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open The Fall of the Crystal Empire


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Novel smiles "Thank you Princess Luna, this means a lot to me. I haven't seen him in a very long time" She sighs softly and looks down "I left him behind and I want to say I am sorry for not being able to take him along" She looks like she wants to cry "I know he is okay with staying behind but I constantly worry about him and his safety"

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Luna nodded. "We understand, Novel. It is hard to leave behind somepony who is dear. We wouldn't know where we'd be if it wasn't for Celestia," she said, walking up to the war room. She opened the door, walking inside.


Seth smiled, following. "It's alright, hun. You will be able to see him soon."


Midnight blinked, blushing more. She gulped and tried again, this time the magic not visible.


Lunar grabbed Aurora and pinned her down, the blackened blade at her throat.


Celestia sighed. "I suppose I should be nicer seeing as how she will be my niece soon, but..." she trailed off, as if hiding something.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Novel smiles in great appreciation, but gulped in fear. She will see Quill for the first time since Sombra's reign and she prays that he is still alive and well. If he is dead, well it would have to be by Sombra's own hands cause he is a fighter to the end. Though the chances of him not being there are one in a million

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"but what your majesty?" He asked her, slightly in a  suspicion tone, he could tell she was probably hiding something. The fact that she said but in the first place disturbed Chronos. Especially if Lunar was going to be her niece. 


Calling a pony a weapon was the same as calling a soldier disposable to Chronos, and if it was anypony else saying it, Chronos would be enraged.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Midnight nodded, still blushing, doing it faster this time. She was more focused now.


Luna smiled, walking over to the crystal. "What is is full name?" she asked as her horn glew.


Seth smiled, looking at Novel.


Celestia sighed. "We originally purchased her from her parents. She was meant to be put under hard and unspeakable training to basically be a killing machine in a pony shell. However, when Luna saw her...  She refused to let anypony touch her. She raised her like her own. Since Flair was in and out of her life, she used Lunar as comfort. That's why Lunar acts like such a spoiled 'princess'. Luna's babied her and raised her like that. I guess being that I have no children of my own, I still consider her a weapon like she was meant to be..." She looked down. "Not exactly one of my proudest moments in life..." Chronos could see the sadness and pain in her eyes.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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"you bought her?..." Chronos said his voice was quieter, "Why would her parents sell her, just give her away?" He said, shocked. The thought of Lunar being bought made him lose a little respect for Celestia and Luna. "and the fact you even thought of purchasing one of your own kind is just.... just terrible!" Chronos said angered, slamming his hoof onto the table, "I have done some terrible things but that... that is almost slavery!"

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Celestia looked at him. "Her parents offered her to me. I wasn't proud of what I did. They WANTED to sell her to me. They said they didn't have a use for such a 'different' mare. We knew Sombra was planning on taking over the Crystal Empire, we just didn't know when. I hate myself everyday for what we did. When Luna saw her, she broke down and said she couldn't do it. And honestly, I don't think I could have, either. There's just something about enslavement that is...unnatural. Taboo. I stayed strong while around Luna, but broke down every night before I slept. That's why I did not press the issue of continuing the plan." She looked away, tears forming. "I understand if you hate me. I hate myself for ever thinking that was right of me. I cannot change the past, though. That is why Lunar has nothing to do with me. She grew up knowing me as the 'evil princess who wants to change me into a monster' to her..." she choked out, trying to fight back the tears.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Hearing more ruckus outside, Flux sluggishly headed outside, feeling rather hollow from her previous reflections. The fight earlier had dampened her spirits. She was in a slump, not doing much. She felt the sudden urge to burn something  train, hoping it would make her feel better. She didn't want to burn down the whole entire castle so she quickened her steps outside. Perhaps there would be something she could destroy  train on. 


Click here to boop that snoot, or here to request boops from Felix!

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Novel looked at her "Star Quill your majesty" she says, a smile on her face. She couldn't believe this was happening "will he be able to see us? Or communicate with us?" Novel asks, nervously. She hoped so, but if not that is fine too. She will see him soon enough

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Flux couldn't help but feel that something had happened. Maybe it was the way they were acting or the way they looked but she couldn't quite put her hoof on it. "Did something happen here while I was inside?" She asked loudly to nopony in particular. She began to walk in again,


Click here to boop that snoot, or here to request boops from Felix!

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Chronos put his hoof on Celestia's shoulder. He could tell that her words were the truth. "I would never hate you, your majesty. no matter what." Chronos said. He had a faint smile, trying to comfort her. He didn't like seeing really anypony cry, He quickly got up, left, and came back with a bock of tissues so she could wipe her tears. 

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Steel woke up and groaned he was completely board out of his mind

Grell smiled "good now then your ready for the next part the easiest way to do it is to picture yourself doing and when you think your ready run but carful you'll be moving at high speeds watch where you step and look for walls" grell said

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Luna nodded. "We will come through as holographs to him. We will be able to speak to him." She put her horn on the crystal. "Take us to Star Quill..." she whispered, the crystal beginning to glow and pulsate.

 (you will need to describe everything once they get there. I don't know what you have planned for him lol)


Seth smiled, putting his wing on Novel comfortingly.


Midnight nodded. She took a deep breath and focused her magic to her hooves again with ease. She carefully took a step. She gasped, whizzing at lightening speed about 30 feet away. She stopped with a skid, almost hitting the wall.


Celestia blinked, smiling. "Thank you, dear," she said, taking a tissue and wiping her eyes.


Lunar blinked, noticing Flux. She flew over to her. "Hello, Flux," she said, smiling. She was still in her armor, but she sheathed her sword as she flew over. She looked at Aurora. "Taking a break for a minute." She then looked back at Flux. "How are you today?"

(sorry but I don't want Flux to feel ignored and Aurora is replying lol)

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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((Tis fine))

Novel gulped as they appeared in her old home. She smiles as it is just how she left it. Quill was in their room, studying something of importance. She could tell because he had bags under his eyes. "Quill. It's Novel. Can you hear us?" Quill paused and looked towards the sound "Novel!" He cries and runs to hug her, but runs right through. "Wh-what?" He looks puzzled

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Luna giggled. "I'm sorry, but we are not actually here. We are in the Canterlot castle. This is a mere hologram."


Seth smiled a little. -So this is her brother...- he thought to himself, looking at him.


Midnight blinked, nodding. She summoned her weapon, swinging it about. She was a great swordspony (swordsman lol) so even though it was being flung around wildly, it was still graceful and intricate.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Novel beams "I see you've been hitting the books. Have you read the new pony cookbook that came out? I heard its a hit" she says casually "no. I haven't. I'll add it to my list." Novel nods " how about the adventurer's guide", he shakes his head. "Alright, I'll leave you to your studies. I love ya quill" "love you too novel, stay smart"

((That's their code XD))

Edited by strideralchemy
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Luna smiled. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Quill," she said.


Seth kept his wing around Novel. He bowed respectfully. "Goodbye, Star Quill."


Luna took her horn off the crystal, and they are back in the castle.


Midnight noddded, trying to hit him with every swish of her blade.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight nodded, putting away her weapon. She looked at him, smiling. "What next, hun?" she asked, her ear flicking. She was happy she was learning new things. She always felt out of place since she was a pegasus with magic, but this made her feel like it was more of a blessing than a curse.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Midnight nodded, focusing her magic back down to her hooves. She stepped, moving about 30 feet away again. This time she stopped without hitting the wall. "I like this! It's like I'm teleporting!" she said with a smile, flash stepping back over to him. "Or like I'm a ninja!" She giggled, nuzzling Grell.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Novel sighs in sadness "Sombra has the city under watch, but it isn't locked down. We could easily teleport into the library at night when the guards leave the homes." She grins "we have a code to communicate. Well a book code. We used it since we were foals"

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