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ooc Resurgence OOC (Sci-fi, Post-apocalyptic, AU, Anthro, Adventure)


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RP Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/112906-resurgence-rp-sci-fi-post-apocalyptic-au-anthro-adventure/


In the future of an alternate universe to the Equestria we know and love, life is very different. Gone are the green slopes and pleasant days. Instead there are twisted hellscapes and terrifying horrors, emerged from the darkness of distant Chaos. But ponykind was not so easily broken. In an effort to survive, they built a massive flying fortress known as the Citadel to protect them from the dangers below.


 A marvel of technology, built to house the entire population of Equestria and protect them from the dangers below. Powered by magic, shielded from the Chaos and kept in order by the finest technicians and engineers, the Citadel represents the last bastion of ponykind. And it must survive. To achieve this, any race that called the Citadel home banded together and pushed back against the Chaos. They were the first Rangers, and they began to train others to defend the Citadel and re-discover the world we once knew as Equestria.


And that’s where you come in. You’re the newest generation of Rangers, trained to survive out there in the hellish landscapes ponies once called home. I won’t lie to you, Rangers. You’re going to see things out of nightmares. You’ll be going into dangerous situations with the very real possibility of death or corruption by Chaos. But if you don’t fight for the Citadel, who will? So, you know, no pressure…




Resurgence is an Alternate Universe sci-fi post-apocalyptic anthro roleplay that will detail the adventures of one squad of Rangers as they explore the surface world, uncovering ancient wonders and enduring the dangers of a warped Equestria. But remember, you are a squad. Everyone is expected to do their part to ensure everypony gets home safe. If you can’t work together, you might not last long.




A few things to know:


This RP is anthro due to the prevelance of firearms as the primary method of combat and the fact that hooves are not as good as fingers for using computers.


The aesthetic of the tech is not unlike Mass Effect, though the guns are not collapsible. The firearms do not use gunpowder. Instead, they are powered by the innate magic produced by the body, making them akin to a coilgun.


Material ammunition is a thing. It hits harder than the standard concussive bursts, but the firearm has to be built to handle material ammo.


Be careful with any artifacts you find. Seriously, you don’t want to know what happens when a Chaos Artifact is mishandled.


Some notes and rules on weapons


Primaries, of which you get one to start with, you have Assault Rifles, Shotguns, SMGs, LMGs, Marksman Rifles, Sniper Rifles, and a few Specials (though Specials are usually unique to characters, like that Gravity Hammer or a high-powered crossbow) Aside from Specials and Sniper Rifles (which can only fire material ammunition, since concussive bursts don't really penetrate), Primaries can fire either material ammunition or concussive bursts (which can still kill, mind you).


Secondaries, of which you also get one to start with, include Semi-Automatic Pistols (single and burst fire options), Revolvers, and Machine Pistols. These can also be modified to use either material ammo or concussive bursts.


Melee weapons are fairly standard. Knives, swords, axes, standard hammers, etc. There's a little fantasy in here, too.


Grenades, naturally. There's the standard frags and flashbangs, along with decoys, incendiaries, etc. You get a total of four grenades to start off.


So, your initial limits are 1 Primary, 1 Secondary, 1 Melee, 4 Grenades. You can support 4 reloads for Primaries and 3 for secondaries. Specials are usually custom-built by or for the character in question, but the rules in the OP about overpowered abilities apply to weapons as well, so don't go too crazy with it.


Primary ammo limits are:

Assault Rifles: Avg. 30 round magazines

Marksman Rifles: Avg. 20 round magazines

Sniper Rifles: Avg. 5 round magazines

SMGs: Avg. 35 round magazines

LMGs: Avg. 75 round drums or boxes

Shotguns: Avg. 8 round internal/external magazine


Secondary Ammo limits are:

Revolver: Avg. 6 round rotating cylinder

Semi-auto, single shot: Avg. 10 round magazine

Semi-auto, burst-fire: Avg. 15 round magazine

Machine pistol: Avg. 20 round magazine





Here are the rules. The original rules are borrowed from fellow Role-player, Cinderscribe:


· No Mary Sues or Godmodding: It spoils the fun. Not being able to do something is often the more fun route. No overpowered abilities! <- This is red because it spoils a good RP and folks tend to overlook the rule.

· Give us something to read: 200 characters is good for when you just need to give a reaction, or for your character to answer a question. It’s not good for every single post.

· Make it readable: Cus I cnt reed dis, it no nise. C?

· Be reliable: I'm not asking for a post every hour, but if you're not going to be able to post for over a day or two, let us know so that whoever you're talking to isn't stuck and we aren't all waiting for you.

· Don't join if you don't want to play: If you don't intend on staying, at least for a while, just don't apply. Likewise, if you have to drop out, make a post in the RP justifying you're characters absence please.

· What the DM says goes: I shouldn't need to invoke this, but the DM basically has the final say in any arguments or disputes. Rule 0 of any roleplay or tabletop game.



Player and Character list:


Squad 1:

Windbreaker (DM) - Faithful 'Faith' Belief

Primary: Marksman Rifle.
Secondary: Semi-auto, single fire.
Melee: Survival Knife.
Grenades: 2 Concussion Grenades




Cinderscribe - Atheia



Primary: Assault Rifle

Secondary: Semi-auto single fire Pistol

Melee: War Talon

Grenades: None




Tyrranosaurus in F18s - Stronghammer



Primary: Powered Hammer

Secondary: None

Melee: Combat Chains

Grenades: Sticky Grenades

Other: Field Repair Kit




Scribblegroove - Verdant 'Stinger' Veil and Merdyn



Primary: None (Carries a tome of spells instead)

Secondary: Pistol

Melee: 4 throwing knives (he can throw them, but not very proficiently) 

Grenades: 2 flashes and 2 smokes



Primary: Custom sniper rifle

Seconary: Semi-auto single fire modeled after the P2000 handgun

Melee: None (if anything gets up close to him he'll be a goner anyway)

Grenades: 4 frags (bombs away!)



Commander Tangent - Agnus Dei










Former Squad Members:

Chains (played by Mr Suit and Tie) - Left behind on the Citadel due to player inactivity

Terra Lionmane (played by IridscentNios) - Transferred to a different squad after his first mission due to his player being banned.


How to apply:


Simply fill out this app form. Easy right? If you have any questions, shoot me a PM and I’ll try and help out where I can.


Name: The name of your character.


Race: Earth Pony/Unicorn/Pegasus/Other (If there’s another race you want to play, ask me and we’ll work something out.)


Age: Your character's relative age.


Gender: Your character's gender.


Appearance: Your character's appearance. Remember, anthro characters, so relatively human-shaped.


Cutie Mark (if any): Your character’s Cutie Mark and associated talent or meaning.


Personality: A description of your character’s personality.


Skills and talents: What your OC is good at. This also includes any combat skills they had prior to training.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Dude, answering questions is part of my job as DM. Don't worry :)


The Chaos is basically the results of Discord's magic going wild which ended up warping the world. In this universe, he started causing trouble elsewhere around the same time as Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon. There will be more in the RP as the squad uncovers data caches on the surface.


Also, you still need to fill in the app form for your character. And honestly, I'm not sure which one works best. That one's up to you.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Windy posts a RP. I read the description. Now I'm posting to mark my interest: not certain exactly what kind of character to offer up though.


I'll return shortly!


Ahem, sounds like your chaos might be something on par with W40K type chaos? Or is that just wishful thinking? I suppose Discords chaos wouldn't be much different, if you turned it up to 11.

Never quite forgotten.

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I'll put it simply. Equestria looks like an alien planet. It might be WH40K-esque in places, but overall, it's more like something out of Starbound.


On another note, I should edit the OP with my name, example application and my actual application.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Very advanced and styled after Mass Effect. All of that info should be in the OP.


Also, to reiterate the OP, this RP is anthro because of firearms, the tech level, and the fact that fingers are better for using computers than hooves.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I don't see a problem with her race, but not everyone on the Citadel will be favourable towards her. Expect to be called a 'filthy half-breed' from time to time. Even the Citadel isn't without its fair share of unpleasant elements.




That's cool. Whenever you've got the time, man :)

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Awesome. Oh, and both of you please include your characters' ages. I'll add that to the application form while I make the other edits.


On second thought, scratch the example application. It should be easy enough to get.

Just a head's up, guys. Added a few important things to the app form that I forgot about earlier.

Edited by Windbreaker

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Name: Terra Lionmane


Race: Earth Pony


Age: 22


Gender: Male


I think i am going to go with number 1


Cutie Mark (if any): img-3186544-1-g5872_by_nioniosbbbb-d6woo

Personality: Terra is a Knight to the core. Valuing honor and duty above all he has the tenacity that other ponies would be jealous of. Even when in love he will still act like a "Knight in Shining Armor" for his pair. He is always punctual, and values his friends greatly.


Skills and talents: Terra is better in the brunt of enemy assault where he can intercept most hits that would harm his allies. Close quarter combat, holding the line, it's what he's trained to do best. Terra is also patient and can withstand fire assaults better than most. Having been a smith for quite a time helps besides the anvil. He forged his armor by himself proving this way to others and himself that he values good craftsmanship. Terra also posses a phoenix that co-operates with him allowing him to often perform joint assaults.

Edited by IridscentNionios
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Huh, so...

Not my greatest character ever, but I'm happy with her. Let me know if there are any major faults or things you'd like changing.

Name: Atheia

Race: Hyppogriff

Appearance: Humanised / Anthro version of...





Atheia sports sharp talons in place of regular hands - something that is surprisingly easy to live with, but is a dangerous weapons in comparison. Despite this, accidents do happen when you have sharp weapons constantly at your fingertips, and they aren't exactly good for reassuring folks of your pure intentions.

She has a habit of 'personalising' her appearance whenever possible - a rebellious streak that simply never went away. Her armour tends to be lightweight, with pieces removed from the stomach, upper legs and left arm in order to maintain mobility and flexibility. Typically though, no outfit is considered 'correct' until it has been tempered with by her in some way.

She tends to adorn herself and her armour with simple symbols and trinkets, such as feathers, tiny bone charms and gemstones of lesser value. It's all a call back to what she imagines the old world to have been like, as far as books and stories have been able to teach her.

Personality: Atheia is... primitive, at least by citadel standards. Technologically challenged, she understands how to use basic contraptions and devices, but don't expect her to do anything particularly taxing when it comes to computers and devices of intellect. She is obsessed with the old world - with the idea that she doesn't belong among the bustle and the noise of what society represents these days - dreaming of the world that the old stories tell of.

She didn't have an easy upbringing: being a half-breed will do that to you, as will being completely inept at manipulating even the most basic of technological advancements. She relied mostly on wits and physical strength to survive - odd jobs here and there, often among the more questionable areas of society. She learned to handle weapons to help with this, but her real boon was the same thing that got her ostracised in the first place - turns out that folks tend to be afraid of sharp talons and beaks.

Atheia is all about passion: about seeking her own future and not simply accepting what others seem to be 'good enough' for her. This leaves her hotheaded and prone to both vocal and physical outbursts: she has been in trouble with the law on more than a couple of occasions because of this, though adamantly denies any responsibility.

Skills :
- Predator heritage.
Atheia is a Hyppogriff: no matter how technology adapts and evolves, a sharp set of talons and a predators eye will always prove a much better fallback than fists alone. She might not rely on her natural prowess as much as her ancestors did, but they still certainly still exist. Fast reflexes, sharp eyes and quick reactions take priority over protocol, honour and reason. In contrast to this, she has little in the way of social or technological ability, and tends to be mistrusted or disliked by the vast majority of the citadel races. It also makes her fairly predictable, as she tends to react instinctively rather than thinking her actions through.

- Skirmisher.
Atheia might have been a pacifist, given the opportunity. Unfortunately, such an opportunity never arose. In combat she specialises in speed and power: preferring to close in quickly and hit hard before the target can react. Conversely, she lacks the focus that is required to maintain a threat at long range, or the discipline that is needed to operate particularly well within a team.

- Zealous
Atheia is a dreamer: she tends to focus solely on her goal, and closes in on it with single-minded zeal. While this can be excellent motivation, it causes her to overlook potential dangers, obstacles or even basic necessities (such as, 'Do I have enough food?')[/spoiler

Other :
- War-talon.
While Atheia is a decent marksman, she really excels at closing the distance on opponents rather than fighting at range. While her talons were certainly dangerous, they were far too vulnerable to continue to be constantly used against armed foes. The War-talon was a solution to this: an old-world 'gauntlet' which retained full mobility of the hands inside a reinforced glove, while shielding her actual talons away behind metal blades. They are effective, but while her normal actions tend to be unhindered by her natural talons, the same cannot be said for the bulky War-talon.


Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Accepted. I have a somewhat obligatory warning about being careful with her hot-headedness, but I've seen you RP.


This currently gives us 2 squad members. Just need a few more to get things rolling.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I'm not worried at all. A few RPs with you is plenty of proof. However, I have a favour to ask. Could you spread the word about this RP and ask a few people if they're interested?

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I'll throw a app down.


Name: Chains


Race: Earth Pony


Age: 32


Gender: Male


Appearance: In Link, as a Anthro his is slightly bigger/bulkier than the other Ponies due to Working out and His Lifestyle


Cutie Mark : A Loot Bag, to symbolise his Talent for Theft and Hoisting.


Personality: In Link


Skills and talents: Previous Firearm Experience, Pre-Planning Heists (can be used to plan Raids on Chaos Controlled Areas and for Stealing Artifacts From Chaos) Hand To Hand Combat, Intimidation.


Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/chains-r7330

Edited by Mr Suit And Tie
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