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open ~ENDING!~ Hearth's Warming Eve party-- SOL


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There soon comes another knock on the door. On the other side is an off-white unicorn in very trendy winter gear and a fancy hat. He waits for somepony to answer the door.


Finally, somepony does answer the door. "Hello there! My name's Trilby Hatter, local haberdasher. You've probably heard of me. I live on the outskirts of Ponyville? ... I own one of the top hat shops in town? ... Got a B+ rating from local fashionista Rarity?" Trilby begins. "The ungrateful, competition-hating, little..." Trilby mumbles a little bitterly, but then clears his throat. "Anyways, I'm just going around to let ponies know that I'm having a special holiday sale on all my hand-made hats. ... Oh, and I heard there is a party here." Trilby says.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Plum was speechless at the sight of this fabulous, fancy pony, so she simply listened as he prattled on about his hat sale--until she heard the word "party", that is, and suddenly remembered where she was.

"Oh, yes,", she said suddenly. "This is my Hearth's Waming Eve party! I'm also a businesspony, and I'm trying to promote my baked goods, so--" she paused a moment, taking note of the snow in her entryway once again. "Won't you come in?"

Plum stepped aside to let Trilby see the ponies gathered in her living room, chatting and eating happily, and she offered a friendly smile.

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Red nodded as he took another bite, listening to Thrillseeker. "Oh... Sorry to hear that," he says. "But, don't you have friends or family to get you through when you're not working? I wish I could get nearly half the year off work." he said. "I like to travel, myself." he adds.

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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Spacer listened to the stallion and tilted her head to the side when she heard the Arabic language. It was the first time she had heard that sort of talk before but nodded in understanding that it meant life of a new season. "Ya its basically like that. I rarely take part in wrapping up winter. I leave that to the other ponies. I tried a couple times to take part in the fun but it just seems like boring work." She said sticking out her tongue. "As much as I like to work to get bit, I would rather get bits then sing while I work." She said with a laugh and noticed the emblem on his shoulder pad.


She looked back and forth from the emblem to him. "So are you apart of the Equestrian military?" She said getting up and walking to him. "Looks like you do something for the military" She poked a hoof on the emblem on his shoulder.

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Ahaban looked to his shoulder.

"Huh? Oh. No I am not affiliated with the Foreign Advance Forces. I'm a contractor with the Equestrian Strategies Corp... A security firm. More commonly a mercenary." He says. Ahaban had no complaints about his work, but felt best to keep his work out if subject. But he was willing to talk of it.

"I would do like, security detail, escort convoys, provide logistics and support. It's really um.. Not interesting." He says, lying about the last part.


He felt curious about his necklace condition. He removes the beaded necklace from under his shemagh. The design seems... elementary, as created by a filly. The size fits just enough around Ahaban's neck. He examines it carefully before nodding in satisfaction.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@Red Cedar,


"I don't get to see my parents that much," Thrillseeker explained. "Not since I moved out three years ago. They're very busy with the weather but I write to them whenever I can. All my friends are across the Bucklyn Bridge; they're my co-workers. We still hang out, just not as much during the winter."


He rose his cider mug to take another sip but realized he had already downed the whole drink.


"Let's get some more cider," he suggested.

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 "hhmm interesting, prolly more action than what I have been up to." Spacer replied. She thought about how he ended up here at this very house. Sounded like he was undercover or something along those lines but it didn't bother her. She knew she wasn't in any danger here.


She looked at the necklace he pulled out and examined it from a distance. "Is that a necklace from a special somepony?" She asked curiously. She could feel her belly start to growl again for more food but she wanted to know more about this stallion.

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"No. My sister made this for me sometime ago before I left home. " he says,

"It's been forever since I saw her. Haven't heard anything, so this is a good reminder of her." He finishes. The fire was starting to die out a again, quickly but fluidly he shovels the ash into an depositor for said ash near the fireplace and inserting two more logs.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"I hope you see her again soon, family is really important" Spacer said before he got up and tended to the fire.


Spacer then eyed the food on display for everypony. She slowly trotted over to the bountiful meal and slipped a couple cookies into her mouth savoring the taste as if they were the last cookies in Equestria. She went over to get a glass of cold water and took a sip. Her ears moved in all directions listening to the conversing ponies that filled the room. Coming back to the fire she pondered on if she would find her hat in the snowy mess outside. "Prolly wouldn't find it till spring anyway" She mumbled and laughed to herself sitting back down by the fire.

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Dex had dozed off a little in the corner near the fire. Dreaming of the warm sun on his back as he soared through clear blue skies, he was completely at peace until one of the logs shifted and startled him awake.


"Ejj a buhjj... Oh... sorry... never mind me." He blushed in embarrassment and grabbed a bite of cookie.

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"Had my fellow colleagues been not busy with their own work in the Corp they would've tagged along for this party." He says taking the last few sips from his cider.

He looked upon the fire. A sense of comfort emitted in his opinion.

"Fire has a constant change in opinion. Today it is our comforter." He says aloud, he covered his muzzle.

"I.. I didn't mean to ramble." He apologizes.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Don't be sorry my friend." Spacer said with a smile. "Your just being you and there is no complaints from me" She laid on the floor by the time she finished her sentence. "by the way, I don't think we ever told eachother our names have we? Mine is Spacer"




As Spacer introduced herself she caught the sudden moment out of the corner of her eye from the greyish looking pegasus and covered her mouth to giggle at the random outburst from his nap. It seems more humorous to her due to she was lying her back and seen his actions upside down. She jokingly called out to the pegasus "I will mind you and your delicious cookie!" She said pointing a hoof at him.

  • Brohoof 1
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He nods, "Marahaben, ismi Aha'ban Achnihakalsul"

((using English phonetic))

"Which ment, hello I am Ahaban. Ahaban Steelwings. "

He says to Spacer, he gives a slight amused smirk at the fellow pegasus after being disturbed from his sleep.

He loosened up the shemagh around his neck to a more comfortable fit as he remains near the fire.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@DJ Spacer


Dexterous got up to stretch his legs and keep himself awake. It is awfully tricky to fall asleep standing up. he snagged a few of the little no bake oatmeal drop cookies.


"Well tough tomatoes," he stuck his tongue out at her childishly and then let out a hearty laugh.

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Red nodded, listening. "Well, I can sure understand not wanting to get out much in the middle of winter, snow or rain or anything." he says. "Hopefully this one passes a little quicker for you," Getting up from the table with Thrillseeker, he nodded again. "More cider is always called for in situations like this." he said.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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"Oh! I'd be glad to!" Trilby enters the establishment and hangs his scarf up, but keeps his hat on and goes off to socialize with everyone. "Hello, everypony! How do you do? Don't worry, the epic party starter has ARRIVED!" Trilby says.


He quickly notices one of the ponies amongst the parties. He goes over to Ahaban. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice, are you from Saddle Arabia?"


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Amber hadn't noticed that the pony next to her had fallen asleep. She had been busy staring out the window at the softly falling snow, taking in the as much of this surreal feeling as she could. Winter was her favourite season, and the fire was so warm and comforting, she hardly remembered where she was. It felt like home. It wasn't until a rather loud stallion had entered the room that she snapped out of her peaceful trance. It had gotten nice and lively. Ponyville was truly a friendly place.

I dont really know anyponies in town, she thought to herself, I suppose I should talk to somepony.

Edited by AmberDust

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@@Samurai Equine

Ahaban looked upon Trilbey as he approached.

"Marahaben. And yes I am from Saddle Arabia. Is there something you need?" He asks him.


Ahaban held back his offense, having been immediately confronted by this stallion. He had to remember social skills are different in this land.

Edited by IllusivePony

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@Red Cedar,


"Then let's get ourselves some more," Thrillseeker suggested, shuffling off his haunches. "Let's get some more food while we're at it. That apple pie was to die for."




As Thrillseeker continued his coversation with Red, he failed to notice he was about to cross paths with Amber until a quick head twist halted him in his tracks. "Whoa!" he called. "Sorry about that."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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"Oh! I knew it! I just think that's really awesome. I'd love to visit all the foreign lands some day. In fact, I have a pen pal from Japon. He is such a great pony. Why, I remember the last time we wrote to each other..." Trilby says, then thinks back to that very moment...




Trilby is seen at his desk, writing a letter. "Dear Samurai Equine, I hope this letter reaches you well. How is your ji-chan? Does he still have a back problem? I'd love to know more about your sensei. It's interesting that a unicorn is trying his best to learn from a pegasus. I remember once, I looked up to a brave earth pony who..." Trilby continues to write, speaking out loud what he is writing.


A few days later, an armored, tri-colored pony in Japon receives the letter. He look at it up and down completely confused, like a deer in the headlights. Then he gets mad. Steaming mad! "Grrr... KORE WA YOMEMASEN!!! (I CAN'T READ THIS!!!)" The Japonese pony says, waving the letter around in his hoof.




"...Ah. Good times, good times." Trilby finishes recalling. "Anyways, if you need some new Arabian head wear while you're here, I'd be happy to help any time. I make all kinds of hats and head wear."


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Amber stopped quickly--She hadn't been paying attention either.

"Oh, sorry," she said in unison withThrillseeker. She laughed, embarrassed. "Sorry," she repeated. "I got up to try and socialize and I end up almost running somepony over!" She was about to move out of the way when she noticed they were headed to the dining table...then noticed how hungry she was.

"May I join you?" she asked.

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@@Samurai Equine

Ahaban's ears flattened, feeling rather awkward of the subject of fashion. He answered up to Trilbey's first sentence.

"It wouldn't be the best time to visit my home. There's a war going on." He says. Taking his glass he enters into the kitchen to refill with cider before returning to his seat near the fire.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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"Oh, yes, of course." Trilby trots off.

"OH! Speaking of Japon... Anypony up for this awesome thing called Karaoke?!" Trilby asks no one in particular. "My Japonese pen pal told me all about, and I even have a Karaoke machine we can all take turns on, if that interests any pony." Trilby offers.


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"Sure, let's go." Thrillseeker said as he and Amber walked side by side to the table. "What a coincidence, I as just about to do the same exact thing. Everypony in Ponyville is just so welcoming. I've seen lots of ponies come and go when they visit Poney Island." He gestured forward with his hoof. "After you, ma'am."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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Ma'am? Amber thought. She decided to let it slide and she shifted her focus to the food. She took a glob of plum pudding and another glass of cider before turning back to her fellow pony.

"You work at Poney island?", she asked, bemused. "That sounds interesting. And fun!"

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