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Hi all, my story + in need of support


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How did you find MLP Forums?:

How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

Okay, so, I guess I'm a "closet brony" (dunno what else to call myself). Here's the story, in a nutshell.


-Couple friends of mine in a group skype call mention they're bronies

-I say "What's that?"

-They say "Basically, bro+pony"

-I start out totally denying it, refusing it's a thing.

-They eventually convince me it's a thing

-They tell me to try it out, say it's fun, removes depression (Which I suffer from, severely)

-I can't deny I like it

-Now, I'm scared to even tell anyone bc every time I even mention the word brony to most of my friends they get all judgemental. 

-Absolutely terrified to come out to my gf, as I have no idea how she will respond.

-I don't know what to say, what to do, don't even know entirely who I am anymore ;-;


-Plus note, I have yet to watch the show, have been hard at work at modding DooM, like a full on job, about 8 to 10 hours a day for the past week and a half. (Who knew DoomGuy liked ponies eh?)



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Hi my friend =) Welcome here on happy site of MLP Froums. I'm closet brony myself too and I have depression too. So I can't help you much with telling that to your gf but if she really likes you it shouldn't be that big of a deal *hugs*


Anyway I hope you have wonderful time here on the site <3  It's a great and frienndly community here =)

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Hi my friend =) Welcome here on happy site of MLP Froums. I'm closet brony myself too and I have depression too. So I can't help you much with telling that to your gf but if she really likes you it shouldn't be that big of a deal *hugs*


Anyway I hope you have wonderful time here on the site <3  It's a great and frienndly community here =)

You make a good point about my gf, she does like me. She's told me that there's literally nothing that could ever change that. She suffers from some mental issues (along with mega severe depression) and as a result of some of them, coupled with her past, she's not capable of lying. So now that you say that, I don't know why I'm scared to come out to her. 


And *hugs* :)

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You make a good point about my gf, she does like me. She's told me that there's literally nothing that could ever change that. She suffers from some mental issues (along with mega severe depression) and as a result of some of them, coupled with her past, she's not capable of lying. So now that you say that, I don't know why I'm scared to come out to her. 


And *hugs* :)

Do not worry about a thing here. Everypony is accepting of everypony. I haven't met a single person yet who I disike, and I don't think I will. Welcome to the club. I was terrified of telling my GF, thinking it would take her thoughts in a complete 180 about me. Keep her close bud, she enjoys you.


I was a closet brony, (still kinda am) but the true (true) friends will always accept you for who you are. Getting settled into the forums is nothing to hard. Be yourself, and be nice. Getting to know people on here is pretty fun, saying they all have stories to tell about them being Brony's/Pegasister's.


You have nothing to worry about here. *Gives muffin and huggles*.

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Do not worry about a thing here. Everypony is accepting of everypony. I haven't met a single person yet who I disike, and I don't think I will. Welcome to the club. I was terrified of telling my GF, thinking it would take her thoughts in a complete 180 about me. Keep her close bud, she enjoys you.


I was a closet brony, (still kinda am) but the true (true) friends will always accept you for who you are. Getting settled into the forums is nothing to hard. Be yourself, and be nice. Getting to know people on here is pretty fun, saying they all have stories to tell about them being Brony's/Pegasister's.


You have nothing to worry about here. *Gives muffin and huggles*.

Thanks man, I try and keep up a front of a Bad-A (online and in person) because, we all know that society online and offline is quite atrocious. But tbh, I'm a big softie. :P


Btw, my nickname is Muffin and my gf always says huggles rather than hugs. So you've cheered me up. :)




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Thanks man, I try and keep up a front of a Bad-A (online and in person) because, we all know that society online and offline is quite atrocious. But tbh, I'm a big softie. :P


Btw, my nickname is Muffin and my gf always says huggles rather than hugs. So you've cheered me up. :)




You don't have to here. Everypony here has a soft spot, and your welcome with everyone here. If you need anything, PM me and I'll be glad to help.


Muffin? I wish I had a cool nickname like that :P

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Muffin? I wish I had a cool nickname like that :P

Why thank you. :) 


Sorry about slow replies guys. Holding conversations on 5 different forums and trying to code at the same time. lol

I'm not often active on forums, as I have a lot of crap to do most of the time. But I will post when possible. If either of you guys or anyone else wonder/s where I'm at just PM me. :)


Gotta go, loads of stuff on the docket for today. *cri*

Edited by Gary
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Hey there Gary, welcome to the forums! :squee: I was at a low point in my life myself before I discovered this show, so hopefully it will help you just like it has for me and for many others in the fandom. :) Like ooBrony and TheWritingTrickster said, your friends and girlfriend should like you for who you are and wish to be, and if this show is going to be the lifeline that helps you emerge from your depression, then what should matter to them is if you're being saved, not what is saving you. :)


I hope you enjoy your stay in this friendly community! ;)

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When I turned 21 - 41 years ago - I threw a party for myself.  I rented half of a Chinese restaurant and sent invitations a week before.  Free food was offered.  I was so excited!  I had invited about 20 people.


Nobody showed up.




I pink-slipped all of them and set about building a new group of friends.


The point of this story is that MLP is something that no true friend would ditch you for.  Including girlfriend.  If these people can't accept you for being a Brony, how will they stack up when the chips are down and you need real friends? 


I chose my new friends very carefully and when I started getting into MLP I made no secret of it.  Some of my friends thought it was funny, some thought it was a little odd, and some got into it with me.  But none of them were put off, or judgemental about it. 


If you lose a friend because you are a Brony, then you haven't lost much.  And you've gained a wonderful supportive Brony family!  Bronies rock - and now you are one!


Have yourself a Pony little Xmas!

Edited by Foliha
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Welcome to the forum! YAY!


I hope you make a bunch of friends while you're here! And that you stick around for a long time! :muffins:

Also, if you have any questions, concerns, or experience any issues, please feel free to let us know by creating a thread in the Site Questions & Tech Support forum, so we can get you answers, assurances, and/or solutions! :muffins:

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How did you find MLP Forums?: How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: Okay, so, I guess I'm a "closet brony" (dunno what else to call myself). Here's the story, in a nutshell.

-Couple friends of mine in a group skype call mention they're bronies

-I say "What's that?"

-They say "Basically, bro+pony"

-I start out totally denying it, refusing it's a thing.

-They eventually convince me it's a thing

-They tell me to try it out, say it's fun, removes depression (Which I suffer from, severely)

-I can't deny I like it

-Now, I'm scared to even tell anyone bc every time I even mention the word brony to most of my friends they get all judgemental. 

-Absolutely terrified to come out to my gf, as I have no idea how she will respond.

-I don't know what to say, what to do, don't even know entirely who I am anymore ;-;


-Plus note, I have yet to watch the show, have been hard at work at modding DooM, like a full on job, about 8 to 10 hours a day for the past week and a half. (Who knew DoomGuy liked ponies eh?)


Hi friend and welcome to the forums!! :D I know exactly how you feel; I suffer mild depression and I am a closet Brony too! To answer your question: To tell you the truth, if you have friends who judge you just because you like something, then they aren't true friends. True friends accept you for who YOU are. Trust me, I lost a few friends when I told them I was a Christian, but I don't care what people think of me anymore. If you want someone to talk to, feel free to message me; I love having a good chat. Enjoy your time on the forums!!
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Wow, thanks for all the support guys!! :)

I went offline and turned off my phone for a few days and I turn it on and email spam from you guys. lol|

Thanks loads. 

I've been coding and scripting Doom all day every day for like 8 days strait, pretty much my job now. lol

Hope you guys are all okay!

I'm doing great btw.

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Hey there Pal welcome to the forums!! I know how you feel being scared to tell your GF that your a brony it is pretty hard at first but itll be all over in 10 seconds!! theres no worry to be scared! we can all help you get over it!! now get out there and make new friends also you have to tell her one day you know B)

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