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@@Mrbrunoh1@,, @,


Mariah had to do something to prove to Kelly that she was wrong, Mariah wore a very special magic which she had created some time she connected with Kelly's heart and saw the horrible past she had, she could not bear to see everything.

"Kelly you remember when you took me here yesterday, you made magic with his paws, and this was something I could never, were going well until the Chrysalis arrives, we'll have to take my paw help Void"

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Kelly had finally understood everything that had happened, she finally synced your soul with their feelings in that transformation, she suddenly stopped crying and spoke with Mariah. 


"I do not know how to turn me and Mariah do not know what will happen when I turn again, but you're right about the magic, the Dark Alicorn can not tell me what to do, we will find Void, Soprano was different" 


Kelly smiled and hugged Mariah. Wood put his armor that Mariah had created for her. 


"I'm ready!"

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@,@@Mrbrunoh1, @@RaritySparkleArtist,


Void gave a very serious look at Soprano.

"You need to stop and think for a moment Soprano, do you feel like your body is being overwhelmed by anything? I need to know this"

He shot a look of urgency at him before he heard Chrysalis's voice again but tried his hardest to ignore it for his friends sake and his sanity.

"If you don't tell me this then I can't tell you any more about conversion" 

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@,@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


Kelly looked at the two and the conversation was very strange when Mariah and she arrived on the scene. 
"What's going on here, can you tell me ?, stop scaring me, Mariah is not going to have to attack someone." 

Kelly spoke for Two with fear that something wrong was happening. 

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@@Mrbrunoh1,@, @@RaritySparkleArtist,


Void looked at Mariah and Kelly with a somber look.

"I think Soprano may have had a Changeling Conversion spell put on him by another Changeling"

He looked back as Soprano with a very serious look.

"Soprano remember when I told everypony that I was a very evil Changeling awhile ago? I said I converted ponies so I am experienced with this kind of thing"

He heard Chrysalis talking in his head telepathically again.

"Look at you talking about your Hive day's my warrior"

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1, @,


Mariah continues to increase the intensity of magic on his horn to not have chance to go wrong, the aim was unerring and Mariah as she had fought with Changelings before it would not be a problem for her.

"Void you're weird, you so very strange, Kelly stay alert, I think your friend is no longer reliable"

Mariah motioned to Kelly stand behind her.

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@@RaritySparkleArtist,@, @,


Kelly looked serious for Mariah and nodded and spoke. 
"What is happening here Void, why are you acting like this because Void, what's wrong with you, you can talk to us!" 

Kelly was too confusing.


"Please Soprano stop with this, you so weird now"


Kelly waiting a quote off all. 

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@@Mrbrunoh1,@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


Void started to ready his horn in case he had to defend himself.

"I am trying to help Soprano from whatever is going on and I am quite sure it is a Conversion process"

He kept hearing his Queen's voice in his head and he started to hiss through his teeth.

"Sweet Celestia! She is in my head again!" Void screamed as he began to go a little insane too.

"No, no, no, no... I'm fine not un reliable trust me alright but Soprano may be in some serious trouble" 

He said as Soprano was calming down

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@, @, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Mariah kept her magic with all power in his horn she waited and after that she looked to Kelly.

"We must leave here, Void is listening to Chrysalis again, we must go to the center of the forest and kill her, not worth leave it there alive, Kelly if you can turn in there it will be easy"

Mariah smiled Kelly waiting for the answer.

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@@RaritySparkleArtist,@, @,


Kelly looked at Mariah and was willing to end it all at once, not even knowing how to turn again, she nodded to Mariah. 

"Let's get out of here and finish this soon, this Princessa has to disappear, I should have killed him when I had the chance" 
Mariah Kelly and the two slowly drifted away.
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@@Mrbrunoh1,@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


Void heard them talking about killing HIS Queen... His Queen and he ran followed them.

"Wait you two. Do you want to just drop to her level? Is killing the right answer to this, can you both even Challenge her like this? We are all tired after that and Soprano needs help before he changes himself"

He didn't want them both going on a suicide run but Void knew if he followed them to his Queen then she would take control of him again and use him against his own friends.

"I will not go with you to kill her... I can't" He made up a lie so he would not go near her. 

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@, @@Mrbrunoh1, @,


Mariah was in doubt, she still kept her magic horn with 5 layers active, Void was also with her ​​pink horn, she looked suspiciously at Void.

"Why should I trust you, it's just about time to you go back to the way it was, and when that happens you will kill us all especially you Kelly!"

Mariah Kelly looked and saw she was in doubt.

"You come with me or will risk with him?"

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@,@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


 Kelly was pinned against the wall, she was scared of them, she would not be able to resolve this easily, Mariah and Void faced each other strongly, she thought it would be a normal day but she could not stand it anymore. 

"I can not choose between my friends" 
She looked sadly at the floor. Kelly has two distinct sides, it can be very emotional sometimes especially with your friends.
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@@Mrbrunoh1,@@RaritySparkleArtist, @,


Void hated seeing her like this and decided he will help end his Queen with them.

"Kelly you do not need to choose, all three of us need to end this"

Void lowered his horn and stopped his magic in front of Mariah.

"Mariah sorry for our conflicts" He said in a polite way to her with a smile.

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@, @, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Mariah saw that Void was just confused and stopped with the magic in his horn and spoke with Void.

"All right, I'm sorry, Kelly forgive me so I did not want to be rude, put you against your best friend."

Mariah turned to Kelly and offered his paw


"Go my friend Alicorn?"

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Kelly was confused with what Mariah had spoken, she accepted the help of her friends and she said as they walked. 
"I do not know how to turn me personal, but I hope it does not make me, I do not want to turn vengeful monster that you've seen." 

Kelly walked a little sad when he said that. 

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@,@@RaritySparkleArtist, @@Mrbrunoh1,


Void looked worried for Soprano and hoped they would figure out what's wrong soon.

"Soprano as long as you don't want privacy then I will stick with you" He said this to him and was trying to reassure him.

"I am not sure if there is a cure to conversion, I will not lie to you"

He wasn't going to lie to a friend when they were in a frail state of mind

"We need to deal with Chrysalis soon before..."

Void could hear her again in his head and this time was near impossible to ignore.

"Do you think you can kill me? I am the Queen of Changelings. I control you"

Void just grunted again as he heard this. 

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@, @, @@Mrbrunoh1,


After a few hundred meters inside the Everfree, she already felt a negative energy in the air, which could be she already had the answer, Mariah suddenly stopped and asked everyone to stop.

"Ponys you felt that ?, something strange here, surely we are not alone"

Mariah lit up the place with his horn.

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@@RaritySparkleArtist,@, @,


Kelly was with his wooden armor, and she sketched feelings nor answered any of them along the way, Kelly was ignoring your feelings and everything to everyone, she kept going straight and she just stopped repentimente still in the distance from their friends. She felt the negative energy she was scared because it was a lot like the Dark Alicorn 

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