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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/121097-fallout-equestria-restoration-of-harmony-signupooc-signup-closed-for-now/#


@everyone not mentioned.

It is a cloudy day across the wastelands. And ominous winds blows across ponyville. You are just entering town and can see the hustle and bustle of the place. There is a bar called, Sugarcube Corner, a shop called Ditzy Doo's standard shop, The Carousel Boutique and The Ponyville Day Spa. A great distance away you see a falling star hit the ground.



You awaken to the morning greeting of the Overmare. It is time to begin another day in stable 2. You can feel an earthquake above and around your current location.



You suddenly feel yourself being drawn downwards. You can feel yourself impact with the ground. When you open your eyes you can see a mare near by stoking a campfire.



The town you come to looks abandoned. As you look around it looks to be the remains of old Applalusa. There is a nearly entact tavern near your location. you see a falling star moments before empact.

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Lovely, another soiree with the public, I thought. Walking through town with the stares, and disdain of all around me. This used to bother me a lot. Not anymore. They hate me but don't have the guts the physically talk to me. Hah, they probably don't even think I CAN talk. stupid ponies. I continued my casual stroll until I noticed a falling star in the air crash land. Everyone else seemed to notice too. For once since forever I felt like no one was staring me down in public even though I was in a market full of normal living beings. My greenish goo making a trail where ever I walked. "Hey, pick up after your self you mutant!" Said a unicorn scornfully. I turned toward him showing my full view of muscled, mutated mess of my hoofs. "Or what? Please enlighten me." Backing away quickly, "Just get out of here you freak no one likes your kind, go back to the wastes where you belong!" Laughing to myself, "Sure, after I beat you to a pulp and make you a ghoul myself. Trust me, you'll be just fine." He quickly ran off, I laughed. "That's right, now stop bothering me before I give you a reason to fear me." I continued in the direction of the falling star, chances are, something valuable could be scavenged there. I continued on my way everypony giving me a wide birth.  

Edited by Sriracha
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The message has repeated itself in my mind for days now as I've floated in vacuum. It torments me- I don't know who she is or what she is but in the act of awakening she has stranded me to die of dehydration. The pain is excruciating; my limbs scream and my throat feels like fire. I can feel death coming for me. I never imagined that death would feel so heavy and hot.


Hot... HOT... I'm burning. I am suddenly hurtling down through atmosphere. The pain from dehydration is suddenly switched with the burning agony of immolation.


I do not know where I am. I blinked and I am in a crater; around me is scorched earth. I feel my wings for the first time in days. Their power source was shattered and yet, impossibly, they have retained function. The implants rapidly bring my interfaces online and the storm of sensations that tell me everything I need to know about my body report optimal operation. Ghostly sensations of touch, taste, and sound all assure me that my body is alive and yet... and yet I should not be. My metallic feathers vibrate and a rough map is translated onto my tastebuds.


There is a campfire and a pony. I begin my climb out of the crater and interrogate the area more with my wings. Half-breed, resonant frequency consistent with dragon descent- a combination of smells and an itch supply my brain information to sift through. I finally climb out of the crater and stop dead, the dragony is no longer my primary concern.


I am surrounded by dead, brown wasteland. The world is silent and cold. When I died... did I go to Tartarus?


I can feel tears pooling in my eyes in despair but I don't allow them to fall. I went from the wasteland of space to this wasteland of dust. One death for another.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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(im thinking ill do this rp in first person.)

The overmare's voice was booming over the radio. "This is just a minor earthquake, no need for alarm, everypony just go about your business." Business for me, was terrible. Stable 42 had experiments. ponies taken from their families, and memory of their names removed to be tested. I was one of the lucky ones. Instead of being turned into a mutant, i just got much stronger magic than the average unicorn. The guard tossed a tray of food into my cell, not even caring whether or not it hit the floor. Niether did i, i was just glad to finally get something to eat, even if it wasnt good food. One of the testers approached my cell "so, x-95, as you may not be aware, you have a new experiment for you. your genes will be mixed with that of x-46. The combination of powerful magic and great strength will prove useful."

I looked over in horror at the creature they were about to turn me into. X-46 was not a pony. nothing i could even describe. X-46 was an unearthly creature, with great, powerful wings, with sharp claws and teeth. I had always talked to some of the other more fortunate ponies who hadnt undergone horrible mutations, my brother, x-31 included about escaping. I realised now would be the time. i looked to the tester. "of course..." he opened the door. the gate to my cell and my brothers was open. my horn flared up, and i threw the tester against the wall, taking the hoof of x31, and ran as fast as my hooves could carry me. 

"STOP! Security! Stop that pony!" armed guards were chasing me in the halls, aiming guns at me, when half of them were ripped in half by x46. he had gotten out! Turns out the mutant didnt know friend from foe, and locked his gaze on me.  "pooonnyyyy!!!"  I dodged around barrels and other obsructions while the monster plowed right through them. every door i passed i closed, but each one only bought me a little time before x46 cut it down again. I ran to the overmares office, with my brother behind me, only to find that the door was locked.

"its ok 31, youll be ok, im here for you. nothing will ever happen to you i promise."

the beast charged me, but i was ready. it swung its massive claw towards my head, and i ducked under as it clanked against the door. apparently the overmares office was invincible. The completely ruined my plan. Just as i had lost hope, the door opened, and leapt through, taking x31 with me, and the door slammed shut.

"x95, you have commited a crime nopony has ever commited before.  For trying to resist testing, the punishment, as you know, is death." She pulled out a 10mm pistol, with a stable 42 logo on the hilt. The gun had a laser sight and what looked like an extended magazine. time slowed to a halt, as i entered sats. i saw a bullet, just leaving the gun. I dove under it, just barely, and  threw the overmare against the wall with my levitation, and claimed the gun for myself. "what?! you cant do this! you grew up here! this is where you belong! what do you even hope to acomplish? theres nowhere to go." I knew she was right, but i had to try. "give me the stable override codes" i demanded. 

"what?! you know theres nothing out there."

"nothing is a whole hell of a lot better than this." i pointed my newly aquired pistol at her head, and she quickly passed me a note with the code that i added to the pipbuck. I slipped into a nearby suit of security barding, and after collecting my younger brother, left the room.

Turns out monsterpony was waiting for me. I dove under quickly, and ran faster than i ever had, closing the distance between me and the stable door. X31 tripped. I turned around, and stared in horror, as i watched my own brother torn apart before my very eyes. The creature had just finished mutilating its victim, when it turned to me again. TIME TO RUN! i closed the door to the main entrance, barely having enough time to enter the code as the stable door creaked open. As soon as the large metal door was gone, i bolted out of the stable, and jumped for the closest hiding spot i could find, and i watched as the creature lumbered off into the distance. I was all alone. I had nothing but some armor and a pistol. I knew i wouldnt be going back, so i began walking into the darkness.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna Mite looked around the abandoned town of Old Appleloosa. She was trying to scavange. She found a Sparkle-Cola. "Sweet" she smiled. Suddenly she heard a loud boom in the sky. She looked up, turning her head to the left. She saw something come crashing down. "A star? Just like momma sai---" there was another boom that silenced what Dyna was about to say. She stared wide eyed. "I should go explore, perhaps I will have some adventure". She giggled. "Well, I could go past Stable 42 and then head in the direction of where the pretty little star, crash landed. Perhaps I can help it get back to its friends". She started heading in the direction of Stable 42. She could see a form in the distance. "Someone's over there. Taht's strange, ponies rarely travel near Stable 42. Might it be that the Stable has been opened?". She decided to go see who it was.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Ebony wandered into ponyville,mealies straight into the bar and ordered a regular, she paid a few bits and took a sips then looked about, then downed the rest in one go. Almost immidiatly afterwards she ordered another drink. And another, and another. Eventually waiter approached the drunk mare and politely said, "I think you've had enough ma'am, I think you need to leave" She slowly looked at him with one eye half open. She blinked at him, then passed out onto the bar table. She finally started regaining her senses and realised she'd been thrown out onto the street. She got up, then clutched her head from the headache she'd gotten, "Too... Much..? More like not enough..." She stumbled down the street mumbling to herself, when suddenly she heard a large exploding sound, "Alright, who tried to *hic* shoot me?" Wen she turned around, everyone was looking towards the location of stable 42. She yawned and began to walk over to exit to head towards the site, on the way out however, she managed by o bump into a slightly smaller pony, after a few seconds da she realised shed walked to a ghoul, "Oh... One of you. Sorry about tha- *hic* bit I have import... Importun... Stuff to attend to. Now excuse me." She said, walking past the ghoul.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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The young mare covered in dragon scales looks towards him and says, "Your awake. When grandfather saw you, he hoped for the best but prayed against the worst. I hope your reentry wasn't two painful. My name is Cloudia Dashia Windbreaker of the Enclave Dashites. What's your name?" She offers him a seat at the campfire.


@ Elegron and Jonas

The creature bumbles off to the north east Where the star fell. What each of yall can see a campfire is that way. You also notice each other. One of you is looking at a stable dweller. The other a wanderer.


@sriracha and The Real Gengar

(I will let you two interact as desired. BTW, posting is handled in the following way. GM, then players in any order and repeat.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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"Hello there! Need some more to drink miss?" Laughing to myself, I held on to her now. "You know there is a nice, comfy bed right over there. Here let me help you out a bit." Changing her direction toward an apple stand. Sure enough, the owner was discussing prices with another pony and boom! A huge mess ensued as apples went everywhere as she fell into a hay sack next to it. Haha, I love when life gives you a perfect opportunity to make amusement. Smiling my crooked evil grin I left the scene and finally getting out of town, they were fun but I had other things to do. 

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I look at the dragony and angle my wings forward- scratching sensations across my left hoof and induced fear- this one is dangerous. I forcefully push my emotions aside for now, hell or not, death or not, I need to focus on my survival.


"Friendship forever, dragony. I am designated Corrupted, birth-name Broken Physicality. I..." I turn my head curiously. I know that this is not my world but it feels familiar, "Where are we?"


I quickly think of a lie and wipe my facial expression away, "I think my fall caused me to lose my short term memories."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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Bleagh, there goes my lunch, this radiation was really getting to me. I was half dazed, still not sure how my brother had been murdered. I picked myself up off the dirt and started walking in the direction that a sign pointed with the words "new apploosa". I stopped as I a

Saw a young fully walking towards me. Another pony! "Hey! What's up?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna notices the stable barding. "You're a stabledweller. Hello there. My names Dyna, Dyna Mite" she smiles. "You seem lost, need some company, need a friend, need a guide, need a companion, need some explosives, need some repair, need something?" she asks excitingly as she hopps around Elegron, giggling. "Need a sist---- never mind that. So, what are you doing?" she asks smiling. "Are you hungry?". 

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I look at the dragony and angle my wings forward- scratching sensations across my left hoof and induced fear- this one is dangerous. I forcefully push my emotions aside for now, hell or not, death or not, I need to focus on my survival.


"Friendship forever, dragony. I am designated Corrupted, birth-name Broken Physicality. I..." I turn my head curiously. I know that this is not my world but it feels familiar, "Where are we?"


I quickly think of a lie and wipe my facial expression away, "I think my fall caused me to lose my short term memories."

"Ah I see. This is Equestria or what's left of it. 200 years ago megaspells were used and the once beautiful land is gone. It is a really long story and grandpa Spike would know more. How about we get you to a doctor. I could also take a quick look at your wings. They look like they hurt."


Dashia seems friendly dispite the nature of this place. A creature comes bounding towards the camp. It looks at the space pony. Then at Dashia. The creature charges Dashia. With a motion barely noticed by the other Dashia draws and fires Several shots into the creature and it falls to the ground. "Well that one is New. It must've come from the nearby stable."

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Ebony collapsed into the hay bale, she let out a large burp as she hit the hay, , "Owch... Oops..." She started blushing. "Excuse me..." She got up and looked about, "I thinksh shomeonesh shpiked my *hic* drink." She then fell back onto the stall owner's stall, sending the rest of the produce flying. As the grumpy pony went over to her, she was fast asleep, snoring away.

Edited by The Real Gengar


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Ugh, of all the things to possibly conceive of!" Grumbling to myself. I retrieved Ebony with her on my back and made towards the crash site. The stall owner glared at me for ruining his shop, but said nothing out of fear. "I figured this would be my apology. Have a good day sir!" Handing him a greenish-goo covered apple contaminating the rest of his stock in another barrel." She was sleeping but I figured she could use the help. "You know, you have earned your keep today. I just might keep your company." Talking to the sleeping mare. I could only imagine her reaction when she awoke. Good times, I'll just convince her she's a ghoul herself just to see what she says! 

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"Well I just saw my brother torn in half, and I'm in the middle of nowhere with no food or water, I think I'll be fine" I said sarcastically, then I walked up beside her and gave her a friendly smile "so, where are we going?" My naturally smooth voice easing any doubts she might have.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Well, I saw this huge star crash land into the earth like this, boom" she made a gesture with her hoof of something coming from the air, smashing into the ground. "I was on my way to explore it when I saw you. Wanna come with me, huh huh huh?". She blinked her eyes. 

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I watch Dashia kill the charging mutant dispassionately. My senses work to identify what it could be but the light tingle behind my left eye never lies, I won't be recognizing it any time soon. I am, however, far more interested in the weapon that this pegasus is carrying. I want to examine it but I suppress the urge to spread my wings and begin, I do not know if it would be considered hostile action.


"My wings don't need any maintenance, they report nominal status. What was that thing...?" I ask and vaguely motion to the corpse.



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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"Something new. It probably came from the stable nearby. There is a good town near by. Would you be willing to travel with me a bit." Dashia says.


Dashia holds out what looks to be an M.R.E. "You must be hungry. I would be after being up there as long as you have."

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"Ugh, of all the things to possibly conceive of!" Grumbling to myself. I retrieved Ebony with her on my back and made towards the crash site. The stall owner glared at me for ruining his shop, but said nothing out of fear. "I figured this would be my apology. Have a good day sir!" Handing him a greenish-goo covered apple contaminating the rest of his stock in another barrel." She was sleeping but I figured she could use the help. "You know, you have earned your keep today. I just might keep your company." Talking to the sleeping mare. I could only imagine her reaction when she awoke. Good times, I'll just convince her she's a ghoul herself just to see what she says! 

Ebony's eyes slowly fluttered open some time later, at first she was confused and then she realized she was moving, "Wha..." She looked around and noticed what was carrying her, the pony from the stand. She was about to say something but her sudden hangover kicked in. She groaned quietly to herself while she let her escort carry her, she prodded the pony carrying her and mumbled something resembling 'Stop... Need booze... ' She groaned again and head-butted her carrier, then thought to herself, 'That was dumb... ' She then looked around a bit more, then said, "Excuse me, whoever you are, I appreciate the kindness of you carrying me to... Wherever you're taking me, but can we stop for a moment?" 


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Sure! I was wondering when you would wake up." Placing her on her feet, before she could fall, I caught her again. "You need to focus my dear, I don't help simply anyone but you simply made my day with your stunt at the market! Cheer, cheer, I am heading towards a falling star since you asked." Looking at her now, in full gruesomeness, "Don't let my appearance fool you, I am indifferent to everypony. So since your okay, I am going to go now. Oh and you have turned into a ghoul while you were out. I might warn to check a mirror first." 

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I take the ration and examine it, "Thank you..."


I toss it into the air and watch as it spins. My wings vibrate in anticipation and as soon as it is in range I swing my right wing into it. The feathers splay unnaturally wide and rotate rapidly in their sockets. The ration is shredded and the small particles vacuum into receiving ports behind my secondaries. I dislike eating this way but something tells me we will have no time to waste. I turn to look at Dashia, "How do you know how long I was in space? I do not remember it."



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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"Uh, yea lets go check that out" Elegron said. He felt the pistol against his side and readjusted it. The filly had already seen it, but he figured he would keep it concealed. Best not to make himself a target after all if there were other ponies out there. "So could you tell me a little about this place? I only just recently got out of the stable"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"Well, this is near where Appleloosa was. We call it Old Appleloosa. As you notice, this is a complete wasteland, in fact it is called the Wasteland" she started trotting in the direction of where the star had fallen with Elegron by her side. "This place is very harsh, I've met a couple of ponies coming from stables who said that they wished they were back inside their nice comfortable stable. Life expectancy is not high here, I reckon... 24, if I remember correctly. There are a lot of dangers around here, radiation, taint, dangerous mutated animals and stuff like that, but the most dangerous of all are of course ponies. Many will try to shoot and kill you for your caps. There are various factions around the Wasteland. Some of them are no-do-gooders. Especially the raiders, they are ponies that have lost their minds and gone insane. They even eat other ponies. The kill everything, but sometimes they take prisoners to torture them for fun. They like marking their territory with blood or pony remains. They are very.... arty. There are also the slavers that I dislike. They enslave other ponies and sell them like some kind of objects. There are some good ponies though, such as DJ-Pon3, who gives everypony hope through her radio. In fact, I think she is about to speak, after her song is done of course. You can listen to him on your PipBuck. I wish I had one" she said sadly. 

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"Grandpa told me. He also said others would come." Dashia looks first towards old Appleloosa. Then towards New Ponyville.


@everyone else

As you come to the crash site, you find a pony and a pony in a space suite. You also see the corps of a creature. Elegron quickly recognizes the corps as the creature from his stable.


When you arrive you hear the mare in dragon scales say, "I was wondering when y'all would arrive."

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"Hmm, well isn't this a merry band of ponies! I suppose something like this was preconceived." Looking at space pony, "Welcome to Equestria, I guess whatever was in the crash site is gone huh? Something like that wouldn't have lasted that impact. Nice to have solid evidence that we have species that aren't local." Finally noticing the corpse, "Nice, I feel decent looking for once," laughing to myself. I looked over at the mare after i heard what she said, "Look, half-breed if you are here to give me a quest or some journey, you are wasting your breath. However, something like this doesn't happen often, make what you offer next good or i'm gone. This crash site is bound to attract more visitors the longer we linger here."  

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