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open Life like yours (slice of life, romance)


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@@Pelate @ @@slimmyjimjim @@pegasus255




On the morning of this strange day, Tone Shift was walking through Ponyville park, on his way to meet with Sweetie Pie, he was hoping she could help him find somepony he could be with. His love life has been horrible up until now, he was hoping she could help. As he came out of the park, he made his way over to the small cafè just past the park to meet her. He sighed "I hope she can help..." He sat at one of the tables to wait for her, he always likes to be early to things like this. "I wonder what she's like..." He thought to himself as he sat there.

Edited by Tone shift

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*Blue started his day as usual: Wake up, shower, breakfast, go to work. He got up and grumbled to himself.* "Dumb sun, I was sleeping." *He took his quick shower, making sure his mane and Tail were completely washed. He dried off and ate breakfast, grabbed his favorite hoodie, and set off for his workplace, 'DM's Game and Hobby Shop'. He walked through town, smiling politely to whoever passed him, and eventually got to his job.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

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Harmonics hummed softly as she trotted to work, not paying too much attention to her surroundings. She didn't love her job as waitress all that much but it paid the bills and still gave her plenty of free to herself and to practice. She sighed softly as she arrived at her job for another boring regular day.

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Sweetie Pie


Sweetie was late and she knew it, it was very unprofessional of her but it wasn't her fault closing up her shop on odd hours wasn't the easiest thing to do. She had a customer come in at the last second insisting that he needed to order a necklace for his marefriend so that she wouldn't leave him but it took him about an hour to pick out what kind of Crystal Empire gem that he wanted, leading a double business proved to be quite tiresome. Finally when he had left she was able to close her small store which sold Crystal Empire jewelry, and made her way to the second part of her job which was her favorite, match making. She knew very little about the client she was meeting only the place where they were meeting and his name, "you must be Tone Shift." she said sitting across from a brown coated pegasus sitting alone at one of the cafe's tables hoping this was him while pulling out a notebook and quill. 




Today was going great for the young pegasus she was just getting a scone and a coffee when a magenta maned mare sat across from her, "you must be Tone Shift." Horsefly looked up, the mare was getting out a notebook and quill, Horsefly was confused then the mare spoke again, "as you may know I am Sweetie Pie and I'm here to help you with your problem." The pegasus looked at the mare like she was crazy, "uh...I don't have a problem." Sweetie Pie blinked for a minute then regained her composure, "oh no of coarse you don't, but that doesn't mean we can't find you a good mare." Horsefly looked around in disbelief wondering where this pony had come from. "Look lady I'm not Tone Sniff. I'm just here for my breakfast." Sweetie Pie's eyes widened to impossible sizes blushing a deep red Horsefly could almost hear the oh no going off in her head and couldn't help but be amused. 

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Tone shift was looking around kind of nervously, when he heard someone say his name "Hm...?" He remembered sweetie had a pink mane, and he looked over at her, and heard what she said "...Did she have to say that out loud.......wait, who's that?" He heard the other mare say his name wrong "Tone...Sniff?" Tone drooped his head, blushing from the whole experience "um...sweetie pie?" He said, just loud enough for her to hear him "I'm...im over here..."

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*It was Blue's break after working for awhile, and he headed out to see what he could do on his short break. He wondered through town and eventually came across a café.* "I guess I could stop here and get something to eat real quick." *He said to himself, entering the building and getting in line.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Harmonic sighed quietly as she severed her assigned tables severing the few ponies that are sitting at them. She blows a piece of hair out of her face out of boredom. It had to be a slow day she thought. She started humming a small tune that refused to get out of her head.

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Sweetie Pie


The mare looked up to see her client sitting just a table away, her blush deepened as she stood up to walk over to the right table taking her supplies with her. Sweetie had wondered why the pony she was previously talking to had such a feminine voice and now it all made sense. The embarrassment of confusing him for another pony was almost too much for her but Sweetie's pride pushed through and she persevered telling herself that she needed the job. "Hello, sorry about that...um, did you order yet? I insist on paying." This was something that she did for most of her clients at least on the first meeting but this was also used to push passed the subject of what just happened. "Shall we get started?" her head was held high and she had a smile on her face all of this betrayed how she really felt inside but right now she needed to be professional.




Horsefly was still very confused at what was going on when she heard a voice behind her speak, "um...sweetie pie?" the pegasus turned around seeing a stallion who had a lighter brown coat and glasses. Horsefly frowned, she always knew that her appearance resembled closely to that of a stallion but this took it to a whole new level. She could only watch, sipping her coffee, as the blushing mare got up and left her table, Horsefly finished her drink and raised the glassed looking at the waitress passing by who happened to be humming a lovely tune. She hated to interrupt the song but she was still thirsty, "excuse me but can I get a refill?" Horsefly brushed her teal hair out of her face with one hoof still holding out the empty cup with the other patiently waiting for the mare to respond.

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Tone shift tried to shake off the whole thing as she switched seats. "Um...no, I haven't ordered yet...I was thinking I'd just get some hay fries" he glanced down at the menu, maybe thinking if he might get something else "oh, right, where should we start...? I'm...kind of nervous about this..."

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“Sure.” Harmonic responded cheerfully as she toke the glass and refilled it. She placed the glass back on the table gently. "Do you need anything else, while I'm here." Harmonic respond in a delighted cheerful tone with a small warm smile on her face as she awaited the mare's response.


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*After receiving his order and such, Blue went and sat down at a table over in the corner of the café, avoiding the other ponies around and ate and drank in silence, looking around at the other customers go in and out. As he sat there, he wondered if anything interesting would happen in his days in town.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Sweetie Pie 


Sweetie waved a hoof, "there's no need to be nervous, I've done this about a million times." she took the quill in one hoof and her notebook in the other clearing her throat before adjusting her position in her chair. "Alright, shall we get to it?" she didn't wait for an answer continuing speaking this time putting the quill to paper and beginning to write, "first I'm going to need a list of your hobbies, likes, dislikes, what you think your dream girl is and what kind of living space you live in." Sweeties hoof was running across the page at a frightening speed her eyes darting from the page to his face trying to get more than just conscious reactions but the unconscious. "After that we'll move on to more deeper topics but for right now I'm more worried about the basics." When she was done writing she looked up with a smile awaiting for his answers.




Very grateful for the refill she blew over the surface of the hot liquid sipping it cautiously but even with her caution she ended up with a burned tongue. Scrunching her eyes in pain she nearly spurted the coffee all over the table, hurriedly she set the cup down on the table groaning knowing full well that her tongue would tingle for the rest of the millennium. Horsefly looked up at the waitresses words about to reply with a no thank you when she saw a pony in the corner sitting alone. Something moved in her heart it reminded her so much of the filly who she used to look after so she felt like she couldn't just do nothing, "yes, um.. can I buy that colt over there a muffin and also just let him know that if he needs company that he is always welcome at my table, ok?" Horsefly crossed her hooves hoping that he would accept because if she was completely honest with herself she was beginning to feel like she needed a bit of company at that moment. 

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"Sure." Harmonic responded in a happy tone. She levitated a muffin near her and headed towards the colt sitting all alone in the corner. "This is for you." Harmonic stated in a cheerful tone. "It's from the mare over there." she stated pointing to the mare who just asked to give him the muffin "She said you could sit with her if you want." Harmonic stated.

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*When the waitress gave him the muffin, and told him it was from the mare over at the other table, he was a bit confused.* "Why'd she do that? And why'd she say I could sit with her?" *He questioned internally.* "Well, I gotta thank her." *He thanked the waitress and got up and walked over to the mare who paid for the food.* "Hey, um. Thank you for the muffin *He started out.* "My name's Blue." *He held out his hoof.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Harmonic walked towards a spot with not many costumers. As she sat down the a catchy tune infiltrated her mind.She sighed quietly tan she hummed the catchy tune in a cheerfully, happy lovely tone trying her best to be quiet. At least today hasn't bored me to death yet she thought cheerfully.

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(I'm way late damn! I guess I'll just jump in)

Sketchy trotted through town to get something to eat.

He stopped by the café, he went inside and sat at an empty table.

Sketchy looked around. He picked up a menu and looked at it. *i should have had a friend come with me, I'm already feeling like a loner* he thought to himself.

(Now hopefully I can catch up...)

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"It's not that...I'm just nervous when it comes to girls..." He said as he blushed and looked to the side a bit, he looked back up at her when she cleared her throat, and after she asked all those questions ""um..." Before he could think of responding, she spoke again, then when she was done she left enough time for him to respond "Well...I really like these things called 'movies' that I really like to watch-" but before he could finish, a voice rang out "Now is the time...to have my fun" the staff of the cafè continue as if there is no voice "most of you have chosen, now there's no doubt where you lie" there was a flash of light, before everything looked...different, upon opening his eyes, he found himself staring at himself from across the table (in this case, horsefly is with blue, harmonic is with sketchy, and I am with sweetie, cause that's how things seem to be going right now)

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Harmonic stopped her humming walked over to the stallion sitting alone. "Hello, would you like anything to drink, sir?" Harmonic asked in a cheerful tone. As Harmonic waited for the stallion's answer she sat quietly down on her hunches trying to get rid of the songs stuck in her head.

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Sketchy was just blankly staring at the menu since it was pretty much all that was there for him to do *i think I get bored way too easily*. He thought. Then a waitress finally approaches him and asks him if he'd like a drink.

Sketchy put down the menu and looked at the mare. "Uh, I'll just have a glass water..." He shrugged.

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"Sure."Harmonic stated.She went and grabbed a glass of water with her magic.Harmonic walks over towards the stallion giving him his glass of water.Harmonic slowly walked toward a spot of the cafe with no customers around.Harmonic sighed quietly sitting on her hunches.

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Her hoof extended out to touch Blue's, "name's Horsefly, nice to meet you," when she heard a voice that seemed to be coming from everywhere and no where all at once before the words registered in her mind she blink and all of the sudden her whole world shifted. In a split second it changed, one moment she was looking at a possible new friend and the next she was looking down as her own face. It was a crazy out of body experience. Horsefly looked down at her hoof which wasn't her own it seemed, it was blue and extended downward connected to her actual hoof. Her eyes were widened in a silent shock, unsure of what was happening or what she should do in response, "uh... what's goin-" she began but it wasn't her own voice so she stopped. Her face was calm and more than a little confused but inside her heart was racing while her brain was shutting down unable to comprehend the situation before her. She looked up abruptly at her own face with a slight gasp, "He....hello?" She looked into her face squinting a bit trying to see if there was someone else in there because she knew that she wasn't so who was, if it was who she thought it might be then their friendship would get a lot closer a lot faster than she had previously anticipated.


Sweetie Pie


 Compiling a list of ponies that could possibly be a match for this pony was proving to be more difficult due to his shy nature but Sweetie knew that sooner or later she would get him to open up and find his center. Her train of thought was interrupted when a loud booming voice echoed through the walls almost coming from them she automatically assumed it was a joke and chose to ignore it and stick with what she was in the middle of but a minute later she wouldn't be able to ignore it. "Hey what just happened? Where am I?" She felt as though she had been teleported somewhere completely different but her body temperature was higher and she felt heavier. More than that her reflection wasn't moving with herself until she realized it wasn't her reflection it was her body and she wasn't in it. With that thought she let out a high pitched scream hysterically jumping up and running out of the cafe almost knocking over a table in the process. She wasn't sure where she was going only that she was going to run as fast as she could but with such a different body she soon tripped and fell face first into the dirt in a very un-lady like fashion. But she wouldn't let that stop her as she quickly got up jittering on all four hooves making small circles in the dirt making all sorts of high pitched squeals and shrieks. 

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*Before He could say anything back to the mare, he heard someone or something speak, but disregarded it as his mind playing tricks on him, then was blinded by a white light, then immediately regained focus and sight. When his sight returned, he rubbed his eyes and opened them, seeing not his usual blue hooves, but instead replaced with brown ones. He panicked and looked around frantically and saw none other then his own body standing there. He sat there for a minute wide eyed and in shock, then passed out, falling onto the table out of extreme shock.*


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Tone shift looked at himself, almost as if on the verge of hyperventilating. The he heard his own scream as his body sped away "Wai-" he said, before covering his new mouth "Wha...what's...going...on" he looks at his, or rather, sweeties hooves wondering what just happened "...I..." He looks around to see if anyone else noticed, or if this had happened to anypony else, and noticed everyone was still looking over here, wondering why 'he' had just screamed and ran away, so he just slunk his way out of there

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(I just found out that we are ment to switch now...)


"Thanks" he said As he picked up the glass. when he started drinking the water, for a split second, everything went blank and saw a little flash. He wanted to spit out his water but then he was suddenly teleported the way across the café sitting in an empty corner, spitting out... Air... "Da f*ck?" He, Blurted. Sketchy felt dizzy, lightheaded, and smaller than he was just a second ago "this can't be right" he said, he then realized he did not sound like himself either. He got up and hesitantly looked slowly at himself... ...or ... HERSELF!!!??? Sketchy then went into panic mode. He looked around and trotted in circles, He saw himself across the room and ran toward himself and grabbed his water "THIS. CANNOT. BE. REAL!!!!!" He slashed the cold water into his or her face, paying no attention to anything. *this has to be a dream. but why does it feel so real!!!??* he thought, starting to back away from himself, all that went on around him was a blur, he felt dizzy and light headed again "ooooh maaan" he then tumbled on the floor, he was out cold.

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A gasp escaped foreign lips as Horsefly watch her own body fall to the ground, she almost let out a scream but it was taken from her as she saw a stallion run out  of the cafe shrieking like a little mare. Horsefly let out a sob, now her body was dead because her soul had left its body she felt like crying but didn't know quite how in a different body or even if she could so she did the only thing she could think of. The mare in the stallions body moved over behind her body and grabbed herself under her forehooves starting to flap her wings to carry the body out. With the increased strength and her body being so light it was an easier task than she had anticipated however with the wings and body that she was not quite used to it still made the trip to the front door an awkward one. Horsefly knew that she had to make it to the door she had to get out of the public eye so that she could clear her head and think and possibly even bury her own dead body.


Sweetie Pie


Sweetie was so rapped up in freaking out that she didn't hear hooves making their way towards her so when she saw herself walk out the front door she yelped, "eeeee! You! What did you do? What happened? why am I here I-" Sweetie stopped abruptly when she was interrupted by a brown wing that seemed to expand outward on it's own. Sweetie put a hoof up forcing it back into place against the flank putting the hoof back down. She turned back to herself and was about to speak again when the same wing popped out once again, Sweetie turned toward it using the same hoof to putting back in its place... again. But it was to no avail as the wing immediately popped out again, what proceeded next was a comical back and forth struggle between a pony and a wing both as stubborn as a mule and refusing to give in. Finally Sweetie looked at herself angrily, "are you going to just stand there or help me?!" she huffed feeling a bit embarrassed and taking it out on... well.. herself. 

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