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private A Nightmare Night to remember! RP

Nameless Knight

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/112876-a-nightmare-night-to-remember-horror-mystery-sol/#entry3200822


On the night of Nightmare Night, you received an invitation to a costume party, The party was to be held in a abandoned house in the middle of the Everfree Forest in the middle of an old graveyard, the perfect place for a Nightmare Night party. 

All you know about the pony who sent it to you is, they signed it P.

The night is dark, and fog fills the Everfree Forest, this will surely be a night you will never forget!



Times and Shadow approached the house. "It seems we are the first ones here..." Times said. Shadow heard the howl of a timber wolf. A cold chill went down her spine. "Lets get inside, I bumped into a grave back there and I was sure, I felt something touch my leg." Shadow said.


Times slowly began to open the door. It slowly creaked open, Times walking in and looked around. The room was completely dark. "Shadow is this what you see?" Times said before bumping into something "Ow" He said. "sorry" Shadow said. Times started to search the wall for a light switch.


Shadow walked around the room normally and went up to a wall and felt around, she felt the light switch and pressed it. The room lit up and it looked pretty good for an abandoned house.


Times looked around, there was a couch and coffee table, also there were strange red flowers in pots around the room. "It seems like somepony tidied up, but there is nopony else here... hmmm"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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In the bushes, some rabbits were hopping about. Another rabbit hopped past... only this wasn't a rabbit. It was a pony dressed up as a giant, pink rabbit. "This party is gonna have more energy than a multipack of soda, I just know it!" Riley said to himself enthusiastically.




He entered the house to see two other ponies. "Hiya! Am I at the right house? Or am I at the wrong house, which could get me arrested for trespassing?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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Dust was excited for the party. She walked towards the house and knocked."Why do i even knock?" She thinks. She looked at the door and slowly pushes it open. She sees three ponies. She giggles seeying the pink rabbit suited pony. "Um,hi i...err well... came here because of the invitaion from P and i got nothing to do... so i came here... Is this everypony? Am i at the right place?

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Times broke out laugh once he saw the pony in the bunny costume. "I thought this was a Nightmare Night party, not an easter party!" He struggled to speak because he was out of breath.


Shadow looking in the direction of the two new ponies. "I think so, are there any other abandoned houses in the middle of a graveyard." She said before hitting Times in the back of the head for being rude.


"What! his costume is hilarious!" He said rubbing the back of his head. "I'm Times by the way." He went to readjust his glasses but poked himself in the eye with the fake dragon claw. "ow..."


"...and I am Shadow." She said before removing her mask, her solid white eyes contrasted with the darkness and a smile on her face.


Times looked at the mare that just entered the room, "Speaking of P, who is P any way... at first I thought it was Pinkie Pie but it isn't her hoof writing, and they wrote Shadow's invitation  in braille. Pinkie doesn't know how to write or read braille."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Riley decided to explain. "Nightmare Night is about giving people surprises, correct?" he said. "Well, a cute, fluffy, pink bunny is the thing you'd least associate Nightmare Night with. So, when whoever's judging sees a bunny amongst a bunch of ghosts and monsters, they'll be surprised!"


"Joke's on you, buddy, because I'm probably not gonna hurt myself by adjusting my glasses, because A, my costume is fluffy, and B, I don't wear glasses!"




He turned to the mare who had arrived. "And hi."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Hi everypony" Dust replied."Maybe we should sit on the couch and wait for P?

I mean, it is probally a big surprise who she or he is." Dust smiles. "What could go wrong?" Dust looks at the pink bunny suited pony."Any unpleasant things laugh to death seeying this bunny" she giggled

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"Laugh while you still can," said Riley. "Wait, that won't make sense. Ah, whatever. Anyway, anypony know where the - oh, there it is!"


Riley hopped like a bunny over to the TV. He took out an assortment of DVDs. "Anypony up for a horror movie?" he asked. "I have non-horror movies too."

OCs: RileyAnala

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Dusk trotted up to the house hesitantly. She was normally one for parties but this one just gave her the strangest feeling for some unknown reason. At least she normally knew who the invites were from. She didn't have many friends but the ones she had were fairly close to her and she knew them quite well. 


She trotted up to the house and after quickly adjusting her helmet making sure she looked halfway decent. Her armor was old, something left behind by her parents, so it was formal, functional, and fashionable as a costume all at the same time. The navy blue standing out against her red mane. 


After taking a deep breath she opened the door and poked her head inside the house. "Um...hello?" She said trying to fake confidence.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Times went up to the TV and removed a cob web. "does this thing even work..." He tried turning it one and he received a shock "OWW!" He said holding his hoof.


Shadow sat down on the couch and said "I think that thing is a fire hazard..."


@@Fire Lily


Times looked at the mare peaking into the house. "Hello! did you get the same invitation or are you just looking around?" He said waving at her.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Flutter Dusk giggled a little at the stallion who just got zapped. "Well, yes actually I did receive this strange invite actually, she said pulling it out of a hidden pocket in her armor. "It said there was some pony here and it was signed just P. I don't know any P so I figured I'd come check out to see what was going on. Seem's kinda scary even for a nightmare night party."

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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"Laugh while you still can," said Riley. "Wait, that won't make sense. Ah, whatever. Anyway, anypony know where the - oh, there it is!"


Riley hopped like a bunny over to the TV. He took out an assortment of DVDs. "Anypony up for a horror movie?" he asked. "I have non-horror movies too."

"As long it has no blood in it, i won't mind". Dust walks to the TV and inspects it. "I'll be honest,if this thing works then you can have all my money. This is a piece of junk." Dust goes to the couch."Maybe the kitchen has some snacks?, or a note from P" Dust smiles at everypony. "Somepony coming with me to the kitchen"

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(Note: I will not continue the 'plot' until everyone has posted at least once)



Shadow looked at her, "I will" She said before standing up.


@@Fire Lily,


"Its not that scary... except for the graveyard out there..." Times had an idea and his tone changed to that of a horror movie narrator " Maybe when midnight strikes the dead will come out of there graves and come after us!"


Shadow looked at him "That is impossible, they would be too decayed to even escape their coffins."


Times looked at her and said "your no fun...." He then looked behind the TV, the wire that connected it to the wall was damaged "This must be what shocked me..." He looked at it and said "It looks like has been chewed on... maybe rats..." He then quickly unplugged the TV. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(Freaking timezones...)


Stormlight walks towards the graveyard, feeling her cape move with the wind. A costume party, huh? She was delighted she got an invitation. Looking at the house the party was going to be at, it gave an eerie and spine-chilling feeling. This was a perfect setting for a horror-loving mare like her. "Alrighty, let's see where this party goes!"

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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@, (I know that feel bro, I'm scared of falling way behind alreay) 


Flutter Dusk stares at Times "I thought zombies were just a myth. Like something old mares tell the foals to scare them into being good and going to bed at night. She said taking a look around the house but being careful not to exactly go too far away from the others either in spite of her curiousity about what exactly else was in the house. Her attention being mysteriously drawn to a staircase going to the upper levels.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@, (I know that feel bro, I'm scared of falling way behind alreay) 


Flutter Dusk stares at Times "I thought zombies were just a myth. Like something old mares tell the foals to scare them into being good and going to bed at night. She said taking a look around the house but being careful not to exactly go too far away from the others either in spite of her curiousity about what exactly else was in the house. Her attention being mysteriously drawn to a staircase going to the upper levels.

Giving a sigh, Stormlight slowly opens the door to the abandoned house, seeing that other ponied were already inside. Geez, I'm late...oh wells, she thought. She can see them looking at her when she closed the door With a happy grin, her fake fangs are bared and say, "Sorry about that, hello!"

Credit for signature goes to Eazyfries

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@@Fire Lily,

"most of the old mare tales are real... remember Nightmare Moon, ponies thought that was just an old mare tale..." As Times said that he heard thunder, "That was scarily convenient..." He said before chuckling. He then went to a window and looked out it "...but strange, not a cloud in the sky..."



He then saw a new mare, "Hello! Count Dracula..."


Shadow looked in the direction of the new pony. "Hello..."

She was confused about the thunder.

Edited by Spritebot model ED-E

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Dusk stared down at her boots, trying to avoid acknowledging the fact that Times might just be right. Being one to enjoy the rain though she didn't put too much thought into it. "Well at least nothing too terrible could happen, I think." She said walking over to the window. "Still better inside than out though on a night like tonight." She trotted over to a couch and curled up on it and wondered if there ever was a P to begin with.

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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Dust walks inside the kitchen and notices the webs and dust."This hasn't been used for a long time" she walks to the oven and opens it. In it,lies a karkas from what was a chicken."Never got eaten,poor chicken" Dust heard her tummy rumble."somewhere must be food" she notices a milk pack.She checks the expiration date."Yeah....that is expired,i am hungry! Where is the candy?" Dust looks at Shadow."You see anything eatable?"

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Glitch Twitch finally found the house after getting lost in the forest far more times than he'd like to admit. He knocked and went on with quick wave to the other Ponies gathered in the house before adjusting his scarf. "Hey, you other Ponies, sorry I'm late.... ran into a few timey-wimey problems, you understand", he said to sound in character.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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 Shadow looked at Dust, "I don't see anything... I should have told you, I'm blind, sorry." She said as she began to feel around, "By the fact you found a chicken, this home must have belonged to a griffin or a pony with a strange taste in food." She said.


@@Fire Lily,

Times looked at her, "Well If Zombies do exist, I'm fine... Shadow says I have a thick skull..."


He then noticed another pony come in "Hello..."


(I will continue the plot in my next post.)

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@Spritebot Model ED-E


"Right...Sorry" Dust touched Shadow. "I didn't know, you maybe smell anything? I mean your other senses are better right?" Dust opend every cabinet, in one she found a can of beans."It's something" she shruged."You like beans? Your friend to?"

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(Stupid autocorrect turned Timey-wimey into times women....) Glitch nodded at Times causing his fez to fall off(Glitch is a bit wierd so he decided to mix the doctors outfits together from the different doctors) which he quickly scooped up and dropped back on his head.

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Shadow and Times heard something coming from upstairs.


Shadow looked at Dust "You hear that? sounds like foot steps"


Times' ears perked up, He whispered "footsteps..." He then said "You guys stay down here, I'm going to investigate that sound..." Times went up stairs, the stairs creaked, and the light in the hallway flickered. There were a couple rooms, and the hallway seem to go on forever, but it was just an optical allusion...


He found a torn piece of paper and picked it up and read it:




Times scratched his chin... "2? why do things have to be so cryptic..." He then went back down stairs "Found something!"


(Note: The front door and back door are locked now! No getting out of the house!)

Edited by Spritebot model ED-E

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Dusk bit her bottom lip trying not to hurt herself as she watched Times go up the stairs. A very large part of her wanted to follow and explore. She flapped her wings once in irratation as she watched him go up, not noticing or really caring if anyone was close enough to accidentally get slapped. In spite of being young she thought she was more than capable of taking care of herself, convieniently ignoring more than a couple times she had been proven wrong there. She glanced over in his general direction trying to be nonchalent. "What'd you find?"

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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@@Fire Lily,

"A piece of paper, signed by P. All it says is 2.... what does 2 mean..." He said before turning saying "Shadow! come in here!"


Shadow left the kitchen and looked at Times "Yes..."


"I found a piece of paper... left by P." Times said before giving it to Shadow. "it says 2..."


Shadow scratched her head and began to think about what it could mean.... "Anypony have any Idea what it means..." 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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