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Princesses' Ponyville Party (RP)

Rainbow Eclipse

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Luna flipped a page of her book. "So... this afternoon, then?" she asked.


"Indeed, sister. I expect the residents of Ponyville will be excited for our visit," replied Celestia, and took a large bite of her cake.


A guard entered. "Hey, guys... can I hang out with you?" he asked them.


Celestia and Luna looked at each other, then turned back to the guard. "First you have to do that little dance," replied Luna.


The guard fluttered on the spot on his hooves, then flew in a small vertical circle, then shook his rear.


"We are satisifed with your performance. You may indeed join us," Celestia told the guard.




"Finished setting up the party?" asked Twilight, approaching Pinkie.


"Yes indeedy!" replied Pinkie, applying the finishing touches.


"Great!" said Twilight. 'I sure hope Celestia and Luna are impressed with Ponyville...'


Meanwhile, a young red Pegasus stallion was bouncing in anticipation on his way to Sugarcube Corner. "Ooh, I can't wait until the Princesses get here! Aren't they just so awesome?"


At the same time, a white Earth mare was settling down in a field, unsure of what to do with herself. Perhaps she'd shoot some arrows whilst she waited for the arrival of the Princesses.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Meanwhile in the ponyvill fire department...

A young blue Pegasus by the name of sparkle sword was being assigned a patrol route in one of the scariest places known to pony kind

The EVERFREE FOREST !!! Hopeing that no timber wolves were lurking around

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(Ocean Melody)

Ocean Melody was walking around Canterlot, when he came across a sign inviting ponies to go to Ponyville to se ee the princess. Intrigued Ocean thought "Hugh, sounds interesting I think I'll go." Then he saw that there was going to be a party and made a promise to himself not to get involved in the festivities; he was just going to see and talk to the princesses thats was all. So Ocean ended getting tickets for the next train to Ponyville.


Fluttershy was standing In front of a tree rehearsing her birds for the big day. "Ok, now lets try this again remember this is the princesses were playing for today." Sudden a loud noise scared her birds off."What was that!", she hid behind the tree for a long while before realizing it was just Pinkie's party cannon. Even after she realized what the sound was she was still a little shaken up over the whole "ordeal".

"Um, okay lets try that again. A one a two, a three"

Edited by wolfsclaw
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Anala looked up at the clouds. All those days as a filly, wasted away gazing at the clouds, seeing what different patt-




"Sweet Celestia, what was...?! Oh, wait, probably just Pinkie's party cannon." She was rather used to it by now.


Then a flock of different birds passed by. 'Well, you don't have to be Albert Einstable to know where they came from.'




She approached the Pegasus she had talked with a few times in the past. "Miss Fluttershy?" she said. "I'm guessing those were your birds that just flew past?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Me too, Flutters," said Anala. "One time when I stayed in Ponyville, I was sleeping in Horseshoes Hotel as I usually do when I visit. I was having a dream, and was just about to be given first place in an archery contest, when BAM. Party cannon. Pinkie and Vinyl were having a party at three in the bucking morning."

OCs: RileyAnala

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(Sparkle) urgh what was that sound I hope that was just pinkie pie's party cannon

And not a timber wolf or somthing like that but I must bee brave the chief is counting on me

To check this area oh why couldn't he give this place to some ponyelse some pony braver ...

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Will Guide was reading "Beauty and the Beast" to a herd of young foals at the Ponyville Schoolville. "'You came back," said the Beast as he held Belle's relieved face between his paws. Before Belle could say a word, Gaston--" BOOM! A loud noise from outside spooked everypony! "Hey, calm down, my little ponies, Belle and Beast will be okay!" Going outside to investigate the noise, Will realized, "Was that Pinkie's Party Cannon?" He smiled widely! "That means a party's gonna happen, and I gotta attend!"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Riley munched his quadruple-chocolate cupcake with sprinkles. Perhaps he'd go hang out with Anala and-




Riley got excited at that. Pinkie's party cannon! He went outside to her.


"Sounds great, Pinkie!" said Riley.


"Thanks!" replied Pinkie. "Hey, I have an idea."


~~~Twenty seconds later~~~




"Wheeeee!" said Riley with his wings and arms spread as he flew through the skies after being fired from the party cannon.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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(Sparkle) wah !! Two more OK that is defiantly Pinkie's party cannon *twig snapping * umm... Sparkle calm down its probably only some pony else or mabey its a no don't think about it just leave it and hope fully it will go away or maybe I should run NO!!! Sparkle you calm down NOW it's fine Cary on the Chief said he'd kill me if I abandon this area without checking for fires

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As he got off the train, Ocean immediately made the decision that he would go talk to the first pony he saw and find out what the buck was going on. He had heard two more loud booms as he got was traveling closer and they were louder each time. Suddenly he saw a pony saw a pony flying through the sky faster than what he thought was physical possible for a pegasus. "This is the wierdest place every!" Ocean thought to himself. He decided to go try to catch up to the pegasus and see if he knew anything about the booms.

@@Rainbow Eclipse,

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Rainbow was flying through the air, arranging and busting clouds, to get the sky looking nice before the princesses came. "Over to the left a little. Ok there, we're finally done!" She said to the other pegisi helping her. Suddenly a red blur shot past her, almost knowing her out of the air. Rainbow clumsily landed, looking around for the red blur.


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A blue unicorn emerges quite groggily from his humble abode. "Oh, man... why did I volunteer to work so early..." He said with a yawn. He then headed over to Sugar Cube Corner to start setting things up. "Hey Twilight! Sorry about the library..." He said, being a regular at the place, it was close his heart.


Signature by JellyBean.

I'm derping your computer as we speak...

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Riley continued to soar through the air, and saw something approaching. It was the clock tower.


Due to his awkward attempt to get out of the way, he ended up flying right into it.


This caused the bell the ring, and given that Riey was inside it, it was quite loud.


Then, after it had finished, Riley popped out, his body moulded into the shape of a bell.

OCs: RileyAnala

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*boom* Thunderlane jolted upright with a start, flailing his hooves wildly as he fell out of bed and landed flat on his face. He peered around the room from his place on the floor with bleary eyes, looking to open doors leading to the balcony. "Not again...that was a really good dream too." Pinkie Pie had been even more raucous than usual in the mornings over the past week. Something to do with a visit from the princesses; speaking of which, when was that again? He snorted, "Whatever, it's not like I wanted to sleep in on my day off anyway."

Righting himself, he stretched his back, gave a wide yawn, and headed towards the bathroom to brush his teeth. As he passed his dresser, he happened to glanced at the small calender sitting on it. At first nothing seemed unusual about it, but as he reached the bathroom door a strange feeling overtook him and he backpedaled to look at the calender again. Wait a minute, the princesses' visit is today, and if the princesses' visit is today then that means-

A look of shocked horror came over his face and he dashed straight for the balcony, leaping off the platform and into the air. "Rainbow Dash is gonna kill me!"

Edited by Sidon Aldermane

College of Synergetics




Ponysona: Sidon Aldermane OCs: Hearthfire, Camellia, Oryol

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Having grown used to Pinkie's antics, Twilight barely took any note of them. Instead, she focused on the checklist that she'd brought with her in order to keep order over the party arrangements. Right now it seemed as though Fluttershy was already organizing the animals, and she trusted Rainbow to hopefully keep her head together when it came to making sure the weather was clear for the princesses' visit. That left her to fret over what else might need to be done - perhaps to arrange a council to meet with her and greet her as she entered? But she didn't even know the exact time they'd show up... She should've looked into that! Surely as a princess of her own, she would've been prepared by now! Her eyes scanned frantically over the scroll, and she didn't hesitate in frantically scribbling down 'Look into the time'...


"Hey, Twilight! Sorry about the library..." 


Twilight had naively assumed that she would be secluded in Sugarcube Corner. This wasn't the time for visitors, and the alicorn made that clear by swerving around startled by the stallion's voice behind her. She took a deep breath, visibly extending her hoof in front of her chest and then exhaling as she drew it into a motion away from there, much imitating the breathing exercise that Princess Cadence had taught her. "I-it's all right..." She cursed herself mentally for the slight shake in her voice, and cleared her throat. "I miss it, but... I suppose it was destined to go either way." She offered him a nervous smile. "So, ummm... What brings you here?"

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After rolling down the hill, the effects of cartoon physics wore off, and Riley, with a *POP!* sound, went back to his proper shape. He then had yet another craving for chocolate cupcakes, so he went to Sugarcube Corner.




He opened the door. "Hiya, Princess Twilight! Hope you're prepared for the visit!" he said, then ordered a quadruple-chocolate cupcake.

OCs: RileyAnala

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(Sparkle) *distant howling* umm what was that?

(Brown shape emerges from the trees)

(Sparkle) t.t.TIMBER WOLVES RUN!!!!!!!!! The Chife said his kill me but those are timber wolves boss or timber wolves *closer howling* OK RUN!!! Back to ponyvill fire dept I can tell the chife later .

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Sapphire sits down outside of her house looking into Ponyville, "Looks like it's time to meet up with the Others." She smiles walking down the road coming into Ponyville, "I hope they have not eaten all of the Cupcakes yet, Pinkie's really out done herself this year." She stares in awe of the Party Cannon going off in the background, she continues to trot to Sugarcube Corner, Her foal Crystal Breeze trots beside her, "Dwon't fowrget about me Mommy... I want to hewlp out too."  Crystal giggles following her Mother.

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Riley "Mmm"'d as he munched and swallowed more and more of his cupcake. 'Perhaps I shouldn't eat so much junk food,' he thought. 'You could build a town on this rump.'




'Nah, who am I kidding, these cupcakes are de-lish!'




He looked out of the window and noticed a mare walking with a foal, most likely her daughter. "Well, isn't that sweet?"

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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(Sparkle) phew... I'm out and not a second too soon oh but now I'm hungry I guess I should head to sugercube corner I could check on the party when I'm there plus I could get some the cupcakes I wonder how pinkie pie's doing? I'm mean with the whole party going on she's got to be out of her mane with worriy .

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Just then, Rarity stepped out of her boutique with an elegant gown. "Ah, I'm finally done with this, I hope nothing goes wrong." (Sorry, I was late. I didn't had time to read what happened, I promise I will try and be earlier the next time, ugh this character count is annoying)


Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live.

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Riley looked at his half-eaten cupcake. 'Hmm... I think I'll sit in a tree in the Everfree Forest and finish this off there.' With that, he flew out.




As he got outside, he tripped over a rock and his cupcake went flying out of his hoof. He didn't notice it heading straight for Rarity's new gown.

OCs: RileyAnala

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The cupcake went for Rarity's gown, but before that, she had an inspiration. Rarity trotted back to her boutique before it hit her brand new dream and beautiful dress.


The cupcake hit the ground instead. Rarity went back to her boutique and started making ribbons. "Perfect! This will work!" Now, she decorated the walls with beautiful ribbons. (Are we hosting the party at sugarcube corner? I'm curious)


Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live.

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Riley flew over and looked down at the cupcake that had just hit the ground. "Well, whoops," he said. He hadn't noticed that it had almost hit Rarity's new item of clothing.


"Meh. I'll just take a drift."


He put his hoof in his mouth and blew, causing him to inflate like a balloon. He allowed himself to float just above the houses of Ponyville.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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