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Love and Tolerate....really?

Dorian Gray

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Well love and tolerance is basically a phrase influenced by the show, not based on our actions, some Bronies try to follow the rule, I for one, rather ignore the posts, I don't love them, I just tolerate, what's the point in answering to someone who doesn't like the idea of Bronies or has different, negative opinion on them....


....and the phrase doesn't mean it makes us better, no one, at all, can have that title, some of us go by love and tolerance, not all, and not all are perfect, there's no way in saying that we or anyone else deserves the title for best community.


por ejemplo,


Y U SPEAK ITALIAN? Edited by Pinkie Pie (Pinkazoid!)




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I apolagise for the long MultiQuote, but wished to talk to those who commented and maybe for you to skim over these replies quickly. You all make valid point, even some i foolishly forgot to consider and probably should have gone into depth about and would've as a responds to all this but reading all these replies i saw a 'Pattern'.

It would seem that as bronies we accept that Love and tolerance is the 'creed' (if you will) of who we've chosen to be but none of us seem to believe strongly in the Love part. Perhaps this comes from a better understanding of how delicate and unique that particular emotion can be as it is, from my understanding, being the only emotion that appears to spawn the other emotions we know as resultant of its own conception.

Ill put this briefly, It appears we can all agree that Love is too strong of a word and tolerance is common among'st bronies anyway and should be part of a descent human being so therefor it becomes a hollow statement that we would follow regardless of its existance.

This brings a small dilemma: Do we stick with this empty shell of a code? or do we find. in agreement with an understanding of not just loyalty to the show but the wish of putting hope back into humanity, a new more suited code?

Or as a third choice and in my opinion the more difficult: do we drop the phrase of Love and Tolerate and not live by words but by morality and common sense, allowing our actions speak for us instead of leading in to the world with words we do not truly believe in ourselves?


On a less serious not, I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to read this article, I hope it has brought some, even if small, enlightenment.


Well love and tolerance is basically a phrase influenced by the show, not based on our actions, some Bronies try to follow the rule, I for one, rather ignore the posts, I don't love them, I just tolerate, what's the point in answering to someone who doesn't like the idea of Bronies or has different, negative opinion on them....


....and the phrase doesn't mean it makes us better, no one, at all, can have that title, some of us go by love and tolerance, not all, and not all are perfect, there's no way in saying that we or anyone else deserves the title for best community.




Although I can agree with the concept of "Love and Tolerate" there are some....problems with it. I can honestly say that I agree with the tolerate part of the saying. I feel like it is our duty to be above the haters and not stoop down to their levels. If we did, we would be like the rest of the internet. The love part is where I disagree. I only would show gestures of kindness to those who show it in return, not those who hate us. That doesn't mean that I would strike back at the haters, I would tolerate them. I see our corner here as a little "safe heaven" of the internet. We don't have to love everybody, but we can make the internet a better place by staying strong and showing our values to everybody. If they decide to join us, we will welcome them with open arms hence the "Love" part of the saying.


Even though the phrase "Love and Tolerance" has never been directly mentioned in the show, I think it is still implied.


What is friendship(Other than Magic; that is a given)? The bond that two people/ponies share? Knowing about them and their interests and feelings? You can't have a friendship without love and tolerance.


When I say love I'm not meaning romantic love(I've noticed some people see love only as romantic). To care about someone is love. To be there for someone is love. To tolerate someone, in my opinion, is love(as I mentioned in an earlier post). You cannot have a friendship without loving the other person. Sometimes they may do things that annoy or irritate you and that's where tolerance comes into play.














Example of love and tolerance in a friendship from the show:


Fluttershy didn't want to be a model in "Green Isn't Your Color", yet she still tried her best and tolerated it because she didn't want to disappoint Rarity. Rarity had to tolerate Fluttershy's new spotlight position even though she wanted it for herself and even though she had bad thoughts about wanting Fluttershy to "ruin her modelling career". Rarity was able to overcome those thoughts and feelings because she loves Fluttershy.


Well, we are only human, you can't exactly blame us for not following the code. Heck! Now that I think of it, this is intolerance of human imperfection! Though some people do want to follow it, you can't expect them to all the time, best to put those grievances behind...


As far as I know, the expression "love and tolerance" is never used in the show itself, but is a product of the brony community. Ironically enough, it was probably coined with a great deal of sarcasm (we're talking about 4chan here) as a sort of parody or dig at the idea of adult males identifying with a show like this.


That doesn't mean either the expression or concept are invalid, however. Those words evoke an ideal that is quite suited for fans of the show, and for human beings in general.


Certainly, our world could use much more of both -- for any reason, or for no reason at all.


"love and tolerate" has lost so much of its original meaning and luster that now it's mostly used as a shield for people to hide behind when they troll or act stupidly


por ejemplo, "Why am I in trouble? I didn't mean to say/do what I did! What happened to love and tolerate huh?!?!?"


THANK YOU. FOR MAKING THIS THREAD. You sir, have all my respect. Well done man. :wub:


Love and tolerate varies from pony to pony, I don't love but I do tolerate. I feel that you have defined both exactly, if you're a physiologist I see why then.


I agree, like Doctor XFizzle said its been used more for a shield lately :P


That saying lost it's "taste"


To love and tolerate need not mean ignoring bad behavior, nor should it be proferred as a (weak) excuse for bad behavior. We are each responsible for our own behavior, and to treat others poorly is as much an offense against ourselves as against them.


The elegant beauty of loving and tolerating one another is that in doing so, we lay the foundation for a community in which everyone is welcomed and accepted for who they really are.


Nopony's perfect, after all. To love and tolerate each other in full recognition of that fact is to honestly, knowingly and deliberately make our world a better place to live.


One need not be a fan of Friendship is Magic to appreciate the power of putting its simple but universal lessons into practice in our lives.


It speaks for all of us, and it speaks for itself.


People interpret love and tolerance differently. Personally I find that it has its limits. The majority of the time, its best to be tolerant of the views and actions of others and to avoid confrontation. But there are situations where you have to stand up against genuinely evil behaviour such as bullying, discrimination and so on.





Yeah, unfortunately it is open to abuse. I agree with you there.


In my opinion, the term really should be Love or Tolerate. If you already love someone, doesn't that mean you already tolerate them? What I really get out of it is love everyone you can, and if you can't love someone, accept that and go your separate ways.


I wouldn't exactly "love" (Accept is a better word), but I would try to tolerate.


Tolerate ≠ Love. I can't always love everypony, but I try to tolerate or respect those I can't love.

As said above, there's a difference between tolerating and ignoring poor behavior. A brony can respond to a a hateful or insulting comment without being a jerk themselves.


"Love" and tolerate probably isn't the right word. The ideal image (from my point of view) of a brony is not a Ned Flanders-type of person. As mentioned above by multiple people, accept and tolerate is probably a better term. You don't have to fawn over everyone you meet, but neither should you dismiss them. Just a little head nod, and go off and do your own thing, and let them do theirs. Love is a pretty strong word, and I for one would like to reserve that word to describe things I very much care about. I love my parents. I love my (future) girlfriend. I love ponies. I won't just randomly love a stranger I see on the street, and I doubt anyone else would, either.


However, you don't need love to be kind. Save the love for the times you really mean it, and simply practice kindness and toleration to everyone you meet.


I love and tolerate.... :(


From my interactions with other bronies on the interwebz, I think there are 2 main groups of Bronies. Those who are true to the show and its messages such as "love and tolerate". The other group like ponies but seem to not follow the "love and tolerate" aspect. They may be very rude, aggressive, or inconsiderate. The latter are the ones, I believe, who give the fandom a negative reputation aside from its basic social misconceptions. Fans of MLP or not "Love and Tolerance" is a great way to live ones life and create a better world(Again this only my opinion).





In response to the posts about not loving everypony; I believe it is love to tolerate someone. It is the lowest form of love, yes, but I still feel that it should be considered love.


Well, I can only speak for myself here, but I sure as sugar don't love everybody. Love is a word I try to reserve for people I feel very strong, positive emotions for (e.g., close friends, romantic partners, family members, etc.).


Now tolerance is a little easier to manage, but even so, there are some things I just simply refuse to tolerate. Intentional bigotry being one of them, in addition to other awful, hateful things.


I believe that everyone should be afforded some basic respect, but everyone has their limits as to how far they're willing to extend that courtesy. But I definitely don't think that treating other people with a basic amount of decency doesn't make better than anyone else. Then again, I have a pretty low opinion of myself to start with lol.


Love and Tolerate is dead. It was a nice saying, but it humans aren't like that.


You know, that's how I originally interpreted the meaning of "Love and Tolerate." If you can't love/befriend someone, then just tolerate your differences and live life. Though, Dr. XFizzle up there's completely right about how this has really lost the strong meaning it had a year ago; it's really one of the many things that has changed about the brony community since I joined.


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The derpy drama is a prime example of the truth about bronies. A lot of bronies arent really always as friendly as they may appear and can be really sensitive to things, and when they are angered some times things get chaotic. In the derpy drama there were people swearing and trolling, debating and arguing and sometimes being just plain jerks. The ones that actually do love and tolerate are mostly the ones who stood to the side facehoofing or handled the situation carefully and calmly without losing their cool.


Im not saying anyone here is wrong to react in such a way. When a character you love is changed just because a bunch of people complain about an excuse that was really just not necessarily logical i can understand why people get mad, but still, its hard to stick to the idea of love and tolerate when we dont even tolerate haters causing these things. Haters are who we should love and tolerate the most, because its just what they lack, and need themselves. Sometimes people are the way they are out of lonliness. They just want attention.


Anyways i rambled on and even slipped into another topic a bit, but my point is clear. Its very split, the whole idea of love and tolerate. And in the end its your opinion that decides it.

~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~

~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~

Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime

Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa!

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The derpy drama is a prime example of the truth about bronies. A lot of bronies arent really always as friendly as they may appear and can be really sensitive to things, and when they are angered some times things get chaotic. In the derpy drama there were people swearing and trolling, debating and arguing and sometimes being just plain jerks. The ones that actually do love and tolerate are mostly the ones who stood to the side facehoofing or handled the situation carefully and calmly without losing their cool. Im not saying anyone here is wrong to react in such a way. When a character you love is changed just because a bunch of people complain about an excuse that was really just not necessarily logical i can understand why people get mad, but still, its hard to stick to the idea of love and tolerate when we dont even tolerate haters causing these things. Haters are who we should love and tolerate the most, because its just what they lack, and need themselves. Sometimes people are the way they are out of lonliness. They just want attention. Anyways i rambled on and even slipped into another topic a bit, but my point is clear. Its very split, the whole idea of love and tolerate. And in the end its your opinion that decides it.

Keeping quiet about things doesn't solve anything either though. >_> If something is to take change, someone needs to speak out. Like the soccer mom who complained about Derpy,(it could truely go both ways).Another example would be a husband hitting his wife, and his son hopes that daddy doesn't hit mommy, and the matter goes away.
  • Brohoof 1



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My honest opinion?


To hell with "love and tolerance" or whatever it's supposed to mean now - its meaning in the brony community has become so convoluted and muddled that no one really agrees on what it means anymore.

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The derpy drama is a prime example of the truth about bronies. A lot of bronies arent really always as friendly as they may appear and can be really sensitive to things, and when they are angered some times things get chaotic. In the derpy drama there were people swearing and trolling, debating and arguing and sometimes being just plain jerks. The ones that actually do love and tolerate are mostly the ones who stood to the side facehoofing or handled the situation carefully and calmly without losing their cool. Im not saying anyone here is wrong to react in such a way. When a character you love is changed just because a bunch of people complain about an excuse that was really just not necessarily logical i can understand why people get mad, but still, its hard to stick to the idea of love and tolerate when we dont even tolerate haters causing these things. Haters are who we should love and tolerate the most, because its just what they lack, and need themselves. Sometimes people are the way they are out of lonliness. They just want attention. Anyways i rambled on and even slipped into another topic a bit, but my point is clear. Its very split, the whole idea of love and tolerate. And in the end its your opinion that decides it.

Really? You thought that a lot were overreacting? So EQD is suddenly the majority now when 1500 comments go on it if its important? HA! Plus, Its not like the side that kept were any better. Some of them insulted the overreactors, and both sides didn't know what to love and tolerate. They thought we should tolerate Derpy. Nope, they should of tolerated each other, but the insult kept flying, yes, this was a perfect example of how bronies failed at love and tolerate. However, its wrong to say the reason this ended up so bad was not because of one side, it was because of both. Plus, the calm side said that most of them didn't like seeing the Save Derpy videos. So they couldn't TOLERATE that.


(So basically both sides were acting stupid.)

  • Brohoof 1
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I myself don't need a code, to tell me how to act around other people, as I always treat people with the best possible manners. The only reason for "love and tolerate" I see is that it's catchy and I can use as a way, to remind people that what they're doing isn't fair or is just plain bad behaviour. I haven't experienced the way some people here say that people use it as an excuse.

I also think that the love part shouldn't be about everyone.

I have however experienced a lot of hypocritism around it:

Posted Image


While I don't "Use" rule 34 I can understand that some people do and I accept it but some of the bronies I've met, go out of their way to hate on the so called "cloppers", in the exact same way that haters do with bronies.

This goes for a lot of other things as well.

That is the reason why I find a use for the "love and tolerate" phrase


Maybe we could make two different codes: Love and tolerance amongst bronies and accept and tolerate everyone else?


Thanks to Proenix on deviantart for the vector in my avatar and signature.

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I honestly could never take this one phrase completely seriously. "Love and Toleration" are good ideals, and honestly, they should be what brony culture is based on. Everyone here already loves and tolerates one another, since we're all bronies. Sure, we have differences, but we're all connected through a passion for a show that a larger majority of society looks down upon us for watching. Except for the trolls among us, love and toleration are generally already rampant, and that's good.


But here's why I can't take it seriously to a full extent: It's used against those that aren't bronies very commonly, from what I've seen throughout the internet. "Dude, I'm a brony, love and tolerate! We can all get along", is along common lines. But, who else but a Brony will heed that ideal? I know for sure the parasprites out there will not, and in fact use it against us, tying us to words like "lame", "losers", and many derivatives of words that mean "bundles of sticks". Love and Toleration mean nothing outside of Bronyville, for the most part; that's why the internet is split very evenly between Bronies, and Haters, with of course the group in between that doesn't care either way. We need to love and tolerate them, not tell them to love and tolerate us. And we don't need a bunch of "I'm going to love and tolerate the s**t outta you" image macros to do it; don't feed the parasprites, and maybe they'll stop destroying Bronyville.


So, it's not the ideals of the phrase that bother me, they're actually one thing that makes the world a better place. It's just that those two words have no meaning in many circumstances, and that the trolls and similar subsections of our Brony culture have made it that way. It's up to us to fix that from here on.

  • Brohoof 1



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I honestly could never take this one phrase completely seriously. "Love and Toleration" are good ideals, and honestly, they should be what brony culture is based on.


"Love and Toleration" are good ideals


are good ideals




... Everyone should play Pokemon Black and White. Problem solved.


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I myself don't need a code, to tell me how to act around other people, as I always treat people with the best possible manners. The only reason for "love and tolerate" I see is that it's catchy and I can use as a way, to remind people that what they're doing isn't fair or is just plain bad behaviour. I haven't experienced the way some people here say that people use it as an excuse.

I also think that the love part shouldn't be about everyone.

I have however experienced a lot of hypocritism around it:

Posted Image


While I don't "Use" rule 34 I can understand that some people do and I accept it but some of the bronies I've met, go out of their way to hate on the so called "cloppers", in the exact same way that haters do with bronies.

This goes for a lot of other things as well.

That is the reason why I find a use for the "love and tolerate" phrase


Maybe we could make two different codes: Love and tolerance amongst bronies and accept and tolerate everyone else?


Perhaps it just takes time, it took me a good while to tolerate cloppers but Only finest hour couldn't tolerate and made it clear that I didn't tolerate clopers. Maybe it takes a push or a nudge or something.


It's my belief any can tolerate anyone. But no all of us chose to, we can say "why can't we love & tolerate". But are we really doing it our selves?


That same Rule 34 is what originally made me look into MLP.

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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I can tolerate a lot of people but I sometimes can't stand them. And bronies are not better than anyone. That is not showing love right there. But shows that some bronies are pig headed/.

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I'm sure a lot of bronies don't love and tolerate irl.



"The Gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

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I think Doctor is right, we're just using the phrase as a shield sometimes.


But I do believe that we do embody "tolerate", so the phrase isn't entirely cliché. It's just misused sometimes.


Certainly, our world could use much more of both -- for any reason, or for no reason at all.


Well said.

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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I once wrote a fan-fiction that consisted largely of taking Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol and replacing the words "Scrooge" with "McCrooge" (for Big Macintosh became Scrooge), "man" with "stallion", "The Ghost of Christmas Past" with "The Ghost of Hearth's Warming Past/Fluttershy" and "Christian Love and Cheer" with "Princess Celestia".


It was more about Princess Celestia than you'd believe.

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"love and tolerate" has lost so much of its original meaning and luster that now it's mostly used as a shield for people to hide behind when they troll or act stupidly


por ejemplo, "Why am I in trouble? I didn't mean to say/do what I did! What happened to love and tolerate huh?!?!?"


It was always really used as the main argument for anti-bronies to use against us.


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I don't really think that being a simple fan of a show should mean that you have to follow some sort of creed. And because you don't follow it, you're not as "real" as the ones who do. Personally, I think the only thing that unites bronies/pegasisters is their like of the show, not some other qualities that should be ascribed or beliefs in mottos.


I'm not really one for this motto in the first place. Why should I love somebody I don't know? Love is a very strong thing, and it's hard for me to even say the word to people I love in the first place. I take it very seriously and don't like to throw it around. Tolerate? Sure, I can tolerate most things. Lord knows that I am one of the more tolerant/patience people you will meet. But it's not because I'm a fan of the show. That's just my general temperament. Some people aren't like that, and that's okay. They can feel free to call themselves a brony or a pegasister even if they don't believe that being a fan means you should follow some super special creed.


What I just dislike is how some people appear to treat being a fan of the show as some elevated position above the rest of humanity. In reality, all you are is just watching a show about magical colourful ponies that happens to promote favourable values, but is mostly created for entertainment purposes. It's just liking a show. It's nothing more, and you shouldn't have to believe in some sort of creed just because you like it. I just don't like that about this fandom because it seems pretentious and very much so holier-than-thou.

  • Brohoof 2

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I do what I want.


Ponies don't change that.



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I just don't like that about this fandom because it seems pretentious and very much so holier-than-thou.




But we ARE holier! :P


Just kidding, I agree. It is just a show, we may love it, but it doesn't make us more special than anypony else.

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Nopony is better than any other pony... We're all the same. Those other ponies include the non-bronies...

To put it plainly: Everyone is the same. No one is better off than anyone else.

If you want the real meaning of that, PM me.

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