~ Indigo Windigo ~ 232 October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 (edited) Rarity was getting some fresh-air outside, she sees Riley floating like a balloon above the houses."What in Equestria?" She mumbled and told Rainbow Dash: "Rainbow Dash, did you pull a prank on somepony again? Because he is floating around here, mind getting him down?" Edited October 26, 2014 by MEwiEs_IMTHeCAt Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Melody Word 237 October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 Rainbow looked up in confusion, and saw the floating pony. She started laughing but stopped as she noticed ponies that walked by giving her a weird look. "Actually, I didn't prank anypony in a few days. Especially not today, the weather team has been busy all day! We're finally done though. Speaking of that, have you seen Twilight around? I need to tell her that the weather team is done with their job." Rainbow flew up towards the floating pony. "Uh, are you ok? Your floating really weird.....wait a minute, did Pinkie Pie prank you?" P R O F E S S I O N A L F A N G I R L Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 26, 2014 Author Share October 26, 2014 @@Melody Word, Riley turned his head and looked at Rainbow Dash. "Nopony pranked me," he said. "This is a trick I picked up from a recently-made friend called Storm Shine!" He stuck his hoof into his mouth and blew, causing his body to inflate to a shape round as round can be. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 (edited) (Sparkles stomach rumbeled as a red Pegasus floted past like a ballone ) This town gets weirder every second I'm here. oh I remember I don't have to go to sugarcube corner I stopped off this morning and bought some cupcakes which means I can ... Cary on with my ... Patrol aww... . Back into the forest or mabey I could fly above it to cover more ground. Edited October 26, 2014 by theblueterbulance https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 Sapphire finishes her walk to Sugarcube Corner and heads in, "I hope there are still afew Cupcakes left." She walks up to the counter with Crystal and looks around to see other Ponies sitting in there, "Where is Pinkie Pie?""She is going to be helping out with the Party." Crystal walks outside without her Mom and walks off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 26, 2014 Author Share October 26, 2014 'Whelp, I'm satisfied!' decided Riley. He deflated himself into his proper shape and went for a little flutter along. @, As he slowly flew into Ponyville, he saw a filly walking. He went over to her. "Hi there, kid!" he greeted her. 'Dude, she's some random kid! Why talk to her?' said the left side of his brain. 'Sorry, she's just so adorable!' said the right. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 (edited) @Rainbow Eclipse "Hello Sir, i am Crystal Breeze, have you seen my Mother?" She looks up at him sweetly, "I was hoping she was coming behind me... but we got separated..."Sapphire heads out to start looking for Crystal, "Why did she have to run off...?" She starts to trot towards Crystal Edited October 26, 2014 by Sapphiredragoon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 26, 2014 Author Share October 26, 2014 @, Riley was just about to shake his head and tell the innocent-looking filly that he didn't know the whereabouts of the foal's mother, when he heard a mare's voice: "Why did she have to run off...?" He looked at the mare and then pointed to her and turned to the filly. "Is that her over there?" he asked. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 26, 2014 Share October 26, 2014 "Yep, that's my Mom Sapphire Radiance." She smiles and runs over to her Mom hugging her and she looks back to him and she lets go of her Mom, "Thank you for helping me find my Mother."Sapphire hugs Crystal back, "Thank you for finding my little Filly, Sir... is there anyway i can repay you?" She looks at Riley Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cloud Strife 928 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Twilight Sparkle had turned in order to address the pony greeting her, but before she could, the pony ate and disappeared. Had she really been that wrapped up in what she'd been doing? She supposed it didn't matter much; after all, the fewer ponies around, the less of a distraction she had to face. She needed exactly that now when marking her checklist, so that way she could make certain of it being tidy. Still, she knew ideally this wasn't the best place for her to be spending time in, just because everypony would be passing through here. Perhaps her castle would be more secluded...? @@Melody Word, As soon as the alicorn trotted out of Sugarcube Corner, however, she was met with Rainbow Dash's and Rarity's voices. Rainbow Dash in particular called for her, and Twilight couldn't help an eye twitch. As much as she knew that the pegasus wasn't trying to annoy her, conversing with her meant she couldn't get a minute in edge-wise by herself. Still, she sucked in a breath and put on her best look of practiced civility as she approached the floating pegasus (the same one who attempted to talk to her earlier), as well as her flying friend and Rarity, who stood there looking a touch awkward. Deciding pointedly to ignore the floating pony for the time being, she spoke to Rainbow Dash through gritted teeth, "I heard somepony needed me...?" AVATAR | SIGNATURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Indigo Windigo ~ 232 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 "And how could I forget! I need to bring the dresses that I made for the princesses!" Said Rarity as she trotted back to her boutique, she took her gift for the princesses and went back to sugarcube corner to continue decorating the place. (CHARACTER COUNTS!) Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 27, 2014 Author Share October 27, 2014 @, Riley smiled at the display. Was his heart going to melt if they kept this up? "Oh, it's really no imposition," he told the mare amiably. "All the payment I need is the satisfaction that I didn't let your kid wander lost." "Hey, are you two staying for the party?" he asked them. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Sparkle flapped his wings and took off Wow the sky sure is clear today must be rainbow Dash's work said sparkle oh this looks like a nice place to stop and eat plus I can see sugar cube corner Being honest I actually want to head back because there will be no fires in the everfree because zacora will sort them out meanwhile I've got a party to attend !!! https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Sapphire smiles looking at Riley, "Yes we will, i hope my other children will be safe without me." She walks towards the Party with Crystal A Small light blue dragon follows them a short distance away, "Where is Lady Sapphire going...?" She continues to follow Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 (edited) Sparkle was zooming through the skys heading for the party Whoop he exlamed but then one of ponyvill's houses appeared in front of him sparkle trying to move ploughed into the ground trying to Avoid it and arrived at Riley's legs oh hey Riley you excited for the party ? Said sparkle Edited October 27, 2014 by theblueterbulance https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 27, 2014 Author Share October 27, 2014 @, 'I bet your other children are just as sweet and adorable...' Riley waved the parent and child off. He turned around to see a small, light blue dragon. "Hey there, fella!" he greeted the dragon, and started patting it on the head. 'What cute thing will pop up next?' OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,364 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 After finishing up telling the story of Beauty and the Beast, Will Guide left and went to look for Pinkie Pie, but couldn't find her. "If I could just find her party cannon..." Eventually, he found his old friend Riley, who had just helped a little foal find its mother. The unicorn storyteller walked over to the red Pegasus, who was now patting a small, light blue dragon on its head. "Riley, I heard the sound of Pinkie's Party Cannon eariler." said a disappointed Will Guide. "I thought that meant there was going to be a party." A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Indigo Windigo ~ 232 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 (edited) Rarity went near the red storytelling unicorn: "Don't be dissapoint, there is a party, the princesses are going to be here. And I absoloutely know it's going to be fantastic! I can't wait 'til the princesses see the dresses that I made for them, oh I'm so excited, I can't just wait for them to come! Plus, do you want to help decorate the place?" Edited October 27, 2014 by MEwiEs_IMTHeCAt Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
animaniacs16 9 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Sweet Treats dizzily made her way through the fray, totally confused. She walked up to a white unicorn with spiraling purple hair. "Um, princesses?" She was confused and wanted to understand what was happening. "Excuse me, but what is going on?" The unicorn turned around. THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE LULAMOON is awesome So is Princess Luna! (BEST PRINCESS) Rarity is best Mane Six. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Indigo Windigo ~ 232 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 "We are hosting a party, and the princesses are going to be here. We are decorating the place to welcome the princesses, princess Celestia and Luna. Sadly for Twilight, princess Cadence isn't going to be here though. Oh well, we're almost finished decorating." Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
animaniacs16 9 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 "Oh. That is cool." Sweet Treats took a look at the unicorn's cutie mark. "OH Now I recognize you. You're the dressmaker! Rarity, right?" Sweet Treats looked around the place. "It looks beautiful. May I help with something? My name is Sweet Treats, and I just moved here from Cloudsdale." THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE LULAMOON is awesome So is Princess Luna! (BEST PRINCESS) Rarity is best Mane Six. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 27, 2014 Author Share October 27, 2014 @@WiiGuy2014, Riley pointed at one of the new ponies that had arrived whilst he was still facing towards Will Guide. "Like she said there will b a party!" he said. "Celestia and Luna should be here anytime soon! Won't this be exciting!" he said with great enthusiasm in his voice. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 So anytime soon as in anytime soon or not said sparkle turning to Riley Also I plummet out of the sky and no pony gives a damn about me I guess its the party getting to evrey pony but really ! Anyways I need to be off now and see how pinkie pie's doing by guys https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BinaryPony 120 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 "Okay, now the princess have some peculiar tastes, so here is what you need to know!" Pinkie said, throwing a giant list into the air. Binary stared at the list taking special note of a few things. (Huh, Celestia isn't in to all this lavish stuff... why do we need all this?) "Are you sure this is all necessary?" Binary asked. "Of course it's necessary!" Pinkie replied. Signature by JellyBean. I'm derping your computer as we speak... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 (edited) "Oh...? Sorry that i bumped into you mister..." She curtsies and looks at him, "My name is Aurora Viel, it is nice to meet you." She smiles curiously, "if you wish to see any of Lady Sapphire's there foals let me know." (She has a french Accent like a french maid) She walks off following the others to the PartyCrystal trots beside her Mom back to the party, she watches the Mane Six talking to eachother, "Twilight does not seem very... stable?" Edited October 27, 2014 by Sapphiredragoon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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