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Defending a Fellow Brony


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I'm going to be a little informal with my writing style (after all, this is pretty much a blog post).


Today at school, my friend was being harassed because he's very verbal about being a brony. Before PE, the upperclassmen were dogging on him, calling him names and the like (I'm sure all of you know what I mean -- the fact that we watch a "show for toddlers, girls, and reta-CENSORED" [actual quote] pretty much invites hate). I say nothing because I value my education and like to keep a low profile. (Note: when I say I value my education, I mean I stay quiet because teachers won't buck about if everypony shuts their mouth.) I also get a little excited, because I chose to sport some pony swag today.


After the awesome, cool, I'm-not-really-smart-so-nobody-actually-cares-about-what-I-have-to-say guys stop preaching against my friend, I make my move (in advance). Now, this is the part of my story where I lift my fists and whack the sweet loving sugar cubes outta these guys, right? Nope. I walk past el stupidos and tell my friend I brought my MLP shirt with me, so that after class when we have 5 minutes to hang about I can at least be there to take some heat as well. (YET ANOTHER NOTE: We were in gym clothes, so nobody except for people in the halls had seen what I was wearing before.) After a nice game of baseball (in which the main gorilla-man [let's call him Derp] embarrassed himself by batting, catching, and throwing very, very poorly) it was time to get ready for our next classes. We got changed, I received some funky looks but no hate, and headed into the hallway. I'd planned a bit of what I was going to say, and I made my move first (seeing as nobody knew I was really a brony... And now that part of me was etched across my chest in bright, vivid colors).


Dialogue with story (slightly modified to stay family friendly)

*Note: We'll refer to the upperclassmen with Rage names... and friends with blue.


Me: "Hey, Derp. Like my shirt?"

*Derp (who doesn't even know me but hates me anyways) glances over*

Derp: "HA! What the heck are you wearing?"

Me: "Take a wild guess."

Derp: "I don't need to guess, I already know what it is you dipstick! You're just like McLovin' over there!"

Me: "How observant, Derp! I didn't know I was a human."

Derp: "You know what I meant donkey-face. You're just another cigarette who likes that peppy crap for toddlers, girls, and disabled people!"

Me: "Hey, Derp."

*I hold up my index finger and thumb and use them to measure the tiny space of air between them.

Me: "This is how much I care. This is an accurate representation of how much everyone in this hallway thinks about the stupid comments you make and the way you carry yourself."

--Derp is stunned. I barely ever talk. He was probably thinking, "Who is this mother flutter?!"



At this point, some of his upperclassmen friends join in the conversation. They don't have anything intelligent to offer, so I shut them out. My friend, McLovin' stands by my side now. Derp is still too stunned to think (you could see it written on his face) but continues to make comments pertaining to my friend and my sexuality. We casually shrug them off, as does pretty much anyone who is sure of where they stand. (More power to you if you're into different things.)


Me: "Derp, have you been living under a rock up until now?"

Me: "There are MILLIONS of people outside the target audience - just like us - who watch the show."

Me: "We're not cigarettes, we're bronies. Take some time to educate youself on a subject before diving into an argument about it. You might even have friends who are bronies, you just don't know it yet."

--To be fair, I was the one who started it... only because I didn't want to be snapped at first when others noticed my shirt.


After that, his upperclassmen friends started talking to us, but I was in a death stare contest with Derp. I didn't listen because they're the kind of people who have impossible-to-achieve dreams since they never work... The opposite of my personality, ideals, and way of life. Derp had been silent while his friends, apparently, made other spiteful remarks at us. I didn't notice... again, because I (I know I shouldn't but I do) look down upon them. My friend, McLovin', was doing a nice job of handling their compassionate cares and concerns about our well being and answering all questions that weren't too... compassionate or caring.


It was almost time to go to our next class, and my mind was buzzing, I was ready for another round.

Derp: "You two are just *a slur of offensive and nonsensical slang* who don't know how to grow up."



THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING (I was angry, so that's why it wasn't a very calm and collected thought -- He never said I should be like him or the other upperclassmen, I just assumed that's what he meant)


I was just about to voice my response when his friend, Derpington, stepped up from behind him. He casually walked to where McLovin' and I were standing, and spoke.


Derpington: "Hey Derp, shut up about these guys being whatever."

Derpington: "Besides," he said. "I'm a brony, too."


Me: ...

Derp: ...

McLovin': ...

Upperclassmen: ...

Random others: ...


Derp: "Wait, what?"

McLovin' and Me: B)

Derpington: Yeah, Derp. My 6-year old cousin got me hooked on the show after I heard these guys (McLovin' and Me) discussing it the other day. I thought I'd stay for a couple of minutes because I didn't have anything better to do. I actually kinda liked it and watched some more. It's entertaining, dude."


He went on to explain his reasons to the other upperclassmen, (I think we have potential bronies in that group, as well) and made pretty much everyone go: :huh::blink::unsure:... Mmmmmmkay ._.'

The bell rang, and we went off to our next classes without discussing the topic any further. I have never been more "Holy smokes, epiiiic" in my entire life! (For situations like these) If only readers could have been there, the looks on everypony's face before and after the revelation of another brony's appearance were priceless. I wish it could have been recorded.






Have any of you guys ever stood up for a fellow brony in trouble? Have you ever been rescued by a friend in an awkward or bad situation? If yes, tell your story below (it doesn't have to be as long or descriptive as mine, I was just bored and thought I could elaborate on a situation my friend and I faced -- we go to an all guys school). If not, feel free to leave a comment on what you would do if a situation requiring a helpful hoof occurred and you could make a difference. I know my friend can handle himself fine, but it's always nice to have another person behind you for support.


Finally, thank you to anypony who read the whole thing, and I hope you don't get into stupid situations like this. Don't provoke someone if you can avoid them. I just took the first jab because if I hadn't, they would have noticed and voiced their spiteful opinions anyways. It probably wasn't the best thing to do, but I felt it needed to be done. I don't regret it.




That is all.


Oh, here's the shirt I was wearing.


(Custom T-shirt with art by UC77)

Check out his DeviantArt, it's swagalicious

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Anyways so be more sensible....


Its really entertaining when you debate with people that actually have no idea what they are talking about and are just trying to troll people. Having had a lot of experience with people, i end up annoying them with how hard i am to troll. Heheheh. Logic is the best response, and its how you make them squirm.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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I had a Squidward scene to go with this, but I can't find it anywhere http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png. Anyways, that was a pretty epic story. I don't really have anything else to say, though, sorry if this seems lazy. See, this is why I need an image of that certain Squidward scene I'm thinking about....



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Derp sounds like every male in my school.

I like the sound of Derpington though.

I'm a girl so I get away with "cute" stuff, but there's no bronies save for two at my school and they're not nearly as open about it as I am.

I LOL'd. Thank you for sharing this. I wanna party with you! :P


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Amazing story, I wish stuff like this would happen to me. Well, not the hating part, that happens to me with my friends who all seem to anti-bronies. I usually just laugh whenever they say the show is dumb, since their arguments are irrational, just like the ones your classmates had.

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I'm going to be a little informal with my writing style (after all, this is pretty much a blog post).


Today at school, my friend was being harassed because he's very verbal about being a brony. Before PE, the upperclassmen were dogging on him, calling him names and the like (I'm sure all of you know what I mean -- the fact that we watch a "show for toddlers, girls, and reta-CENSORED" [actual quote] pretty much invites hate). I say nothing because I value my education and like to keep a low profile. (Note: when I say I value my education, I mean I stay quiet because teachers won't buck about if everypony shuts their mouth.) I also get a little excited, because I chose to sport some pony swag today.


After the awesome, cool, I'm-not-really-smart-so-nobody-actually-cares-about-what-I-have-to-say guys stop preaching against my friend, I make my move (in advance). Now, this is the part of my story where I lift my fists and whack the sweet loving sugar cubes outta these guys, right? Nope. I walk past el stupidos and tell my friend I brought my MLP shirt with me, so that after class when we have 5 minutes to hang about I can at least be there to take some heat as well. (YET ANOTHER NOTE: We were in gym clothes, so nobody except for people in the halls had seen what I was wearing before.) After a nice game of baseball (in which the main gorilla-man [let's call him Derp] embarrassed himself by batting and throwing very, very poorly.) it was time to get ready for our next classes. We got changed, I received some funky looks but no hate, and headed into the hallway. I'd planned a bit of what I was going to say, and I made my move first (seeing as nobody knew I was really a brony... And now that part of me was etched across my chest in bright, vivid colors).


Dialogue with story (slightly modified to stay family friendly)

*Note: We'll refer to the upperclassmen with Rage names... and friends with blue.


Me: "Hey, Derp. Like my shirt?"

*Derp (who doesn't even know me but hates me anyways) glances over*

Derp: "HA! What the heck are you wearing?"

Me: "Take a wild guess."

Derp: "I don't need to guess, I already know what it is you dipstick! You're just like McLovin' over there!"

Me: "How observant, Derp! I didn't know I was a human."

Derp: "You know what I meant donkey-face. You're just another cigarette who likes that peppy crap for toddlers, girls, and disabled people!"

Me: "Hey, Derp."

*I hold up my index finger and thumb and use them to measure the tiny space of air between them.

Me: "This is how much I care. This is an accurate representation of how much everyone in this hallway thinks about the stupid comments you make and the way you carry yourself."

--Derp is stunned. I barely ever talk. He was probably thinking, "Who is this mama flutter?!"



At this point, some of his upperclassmen friends join in the conversation. They don't have anything intelligent to offer, so I shut them out. My friend, McLovin' stands by my side now. Derp is still too stunned to think (you could see it written on his face) but continues to make comments pertaining to my friend and my sexuality. We casually shrug them off, as does pretty much anyone who is sure of where they stand. (More power to you if you're into different things.)


Me: "Derp, have you been living under a rock up until now?"

Me: "There are MILLIONS of people outside the target audience - just like us - who watch the show."

Me: "We're not cigarettes, we're bronies. Take some time to educate youself on a subject before diving into an argument about it. You might even have friends who are bronies, you just don't know it yet."

--To be fair, I was the one who started it... only because I didn't want to be snapped at first when others noticed my shirt.


After that, his upperclassmen friends started talking to us, but I was in a death stare contest with Derp. I didn't listen because they're the kind of people who have impossible-to-achieve dreams since they never work... The opposite of my personality, ideals, and way of life. Derp had been silent while his friends, apparently, made other spiteful remarks at us. I didn't notice... again, because (I know I shouldn't but I do) look down upon them. My friend, McLovin'was doing a nice job of handling their compassionate cares and concerns about our well being and answering all questions that weren't too... compassionate or caring.


It was almost time to go to our next class, and my mind was buzzing, I was ready for another round.

Derp: "You two are just *a slur of offensive and nonsensical slang* who don't know how to grow up."



THAT'S WHAT I WAS THINKING (I was angry, so that's why it wasn't a very calm and collected thought -- He never said I should be like him or the other upperclassmen, I just assumed that's what he meant)


I was just about to voice my response when his friend, Derpington, stepped up from behind him. He casually walked to where McLovin' and I were standing, and spoke.


Derpington: "Hey Derp, shut up about these guys being whatever."

Derpington: "Besides," he said. "I'm a brony, too."


Me: ...

Derp: ...

McLovin': ...

Upperclassmen: ...

Random others: ...


Derp: "Wait, what?"

McLovin' and Me: B)

Derpington: Yeah, Derp. My 6-year old cousin got me hooked on the show after I heard these guys (McLovin' and Me) discussing it the other day. I thought I'd stay for a couple of minutes because I didn't have anything better to do. I actually kinda liked it and watched some more. It's entertaining, dude."


He went on to explain his reasons to the other upperclassmen, (I think we have potential bronies in that group, as well) and made pretty much everyone go: :huh::blink::unsure:... Mmmmmmkay ._.'

The bell rang, and we went off to our next classes without discussing the topic any further. I have never been more "Holy smokes, epiiiic" in my entire life! (For situations like these) If only readers could have been there, the looks on everypony's face before and after the revelation of another brony's appearance were priceless. I wish it could have been recorded.






Have any of you guys ever stood up for a fellow brony in trouble? Have you ever been rescued by a friend in an awkward or bad situation? If yes, tell your story below (it doesn't have to be as long or descriptive as mine, I was just bored and thought I could elaborate on the situation my friends and I face going to an all guys school). If not, feel free to leave a comment on what you would do if a situation requiring a helpful hoof occurred and you could make a difference. I know my friend can handle himself fine, but it's always nice to have another person behind you for support.


Finally, thank you to anypony who read the whole thing, and I hope you don't get into stupid situations like this. Don't provoke someone if you can avoid them. I just took the first jab because if I hadn't, they would have noticed and voiced their spiteful opinions anyways. It probably wasn't the best thing to do, but I felt it needed to be done. I don't regret it.




That is all.


Oh, here's the shirt I was wearing.


(Custom T-shirt with art by UC77)

Check out his DeviantArt, it's swagalicious


You sir, have demonstrated loyalty in which you would break the cosmos. One Rainbow Dash seal of approval for you, good sir.


Posted Image

  • Brohoof 2
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Oh my gosh... That was an epic read. Thank you for sharing :) Thankfully i haven't ever had to do something like what you did, but i'm glad that your's turned out so awesome! xD *Standing ovation*


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I wish there was a brony I could stand up for... The only other one I know of in real life, I only know because they're my best friends cousin, and I haven't met them yet so I can't say I know them really... It's annoying...

I am prone to leaving both short and long posts as well as with my profile feed...


I made this I am so proud of myself!

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I was so surprised I nearly lost my composure when "Derpington" revealed himself to be a brony.

I was about to burst out laughing because of how quickly the gravity of the situation changed.



... This is a good example of how anyone can become a brony. ;)

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Victory! Mission accomplished bronies bring it back home,weve won!


On my campaign to convert Bronies at my school, I got a lot of hate including standing up to up class men and freshmen too. And I say "if you haven't watched it your argument is invalid" and other things to defend myself. I got 5 concerted bronies under my wing and it's still counting for my war Is one sided now like Alexander and the Persians.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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I wish there was a brony I could stand up for... The only other one I know of in real life, I only know because they're my best friends cousin, and I haven't met them yet so I can't say I know them really... It's annoying...


There are probably more bronies out there than you might think. If you can find another one, you guys could start being more open about it and make more bronies. That's what has sort of happened in our school.



Victory! Mission accomplished bronies bring it back home,weve won!


On my campaign to convert Bronies at my school, I got a lot of hate including standing up to up class men and freshmen too. And I say "if you haven't watched it your argument is invalid" and other things to defend myself. I got 5 concerted bronies under my wing and it's still counting for my war Is one sided now like Alexander and the Persians.


Awesome! I'm glad to hear that your conquest treats you well. Make them all a part of something amazing!


...I think a good introductory video to start with is Ponies: The Anthology --



My favorite example of the large amount of user-generated content out there.

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am I alowed to post my own problems with being a brony?


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OK, mine isn't as serious as some of the others I've read, but it's pretty important to me, I don't think anyone in my family has accpeted me being a brony and it really bothers me sometimes, a cousin who's temporarily living with us and my brother just make fun of me for it (even though my brother seems sort of interested) and my parents just don't seem to give (strong langauge and reference warning) a flying feather, and my friends (I've posted some PMVs on Facebook) don't acknowledge it at all, and it makes me think either they don't care as well, or just haven't seen them, but that doesn't bother me as much.


I'm sure there's other bronies who have had this problem and I also know there probably isn't anything much anypony can do, but if you think there is, please use it/them

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OK, mine isn't as serious as some of the others I've read, but it's pretty important to me, I don't think anyone in my family has accpeted me being a brony and it really bothers me sometimes, a cousin who's temporarily living with us and my brother just make fun of me for it (even though my brother seems sort of interested) and my parents just don't seem to give (strong langauge and reference warning) a flying feather, and my friends (I've posted some PMVs on Facebook) don't acknowledge it at all, and it makes me think either they don't care as well, or just haven't seen them, but that doesn't bother me as much.


I'm sure there's other bronies who have had this problem and I also know there probably isn't anything much anypony can do, but if you think there is, please use it/them


That sounds tough. Like I said, user-generated content can pull in potential bronies, as that's what happened to me. If you asked me six months ago, I would have had a lot of questions about the show and community. Give it some time, keep pressing it on them (subtly, don't force them to watch, but make standing offers) and hopefully they'll join you. I'm not really an expert or anything, I'm just giving advice from my personal experience. At the very least, they can acknowledge that you're ACTUALLY interested in the show, instead of making them think you're just doing it for s&g's or attention. Another helpful way could be giving them statistics like the amount of people outside the target audience who watch the show avidly (us bronies). Stay strong in your quest to convert/discover new bronies, and I wish you the best of luck in sorting out the (possible) problem with bringing it to your parents' attention (not that you have to, though I'd recommend you do). Again, I'm no expert... Just trying to help a fellow brony. ;) Edited by Guest
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That sounds tough. Like I said, user-generated content can pull in potential bronies, as that's what happened to me. If you asked me six months ago, I would have had a lot of questions about the show and community. Give it some time, keep pressing it on them (subtly, don't force them to watch, but make standing offers) and hopefully they'll join you. I'm not really an expert or anything, I'm just giving advice from my personal experience. At the very least, they can acknowledge that you're ACTUALLY interested in the show, instead of making them think you're just doing it for s&g's or attention. Another helpful way could be giving them statistics like the amount of people outside the target audience who watch the show avidly (us bronies). Stay strong in your quest to convert/discover new bronies, and I wish you the best of luck in sorting out the (possible) problem with bringing it to your parents' attention (not that you have to, though I'd recommend you do). Again, I'm no expert... Just trying to help a fellow brony. ;)

Thanks for trying, but honestly, I think it is already too late, they have gotten used to me watching it and I will just have to deal with it, or at least that is waht it feels like, I am sorry if this disenourages you in any way, but I gaurentee you can still help other people so keep trying if anypony else has any problems

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Thanks for trying, but honestly, I think it is already too late, they have gotten used to me watching it and I will just have to deal with it, or at least that is waht it feels like, I am sorry if this disenourages you in any way, but I gaurentee you can still help other people so keep trying if anypony else has any problems


That's too bad. However, I still think you can find other bronies in your school. If your family doesn't care about your interests, then maybe one of your friends will. Keep your eyes open for bronies - they're everywhere. It's a pretty cool sensation when you meet another one in real life, because everyone knows what a brohoof is. One brohoof = instant friendship. I still suggest showing your cousin and brother Ponies: The Anthology. It's a good gateway video. Anyhow, sorry things aren't working too well for you, and I hope you can find other bronies out there to help you out! Besides, the brony community is always here to help if you have a problem. :)



As for the rest of you guys, post some personal experiences or what you'd do in a hypothetical situation where you could help another brony. I'm sure I'm not the only one with a story, and I think everypony else would like to hear it as well, no matter how minor or major.

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You handled yourself rather well, Lobstarr, and I was defintely amused by how the situation quickly turned to the disadvantage of "Derp." :) It just goes to show that stultiloquence does not constitute a valid contention.


I do not have such a story to share, as even though I am rather open about being a brony, I have not received any serious, open hostility due to being a brony. Granted, I am 26 years old, so I am not in a pureile high school environment, but if anything, I have actually gotten a fair deal of positive feedback over wearing pony T-shirts.


I have been stuck working as a janitor for over seven years (I majored in computer network administraiton after high school, I dropped out due to hating it, and I was not sure what else I wanted to do, so I continued working in that given field), and I am toying with the idea of learning a trade this fall (I cannot afford to attend Tulane and other $40K+ per year colleges that wanted me to transfer to them back when I was at a community college for network administration). Hopefully I will not run into any hatemongering cretins if I do go back to college (I took a college course last fall, I wore a pony T-shirt every single day to that class, and I never received any flak for it), but I will be able to handle myself if I do get flak over wearing my pony T-shirts.

  • Brohoof 1

De omnibus dubitandum.

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You handled yourself rather well, Lobstarr, and I was defintely amused by how the situation quickly turned to the disadvantage of "Derp." :) It just goes to show that stultiloquence does not constitute a valid contention.


I do not have such a story to share, as even though I am rather open about being a brony, I have not received any serious, open hostility due to being a brony. Granted, I am 26 years old, so I am not in a pureile high school environment, but if anything, I have actually gotten a fair deal of positive feedback over wearing pony T-shirts.


I have been stuck working as a janitor for over seven years (I majored in computer network administraiton after high school, I dropped out due to hating it, and I was not sure what else I wanted to do, so I continued working in that given field), and I am toying with the idea of learning a trade this fall (I cannot afford to attend Tulane and other $40K+ per year colleges that wanted me to transfer to them back when I was at a community college for network administration). Hopefully I will not run into any hatemongering cretins if I do go back to college (I took a college course last fall, I wore a pony T-shirt every single day to that class, and I never received any flak for it), but I will be able to handle myself if I do get flak over wearing my pony T-shirts.


Sounds like you're in a bit of a tough situation. Mathematics is my weakest subject, so the thought of inputting lines of code and numbers bends my mind quite a bit. I know that's not necessarily what network administration does, but it's still pretty impressive to be able to understand what you guys do. Honestly, as you're more experienced than me (it would seem), I doubt you'll have any trouble if you do decide to finish your degree. It's nice to see other intelligent, bombastic users on the internet (for me at least). That's why I love this forum site, everyone must write legibly and have at least some knowledge of grammar. Anyways, if you DO encounter problems, either with you or another brony, feel free to come back and post about it :D


Good luck for the future!

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Sounds like you're in a bit of a tough situation. Mathematics is my weakest subject, so the thought of inputting lines of code and numbers bends my mind quite a bit. I know that's not necessarily what network administration does, but it's still pretty impressive to be able to understand what you guys do. Honestly, as you're more experienced than me (it would seem), I doubt you'll have any trouble if you do decide to finish your degree. It's nice to see other intelligent, bombastic users on the internet (for me at least). That's why I love this forum site, everyone must write legibly and have at least some knowledge of grammar. Anyways, if you DO encounter problems, either with you or another brony, feel free to come back and post about it :D


Good luck for the future!


I have most likely forgotten a good deal of what I learned, given my apathy toward the subject on the one hoof and the fact that I have not taken a computer related course for over six years on the other hoof. I am toying with the idea of returning to college, and if i do as such, I am thinking of working to become an electrician instead; I have absolutely no intention of ever returning to a computer related field. I will take one work-related course on electricty to see how I like it, and if I do like it, I will hopefully head back to school in the fall. I can also ask my grandfather about this, as he is a retired electrician.


I will have to brush up on my math, as I have not used it much since I graduated from high school, and it was also my weakest subject.


I will be sure to post about problems that anypony gives me for being a brony (assuming this happens). If such a thing happens, hopefully the post will prove to be interesting. :D

Edited by M14Brony

De omnibus dubitandum.

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Good job! Another hater extinguished! It is good to stand up for your fellow bronies, it helps with morale, and may convince some others that the brony community is actually really friendly! Kudos to you for the courage, by the way.

Great adventuring for great treasures!....Except when I'm hurt...


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