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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Dyna thought about the wink for a few seconds, but decided there simply was no time. She picked up a dynamite from her inventory and ran in the direction of the dashite. Only the dashite was in range of her explosives, so she tossed the dynamite towards the lead dashite, not having lit the fuse. 

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@ Dyna and Elegron


As the dynamite and Elegron's flame collided, the Dashite was airborne and 50 ft from the group.


(guess where Dashia got her flight speed from.)


It was a matter of moments before Elegron and Dyna Mite had taken out the group of three and the last one blocking Elegron from helping others.


The three were burnt and blown up at the same time. A fouth was just burnt and out of commission.


Dashia had pinned the Lieutenant as Dashia's Father came over. Stormwing says, "Good job daughter. Let me have him." He gets right in the pony's face and says, "You have one chance to live. I give you my word I won't kill you. Now where is my wife?!"


The minnion says, "Soon she will be power for master Darkeyes. You can't save her or the others inside the factory. DIE!" He began to glow a black color and soon would explode. Dashia reacted faster then him and threw her father from the range but got caught by the explosion and was a mangled mess 15ft from her empact site. She doesn't have her power armor engaged right now.


Her wounds look almost life threatening.


(Battle over. Party is now level 6. However Dashia looks severly hurt.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Elegron starts to run towards her, and teleports the rest of the way.

"dash, just hold still, your going to be fine."

he takes out a health potion and carefully pours it into dash's mouth. he seems very determined to help her. Elegron does everything he can to make sure her heart rate is stable.

however his medical skill isn't anything special.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Cunning simply stood back and allowed the events to unfold.


So that big guy is that little mare's dad? Interesting. Wonder if mom knows him?


The captured creep exploded, like ponies tend to do, and the mare was sent across the room in a tangled heap. Things you do for family, eh?


"Well, that was certainly fun," she finally interjected, putting her gun into her coat, "But if anypony here chooses life, I suggest we go look for the exit. Like, pronto. That means now."


She was hardly going to go alone, of course; she'd much prefer to hang out with this little doom patrol if it meant getting out of here alive. And it wasn't like she had a caravan or anything to get back to. She rolled her eyes with irritation at the reminder.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dyna was no longer smiling. Dashia had gotten hit by the strange explosion and she looked seriously wounded. She ran up to where Elegron was trying to care for Dashia. She checks her inventory, but sees that she doesn't have any health potions in there. 

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As Elegron looks Dashia over. The health potion is helping but something seams off. She is recovering from sevier broken bones, a punctured lung and several bones showing. Anypony near Dashia can hear the sickening pops of her bones going back into place. Here heart rate is erratic for about 5 minutes but doesn't show any signs of puttering out anytime soon. It takes her only 15 minutes to fully heal.


He father comes over and watches this with his jaw dropped. He says, "Either she is one special child or she has been touched by the taint."

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elegron's eyes go wide at the sight.

'but... how? I didn't even know she would survive.... I was about to try transferring life force'

there's a long awkward silence.

the guide appears next to Elegron (but only he could see him of course)

"hey dork, you gunna do it?"

'do what?'

"you know. your running out of time."

with that, the guide vanishes.


Elegron kisses her. he knows he would never hear the end of it from dyna, and he doesn't know how dash will react, but he doesn't care. all that matters was that dash is alive.


he backs away a little bit "s-sorry, I....I'm just glad your ok... I thought for sure that you were dying..." he says as his face turns bright red.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia stirs at his action. She cuts him off with a kiss of her own. She then says, "I kinda knew you would do that. I don't know how but I had a feeling. You're kind of cute. Did ya know that? Sorry papa for making you worry. I knew I had a better chance at surviving a rad bomb pack detination then you did. The foal didn't know i was at 600 rad points. He put me at 900 with that."


Dashia falls asleep.

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"Taint, huh?" Cunning cut in, walking over to the group and peering down at Dashia, "I've heard of that stuff, it ain't exactly pleasant. Wouldn't have it with my lunch, personally."


She blinked as the green unicorn went in for a big one right on the downed mare's lips. She took a slow glance toward the Dashite, who she assumed was the mare's father, and whispered an 'uh-oh'.


That boy's in deep doodoo now.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia father grabs Elegron and gives him a big hug. "I have never seen my girl kiss a young stallion before. You are one lucky colt."


He sets him down and then looks to the factory. "When my daughter wakes, I would like for you all to find my wife and free my home from this menis. Free the captured pegasi and destroy that pony's dung of a Pegasus Device. I will gather all remaining forceses here and join you later."

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"wait... your..... her....."

things just got a bit awkward.

"right, will do. and.... thanks. for for not trying to take my head off."

strangely the fact that dash's dad was there didn't bother him.

he sits down next to dash and snuggles up close to her. "I'll wait her until she wakes up. she's been through a lot. although to be fair she didn't have her side torn in half by a big-ass bullet, but that's another story."

Elegron was sure dyna was going to say something about this. guaranteed.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna, seeing everything happening, was about to explode. She was so happy. [Random] She started to vibrate a lot as she sat down and suddenly she took off into the air and fireworks seemed to come from her as she shouted "YES, YES. IT HAPPENED". She landed on her hooves and was jumping around giggling

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Ebony looked about the mess around them, "Congrats and all that nice fluffy stuff but we have a little bit of a problem here... There's that factory where they're doing celestia knows what to the ponies going in. I've not seen any come out since we arrived." She looks towards Dashia's father, "I assume you live here? Do you know what happens in there? Or another way in, I have a feeling inside me that there's something we need in there.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Cunning blinked as the mare's father happily embraced her apparent new boyfriend. At least he's very open, that's a good thing.


"Pegasus Device?" She repeated, cocking an eyebrow as she recalled those words. "Those creeps who captured me mentioned something like that. Said they needed me and those other pegasi for...something."


She glanced toward the doorway leading to an exit. At least she hoped it did. "Personally I don't really wanna find out what, so whatever you guys are planning to do, as long as you're-" She sticks out one wing. "-A; quick about doing whatever you're doing, and-" The other wing. "-B; alright with me tagging along. More heads are better than one, right?"


She jumped a bit as the filly from earlier practically exploded with joy, fireworks and all. What is with these ponies and exploding?

"Um...am I the only one who just saw that?"

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia stirred from her sleep. Any sign of damage done to her was gone. She stands and says, "Papa did they really make that machine that turns ponies into blood Rainbows?!"



Dashia's Father says, "A dark part of Pegasus history restored to its former power, yes."


Dashia looks to the factory and then to cunning. "You may come with us as long as Elegron says yes. Hope your ready for death. Grandpa Spike told me about this Darkeyes. He is a being of the underworld who wields power equal to a god. He almost killed Grandpa. If we can we must bypass him. We are not ready to face him, If he is here."

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"wait, since when did I become the leader?"

despite having said that, he walks over to cunning. (I almost made a VERY unfortunate typo there. yikes.) "well I don't see why not. and don't be so morbid dash, nobody in our group has died, and it's going to stay that way."

he reaches out to shake the new ponies hoof "welcome aboard! im Elegron, and you can get to know the others later, but right now we've got a job to do."

he goes back to his spot beside dashi. "alright, if everyponies ready we should go now. every second we wait is another one that they do... whatever they're doing in there."

he blinks

"I did again didn't I? the giving orders thing. are you guys really ok with that?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia says, "From what history has about the elements of harmony, magic stands for leadership."


Dashia sees another group of prisoners just now being escorted into the factory.


"Let's go. Papa cya soon."


Dashia makes ready her novasurge rifle and mad dashes towards the entrance. The guards take notice and begin firing upon her. What damage she takes quickly heals.


(Battle two. 6 enemies. All level 6)


Dashia returns fire and nearly kills one of them.


Dyna skips along happily and tosses a lit tnt stick into the group of enemies, finishing the one dashia nearly killed. She also avoided the group of prisoners being lead into the main factory.

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Elegron teleports up to one of them and laughs at how ridiculous the power armor looks. unfortunately for the guard, Elegron had a fire bolt ready, and just sprayed flame all over him.

"alright, enough messing around."

a little trick with fire breath and levitation later, and he practically spits out a large phoenix that dives straight into the guards.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Cunning grinned as this 'Elegron' shook her hoof, and she felt it only right she introduced herself as well. She put a hoof to her chest and regarded everypony in the group.

"Cunning Plan, master trader and haggler, at your service," she smirked cockily, "anything you need, I can talk anypony into getting for you!"


She shrugged at his question. "Any leader is better than none, so lead the way, chief."


Upon the other ponies' assaulting the guards, she decided to make herself useful and fly over to the prisoners, using her lucky bobby pin on the locks.

"Have I got a treat for you lucky unlucky ponies today!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As cunning tries to get the chains unlocked a swing of some kind of saber cut him off. "Your joining them or I will kill you here." says one of the guards, engaging Cunning in melee. The other guards hurry the prisoners inside as the group engages more guards.


(You can't save em all.)




The one you engage is burning in his suit and pulls a pin which attempts to explode another rad bomb pack on Elegron. Elegron is able to get out of range with a flash step teleport.

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Elegron sees the familiar explosive and warps away, next to cunning plan. he wastes no time in thrusting his claws through the guard that threatened her. "nopony on my team is dying."

he turns to cunning "get back before your overwhelmed, I don't think you can fight too many of these at once"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Cunning yelped as the sabre nearly cut her hooves off, and gave the guard a nervous smile as he advanced on her.

"Um, could we perhaps work out an arrangement where I and the rest of these lovely ponies walk away?" His advance continues. "...I guess not."


Elegron suddenly cut in, quite literally, and shanked the guard with his...claws. Ponies with claws, this was a first.

"That's not to say I can't fight them at all," she smirked, bringing out her gun and taking a shot at one of the guards. Being some help was better than sitting around and watching, right?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Elegron's attack caught the enemy off guard and he pierces the guys chest killing him. He drops the saber he had before Cunning. Dyna first says to Cunning, "That blade is enchanted. It gives ya melee knowledge."


(saber has +10 melee skill only when wielding it. Can be wielded along with pistol type weapons.)


Dyna taps Elegron on the shoulder. She says, "Explotion party?!" She then points three sticks of dynamite at a gathered group enemies.


Dashia is currently surrounded by said group. She is partly looking at the three of them and partly fighting the three surrounding her. She looks to be having a good time.

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Elegron looks from dyna to the group of enemies and grins. "sounds like a plan."

more fire shoots out from his jaw and starts circling around him from his magic. "dang, I could really get used to this. imagine the combos I could do!" the flame starts condensing to a torrent around his hoof and a spiral of flame is shot towards the group of enemies, giving more area for dynas explosives to hit.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Cunning blinked down at the sword, and glanced to the filly as she explained the weapon was enchanted with melee prowess.


She shrugged. "Well, I ain't got any better ideas!" She scooped the blade up in her wingtips, getting a feel of it.


(Melee Weapons +10 - 28)


"Alrighty, let's see what this baby can do," she muttered, smirking as she took a swing toward a guard.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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