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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Elegron picked the lock and walked into the house. Shortly after, he realised, it wasnt as abandoned as he had thought. he stared down the three ponies inside (what is up with that ponies mane?). "GACK! i uhh... umm... *ahem* Im sorry i thought this place was abandoned. I dont want to fight. at least, not with you. the thing is, i saw a very large building a while back, and what looked like slavers! but theres too many to handle. i dont know if you could.... nevermind, im sorry, i cant ask that of you. its not really my business anyway... look, ill be on my way... although... i havent seen any ponies who havent killed me on sight yet. this may be a bit to ask but, could i possibly stay with you 3? you seem nice." Elegron kept his ward up and .44 close just incase, hoping he would not need to use it.

Blooddrop: "You come into my city, you insult my home and invade it. And you just expect me to let you stay? You are in a very bad place now young stable dweller, I have half a mind to kill you right now, and half a mind to feed you alive to my Scorpion."


Wade stood in the doorway, blocking this new ponies exit with his sword drawn in a fighting stance.


Wade: "What was the rules about ponies that break other rules Blood?"


Blood: "The rules only apply to members of the gang. He is not an Albino Rider. Noyer a member of White Poison. We are free to do what we want to him."


Wade: "He is still new. I say we give him a running start."


Blood: "I love your thinking. But not today. It's too late, and we still have unfinished 'business' together. Tomorrow at dawn you will face the escape challenge. You win, you live. You lose, you're Scorpion food." Blooddrop signalled to get the attention if two Raiders. "Take this Stallion to the Cells. He faces the Escape tomorrow at dawn."


Raider 1: "Yes Blooddrop."


The two raiders started to use physical force to remove The Stallion from Blooddrop's home.

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"PLEASE", Silvermind said in a stern and loud tone. "Let us not resort to violence. I understand you are raiders but you're not heathens." He turned to Elegron. "You have broken into this house and insulted its fine owner. Leave, and do not return."






Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Silvermind... you are a good pony. i can see that. I dont know who these ponies are, other than that you siad they were raiders, but... do what you think is right." Elegron levitated his revolver out just enough so only silvermind could see it, and was ready to reholster or open fire at a moments notice, and awaited silverminds decision.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Elegron." Silvermind answered, sternly. He was getting quite upset. "Leave. The house. Do not return. You are foolish to even consider defeating a cyborg and a raider queen in their own home with nothing but a .44. I doubt I can convince them much longer. If you value your life, take it elsewhere."

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Elegron (reluctantly) responded "Sorry, if you would allow me to serve you for a time, then i would be able to repay you for my insults... master" Elegron took a step back, reholstered his revolver, and anxiously awaited blooddrop's response. All the while watching carefully for any sudden movements."then to silvermind said "and im not stupid enough to attack them, what gave you that idea?"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave had dressed himself in raider armor from raiders he had killed. Raiders from the raider city. Some of his gang members were with him, dressed in raider armor as well. He looked at a caravan that was protected mostly by ponies with guns but there were also 3 Iron Warriors. He signaled the others to attack. Rave rushed ahead of the others screaming like many raiders did. The caravan guards were caught by surprise but not the Ironers. However, Rave was quicker drawing out his energy weapon. He fired at one of the Ironers in the head and he turned into ash immediately. His members started killing the caravan guards. Rave holstered his rifle and threw himself at two guards and managed to slit both of their throats, spraying him with blood. He licked his cheek, liking the taste. "At least these are healthy ponies. Can feel it in their wonderful blood". One of the Iron Warriors had realized Rave was the leader and started firing at him with a minigun. Rave tried to dodge as he could but he was pounded in the end by the gun. The raider armor did nearly nothing to protect him since raider armor was the worst armor you could find in the Wastelands. He lay on the ground trying to gasp for air. The Ironer walked up to him. "Surrender now and you may be spared". Fueled with rage and hatred, Rave spat his own blood onto the helmet of the Ironer, covering it with blood. The Ironer with his sight covered with blood, did not notice as Rave managed to get up and hover his energy rifle up to his head. "I will never stop until I'm dead" he pulled the trigger and the Ironer falling down to the ground, dead. 


After the battle the last Ironer had been taken prisoner as Rave wanted. The others had used an EMP grenade and managed to get him out of his armor. Rave had used the stimpaks that the caravan had been transporting to the Ironers. Rave looked at the Ironer. "Break his legs". Rave listened as he heard the bones being broken. "You are the lucky one. You get to live, but you won't get off the hook that easily. We must make it a challenge for you" Rave laughed. "Go back to your leader and tell him that the members of the White Poison gang from the raider city in the badlands attacked and slaughtered you". The Ironer was let go and he crawled away. Rave looked at the dead bodies. He had had the bodies mutilated like raiders do. He at least lost 5 ponies in the attack. As soon as the Ironer was out of sight Rave started back for his base, his ponies carrying the loot. "Let's see how well you handle a Brotherhood attack raiders. Soon, the Wasteland will burn. Non can escape it". 

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Wade: "I trust Silvers judgment on this. The killing wound be fun, but we can kind."


Blooddrop: "I was looking forward to the killing. Buy I guess we have other ways to entertain ourselves." She moved close to Elegron's face, trying to make him feel nervous. "So you say you will serve us. I always did want a slave to myself. Ok, you can stay but don't expect any kindness from me or Wade. Now, get out of my house."



"White Poison. They have not been seen outside of the badlands in over a year. And he first thing they do is attack us? Of they get confident. They could easily overpower us. We need to take them out, but as soon as any of us set hoof into the badlands, we are screwed. Send in scouts, we need to know their strengths and weaknesses. Anything we can use."


Star: "Yes sir."


Iron Mane: "Just great. What next? Everything is going wrong. I hope that my plan works."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Elegron left the house, deciding whether or not to leave an "unwanted gift" but he didn't want some half blown up cyborg hunting him across the wastland, so he settled with the Next best thing. "I said I would serve you, i did not say I would be your slave. Goodbye silver mind, I hope next time we meet, it is on better terms." and with that, he was gone in a flash of light, and unicorn magic. Elegron continued on his way, trying to find the brotherhood of steel. His last hope for defeating the slavers. After that though, he would need a team, and he knew this. He wanted to create a new faction. The Bringers of Light. He had gotten this far on only a pistol, magic, and dumb luck. That wouldn't last forever.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave entered his base, all covered in blood, not one spot clean from blood. Lasher came to greet him. "I see you had fun". "Haven't felt so alive since..... nevermind. Not talking about it. Anything new happening?". "We've been delivering most of our slaves to the Happy Smiles Caravan, we asked about aid but we have not been given an answer. We also raided another zebra village, taking many slaves". "Good, I hope they suffered". Rave walked into his tent. "I really don't wish to wash off the blood, but I do not wish to stain my security barding". "I see you have had it colored a little bit. Also covered it with marks of the old world". "I have, I did so that everybody knew that I am the leader, so that ponies know their place" "and by doing so you have painted your self as a target. You might as well be holding a sign that say's, "I'm leader, please shoot me". Sounds delightful, doesn't it?". "Oh buck up". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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*CLANK* greenleaves felt her cage crash against the bottom of the slavercart as it hit a rock. "oh, quit your whining bitch!" the slaver called back before giving the cage a hard kick, and laughing.


Elegron heard a scream off in the distance and went to investigate. "A slaver cart! this will be something i can do in the meantime, and maybe pick up a new gun or 2."  He followed closely until the slavers go out to investigate where they saw a wastelander hiding from them. Taking the opening, elegron slipped inside the cart, and found the cage. 

"what? what are you doing here? its not safe!" said greenleaves.

"SSHHH im here to help you"

"oh yes sure my knight in shining armor"

"yea something like that, now lemme get the lock off..."

with that, he heard the slavers getting back in

"shit, they're here"

Elegron got into position, and when the first slaver entered... *BLAM*

the others jumped back, startled. staring at a decapitated slaver on the ground.


A grenade went into the cart. 

A grenade went out of the cart.


  Elegron stepped outside to see the results of his counterattack, when one grabbed him by the mane, and put a knife up to his throat. 

"don't move a muscle, or ill kill you right where you stand!"

Elegron teleported behind the last slaver and bucked his hooves into the slavers skull. hard.


after collecting a combat shotgun and a cowboy repeater, he headed into the cart and picked the lock on the cage.

"thanks for getting me out of that, but be more careful next time! you could have been killed!"

"no, if it had happened again i would have done the same. My life was saved by a slave when i was captured on my first day out of the stable. I owe my life to helping others."

Elegron had already started scavenging the armor, and made a patchwork suit of raider barding, then handed it and the repeater to greenleaves. "so whats your name?"


"im elegron. so, now that your free, what do you want to do?"

"i don't know, and i don't think ill be free before. They'll just find me again"

"well... if you want you could come with me"


"of course, there are many times when a little backup would have helped a lot. i cant exactly take out a slaver fortress or raider queen on my own. but of course, you don't have to"

Greenleaves had just finished putting on the barding, and slinging the new rifle across her shoulder, while elegron looked through the irons of his new shotgun.

"well" said greenleaves" i don't have anything better to do, and its not like i'm going to live long anyway, so why not? you seem nice anyway"


From that moment it was settled, that the two would roam the wastes and help as many ponies as they could, in this horror ridden environment.

This was the start, of The Bringers of Light.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave heard soon about the news of the attack on one of his unimportant caravan. 4 survivors had managed to get back. They had all been recruits on their first transport. Rave had them lined up, in front of every other slaver inside the base. "COWARDS. YOU LITTLE COWARDS. YOU LET A LITTLE STABLEDWELLER THAT KNOWS NOTHING OF THE WASTE, KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT THE HORRORS, BEAT YOU. FAILURE SUCH AS THIS IS NOT TOLERATED". Rave brought forth his skinning knife. He kicked one of the ponies with his rear legs, the pony buckled down. Lasher came to help and held him down. Rave brought the knife to the ponies skin. There was a lot of screaming. 


An hour later, Rave was again all covered in blood. The others had been beaten to death. He looked at the slavers that had been ordered to watch. "Know that this is what awaits you if you betray me like this. Let me down like this. NEVER SURRENDER. NO MATTER WHAT. NO MERCY. IF SOMEBODY ATTACKS YOU, SHOW THEM NO MERCY. I DON'T WANT ANY PRISONERS. DON'T HOLD UP A GUN AND ASK THEM TO SURRENDER. KILL THEM IMMEDIATELY. BY ATTACKING US, THEY HAVE FORFEITED THEIR LIVES. IS THAT CLEAR". All of the ponies looked terrified at Rave and nodded their heads. "Good, so no surrendering and no taking prisoners. I'm glad we got that clear". Rave went back into his tent and started washing himself.... again. Lasher entered the tent. "It seems that some stupid ponies who want to play heroes are starting to enter the Ponyville area. We never had this problem before. Nobody cared. Well they will learn the price to play a hero. It is harder to be the hero. Because they have to feel sorry for all the ponies that they can not save" Rave smiled. Lasher only nodded his head. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Shots rang out as the slavers fired at the escaping slaves

"Hurry greenleaves, we have to help them!" The bringers of light sprinted up to the firefight. It was 4 slavers taking shots at a rock with 3 slaves hiding behind it. why they were shooting the rock, elegron had no idea, but it didnt matter. He ran up to the first slaver, slipped into sats, and turned his brain into chili with a single blast from the shotgun. the second slaver turned and took aim with a 10MM SMG. before he could pull the trigger, his head was ripped off by a .357 from greenleaves' cowboy repeater. The last slaver started to run, hoping to relay the message of the attack to Rave. The slaver was fast, but greenleaves' bullet was faster. bang.


Elegron handed the smg to greenleaves, and told the 3 slaves to gather the weapons and armor, then explained his idea for an army of slaves. 2 of them jumped up at the opportunity to avenge they're friends who had died in the attack, and the last one replaied "you just saved my life? why the hell would i give it up again?"

"suit yourself, im not forcing you to come with me, ill give you a cut of the loot from the caravan, and good luck in... whatever you plan on doing now"

"good luck to you too stable dweller. Also, i have to warn you, some slave caravans fit their slaves with bomb collars. try to rescue them, and they explode. But there are some who know how to deactive such a collar. i personally am not one of them. There is one who can that i know of. a zebra named Xanthe who lives at a village only a few miles north of here. Although she probably wont go with you, you may be able to get her to teach you a few things."

"thanks, you have helped me more than you could imagine! well, i should probably be on my way now, good luck"

"you too"

With 2 new additions to the team, the Bringers of Light are getting much more powerful. sure they only have 10mm pistols, but those can pack quite a punch. Although on the other hand, the group has recieved some infamy amongst slavers and raiders. they need to be extra careful where they go. The last group of slavers had nobody left to report to Rave, but he would figure it out sooner or later.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Slavers that had been returning after successfully delivering slaves to the Happy Smiles Caravan had come across the bodies of slavers. They relayed the news to Rave. "I want all small slave transports stopped. From here on now, we only travel in big groups. Send a message to Lena Smiles that if she wants slaves. She is going to have to help defend her caravans. Otherwise we will stop in the slave business and find a new job. That should get her rattled up". On of the slavers moved immediately to obey. "I think I got the Iron Warriors of my back for a while but now there is this. There always has to be a replacement" Rave said in annoyance. "I could go and kill this pony. If he is a stabledweller, then it will be easy. He doesn't know the Wasteland. Has no experience. Not as much as we have". "I need you here. In case something more threatening then a petty stabledweller comes up. He is but a mere annoyance. We will have to stop sending out the recruits. Start sending out the more experienced slavers with the big caravans. From now on, every recruit is to train for at least 4 months before he can be handled such an important task. When Lena lends us her griffin mercs, nothing will be able to stop these caravans. Especially if she sends out Razorclaw, one of the toughest griffin in all of the Wasteland". "She is nearly my equal". "Only nearly" Rave laughed. "But let us get to more important matter. I have heard rumors about a location of one of our stuff we need for 'Project Hellfire'. I'm going to head out there and investigate. I want you to come with me". "Where are we going?". Rave smiled. "The Bonewastes". 


Rave and Lasher walked out of the base. "Soon Project Hellfire can begin. The Wasteland will burn" Rave thought with a grin.

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"Well, that happened." Wade sat down in one of the chairs and started to talk in a more serious tone. "Now then. I see this as the best opertunity to talk to you about the reason I came down here. I need your help. You and your gang or riders. Their is a war going on in the ponyville area, between a faction of ex-Steel Rangers called iron Warriors and a Slaver army led by a pony that I belive you may know. Rave Darkmane. I understand you two have some history."


Blooddrop: "That pony is a leader of a Slaver army? I thought he would be dead by now, when I first met him, he was nothing. I had a lot of fun with him in the past, gave him a heavy psychological scar I'm sure."


Wade: "Yes, well anyway. Their is a war, and they are going to be killing each other. My plan is to silently aid the slavers into a close victory. The Iron Warriors will destroy the Slavers no problems. I don't want that. Their are two Slavers that I want to torture and torment for what they have done. Have you ever heard of a pony called Lasher?"


Blooddrop: "Never heard of him. But I see your plan. I like it, dangerous and lots will die. But it's ok." She leaned in close to Wade and whispered into his ear. "We need to talk about this more privately. We'll talk about this tonight once the sun sets. And I want to have some private time with you. It's been far too long."


Wade: "Very well, we talk later. And have a bit of fun with each other." The two separated with a deep kiss and Blooddrop went and grabbed her Missile launcher and a ton of missiles.


Blooddrop: "It's getting late, and the Riders are going to be leading the last hunt of the day. We are going into the eastern edge of the badlands to hunt Hell hounds. I should be back I'll about 4 hours. About 10pm. Feel free to spend the night In my home. See you later."


Blooddrop on her face mask and moved to the center of town, mounting her Albino Radscorpion and signalled the party to leave town and start the hunt.




"It's too late to move through the badlands without a small army now. We are going to be staying in this city tonight. I guess you better pick out the place your going to sleep. My gut says tomorrow is going to be heavy. We are gonna both need our rest." Wade moved into a back room with a work bench in it and started create a few pieces of technology as a present for EDNA.

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the Bringers of Light marched forward, spotting what they could only assume was the town that was spoken of. Elegron walked through the front gates, and saw many zebras, about a third of them wounded.

A zebra materialized from above, and brought her hooves down on Elegrons head. But he wasnt one of those stable 2 ponies. He had been trained in hand to hand combat during his time as a security pony. He met her hooves with his, pushing her off. The martial art spectacular continued for at least 30 seconds before Xanthe bucked Elegron in the face, sending him to the ground with a bloody nose. 

"WAIT! im not here to fight!" Xanthe stopped, her hooves mere inches from his head.

"the why have you attacked our humble village?"

"if i recall correctly, YOU attacked ME!"

"I... im sorry, it is rare that a pony doesnt attack"

"why is that?"

"wait... you dont know?"
"well i know the zebras started the great war, but you didn't. i see a bunch of injured zebras. i have no reason to attack. Infact, i was looking for one in particular named Xanthe."
"Xanthe? that would be me. well please, come inside"
Xanthe showed Elegron into her hut.
"so... Elegron was it? you are asking a lot of me. I cant teach you how to disarm the bomb collars. It requires zebra alchemy and special training. This means i would have to go with you, which is far too dangerous. We are barely surviving as it is."
"damn... then... UGH this wasteland just ISNT FAIR!"
Elegron slammed his hooves on the table in frustration.
The two heard a commotion from outside. Gunfire! They both ran out, looking for the source, and saw 7 ponies is patchwork barding gunning down anyone they saw. The Bringers of light and Xanthe jumped to help.  Elegron blasted the head off of one of the raiders
with the shotgun, as greenleaves air conditioned another one with her SMG. Xanther put a hoof through a raiders head, and the 2 escaped slavers took down their own raider. The last 3 raiders open fired. 2 zebras died who had tried to defend themselves. One of the raiders fired 2 rounds from an old .308 hunting rifle. The first cackled against Elegrons ward, changing it to a faint orange, the second one, shattering it. Before another shot could be fired, he returned the attack with one of his own, blasting the raiders chest open with a .44 magnum. One if the raiders fired twice from a 9mm pistol at Greenleaves, only one bullet hit, but it hit her hard, and she fell. Elegron's world turned dark. He realised That there was still one thing he wanted in this world. He still had a reason to live, aside from helping ponies. Love. He realised that in the short time he had known greenleaves, he had fallen in love with her. And now she might die. She might die, before she even knew how he felt. and that was unacceptable. The remaining 2 raiders were turned into a pool of gore and organs as theyre bodies collided with the concrete ground with a sickening crunch before Elegron recast his ward. Elegron ran over to Greenleaves and helped get her inside, where Xanthe worked her zebra magic to heal her.
Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Rave and Lasher arrived to the Bonewastes. "There are Hellhounds here, right?". "Yup, they don't take kind to visitors. So keep your self unnoticed". "You did not just say that to the pony who had the highest score in stealth and kill in the Enclave military?". "I did". Lasher hoofed his face. "The Bonewastes were once a military testing ground. It once inhabited a lot of wildlife. After the war, all the animals died. Hence the name Bonewastes. We need to find the military base itself". "I hope the Hellhounds are not using it for a base". "Undoubtedly". "Great" Lasher said sarcastically. 

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Greenleave woke up to find herself in a bed with a very soft pillow. wait. thats not a pillow. She looked down to find Elegron sleeping next to her. she remembered him killing the 2 raiders before she blacked out.

"oh, im glad to see you are awake, Elegron was worried about you, and wouldnt keave you for a minute" said Xanthe.

The "pillow" moved. "ugh, what did i miss?"

"oh nothing much, just barely surviving as usual" greenleaves retorted. "and why are you sleeping with me?"

"because you were in a lot of pain, i wanted to make sure you were comfortable. Xanthe has agreed to join us, that means we have 5. and she knows how to remove bomb collars!"

Greenleaves forgot all about the sleeping arrangements realizing, that this crazy plan was actually possible. They could fight back, and revolt against the wasteland.

"oh yea, and Xanthe used some herbs to create a... thing. Basically it should make us a little more resistant to physical damage"

The team of ponies (and zebra) got their stuff ready, and set off to save more ponies!



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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One of the Raiders from the attack on the Zebra village survived, just. "These ponies are helping the Zebras. And a stable dweller no loss. Need to get the gang." The Raider whistled for his Scorpion which came and gave him a ride back to the city. Upon arrival the survivor was shot dead.


The Judge: "Let this be a lesson to you. Never do you venture beyond the badlands without permission. And you do not attack anything unless attacked first. These rules apply outside the badlands. You can kill all you want inside the badlands. Break these rules and you will be the next to join this pony in the dirt. Although, we should keep an eye on the village. You 3, take your Scorpions to the outskirts of this village and keep an eye on it. We might have to raid is one day."


Three Raiders mounted their beasts and took some how powered sniper rifles and moved to the area around the Zebra village and set up observational posts.

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"Goooood evening wasteland. This is DJ Pon-3 here to tell you all that a stable dweller came out of vault 42 several days ago, and has recently taken down 2 slaver caravans, and a small army of raiders that was attacking a zebra town. thats right ZEBRAS! This stable dweller fights for anyone who needs help. and thats not all, word is, he has plans to take down the slaver lord himself! i hope he can, cuz if he does, then we can all rest easy for a time. This has been DJ-Pon-3 wth the news. And now, A song that you all know and love, Whole Lotta Magic. Cuz this kid has a whole. lot. of magic."

"what if he attacks us?" asked one of the slavers.

"Silence! before i silence you myself" responded Breaker. "if he attacks, then i will kill him myself. Rave didnt tell me to lead this capture for nothing. AND TURN OFF THAT DAMN RADIO"


"it seems they've stepped up they're game" commented Elegron. "lets go. greenleaves, fire when ready" 

BLAM BLAM a .357 and a .308 came from the couples rifles as the caravan guards dropped dead. The team of 5 came up close, and elegron levitated an armed grenade in, keeping the field around it as his suspisions were confimed. he felt magical resistance as a slaver tried the same trick elegron had used in his first raid. But Elegron was prepared. hell, that was HIS move, and the slaver had the balls to use it against him. needless to say, it didnt work, the slaver exploded. 

Breaker know what was happening, and quickly dove out the back, and tackled elegron, while the other 4 bringers of light were occupied with the rest of the slavers.

The combat shotgun clattered to the ground 3 feet away, and breaker brought his iron-spiked hooves down on elegron's head. He ducked, and speared the raider commander with his horn. Science lesson: If a unicorn stabs his horn into another ponies chest, and levitates all the organs apart.... well lets just say, breaker.... broke. Elegron got up just in time to see that the battle was over. one of the slaves elegron picked up in the last raid was dead, and Xanthe was wounded. but it was ok, because they had won the battle. Greenleaves handed Xanthe a healing potion as the zebra used her zebra powered sludge to melt away the bomb collars, without harming the ponies in them. There were 5 in total. All agreed to help Elegron's team to end the tyranny!

Arming his now 8 friends with the best of the weapons lying around, and using the rest as spare parts, Elegron made a resolve that he would kill the one behind all of this.

"im coming for you Rave"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Alone in the small room that Blooddrop had designated to be his for the remainder of his visit, Silvermind thought on the young pony who had broken in earlier. Judging from his appearance and general ineptitude, he had just recently emerged from a vault. Strange, considering that Silvermind thought his was the last to open, by a few hundred years. Regardless, it meant that the pony didn't really know what he was doing. That much was obvious. If left to his own devices, he would probably do something rash... get himself killed.

But Silvermind stopped worrying about it. People die in the Wasteland. Get used to it.

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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The the three Raiders had been following these 'Bringers Of Light' watching them do what they do.


Rider 1: "They are certainly capable of handling themselves."


Rider 2: "But they are just fighting simple slavers."


Rider 3: "They would stand no chance against our pets. Their bullets would not even pierce their armour."


Rider 1: "Should we have a bit of fun with them? Or make them think we are nice?"


Rider 2: "I second the second choice."


The three Raiders covered their face with some cloth and goggles, and their gang symbols where also covered. They took their Albino Radscorpion, singer rifles, spears and moved towards the group surrounding them in a triangle formation. The leader of the three dismounted his Scorpion in front of Elegron.


Rider 1: "What are you doing our here without correct arms, armour or protection against the Wastes? You realise you are in the badlands. The most hostile and inhospitable place in existence?"

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"Im doing what any respectable pony might do. may i ask you who you are? and if its so dangerous why are you here? and whats with the freaky scorpions?"

The rest of the team was ready to attack at a moments notice.

"also. why have you not attacked? literally every pony i have met that wasnt a slave has tried to kill me. except one of course...

im starting to call BS on the whole "zebras are evil" thing because so far, they are the nicest i have seen.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Im doing what any respectable pony might do. may i ask you who you are? and if its so dangerous why are you here? and whats with the freaky scorpions?"

The rest of the team was ready to attack at a moments notice.

"also. why have you not attacked? literally every pony i have met that wasnt a slave has tried to kill me. except one of course...

im starting to call BS on the whole "zebras are evil" thing because so far, they are the nicest i have seen.

"We are survivors. We endure the harshest parts of the world in order to make ourselves stronger, and able to live. One skill we have picked up is the ability to tame beasts, mainly Scorpions. And control of the Albino Radscorpions, all the minors will leave us alone. So you are hero's? Freeing slaves and killing Raiders?"

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"yea something like that. Slavers, pretty self explanatory. raiders... well believe it or not some raiders threatened to feed me to their scorpions. Scorpions that looked much like yours." if elegrons suspicions were right. "hey, those don't look comfortable, and its much easier to talk when i can see your face, its just a problem i have." Elegron telekinetically took off the cloth revealing the symbols. "wow. so your in a gang? glad its a friendly one, you guys look pretty tough. too bad i've seen that symbol before, and i don't associate it with good things." Elegron telekinetically flung all 3 ponies and one of the scorpions, and tossed 4 grenades at them. boom. The nades went off before the poor raiders could draw they're rifles. Elegron jumped high into the air, and brandished the spiked hoof-gauntlets from breaker. *CRUNCH* The scorpions relatively small brain was destroyed in the impact.

The other bringers of light were firing on the last scorpion to no avail. That is, until Xanthe dumped some of her zebra acid stuff. It was made to not melt ponies. nobody said anything about scorpion chitin. 

"wow. i expected that to take a lot longer. i guess good improvising is the way to go!" "now what are these shiny guns? greenleaves, take one, and hand your cowboy repeater repeater to a slave who needs it more. and midnight, you take this one.

"of course elegron", responded the navy blue mare.

Elegron had already begun to use Xanthe's dyes to paint over the gang sign, then used the best parts of the armor to improve his security barding, and distributed the rest of the items.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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The two Scorpions that where being shot at hardly flinched at the low calibre rounds being shot at them. They launched at their attackes, stabbing and killing two ex-slaves. They flung their bodies around on their tails like toys before trying to use them of throwing weapons. They lunged at more of the attackers trying to kill and devour as many as they could.

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