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open A match made in Chaos [Romance, Mystery, Random. IC]

The Shadow Stallion

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OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/114160-a-match-made-in-chaos-romance-mystery-random-ooc/#entry3237074


Another year and hearts and hooves day is just in one week. You feel sad that everypony else has somepony and you do not, that is before you get the invitation.


Through a slip in the mail, or carried by some magical wind (Wherever you may live this note will find thee) a small invitation flies into your room and right onto your lap. It is an invitation to the Lonelyheart Hotel. It seems practically like paradise with a giant pool, fully staffed restaraunt and spa, and even great rooms, it also is beach fron property with a nice view of the ocean. Of course there are many other miscellaneous rooms to explore with various activities. You get this all for just one week, and for free to boot. It seems rather fishy, but you are rather lonely and the potential prospect of meeting other ponies who feel just as lonely as you is rather enticing. At least when hearts and hooves day arrived, you wouldn't be totally alone.


So you pack your bags and off to the Lonelyheart Hotel you go. There are several questions though; Who owns this hotel, why were you chosen, how did they know you were lonely, and will you find love this year?


Let the answers be revealed...

Shadowknight arrived at the Lonelyheart Hotel. All he carried on his back was a small saddlebag filled with essentials. He also wore his leafy cloak which covered him from horn to hoof. He was very nervous about this whole hotel thing. He wasn't used to socializing, but he did want a special somepony. He saw how happy Pony couples were and he wanted to feel like that, instead of feeling like a bat out in daytime. He quickly entered the hotel and gazed around at the lounge, it was beautiful. He stood there, openmouthed at it, but of course nopony could see his expression under his leafy cloak.

Edited by The Shadow Stallion
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Shadowknight felt a bit uncomfortable in the hotel. After all he had been raised in the everfree for most of his life. He walked up to the front desk and signed in. In a few moments he was up in his room. It was large and included all the comforts a pony could need and want. However to Shadowknight it seemed a bit...much. He decided to go outside for a walk.


He left the hotel and marched toward the nearby forest. 'It's all too perfect' Shadowknight thought to himself as he strolled underneath the boughs of a tree and deeper into the forest, completely avoiding the path that had been laid out.

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Mezra rarely received mail.  So when she got the strange letter she was pretty surprised and a little excited. For the past months she was doing nothing but tests and experiments, but one days she started to crave interaction with living breathing ponies instead of the undead ones she keeps around to help her out. She was also stating to feel lonely in more ways then one. And she didn't know why. 


So she thought this might be a good way to meet new ponies and maybe grow close with some of them. After backing up another cloak like she one she was already wearing, a few soul stones cause you never know when you might need them, some bits, a  dress that a friend made fore her and of course her spell book witch she wears around her all the time. Oh, but she couldn't forget her pet undead rat, Lucy. After she had everything she casted a spell that would teleport near where she needed to go. 


After stepping though the portal she found herself in a forest that was almost like where she lived. But less eerie. She then made her way towards where she thought was the right way. 

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Storm Strafe had been spending the day at her cousin Silver Belle's Canterlot home watching Doctor Whooves with her when they each received a letter inviting them to the LonelyHeart Hotel. Storm crumpled the invitation up and tossed it the trash as Silver got up and pack her saddlebag with a few essentials. "Seriously... You're gonna waste your time going there? You'll just end up feeling more lonely when everypony else finds a special somepony and you dont", Storm said as Silver teleported to the hotel and winding up in a forest. Storm eventually groaned and picked up the the invitation and flew to the hotel, landing on the roof.

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Just the other day, after spending majority of the day locked up in his house, Leon received a letter through his window. It surprised him since this has never happen before, especially since his house is located high in altitude where there's a decrease in oxygen levels. Not to mention, his mailbox is located on the ground. At first the young stallion thought the mail had escape the mail courier and had the wind carry it all the way to his home, but after giving it a second look he noticed something. "You are invited, wait... why is my name on here?" he thought to himself wondering if this was some sort of prank. The only question is, who would come all the way up here to visit him? The pegasus rarely gets any visitors, hay, most of them tend to avoid him due to his seemingly anti-social personality. After returning to his couch, and debating with himself whether to open the invitation, Leon finally decided to take a 'quick' look at its contents. After viewing the invitation thoroughly the pegasus was at a loss for words. He was basically invited to stay in a rather well-built and seemingly extravagant hotel for a week. Did he also mention it was free? However, the name of the hotel through him off. "Lonelyheart... I am most certainly NOT lonely." he gave an cold piercing stare at the invitation.


Despite that thought the young stallion is currently heading towards the direction of the said hotel. The only thing he brought was the essentials, which is mainly books to read and a pair of reading glasses. "Remind me why I'm going again...?" he sighed and can't believe he's actually doing this. He would never admit it, but maybe he does feel a tad lonely from time to time. Also, why is it that seeing ponies get together sharing laughs and having a great time gets on his nerves, especially if he's witnessing a couple being all mushy with one another? He knew the reason, but he just refuses to accept the fact that maybe he actually want friends or maybe even a special somepony. What did he do for Hearts and Hooves Day? Stay in his room and read. The previous holiday? Stay in his living room and read. What about the year before that? Stay in-  "Okay, okay, I get it!" the more he recalled how he spent most of time, the more he felt irritated with himself. Every step he took a tugging in his heart gradually grew. "Don't tell me I'm actually anxious.. Am I looking forward to this? Okay, Leon, just calm down. Just think positive. It's a one week vacation, has a pool, spa facility, great view of the ocean, a beach, which remind me that it's been a while since I've been to one, and the best part is it's free!" Leon immersed himself in his own thought, not paying attention to anything else, as he travelled down the road and into the forest. Eventually the pegasus found himself staring at the hotel before him and unintentionally gulped. Literally shaking off his anxiety the stallion paced himself and went inside to the lounge. "Right, so... now what? Show the invitation to somepony?" Leon searched around the lounge, but eventually found himself examining every detail of the vicinity.

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Renegade slowly trotted through the woods on his way to the Lonelyheart Hotel. As soon as he had gotten the invitation, he had immediately packed his bags and set off for his journey. "I wonder if I'll meet a pretty mare..." he wondered out loud, the leaves crunching beneath his hooves.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Shadowknight walked through the forest for a little while longer before seeing somepony else. He made sure that his cloak was in place to cover himself up. The only reason he had noticed the other pony was because they had been speaking out loud. Shadowknight had only seen a flash of red through the trees. He walked toward the flash of red and called out. "Excuse me. Are you here for that Lonelyheart Hotel thing too?" Shadowknight caught up and noticed it was a male Unicorn with a red hide. It was Renegade, while Shadowknight had hoped to meet a mare, he was just glad to meet somepony else that was going to this Lonelyheart Hotel thing. Shadowknight did realize how creepy it must seem that a random pony wearing a full body covering cloak walking out of forest and asking about a Lonelyheart Hotel must be. However, he couldn't bring himself to lower his hood, so he kept it up as he walked up to the other Stallion.

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"Why, yes I am." replied Renegade with a hearty grin. "Do you know where I can find it?" he asked the other stallion. Renegade stared at the stallion for a minute, trying to get a good look at him. "Um, sir, why is your hood like that?" he asked, trying not to sound rude.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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After what it seems to be like an eternity, Leon finally snapped back to reality and headed towards a pony behind the counter. The stallion said nothing but pulled out the invitation that magically flew into his house and handed it over to the clerk. With a small exchange of greetings with each other, well mainly just the clerk speaking since Leon only gave a slight nod, the pegasus turned his back towards the pony and made himself towards the elevator. He was lucky enough to obtain a room at the very upper level of the hotel. After all, Leon does like a place with a good view. Many it was because he's a pegasus, but he digress. Upon arriving into to his room, and finding nothing to do the moment, the stallion hoped onto a comfy sofa chair and pulled out a book in his, one of two, travel bags to immerse himself as he waits for the time.

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After getting sidetracked few times, Mezra finally made it to the hotel. When she went to the front desk she had to stand on her hind legs just to sign in and get her room key. When she was done she headed for her room on the fifth floor. She made sure to hid her pet rat because she wasn't sure they allowed pets let alone undead pets. 

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Shadowknight looked a bit down and then said. "I er... get nervous when meeting other ponies. This cloak makes me feel safe." It was only partially a lie. He did get nervous when meeting other ponies and it did help him feel safe, but the main reason was because direct sunlight severely weakened him. "Anyhow, the hotel is just up ahead. I'm wondering if anypony else made it there yet." Shadowknight continued as he lead the way. "Also I wonder who summoned all of us and how they knew well......" Shadowknight trailed off. It needn't be said that only those that had been lonely received this invitation.

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Renegade nodded, wondering the same thing. "Yeah...how could somepony have known we were all lonely? Makes you wonder." Renegade continued to follow his new friend to the hotel. "You know, it's funny: it's the week before Hearts and Hooves Day, and all of a sudden we get an invitation to some hotel." After arriving at the hotel, Renegade ordered a room, which, by coincidence, was next to Wolf's.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Renegade opened his door...and was greeted by the sight of a VERY beautiful mare. "Ummm...yes?" he asked. "Can I help you?" Looking at the mare, his mind began racing with excitement. OMYCELESTIA! THERE'S A MARE IN FRONT OF ME! I wonder what she wants..., he thought. Probably an extra key or something.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Renegade looked at Wolf and smiled. "I don't know if there's a hot tub, but I can get you the next best thing. Come inside and make yourself at home." He lead her inside and into his bathroom. The bathtub was quite large, big enough for two. Renegade turned on the water and made it nice, warm, and relaxing.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Renegade was confused by what Wolf had just said. "You do realize that's just a made-up story, right? No sane pony would ACTUALLY steal a kidney. I should know. I am sane, after all." Renegade motioned for Wolf to get into the bathtub. "It's just the right temperature. Go on, there's nothing to be afraid of."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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(I hope you guys know we were supposed to be taking turns here. Me1 post , then everyone else makes 1 post, back to me 1 post, everyone else 1 post, and so on o.- Ah well -shrugs-)


Shadowknight was in the lounge area, sitting awkwardly by himself, holding a mug of hot apple cider. He had departed Renegade's company not too long ago, but so far Renegade was the only other pony he had seen. It would be really awkward if there were only two stallions at this hotel, he hoped some mares would show up soon. However, that also made him a bit nervous, he was very awkward when it came to talking to mares. "Maybe it was a bad idea to come here....Well if anything at least I get to experience how rich ponies live." Shadowknight said as he hunched over his drink. It appeared there was no one else in the lounge area so he decided to lower his hood. He shook his black mane free and blinked a few times to help his eyes adjust a bit.

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(Wait a minute...wasn't Wolf with Renegade? I thought they were gonna take a bath together...)


Renegade had noticed Wolf had left, so he glumly trotted into the lounge...and had noticed Wolf talking to another stallion. The unicorn started feeling something...a new kind of emotion. He hated that stallion and wanted to get rid of him. But why? He hadn't done anything wrong. 


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Shadowknight had been intently focused on drinking his cider that he didn't see Wolfy come up and take a seat beside him. He nearly choked on his cider and quickly pulled his hood up. "Er um ah...yes it is okay..." Shadowknight said becoming rather nervous and shy. He never did well when it came to mares and the way that she had suddenly looked at him. He knew it was too late to conceal himself but his cloak made him feel a bit safer when socializing with others. He thought it was better to conceal his face so nopony could read his expression and see how awkward he was. He didn't even need to mention the whole dark alicorn thing which generally made other ponies wary or even fearful of him.

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Renegade sensed Wolf's sarcasm, and responded with some of his own. "O brave new world, that has such ponies in it." His tone conveyed a sense of jealousy and lust towards Wolf. "So, how are you?" he asked Wolf, his tone still very much bitter and cold. He had a look of disgust, which he directed towards Shadow.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Shadowknight was confused. First this mare came over to sit by him and now the stallion he had met earlier was glaring at him as if he had just stolen something. "There is no need to be so hostile, we are all for the same reason, aren't we?" Shadowknight asked this calmly. He was still nervous by the presence of the mare and didn't blame her for scooting away from him when he had pulled his hood up. Shadowknight hoped things wouldn't get violent for whatever wrong the other stallion thought Shadowknight had commited toward him.

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Shadow Dancer just came home from a day at the forge when he checked his mail. "Bill, Bill, junk, and even more junk mail." He almost missed it, a small invitation letter to some Lonelyhearts Hotel for a weeks visit, from that day to hearts and hooves day.


He read the letter and thought about it deciding he had nothing to loose he accepted and was promptly teleported to a forest facing north. Shrugging Shadow Dancer walked forward.


The ex-soilder was greeted with the sight of a five star hotel that was called Lonelyhearts Hotel. Now at his destination in front of him he walked in and showed the inventation to the clerk, whom nodded and gave him a room and keys.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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"I er am sorry." Shadowknight was glad his hood was up and that he had a dark hide, for if anypony could see his face at that moment they would see a very red stallion indeed. "I um don't do well... socially." Shadowknight slightly recoiled from Wolf's touch. It wasn't that he didn't like it it was just that he wasn't used to much physical contact with other ponies, especially mares. "Also I have a bit of er a condition where lots of light hurts my eyes and um since your coat is so bright it well er... blinded me a bit." Shadowknight finished lamely. He didn't realize what he had just said sounded like he was hitting on Wolf. In socialization, Shadowknight was almost as naive as his brother.

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Shadow Dancer gose to the dining area to eat and get a feel of the place and its other guests, and to learn more about them without having to exchange plesentries like some damn aristocrat. He did not find much only finding that a stallion wearing a cloak was very shy and that the mare sitting in front of him was the exact opposite.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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"Well my name is Shadowknight and er well I guess I just wanted to get away from Ponyville..." Shadowknight said. He then muttered under his breath "and Hearts and hooves day..." He was still nervous about the mare. "I don't think you told me your name if um thats okay." Shadowknight said, he could have facehoofed then and there. He knew he was terrible at socializing, but he was always told to try his best. "And may I ask what is your job?" He thought it would be better to take the conversation off himself so his awkwardness wouldn't show out so much.

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"Yes that is uh fine." Shadowknight replied to Wolf asking if she could call him Shadow. He waited for her to finished speaking before his next reply. "I don't really like hearts and hooves day... If you haven't already guessed Im not really good at talking to other ponies so... yeah..." He trailed off a bit looking down at his cider and sighing. "Speaking of which Im sorry that Im not better company." Shadowknight said to Wolf apologetically.

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