Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 27, 2014 Author Share October 27, 2014 (edited) @, "Riley Blythe," said the red Pegasus, shaking the dragon's claw. "And it's really no problem that you bumped into me. Seeing a dragon around here really added a bit of spritz to my day!" What had stood out to him was the dragon's Prench accent. "So... you from Prance?" he asked. Edited October 27, 2014 by Rainbow Eclipse OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Sparkle flew over to twilight and landed next to her Hey guys he said how's the party coming pinkie do you need any help from some pony Or are you fine? By the way do you know when the party is pinkie? I can't wait it's like super ultra fantastic of awesomeness https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Melody Word 237 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Rainbow dropped to the ground and turned to Twilight. "Hey Twilight! The weather team just finished the jobs. Sky looks pretty good if I do say so my self. I'll be a wonderbolt in no time if I keep this up!" She noticed a slightly irritated look on the purple unicorns face. "Uh Twilight, are you ok? Your not stressed out about this whole party thing, are you? You shouldn't worry so much Twilight. It'll be awesome!" Rainbow said, clearly excited for the upcoming party. P R O F E S S I O N A L F A N G I R L Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Hey rainbow I noticed the sky was clear whilst I was on patrol said sparkle. Yeah twilight what rainbow said just enjoy your self today is a day to relax Don't get stressed just because two of the most important ponies in all of equestria are visiting https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cloud Strife 928 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 @@Melody Word, @, As Rainbow and another pegasus whose name Twilight couldn't recall landed nearby the alicorn, she couldn't help but huff indignantly at the nonchalant attitude with which both of them regarded her. It especially seemed ironic when one of them even went as far as to refer to the two ponies in question as the 'most important in all of Equestria'. How could neither of them see why such preparations worked her up in a tizzy? "Of course I'm stressed!" She gave Rainbow a narrow-eyed look, ears swiveling back against her head. "Princesses Celestia and Luna are coming, and I have to make sure this is absolutely perfect for them." The alicorn paced back and forth, levitating her checklist; with the skies cleared, she could at least check that off, which brought her a little bit of closure, but certainly not enough to calm her down. She wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs and she wasn't crazy, but agitation made her muscles tense and her brow furrowed. "With Pinkie Pie goofing off, I'm worried that you aren't all taking this seriously enough..." After all, what could she do if Princess Celestia became angry with her? Sure, she was no longer the same disciple she'd been a few seasons ago, but that didn't mean she wasn't still under Celestia's tutelage. What if she revoked that from her because of general displeasure at her preparations? What if she decided she wasn't worthy of the role that was thrust on her, that she hadn't really earned it? How could Rainbow Dash and this other pony not see that her worry was completely legitimate? AVATAR | SIGNATURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 27, 2014 Author Share October 27, 2014 Just then, a loud fanfare played from above the clouds. Then coming through said cloud was a royal wagon being carried by two Pegasi guards. Of course, Celestia and Luna were on board. The wagon eventually landed on the ground. Celestia approached Twilight, who had just so happened to be the pony they landed next to. The sun princess smiled. "Dearest Twilight, how are things going?" she asked. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Melody Word 237 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 Rainbow Bowes to Celestia, and gave Twilight a reassuring look. [she gets really freaked out easily. It's not even that big a deal, is it? We've meet Celestia plenty of times before! Why is Twilight always so nervous? It always ends out ok.] Rainbow though. She looked up at the sky one last time, now nervous that something was wrong. [Now I'm getting paranoid. I guess it is still a big deal....] Rainbow gazed around at the other ponies in the crowd. Some stood confident, others just as nervous as Twilight. [When this is all over Twilight will be herself again. Next time I should probably just go with it...] P R O F E S S I O N A L F A N G I R L Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 (edited) Sapphire watches the others from a distance with Crystal and Aurora beside her, Her horn glows Dark blue creating a stream around her causing a Blue Dress made out of Silk with Golden Gilding and her Silver necklace with a Moon Pendant, "It seems like a good time to finally wear this." She walks down to them, "Hello Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight, I am Sapphire and I hope you both enjoy you're day."Crystal looks up to Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia, "I am Honored to meet you Princesses i am Crystal Breeze." Her horn glows like blue and creates a small glowing Sunstone. Aurora hids beside Sapphire, "I... i'm nervious..." Edited October 27, 2014 by Sapphiredragoon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cloud Strife 928 October 27, 2014 Share October 27, 2014 @@Rainbow Eclipse,@@Melody Word, Twilight continued to glare at Rainbow, daring her to argue with her, but as soon as the fanfare blared above her, the Alicorn leaped up into the air in fright, wings automatically beating in response to her position in the air, breath becoming ragged from how badly it startled her. She whirled around, and much to her distress, the first thing that she spotted was the chariot they'd been waiting for, carrying both of the princesses and driven by two Pegasi guards. If Twilight had been standing at that moment, she would have been quivering, and even up in the air her wings flapped in a very agitated manner. Trying to pull it together, the Alicorn allowed herself to drift back onto the ground as her hooves landed on it with an audible clop, and she huffed as she straightened her posture, wings pulling themselves to her sides in order to give off the air of composed elegance, despite the clearly-still-palpable anxiety that Twilight gave off. She noticed Rainbow's reassuring expression in her peripheral, but it didn't make her feel all that much better, even if she did appreciate the fact that the Pegasus was at least somewhat sympathetic to her current predicament. 'She hadn't reacted quite like that back when we had to face that dragon before...' It really struck her how much she and her friends had changed over time, and Twilight couldn't help a sense of warm pride both for herself and for the Pegasus standing next to her. Even if Celestia was displeased, she couldn't say she was the same Alicorn - or even an Alicorn at all - as she had been the last time Celestia came exclusively to Ponyville for a visit. Perhaps that was why she felt even more like she was putting on a performance here. She wanted, so desperately, to make Celestia proud, and that she was looking after Ponyville and her friends with an air of confidence that she honestly felt like she didn't really have. She knew, deep down, that she wouldn't be alone in that endeavor, but it didn't prevent her from feeling like she had some sort of weight on her shoulders. That weight cut deep into the kind of pony she was, but it was magnified by the title that she'd earned. Celestia trusted on her and counted on her, as did her friends. She didn't want to let anypony down, and despite the fact that this was a group effort, she couldn't help but feel that it would be all her fault if this somehow managed to flop entirely. "Dearest Twilight, how are things going?" Celestia's soothing voice drifted over the purple Alicorn. Years ago, such a voice would've left her tongue-tied, on the spot, but she'd grown a bit more accustomed to talking to her. That didn't prevent her voice from going into a higher pitch than it was obviously supposed to go, however. "They're going...fine! Yes, fine!" She gave her an ear splitting grin, moment of introspective forgotten as she focused again at the task at hand, which had her heart drumming a mile a minute. "Pinkie Pie's- She's preparing the party cannons, and, um...Rarity's working on the outfits. And I've been organizing the whole thing. So, um, yes! I would say it's going great! You know how dedicated my friends are..." Suddenly, she lowered her hooves in a bow, her eyes closing solemnly, despite the fact that this was a party. It didn't take away the fact that Celestia was, essentially, their ruler. "We're honored to have you here, Princesses." Despite her nervousness, the sincerity of that statement rang true within her voice. AVATAR | SIGNATURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BinaryPony 120 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 Binary bowed to the princess, but started to sweat bullets when he heard quite a worrying cry... "Fire one!" Yells Pinkie Pie, preparing to fire the first cannon. (Please don't nail me...) was the main thought running through Binary's brain as the decorations flew straight over his head. Signature by JellyBean. I'm derping your computer as we speak... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author Share October 28, 2014 @, Celestia beamed like her Sun. "And I'm honoured to see that you all put the effort into making Ponyville like presentable for our visit," she replied. "Not that it wasn't a pleasure to look at already, what with all the smiling faces." "Things are going fine," said Flash Sentry to nopony in particular. "Just us chilling up in Canterlot, chewing poptarts..." Luna whispered into Flash's ear. "Mister Sentry, please alter thy tone of voice mannerisms to suit what we hath back in olden times." Flash nodded, and attempted to restructure his sentence. "...Matters are... goeth... satisfactory. Only us... colding above in Canterlot, teeth making contact with thy poptarts..." Luna eyed Flash for a few seconds. "Please report to my private quarters for language lessons after the party." OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 *Sparkle bows in honour of the two princesses and slowly retreats back to pinkie* Well I guess that answers my question he whispered to her here they are ! I'm so nervous What about you I mean your pinkie pie you can never feel nervous you've met her Before https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cloud Strife 928 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 @@Rainbow Eclipse, "And I'm honored to see that you all put the effort into making Ponyville presentable for our visit. Not that it wasn't a pleasure to look at already, with all the smiling faces." Celestia's warm voice washed over Twilight, and the Alicorn brought herself up to standing again as her crooked and nervous grin mellowed into a more genuine, but sheepish smile. The fact that the princess was so gentle was the reason why Twilight worked so hard to make her proud. After all, what would she do if all that radiance that she brought her turned cold as a result of failure? Right now, though, knowing Celestia was still happy with her brought some relief into her muscles, making her relax and let out a breath through her lips. "Of course, Princess. Why wouldn't we?" That thought was interrupted, though, with the talk of one of the guards with Princess Luna in back. Something about poptarts? The Alicorn let out a small giggle in response to that; she'd met and talked to him once or twice, but she couldn't help the small flutter that his presence brought to her chest. Ultimately, she was more focused on the princesses than she was on him, but all in all it was nice to see him - and even further, it was endearing to see him speak so casually, only to be corrected by Princess Luna on 'The Royal We'. Surely the princess would know by now that times had changed since she'd been banished to the moon. @@BinaryPony, In the back of Twilight's ears she caught the sound of Pinkie Pie firing one of her cannons, along with other ponies commentating on it, as well as a fellow pony remarking that she felt nervous to meet the princesses. 'You and me both,' Twilight couldn't help but think. She'd been under Celestia's tutelage and she still couldn't help but feel nervous. She cleared her throat, trying to keep her eyes on both of them at the same time this time. "So, how about you try some of Sugarcube Corner's delicious treats while you're here?" AVATAR | SIGNATURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 Sapphire walks away from the Princesses towards Sugarcube Corner and her horn glows causing the dress to vanish as quickly as it had come, "I guess none of them wanted to talk to me..." She sighs sitting alone in the corner of the store away from the other happy ponies. Crystal watched her Mother disappear into the crowd and she looks to Aurora, "Good Luck Aurora with everything." She heads back to her house away from all of the insane ponies. Aurora sighs sitting down watching the crowd, "I wonder why they left so early...?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BinaryPony 120 October 28, 2014 Share October 28, 2014 "Fire two!" A second shot grazes Binary has he heads to the corner to a lonely looking blue unicorn. "Hey, is everything okay?" he asked. "Are you feeling lonely? Can I provide some company?" He gives a warm smile and settles next to the unicorn. "My name is Binary, what's yours?" Signature by JellyBean. I'm derping your computer as we speak... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 28, 2014 Author Share October 28, 2014 Anala approached Riley, who was sitting on the refreshments table. "So, I'm guessing you were the pony who was flying through the sky with his tail on fire after I heard a cannon go off?" she questioned. Riley nodded in response. "Wait, my tail was on fire?" he restated. OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 (edited) "I would like that I am Sapphire..." She looks and smiles at him, "you are rather nice to come and talk to me over here, thank you." Sapphire heads over to the counter and pays for a dozen Cupcakes and she brings them back to the Table, "I hope you like Cupcakes Binary." Edited October 29, 2014 by Sapphiredragoon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,364 October 29, 2014 Share October 29, 2014 (edited) @@Rainbow Eclipse "Whoa, that was weird" Will Guide said to Riley. "One moment I was taking to you and Rarity about the party earlier and the next thing I know, I'm here at the refreshments table with you and Anala" Will Guide silently thought, It's like what little Apple Bloom told me while I was reading a story to her class. She told me that on Diamond's Tiara Cutesenera where she would first meet Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, she was thinking of not going to the party due to having no cutie mark while standing in the middle of Sugarcube Corner and the next thing she knew, it was spontaneously some time later and the party has already started around her as if she was just temporarily frozen in place when she refused to go the party and then was thawed out after the party has begun! Weird! "So what did I miss?" Will Guide asked Riley. Edited October 29, 2014 by WiiGuy2014 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Eclipse 3,927 October 29, 2014 Author Share October 29, 2014 (edited) @@WiiGuy2014,"Oh, nothing much," said Riley. "And the princesses are over there if you want to greet them.""Perhaps you should too, Riley. It would distract you from sitting on the refreshments table," commented Anala.Riley sheepishly nodded. "Yeah, about that... should I put this trifle back or throw it away? I kinda sat in it."He got down from the table and turned to show his cream/custard/jam-covered rear end. "I waited a bit to tell you." Edited October 29, 2014 by Rainbow Eclipse OCs: Riley • Anala Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~ Indigo Windigo ~ 232 October 30, 2014 Share October 30, 2014 (edited) @animaniacs16 "Oh, it's already done, you don't have to help really. The princesses are here, oh well, I'm going to greet them " Rarity said as she bows down the princesses. "Princess Celestia and Luna! I'm glad your here, I've made dresses for you, you'll look great in those dresses! I'm sure!" Edited October 30, 2014 by MEwiEs_IMTHeCAt Generosity~ Just sit back and watch how I live. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BinaryPony 120 October 30, 2014 Share October 30, 2014 Binary smiled. "I love cupcakes!" He said with excitement. "Are you excited to see the princesses? I heard that Celestia isn't really into all the formalities, she just wants to be treated like a regular pony." He didn't mean disrespect, he's actually seen how she acts to such things, she plays along, but her expression emanates "This is really unnecessary." Signature by JellyBean. I'm derping your computer as we speak... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 30, 2014 Share October 30, 2014 Sparkle was entering sugar cube corner and saw binary talking to a blue unicorn that he'd never seen before Hey binary who's this he asked curiously I've never met them are they new here if you aren't I'm sparkle sword nice to meet you If your not new then I've never met you before https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
monsdkfndflksdnlksl 50 October 30, 2014 Share October 30, 2014 "It's very exciting to see them again... last time i saw Luna, i was in Canterlot on Busness for my work." Sapphire bites into a cupcake she notices a pony talking to Binary asking who she was, "I am Sapphire Radiance, Nice to meet you i live in Canterlot but i do have a house here it's a Mansion on the edge of town." She smiles, "It's very nice to meet both of you though, maybe you will get to see my Daughter before i leave for Canterlot." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Pixelated Pony 883 October 31, 2014 Share October 31, 2014 Its nice to meet you sapphire have you been here long? Asked Sparkle I've been here 'bout six or seven months myself And i already love this place unfortunately my parents didn't move they stayed in canterlot (Damn character limits there the worst thing ever) https://mlpforums.com/topic/140813-equestrian-robotics/?p=4178709! Equestrian Robotics https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sparkle-sword-r7365 the woolly one nopony cares about Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
animaniacs16 9 October 31, 2014 Share October 31, 2014 As Sweet Treats kneeled down in front of the royals, she bumped into another pony. "Oops, I'm so sorry. I'm known to be clumsy." She blushed and hoped that the pony didnt think she was a TOTAL klutz. She chuckled nervously and looked up at the pony hopefully. (Sorry I wrote a bunch of sentences that were just rambles to get over the limit lol) THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE LULAMOON is awesome So is Princess Luna! (BEST PRINCESS) Rarity is best Mane Six. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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