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open The Middle Of Nowhere In Particular


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Rising want no fight and stays calm for the time. He just sits by the fire, wondering how they could escape from here. While getting darker, the jungle around getting darker too, making him more nervous. He don't like it, to only have a tent in the night by whatever might running trough here over night. Then he feels a pressure, knowing he need to get short in the dark jungle.


"I go for little ponies!"


He then runs behind a tree, hoping he wont get attacked.

  • Brohoof 1

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Overdrive sat down and thought for a second. He knew that if they found a source of water, they could follow it to possibly a village or open water, either of which could have ponies nearby for help.


He also knew that all of the conspiracy being mentioned was a load of horse feathers. There's no possible, logical explanation to how Lightning found the supplies, apart from stumbling upon them.


Collecting his thoughts, he spoke. "Alright, enough is enough. Fighting over something so trivial and ridiculous is going to get us nowhere. He found supplies, just leave it at that, understand?"


He took a deep breath, collected himself, and spoke. "Now, I have an idea. If we could find a source of water, such as a stream or river, we might be able to find help if we follow it. Has anypony seen any sort of water source?"


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Lightning raised his hoof.

"I found a few ponds near the supplies. No streams or rivers though. Maybe somewhere around those spots could be a larger source of water."

"We can't go now, it's getting too late. We need to figure out something to do with the tents that can create a larger indoor shelter than just a single tent."


Lightning stood and moved over to the tents, inspecting them.

Edited by Lightning


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"Alright, we'll scout it out tomorrow, when we have more daylight. Now what to do about the tents..." Overdrive began to contemplate how best to create shelter, knowing how few supplies they had to work with.


He looked back in the backpacks, and found a bundle of 550 (parachute) cord. He then turned to Lightning and spoke, "Do you think this will help?"


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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(you guys post in bursts its hard to notice sometimes so forgive me)


Synth wasn't paying attention at the moment and looked up to see a stallion walking towards her in her spot. Not knowing wether he was friendly or not she quickly scrambled up and trotted out of her hiding spot to meet him.


"Hello there, how are you?"


Before she could get an answer though she tripped and stumbled to the ground.



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@@Overdrive@@child of the night, @, @,

"Yep, we can use it as a roof over a shelter, but it won't be enough. We'll need a lot more supplies. Tonight we just have to hope it won't rain."

He then suddenly turned around to face the group.

"We need a night watch, I'll watch tonight, I'll doubt I'll sleep easily tonight, call me if you need me back here." He then walked a distance from the fire, and into the dark. 

Edited by Lightning


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Overdrive nodded in response, and watched as Lightning disappeared into the dark night.


In the meantime, Overdrive studied the tents, as well as their surroundings. He picked up on a group of low lying trees a few feet from the fire, and then took a look at the tents, as well as the 550 cord.


Thinking how to maximize the space, Overdrive took the canvas of two tents, and studied them extensively. On the edges, he cut pinholes using a pocket knife found in one of the backpacks. Then he took the 550 cord, and carefully threaded it through the pinholes, weaving the canvas together to create a large tarp.


Dragging it over to the low lying trees, he took more 550 cord, and tied each corner to a tree, and hoisted the makeshift canopy above his head.


He then took the remaining tents, tied them to the hanging canopy, and then tied them down to the ground to create the walls of the shelter.


Once the shelter was set up, he signaled to the others, "Guys, this shelter is large enough for all of us to sleep in for the night. It's not much, but it's the best we have right now."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Lightning sat in the dark, pondering over everything that had happened in the day, he leaned back against the pole of the tent.

"Why.. Why are we stuck here, I swear when I get out of here, I'm going to damage the pony that did this."

He then thought about the other ponies. Did they have families before all of this? Where did they come from?

Where did come from..?

Lightning decided to shut off the dark thoughts. He needed to focus. He was lonely and cold. But that didn't matter, he needed to help protect the others. 


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Overdrive grabbed a sleeping bag, and laid it in a corner of the shelter. He laid back on it, and began reflecting about the few events that transpired.


There was one thing he couldn't get out of his mind: that injured white mare. For one odd reason or another, Overdrive couldn't stop thinking about her. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't quite put his hoof on why she kept appearing in his thoughts.


At that moment, he slapped himself across the face. "Focus OD," he thought. "You need to think about how to get out of here, and survive."


With that, he exited the shelter, and was headed towards the fire, when he heard the bushes rustle. "Who's there?" He questioned, worried about his and the group's safety. "Uh, come out, come out, wherever you are."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Rising comes back, luckily with no incident. He then watch the red pegasi building the shelter for tonight. He smiles a little. Different ponies, all with no really memory, except for very few parts, holding together to survive. We can do it ... We all will come out, everypony here just need to stay cool, to not panick. I'm just wondering, who I am. What was my life before. It's scary, really, knowing you lived so long and still can't remember anything. Who am I? Rising takes one of the sleeping bag and tries to relax, trying to sleep for this night, mayby hoping, he wakes up in whereever he lived before, hoping this trip here was just a dream ...

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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@@child of the night,


"Hello, I'm fine!"


Lordy was still furious but realizing that he quickly changed his tonne;


"Oh...ahem... I mean hello there little one, how long have you been hiding in there? Whats your name? You should really get by the fire to warm up. You cant stay all night out there in the bushes."


He turns to the rest of the group;


"Ummm... ponies... look what I have just stumbled upon..."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Lordav, @@child of the night,


Overdrive turned to the sound of the pony's voice, and saw the young filly's head sticking out of the bushes. He trotted over, and saw the young brown filly cowering in the bushes. He asked the filly, "Are you alright little one?"


He stuck his hoof out for the little filly to grab a hold of, and helped her climb out of the bushes. "What's your name, little one? My name is Overdrive." He then put the filly on his back, and carried her over to the rest of the group.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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(OOC: my charecter isn't actually a fily but oh well it'll make this a bit more fun, my avatar is not synth star after all, that is a pony named spirit)


Synth was kind of surprised when she was carried over to the others and for a moment was relieved until she saw the fire again and she jumped up and ran behind the pony who was carrying her. "get the yellow lower away from me." she yelped while cowering behind overdrive with her hooves over her ears.


*As a bit of background because nobody seems to understand my pony: My pony is a tan bodied. red haired unicorn with a severe fear of fire, it seems that she is a fillie now so yeah*



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@@child of the night,


Overdrive was taken aback by the filly's reaction. "Yellow flower," he questioned, as he turned his head to the fire, and realized that's what the little filly was scared of. He then belt down, hugged and held the filly. "It's OK, it won't hurt you as long as you be careful."


As the filly started to calm down, Overdrive asked, "What's your name, little one?" He figured changing the subject would help take her mind off what she called the "Yellow flower."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Synth was starting to calm down but stayed behind overdrive so she couldn't see the fire and it couldn't hit her, "My name is Synth, I think it is at least, can anypony tell me where we are and what we are doing in this place. Are we going on a camping trip?" Synth started to crawl away from the fire but progress was slow as she still had her hooves on her ears.



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Amber tucked herself into her sleeping bag and sat in silence.

How strange, she thought. It didn't take any time at all for these ponies to turn against each other... She gazed around the (now much larger) tent, at the other ponies. She thought about how they acted, and what their priorities were.

Even if we do find our way out of this place, it won't solve our problem regarding our memories, or where we should go next, she thought, frustrated. For all we know, there is no "way out"...

Amber sighed internally. There was no way she'd fall asleep with all the thoughts buzzing about in her head.

"Maybe I'll go stand guard too," she said to herself, standing up.

Edited by AmberDust

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Overdrive sat there, and took a good hard look at the motley crew assembled around him.


"Let's see, there's the young filly Synth, the unicorn mare Amber Dust, the blue pegasus stallion Rising Shine, the pale blue pegasus stallion Lightning, the injured mare Wolf, the unicorn stallion Lordy Snow, as well as myself. That makes 7 of us total, although Synth's fear of fire and young age, and Wolfy's injury won't help much. So that leaves 5 able bodied ponies."


He contemplated where to go from here, especially considering the limited supplies and minimal knowledge anypony had. He still thought finding a source of water would be helpful first and foremost, but it would have to wait until morning.


After thinking about planning for the next step, and where to go from there, his thoughts turned to the injured mare, Wolf, again.


He sighed, as he began to fantasize. "There's just something about her. I don't know what it is, but I want to give her a home, if we ever get out of this mess. Raised by wolves? Yikes, that couldn't have been easy. I don't know, I'm probably just insane. Or maybe there's something else acting here..." His thought was abruptly cut off as his stomach growled. "Ugh, I'm hungry."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Overdrive, at this time, was sitting by the fire. He had found a can of beans in one of the backpacks, and was waiting for it to cook fully. His stomach growled again, this time with more ferocity.


As he waited for the beans to finish cooking, he noticed Wolf approaching, with a curious, perplexed expression on her face. "Well hello there, sunshine. What can I do for you?"


Overdrive then thought about their last encounter, and spoke. "I think we got off on the wrong hoof earlier, and I'd like to apologize for that. So, how's that leg holding up?"


He then checked the beans to see if they were fully cooked. Once he found them to his satisfaction, he bent the lid into a makeshift spoon, and started to eat.

Edited by Overdrive


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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When Overdrive and trotted away synth clamber up into a tree and layed down on one of the branches. Staying there for a couple of minutes she began to climb a bit higher while listening to the other ponies talk. "hey you,  I am very clearly able bodied you meany." Synth said as she found a nice spot and layed on a branch.



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Overdrive shrugged it off. Knowing the situation at large, he was stressed out enough as it was. Wolf's attitude didn't make him feel any more relaxed. Regardless, he knew he had to keep his composure, and remain calm.


"You know, I was just trying to be nice. I'm concerned about that injury because I don't want anypony to be left behind, left to die out here. I'm not going to take that risk."


He sighed, then continued to speak. "Look, I think you're cute, alright? I'd like to get to know you better sometime." At that moment, he grabbed the beans he was eating, and placed them in front of Wolfy. "Here, eat some of these. The vitamins and protein in them will help your wound heal quicker. One other thing: I'd appreciate it if you didn't snub me off. I'm only looking out for your, as well as everypony else's best interest."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Amber trotted slowly out of the tent, and saw the ponies sitting around the fire. I guess they're going to stand watch, she thought. Her eyes drifted upwards towards the foal in the tree. Amber gasped and galloped over.

@@child of the night

"What are you doing up there?" Amber cried, sounding very much like a mother. Realizing this, she blushed, then tried to compose herself.

"You could get hurt," she said sternly. "You ought to come down. We don't have enough tent fabric to bandage everypony." Amber offered the filly a friendly smile.

Edited by AmberDust

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Amber was startled awake from her nap by a pony calling to her from the ground. Rolling over she noticed the mare at the ground and thought about what to say, "I wont come down as long as the yellow flower is there. Also I know my hooves and I'll probably stay safer up here then down there, just look at the pony near the fire and her gash that needs stitches." Thinking she said too much Synth put her hooves over her mouth and hid her head.



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Overdrive thought about what he just said, sighed, and then spoke. "I'm sorry about that. This whole thing is just really stressing me out." He felt bad about snapping at Wolf, but the stress of the situation was beginning to test his patience.


He collected his thoughts. "You have to understand, I've spent a lot of my time alone in life." He sighed again. "I sometimes think I was destined to be alone, at least from what I can recollect right now. The way my life played out, the very little of it I remember, always saw me alone somewhere."


At this moment, Overdrive actually started to tear up a bit, and softly cried. "I'm- I'm tired of being alone. I hate being alone. It's all I've ever known, the very little I've known, since getting stuck wherever we are."


He took another deep breath, and spoke one last time. "If we ever get out of here, all I know is I'm probably going to end up back at whatever sort of life I had before this. I'm sorry for wasting your time." Overdrive stood up, turned away, and walked to a nearby cave. He walked deep enough in, and began venting his frustrations, often with echoing "colorful" language resonating from the cave.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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For a minute, Overdrive thought he was seeing things. He rubbed his eyes, looked again, and decided to follow. "Well, I've got nothing better to do," he uttered under his breath. He quickly caught up with Wolfy, and they went off into the jungle.


He was curious by what she meant. "Wait, what did you mean by you have problems? I can't imagine they're any worse than mine are."


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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Lightning sat alone against the pole of the tent. Wondering. He looked around the dark night, there was nothing much to see.

He just sat there.

"Why was that pony accusing me? I guess he's just frightened. Anything could set anypony off."

Eventually, Lightning got unbelievably bored. And he just sat there looking dull. But he stayed alert, anything could come out of the walls of the jungle. 


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