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gaming Why do PC gamers get so frustrated with console gamers? (mild rant)


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You're the one missing the point.


The post you responded to wasn't 'asking' for you to list off exclusives, and most certainly wasn't making any kind of claim of the amount of exclusives. The member was merely making the point that the PS4 (and other consoles) aren't worthless because they have exclusives that people want to play.


And as I responded earlier - this is marketing. There is no reason to have a console other than these games, and Microsoft and Sony know this. It's why they keep snapping up indie studios and paying off bigger studios for exclusivity rights. This does approximately nothing at all that is good for gaming, and only benefits the companies invested in it.

  • Brohoof 2


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And as I responded earlier - this is marketing. There is no reason to have a console other than these games, and Microsoft and Sony know this. It's why they keep snapping up indie studios and paying off bigger studios for exclusivity rights. This does approximately nothing at all that is good for gaming, and only benefits the companies invested in it.

You do have a point there. Even this guy https://www.youtube.com/user/ReviewTechUSA talked about it in some of his videos.

Edited by Jonny Music
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The way I see it, the people who react to PC gaming elitists are just as big of a problem. By doing so, they're unknowingly playing the devils advocate; they're arguing about which one is better for the sake of proving the elitists wrong even though they claim to not care who chooses which. Some people react as so, which is kinda hypocritical if you think about it.


Either way, I don't see this whole console hating thing as a problem. Lots of people enjoy PC more than console gaming (as do I), and some even think of themselves as better or more sophisticated for it. But you know, just let them do their thing of praising PC, their choice of gaming platform doesn't effect you in the slightest and arguing with them is just going to make things worse. Some people just get their panties so much in a knot with this whole "PC Master Race" thing.



You know how many people I see using the 'PC Master Race' thing seriously? None. I joke about it, sometimes. That's it. Conversely, here's an entire thread of people claiming that PC gamers are elitist and intolerant, and that their console gaming ways are far superior. I didn't see a 'I hate console gamers' thread up on here.


Am I the only one seeing the Irony in this? Seriously?


Can everyone stop complaining about everyone else who doesn't like the same magical light box as they do please? This whole thing is a none-argument.

Never quite forgotten.

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Can everyone stop complaining about everyone else who doesn't like the same magical light box as they do please? This whole thing is a none-argument.


But that's what *I'm* saying.


I don't care if people like and exclusively play the PC, they shouldn't care if I like and exclusively play consoles (which I don't, for the record... unfortunately.) either, but that's not the way it's going on here. And it bothers me that both your post and the post you quoted are attempting to make the point I quoted, but are simultaneously shifting all of the blame off of the console-hating PC elitists that are EVERYWHERE (trust me, even where I work, I have to put up with them there too). Not only do they (not every PC gamer, but surely I shouldn't have to note that.) constantly put down consoles, but they visibly get frustrated with people who play consoles and aren't supporting PC gaming. Thus they are exactly the people getting mad that not everyone else likes their "magical light box".


This is a problem throughout all platforms. It's just that PC gamers can come off as even worse with their stupid "PC master race" joke which somehow describes how certain people within act all too perfectly.


I do not care if you dislike the PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U. I don't care at all. But when you parade it around and how almighty your platform supposedly is, you are NO better than the most annoying of console fans that you hate so much. You are on the very same level as them.


And as I responded earlier - this is marketing. There is no reason to have a console other than these games, and Microsoft and Sony know this. It's why they keep snapping up indie studios and paying off bigger studios for exclusivity rights. This does approximately nothing at all that is good for gaming, and only benefits the companies invested in it.

There are plenty of reasons to own a console and not mess with PC gaming. I'm sorry if they aren't valid in your mind. Although maybe they should stop doing what your mentioning, consoles should definitely be able to have their own exclusives. Although, again, that wasn't the point being made.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

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I see this thread being locked in the future. Lots of negativity and emotionally mean, biased posts being made.


Each person has their own opinion and holds that opinion on the throne. If someone else wants to revolutionize and put their opinion on the throne it just leads to hatred. Hatred isn't a good argument. But I guess people don't care about proving why their opinion should be on the throne - no, they care for holding their opinion on the throne.


And there are other ways to hold your opinion on the throne than providing facts and coming to an informed resolution.

Edited by Colour
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Honestly, I'm a pc gamer but you showed off the worst exclusives possible for PC in that chart, ocean city racing and real world racing are both completely trash, the only game id really want to play on that list is RF2. Don't get me wrong, there are titles exclusive to PC that make the price well worth it [Gmod, CS GO the way it was meant to be played] but you're just talking out of your rear end with this one.

(mods pls delete misquote)


Yeah I looked at the list of PC exclusives, and the bulk of them were things I'd never even heard of. Then again, a lot of the other games were very '???' as well.


I guess there are going to be more 'PC Exclusives'  in general because it's easier for small indie game companies to make games for. The thing is those games are not necessarily going to be high quality.

Edited by Andaasonsan

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Oh boy, flame wars!


Anyway, if anyone wants to know my stance, I might as well post it here.


Personally, I think multiplats are usually better on PC, because of better features and better graphics and all that. Take Minecraft for example, I'm not even a big fan of the game, but you can download mods and stuff like that.. but you can't do it on any of the console releases, the PC only.


However, in terms of exclusives, I'm kind of leaning towards consoles. Personally, most PC exclusives.. don't really interest me, or I just can't get into. I mean, I like ROBLOX, Garry's Mod and Portal.. but that's really just.. it, to me. I admit, there are some I haven't played. but I don't really want to, if that makes sense. Many of them are genres I, once again, can't get into, i.e. Team Fortress 2, Skyrim.


tl;dr - I prefer PCs for multiplats, Consoles for exclusives.


So yeah, that's my stance, if anyone cares :P

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But that's what *I'm* saying.


I don't care if people like and exclusively play the PC, they shouldn't care if I like and exclusively play consoles (which I don't, for the record... unfortunately.) either, but that's not the way it's going on here. And it bothers me that both your post and the post you quoted are attempting to make the point I quoted, but are simultaneously shifting all of the blame off of the console-hating PC elitists that are EVERYWHERE (trust me, even where I work, I have to put up with them there too). Not only do they (not every PC gamer, but surely I shouldn't have to note that.) constantly put down consoles, but they visibly get frustrated with people who play consoles and aren't supporting PC gaming. Thus they are exactly the people getting mad that not everyone else likes their "magical light box".

That's not what I meant with my post. All I'm saying is, it's both sides' fault for getting so worked up about it. I mean if someone vocalizes his dislike for the type of shoes I'm wearing, am I going to get worked up about it and start a long-winded argument even though I don't really care in the first place? Probably not.


Either way, this whole PC master race argument has gotten out of hand. If you think they're snobby elitists, then just let them play in their subreddit or whatever and don't pay them any mind. If you find a "master race" person somewhere else and they won't shut up, just ignore them.

Edited by Mouserador
  • Brohoof 1

^ don't listen to this guy ^


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But that's what *I'm* saying.


I don't care if people like and exclusively play the PC, they shouldn't care if I like and exclusively play consoles (which I don't, for the record... unfortunately.) either, but that's not the way it's going on here. And it bothers me that both your post and the post you quoted are attempting to make the point I quoted, but are simultaneously shifting all of the blame off of the console-hating PC elitists that are EVERYWHERE (trust me, even where I work, I have to put up with them there too). Not only do they (not every PC gamer, but surely I shouldn't have to note that.) constantly put down consoles, but they visibly get frustrated with people who play consoles and aren't supporting PC gaming. Thus they are exactly the people getting mad that not everyone else likes their "magical light box".


This is a problem throughout all platforms. It's just that PC gamers can come off as even worse with their stupid "PC master race" joke which somehow describes how certain people within act all too perfectly.


I do not care if you dislike the PS4, Xbox One, and Wii U. I don't care at all. But when you parade it around and how almighty your platform supposedly is, you are NO better than the most annoying of console fans that you hate so much. You are on the very same level as them.


There are plenty of reasons to own a console and not mess with PC gaming. I'm sorry if they aren't valid in your mind. Although maybe they should stop doing what your mentioning, consoles should definitely be able to have their own exclusives. Although, again, that wasn't the point being made.

But please, do give us non-objective REASONS why PC gaming is SOOOOOOO bad and why consoles are SOOOO better. Because IIRC you were asking help in the PC Masterrace thread and later on just started flat out refusing it. I'll be happy to dig up some of your old posts from there once I get back in a couple hours.

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It's actually the other way round, Console Gamers hate PC Gamers because PC Gamers boast that PC is a generation ahead of Consoles. And PC Gamers think that Console Gamers are scrubs who have no benefits of owning a PC. Personally I think that both are equally as good as each other, just that players of Tomb Raider, Far Cry and Operation Flashpoint on Console get to miss out on level editors. Also, Microsoft does not really like Cross-Platform play. So that is another reason.

Edited by 41Hornet
  • Brohoof 1

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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But please, do give us non-objective REASONS why PC gaming is SOOOOOOO bad and why consoles are SOOOO better. Because IIRC you were asking help in the PC Masterrace thread and later on just started flat out refusing it. I'll be happy to dig up some of your old posts from there once I get back in a couple hours.


Oh, please. I said there are reasons that someone would prefer to play consoles and not mess with PCs for gaming. I didn't say anything about PC gaming being horrible and that consoles were better. You're putting words in my mouth, no wonder you found it to be so 'stupid'.


What are those reasons? Expense, simplicity (no need to research, all consoles play the games made for them the same.), exclusives, etc. If those don't matter to you, that's fine. But don't knock others for preferring it that way.


And save it, you couldn't demonize me for that even if you wished. I never refused help, with the sole exception of taking a picture of the back of my PC, which I declined because my PC is too heavy and I didn't want to have to move it out. I couldn't see how that had to do with anything, since my card is running fine otherwise, and everyone on The Sims community said that it is an issue with the card itself being too new for The Sims 3 to run it.


There you go, I even saved you the trouble of what I said! Now please, quit bringing up irrelevant nonsense.

  • Brohoof 1

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Why would you even resort to give a single fuck about what kind of game system people play on? What's the point? Instead of sitting on your ass and complain about how consoles are downgrading this era of graphics, then how about actually going out and do something about it?


This generic "war" (game system A v.s game system B) can be traced back to the Nintendo-SEGA era of hilarious bullshit.  >_>


If the PS4 rocks your boat, then play on it!

If the Xbox One rocks your boat, then play on it!

If a gaming PC rocks your boat, then play on it!


If you're a respectable and nice dude, then cool beans. If you're an asshole, then piss off.

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Why would you even resort to give a single fuck about what kind of game system people play on? What's the point? Instead of sitting on your ass and complain about how consoles are downgrading this era of graphics, then how about actually going out and do something about it?


This generic "war" (game system A v.s game system B) can be traced back to the Nintendo-SEGA era of hilarious bullshit.  >_>


If the PS4 rocks your boat, then play on it!

If the Xbox One rocks your boat, then play on it!

If a gaming PC rocks your boat, then play on it!


If you're a respectable and nice dude, then cool beans. If you're an asshole, then piss off.


Oh Yeah!!! Remember ''Blast Processing''? That only made the games generally faster. Too bad Sega suck now.

The only victim in graffiti is the architect. Graffiti is not a crime.

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For me personally, I don't have a preference between PC gaming and Console gaming. As long as I have fun, that's all that matters to me.  :)


I have a gaming PC laptop, Wii U and an Xbox 360 and while all of them have their perks, I could care less about which is better in the long-run.  :okiedokielokie:


If you want to talk the 8th (Current) generation of consoles, here's my take on it. I personally prefer the Gaming PC + Wii U combo. That is a win-win for me.  :D


I know that the Xbox One and PS4 have some good games now and upcoming, but due to personal reasons, I cannot afford to get both or either at the moment (maybe in a few years or so, but it all depends on what it'll be like for me then).


Therefore, I am very satisfied with the Gaming PC + Wii U combo I currently have now. :)


What happened to "Count your blessings"?  :confused:



It's actually the other way round, Console Gamers hate PC Gamers because PC Gamers boast that PC is a generation ahead of Consoles. And PC Gamers think that Console Gamers are scrubs who have no benefits of owning a PC. Personally I think that both are equally as good as each other, just that players of Tomb Raider, Far Cry and Operation Flashpoint on Console get to miss out on level editors. Also, Microsoft does not really like Cross-Platform play. So that is another reason.

I've the best of both worlds (PC and Console gaming) and I'm not complaining (refer to an older post of mine (the 1st quote) to see why). :)

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I really don't care whether the game I'm playing runs at 30 FPS or 60 FPS, or 720 or 1080. All I care is that it is a good game. Games like Mario Kart 8 look gorgeous even though the Wii U is 'weak'. Well, it's not weak in any way that matters as far as I am concerned.

In my opinion, graphics don't matter until it gets to the point where it becomes a distraction in the experience; this is particularly a problem if the focus of the game was to immerse you into the world. I think they should have delayed or invested more into the consoles until they could at minimum output 1080p and 60FPS; graphics aren't everything but they still count, framerate is notably more important because the gameplay experience is much smoother thus better. I don't know whether console gamers generally care about 30FPS vs 60FPS, but from what I've seen, those who have seen 60FPS gameplay preferred that. When I play games on consoles, the framerate (and the controller input lag doesn't help) is a distraction and so worsens the gameplay experience for me. Have you played on a PC before? I'm unsure if your position is from having only played console games, or if you have played on PCs before but you still only see resolution and framerate as a convenience but not a necessity. If it's the latter, then I suppose it's just that different people have different expectation from games.


It has been mentioned before but it does frustrate me when companies (Ubisoft) try to make excuses for their 30FPS gameplay saying that it's more 'filmic'. It's not about the fact that consoles are weaker, I understand that limitation, but they should just keep quiet on that because saying higher FPS is inferior is absurd.

Edited by Krovavaya Luna
  • Brohoof 1

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Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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In my opinion, graphics don't matter until it gets to the point where it becomes a distraction in the experience; this is particularly a problem if the focus of the game was to immerse you into the world. In my opinion, they should have delayed or invested more into the consoles until they could at minimum output 1080p and 60FPS; graphics aren't everything but they still count, framerate is notably more important because the gameplay experience is much smoother thus better. I don't know whether console gamers generally care about 30FPS vs 60FPS, but from what I've seen, those who have seen 60FPS gameplay preferred that. When I play games on consoles, the framerate (and the controller input lag doesn't help) is a distraction and so worsens the gameplay experience for me. Have you played on a PC before? I'm unsure if your position is from having only played console games, or if you have played on PCs before but you still only see resolution and framerate as a convenience but not a necessity. If it's the latter, then I suppose it's just that different people have different expectation from games.


It has been mentioned before but it does frustrate me when companies (Ubisoft) try to make excuses for their 30FPS gameplay saying that it's more 'filmic'. It's not about the fact that consoles are weaker, I understand that limitation, but they should just keep quiet on that because saying higher FPS is inferior is absurd.


I've played some PC games. But whether or not they're 30 FPS or 60 FPS I could not tell you. However I have played games that are supposedly at 60 FPS like Super Smash Bros. Wii U. Even still, I simply don't see any difference.

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Eh, games are games. Doesn't matter the hardware; games are games. :)


Really though, I'm more of a console gamer myself as I prefer the various exclusives on these systems and I prefer controllers over the keyboard/mouse systems. Not to mention that dealing with controllers on computers has been quite the nightmare for me.


But I like PC games too; as well as handheld and mobile games.


The Gamer Master Race.jpg
  • Brohoof 4

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I will make this one last post here as this thread is just bound to be locked up due to some close minded fanatics. And whoever will quote it and try to whine that <insert random platform> is better than the rest gets reported for off topic, because it is not even funne anymore. 



Read all the posts about how one platform is better over other. How technically proven it is for example that PC is better or cheaper. Awesome and obvious, isn't it?

No, in fact it is not obvious. 


Console gamers will play games on their consoles and You have no right to question them for doing that or to pester them, because "omg, on PC those games are better" - they don't care and they do not have to care. It is esentially what PC gamers are hated for so stop doing that. 

PC gamers will not move to consoles because of random exclusives, we prefer to play games on PC and any console fanatic is no better than PC master race member. 


This whole topic was a chance to show PC gamers in better light. Instead random PC elitists showed up and started shouting overused lines about why PC is better. We all understand. It can have better graphics, more features. But You know, what?



That's right. Nobody gives a damn. Gaming is for fun, not for boasting about better graphics or opportunity to use photoshop. It is not about statistics over which gaming platform has better exclusives. It is about FUN. And everyone has different ways to entertain himself - for as long as they are not hurtful to other people none of us has right to question them. Deal with it. 



I feel ashamed that I am PC gamer now. In fact I see more PC games elitists here than I assumed there would appear. Envy gave You some legit arguments and I saw even her getting some bashing only for disagreing. Are You people serious? It is  my last post here (and huge rant as well) - I will read answers if any will appear but if I will hear more whining about why certain platform is better I will report it from now on. Enough of this.

  • Brohoof 4


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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Eh, games are games. Doesn't matter the hardware; games are games. :)


Really though, I'm more of a console gamer myself as I prefer the various exclusives on these systems and I prefer controllers over the keyboard/mouse systems. Not to mention that dealing with controllers on computers has been quite the nightmare for me.


But I like PC games too; as well as handheld and mobile games.


lmao omg why is that image so funny. i literally lol'd for like a a good 6 minutes. im in the same boat as you btw

  • Brohoof 2



Silence is a girl's best friend.


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I will make this one last post here as this thread is just bound to be locked up due to some close minded fanatics. And whoever will quote it and try to whine that <insert random platform> is better than the rest gets reported for off topic, because it is not even funne anymore. 



Read all the posts about how one platform is better over other. How technically proven it is for example that PC is better or cheaper. Awesome and obvious, isn't it?

No, in fact it is not obvious. 


Console gamers will play games on their consoles and You have no right to question them for doing that or to pester them, because "omg, on PC those games are better" - they don't care and they do not have to care. It is esentially what PC gamers are hated for so stop doing that. 

PC gamers will not move to consoles because of random exclusives, we prefer to play games on PC and any console fanatic is no better than PC master race member. 


This whole topic was a chance to show PC gamers in better light. Instead random PC elitists showed up and started shouting overused lines about why PC is better. We all understand. It can have better graphics, more features. But You know, what?



That's right. Nobody gives a damn. Gaming is for fun, not for boasting about better graphics or opportunity to use photoshop. It is not about statistics over which gaming platform has better exclusives. It is about FUN. And everyone has different ways to entertain himself - for as long as they are not hurtful to other people none of us has right to question them. Deal with it. 



I feel ashamed that I am PC gamer now. In fact I see more PC games elitists here than I assumed there would appear. Envy gave You some legit arguments and I saw even her getting some bashing only for disagreing. Are You people serious? It is  my last post here (and huge rant as well) - I will read answers if any will appear but if I will hear more whining about why certain platform is better I will report it from now on. Enough of this.

It's not that PC gamers are ganging up on the console gamers, it's that the console clowns are trying to make PC seem like it can't compete when it really can. Like that other guy said, it's like comparing a Ford Pinto to a Nissan GTR.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's not that PC gamers are ganging up on the console gamers, it's that the console clowns are trying to make PC seem like it can't compete when it really can. Like that other guy said, it's like comparing a Ford Pinto to a Nissan GTR.

I saw no "console clown" on this thread saying that PC can't compete, pardon. 

  • Brohoof 2


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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"There are plenty of reasons to own a console and not mess with PC gaming."


It's true both ways, and it's dependent on the individual and their subjective tastes, interests, and situation.

  • Brohoof 2

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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However I have played games that are supposedly at 60 FPS like Super Smash Bros. Wii U. Even still, I simply don't see any difference.
 Your TV is probably 30Hz then, so the most frames per second it'll display is 30. My monitor is 60Hz, and frankly, the difference between 30 and 60FPS is like night and day. Then again, it's what I'm accustomed to now.
  • Brohoof 3
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"There are plenty of reasons to own a console and not mess with PC gaming."

I don't really think that's what the post is trying to get across. It's more of a "some people may not want to get into the complexities of PC gaming, so they stick with consoles." Some people don't want all of the extra stuff PC gaming provides and just want something they can plug in and play, and saying that isn't undermining PC in any way.

  • Brohoof 3

^ don't listen to this guy ^


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