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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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Aurora is walking with her. She is in her shadow so as to allow her to be normal in the eyes of her subjects. Aurora remains quiet But is also listening. She talks with Midnight while walking with Luna.


She then asks, "Mother, why are you sad about your night? I find it a lovely and beautiful time of the day. Midnight is wondering why your feeling this way."

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"This may seem harsh but knock the Crystal pony out, Sombra can't use his body if it is incapacitated. Just revive him once we are sure Sombra is gone." Chronos said 'or break his legs... no that is not a good idea... we would still have to hear the tyrant talk...' He thought and sighed.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Crystal blinked at what he was overhearing. Was that truly what they wanted to do to him? "I told you so Crystal, mhm, mhm. You just needed more proof to believe it. You know, if you ever feel like returning back to the empire, you can. I may not put you in a trace to join my army. Wouldn't that be truly great? To show those ponies who think they can do anything to you, Crystal. This is a one in a lifetime deal." Sombra whispered again, Crystal didn't know how to reply, surely this couldn't be the truth, or was it? Sombra had just proven all what he said to Crystal earlier. But perhaps, there was a different side to the speech? Would they painfully knock him out, or peacefully? These questions messed with his brain more. Crystal didn't know what to do, he was sharing an emotion mixed with shock and rage. Crystal began to slowly back away, his hoofsteps echoing. 


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Grell sighed "chrons you really are a fool if we knock him out we could hurt him besides if you don't succeed sombra could use it to manipulate him with a trance" grell said

Hemoe looked at chronos and grell waiting

Leif looked at chronos "If In fact sombra is still affecting him then our best bet is to keep an eye on him and defeat sombra quickly the faster we beat him the faster crystal we be free of this menace I may not be a crystal pony but the empire is my home and the crystal ponies are my friends and I'll stop anyone from doing harm to them" Leif said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Chronos look at Grell "It was just a suggestion, also there are more ways to knock somepony out without harming them or using force..." He then looked at Lief "Yes and I don't want anypony to be harmed right now either, and once again their are other ways to incapacitate a pony without harm, I may be a soldier but not all of my solutions involve somepony getting injured." He said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Lunar blinked. "Why do we have to rendure him unconcious?" she said, tilting her head.


Celestia sighed. "Look, we don't need to resort to violence. I will train Crystal. He can be one of my students, along with Midnight," she answered, then looked at Hemoe and Grell.


Luna walked over to Night. "Are you ready, my child?" she asked.


Midnight blinked, looking at Celestia. "Wait, you want him to be your student, too?"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos looked at Lunar "If we knock him out, Sombra won't be able to use him like a puppet, keeping him from hurting himself, and anypony around him. Even if he is hurt during it, it would still be better then what Sombra would probably do to him once he is no longer needed..." He said. "Also it keeps him from running off back to the empire and struggling while we banish Sombra" He added.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Night looks up from his book and says, "I have just been waiting. Aurora, you should come out from there. i feel mother can now stand on her own hooves without you in her shadow."


Aurora comes out and says, "Yea. Yea. I know but she hasn't fully recovered. So what is this book you keep speaking of?"


Night says, "A book from long ago in equestrian history. A book about a rare entity called the chimera. It is a rare mythical being even in other realms. Here it is actually a very rare type of pony. The part about it being a pony is called chimera syndrome. A special condition you with midnight have, Aurora. I am what is known as a possessed chimera. You are a true chimera. This book holds the legend about the chimera syndrome itself, or so Lord Mortis told me."


He looks to Luna, "I believe you know the exact section it is in. I know it is somewhere is Canterlot's restricted and forbidden section. I feel you, Aurora, will learn much of why Lord Mortis wanted you as his apprentice and as a Void Lord when you read this book. Shall we go find it, Mother?"

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Crystal took more hoofsteps back from the door. "So Crystal, who will you choose? Me, someone who will let you return to the crystal empire to help me lead my army, or stay with these ponies who think they are trying to help you?" Sombra whispered in Crystal's mind. "I..-I..." He didn't know who to choose, each choice lead to a different future and fate, however the shock of being knocked out or beaten up somehow still remained. With each hoofstep it seemed to echo more, and had small trembling noises afterwards. The echos could most likely be heard faintly in the room where the ponies were debating in.


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Leif growled" to will not knock him out or harm him in any w shape or form just to make your life a little easier will fight you if I have to he's been through enough" leif yelled his raven cawing loudly

Grell looked at celestia then to chronos "I believe the decision been made" feel said

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna nodded. "Follow me," she said, walking to a pair of big wooden doors.


Lunar sighed. "We're not going to knock him out. He ran away from the prison, so obviously he wants out. What use would it be to do that? That's like telling someone you hate them, when they loved and trusted you with every fiber of their being."


Midnight nodded in agreement.


Celestia looked at Chronos. "I understand your point, but Lunar does have a very valid point. He came to us because we swore to protect every pony in the Crystal Empire. Not show them violence."

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Chronos sighed and looked at Celestia "I just fear that if Sombra does take over his body again, he could do harm to somepony, or sabotage the entire mission, I am not going to let one Crystal pony endanger an entire empire. But I will respect you're decision but if he becomes you're student. I am keeping a close eye on him." He said before looking at Lief, but saying anything.

Edited by Delta-62 Scorch

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Night and Aurora follows luna to the double wooden doors. Aurora thinks about what night says. Midnight says, in Aurora's mind, "So that is why he wanted us as his 5th General. I think sense we already have accepted the void form, we should consider it."


Aurora nods silently to Midnight's words. She is still trying to wrap herself around Night's words.

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Crystal just stood there, realizing he had just eavesdropped on a debate. Perhaps it would be worth staying here longer than going straight to the empire. But, what would happen to him once Sombra realizes he turned down his offer? Of course, that was answered right away. "I honor your choice, Crystal. However I won't give up on you just yet."


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Grell nodded "good now that it's settled that no pomy will hurt him or try to render him unconscious maybe we should find him and make sure he's okay" grell said

Hemoe had stood there silent the whole time

Leif nodded "I'm glad some ponies understand what it means to give a pony refuge" leif said pointedly

Steel had fallen asleep atop his tower once again

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Chronos sighed and looked away from Lief. He looked at Princess Celestia "let us just forget I said anything and go find him" He said walking to the door and opening it "... Found him"  Chronos said before turning around and walking back to Celestia's side. "That was easier then expected..." He said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Luna touched her horn to the door as they both glew a midnight blue. The doors began to open.


Celestia blinked, looking at Crystal.


Lunar sighed. -That Chronos is nothing but a brute...- she thought, opening her wings and flying out.


Midnight trotted over to Grell, nuzzling into him.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Flux trotted miserably back to her room. She was rather ashamed of herself at how badly she reacted back in the room. She knew was anot easily spooked mare but that was pathetic. Chronos probably rolled his eyes she thought. She pushed the door open and jumped into her bed and snuggled under the covers.


Click here to boop that snoot, or here to request boops from Felix!

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Crystal blinked. Would the ponies suspect he was listening to their whole debate? This caused him to shudder a little bit. "U-Uh." He looked around at the other ponies, of course, would this raise their suspicion? It isn't his fault that Sombra is trying to talk to him, it just happened. Perhaps he could get out of this one, if they haven't noticed why he was standing in front of the doors the whole time.

Edited by Kasane Teto


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Night Flare and Aurora waited for the doors to open and then stepped inside, waiting for Luna.


Once Luna was inside, Night went to look for the book under the section of myths and mythical creatures.


Aurora asks, "Where should I look?"


Night says, "Stay by Luna and help her look. I have an idea where it could be. If not splitting up will be our best bet at finding it."


Aurora stayed with Luna. She currently has one black ring around her eye.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Luna walked to a section of books and picked up one. "Is this it?" she asked, looking at Night.


Celestia helped Crystal up. She smiled at him. "Hey, I have a proposition for you."


Lunar flew over to where Steel was, landing by him.


Midnight stayed next to Grell, tilting her head at Crystal.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Night looks to Luna's book."Chimaeras and the Chimaera Syndrome: a reference guide. That's the one. It contains everything we need to know about Aurora and her weapons. From what lord mortis told me about your weapons Aurora, you should be able to tap into powers you and your counterpart aren't yet even aware of. This guide was made by the same group that made your weapons. Moonlight and moonshadow's true name is light and shadow. It is normally formless except in the hooves of a true Chimaera like you, Aurora. It then takes the form of a weapon fitting to the celestial body the Chimaera bonds to. It doesn't mean you have Luna's power. It just means the moon is the source of your greater powers. One such power you already know of. As for the book, I am going to be 100% sure with a spell Lord Mortis taught me."


He lets Luna read the book after touching with his glowing horn.

Night Flare uses a spell to read and memorize the book.


Aurora listens and waits but when he says she knows of one of her greater powers she says, "The Moonshadow Scyth?"


Night Flare nods. "Yes the Moonshadow Scyth in its currently bonded form."


He looks back to Luna and says, "Yup, that is the book. Lord Mortis said the spell I used would only work on it."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Novel was back in her room, studying furiously. Her mind was going back and forth over if she wanted to go save her brother or not. There is always a chance that book was a look alike, or that her brother is indeed safe. But she did not know for sure. All she knew is that studying took her mind off of things to give her time to settle down and actually thing this through.

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