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open Cider Party! =D

Storm Shine

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Fshia was in a daze when the pony popped out. Still thinking of how she missed brushing her tail in her rush. 


"WAH! Er, ahem. Yes! I am! My name Fushia. I hope you wouldn't mind if I vlog from your cider party?"


*He came out of nowhere...Did he come out of my tail??...Of course not.....I've got my eye on you tail.*


Fushia observed the pony named Strom Shine was very hyper and energentic -as she is whenever she's super happy or excited. And she just adored apple cider, it was one of her most favorite things to drink. She thought about how the party was going to be a blast as she waited for Storm's response. She was the type of poy who didn't like to waste a second not doing anything prodictive. 

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Nimble smiled. "Yeah, sounds like fun! Don't worry about that piece though.."




Storm disappeared with a quick "hold on a second!" as a seemingly random feather twitched on his right wing.


~~Back with Reece and Nimble~~


Appearing next to Nimble, Storm asked "Yo, little bro.. Something you needed?" Nimble smiled and nodded, "Yeah, do you have any gum? Reece wants to see how big of a bubble he can blow.."

Storm smiled as he pulled a small table and a large sack from... somewhere.. "Yep! Here.." He set down the table and upended the sack over it, sending a mountain of unopened bubblegum onto the small table. Then, he put a small ice chest from.. Somewhere.. down next to it and opened it, showing lots of apple juice. "Have at it! I've got to go and greet more guests, but you two have fun!" Storm told them happily before disappearing again.


Nimble shook his head and closed the ice chest with a smile.


@@Pink Brook


Storm reappeared next to Fushia, on the other side. "Yeah, no problem! feel free to vlog and don't forget, the cider's all free!" He told her smiling happily. "Vinyl should have the music going soon, I hope you don't mind a bit of wubstep.."

Edited by Storm Shine
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"Woah! Your faster than Filly-Second! I'm definatly puting you on my 'ponies of intrest' list."


Fushia smiled at Storm and went to get apple cider. She grabbed a mug and filled it to the brim. The she trotted around untill she found a good spot for her to set up. This party had a good vibe -or bass since Viynl was coming.


*Okay, now I just think of my script and wait 'till more ponies come!*

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Reece Blythe




"Thanks!" Reece called after Storm. He looked back to Nimble and the bubblegum. "I've been practicing," said Reece. He placed some gum into his mouth, chewed it a good bit, then blew, which produced a bubble nearly the size of his head before it popped.


He bundled the used gum up. "Pretty cool, huh?" said Reece.



Riley Blythe




"Be right back, man. Gotta check on Reece," said Riley, and trotted off.


He approached the two young colts. "Everything alright, fellas?" he asked.


"Sure!" said Reece. "Hey, big bro, why don't you show us how good you can blow bubblegum?"


Riley nodded and grabbed some wads of gum from the table, and inserted them into his mouth. He blew a bubble that only grew bigger and bigger until it enveloped Riley, who floated around in the bubble, now not connected to a mouth.

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


"Alright man." *He said, watching the stallion trot on his way. He turned to Vinyl to start talking to her about helping out and watching and learning. While he was talking with her, Vinyl lifted her glasses and was staring off at something behind him, and he turned around to see a large punk bubble floating around.* "Huh?"

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Melody flew around thee room a couple of times, stretching her wings as much as she could. She went over to the cider stand, and after she got her mug of cider, she began slowly sipping it. She looked around and noticed a new pony had arrived. She shrugged and headed over to talk to her, careful not to spill her drink.. [i'm being a real wall-flower today, I need to start doing some actual partying, or at least talk to somepony.] She thought as she headed towards the new pony. "Hi! I'm Melody Word."

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The Blythe Brothers




After Riley freed himself from the bubble, he and Reece tilted their heads in confusion. "Oh? What did he do?" asked Riley. "What could he have done?"


'Did he blow a bubble around someone's house and send it flying up into space? And then did it pop, sending a house plummeting down to the ground?' mused Reece.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse
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"Wait my drinks damnit." Radiant yelled in frustration as Storm ran off to greet the new ponies. Radiant wouldn't have come in the first place had she known that the service was going to be like this. The whole reason she had left Dodge Junction was because she wanted to get drunk on the best cider in Equestria. WHICH WASN'T HAPPENING!! She held her tail back up after the stallion had stepped on it and bludgeoned it against the wall in anger making a cracked dent in it. She wasn't getting drunk. She wasn't getting in a fight and didn't score any points with the colorless mare either. Radiant was not a happy pony.


(OOC: You guys post at 5 in morning....damn))

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Storm appeared on Radiant's tail again. "You do know that the mugs and cider tap are right in front of you... Right?" He asked her, pointing in front of her.


@@Rainbow Eclipse,

Nimble smiled wryly. "He nearly enveloped the town..." He said in a deadpan. "The only reason he didn't, is because he was flying pretty high when he blew the bubble... I'd have asked how he got that much gum in his mouth, but it wouldn't have been worth the headache..."
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"Oh man..." said Reece. He and his older brother burst out into laughter afterwards.


Reece bent down and looked into the mousehole. "Still, it's a shame that the gumball is gone..." he complained.


Riley held up a familiar purple glass bottle. "Why don't you walk in and fetch it?"

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Nimble waved his hooves nervously. "I don't know... Storm told me about that shrinking stuff, and while giant muffins are appealing... Parties get crazy, and I don't want to end up squished under dancing pony hooves...." He told them, glancing around nervously

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"Yup, it's a shrinking potion," Riley revealed to Reece. "But don't worry! I can keep you safe and make sure you don't end up squished," he went on.


Reece thought about it. "Sure, let's do it!" he said at last.



Anala Elderberry


Anala, meanwhile, was rather content with large helpings of cider.

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"They weren't there a second ago!" Radiant exclaimed and picked up her mugs of delicious cider and went to the darkest part of the party and sat down all six of her cider filled mugs on the table. As Radiant sat down and drank a gulp of her cider she scanned the party for suspected fighters as she drank. Step 1: Get Cider. status: Complete

Step 2 : Get drunk. Status: In progress

This was going to take awhile she thought as she tried to get drunk. The cider wasn't as strong as she thought it was going to be.

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"Whee! It's fun riding on your tail!" Storm exclaimed from atop Radiant's tail. "Though you know you can socialize with the other ponies, right?" He asked her with a smile still stuck on his muzzle.


@@Rainbow Eclipse


"I don't know..." Nimble commented uncertainly. "It still seems pretty dangerous...."

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Ahaban was near finished with his drink. Leaving his table he approaches back to the Cider dispenser. He nods in a greeting fashion to the pony in front of him.

"Good day." He says, his foreign accent a bit notable.

Once said pony was finished filling his drink, Ahaban placed his tankard next and began to refill.

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"I'll go in on my own, then," said Reece.


Riley grabbed a cup from... somewhere... and dripped ten drops into it.


"If you drink that, you'll remain shrunk for five minutes," he told Reece. "That should be enough time."


Reece nodded, and drank up.



Anala Elderberry




Anala eyed the mare with no less than six mugs of cider.


'I wonder if it was just a bunch of alcohol that made her think she's lez?' she mused.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse
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@@Rainbow Eclipse



"It's dangerous... But I can't just let my new friend go in there alone..." Nimble thought worriedly. "I'll go too!" He told Riley and Reece. "I can't just let my new friend go into this alone..." Nimble exclaimed. "So I'm going in with him.... It's the right thing to do!" He said, speaking to both himself and the others.

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"That can be arranged!" said Riley, and poured ten drops of the potion back into the now-empty cup and gave it to Nimble.


"Yeah!" said Reece, who Riley had picked up and placed on his head.



Anala Elderberry


Nevertheless, the archer mare continued drinking.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse
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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Nimble took the cup and looked at it nervously. "Alright, down the hatch!" He thought, quickly downing the potion. "No turning back now... Heh, big bro's probably going to be proud of me for this.... Though he might also get a bit annoyed that I didn't tell him first..." Nimble mused, feeling amused.

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@illusive pony

"Howdy" he greeted the Pegasus stallion with the interesting accent. He sipped the head off of his glass.


"What business are you in?" He asked, attempting to strike up a conversation. He wasn't sure whether this conversation would go off well, but it beat sitting alone.

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"Business? Like... Occupation? " he ponders not sure if he actually ment by his career,

"I work as a contractor. I'm with Equestrian Strategies Corp." He answers, he points his hoof to the insignia brand on his vest, depicting a pair of crossed pegasus wings with a sword and shield centered.


"I am Ahaban. Nice to meet you." He says

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"That's assuming he finds out," said Riley with a devious smirk to the two shrunken colts.


"Then let's go!" said Reece, and he set foot into the mousehole.




The environment was like a cave. It was strewn with cobwebs, it felt cold and damp, and it felt as if the walls could cave in at any moment.


A mouse appeared.

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"Interesting, the name is Dexterous, Dexterous Wings. I run search and rescue spotting. My specialty is endurance flying." Dex felt a little calmer and took a bigger swig of cider.


"Nice to meet you as well." He invited him to sit at a nearby couple of chairs.

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@@Rainbow Eclipse



Nimble waved at the mouse. "Hi! Have you seen a gumball roll this way?" He asked it. "My friend here lost it and we're trying to find it.." Nimble informed the mouse while motioning to Reece, attempting to do things Storm's way. "He'll be happy to know that I at least tried reason and friendship with it..."

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