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open Fate and the Fallen - An Arcamunda fantasy tale.

The Elusive Cinder

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You are one of the Fallen. You are bound to fate itself with an unnatural ability to shape it with your actions, but at great cost. Yourself, your friends and your family: no matter what you do and how careful you are, somebody is always hurt somehow - far more than would be justifiable by even the cold hearted.


Through one method or another, you have heard of and travelled to a place known as The Sanctuary, where you will supposedly learn to control and utilise this gift. Where you will harness it, rather than allow it to rule over your life and crumble everything you love into dust. You have travelled for several days and are nearing your destination... but you are not alone.


Without your knowledge however, destiny has placed others on the same path as you. Even as you close the distance to the supposed 'Sanctuary' you are unaware of the role that you are about to play in shaping the history or Arcamunda...



Fate, and the Fallen.

an Arcamunda Tale.


OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/110409-fate-and-the-fallen-fantasy-non-pony-dark-decision-based-open-ended-rp/


In the dim, orange glow of the, late summer sunset, three figures waited outside of the northern waystation - the first sign of the fabled Sanctuary (or any civilisation for that matter) for miles around. The southern plains were a desolate part of the land, but beautiful and balanced: a place suitable for any race to thrive should they wish.


They called it a waystation: in practise it was little more than a shack with blankets and a little food. Still, and one traveling to Sanctuary would pass it at some stage, so it served its purpose.


Two of the three figures were engaged in a decidedly one sided conversation as they waited - halfheartedly 'watching' for new arrivals as the light of day began to shift into the twilight hours. The first was a figure of colour and energy: an ethereal being of magic known as one of the Eldritch. The second was a frail, grey skinned girl with charcoal hair, almost liquid-like hair.


"... I can understand them sending somebody like you out here to waste away the evening, buy why me?" The magical being lamented loudly to the girl, voice filled with scorned pride and annoyance. The figure bristled with pent up energy as he gestured wildly around him. "Ugh! I have better things to do than just... than just watch your precious ball of fire set from out here in the sticks! Much more important things to do!"


"Mhmm..?" The girl answered, either ignoring the creature or simply not processing the words that he was directing at her as she sat on the ground beside the waystation, left arm barely supporting a colossal book while the right hovered the tip of a quill just slightly away from one if its pages. She peered at the guilder volume for a few moments more before sparing a glance around.


Intelligent, sapphire-like eyes scanned the landscape around them for movement, but she saw nothing. Truly, she was far too concerned with her book see anything else at all. A slight, slender arm reached out - deftly flicking through a few previous pages to quickly check some reference or other before amending her new addition to the book.


"... I mean to say, if the humans want to send people out here, why not themselves? Why me, not just a noble creature of energy and magical talent, but possibly the most important and powerful protege to ever grace them with its time and attention... and they want me to sit out here and... and do what exactly?"


The girl crossed something out on one of the pages without looking up. "Mhmm..?" She murmured noncommittally.


"They're here."


The third figure was a human - lean and elderly with silvery-white hair and wearing a robe of faded crimson beneath a hefty suit of aged armour. He had remained silent until now, but now spoke in a gravelly and cracked voice as he raised a gauntlet-clad finger to point at the dark shape on the horizon. He slowly turned his head before pointing again - this time to a point a fraction further north than the first. "More than one - look alive!"


The girl looked up again: this time closing the book and wrapping it in a sturdy golden chain as she did so. The Eldritch tutted in a bored tone, but said nothing. The three watched as - one by one - the figures began to draw nearer.

Never quite forgotten.

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“Show me the place… where you want your slave to go.”


A small and timid, a cloaked figure made his way through the forest, clamping on to its thick woollen blanket like it was the last thing that kept his fragile body alive, his coat wrapped tightly around himself. Softly he sung a lullaby, with a voice that shivering almost as much as his body was, his teeth clattering so quickly he could barely produce audible sentences.


“Show me the place, I've forgotten I don’t know.”


His eyes were empty, staring at the ground as he shuffled to the edge of the forest. He didn’t bother to look for any threats, because as close to dying as he was now, it didn’t really matter anyway. Frozen tears were stuck to his cheek, and his breath was condensing visibly. Through the summer sun he walked, leaving a path of frozen grass and cold air behind him.


“Show me the place for my head is bending low. Show me the place where you want your slave to go…”


The final line of trees was now behind him, their barks white with hoarfrost which was already slowly vaporizing back into the air as he moved away from them. Sam was cold. Very cold. He was radiating the cold into the atmosphere around him. As he moved winter followed him.


“Show me the place, help me roll away the stone…”


It had started a few weeks ago. After the developments concerning his home, his family and his ancestry, his life had been one great tragedy. With nothing to come back to, and some kind of wintery curse following him wherever he went, the final thing he was clinging on to was the hope of help.

That… and the lullaby.


“Show me the place, I can't move this thing alone.”


Unknown to Samuil, the cloak he was wearing, and the blanket he wrapped around him were actually isolating the cold in his body. Severe hypothermia, starvation and sleep deprivation we’re taking their toll on his body and spirit. He was at the end of the line now. But finally he looked up, and he saw that he had made it… The sanctuary was there.


“Show me the place where the word became a man…”


His voice was nothing more than a whisper now, slowly and subconsciously reciting the same song over and over. He saw the beings in the distance. They had noticed him. Would they help him? Was this all an hallucination? Was this just his body making his death more comfortable? Steadily and slowly shuffling towards them he knew that it didn’t matter either way. His vision was failing him, his throat couldn’t produce any sound and his muscles we’re so full of pain, so strained, that they gave up on him.

So he gave up on them too.


“Show me the place… where the suffering… began.”


He fell to his knees. He was only about 10 metres away from his destination now, but he couldn’t go any further. Frost was all over his coat and his blanket. His hair had strands of white in it too, and pieces of ice were hanging from the grey skin of his face. But regardless of his physical and emotional pain, he felt happy. He had made it. Maybe things would go better from now on.


In that moment of happiness a little bit of the cold faded away. He felt strengthened. Enough to look up at the thee figures in front of him. They were most definitely real. He cast fearful eyes upon them. Eyes that were deep blue. Eyes that were full of sorrow. Then he looked down to the ground again and bowed his head. Somehow he didn’t feel any fear or shame for coming to their doorstep in this condition. All he knew was that things couldn’t get worse than this. Were he to die… sweet release. If these creatures offered him help, he might survive and live another day, live happier times…


He coughed weakly, and then spoke with a broken, weak voice. “I need some help… please.” He was still shivering from the cold. He needed something to warm him up quickly.


How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Well, would you look at that?"


The Eldritch creature made no effort to approach the fallen figure - looking more entertained than concerned.


"I wonder how long he's been wandering around like that? Stupid thing isn't doing itself any favours, wasting mana like that. You creatures are already pathetic enough without..."


"Oh shut up." Snapped the girl, finally breaking her silence now that the book no longer held her attention. The Eldritch smirked.


"I am simply making the observation that your kind cannot hope to harness energy like us higher beings..."


"You know, people wouldn't loath you so much if you weren't so... so..."


"Go on?"


The figure on the ground lay forgotten as the two turned to glare at each other - attention spans lost. Neither seemed to noticed the surreal frost beginning to creep onto the warm summer grass.


A clammy hand seized the back of the fallen figures neck with a vice like grip - hoisting him to his feet seemingly without effort. Mottled, white skin stretched over little more than bone and sinewy muscle as the third figure wordlessly appraised the newcomer. The girl and the Eldritch paused their feud long enough to look round at this new development.


"Oh my, of course!" She gasped, suddenly realising that her own argument was hardly the most pressing concern. "What's happening? Why is it so cold here, were you attacked? Was it..."


"Magic. It's his own fault - he's the one doing it." the Eldritch drawled. "If he doesn't die from the cold, he'll probably just run out of mana, get sick and spend his last hours in a ditch somewhere..."


"Shut up!" She snapped once more, pausing to think for a few seconds as she turned back to the newcomer before shaking her head. She snapped her fingers: once, twice... a spark caught on the third and turned to a small flame from a fingertip on the fourth. Seizing the travel lantern they had brought for their journey back to the sanctuary on her other hand, she hurled it to the ground where it shattered, before touching the candle-like flame to the pool of oil. Flames burst into life and the third, silent figure stepped away cautiously: finally releasing the newcomer as he did so.


"... barbaric..." Muttered the Eldritch to himself.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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His vision was blurry, and their voices seemed distant. He could make out a female, and a strange male voice. They seemed to be discussing with eachother. The cold became more intense again, and he was afraid he might be too late. Any moment now he could lose his consciousness. His final strength was fading away. Then he felt a strong hand grab the back of his neck. The blanket he had been so cautiously holding on to fell to the ground, and his hood fell from his head, revealing his face. The face of a young man. The voices seemed closer now. He could hear the female uttering her concerns. She asked if he had been attacked, even though he wasn't wounded or armed at all. 


Then the male uttered the possibility that he was causing this himself. Even though he was only registering all of this, and barely really thinking, this did pierce through his fogged mind. Perhaps he was causing it himself. Ever since his magical abilities had revealed themselves, things had just been happening to him. If that were so he had no idea how to stop it. The cold had just been there since he left his home.


Warmth...  He felt warmth. The golden gleaming in front of him was like a gift from the gods. He had attempted to make fire before, but in the wilds, with no help or equipment he hadn't been able to produce one that was as large as this one. He knew that now he had found help, he would finally be ok. The stress, tension and fear of the past few weeks fell of his shoulders. The strands of ice in his hair and on his face began to melt as the source of warmth in front of him also turned back on his inner fire. He was far from healthy, but at least he could function properly now. He put his hands closer to the fire and wringed them together.


Again he looked up to the three figures, only now being capable of inspecting them properly. To his shock, he saw three of the most peculiar individuals he had ever seen. One of them looked a lot like him, which was strange. He had never seen anyone like himself. She had the grey skin and bright eyes. Would her eyes change colours from time to time as well? Even though the magical being looked much more frightening, and was probably also more fascinating, all his attention was drawn to the woman. Who was she? Could she tell him who he was?


He began to speak again, this time a little more strength in his foice. His face could be seen clearly now. His eyecolor, however, had changed to a golden yellow, instead of blue, which it had been a moment ago. "Thank you..." Was all he could produce at first. He didn't know what to say. He didn't have a clue what to do in this situation. He owed these people his life, and he knew he would owe the much more very soon. Hundreds of questions were on the tip of his tongue.


But he didn't say a word more. Afraid as he was of their judgement, he stayed silent until he was spoken to. "Let them ask their questions first." Were his thoughts. He would get to ask questions himself later. The cold had almost completely faded from the air, but his own body was still frostbitten. It hurt... A lot. He groaned as his nerves began to give signals again. Alerting him of the threat that he was already aware of. He looked down to the ground again. He was tired, and he was hungry, but he didn't dare ask for anything. The magical being hadn't looked very happy with him anyway.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Approaching the edge of the woods Withrbaen was thinking about how long it had been since he had left the safety of the green illuminated canopy.


It was a long time ago, for sure.. Just how long..?

After a while he concluded it must be a little over 5000 days and nights. And now again he will face the open sky, without trees all around him.


The layer of leaves on the ground grew thinner. The distance between the trees became bigger the further Withrbaen went. He didn't appreciate it, he knew now that he hated to leave his home, his world.


To the last tree that was close to him he spoke;


'Goodbye my home, my sanctuary,

I will be back someday I hope..

Facing this journey is necessary,

With new problems I shall cope'


Those were his words, and after just a little while he started walking, away from the forest... Away from his home... Away from that which he loved most, but could no longer stay with, he had to solve the problems he caused,

'and I will' he thought. Towards the vast, open plains he went... Towards the starry sky. Towards civilization and people..


He had almost dug a small pit to rest in for the night when he smelt a fire, shortly after he also saw its slight shimmer. He stopped moving, and thought for a while. If these people at the campfire were aggressive, he'd get into a lot of trouble approaching them, however should they be friendly... He decided it would be better to approach them with utmost prudence. Acting as humane as possible, walking on only two legs, slowly moving towards the source of light and the smell of burning wood.


As he slowly, very carefully walked into the ring of light, he saw 4 beings, of which one appeared to be a highly magical being the other three appeared to be more human, one of them looked like he was very cold..


'A good evening to you'


He softly exclaimed, as easing as possible, like the people sitting there were wild animals. He now observed them awaiting their reactions, ready to fight if needed...

Edited by Brushwuzz
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Tha'ur walked through the desolate landscape, searching for any sign of this supposed "Sanctuary" he had heard of. He knew little of this place, but he knew he must go there. He gazed back on his tracks, leading through areas rich in life and magic, now entering a violent, barren landscape.

"This place is so... empty, yet there is a unnatural abundance of magic in a place like this," he thought to himself. The thoughts of his home, so distant, echoed through his mind. He was once a lively being, though many deemed his control over the shadows "evil," but know he had no true grasp of the word. He had tried to help people, but in the process others died from his actions. For the first time since his childhood, the Eldritch did not know.

He brought himself back to reality and ventured further into the wastes, scanning the landscape for anything unusual.


As time ventured on, something appeared in the distance. Tha'ur continued on, raising his defences in case of a trap. He hardened the air around him, providing protection against light arms. The Eldritch saw a rustic shack, with several figures nearby. Approaching the shack, he greeted another arcane being.

"Greetings. I am Tha'ur. I come here seeking a place deemed 'Sanctuary.'" His voice echoed eerily, each resonating in a different pitch. He waited patiently, evaluating whether or not they were friendly.

Edited by RaptorJaysus

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"Your Blooded?" The girl shook her head a little. "I suppose that answers something at least... and I thought that folks in these parts were more tolerant..."


It wasn't unheard of for the Blooded to be openly attacked - Humans had their superstitions and often associated them with dark gods - something which was quite frankly absurd - while the stupid or arrogant ones simply saw their 'otherness' an excellent excuse for violence and causing trouble. Apparently, many if them felt that they needed to prove their status as the dominant race.


Not that all humans acted as such... and the vile behaviour wasn't exclusive to humanity: the dismissive attitudes if the Eldritch could be just as bad.


"Okay, just slow down there..." She said to the silent, motionless figure. "You're at the Sanctuary's northern waystation: it's safe here. What happened? Who are you?"


She paused.


"Why are you here?"








The human figure turned his head at the sound: unnaturally piercing green eyes seemingly looking right through the speaker. Despite his human appearance, there was something distinctly wrong with him. An illness perhaps - his skin was taut over bone and muscle where it was visible, and practically white, save for the unhealthy red lines that crossed over it.


Most notably though, he simply felt wrong to be near. An animalistic instinct warned that the figure was unnatural in origin.


"It is not good." He stated simply - face emotionless other than the same scowl that seemed to be permanently imbued on it. He motioned stiffly towards the pair of Blooded. "It is evening however."


He blinked - slowly and purposefully, as if having to consciously make the effort to do so. Several seconds passed as he simply glared towards the dirty human, seeming as if he was about to say more but simply not doing so.










The Eldritch gravitated swiftly over to inspect the newcomer of his kind - glancing back at the other four with a sarcastic look in his expression before focusing his attention in the figure in front of him.


"Ugh, they send me out into this wasteland to wait for commoners, and I was beginning to suspect that I would be surrounded by nothing more than inferior races!"


This creature might be less tedious than the others: even the other Eldritch at Sanctuary were far too 'holier than thou' for his taste.


"You may call me Vizier."


Between the echoing tone if the two creatures, it sounded almost like two groups speaking to each other, rather than individuals. While the newcomers - Tha'ur's - rang with mysticism however, Vizier's was much less elegant: certainly confident and self assured, but tainted with shrillness and immaturity.


"I know the way to Sanctuary. We will take you there, once madame here finishes tending to the foolish one. How she will see now that she has broken our lantern however... well, that is her problem! Should have thought of that before she went breaking the thing..."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Tha'ur lowered his defenses, conserving his energy. He saw these as friendly, and he needn't protect himself. He glanced at the lantern shattered on the ground, shaking his head.

"The incompetence of some fools confounds even me. How pathetic some are." He relaxed slightly, feeling more comfortable with this discussion. "These half-breeds do not understand what magic truly is, the feeling of raw arcane power surging through you."

Looking from the lantern to the horizon, he saw that there wasn't too much time before night fell. "If only I knew the way, for the darkness has no impact on me." The shadowy figure flexed his fingers, creating an orb of pure darkness between his fingers. "I am more or less a being of darkness now."

Tha'ur lowered his hand to his side, and lightened the discussion. "What type of magics do you specialize in, Vizier?"

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As the sun slowly met the horizon the light of the fire became a more powerful source of light in contrast to the shady environment. It’s warmth slowly made his pain worse, since his nerves started to resume function. Then again, he knew that it meant his would be ok and healthy again. Slowly stretching his fingers and clenching them in a fist he tried to get his blood flowing again. He held his hand closer to the fire, warming his stiff, long fingers.


Like he had expected, the girl had questions for him. The other two seemed to ignore him, and now that he could think more clearly he noticed that the ethereal being was clearly uttering his contempt against him. He would get offended, but he had no idea what power a magical creature like him had, so he decided to remain silent about it. "I’m blooded?" He softly whispered when the grey-skinned girl mentioned the name. Was that what he had been all along? A feeling of overwhelming curiosity and wonder took hold of him. She knew what he was… or at least she thought she knew. But he restrained himself. He deemed it important to let her know he was thankful, so first he’d answer her questions as completely as he could.


"I used to live in a town up north…" He began with a raucous voice. Cautious. Hesitating. Uncertain how he would tell his story and how detailed she’d want it. "It’s called Ivondras Ceunon. It’s really small at the foot of a mountain." Pausing again, he thought back at how his village used to be. Strange, that only after a few weeks his memory of the place was vague. "I was different. My skin… My eyes. Everyone there saw me as a mistake. A few weeks ago they finally cast me out after… an incident." His voice became even more timid, and he looked away from the strange woman’s eyes. "Since then I’ve been travelling on my own and the cold has followed me. I really don’t know where it came from. It just happened. I eventually met a traveller. I…" Again he stopped, this time because he didn’t want to break the man’s trust in him. "He told me to go here." He simply stated. Samuil knew he was awful at lying, so he just told it with as little words as he could.


Feeling more pain surge through his nerves he tried shifting his legs a little, so they the flow of his blood would return more naturally. He groaned, since his muscles had become stiff and now he forced them to resume function. But thankfully, physical pain was something he could ignore. Now that he was here he felt safer. Looking up again at the girls eyes he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. "My name is Sam… And as for who I am… Could you tell me?" Immediately he felt shame. His eyes slowly faded from yellow to a strange deep purple. He looked away again, this time at the horizon. "I never understood what I was. I’ve never seen anyone like me. I feel so stupid to ask you this but… You know, don’t you. You’re like me…" He said. He started twiddling with his fingers nervously. Would she be angry?

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Vizier smirked at the question: it was a common one, but one he would never tire of answering.


"They call me an Archanist - a protege..." He drawled proudly, raising a hand in the same manner as the shadowy counterpart as a cloud of royal blue energy began to emit from his fingertips - slowly beginning itself around his body like some kind of serpentine silk. "... a pure Eldritch, with the Arcane might of our ancestors at my beck and call! None of this elemental business interfering with my power I assure you. Simply pure, untainted magic."


It was natural for the young Eldritch - barely fifty years of age - to instantly jump into his boasting. The other two members of his small scouting party had been treated to almost and entire day of boasting and thinly-veiled insults. Still, at least a fellow Eldritch could actually appreciate him... not to mention that this Tha'uh was the closest thing to an equal for miles around in Viziers less-than-humble opinion. It helped that they shared an opinion on the lesser races.


"I am relieved that I will no longer be the only capable being residing in the Sanctuary: it is most tiresome, being surrounded by such jealousy and ignorance..."


As another figure approached, he rolled his eyes.


"Oh excellent. Another one... As if things weren't tedious enough already."








"You're Blooded, of course." The girl raised a brow inquisitively. "You've really never seen another one of us? I mean, I know that we aren't exactly common but..."


She trailed off, pausing for a second before shaking her head in disbelief. It wasn't actually all that hard to believe - she knew better than anyone just how disjointed Blooded population could be. If he hadn't known his parents suppose, there might not have been any others for miles around.


"I'm Esner. I'm a... uh... well, I'm researching the Blooded: our history, where we come from. That sort of stuff, you know? Of course that all had to be put on hold when I discovered that I was Fallen as well, but I do what I can..."


She didn't even stop to consider that she might not be making complete sense to the stranger: chattering on without a second thought. She motioned towards the large, gold-adorned book that hung by her side, wrapped in golden chains. It was fairly gaudy and contrasted massively with the otherwise practically monochrome figure.


"Cataloguing us, recording information, running tests when I can... It keeps me pretty busy, but it's just so intriguing! It's my life's work, and my mothers before me... hey, can you do that thing again?"


As if suddenly realising something, Esner's eyes suddenly brightened. Her face lit up with interest and a flurry of movement ensued. Within seconds, the book was open and cradled in her left arm, a quill held in her right hand and poised over the empty page.


"The eye thing. How long have you been doing that? When did you start? Does it hurt?"







@@Flying Ace,


"Injury is not fun. It is not a carnival." The human figure stated as it turned its head to include the newest person to approach in its field of vision as he spoke in the same gravelly, monotone voice. "You will come with us when we leave. We will leave soon. It will be dark. You will struggle to see in the dark, so should follow closely."


He spoke in simple, short sentences - with each being a blunt, matter-of-fact statement. There was no inflection or tone added, and he could just as easily have been commenting on the weather for the lack of emotion that he put into his words. It wasn't a conversation - it was simply presenting information. The tattered clothes and antique armour didn't help with the unnerving appearance of the figure.


"I am not Fallen. I am here to watch. The Spirit and the Girl are to guide you - I will follow."

Never quite forgotten.

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Withrbaen did not quite know how to react to the being that spoke to him. He now went questioning if anybody was as short of speech as him and then he concluded - having heard the female who called herself Esner speak more politely - that some might be but most are probably not. Having judged the gravelly-voiced man he simply turned to all of the people in general and asked:


"who are the fallen?

Will this quest really help me?

How can I trust you?"


He slightly squinted but nothing else in his posture changed as he was still frightened by this magical beings as they seemed very powerfull and not so glad about the appearance of this amount of humans. furthermore there is the guy that just confidently stated he has dangerous power. What kind of power? Withrbaen was curious but dared not ask.


Instead he took in all the detail of everybody's attitude and bodylanguage trying to match it to animal moods he knew. It was very hard and he could not make up more than a few subtle tendancies. He kept recalculating his chances of survival might a fight break out, again and again he failed in making up a way to survive. It drove him mad, but he hid his emotions as he wanted not to provoke any unwanted reactions. He decided yet again that he should be silent as much as possible and mostly observe these people's ways, imitate them and try not to startle them. 'I should only speak when spoken to, and consider deeply what I can utter, besides, my pronunciation is a little bit off' he thought.


He once again glanced around slowly...

Edited by Brushwuzz
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Tha'ur glanced over at the group of weak individuals. "So you are 'untainted?' Pure arcane? You are both blessed, and cursed, in my opinion." He flexed his digits again, this time creating a small spark, followed by a gust of wind. "You are powerful, no doubt, but not as adaptable as most."

The being looked over his shoulder at the inferior party, then turned back to Vizier. "I would pity them, if I cared for them. Alas, I do not care for them at all. There have been no weaklings like those that I have found enjoyable company in the least." Tha'ur ceased speaking momentarily, thinking over the Humans and Blooded he had met over his life. "Please do tell of your best experience with one of them."

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@@Brushwuzz, @ 


Feeling a little overwhelmed by all this new information, while at the same time going through a substantial amount of pain because of his frostbite, Sam felt exhausted and confused. But at the same time he was so intrigued by this girl. She seemed so kind, and clearly she was very knowledgeable. He wanted to ask so many more questions, but now he was just too tired to spew them all out at once. From what she seemed to tell him was that the Blooded were a different race, which he was apparently a part of. It added up somewhat to how his life had gone up until now.


About to ask some more questions, Esner seemed to be alerted by something. When she had quickly grabbed her notebook she asked Samuil a very strange question. "The eye thing? What eye thing?" He asked a little confused, and a bit frightened to be perfectly honest. Again his eye color changed, this time to a more teal-ish color. "You mean the color changing? I've been doing that for as long as I can remember... It doesn't hurt at all, it just happens sometimes. I don't know why or when." He spoke quicker now, afraid that the color changing might be a bad thing, or that he had offended Esner somehow. Softly he added another question. "Is that a bad thing?" Behind him, it seemed like his shadow was slightly stronger. Rougher, sleeker edges, and it had a more darker tint to it than a moment ago. A subtle difference, but a watchful eye would notice.


Behind him he heard others talking. One of them asked a very good question. Who are 'the fallen'. Esner had mentioned it as well, and he started to wonder if it had anything to do with his situation. So many questions popped up in his head, but in truth all he wanted to do was sleep. Lay his head down and close his eyes for a moment. He hoped he could get to that eventually.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"Maybe. Probably not, I don't know."


It wasn't exactly an answer that was filled with certainty. Esner didn't seem to notice her lack of insight however, continuing to speak without pausing for breath.


"It's not something I've ever come across - it's likely not a racial thing, more of a personal one. Certainly a unique case, but its likely not because of your heritage..." She smiled quizzically, as if wondering whether to question him further - apparently she decided not to. Instead, she motioned to the Eldritch known as Vizier. "We're known as the Fallen. We all find our way here, eventually. Evidently you are too, since ordinary people can't seem to ever find this place."


Glancing towards the armour-clad human figure, her eyes narrowed and lips pursed with suspicion for the briefest of moments before she looked away again.


"Almost nobody - we've had guests recently, but other than them our sanctuary is well hidden."








"That remains to be seen, I suspect." Vizier muttered sharply at the comment on his talents, clearly annoyed at being chastised but quickly reverting to his smug look and entertained tone of voice.


"Best experience? You are implying that there is supposed to be something positive the glean from the servant races?" An echoing bark of laughter escaped the haughty Edritch as he eyed the rest of the group condescendingly. "The girl does little but fawn over her books and ink, when she isn't being deliberately obtrusive to progress and putting her precious little project ahead of eduction and practise. The rest are little better: even the Eldritch at Sanctuary are weak and cowardly - fearful of their own ability. It is abysmal, but it is the only place where knowledge of the power of the Fallen can be learned. I hope to leave soon."


Flicking a wrist casually, a blaze of rainbow light erupted from the ground beside the Blooded girl, Esner. She recoiled slightly, raising an arm to shield her face as she shied away. Chuckling to himself, Vizier returned his attention to Tha'ur as the light died away, leaving the girl looking very much annoyed with the sudden distraction.


"They are particually easy to offend though - a small blessing in the form of entertainment I suppose. Such poor creatures with their weak soft skin and weak souls... it is almost pitiful."







@@Flying Ace,


"The fallen - do you not know the stories? They are cursed, though my kind know little of them.


I am not like them. Not like you. I have work to do - to observe. Watch the fallen - what they do. Learn of them and forge an alliance. So far, I am not impressed."


The figure paused for a few seconds before shrugging stiffly. He turned at the sound of a commotion between the Eldritch and the girl - shaking his head and raising his voice.


"We will move soon. You two are clearly incapable of cooperation. If more arrive then they will regret your guidance."


"Good! This is a waste of my talents, and the girl is a waste of my magic."


"What have I done?! He's the arrogant, selfish windbag that keep harassing me!"


Tension was building in the air between the bickering pair: it was clear enough that there would be a confrontation soon, should nobody intervene. The armoured figure still had the same emotionless expression and tone, but somehow managed to seem annoyed.


"I hope that you all prove more capable than these two." He added quietly to Withrbaen and Roland.

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Flying Ace



Lots of things went trough Withrbaen's mind. First he judged that the being 'answering' his questions could not be human. Although he knew little of humans it looked like it was different. Second he thought back of his home, with what goal he had left it. That must be the reason he was now supposedly a 'fallen' as well. Third he did not like the magical being that was probably causing the brightly colored lights from a moment ago. Why did he bully the girls that seemed somewhat caring, like a mother bear for her cub. It did not feel right and that is why he disliked the creature.


'So, do we sleep here?

Where do we go tomorrow?

What do I call you?


Withrbaen spoke, raising his voice with the last sentence so everyone could hear him but still a little nervous and not feeling too comfortable. Not sure if he'd dare to sleep with those powerful beings that didn't act too kind. But on the other hand they did not yet try to attack him, they even somewhat acknowledged him as one of them. Except the armored one, because he was supposedly different.

Withrbaen thought it would be a sign of politeness to ask names of some sort, as an easing method. At this point it was more of an experiment to see how they would react, and if it was normal to ask such a thing.


When he was done speaking for at least this while Withrbaen sat down, he kept his distance from everybody, but tried to warm himself at the fire nonetheless as a cool evening breeze chilled him a bit.

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The glorious sunset, a soft, warm and luminescent spectacle. Light cascading through the trees in the distance, the last breath of orange coating the landscape before the beautiful twilight. Even with the squabbling between the creatures, they were tiny specks among a great, brilliant plain of tranquillity. Truly, nothing could ruin such a fascinating environment for potential onlookers, that is... Nothing except for Trinity.


"Whoa, whoa! WHOA!"


Bolting out the now shadowy cover of the treeline, a black blur clumsily rushed away from the great fauna behind it. The dark figure began with a sprint of incredible speed, one that people often perform in the strictest of circumstances. It would take a keen eye to tell what this thing actually was, especially with the light fading from the world. This ominous figure became far less so as it began to slow down drastically.


Trinity had run like one chased by Tainted for some time now, perhaps a little too long. Whatever she was running from, her desperation would prove her downfall, as evidenced by the slowed pace and heavy panting. Now, it would be clear to see the tattered figure in all her glorious fatigue. A slender woman clad in a full-body suit of black, leather armour, the only colour standing out being her white, wooden mask concealing the entire face.


Unfortunately, Trinity had absolutely no idea where she was running to, likely due to the fact that she was looking behind her instead of where she was going. All it took was a slightly misplaced rock to send her flying, almost face first into the ground but a few meters from the group, her black hair sprawled out across the floor. It didn't take sight to realise she wasn't alone, any old idiot with even the slightest hint of Magic could sense two Eldritch at once. Or was it any Eldritch could sense even idiots with the slightest hint of Magic? Now wasn't the time for whys and wherefores! She had an introduction to make! Now if only she had the strength to get herself up first...

Edited by Sanctified Absence

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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@@@Sanctified Absence,

"Hey weather we're capable or not is entirely up to you, me? I'm just going to sit back and watch the show." Roland said eyeing the pair that looked like their were about to rip each other's throats out which would make Roland's day. Though his dreams of seeing some action were interrupted by a robbed figure falling flat on their face. "Ha ha ha, now that's quite an entrance you got their!' Roland kneeled down and extended a hand to help them up.

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@@@Flying Ace, @@Sanctified Absence, @@RaptorJaysus, @@Brushwuzz,  


As the situation became clearer little by little, at way larger, exponential rate Sam started to think of more questions to ask. His whole world had been turned upside down in a matter of moments. Apparently he was a 'fallen' and a 'blooded', and his eyes were even unusual in this whole new world of possibilities. There were these strange magical beings that could bend energy as if it were an inherent ability like breathing for them. There were more people heading for this place and showing up, and apparently those were all 'fallen' as well. And finally the man with the bleak skin and the fragile limbs wasn't really a human either!


So many questions that were still unanswered, and as he thought new ones popped up. He reckoned that if he, and the other ones that had arrived here would come with these people, they would get their questions answered eventually. Feeling a bit strengthened and warmed up, he took of the blanket and shifted his seating, feeling his stiff legs ache as they were forced to resume function again.


"Where will be going? I am... tired." Softly he uttered his concerns mainly towards Esner, who he already trusted quite a lot. He looked around and saw the other faces, including of one savage-looking man that had just sat down beside him. Still he felt a little fearful of these new people. His instinct told him to hide, but he knew that would not help at all. He also still felt quite sad about the situation. Esner had given him a little hope, and even though the people around him didn't seem too friendly or trustworthy, he knew they all had the same problem here. They were all here for the same reason. He wondered if the others had had the same problems as he had. Had they gone through the same suffering as he had? He turned around to see all the others who he hadn't really spoken to, or even looked at yet. With the idea in mind that they might have gone through as much as he had, he felt a small feeling of sympathy arise for them. 


"Whoa, whoa! WHOA!"


From the forest a woman, or so at least he thought, seemed to run from something. In her frightful retreat she didn't look where she was walking and fell face first to the ground. Though the situation might have looked quite comical, he was more scared of what she had been running from. Again he cast fearful eyes on the distance. "What's going on? Who are you?" He said, this time with a little more power in his voice than his near-whispers from a moment ago.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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