but it does ring a bell. Perhaps I saw it scribbled on something somewhere, or it is close association? It can be terrible, terribly hard to keep track of everything sometimes.

I will mull it over, and tell you if I recall something. I am certain it will just suddenly come, out of nowhere. It's always like that, with such thoughts."

It honestly irked him to not be able to recall it. It were like a mention of that word, were at the tip of his tongue. Floating just outside of his grasp, despite how tangible it felt like it should be. An utterly frustrating feeling, and somewhat embarrassing too, as he should have had an answer for them, better than *I may have forgotten*. Hopefully that would not repeat itself, or he would become quite disappointed in himself.

"As for underwater civilizations, they aren't as savage as some keep thinking. The mermaids especially, have a thriving community, though they prefer to keep to themselves, most of the time. And the sirens... Well, considering what your average pony things when hearing their name, you can understand a level of trepidation from their side. It would be like if the sphinx would suddenly come around and try to talk nicely. It would cause distrust, due to past history.

Personally I think we could move past that. We did with the changelings after all. For the most part at least. I don't see the harm in trying to mend old, burned down bridges again.

And I assure you, that there is plenty to see in this museum, but you needn't fret. Entrance is free, and you can visit at most hours of night and day. Though we do ask not to bring flashlights at night. Some of the bat ponies have rather sensitive eyes you see, so we have to ask for some restraint and understanding, towards our nocturnal brethren."

On 2024-09-09 at 3:21 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“There is a specific period that I hoped this place might have some information on. Several thousand years ago, there was a civilization in the Neighgean Sea inhabited by the Hyracotherians. They were rather small for their size, about half as large as the ponies of today.”

He paused, hesitated even. If it was normal for golems to feel some kind of knot in their artificial bellies, that might be the best description for what Videntor felt. As much as he was initially giddy to bring up his past, something tried to convince him to stop or reconsider. No, he got this far, and he has to go all the way. Scriniarii glanced back and nodded silently, acknowledging his fellow to get him to commit.

“You see, my fellows and I… are the last remnants of that civilization. We just wanted to know if anything from our time survived to this day. A balm upon my soul it will be if even the smallest thing may have been discovered from the Hyracotherians’ ruins.”

This certainly seemed to perk up Rusty further. Tangible history, of ancient beings, and now he were talking with creatures from that age? Perhaps in stone shells yes, but that were still a marvelous opportunity. And this time, he could actually provide an answer that wouldn't simply be him offering more speculative questions than resolutions.

"Oho, that so? I had wondered what age you might be from, but it seemed rude to ask outright. And what fortune for us all. A recent dig found some ruins that bears mention to Hyracotherias. We havn't any depictions to go by, at least not at the time, but that you know the word alone is making me hopeful that there might be something here for you, and a chance for us to learn some context around things too.

Ah, but it were very recently. We haven't had a time to sort through most of it. I'm afraid we do need to go and examine the storage for this then, rather than the unknown section. It doesn't appear well, if we just sit things out right away, as we receive them you see. We do want to make sure that things are safe and secure, then see if there is anything that we can write down about the objects in question. At the least the general area of where it were found, or our own, temporary observations. Which in this case, we didn't even have. The boxes were sent by Hawk Fawkes. Which provides us with an occasional conundrum, regardless of how thankful we are for her donations."

"Ah yes, the famed adventurer. A most peculiar individual that one. Often not heard of for years on end, then randomly sending something of historical value to a museum that she thinks it fitting in. But she can sometimes be rather vague on where she found things, from what I hear. Likely to avoid an area being overrun, if she herself were already there in a limited capacity. Or the area is quite notably dangerous. Potentially simply to hide her identity further, to preserve her privacy.

It's a shame really, that she is more secretive than Daring Do, to the point where her identity isn't generally known, but I dare say that she enjoys the added mystique it provides her, even if it also limits her exposure, and the potential for book sale."

"I find those she does write enjoyable all the same, but yes, you are not mistaken.

Ah, but I doubt our guests would want us to yap on for days on end. Would you like for us to go and see what we have in storage? We can always discuss our mysterious, occasional benefactor some other time."

Truth be told, Scarcity knew who Hawk Fawkes really were, but she couldn't tell anypony. Quite literally, as a matter of fact. She were bound by a pixie agreement, which made it impossible for her to remember specifics about Fawkes. Though she knew that the lady in question had saved her life, and thus why Scarcity would agree to something that she normally would scoff at, as she didn't like having her memory clouded.

They met at times, as she knew how to get hold of her, but any memory needed to grasp details were erased from her mind. Fawkes were as a silhouette, with a distorted voice to her. Something that would continue, util the day that Fawkes decided she were bored of this, and stepped into the limelight.

She probably could find a way around it, but if there were one thing that Scarcity prided herself in, it were her integrity. And it wouldn't allow for her to do such a thing, to someone who had helped her. She'd sooner wait and see, and perhaps never learn, over breaking a deal without good reason.

  • smile 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-09-13 at 7:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"They want to change things, so us other ones can help them. Rosa have spoken many words about it, but some of them are long, and hard to understand.

I remember he had a long list of reasons why it would be smart to have allies outside, because a lot of bad things can happen. Monsters, illness, and other things. And what happened to Lin, just proves it, yes? You could not have helped her. It needed strange magic, and the kitsune have that. What if someone else got sick here, and the longma does not now how to cure it? It makes sense to me, to ask for help somewhere else. It helped Lin.

And there things that others can get you too. We came here with tools and other stuff, that should be helpful. It can be good, yes?"

The elderly longma listened, breath held as he attempted to process what Omen said, and it made a lot of sense. Unlike her explanation earlier, he understood the merits of the arguments presented to him. There was proof: Lin and what she became were evidence enough. To the old longma, even Sen might have had something happen that necessitated outside intervention. It just made too much sense seeing it all before him.

“I know there are things that the longma hold close, and I don’t blame them. Maybe it would be better if we just remained isolated, but it might not cut it anymore. Knowing what’s happened to us, our family, reaching out beyond ourselves was what we needed, even if it took years for us to realize it.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, our exile was what got us on the path to healing. We saw that things could be better for the longma, us included. All the possibilities that we might have missed out on are out there if only we could reach out to them. We just want something better for all of us.”

Sen and Lin made their cases heard, as did Omen, and grandfather considered. It may hold a biased view, but it was biased toward his family. He’d throw his support behind them no matter how strange they sounded; in this case, it wasn’t anywhere near the farfetched things he heard from other villagers. He’d take his family’s words, and if they vouch for Omen being worthy of trust, he’d follow their lead. It was simply heartwarming to see how they didn’t let a tragedy make them bitter, and Zo couldn’t help but flash a big smile at that. 

“You’ve convinced me, but I suppose it shouldn’t be so difficult if you’re family. Yes, that includes you, Omen. You made your case, and I see why it's good. Now you’ve got to convince the elders, and they’re trickier. I’m sure they are much sharper than me, and they’ll ask questions to see if you know what you’re talking about. I doubt my old bones could carry me around, especially so far away from home, but you have my support, wherever you are.”

On 2024-09-13 at 7:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

...Ifs this was Rosa's bag were supposed to be used for? The one where he showed fangs and poisons and stuff? He talked about the many threats out here, that the longma wouldn't be prepared for on their own. He also talked about nature creatures, that he thought longma would like and get along with. Dryads. Evergrown. Druids. He thought their love of nature, would make you understand each other.

Or are we meant to bring a gift? I do not know what is normal for longma to do here, or what to say. But if you have ideas, I will listen, and get things, if it is needed. I can go many places."

Omen tilted her head for a second, then asked a follow up question, that she had gotten in mind.

"I see many creatures like gold. Would that be a good gift?"

“That second thing you mentioned…. that is your proof. Convince the elders by making a claim backed with proof. If you can explain what you’re saying and show them what they stand to gain, the more you can win them over. The elders need to know what you’re talking about. It will be trickier for those who are too set in their ways, but there is always a chance to get them to come around to your ideas.”

“However, what you just suggested there with… uh, gold, you say? Don’t try it, especially if you want to win the elders over. It may be a gift to you, but they will not see it that way. It will look like you’re trying to buy them off. They do not know what gold is, so it will look like you’re giving them something they cannot use, which is worse.”

The siblings and Omen may recall the trinkets they each wear, especially the scales and the gemstones. Those are generally fine as ornamentation because they are familiar to the longma. But gold? It may appear as a simple metallic brick, nice to look at but worth little to those who can’t use it. What’s worse is that a simple gesture of goodwill could be misunderstood as a bribery attempt, and the elders wouldn’t look too kindly on that. 

What may be better was to recall the simplicity of showing respect. Though not simple in practice, the idea was still sound. Being given the chance to speak can open opportunities to learn about who they’re talking to and how to build rapport. That connection could be better than a gift, especially for the elders who may be interested in something… immaterial.

“I’m sure you have plenty to say, but I suggest you take it steady. Plan how you’ll introduce your ideas and anticipate questions. Hmm… you know, while you’re all here, would you like a little test run for some practice? Give me a wild idea you’ll present to the elders, and I will try to counter your proposal.”

“You want to debate us, grandfather? Are you sure?”

“Of course! Besides, this preparation isn’t for me but for all of you.” Grandfather Zo chuckled, eagerly awaiting to hear the first idea proposed to him. He’ll try to play the role of stubborn, unconvinced elder to see how Sen, Lin, and Omen would handle themselves. “I may not be sharp, but it’s good for you to practice.”

On 2024-09-13 at 7:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Perhaps it will come to me later, but it does ring a bell. Perhaps I saw it scribbled on something somewhere, or it is close association? It can be terrible, terribly hard to keep track of everything sometimes.

I will mull it over, and tell you if I recall something. I am certain it will just suddenly come, out of nowhere. It's always like that, with such thoughts."

It honestly irked him to not be able to recall it. It were like a mention of that word, were at the tip of his tongue. Floating just outside of his grasp, despite how tangible it felt like it should be. An utterly frustrating feeling, and somewhat embarrassing too, as he should have had an answer for them, better than *I may have forgotten*. Hopefully that would not repeat itself, or he would become quite disappointed in himself.

"As for underwater civilizations, they aren't as savage as some keep thinking. The mermaids especially, have a thriving community, though they prefer to keep to themselves, most of the time. And the sirens... Well, considering what your average pony things when hearing their name, you can understand a level of trepidation from their side. It would be like if the sphinx would suddenly come around and try to talk nicely. It would cause distrust, due to past history.

“Worry not. Even we may be getting our information mixed up. Old civilizations could have similarities with one another, and knowing how distant in the past they may be, it may be best to take some time to sort out that information.”

“Speaking of which, this building and the displays make it appear that even history was sorted out for many to see and learn from. Underwater civilizations are rather interesting, especially in how they build themselves up compared to ours on the surface. To be honest, the sirens were considered a myth in our time; there were tall tales about sailors ending up in the thrall of the sirens’ enchanting songs until they ran aground of the jagged rocks. It is interesting to know that they are more commonly heard of by the average pony.” 

Magus didn’t lie about the golems and their lack of knowledge about certain groups. What may be common knowledge to ponies elsewhere were myths and tales elsewhere. That was true for the golems back in their day, though it was rather odd that the prevalence of such tales was still common despite having the means to travel far and wide. The sea may be vast but even then, their knowledge wasn’t so far-reaching. One can only imagine what lay beneath the waves of their populated islands if underwater civilizations were around in their time.

For now, thoughts of what could have been would have to wait. Time spent within the museum could fill the golems in on what those civilizations were and where they were based. If other hyracotherians from their day were still alive, they might be astounded to learn of the things that were close to home but remained unknown. 

On 2024-09-13 at 7:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Oho, that so? I had wondered what age you might be from, but it seemed rude to ask outright. And what fortune for us all. A recent dig found some ruins that bears mention to Hyracotherias. We havn't any depictions to go by, at least not at the time, but that you know the word alone is making me hopeful that there might be something here for you, and a chance for us to learn some context around things too.

Ah, but it were very recently. We haven't had a time to sort through most of it. I'm afraid we do need to go and examine the storage for this then, rather than the unknown section. It doesn't appear well, if we just sit things out right away, as we receive them you see. We do want to make sure that things are safe and secure, then see if there is anything that we can write down about the objects in question. At the least the general area of where it were found, or our own, temporary observations. Which in this case, we didn't even have. The boxes were sent by Hawk Fawkes. Which provides us with an occasional conundrum, regardless of how thankful we are for her donations."

“Interesting that a dig has unearthed something. If it is related to the ruins of a city-state, whoever discovered it could have found the remains of Hyrakopetra, Heraklea, or possibly Aeonea. Those are the names of the most notable city-states of our day, large centers of trade, culture, and government. I-I’m sorry… it just all came spilling out, remembering names of places. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to talk about home.”

Videntor didn’t seem to be too hung up on the mention of an adventurer finding things from the golems’ time. Though he and his fellows have heard of treasure hunters and their ability to find things of differing value, what may be a significant find could very well be a mundane object. Then again, just being able to talk about this matter felt rather uplifting for the golem, as if he was releasing some bottled-up memories. The others didn’t mind; his words recalled the old days, of times when they could still see themselves in their old homes and cities. It simply felt nice to remember, even if those were from another lifetime ago.

“By your lead, I… we would love to see what you have in storage. If you will permit, maybe we could offer what information we can provide? Anything to help sort your collection and expand what knowledge you have gathered.” 

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On 2024-09-17 at 4:04 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“You’ve convinced me, but I suppose it shouldn’t be so difficult if you’re family. Yes, that includes you, Omen. You made your case, and I see why it's good. Now you’ve got to convince the elders, and they’re trickier. I’m sure they are much sharper than me, and they’ll ask questions to see if you know what you’re talking about. I doubt my old bones could carry me around, especially so far away from home, but you have my support, wherever you are.”

"I do not know everything, but I will answer what they ask me. Maybe that will be enough?

If it is not, how will I convince them? I can tell them of me. Of what we have done. Things they want to know, so they know I am not a danger to them. But if it does not matter, or is not enough, what is left to say then?

Perhaps I should just wait and see. The things I hear, makes it sound like they will not believe things, when it comes from outsiders. And that they are against new things. I am not sure how to convince some like that, to change their mind. It is not something I try to make others do that often."

Rosa would be better in cases like this. He were well spoken, and seemed well able to hold a back and forth talk going. Some with many words, that made others listen to him, and sometimes change their minds on things. She were not like that, even if she were better at speaking longer words and sentences, by listening in closely to Sen, Lin, and Rosa primarily, but also those they spoke with, like Scarcity. Yet that didn't mean she were good at arguing. It were not in her nature, to be confrontational enough for that sort of thing. She were more likely to agree with someone in the long run. Especially if it got complicated, and it became easier to simply go along with it, or do as she were told.

On 2024-09-17 at 4:04 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“That second thing you mentioned…. that is your proof. Convince the elders by making a claim backed with proof. If you can explain what you’re saying and show them what they stand to gain, the more you can win them over. The elders need to know what you’re talking about. It will be trickier for those who are too set in their ways, but there is always a chance to get them to come around to your ideas.”

“However, what you just suggested there with… uh, gold, you say? Don’t try it, especially if you want to win the elders over. It may be a gift to you, but they will not see it that way. It will look like you’re trying to buy them off. They do not know what gold is, so it will look like you’re giving them something they cannot use, which is worse.”

"I will get the box then, before we meet the elders. Maybe do that when you sleep? Rosa can tell me what the things are too then. Let me know how to say things, so it will make sense to them.

And I will not give them gold, if you think it is bad. Though if you say that they only wanted things that they could use... That goes for all longma then, yes? So never give gold as presents, but only something they can use? Like when we brought tools, to thank for the carvings?"

That might not mean something for the elders, as she understood she were not supposed to give them things, but it were good to know about the longma in general, in case she were invited to a birthday party or something. That were a time when you brought presents, she knew that much at least. Well, not if it applied to longma, but she would assume so at least, until she were told otherwise.

And if the nights were not going to be dangerous, or needing her there, she could well just go and talk to Rosa when it were. She did not sleep anyway, and she knew bat ponies were around a lot during the night time. It would be as good a time as any to go and simply talk to him about this, if she weren't needed around anyway, yes? Otherwise, she would likely just wander around, looking at the guards all night.

On 2024-09-17 at 4:04 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I’m sure you have plenty to say, but I suggest you take it steady. Plan how you’ll introduce your ideas and anticipate questions. Hmm… you know, while you’re all here, would you like a little test run for some practice? Give me a wild idea you’ll present to the elders, and I will try to counter your proposal.”

“You want to debate us, grandfather? Are you sure?”

“Of course! Besides, this preparation isn’t for me but for all of you.” Grandfather Zo chuckled, eagerly awaiting to hear the first idea proposed to him. He’ll try to play the role of stubborn, unconvinced elder to see how Sen, Lin, and Omen would handle themselves. “I may not be sharp, but it’s good for you to practice.”

The idea of practicing hadn't crossed her mind, but if it were there, then maybe she should try? Yet what would she say here...

Omen would tilt her head, thinking for seconds on end, trying to come up with something. The gears in her head creaking so much that you could hear them move for a brief moment, before she finally evened up, having settled on something she could start with.

"I can try something then, yes?

If a longma gets sick, and you do not know what they have, or do not know how to help them, what do you do? Would it not be smart to ask for help? Or do you think it is better to let them die? And what if it then hit other longma?"

She might not understand the concept of death entirely, but she knew enough to make somewhat of an argument here, in that she knew that generally speaking, wanting someone to die, made you bad. if there were help to get, why would you not ask then, instead of letting someone die? Would that not mean you were bad, for not trying to prevent something that you had the power to prevent?

Rosa could still make this argument a lot better, but Omen would do her best to try at least. Even if she might have to ponder her own questions at some point, to grasp fully what she had said. Some of the things, being more or less copies from what she had heard Rosa speak of, when he made examples of why it were bad for the longma to stand alone.

On 2024-09-17 at 4:04 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Worry not. Even we may be getting our information mixed up. Old civilizations could have similarities with one another, and knowing how distant in the past they may be, it may be best to take some time to sort out that information.”

“Speaking of which, this building and the displays make it appear that even history was sorted out for many to see and learn from. Underwater civilizations are rather interesting, especially in how they build themselves up compared to ours on the surface. To be honest, the sirens were considered a myth in our time; there were tall tales about sailors ending up in the thrall of the sirens’ enchanting songs until they ran aground of the jagged rocks. It is interesting to know that they are more commonly heard of by the average pony.” 

"We have them mostly as old tales too, as it were. but ours have basis in history, as the siren sisters were well known villains, that caused quite the ruckus in their time. They even had a cult devoted to their following, though after generations, it have all but vanished, far as is known at least. We do have some fascinating relics that they were granted though. One of them donated recently by Scarcity. I think it best I leave it to her to show that off at a later point, hm?"

"That is appreciated professor. It is delightful to speak a little at times, of the things that comes into my possession."

He'd nod slightly, agreeing with her on the subject. He didn't know more than what the public knew of how she had gotten that, and had no reason to think otherwise, so he only saw this in terms of Scarcity likely being delighted at the chance to speak something of her own donation to the museum. If only he knew... He'd likely not care really. This had been gotten in curious ways, but completely legally. Not so much the case with some other things she had donated to the museum, but he didn't need to be privy to that.

"Of course, of course.

Ah, and for sirens, there are also known ones out there, beyond Equestria's border. We hear little of most of them, so it is assumed the local areas handle them best they can. There is of course the brothers, but ah... Best to go nowhere near their waters. They have overtaken a small country, and turned it into their personal fighting pit, using whomever they can get hold of in the area, as the stories goes. Utterly revolting, and a recent example for most, that sirens are untrustworthy and evil.

I personally do not subscribe to such generalizations, but you tend to only hear of the big and bad of their kin, so it colors the public perception. I suppose that same attitude could go for the sphinx too, as they generally live just as secretively, away from prying eyes. But I deal mostly in the past, not so much the present. There's others who'd know more, I'm sure."

"I can't say I know in regards to sirens, but I do know there were a sphinx in town yesterday, and judging by the announcement, he did not come with harm in mind."

"Ah yes, that. The one who seemingly joined Equestria. It is a rather.... Peculiar thing, and I have heard many a less than flattering opinion on that, but I think it best to let time tell. Mighty strange though, yes."

On 2024-09-17 at 4:04 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Interesting that a dig has unearthed something. If it is related to the ruins of a city-state, whoever discovered it could have found the remains of Hyrakopetra, Heraklea, or possibly Aeonea. Those are the names of the most notable city-states of our day, large centers of trade, culture, and government. I-I’m sorry… it just all came spilling out, remembering names of places. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a chance to talk about home.”

Scarcity would be the first to respond to this, giving off a short, pearly laugh.

"Dear, you should hardly apologize for speaking your mind about this. This is a museum after all, and this one of their professors. I can almost assure you that he very much welcome this sort of talk, of the far past."

"Quite so, in fact. There is ah, other things to focus on now, of course, but I assure you that if you want to talk of your civilization, I would be more than happy to listen. You wouldn't mind if I brought somepony along to write things down though, would you?"

This were the sort of eye witness account that they generally speaking would never get hold off, barring some weird anomaly. So a chance like this, he'd really want for their words to be committed to paper, so that they could expand their ancient history. What things might they not learn, if presented with the perspective of some who had actually lived through it, rather than having to guess based on what were left behind?

On 2024-09-17 at 4:04 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“By your lead, I… we would love to see what you have in storage. If you will permit, maybe we could offer what information we can provide? Anything to help sort your collection and expand what knowledge you have gathered.” 

"Any context or stories, would be greatly appreciated, yes. Especially by our historians. One in particular, might well trap me in a display case if he hears of this, and were not invited along to hear more. Or perhaps his sister. They're both very committed to their field of work.

But now I am the one who rambles. Please, do follow me."

He would lead the short way from the entrance, to behind the help desk, and to a rather large door, that were locked and marked as personnel only. opening that, they would enter a large, dark room. Pushing a button on the wall next to him, would light up at least this section, from a series of lamps emitting soft light, and show rows upon rows of crates of various sizes. They all seemed to be sorted into sections, with thick folders laying on podiums near them. Detailed reports of everything there, when to have them out, the condition they were in, relevant stories, if they were meant for elsewhere, etc.  The more things were categorized, the better.

Passing row after row like this, and wandering a bit zig-zagged, to get past certain sections, and collections, in a somewhat confusing matter, they would eventually reach beyond where the soft light were shown. But another, closer to the ground light source, were seen further in, vaguely lighting around a corner. The professor followed that, and soon after, they would pass past a bundle of 20 carefully stacked boxes, and see the source of said light, which came from four hovering balls emitting soft light, dancing around in the air. focused around a griffon with long, rainbow-colored tail feathers that didn't seem to notice them, but would speak up as she heard the professor step closer.

"Hello Rusty. Have you more items to categorize from this? I were about to look over the new stuff we got sent in. And yes, I have permission from Director Gravel. He wants more eyes on this, and I were available."

The griffon were otherwise pale white, with grey flicks on her feather, and wearing an open vest, with several filled pockets on it. She seemed a little larger than your average griffon, but not any more beefy, so she were a leaner sort, with odd tail feathers, Hard to say any more, before she turned around though.

"Well, he is not technically wrong. But I do have some here who I think would be useful in going through things. They are ah, eye witnesses of that age, as it were."

That would make her turn around, which would also reveal some things laid out on a table behind her, that the golems might recognize. Might be rather mundane things, yet they, and other things in the five crates nearby - of which one were open - would be what they had come to see. If this were not of their known bastions, there were at the least references in them, but it were likely to be from one of their kins homesteads. It would be for them to verify either way.

As for the griffon, she seemed confused, though her eyes would fall upon the golems soon after. Scarcity would walk behind them, wanting to observe for now, and not be noticed, and she weren't either. The griffon hadn't the foggiest idea of her presence.


Her eyes were light blue and her beak a bright yellow, showing her to not be an old griffon. Likely in her mid twenties, maybe early thirties, and beyond her chest feathers fluffing up as she appeared to look concerned at the golems, she were startled.

"Ensouled, as it were, and not programmed units. There's nothing to be worried about, I assure you."

She didn't seem completely convinced, but she'd ease up a little, having seemingly heard enough of golems before to think of the negative versions, that you tended to hear about.

"...Okay then. Well, welcome then, to the storage. I'm Mystril. I work inventory, but the director believed I could help doing some preliminary notes on things. I uhm... Sorry, I just haven't encountered golems before that weren't... Unstable. It is hard not to think of past experiences right now. But if the professor vouch for you, then please, by all means. Go ahead and look over things."

She'd move out of the way, though she would grab hold of the lights above her, and push them further over, so they stayed hovering over the table.

"I know the lighting isn't as direct as out in the museum, but not everything can handle sharp light. So it is safer for us to use more soft light, out here in out inventory, until we can say for sure. It is dreadful to try and read a parchment that starts to crumble under bright light. Rather harsh on the eyes too, so this is the ideal setting, we believe."

They were free to wander past Mystril, and have a look if they so wanted to.

(I'll leave it up you what the see, and if it is related to them)

  • Excited 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-09-19 at 6:02 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I will get the box then, before we meet the elders. Maybe do that when you sleep? Rosa can tell me what the things are too then. Let me know how to say things, so it will make sense to them.

And I will not give them gold, if you think it is bad. Though if you say that they only wanted things that they could use... That goes for all longma then, yes? So never give gold as presents, but only something they can use? Like when we brought tools, to thank for the carvings?"

“You will be better off not offering anything as a gift. Your intentions may be good at heart, but they will come off as a bad thing to the other elders regardless of how you see it. Understand that, as elders, they are in a higher position than other longma, and even if others will be grateful at receiving things they can use, the elders are not simply any ordinary longma.”

“We understand, grandfather, though we could always ask Elder Ghilan about this as well. As an elder, he may have some ideas on how the other elders think.”

“Go right ahead. He is young, but if he is observant, I think he will say the same thing. I honestly have no idea how he will do, given his age, but a young mind may have ideas we older folks have not yet considered.”

Though Grandfather Zo didn’t articulate it quite fully, he has his reservations about Ghilan. An older leader would have some of the necessary knowledge and life experience to guide the village based on its needs and shortcomings. However, a younger elder, an oxymoronic idea, could bring in a fresh perspective to old problems. What he didn’t state was how someone of his age and stature at the same time could be impressionable, open to new ideas but unaware of the pitfalls of those ideas. This becomes especially true with radical and completely novel ideas like becoming less isolationist.

It may be an opportunity to learn some lessons along the way if those who propose it do get their way. Unfortunately, some situations may not leave enough room open to learning. Sometimes, the price of failure is so high that novel ideas without solid foundations and effective execution are not worth the trouble. That was one thing he hoped Sen, Lin, Omen, and Ghilan could learn sooner rather than later.

On 2024-09-19 at 6:02 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"I can try something then, yes?

If a longma gets sick, and you do not know what they have, or do not know how to help them, what do you do? Would it not be smart to ask for help? Or do you think it is better to let them die? And what if it then hit other longma?"

Unxpected… Omen would begin with a rather sobering idea of illness, but knowing what she described earlier with Lin and how the Kitsune ended up helping, it was still within the realm of possibilities. Though grateful, he was still somewhat weary about the idea of other creatures helping, especially a lot of unknowns were tied to that help. Fortunately, the topic was something he could work with given its relevance, timely or otherwise.

“I believe that it would be better for us to discover what that sickness is and how it can be treated. If more longma minds are needed to secure that help, then so be it. Let us be self-reliant in dealing with our problems.”

“And you would rather let the sickness fester and spread rather than treat it immediately? What if the longma do not find the cure?”

“Can you be certain that another creature’s help will be given freely? What if they demand something in return, and that is not given, do you continue looking elsewhere until someone helps? Not all creatures are kind at heart, and if they see curing a sick longma as an agreement, then that would still be time wasted negotiating instead of wisely spent on finding a cure.”

The arguments may be a little underdeveloped, but he knew where to start. When he heard about Lin’s predicament, he had some assumptions that the deed was not done freely. The kitsune may have helped Lin, but there may have been some compromise from Sen and Omen’s end. Likewise, her current state left Lin looking not quite like a longma anymore. Was it the result of another deal with Mother? If so, then the cost of such an act, and its consequences, were something more knowable to Omen and Sen. The extent would only be known to Lin.

On 2024-09-19 at 6:02 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Ah, and for sirens, there are also known ones out there, beyond Equestria's border. We hear little of most of them, so it is assumed the local areas handle them best they can. There is of course the brothers, but ah... Best to go nowhere near their waters. They have overtaken a small country, and turned it into their personal fighting pit, using whomever they can get hold of in the area, as the stories goes. Utterly revolting, and a recent example for most, that sirens are untrustworthy and evil.

I personally do not subscribe to such generalizations, but you tend to only hear of the big and bad of their kin, so it colors the public perception. I suppose that same attitude could go for the sphinx too, as they generally live just as secretively, away from prying eyes. But I deal mostly in the past, not so much the present. There's others who'd know more, I'm sure."

“Hmm… I suppose the more distant members of the sirens’ civilization may be relevant to the tales our kind of have heard. Unfortunately, they will remain tall tales with no one to confirm their validity.”

“All the more reason there was to map the coasts and waterways. With a better understanding of natural phenomena, even the weather could be studied to debunk myths and tales told by sailors.”

“Yet you do not find some fascination in hearing those tales? It makes for an interesting study concerning the imagination and how unknown natural phenomena can be ascribed to something mythical or divine. I may have dabbled in the supernatural, but learning about the lines blurred by the logical and illogical interest me.”

Vates was rather intrigued by how others thought, where logic ended and faith began. Her position in her distant life oftentimes veered into aspects and beliefs not dictated by reason, but even so, many sought guidance from higher powers when conventional solutions failed. Some might scoff at the idea, but it was a reality ingrained in their culture. It was better to work with what they knew, but divine intervention, however illogical, sometimes won out in the end.

On 2024-09-19 at 6:02 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"...Okay then. Well, welcome then, to the storage. I'm Mystril. I work inventory, but the director believed I could help doing some preliminary notes on things. I uhm... Sorry, I just haven't encountered golems before that weren't... Unstable. It is hard not to think of past experiences right now. But if the professor vouch for you, then please, by all means. Go ahead and look over things."

She'd move out of the way, though she would grab hold of the lights above her, and push them further over, so they stayed hovering over the table.

"I know the lighting isn't as direct as out in the museum, but not everything can handle sharp light. So it is safer for us to use more soft light, out here in out inventory, until we can say for sure. It is dreadful to try and read a parchment that starts to crumble under bright light. Rather harsh on the eyes too, so this is the ideal setting, we believe."

Videntor smiled, regained his composure, and followed Rusty with the others not far behind. It felt good to let out some pent-up emotions, even when those emotions were excitement. Something may yet live on from a bygone age, only needing verification. The golems came across a griffon who would be joining them in gathering information on recovered relics. Reaction notwithstanding, the five smiled and bowed, reassuring her that there was nothing to worry about.

Once inside storage, the golems would set about examining the object contained within. Some were shards of ancient pottery, adorned with painted reliefs, though the shape they were in made it hard to tell what they were depicting. Other pieces looked like they were from columns of larger structures. However, they didn’t seem to be from the Hyracotherians’ time. Some loose pieces on the table were coins, arrowheads, and jewelry, but nothing appeared to point to the relevant period. There was also the occasional stone tablet, but their script was difficult to discern; they may be of the golems’ time, but it may take extensive study to be sure.

It felt like a lost cause examining all of these recovered artifacts until a stone mural in the far corner of the room caught Videntor’s attention. He slowly approached it, looking through the faded depictions of quadrupeds marked in dried pigment. The figures were intricate and detailed, identified through their poses as if performing the steps of a ritual. Common among them was a shrine, golden despite the faded colors, with a shrouded figure standing before the worshippers and incense and smoke streaking upward. Vates noticed this too and approached, eyes widened at what she was seeing before her.

“Eh, some of these things may not be related to the Hyracotherians, but some more time spent studying them could clear up the uncertainty surrounding these items. But this… it is a familiar sight. Where have I seen it before?”

“It is a stone relief, a reminder made to all visitors about the rituals of the temple. This one depicts cleansing, I think. The faded colors make it difficult to be certain, but this one is undoubtedly one of ours. It was placed in the temple I where I conducted rituals, this I am certain, Rusty and Mystril.”

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@Blitz Boom
"It is not murder when it is in self-defense, and your job." Solar stated rather dryly "And trust me, if things ever get that bad, you won't need much convincing; if a stable enough connection is formed, I will be a fraction of your trouble." "However, reality may be on our side there, as regardless of great effort, no stable portals from our world  have been created since the corruption." he felt that it needed to be said regardless of moving to other topics, it was the worst case scenario, and was very unlikely, if not impossible; however, at the same time it was something that needed to be acknowledged, rather prepared for something that won't happen, than unprepared for something that does.

"For Changelings, while of course talking with their species directly is on my to-do list, the information I seek is such that even friendliest of their kind would be unlikely to be happy about me asking, not to mention actually giving the information." "To put it simply, I need the most efficient ways to neutralize them, in case someone like UNA appears and ends up being a bigger problem, and I imagine they wouldn't be too happy if I went up to them and asked them to tell me how to kill them."  the last part was said with bit of humor, as obviously he wouldn't be so direct about it, and neutralizing didn't necessarily mean killing, but the point still stood, especially since the tension between the species' was unlikely to be entirely gone, very unlikely, if the queen he had met was anything to go by. 

"I believe that is all for now, questions welcome of course; I don't expect you to remember everything I've told you, as it is a lot, but I trust that you now have enough context to understand what you will be seeing." "For your duties specifically, my hope is that after some time, you'll be able to filter incoming paperwork without my input, and send it forward." "I do need to show you around the building so that you know where is what, but that's for bit later, as it takes a moment for the documents regarding your level of clearance to be made."


Ruby seemed to be bit surprised by the question, before looking down at her own claws, seemingly only now realizing her own movements "Nervous? No, that would imply I'm worried about the future." she said, lot less dismissively than one may expect "Rather, it is the past that fills my mind." she got up and stretched her wings to get ready for the long flight "I'd be lying if I said I'm excited about seeing the place of my greatest failure again." her dreams had also been a bit restless, though she didn't make that known, as she frankly didn't want to talk about them. "I too left for a reason after all." Charir of course was bit nervous about it too, after all, he had fled not so long ago, so the risk of meeting those he ran from again was real; however, the exciting idea of meeting their more magical counterparts overpowered his fear, especially because even in all his wariness, he did trust Ruby when she promised to keep him safe.

To move the topic away from her feelings, Ruby changed the subject "We'll fly to north-eastern direction, and go around the Equestrian mountains from the eastern side, then, at the ocean, we'll turn north-west, to avoid the coldest parts of the northern ocean." "That is as far as I can tell verbally, as even I don't know where exactly the Homelands are on the map, I just know how to get there." "Ready?" she would ask Charir too if he was ready, and he'd nod, and until Leviathan cancelled her previous statement about being ready, Ruby too took flight. Of course if Leviathan had questions, or comments, they could be said and answered in the air too. 

"Our arguments rarely end in injuries of any kind, mainly because there is this, strong biological...urge?, which makes the idea of hurting another kobold...repulsive." Trox had to think a moment to come up with proper words, it was hard to describe to creatures that didn't have it. "Which also impacts our language, as our insults can get quite creative." 

"For learning the language, I don't really know, as we don't really know any more local kobolds than you do; Chega could know someone willing." "For books, there exists plenty for us to learn ponish, so you could use one of those to do the reverse, however, I have no idea where you'd get one, as they are not really something we carry with us." "It is good to also remember that most kobolds aren't as used to dealing with outsiders as we are, so reactions may vary" "There may also exist non-kobolds who have managed to study our language, but I again don't know where to even start looking for them." "Myself and Sheska specifically, we aren't who you are looking for in matter of teaching language, however, we are more than willing to discuss culture and our species in general." 

Sheska and Chega seemed to reach an agreement of some sort, and based on the body language, Chega had in fact won the so called argument, and Neon would have a chance to hear bit about the results, as Chega spoke to Sear "When we leave, let's drop few things to Sheska's and Trox's new place, and when we come around again, I need to remember to visit a bank." 

As Sheska came back to Trox and Neon, Trox asked in slightly amused tone "So?" and Sheska answered in almost defeated manner "She promised to get us only some basics, for now." "She is even worse than the one we knew." Trox chuckled.



  • Party! 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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On 2024-09-22 at 3:47 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“You will be better off not offering anything as a gift. Your intentions may be good at heart, but they will come off as a bad thing to the other elders regardless of how you see it. Understand that, as elders, they are in a higher position than other longma, and even if others will be grateful at receiving things they can use, the elders are not simply any ordinary longma.”

“We understand, grandfather, though we could always ask Elder Ghilan about this as well. As an elder, he may have some ideas on how the other elders think.”

“Go right ahead. He is young, but if he is observant, I think he will say the same thing. I honestly have no idea how he will do, given his age, but a young mind may have ideas we older folks have not yet considered.”

"I meant if I had to get gifts for other longma some day, but okay. I will not give anything to the elders, unless they ask for it. It is okay to fetch things if they ask, yes?"

She would assume so, since then it wasn't gift giving, as much as just procuring items for whatever reason. Which could include them wanting her to prove that she could pick up something that they had issues getting, medication if it came to them needing it, but not wanting a path that could be followed by others, etc. There were many reasons to fetch something, and though she didn't understand all of them, she did not mind doing it, long as it didn't seem it would be bad to bring those things. Like taking large creatures into town, which she hadn't even done when Discord was ruling Equestria, because she could at least understand that it could hurt others, and that were against the rules.

A direct line of lava were also not good, nor poison gas, etc. The easy to understand things like that. Yet more subtle things were harder for her, as they took some knowing that she simply didn't have, so there were plenty of times when she had transported something dangerous, and she wouldn't even know it before it were far too late. Or ever, in most cases.

"Are your elders ever good longma? I do not think I have heard about them liking anything so far, Just stuff about how they don't want things to change, and do not want anyone to be nice to them."

Ghilan she had heard plenty of, and it seemed mostly positive, but not the others. They were stubborn, unwilling to change, didn't like gifts, an enemy to new ideas, someone that had hurt her friends- So much were negative, and that didn't even include the one that Mother had sent to the bad place, who had seemingly done a lot of very, very bad things.

They probably did good things, but so far, she couldn't recall hearing of it, beyond that they kept the towns running. But that was just what their jobs were, yes? That didn't say a lot about if they were actually good longma, and they sounded more and more sour to her, the more things like this happened.

On 2024-09-22 at 3:47 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I believe that it would be better for us to discover what that sickness is and how it can be treated. If more longma minds are needed to secure that help, then so be it. Let us be self-reliant in dealing with our problems.”

“And you would rather let the sickness fester and spread rather than treat it immediately? What if the longma do not find the cure?”

“Can you be certain that another creature’s help will be given freely? What if they demand something in return, and that is not given, do you continue looking elsewhere until someone helps? Not all creatures are kind at heart, and if they see curing a sick longma as an agreement, then that would still be time wasted negotiating instead of wisely spent on finding a cure.”

"Would it not waste more time to try and find your own cure, if someone else has it? And what if the cure needs magic? You do not use magic. You would not be able to find anything, and longma would die.

And you do not know if they want something. The kitsune helped us, and they did not ask for things in return. Even if they did, what is different between giving them something for medicine, and the normal way to get things? If I buy something, I give them something for that. What is different between that, and medicine?

Also, as an elder, should you not try and help your own, even if it means asking others? If you would let them die because you are stubborn, how are you helping them? Even if they want something you do not want to give, you will not know until you asked. Maybe they only want small things, or for you to help them? Is it not worth doing that, if it means the longma lives?"

She could have brought up that her argument also encompassed if something happened to a child, as most tended to value the life of children more, but she did not cross her mind, as she just said out loud, the questions she had, when hearing the response. Sure there were likely reasons, but she did not currently believe that there were a good one.

On 2024-09-22 at 3:47 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Hmm… I suppose the more distant members of the sirens’ civilization may be relevant to the tales our kind of have heard. Unfortunately, they will remain tall tales with no one to confirm their validity.”

“All the more reason there was to map the coasts and waterways. With a better understanding of natural phenomena, even the weather could be studied to debunk myths and tales told by sailors.”

“Yet you do not find some fascination in hearing those tales? It makes for an interesting study concerning the imagination and how unknown natural phenomena can be ascribed to something mythical or divine. I may have dabbled in the supernatural, but learning about the lines blurred by the logical and illogical interest me.”

"I'm certainly interested in stories, but I'd prefer not being part of said stories. Those like the Siren Sisters, or the Deepsea Brothers, are well documented, and best to stay far away from, lest you risk life and limb.

If you talk specifically about those living in the ocean itself, I am certainly curious to learn more of those, considering how little we know beyond second hoof tales, and story books. I assume that they don't want to risk mingling with Equestria, considering the history we have with sirens, as one sided as it certainly seems to us.

Ohoho, but if the divine is what you're interested in, the library have several books on known divinities, which are expanding now that we are making more contact with other countries. Equestria itself have no gods, but many other places do, with the more well known ones being in Caneighda, and Saddle Arabia. Fascinating ones really, though I am looking more forward to something from further away. A country called Harrowmark, that's been isolating itself for centuries on end, and what little were known, comes from what Hayden and Norneigh tells us. But I've been told there's recently been made proper contact again. I hope that includes literature of their deities. The vague references I have otherwise read are enticing, but woefully incomplete.

*clears throat* In any case, there are many books in the library that I think will interest you, in due time, that is. A lot have been discovered and made explainable over the years, but some things have raised more questions than answers, and there is still plenty that defies conventional logic, or even the twisted reasonings of the draconequui. Perhaps your perspective will end up explaining some of those, as you catch up to how things have changed since your time? If not, there is at least much for you to learn.

Might I ask though, what part of the supernatural were your chosen field? Phenomenon? Occultism? Theology? Perhaps the study of spirits and undeath? Something along those lines?"

On 2024-09-22 at 3:47 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Eh, some of these things may not be related to the Hyracotherians, but some more time spent studying them could clear up the uncertainty surrounding these items. But this… it is a familiar sight. Where have I seen it before?”

“It is a stone relief, a reminder made to all visitors about the rituals of the temple. This one depicts cleansing, I think. The faded colors make it difficult to be certain, but this one is undoubtedly one of ours. It was placed in the temple I where I conducted rituals, this I am certain, Rusty and Mystril.”

"Wait, you saw this one personally?"

Both Rusty and Mystril were very surprised by hearing this, though Mystril also looked somewhat skeptical. This tablet were clearly hundreds, if not thousands of years old. It didn't seem plausible that these had been around at that time, even if they had stone bodies, and thus could realistically survive far past normal lifetimes. Stone constructs still had a history of erosion, unless done by particularly skilled masters of the craft. Those were fairly rare though, as it required knowledge, high end materials, particular magic, and so many other things, that were only known to their inner circle.

Sure it were possible that they had been crafted by one, and held in statis somewhere without issues, but whereas the professor seemed convinced, she would need more proof than their words.

"That's marvelous! What else can you tell us about this? What kind of ritual were it used in? How were it performed? Were you a high priest of sorts? Wer-"

"Easy now, professor. You hardly leave room for answers, with all those questions."

Rusty were interrupted by Scarcity, who talked to him calmly, and got through to him before he went on to more or less ask for a full, 600 page essay, right here and now. She also didn't seem fazed by what she had heard, yet the truth were a little more nuanced. She were surprised that they had found something personally connecting them, and were thinking over various angles to incorporate this information into her plans, but she had a good poker face, and didn't tend to show off emotions that she didn't want to. And while she were surprised and intrigued, there were little reason for her to show that. it worked much better, if she remained neutral, as it fit the story of her knowing some things in advance, as they were found at one of her dig sites. Too much surprise, might make it seem that she hardly knew anything, and while that was a minor issue, she knew that small details, could be the break it or make it for any story.

Sure she could make it work still, but why bother making things more complicated, and take more effort, all because she'd raise an eyebrow untimely? Though one could argue they'd likely not notice, due to the surprising news, why risk it? Besides, she were more intrigued than surprised in honest. To think that this would show up, at around the same time as they got their bodies. Mere days after having been discovered in their orb? Quite the coincidence now, weren't it? Too much for her to not think there were something deliberate about this, though the reason for why, yet eluded her.

It could just be a coincidence though, but she weren't certain enough to not have to consider this staged instead, for some yet unknown purpose. If she didn't think about it that way, she could end up getting caught off guard.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-09-23 at 12:07 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"It is not murder when it is in self-defense, and your job." Solar stated rather dryly "And trust me, if things ever get that bad, you won't need much convincing; if a stable enough connection is formed, I will be a fraction of your trouble." "However, reality may be on our side there, as regardless of great effort, no stable portals from our world  have been created since the corruption." he felt that it needed to be said regardless of moving to other topics, it was the worst case scenario, and was very unlikely, if not impossible; however, at the same time it was something that needed to be acknowledged, rather prepared for something that won't happen, than unprepared for something that does.

"Yet unlikely as it is, I can understand your want for a contingency plan. In case the worst comes to pass, you have my word that your last wishes will be fulfilled."

She didn't feel happy about the thought, but if it came down to it, she would. Though it might well be the first time she would melt a higher sentience creature. Not that she had just taken animals and tested how fast se could melt them, of course. That would be disturbing, even if scientific. Redundant too, since there were documented cases from funeral homes and disposal facilities for infectious wildlife, to give plenty enough answers to that.

Yet she had found some dead animals, among the minerals and such she tested on, that had done the trick to give her a brief, up close experience, without actually causing harm to others.

During this job though, she would have to get used to the fact that at times, she would need to cause harm. That it would be the only way to deal with troubling creations or individuals. That were likely to be unavoidable, even if she would mostly work in the office. Yet she hoped that it would be rare, and the first take some time, so she could have time to adjust to the thought.

On 2024-09-23 at 12:07 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"For Changelings, while of course talking with their species directly is on my to-do list, the information I seek is such that even friendliest of their kind would be unlikely to be happy about me asking, not to mention actually giving the information." "To put it simply, I need the most efficient ways to neutralize them, in case someone like UNA appears and ends up being a bigger problem, and I imagine they wouldn't be too happy if I went up to them and asked them to tell me how to kill them."  the last part was said with bit of humor, as obviously he wouldn't be so direct about it, and neutralizing didn't necessarily mean killing, but the point still stood, especially since the tension between the species' was unlikely to be entirely gone, very unlikely, if the queen he had met was anything to go by. 

"I believe that is all for now, questions welcome of course; I don't expect you to remember everything I've told you, as it is a lot, but I trust that you now have enough context to understand what you will be seeing." "For your duties specifically, my hope is that after some time, you'll be able to filter incoming paperwork without my input, and send it forward." "I do need to show you around the building so that you know where is what, but that's for bit later, as it takes a moment for the documents regarding your level of clearance to be made."

"Anti-magic. Changelings are highly magical entities, and neutralizing them is done best and most efficiently, with a quick application of concentrated anti-magic. A metal spike made from it, jabbed into the frontal lobe for instance, will kill them instantaneously. Weaker dosages, or auras with anti-magical properties, can knock them fully unconscious too, if required. Minus the queens, of course, as they are more sturdy, and thus need more than a regular dosage."

She would stop writing in her notes for a moment, and push up her glasses. Might be there were no glass left in them - it having melted away quite some time ago - but it were still a force of habit. A bit of mundane normality that she somewhat clung to.

"I can't say where the information came from, but around half a year before Center Zero were ransacked, we were informed that in case of changelings, to use a low concentration of anti-magic to pacify them, along with some shackles to hold them, as needed. Professor Light never said where he were told that, just that it was official policy from Canterlot, and when pressed as to why a low concentration, he told us what a high one would do, if applied correctly.

We speculated that it might be something the royals learned from King Thorax, in case Queen Chrysalis returned with a bigger, more brutal force, but I can't say with certainty.

For complete certainty however, you would likely need to speak with a changeling willing to share such grizzly details. As said, I can't verify the source of what I have heard, but it seemed prudent to include it, just in case."

She would finish writing her notes, and close the notebook. She had filled quite a few pages with what she had heard, so while she might not be able to remember everything, she would have her notes to fall back on, in case something did end up slipping her mind.

"In regards to the paperwork, I'm sure that over time, your hopes will come to fruition. Just give me time to learn your pattern, and get used to it all, and it will run fluently, sir. Though in case of something outside of the norm, I will likely still ask for your input, just to be certain.

Until I have clearance then, what would you ask of me to do, sir? Or have you something else in mind that you would want us both to partake in?"



@Catpone Cerberus

"Well it's good to know that I'm not the only one that's worried about visiting your country at least, though hopefully, we'll get through this with barely a scratch, and your magical counterparts will be more reasonable to deal with.

Or we'll annoy them and they'll banish us to another dimension."

It could happen honestly. The way the Siren Sisters had been dealt with for instance, made it clear that there were other worlds you could be banished to, and she for once weren't keen on finding out where those places might be. Which were yet another reason not to try and mess with Equestria too badly.

Sure it might not end that way, but if the other, more magical dragons of Ruby and Charir's variety were able to raise a large barrier that weren't possible to pass through for their more brutish cousins, and it lasted for as long as it had, they probably had some powerful magic, so it was within the realm of possibility. Though thinking about that, were not helpful, as now she were also getting somewhat nervous about what would happen when they got through the battlefield.

This trip were just gonna keep messing with her brain, wasn't it? *sigh* Whatever... Best get going and get it over with.

She'd take flight, and follow Ruby, as they made their way towards the mountains. She assumed they might rest their wings there for a moment, before taking the last bit of travel, but it might be they just took it all in one go too. So y'know, good they were rested then. Though she'd see when they got there. For ow, she'd just follow, and enjoy the feeling of the wind flowing over her scales, as they went on their trip to what were bound to be a nerve-wracking endeavor in the end, one way or another. At least for her.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2024-09-23 at 12:07 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"Our arguments rarely end in injuries of any kind, mainly because there is this, strong biological...urge?, which makes the idea of hurting another kobold...repulsive." Trox had to think a moment to come up with proper words, it was hard to describe to creatures that didn't have it. "Which also impacts our language, as our insults can get quite creative." 

"For learning the language, I don't really know, as we don't really know any more local kobolds than you do; Chega could know someone willing." "For books, there exists plenty for us to learn ponish, so you could use one of those to do the reverse, however, I have no idea where you'd get one, as they are not really something we carry with us." "It is good to also remember that most kobolds aren't as used to dealing with outsiders as we are, so reactions may vary" "There may also exist non-kobolds who have managed to study our language, but I again don't know where to even start looking for them." "Myself and Sheska specifically, we aren't who you are looking for in matter of teaching language, however, we are more than willing to discuss culture and our species in general." 

"I'll just check the library, the next time I'm in Canterlot. If there's something about the language, or culture, it's there. You can always just tell me off if the stuff isn't accurate, but I'll admit to being curious now, if there's any sort of books on Kobolds. It'd definitely be there if it is, though I guess I could check with Princess Twilight too, when she returns. She has a large library, and get new books in all the time. Honestly she's a bit of a nerd, but in a good way, heh.

It's pretty cool to learn that kobolds have a biological blockage of sorts, when it comes to hurting other kobolds though. Ponies doesn't have that sort. Just regular morals, and family ties. It being so ingrained to try not to hurt your own, that it sounds near the genetic level, is some next level stuff, that I've never even heard about before.

I can imagine that means that those who do hurt other kobolds then, are judged fairly harshly then, yes? If it's that ingrained, it have to be high taboo to intentionally harm another kobold."

That seemed like it'd be the sort to cause exile honestly. If they couldn't trust that the individual, due to them deliberately hurting another, despite the biological urge to not do so, how could they trust them in their society? Around their offspring?

...Eh, maybe she were just overthinking it. It just seemed like a logical next step, but she knew very little about kobolds, and were more or less learning on the fly here. She couldn't say how they'd deal with anything, lest they told her. But the question were out there now, so she'd probably learn soon. Unless it were the sort of thing they didn't want to talk about.

On 2024-09-23 at 12:07 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Sheska and Chega seemed to reach an agreement of some sort, and based on the body language, Chega had in fact won the so called argument, and Neon would have a chance to hear bit about the results, as Chega spoke to Sear "When we leave, let's drop few things to Sheska's and Trox's new place, and when we come around again, I need to remember to visit a bank." 

As Sheska came back to Trox and Neon, Trox asked in slightly amused tone "So?" and Sheska answered in almost defeated manner "She promised to get us only some basics, for now." "She is even worse than the one we knew." Trox chuckled.

Neon giggled a little. It was maybe not the best, but it was really funny to her, that Sheska seemed so defeated, by the sheer fact that she were getting some starting help. The pride were remarkable, but Chega had won this time it seemed. Begrudgingly, by the sound of Sheska's tone, and the way she put focus on *for now*.

"Hehe. Sorry, I don't mean to laugh, this is just... As arguments goes, this is the most defeated I've ever heard somepony sound, over being stubbornly told they were getting some basic help. It's a little funny."

She got the feeling she wouldn't have to be argued with as much if she offered help, and this were more or a kobold to kobold thing, as so far, she hadn't gotten much blowback, yet this were a fascinating, and honestly rather funny cultural thing to have witnessed. The clash of pride and helpfulness, fighting stubbornly over who were gonna come out on top. It were beautiful in a way honestly. Something so civil, that she could mention some ponies who'd potentially consider the kobold savage, yet who didn't have this level of civility to them.

"It's good to have had the chat though, right? Now you know where you stand, and you're ready to start your new life in earnest."

  • smile 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom
"Good" Solar simply said, in full honesty, even in his worst case scenarios, Magma was unlikely the one who would be the one dealing with him, mainly because he had enough faith to himself, and now Magma,to believe that they would have found at least one fitting member for the unit at that point, so that it would be the duty of a proper soldier to do, instead of the secretary, not that he doubted Magma's capabilities, it was just that, it really wasn't her job. 

Even in possible field work, her job would be more the handling the information gained from the field, rather than actively dealing with the problems.


"That is good to know, though local means of Anti-Magic may not be effective enough for something created in my world." Solar said as an acknowledgement, there was also the fact that Changeling was only one part of the hybrid, if it was even a part of it, it was only speculation at this point after all, so he still needed to look into it more. "I also wonder what kind of a unique effects such an awful world would have to emotion feeding creatures like them." 


"I have nothing else for now, so you can return to getting familiar with your desk and the formatting guides and such." "Oh, and regarding your desk, when you've gotten familiar enough to know what you need to ease up your organization and things like that, make a list and I'll see what I can do." 


"They are said to be peaceful." Ruby stated "At least when compared to us." she realized that her kind calling someone peaceful was quite meaningless, since almost anything was peaceful compared to them.

Ruby had no plans to take a break, but before they reached the Equestrian mountains, Ruby did speak "If you need something, this is the last chance to land, after we reach the water, it will be a long way before next land." she also said it to Charir, but Charir also had no need to stop, however, if Leviathan wanted to land, they would respect her wishes, though they would stay ready to take off.

If Leviathan didn't request a break, or after a break was held, they would reach the ocean north from Equestria, and as stated. Ruby would start leading them about North-west, flying higher to minimalize air resistance, and maximizing gliding to save energy; Charir did the same. The travel itself would be uneventful, be it bit weird from half-point forward  of it if Leviathan had a good sense of direction, as at some point it would become hard to tell what exact direction they were going in, not in the way of becoming disoriented per say, but one just couldn't pinpoint their location and orientation. It didn't seem, to bother neither Ruby or Charir, and if Leviathan did notice it, and commented about it, Ruby's response would be along the lines of 'It tends to happen here'

The travel was also quite boring, Ruby wasn't joking when she said there wouldn't be any land, as after Equestria disappeared into the horizon, it was just hours and hours of ocean, for about 7-8 hours, until finally in the horizon, around hour of flight away, one could see the tops of mountains and smoke of volcanic activity, though at this point Ruby would start heading down, as there was something else she had also mentioned, a small island, a place for them to rest before entering the Homelands itself. It was a simple island with some plant life and minimal animals, Ruby may have not liked fish, but there wasn't much else there.

If Leviathan didn't say or do something notable, the only thing of note that happened during the flight, was Charir getting notably tired around the 6 hours point and Ruby addressing him, followed by him landing on Ruby's back to rest for hour or so.  

"There is some nuance that affects things, but generally speaking, yes, we don't take such betrayal of trust lightly." While the intention of an act was a big part of the severity of things, there were also other variables that mattered, things like motivation, cause, the context, and so on, one simple example being things like psychological issues, kobolds weren't any more perfect than any other creature, and like with other creatures, things were rarely black and white.


"There's more to it than being stubborn." Sheska stated, Trox hadn't whispered or anything before, so she had an idea of what had been talked about "But you two also are very stubborn." Trox remarked, and Sheska glanced at him, but continued "It's in our nature, to be overly selfless towards each other, though I do admit that it is part individual reasons in this case too." Trox nodded in agreement "There are levels to it, this was just the worst duo you could put face to face in this matter." "Chega is awfully philanthropic, even by kobold standards, mainly because she is such a minimalist, anything beyond her minimal needs is excess to her, which she would give away in an instant." "We also have history, kinda, so she wants to help us even more because of that, we are practically family." "And on the other side there's us, we have, for most of our lives, purposely kept ourselves separate from others for their safety." "And while the danger is gone now, you don't unlearn things just like that." "But I don't mind you laughing at it, we are aware how silly it feels to other creatures." "But it is part of our nature and the one rule every kobold lives by, One for all..." "...All for one." 


  • Hugs 1


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom

On 2024-09-29 at 3:38 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Are your elders ever good longma? I do not think I have heard about them liking anything so far, Just stuff about how they don't want things to change, and do not want anyone to be nice to them."

“I’m sure cooperating with the elders is allowed, especially if they ask you to get something for them. Don’t take it the wrong way. From what I’ve been hearing about you and our Elder Ghilan, some of the villagers see you as a friend to him. Regardless of what they say, you should ask yourself a question: who is Elder Ghilan to you? The elders are always working, even when they should be taking a break, and anything that can tarnish their image to the villagers they oversee could spell the end of their work. Unfortunately, you’ve caught on to the idea that they are unlikeable or stuck in the past, and it is unavoidable. I wouldn’t be surprised if my grandchildren have developed a hatred for elders or authority figures in general, given what happened to them.”

It wouldn’t take long for both Sen and Lin to respond, scowling or sneering at their grandfather at what he just mentioned. The silence and lack of words were enough for him that he simply chuckled at having picked at their brains and figured them out in just a few moments. He didn’t mind it though, as it was understandable. 

Lin had developed a generally distrustful attitude toward her fellow longma despite her efforts to act amenable and friendly toward them. There were some exceptions, as she didn’t direct her prejudices against children or those who exhibited friendliness towards her, Sen, or Omen. After all, there were some good eggs in the village, and she couldn’t be angry at them. Sen… was a different story, and his first meeting with Elder Ghilan was already a testament to that. They got off on the wrong hoof, with Sen becoming uncharacteristically violent toward someone willing to help him for the sole reason that they were an elder. He may have mellowed out, but that prejudice could be a liability in the coming meeting with the other elders. 

On 2024-09-29 at 3:38 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Would it not waste more time to try and find your own cure, if someone else has it? And what if the cure needs magic? You do not use magic. You would not be able to find anything, and longma would die.

And you do not know if they want something. The kitsune helped us, and they did not ask for things in return. Even if they did, what is different between giving them something for medicine, and the normal way to get things? If I buy something, I give them something for that. What is different between that, and medicine?

Also, as an elder, should you not try and help your own, even if it means asking others? If you would let them die because you are stubborn, how are you helping them? Even if they want something you do not want to give, you will not know until you asked. Maybe they only want small things, or for you to help them? Is it not worth doing that, if it means the longma lives?"

For a moment, Zo pondered Omen’s retort. She had a solid point about the aspect of time and urgency, something that Lin and Sen would agree with. They were the ones who benefited from that kind of response. Still, playing devil’s advocate meant he would have to present something convincing as a counter-argument, and argumentative skills at his age meant he wasn’t going to have all the time in the world to respond. 

“The example you provided: buying medicine, what you suggested is an exchange built upon the understanding that one has to give a service or good to someone who pays for it. Giving help is not built on the same obligation, as another creature is not obligated to help, especially to someone they do not know. Instead, you now have to rely on someone else’s morals, something that is not easily determined. What you stated with the kitsune may not be true for other creatures; some will want to be compensated or demand payment that we longma cannot provide. It would be better for us to find the cure on our own, even if it is a slower process.” 

“Which leads me to my next point. If I were an elder, it would be my responsibility to know the village I oversee, including knowing whose expertise I can rely on to help a longma in need. We are not a stagnant kind who keep to ourselves and do nothing. This forest we call home has blessings that we can use for our benefit. If the cure lies in something we can find in it, then we will use it. After all, if we cannot place our trust in creatures beyond ourselves, then we can only rely on our fellow longma.”

Sometimes, playing the contradictory angle means spouting things one does not truly believe in. Zo knows that this is just practice, but he cannot help but see the pained looks on Sen’s and Lin’s faces. The two couldn’t muster a reply now, the realization dawning on them that they could be hearing the same thing in just a few days. They couldn’t imagine that the longma’s pride and stubbornness would see their egos take precedence over life. Still, they would weather this, if only to understand and prepare for what is to come. The other elders may not be as nice…

On 2024-09-29 at 3:38 AM, Blitz Boom said:

*clears throat* In any case, there are many books in the library that I think will interest you, in due time, that is. A lot have been discovered and made explainable over the years, but some things have raised more questions than answers, and there is still plenty that defies conventional logic, or even the twisted reasonings of the draconequui. Perhaps your perspective will end up explaining some of those, as you catch up to how things have changed since your time? If not, there is at least much for you to learn.

Might I ask though, what part of the supernatural were your chosen field? Phenomenon? Occultism? Theology? Perhaps the study of spirits and undeath? Something along those lines?"

“Ah, well… I dabbled in divination, telling fortunes based on what was needed by those who came to me. The movements of celestial bodies were something I once tried, but I ended up performing more mundane hoof readings. I… umm, don’t suppose you’d consider doing one right now? Because after years of being a disembodied voice, I’m afraid I am terribly out of practice. I’d be wasting your time.”

“However, I also tended to the temples where I performed other rituals. These comprised of offerings to mystical figures that, according to modern understanding, were the incarnations of natural phenomena. It may take a while to go over them all but as an example, a ritual involving healing through water would require invocation to Aquans and would happen along rivers.”

There were plenty more of such elemental beings, but the gist was identical across the board. Invocations or incantations to a given incarnation of nature would need one to call upon their name, followed by a series of acts relevant to the ritual. Those that are higher in the hierarchy of incarnations would require offerings, usually of food. Other rituals required… sacrifices, but that was the domain of heretical practices, the kind that mystics or diviners never dabbled in. 

However, the rise in more focused studies eventually caused these more occult practices to fall out of favor, remaining around only out of tradition. Yet, some still find these ways a part of their lives and continued to last until the hyracotherian race came to an end. 

On 2024-09-29 at 3:38 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"That's marvelous! What else can you tell us about this? What kind of ritual were it used in? How were it performed? Were you a high priest of sorts? Wer-"

"Easy now, professor. You hardly leave room for answers, with all those questions."

Though the conversation had begun with Videntor and his enthusiasm with recounting the past, it seems now Vates has highjacked the conversation. He didn’t mind it too much, as seeing his fellow golem also join in felt like they were now finding some common ground. There was a lot to discuss, though the excitement in Rusty’s response was a good sign that they could share more. 

“I understand you have a lot of questions. How about we take it one at a time? Vates? I believe you can shed some light on this aspect of our past.”

“I have mentioned that I was a diviner, and at the temple, I conducted the rituals that took place there. If there wasn’t something big happening, then I just performed simple readings. But in this case, the incense and reliefs you see here are specifically for cleansing and purifying objects for blessings. The elemental Flaemis is invoked, calling upon the fire to purge impurities. In some cases, the ritual is performed away from the temple, usually in places touched by curses to remove them.”

Vates would leave the floor open for more questions, though she may be up for a demonstration if there happen to be curses in need of lifting. Then again, the preparations could be lengthy depending on the availability of materials.

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