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open Equestrian Zombie Apocalypse!


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(OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/115382-sign-up-for-equestrian-zombie-apocalypse/)


Everything started with a potion.... Twilight spilled it on Rainbow and it turned her into a zombie..... She traveled to Canterlot with the rest of her friends leaving infected Rainbow out in Ponyville.....She has infected millions of ponies already but only few survived.... One of those survivors was Clockwork.

She had baracaded her door and windows, called for help through her shop phone, and sat there in her shop thinking about what would happen to her family, her sister, her mother and father. She finally gathered up the courage to get into the Town Hall. She busted through the door leaving dust to make her unseen to the zombies, and debris for them to trip over. When she arrived she saw one other pony running towards the Town Hall. It was her friend- Melody Breeze- galloping towards the door. Clockwork opened the door and sighed in relief. "What's going on?" Melody asked trying to grasp her breath. "It's a zombie apocalypse," Clockwork said expecting her to know after all this time. "What! We have to call over survivors!" Melody yelled grabbing the megaphone with her magic. She trotted out side and yelled, "All survivors, please come to the Town Hall! Everypony survivor will meet there to discuss plans of action!"

First come first serve for the first introduction spot!

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((OOC: Dear Celestia, a zombie Rainbow Dash? That cannot be good. :P ))


Orion Skies was slowly trotting along the outskirts of Ponyville when he began to hear screams coming from the center of the town. He didn't want to go in too deep, without knowing what was going on. It's a good thing I decided to bring my pair of wings. Orion thought to himself before starting his steam engine and taking off. He slowly flew around near the center of Ponyville and as he looked below, he was shocked to witness the horror that was taking place before his very eyes. Orion's first thought was that the ponies were brutally attacking each other, but as he carefully looked closer, he couldn't believe his eyes. "Z-Zombie ponies!? B-But how!? This can't be happening!!" Orion yelled to himself in disbelief.


He then heard a loud voice speaking through a megaphone saying to come towards the Town Hall quickly. Orion immediately turned and flew towards the Town Hall, still wondering what the hay was going on.


He wanted answers and he wanted them immediately. He was really hoping that the speaker of the megaphone would be able to explain what's going on.

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Comet rarely left his house. He rarely saw anyone. After everypony found out he was a changeling he felt he couldn't show his face. Either of his faces. This was one of those rare occasions, when he had to venture out into the world to obtain vital supplies of food and water. He never drained the love from others, and so he used a potion to restore his powers. He was running low, and assumed that ponies would hate him more for keeping up the facade after he was discovered, so he kept the potion drops remaining in his bag, along with a bag of bits and a few gems. He kept a wrap of tools in his bag, just in case he could help fix something or build something. He was fairly good with that sort of thing, and he figured he could make a friend if he helped them.

Comet stepped outside and looked around. Everything seemed normal. The market was a bit crowded, but he expected that. He began trotting toward the hustle and bustle. When he neared the market, everypony seemed to stop what they were doing, and stare at him. He was about to start walking through the crowd to procure some food and maybe some ingredients for another potion, when the crowd seemed to nonchalantly shuffle towards him. He stopped, and thought it would be best to go around. However as he turned and began to walk away, the shuffles turned into limps, and then into irregular running. He was being chased. This wasn't normal, even if he was hated. They never tried to hurt him before. He noticed something strange about them too. He looked closely into the crowd as he galloped and saw that most, if not all of them were partially devoured. This definitely was not normal. As he ran past one, it went to bite him. He narrowly avoided it and continued to run. Comet heard the echoed call coming from the town hall. He took off in flight and headed straight for it. He practically crashed through the doors and rolled along the ground. He got up after a second or two of recovery, and stared at the two ponies already there, a look of genuine fear on his face.

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Luna woke up from sleep that she had in the middle of the day walking to her sister "I had the weirdest dream sister I was in a doom like game and you were the final boss for some reason I of course beat the boss but...sister?" she said seeing celestia slowly turn to her and then just stare "are you ok?" blood started to drip out of her mouth "I have played to many zombie games to know when a zombie apocalypse is happening but I don't have a weapon right now so out the window!" she broke throw the window of the castle "games make look a lot easyer" she flys around canterlot seeing if there were any surviving ponys down there "well theres no pony that doesn't look infected but I can see a few weapons and supplies" she says to her self and goes down and grabs a crowbar a spear and some iron bars the next destination that I should go to is ponyville. someone has to be over there it is a small town and at least one pony must have seen this she thoult she flew down to the town and then heard a pony on a megaphone I knew somepony was not infected she thoult and flew down to town hall "how needs my assistace?" she said seeing the three ponys there

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Orion was quite thankful that he was able to make it to the town hall before any of the ... zombie ... Pegasus ponies had a chance to chase him down. He was extremely lucky. Although his wings allowed him to fly as freely and with as much flexibility and control as any average Pegasus, he was never ready for a scenario in which he would have to out-fly them. They were naturally born with the ability to fly and Orion has only been using his wings for less than five years. He was thankful to Celestia that he managed to even dodge a few of the zombie Pegasi. Orion was struggling to catch his breath after literally flying so fast as if his life depended on it. He was hoping that this town hall would be a sustainable safe haven from the infected ponies. As he managed to life his head up to look around  the area, he saw three ponies all gathered around near to where he was. His pupils dilated and his ears perked up as he was in immense awe upon noticing that Princess Luna was there in his presence. He wanted to speak to her but it was difficult.


"Princess L-Luna .... I-I don't know what to s-say ... wh-what are you doing here!? What is ha-happening!?" Orion managed to say to her as he trembled immensely. 


He never expected to see one of the alicorn princesses here ... never mind in any other situation. He barely even knew they existed ...

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Crash Course trotted happily into her class room at the beginning of the school day. It wasn't until she had sat at her desk that it dawned on her that she was the only pony there. I haven't turned up on a weekend again, have I? she asked herself. She checked the calendar on the wall - no it was a school day. So where was everypony? Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns should normally be full of hussle and bussle at this time of the morning.


She trotted back out to the corridor and heard sounds coming from around the corner. She went to investigate and discovered several ponies she recognised from school standing in a circle. They seemed to be standing around something. As she approached, it dawned on her what they were gathered around. It was her teacher, Miss Lemon Hearts. But she wasn't teaching them a lesson; she was dead, on the floor. And they weren't just standing around her; no, they were sinking their teeth into her.


Crash Course let out a gasp, and the students, or whatever they were now, turned towards her. Crash took a step backwards and they came after her. She galloped around the corner and back to her class room and quickly used a levitation spell to throw a few desks in front of the door. She knew it wouldn't hold them back for long.


She looked around. There was no other way into this classroom, but that also meant there was no other way out. The students outside were barging on the door. Crash Course could hear their bones crunching as they smashed into the closed door, but the pain didn't seem to stop their relentless attack. With no other escape, Crash bucked a chair and it went flying into a nearby window, smashing it into a million tiny pieces. She leapt through the window before remembering that her class room was on the third story.


She'd done this kind of stupid thing before, so knew what to do. Quick as a flash, she scanned the ground for useful objects before spotting a park bench. She levitated it up towards her as she fell, landing on it. Her left front hoof landed badly and hurt like hell, but she managed to retain enough concentration to levitate the bench and herself gently down to the ground. She had landed in Princess Celestia's private garden outside the castle. It seemed deserted.


Using some vines and a couple of sturdy looking sticks, she created a makeshift splint for her front leg, and limped to the garden gate. All around she could see ponies acting strangely, like the students from her school. Moaning, shambling, and sniffing at the air. She quietly opened the latch of the gate and sneaked out of the garden, moving slowly and taking cover behind bushes, wagons and other objects. She needed to get out of town, away from large populations.


Crash Course eventually reached the edge of the Everfree Forest. After limping through the forest for hours with no real idea of where to go or what to go, she heard a distant voice. It didn't sound zombie-like so she headed towards it. At the edge of the forest stood a small cottage surrounded by birdhouses. A stream ran nearby with a bridge over it. The cottage seemed deserted; the voice wasn't coming from there. She headed across the bridge and towards the voice.


Crash arrived at a small town. For a fleeting moment she hoped that it would be full of normal ponies, but peeking out from behind a tree she could see that the same thing had happened here. She was about to head back to the forest when the voice started again.


"All survivors, please come to the Town Hall! Everypony survivor will meet there to discuss plans of action!"


She wasn't familiar with this town, but she could see a building that looked like it might be a town hall. The only problem was it was surrounded by zombies. She would have to think about how she was going to get inside.

Edited by Vital Spark
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~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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A grey bronze earth pony was working on a new contraption in his basement in ponyville while he could here the door being bombarded with hooves " crap gotta get this thing done quick there are zombies up there" he said aloud "ah finished" he said as he held up what looked like a small cannon and then he heard a splintering sound the door he thought as he attached the cannon to a contraption attached to his back he moved away from the work table and used neural transmitters in the contraption to point the cannon at the door a green pegusus pony stumbled down the stair case and noticed the earth pony "woah woah don't shoot spark" said the pegusus "I'm not one of them" "ok" said spark "but we need to get out of here" "gottcha" replied the pegusus "we should head for town hall somepony there is organizing an army I think" "great lets go" said spark just then a unicorn zombie stumbled down the stair case and started biting the throat of the Pegasus spark pointed and fired he watched in horror as the unicorns head exploded into a red pink cloud of mist he reloaded and killed the pegusus before he could react "I'm sorry" said spark as he ran up the staircase and out his door reloading on the way he would make it to the town hall if it was the last thing he did

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Luna noticed that a pony was trying to talk to him but like always even before the apocalypse they were quiet when they approched her "yes it is I princess Luna sister of celestia and all around best gamer in equestria" she teared up a little when she said celestia "but celestia has fallen to this pluage and now I must survive without her but the good thing is that there are still ponys how have not been infected" she says trying to be hopeful "so we are here to disscuse a plan of action...we should have are smartest ponys working on a cure of some sort but we will need a base and supplies which includes food, water, medical supplies, and things to make a cure with which we might find in twilight sparkles basement...and like I sayed we need a base so we can work without being inturupted or have the least trouble happen while we do this" Luna says deep in thoult thinking about everything "for food we should raid houses but most importantly the apple farm if we can it can be a good base with plenty of storage and a reuseable sorce of food plus if we upgrade the fence we can suvive longer in it...we should set a corse for the apple farm!"


(ooc: I know I spell things wrong)

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Spark was finished and held up a yellow ball "done" he stated aloud as ever since spark had gotten close to the hall he had been working on a way to pass the zombies and he had finished he threw the yellow orb as far as he could and as it hid the ground near the horde of zombies trying to get into the town hall it exploded yes it had worked thought spark as he ran up to the town hall spark had almost made it to the door when a hulking white Pegasus turned and blocked his way sparks heart dropped it was bulking biceps the insanely strong Pegasus zombified "crap" said spark as he fired his cannon the Pegasus caught the cannon ball in his gut and started to walk towards spark spark had to think quick as all the other zombies the ones that had been knocked down by sparks bomb started to get up then he got an idea and he used a grasper claw attached to the device on his back to grab the hulking white Pegasus and use the leverage tho throw himself through the bottom floor window which was barricaded by a table unfortunately the table broke in half when spark crashed through the window he ran up stairs and slammed the door shut spark turned around and saw four ponys looking at him withe their mouths hanging open the four included princess Luna who he knew more accurately as moonprincess282 her gamer tag "ummm hi" said spark awkwardly



(ooc i wanted to post this earlier but didn't have time)

Edited by Thebrony13
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Crash Course saw her opportunity. An earth pony stallion had just crashed though the bottom window of what she thought was the town hall. She dashed towards the broken window, using a levitation spell to clear a path through the upturned wagons and stalls of an abandoned marketplace, and flinging the market's detritus at the any passing zombies.


Leaping though the window, she was confronted with several non-infected ponies. There were three stallions: the grey earth pony she'd seen come through the window moments ago, a blue pegasus stallion with an orange mane, and a brown stallion with some kind of folded metallic contraption on his back. There were also a few mares: there was a young brown pegasus and a small white pegasus half way up the stairs; the white one leaning out the window so that Crash couldn't see her face. It must have been her using the megaphone to call everypony to the town hall.


And, OMFG, there was Princess Gamer Luna. Crash Course had seen Luna around school from time to time. (She occasionally visited with her sister Celestia, who was the school's patron.) But she had never spoken to Princess Gamer Luna, the coolest princess in Equestria. Yet here she was, chatting to one of the stallions!


At last, Crash had found some survivors!


She looked back at the broken window, and the mass of zombies outside who were beginning to take notice of the new entrance to the building.


"We need to patch this up quick!" she shouted, then added "Oh, hi. I'm Crash Course."

Edited by Vital Spark
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~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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"Hey, I'm Comet. I got a wrap of tools in my bag, if we dismantle a door or something we can use the wood and my hammer to board up the window."


Comet said taking the tools out of his bag and starting to remove an internal door to nail over the window. It was a good job that he decided to go out today, and that he always had spare tools in his bag. He placed a chisel in the middle of the door and hammered down on it, which split the wood slightly. He hammered a few more times until the door was in two long planks. He began nailing one board across the window diagonally, firmly nailing three nails either side. He wasn't a trained handyman, nor did he have any job in the field of fixing things, but it was manual work, and it was easy to do that. He figured that he may not be very smart, but if he can lift heavy objects he would be fine.


He had finished nailing one board on, and was well on his way to the second. He placed a nail in the wood, with a few in his mouth.


"I've got this covered, but that doesn't stop those... Things... Outside from knowing that we are here. I suggeat that we deal with that problem before they attract more... Not that more would change that fact that there are LOTS out there..."

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(@Vital Sparkle The white one is not a Pegasus, she is a unicorn)

Melody glanced at all the ponies walking towards the Town Hall greeting every one of them, even Princess Luna had came! "It seems like the infection didn't reach anywhere else but Ponyville!" Melody said in front of the crowd and they all yelled with a loud cheer. Clockwork had been serving food and drinks for the ponies while they recovered after what happened. "So everypony! I haven't had the chance to introduce myself yet! I'm Melody Breeze and this is my friend Clockwork McTickery! You better enjoy you're time here because we are going to have to survive the rest of the apocalypse and eventually find a cure!" Melody yelled with a beaming face. Clockwork blushed and waved akwardly. She glanced at the baracaded door and became confused, she hadn't put the wood there? Then she glanced at the broken window and snapped into action. She leaped into the air and baracaded the doors with a big huff. "Good job! I bet I couldn't barricade a door that fast! You must have a great knowledge in architecture!" said Comet. "By the way, my name is Comet if you didn't hear," I added. "Thanks! I had a master degree in college!" Clockwork beamed with a huge grin on her face. It was the first time she had felt welcomed, besides the time she spent with her AMAZING childhood baby sitter who cared about her more than her real parents. She felt like she was a part of the family. Her thoughts were interrupted as a yellow mare walked up to her. "Sorry I busted through the window, I just couldn't get to a door in time," she said with a genuinely sorry face. "It's okay Crash! It was an easy fix anyways!" Clockwork replied. "That's what I thought! You fixed it really fast! Faster than Comet could've! Dont tell him that" Crash whispered. "Don't worry he already told me that I did really good, better than he would've," Clockwork said with a true smile on her face. She glanced at Princess Luna gasped, she didn't know a princess would be here. She trotted up to her and bowed hoping for another normal conversation. "No need! I am Princess GAMER Luna and I deserve no more respect than any other normal pony. My sister got infected so I fled to Ponyville and heard your announcement," Luna explained. Clockwork quickly jumped back up and smiled. "Well it's still an honor to have you here," Clockwork said. Luna nodded and went back with talking to some other stallions. Clockwork finally decided what they must do now, besides, they couldn't just sit here the whole time. Clockwork grabbed the loudspeaker and spoke, "Okay guys! We can't just sit around here, am I right? We have to go to Canterlot Castle and get the chemicals to make the cure," said Clockwork hoping for agreement. Every

Everypony but Luna nodded and packed their bags. She trotted up to Clockwork and frowned. "We can't go there. My sister has been infected and has done a good job of hiding it from other ponies. I almost got bitten, and because of that many high class or royal ponies have been infected. They've probably packed the whole castle by now. Before any of this happened I checked Twilights studies and I found out that since she's completed her studies of the Magic of Friendship, she moved on to chemical studies. I bet she has some chemicals that can make the antidote in her libaray," Luna explained. "Okay, then we are going to Twilgiht's library!" Clockwork replied with a smile on her face. She glided onto the stage and used the megaphone to speak again. "Change of plans! Because I have been informed that Princess Celestia has been infected and many other ponies that are packed in the castle, we are going to Twilight's library!" Clockwork yelled waiting for a reaction....

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"But I do think about something else that we may need to do and thats set up a base and get a distraction up because Twilight's library can not hold off an inzasion of zombies I mean its made of wood I could break wood with my single hoof I bet these mindless zombies could break it down heak they could probably topple the building with there strength we should get to Apple Jacks farm so we can make such a distraction and I have a spear and crowbar with some iron I bet agian we could make something with this that could distract those things for as much time as we can but we may need a few ponys to actualy do the disssraction unless somepony can make a flare of some sort out of iron and things we can find at a farm...can anypony acctuarly do that or can no pony?" Luna asks all of the ponys around when Clockwork was waiting for a reaction "I just don't want to lose anypony else that would be just horrable I don't want to think about that so do you ponys think we sould get a distraction for this or not?" she again asks all of the ponys with a worried look on her face


(ooc:I had to change the entire thing from Clockwork posting no offence just saying I had to do that)

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(ooc the spoken of brown and grey earth ponys are acually spark)


"Yes that flash was a bomb I made and cure would be a good idea" said spark "but even if we did make a cure most of the infected are too damaged to survive without the infection" spark looked at his saddle bag which contained only one cannon ball I need a weapon that fires smaller projectiles he thought to him self as he gathered up some scrap metal and wood from the hasty building of the barricade "hey you" spark said as he pointed to the pony that had built the barricade "can I borrow some of your tools" spark was already thinking of a wepon that he could build "also if anypony can supply some metal poles and burnable objects i can make extra wepons for you ponys" said spark as he took charge of a situation for the first time in his life at least he tried to spark walked to the chimney and pulled over a table to put the supplies he had on he laid every thing he had on the table his saddle bags a few scraps of metal a small cannon some wood his grasper claw 1 cannon ball and a little bit of food and drink he started a fire in the fire place time to get to work he thought to him self

Edited by Thebrony13
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In Fireblaze mountain home, Fireblaze was shock hearing Dash became a zombie and he didn’t know how this happen. Now not happy with this as he stay in his mountain home since it protecting him form the zombie attacks, while he was making some arrows even fire arrows make sure they work. He didn’t want to hurt Rainbow Dash but now he looking down while he was sad. *It didn’t have to come to this, Dash you were my best friend in the whole world and I been with you. Now you a zombie I don’t want to kill you and it have to be another way get you back to normal. But if this has to happen then I have no choice dash.*


Then he keep working on his weapons as he hearing zombies trying get in but they can't since his mountain home is rock, stone while he smiles since they can't get in and only way get into his home is a Sonic Rainboom but it can't happen since no one don't know sonic rainboom expect Rainbow Dash but if she is a zombie now can she do it? But he hope she don't find his place and try to turn him into undead but he is safe in here for now.

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Crash Course felt overwhelmed to be surrounded by ponies speaking like such fearsome warriors. It was only yesterday when she'd been at school, learning about magic from Miss Lemon Hearts. But she supposed that times of crisis such as this one have an unusual way of bringing ponies from all trots of life together.


She tried to think of a way she could be useful. She liked Spark's suggestion of arming themselves before attempting a journey to Princess Twilight's castle or wherever they were going. Although Crash had managed to sneak her way into Ponyville without attracting too much attention from the undead, a large group of ponies travelling together would be unlikely to move as stealthily.


Spark needed metal poles and burnable things. Crash limped over to a nearby window and peered out. She caught sight of a fashion boutique at the other side of the market. That must be full of flammable cloth, but if she couldn't see the cloth directly, Crash wouldn't be able to levitate it over here.


Then it dawned on her - the market itself. All the stalls seemed to be made of wooden and metal frames, and covered with cloth. Crash bounded upstairs and found a window, high enough to be safe from earth zombies. She cautiously opened the window, peering around for zombie pegasi. She hadn't seen any zombie pegasi actually flying, but she couldn't be sure they were unable to. Once she was reasonably sure she was safe, she started using her levitation spell to float bits of the market stall over to the open window. In a matter of minutes, she had accumulated a dozen metal poles, the same number wooden, and yards and yards of cloth. She closed the window.


With her hooves Crash Course nudged the stacks towards the top of the stairs. Half the metal poles clanged down the stairs, knocking over a table downstairs and sending its contents flying.


"Sorry!" she pleaded when everyone looked at her, and buried her face in her hooves with embarrassment.


"Spark, I don't suppose these are any use?"

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~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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"I can't see any of this stuff making anything that would be to military standards, but I'm sure you could make something out of these materials. If my tools could be of any use at all, please use them. I could never use them to their full potential."


Comet rummaged through his bag, checking for other items that may be of use, and remembered his potion.


"I have a few drops of rhis potion left, it should give me enough of a boost to give me a few bolts of magic... I suppose I should conserve what magic I have now too."


With that, he stopped using his magic to keep up his pegasi appearance, and reverted back to his changeling self. He knew it wasn't the best face to look at, but it could save him a few more blasts of magic, which could save his or another's life. And that was what was most important in this situation. Staying alive. He let out his long tongue, licking the last few drops of the potion, to be eeady for anything that could be happening imminently. He knew it wouldn't take long for those monsters to break in once they were in numbers, and they would be completely outnumbered and cornered.

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"Thanks for the tools comet and thanks for the supplies crash" said spark as he collected the stuff he grabbed a bunch of the wood and cloth and and fed it to the fire "if this fire burns hot enough I will be able to work some metal using your hammer comet" said spark he put the metal poles into the fire and returned to the table were he had placed his supplies spark collected some more cloth and a pencil he started to draw out a plan for his personal wepon "if any pony has any requests for a type of wepon I would be happy to hear them" spark stated as he draw on the cloth as spark finished his drawing he picked up a large block of wood three poles and a lot of the metal scraps he also remembered to move the large bag of gun powder he had away from the fire "don't want that catching fire" he said to no pony in particular now that I have a few minuets before the fire is hot enough I can search through the upstairs room for anything useful he thought spark walked up the stairs and searches the room but all he found was the bullhorn which had been used to call them there he grabbed it and went back downstairs "does any pony need this" he asked

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"A bullhorn? it is sommoning weapon that calls forth help or ponys to come to you I will need this...does anypony know wind magic because I have a plan to put the bullhorn at a certain place in town and then blow it to get the attention of the zombie ponys but if we had it go on for longer then we can distract them for even longer I just hope it will give us time to ether loot Twilights house or get across town to Apple Jacks farm and if your wondering why I don't know wind magic is I never actualty thoult that I would need it ever as a princess that was a wrong step huh?" Luna said to the ponys a little regretfuly "but anyway what do ponys think about this plan?" she asked them but then remembered what Spark said about the weapons and turned to him "you said something about a weapon well could you improve this spear in some way like a biger spear head or a last resort kind of fire stick thing or something of that sort also you can take this I don't need it mabey for scrap or just keep it around" Luna gives Spark a crowbar

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(O.K. this my first rp, so, yeah here it goes...)

Concentrated on his flying training, Reptilus Pegasus was suddenly disturbed by some strange grunting noise, "What the hell is this?", he thought to himself as the noise kept going. He flew for a bit to the location of the noise, then what he saw, he could not believe... There were pony zombies! Then he said: "Zombies! Why in Equestria would there be zombies?". He then flew away as the zombies went for his life, but with the flying skills he had, he was away in no time, safe from the horde he just witnessed. As he flew in search of the town, he then suddenly saw the town hall from a distance that looked like it was barricaded. He then flew for minutes before he could reach his only help point, then he saw the door of the hall. Then banging on it he yelled: "It's me Reptilius! And I can assure you i'm no zombie!". Then the door opened itself so he could step inside. "Thanks guys! I'm glad that there is still survivors out there!" said Reptilius glad to be safe. In the hall there were already a couple of ponies that were trying to forge some kind of weapon. He then said to them: "If you need weapons, I could be one of great use you know... I've acquired skills that helped me during dangerous situations."


Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex

 Angelus Corruptus (My OC) My PMVs and YTPs channel 100+ Underrated Metal Bands in 100+ Days (Blog)


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Once Fireblaze finish making the arrows that can turn into fire arrows he put them in his case while put the case over his shoulders, then grabbing his bow and put the sword on his back as he looking around. Then he peak outside as he see the coast is clear since Zombie Peagues was gone while he looking around and then he looking that way seeing Ponyville was a dead town now while thinking. *In other get to Canterlot I have get though Ponyville first see if any one alive and if I come across Zombie Rainbow Dash or any Zombie ponies then I have to kill them no choice* Then he open his mountain door as he hover into the air, then close his mountain door then flew off towards Ponyville while looking around for any sings of danger and making sure no zombie ponies will get the jump on him.


He was near Ponyville while taking a bite of his cake since he took some form Pinky and he was kind of hungry anyway. Then once he was done he was looking for any mones or noise form any zombies that may come towards his way too.

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"Ok here you go princess" said spark as he gave her the bullhorn spark walked back over to the fire "and I don't think I should mess with that spear at the moment since I don't have proper metalworking tools" spark said as he used his grasper claw to pull out some of th metal spark picked up the hammer and hit the metal until it was in the rough shape of a sword and then put it back in the fire next he took the block of wood and used a kitchen knife to carve it into something that would be useful then he picked up a metal circle and fit it into a place that he had carved on the block spark then but three metal tubes into the circle the wood had an odd looking object fitted to the end of it where the poles went spark picked up the sword with his grasper claw and banged until the edges were moderately sharp and said "it's not perfect but any pony who is strong enough can use this to kill them" he said spark then picked up some squares of cloth he had cut and started to fill each of them with gunpowder and bits of metal "we should go by my house if we have a chance" spark said loudly "I have a metal working shop and tools in my basement that would be useful and a sharpening stone for that sword" he picked up the cannon ball and the last pipe out of the fire and attached the two "this is for a unicorn of somepony that is very strong as seeing that it is a blunt wepon" spark stated and then he picked up his wepon and pulled off a portion of the back and filled it with the cloth gunpowder and metal combos then he replaced the back and attached the wepon to his grasper claw after that he returned comets tools and repacked his saddle bags besides the kitchen knife which he placed next to the weapons he had just forged well that's all the material I have so we can leave whenever you are ready

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  • 4 weeks later...

"Off to Twilight's library!" Melody yelled marching out the baracaded door. At that second, everypony heard a loud shriek. "No! Melody?! If this is a trick it's not funny!" Clockwork yelled. Melody stepped back into the room looking slightly greener than before. She moaned and groaned and kept fallg over in her attempts to bite somepony. "ITS ANOTHER ZOMBIE!" Crash yelled. Clockwork ran upstairs to grab her axe, but it was nowhere to be found! She soared up, hitting her head off the ceiling. Melody slowly climbed up the stairs and blasted Clockwork with her weakened magic. Luckily, it only resulted in singeing off a little bit of her fur. She dashed down the stairs and told everypony to run. They did so and attacked the zombies hanging around their door. Clockwork tied Melody to the wall and used a magic drainer to get rid of her magic. She took it off her horn and slid it onto her hoof. Hopefully this energizes me and doesn't drain my strength, Clockwork thought with a clever smirk on her face. She trotted outside only to find a mob off zombies holding all her friends hostage. "We won't bite them if you give us that bracelet off yours," the zombie resided. "I will never give you this bracelet!" Clockwork yelled. The zobie quickly grabbed her and teleported. When they arrived at Canterlot Castle, a very scary suprise awaited them."Your royal zombieness, what shall we do with the remaining survivors?" a zombie asked bowing down to it's queen and princesses. Oh no! We can't beat them!

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Bomb Flash loafed around in bed for a few minutes before getting up. he had no idea that a zombie epidemic had risen, so he just started the day normal. he opened his windows blinds to see that zombies had been outside the entire time. just then, his mother broke into bomb's room, but as a zombie. Bomb rushed to his toy chest to find his SHIV. As the zombie got much closer, bomb found the knife. bomb took a swing, but missed. the zombie tried to lunge for him, but he moved his wing just in time. Bomb took another swing, It was a direct hit! The zombie fell to the ground. "phew" Bomb said wiping the sweat of his face with his hoof. Bomb checked his toy chest again, and he found a slingshot and some metal marbles. he grabbed his saddlebag, which he filled with foodstuffs and drinks. Bomb ran out, and located the library. "Even if no pony is there, i can find a survival guide" Bomb said to himself and dashed out of his house and flew to the library. half way through, Bomb grew tired, so he went to rest on the top of sugar cube corner. after having a small snack bomb took flight again, and made it to the library.   

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Spark was intrigued he had always thought that if there were to be a zombie apocalypse then all the zombies would be brainless but these ones seemed to have at least part of their brains intact spark rose he needed to escape hopefully with the other ponies but it did not seem likely one of the zombies pushed him back down spark could tell that the zombie was using all of its will power not to bite him suddenly spark had a plan but it would only result in his own escape but maybe the other ponies could use his escape to their advantage spark activated his robotic arm none of the zombies seemed to notice spark unlached his saddle bags but grabbed a match out of one of them the zombies still didn't notice spark used his robotic arm to whip around and knock the zombies around him away he ran as fast as he could down the hallway and out the front door a horde of zombies was too his left and the everfree forest to his right spark detached his robotic arm lit the match and dropped it onto the wepon then spark ran again as fast as his body would allow him to he heard an explosion from behind him but spark didn't look back he ran and ran until he couldn't any more but he could see a building in the distance in the everfree forest it must be zecoras hut spark stayed away from it if zombie zecora was there spark wouldn't have any wepon to deal with her so he sat down and started ploting a course to his house

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