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Anala smiled triumphantly. "I take it you got word of my archery business over in Manehattan?" she said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a thick rectangle of paper. A business card.




Want to learn to shoot like they did in the Coltic Times?


Anala Elderberry's Archery Tuition


5B - 1hr session


Manehattan Field


(OOC: *insert Anala's phone number*)



Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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When the mention of the word kill came into the conversation Parcel froze, kill?! he thought a bit frightened now and wanting to know what he was really getting himself into but remained silent as other ponies in the room kept speaking. Parcel was some what entertained by the back and forth between the pony that had just entered and the one that had recently pointed a gun at Parcel himself. He looked around the room to see that a mare was sharing the same expression he had and smiled at her, maybe he could make a new friend in this group. Parcel listened as the pony in charge spoke and a thought occurred to him, "how did you find all of us?" Finding a rag tag group such as this couldn't have been easy and he was curious as to how he himself was discovered.

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Anala smiled triumphantly. "I take it you got word of my archery business over in Manehattan?" she said. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a thick rectangle of paper. A business card.




Want to learn to shoot like they did in the Coltic Times?


Anala Elderberry's Archery Tuition


5B - 2hr session


Manehattan Field


(OOC: *insert Anala's phone number*)



Masque chuckled, and shook his head. "Well, yes and no...you see, I aqquired information about all of you through various scources of mine, spread all throughout Equestria. I didn't just hear of you, my dear, I actively looked for a pony of your specific talents and calibar." He said, before turning to Parcel.


When the mention of the word kill came into the conversation Parcel froze, kill?! he thought a bit frightened now and wanting to know what he was really getting himself into but remained silent as other ponies in the room kept speaking. Parcel was some what entertained by the back and forth between the pony that had just entered and the one that had recently pointed a gun at Parcel himself. He looked around the room to see that a mare was sharing the same expression he had and smiled at her, maybe he could make a new friend in this group. Parcel listened as the pony in charge spoke and a thought occurred to him, "how did you find all of us?" Finding a rag tag group such as this couldn't have been easy and he was curious as to how he himself was discovered.

Masque smiled. "I used my various scources to search for all of you, based on your talents and skills. Once they found the right ponies, all of you, I took it upon myself to do a bot of research on all of you. I know much about each and every one of you...not TOO much, but enough to know what your like, at the very least..." he said.


After finished his sentence, his gaze passed over Red's eyes for a spli second. In that split second, Masque cursed and stared directly into Parcel's eyes. A flicker of golden light flashed faintly in his eyes and Parcel's vision change from the ponies and the warehouse, to a golden meadow, full of flowers and an old oak.


(Godmodding, I know. But trust me, there's a reason for it, and your about to see why...oh, and fir info on what the hell Masque just did, read his bio)

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(Before you read the following, I should probably have explained what exactly it is that makes Red so brash. It's also the reason he's the decoy. He's kinda immortal... Now, before anyone screams op, he can still be knocked out, tied up, tortured, ect. He just can't die because he was cursed. Now, if you understand, read on)


Red looked around the room at the ponies, they obviously weren't taking him seriously. "Just a decoy? Have to act stupid? Hehehe, appearently somepony wasn't filled in on exactly who the fuck your dealing with runt." He said, a brutal smile on his face as he drew a long dagger from his belt. But instead of pointing it at chains, he pointed the tip at his own chest... Before raising it up into the air... "this is why I was chosen." He said, before bringing the knife down and plunging it into his chest, right where his heart was. He should've been dying, yet he was still standing, and still smiling, as he left the dagger potruding from his chest. "Undead Red, at your service, fuckers." He said happily


(Btw, I got RAGE's permission to do this. Just thought I'd explain that lol)


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Anala just stared at Red, her breath taken away at what she had just witnessed. "Did you guys just-?" she began, but then realised her throat had gone dry. She swallowed, and then picked up where she had left off. "Did you guys just see that?" she said, more fluently this time.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Chains rolled his eyes again and went back to his bag.


"Just cause you can't dies doesn't mean your some bigshot, I go out there, knowing I could die, you, you've just got a free pass to fuck about, that doesn't mean you can't be locked up, I'm sure there is a spell out there that could put you in a coma, Ass Bandit"

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When the room disappeared around him Parcel stood up looking around perplexed. What had just happened? Where was he? He walked over to the tree that was only a few feet away touching it with his forehoof the bark he felt seemed to be real so his only explanation was that he had been teleprted but by what and for what reason? He looked across the small meadow seeing that he was alone but just to make sure he called out, "Hello?!" Parcel heard his own voice echoing back to him but there was no answer.

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When the room disappeared around him Parcel stood up looking around perplexed. What had just happened? Where was he? He walked over to the tree that was only a few feet away touching it with his forehoof the bark he felt seemed to be real so his only explanation was that he had been teleprted but by what and for what reason? He looked across the small meadow seeing that he was alone but just to make sure he called out, "Hello?!" Parcel heard his own voice echoing back to him but there was no answer.

Masque, ignoring the obviously oncoming conflict between Red and Chains, turned beck to Parcel, releasing him from the illusion. "Sorry about that, mister Parcel, but I had to put you into an illusion for your own good, but don't worry, it was only for a monent. Trust me, you didn't want to see what just happened..." he said.

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Chains rolled his eyes again and went back to his bag.

"Just cause you can't dies doesn't mean your some bigshot, I go out there, knowing I could die, you, you've just got a free pass to fuck about, that doesn't mean you can't be locked up, I'm sure there is a spell out there that could put you in a coma, Ass Bandit"

Red grinned devilishly "you wanna try me? Go ahead, I'll stab you next time." He said, before pulling the knife out of his abdomen and pointing the knife at him. As he did, his wound healed before their eyes, not even leaving a scar. But after a moment, he just shrugged and sheathed the knife "whatever, I guess we need ha. So I won't kill ha yet." He said calmly


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Chains Sneered and grabbed a Remington 870 Pump Action shot gun from the duffel bag and pumped a shell into the chamber, before turning to face red.


"Listen Red, I don't like you, and you don't like me, but I want that Payday just as much as you do so try not to fuck us up"

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(Sorry for the late reply, I've been kinda busy.)


Red crossed his hoof over his heart in an X-fashion, before putting his hoof over his eye "I pwooomiiiis!" He said, trying to sound as innocent as possible. But with his dastardly grin and piercing eyes it just sounded creepy.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Anala just stared at Red. "You know what he'll be good for?" she deadpanned to the rest of the group. "If he gets caught - which something tells me will be the case - he can pretend to be an innocent child. Or more believably, a child who, thanks to a botched spell, is trapped in the body of an adult."

OCs: RileyAnala

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In answer to Anala, Red took a large swig of alcohol and shattered the now empty bottle against the far wall by throwing it, before burping loudly "if anypony needs me, I'll be outside pickpocketing the blind and elderly." He said with a maniacle cackle as he skipped out of the room


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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