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searching [Revamp]Darkness from Within[Dark]

Your Nightly Spectre

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[be warned! This is a dark RP! Things can get gore-y]


Find it here:http://mlpforums.com/topic/120976-revampdarkness-from-withindarkregister-on-ooc-to-rp/




[About the plague and the universe]


This story happens in an alternate universe, where the princesses mysteriously disappear, continuous searching providing no results or answers leads to forming an equestrian parliament. 


Years later a magic-proof plague strikes the land, infecting city after city, nobody knowing how it spreads until it is too late, and it goes heavily viral. The plague being magic-proof makes healing it hell as magic was the main source of Equestrian medicine, no cure exists yet. 


The parliament ruled mostly by greedy noble-classes takes offensive precautions, not caring of the people almost anymore but of their own personal interests. Those good and speaking up were dealt with, leaving only few who tried to secretly fight inside the politics. 


Heavy quarantines begin, the town guard turning into more executioner platoons then peacekeepers. Homes are cleared, families split, some districts of cities left to starve.


This Role-play happens in Canterlot, about two years since the beginning. The plague hit the hardest here.


Getting in and out is almost impossible, with access being restricted mostly to trade units and the rich who can bribe their way out. Several districts were blocked off, throwing in any found infected inside them, letting them rot. Constant police hours are in motion as guard patrols are seen very often, sometimes making visits to houses.


Many gangs roam the streets, the guard not being capable of fighting these deadly organizations or finding them in the first place just let it grow. The city strives on black market trade and scavenge, and sometimes killing and robbery, and nobody almost ever does anything about it. The ones above, the "High classes" abuse their authorities, and so do many guards, being convinced by constant propaganda that these actions are for peoples safety. 


The High Class citizens also often live in almost luxury, paying off for security and good foods, and making business of the deaths of innocents while others live in constant fear. 


Plague symptoms: 


-Feeling weak

-Virus focuses on the liver, having it slowly rot away, until the victims every meal is a pain and eventually impossible and causes starving to death. 

-Crazyness, in many cases once the infection becomes advanced, people do anything that comes to their minds, infecting their friends to not go down alone, attacking random people. Yet, they do not touch other infected. Not all infected are blood-lust, most just seek help that was tossed away from them.

-Heavy coughing.


The plague spreads by saliva and blood, coughing being dangerous as well rats and mosquitoes or any other animals that carry the plague. Not many birds are infected, and they do not really pose any threats.






Feather Pub Gang

The Feather Pub is an illegal organization formed in the old Feather Pub in one of the now blocked off districts. It continues its work and sacrifices to help to anyone they can, but, with the death of its founder it slowly is drifting away from its first goals and is becoming more and more a simple wealth seeking gang. Enemies to the Death-Watch.


Death-Watch Gang

The Death-Watch are a simple, dangerous and corrupt gang. Their sadism is known through-out the city. And their ties in to some politics and other ruling classes make them invulnerable, letting them do their ugly business. They rule the streets and have a home in "The Junkyard".  Huge enemies to the Feather Pub.


City Guard

Tought to think they are doing the right job, the peacekeepers are corrupt death machines. Some remain with sense, but many gave in to the corruption. The guard controls the city and is permitted to use force and lethal-ity...which they do a lot.


Lone Survivors

These are the simple civilians and outcasts, trying to survive in such a harsh environment. 


Cravers[Not Joinable]

The Cravers are not really known of that they are and where they came from, they are organized blood-lust bandit groups, mostly on some sort of drugs. They are the creepy enemies who ambush people in the blocked off districts and sometimes organize to strike gang or town watch outposts. They are said to sometimes even eat ponies alive to sate their hunger.


[Main Locations]

You do not have to stick to these, but I found it important that I write em out. 

Also try and keep your role-play in Canterlot. 


Overall the whole city has propaganda posters and graffiti all over it, not to mention the houses are slowly crumbling.


Town Market Center

What used to be a place where ponies met up, went shopping, made friends. Now stands as nothing more then a reminder of the authorities strong hand. 

The Town Market center was turned into a small fortress, and houses attached to it turned into barracks. Four gates on each entry to the round area, with a fountain in the middle. 

Trade still goes on there, but under high supervision of the guard. 


[Lately this area was raided by the Lunar Syndicate and destroyed, and now is a symbol of the fight against the oppressor, and a spark in what is starting to become a revolt.]


The Lonely Feather Pub[And Boxer St.]

Located in a far off blocked off district, rather close to the castle. It is home to the Feather Pub Gang. 

The building is slowly crumbling apart but still in illegal business. They manage to import cider and alcohol from the black market. 

Outside lies Boxer St. Blocked from all two exit sides by abandoned barricades that where used to control the crowd and spread of the infection. Those gates are sealed tight and everyone uses abandoned and secret passages of all sorts to get in and out.  


The Black Market

This is a center of trade in the blocked off districts and between poor people. The creators turned the sewers in one of the districts into a trade paradise, giving them a comfy feel. Nobody lives here but ponies come here in search of deals or jobs.


The Junkyard

Home to the Dead-watch, the junk yard was turned into a fortress that not even the guard dare deal with, not like they feel they need to in the first place. Dead-watch do nothing against the authorities as long as they stay to the abandoned districts. 

Sadly getting in and out of the fortress is hard since the whole area is usually surrounded by infected drawn there by loud sounds. 


The Hive

Center of the Lunar Syndicate organization, set in a big empty mansion in one of the high infected and long abandoned districts, turned into a true safe haven/home for anyone who seeks it. Its exact location is known by almost nopony. Many safety wards were placed around the place to not allow any dangerous plague carrying bugs inside. 


Average Streets

An average street usually has a watch gate/barricade protected by unicorn magic that incinerate anyone who touches them. Only people with special passes may pass.

Some streets are not blocked off and you get some sort of life going on there, mostly the higher and some luckier middle classes. Businesses are still open but usually offer a poor choice of product and high price. 

The Guard sometimes give out food rations, but those keep getting smaller and smaller. 

While the blocked off districts are mostly abandoned, and inhabited by Cravers and Infected. And of course some lucky survivors and gangs. Some buildings are sealed in with bricks and such. Business are dry and hardly any open. The ones who try and sell anything are considered crazy, unless they are on gang secured territory. 




-If you played the game Dishonored then you can clearly see what I am basing on. And understand the universe better. 

-OC's only. 

- This is not a modern settlement, no machine guns. This settles with a bit victorian-era feel-is thing to it. With inventions mixed with magic appear. Main ranged weaponry is pistols and musket rifles. Sometimes as said inventions are mixed with magic, creating special items but those are rarely available. But, the most common weapon is a simple white-arm. Swords, maces, axes of all sort. Simple weaponry.




Feel free to help me plan this, I am not sure about other things I should do. Share your ideas! I am open minded.


Simple role-play rules apply here, so I won't be writing them out. Also, no alicorns.


If you wish to apply then feel free to, I require a character sheet and telling me which faction your OC will be in, you may only register up to two OCs.



People accepted, their OC and loyalty. 


SerPounceWhiskers: Dark Star [Feather Pub/City Guard]


SilencedBrony123: Gabriel [Feather Pub]


Concerto Dusk: Windup Stein [survivors]


Dare: Poe [survivors]


Cosmic Star: Cosmic Star [survivors]


Gloodfury: Mezra Umbra [survivors]

Edited by SerPounceWhiskers


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Dude, count me in. I created this OC for this RP specially. His name is Gabriel, he was a wealthy pony before the plague, until his wife and kids died. Then he turned to illegal actions and joined the Feather Pub Gang. (Thought I'd give a bit of backstory)


Character sheet: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/gabriel-r7840


Can he be in the Feather pub faction

His main weapon will be a retractable short sword. (Basicly Corvos knife)

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I have a character that might fit into this, if you don't.mind a slightly unstable character. Not insane, unstable.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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You are in. We will start once we possibly get more people. 


I'm also thinking of adding a "Whaler" like faction. I had one in the old Darkness from Within, it was cool. 


@@Concerto Dusk,


 I don't mind. Which one of your characters is it? 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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He is unstable, but not a bad pony. Survivors.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@@Cosmic Star


Welcome to the role-play. Good luck surviving. 




How nice, you made some neat backstory to the role-play there.


@@Concerto Dusk,


Rite, 'ere 'ye go. Accepted




Oh, right, my character:  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dark-star-r6376


Backstory there is before the plague, then the plague happened and being part of the guard he witnessed some horrible things, and arrested a couple of people himself. Not long before RP starts he is sent to spy on the Death-Watch gang. While on the streets he was found by the Feather Pub, which healed him up and he decided to stay with them ever since, working with the group. 


He left his guard garments and quite much wears something like this, but ponyfied, and no gas-mask: 


  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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I would like to join




I will use this character but if needed I can change up his apparel and the like as for his bow that will be omitted for this RP

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@@Shadow Dancer


Okay... this seems like a kind of cliche assassin figure. But, make sure he is not overpowered with his skills. Enemies are enemies, and imaginary enemies are dangerous, especially the organized kinds. Basic bandits or gangs are not as dangerous tho, but still, don't treat then like you are the greatest hero who cuts through everyone without a drip of blood on his sword. 


Also, what faction?




I'ma waiting for ya'll to post.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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I was very caught up lately so I couldn't post! I'll try to tomorrow morning!



@@SilencedBrony123,@@Dare, @@Gloomfury, @@Cosmic Star,  


Right, I posted, enjoy, finally we can continue this RP. Once more, I am really sorry, I was just busy.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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