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How do we discuss the show? Do you think we could do better?

PSP (Dizzy)

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I've noticed a lot of passionate folks posting on this site, which is good. But I've also not seen a lot of that passion put into the finer details of discussion. I mean, there's a lot here to discuss! And with how much we love the show, we can surely provide some in-depth examples.


So, in this thread, I want to ask three things:


1. What's your approach to average show discussion, and what do you hope to get out of it?


2. What's something you absolutely adore about the show, and why? Go in as much detail as possible.


3. What's something you absolutely despise about the show, and why? Again, as much detail as possible.


Remember to be respectful and patient toward others, and try to swap some ideas. That's what we're here for, after all.

Edited by PSP
  • Brohoof 1
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What's your approach to average show discussion, and what do you hope to get out of it?

When I discuss, I like to discuss about the show. Episodes. Characters. Plots. Exchange ideas, insights, and points that make sense, call out ones that don't, and explain what works and what doesn't. Insight shouldn't be confined to excuses*, whether it's on the positive side of the show or negative. You post, don't just leave it hanging. Talk about it. Explain. Be prepared for answers. It's called a forum for a reason.


*This doesn't confine to the lazy, disrespectful "it's for kids" excuse that I see in this forum too often.


What's something you absolutely adore about the show, and why? Go in as much detail as possible.

Since season three, the morals have become more complex, more mature, and greyer. Most notably, season four has several complex primary and secondary morals.

  1. Rarity Takes Manehattan: Don't let someone's ability to take advantage of you change who you are.
  2. Testing Testing: One way of learning isn't better than another. Each person learns at their own pace and in their own unique way.
  3. Toils: Don't let jealousy make you do something that you'll eventually regret.
What's something you absolutely despise about the show, and why? Again, as much detail as possible.

Two words: unfortunate implications.

  1. Too often, episodes will bandage someone's evil or huge mistake with an "I'm sorry," and you're forgiven. That's not how apologies work. In real life, an apology isn't enough, especially if you do something really heinous. Look at Rainbow Falls: Spitfire and Fleetfoot lied to Soarin' and Rainbow Dash to have Dash replace him on the Cloudesdale team. When they got caught, they said "sorry," Sorin' forgives them, and conflict over.
  2. Dragon Quest's xenophobia.


    Spike: I don't act like other dragons?


    Pinkie Pie: Oh, not even close!


    Applejack: But why would you want to, Spike?

    "You're not like other blacks, but why would want you to?"


    "You're not like other gay people, but why would you want to?"


    "You're not like other Muslims, but why would you want to?"


    Then the episode (and moral) state how every dragon is a greedy, sexist jerk. Not every dragon is like this, and generalizations are what help perpetuate every single prejudice out here. It's a direct threat to the show and one of the few that deserves to be censored and bashed.

  3. The Mysterious Mare Do Well had the ReManing Five mocking and laughing at Dash in Sugarcube Corner, bragging about how well she was. Then they tell Dash a real hero doesn't brag. If you're going to deliver a moral about bragging, don't be a hypocrite!

This is a show designed to evolve past previous feminine-centric shows, and these are only a few examples of how much this show has screwed up.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 2

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