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open Anything Can Happen (Pony RP)


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Tempest walked by., her hooves clacking against the ground as she walked, her long mane flowing in the light breeze.

Meanwhile, Phoenix was off a little ways away, but not too far, sitting against a tree with his eyes closed, enjoying the shade and the solitude, exploring his thoughts.


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Gothic Sketch frowned at what she saw. Sure she had blended the colors expertly and the painting itself didn't look sketchy. The painting was a self portrait of her and her twin sister Acrylic Sketch, a present for her on their upcoming birthdays next week. Gothic scanned the painting with her light red eyes. Gothic let out a sigh of annoyance still feeling like she was forgetting something, and lifted a paintbrush dipped in black paint to sign it.


Gothic wrapped the painting in wrapping paper then hit it. She then grabbed her sketching pencils & sketchbook and headed outside, not to far away from Tempest. Gothic liked to get it two or more sketches before she headed off to lunch. As she trotted on, she accidentally tripped over a stone in a the grass. She fell to the ground and her things went tumbeling evreywhere.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Tempest heard a clatter of things falling to the ground. She turned her head to see that gothic had dropped all of her art supplies on the ground. Seeing as nopony else was arround she walked over and began to help gothic pick her things up. Her horn began to glow yellow and all of the supplies levetated off of the ground

"Are you okay?" She asked the strange mare

Edited by Pheonix_Flash
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He walked along the road, eyes always alert and watching.  Traveling during the day wasn't something he was accustomed too, but in this case, he didn't have a choice.  His employer needed the job done, and Ravage was going to take care of it, no matter what.  


Suddenly, he heard a clatter behind him.  Before even thinking about it, his reflexes had him turned around, in a combat stance, ready to take on the new threat.  When his eyes fell on a grey mare with a brown mane laying on the ground, a pile of drawing materials scattered around her.  I didn't even see her, he thought, such lack of awareness isn't becoming of me...

Edited by nx9100





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(sorry for the late reply)

Renee sighed as she walked around in ponyville, looking at the sky while walking I guess I better get something to eat after all it is almost lunch time She thought looking at her watch attached to her until she saw a black stallion looking at a Grey mare her expression went to confused but ignored it as she was getting close to the bakery

Edited by Spike2211
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Phoenix stood up and stretched his legs. He closed his eyes and felt the breeze against his face. Then he opened his sky blue eyes and began walking towards town. On his way he passed the scene of the gray mare, but he payed no attention to it. He kept walking, keeping a straight face.

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@, Gothic mumbled a quick thank you to Tempest and helped herself up. She was lucky the pony hadn't seen any of her sketches. Sketching-a thing she was very poor at, unlike painting which was something she excelled at. But the thing was you had to sketch your idea before you actually painted it, or at least that how Gothic did things. Did she really not see them though? Gothic wondered.


In her haste to exit Gothic Sketch whirled around and nearly bumped into Ravage. Gothic's checks burned with red as she tried to maintain her 'cool' appearance.  Failing, Gothic brushed a strand of her wavy brown hair away that had somehow found it's way into her mouth.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Ravage, glared at her, his eyes wide, their bright red color shining.  This is what I get for being out here during daylight, he thought.  "Are you always this clumsy?" he asked, his voice deep and (Russian) accented.  Ravage wasn't afraid of speaking his mind.  "or is this just a special day for you?"  His voice didn't carry any sarcasm, just simple statements.





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Tempest decided,to step in before gothic had the. Chance to say anything "why do you have to be so rude?" She asked "everypony makes mistakes" she glared at him, her yellow eyes piercing his red ones. She stood in front of gothic, defending her from this rude pony

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Ravage just stood there in the middle of the road, starring back at the two mares.  "No offense was intended," he replied, "I was simply making a statement."  His face shifted to a thoughtful expression.  "Perhaps you could benefit from some awareness or agility training."





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Gothic was surprised by Tempest's outburst. Normally only ponies like her sister would stick up for her in times like this. She frowned, not wanting the situation to get worse. "It's Ok, really I'm used to it." Gothic glared at the pony. "Nevertheless, you shouldn't just go around insulting ponies."




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"sorry" said tempest. "it just looked like you needed help and i couldn't just stand by" she hooved the dirt a little and moved off to the side.


meanwhile Phoenix was walking by, and his ear twitched in the direction of the others, but he didn't seem to acknowledge it otherwise.

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He thought about it for a moment, before replying.  "Your point is valid," he said, "I will attempt to restrain myself in the future."  Clearly they do not recognize me.  Most fortunate, then.  I can continue on without fear of discovery.  If these ponies knew who he was, or who he worked for, they wouldn't be so willing to talk to him.  He could use that.  "If you will permit me, I will assist you."  He moved to pick up some of her dropped supplies...





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tempests horn glows yellow and more of the supplies levitate off the ground, as she puts them neatly back into Gothics saddlebags (or wherever she keeps them) and she notices one of the sketches as she does so "what's this?" she asks Gothic "there's another pony that looks just like you"

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"That's,um...my twin sister. Acrylic Sketch." She quickly grabs the sketch, emmbereced that Tempest had seen her awful handywork. Gothic's stomech moaned. She would have to get lunch soon or else she would get seriously moody. So she quickly stuffed the sketch into her saddlebags and trotted off.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Ravage watched her trot away, and turned to face the unicorn mare who had helped picked up the dropped supplies.  "Well," he said, "I guess she is one of those artists who doesn't like to share their work."  He  turned to watch Gothic walking away from them.  "I am afraid I am at a loss in these kind of situations.  Should we follow her?"





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Gothic Sketch ducked into the Hayburger. She was relieved now that she was finally away from ponies, but frustrated that they had seen her terrible sketches. After ordering a double hayburger Gothic picked a booth and sat down. She pulled out the sketch from her saddlebags that Tempest had seen. She and Acrylic were drawn as stick figures that had their hooves around one another. Gothic sighed, displeased with herself and thought of Acryic's sketches and how beautiful they always were. They probably don't even thunk I'm a real artist, just a fake.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Suddenly an electronic blue and green blur leaving a rainbow trail behind it ran into the clearing in a circles and zigzags very loud giggles and laughs coming from it. The blur ran into a tree and dust flew. When the dust cleared it revealed an electronic blue pegasus with a bright green tail and mane "Hi there! Sorry to interrupt whatever is going on here, my name's Cybernote nyan!"

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Ravage took a hard look at the blue Pegasus.  This was already much more interaction then he was used to allowing.  But fate it seemed, had other plans for him today.  This is what I get for traveling in daylight.  "Greeting," he said keeping his voice smooth, "I am not sure what, if anything, is happening.  I am just trying to get to Ponyville on an errand." 





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Cybernote looked at the black and gray stallion with curious eyes. "Oh okay then, glad I'm not interrupting anything important or anything for that matter..." She smiled sheepishly. "So... what's your name? You sir, look amazing. Your mane and eyes are pretty cool!" Cybernote nyan gets up. "Hey you give me an amazing idea for an outfit I could make you, maybe a cape... how does a black and white cape sound to you? Oh wait what's the errand your on?" Cybernote says quite fast.

Edited by cybernote nyan
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"You may call me Ravage," he replied, "and no, I would pass on a cape.  In my line of work, it would be a hindrance."  He glanced down the road.  "As for my errand, I am afraid that will have to remain private for the time being."  His eyes lowered slightly.  "However, you are welcome to accompany me, if you desire."





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Renee turned around to see ravage talking to the mare no..don't get distracted.. food! you need food just walk away Renee thought in her mind as she glanced at the ponies for a second before entering the bakery, the smell of baked goods filled her nose as she walked up to the counter

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"Oh okay Ravage, I'd like to come with you if I'll not be too much trouble," Her eyes light up with happiness "Maybe the cape could be for parties? Oh wait, Nevermind, well let's go whenever you want to..." puts on a black fadora that also has green plaid on it. Also puts one on Ravage but this one is navy blue " At least take the hat."

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Very slowly, Ravage removed the hat from on his head.  It wasn't his intention to offend, but he really didn't want it.  "If you do not mind," he said, "I would rather not.  Anything other then my suit can serve as a... hindrance or distraction."  He folded the hat, and tucked it into a pocket of his body-suit.  "But I will hold onto it for... possible future use."  He waved a hoof towards a nearby bakery.  "Come, let us get some refreshment..."





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Very slowly, Ravage removed the hat from on his head. It wasn't his intention to offend, but he really didn't want it. "If you do not mind," he said, "I would rather not. Anything other then my suit can serve as a... hindrance or distraction." He folded the hat, and tucked it into a pocket of his body-suit. "But I will hold onto it for... possible future use." He waved a hoof towards a nearby bakery. "Come, let us get some refreshment..."

"Oh yay! Well at least you'll keep it!" She starts walking to the bakery "Refreshments would be nice, I am a bit thirsty... Well if you're wering a suit then that would explain why I can't see your cutie mark..." Cybernote sits down and starts to stare at nothing in particular.
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