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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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He had enough. Giving out one last yell as he brings the hammer down upon the ghouls head, connecting, knocking the ghoul to the floor. As the Hammer cracked through the skull, he let go of the hammer drawing his AR, aiming at the other ghoul. "Die this time will you?" He fires of the rest of the twelve bullets in his mag.


  Man I hate ghouls. I wonder how everypony else is fairing?


He gives a quick look over to around everyone, stopping his vision on the Demon.


  What in the holy realm of tartarus is that? Wait is Tartarus holy? Ahh I don't know.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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"we can't give up now guys." Elegrons blade slices the demon fairly easily. demon or not, pure energy is pure energy. the wound slowly begins to close. "oh come on, that's not fair!" he realizes then that it was only a matter of time before it counterattcked. "awww... crap. maybe we should fall back." slice, slice. nothing. It just kept healing. "only idea I have is stuffing it's face with rad-away" he jokes before getting ready to block with his magic and energy blade.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna is getting closer and closer to the demon, with a dynamite in her mouth. "I will be careful" she thought to herself. She was ready to lit the dynamite. She only needed Elegron to distract him a little bit longer and she might have a chance to jump on the demon and try stuffing a dynamite into his mouth. 

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The shot from Cunning's gun sends the living minion onto the floor, blood spurting from his skull as he is knocked back and lands with a thud.


"Damn," she gasps, crossing her eyes to look at the pistol, "this little guy could blast through a star if I wanted it to!"


...Lil' Starbuster. I like that.


Everypony's attention seems to be on the demon pony thing, the others all trying to get a hit on it.

"Aww, you ain't gonna leave out lil' old me, are ya?" She smirks, floating upward to get a good aim on the demon.


No point in going for a headshot, everypony needs a turn at him.


"Say cheese, handsome!" She aims for his leg and fires. 


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As Sand drops the last ghoul he diverts all attention to the demon. He drops the mag from his gun, letting it fall to the floor. He grabs a fresh magazine, loading it into the AR, pulling the release handle on the gun.


   Sand. Karmatic choice, give them hope and hold it off? Run like a little girl now. Great.. Wait, what is Dyna up to?


Sand holstered his AR as he picks up his hammer from a pile of mush, sprinting to the side of Elegron, raising his hammer in defence.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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The demon swung with his claws knocking away with great force all but dashia. The attacks from the others bearly hurting him as his wounds kept closing. "Ah, I knew I sensed taint around here somewhere. You must be brimming with rads to have withstood my attack. But now it ends. I will claim you now."


He attempts to grab Dashia but only succeeds in being deflected by a well timed tail blade attack. Dashia has activated to full her power armor and used the tail blade to deflect his grab and fall back.


The demon begins to advance on Dashia.


-In the Other Room-


Dashia's mother is starting to strain on holding herself back. In bearly a whisper she says, "Don't touch my daughter. You won't like what happens when you do." Sand can also hear in his mind what Keysha is saying. He can tell that she is struggling to keep out of the fight for some reason.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Ebony finally reloads her rifle and looks about, "Geez you're a mighty big fella ain't ya'? Here, have a boost to your day." She pulls out the smaller barrels leaving a large tube aiming at the demon. 'Open wide...' She then fired her rifle, letting off a huge shockwave and EMP blast, leaving a huge crack in the barrel, "Uh oh..." She whispered as she was thrown across the room.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dashia dodges as the energy blast came near. She didn't want her armor crippled.



your blast impacted him and disabled and extra weapons he had on him and pushed him away from his target. He looks as you fly across the room. He says, "You puny brat. I will make you mine first then. Hope you like big boys because I am coming for you."


He made to now advance on ebony and Dashia's mom knew what came next.


As he approaches Ebony with intent to grab a large blast of energy hits him in the side sending him flying. "Hey, buck face. I thought you wanted my rads. You should also know never mess with my FRIENDS! Loyalty's wing blast!" Her element glows brightly with a blaze of rainbow light and Dashia flaps her wings and impacts with him an attack similar but smaller then a true harmonic strike. It felt full of loyalty towards Ebony as Dashia's friend.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Cunning blinks as she's knocked back by the demon's attack, rolling in the air before composing herself."


Boy's got some fight left in him, well so do we.


She flies around to the back of the opponent, aiming for the back ankles.


"How about some of these?!" She laughs, almost maniacally, as she fires a few more shots from Lil' Starbuster.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dyna had gotten quite close when the demon had knocked her, including others back. However, she had only gotten up and started to approach it again when Dashia attacked the demon. "Well then, I guess I will just have to toss an explosive" she mutters to herself, then giggles. "Hey meanie? Eat this". She lights her dynamite and tosses it to the demon. "Don't be near him, I threw a goodie surprise to him". 

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Ebony lands with suprising grace and looks over to Dashia, "This guy doesn't know when to quit...." She looks back at her gun in the middle of the room, "Just thought I'd let you all know I'm relatively unarmed at this point." She decides it's in her best interest to stay behind cover and wait for an oppertunity to grab the gun.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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As the demon strikes him, he hurtles across the room, falling to the floor. "I think I might let you guys handle this..." He shakes his head, steadying himself. As he watches everyone pile on the demon, he pulls the release on his rifle as he aims for the demons chest, spraying a showcase of lead. He whispers softly to himself.


"Do not worry Kaysha, we have this..."

He gives out a happy laugh as he continues to spray the demon.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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"ow....." Elegron slowly gets back up as his vision blurs. he got the worst of it having hit his head pretty hard. "you stupid bastard, I thought I made it perfectly clear not to hurt my friends, but you just couldn't listen."


'blind, nausea.....hmmm.... slowness. that should work' he thinks. his horn glows as he sends the combo support spell straight at the demon.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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All attacks actually seem effective once Dashia had hit him with that loyalty attack. Her element continues to glow.


The demon gets battered arround. His wounds no longer healing normally. He glares at the other and charges Dashia catching her while her guard was down. Her began to drain her rad points and life force.


He held Dashia in his claw, "So be it. Your first. Ah much better. Not don't struggle it will all be over soon.


As the demon was draining Dashia, a very loud roar comes from the other room. "I warned you not to hurt my DAUGHTER! Now you will pay the price!"


The roar is a distinctive one associated only with dragons. Keysha's wings shead their feathers. Her hooves gain dragon claws. Her coat becomes dragon scales. her feature are now more dragonlike but still in a pony body.


Keysha charges past all before they can attack and empacts with the demon. She claws at him furiously forcing him to drop Dashia. (Dashia rad count 700. Down from 900. No longer in rad poisoning level 3.)


She inhales and the demon only has time to shield himself. Keysha releases a torrent of acid flame and Anti-matter at him. He is knocked beck, as a 10 foot area is now just a semicircle of a hole.


Dashia gets up but looks drained.

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Elegron runs over to dash "you ok? I don't know what that was.... what it did.... dash, you don't have to keep fighting if you don't want to. we can handle it from here" he says, then charges the demon with his energy sword and delivers a barrage of strikes, the pure energy slicing through it.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Cunning can only stare in disbelief as Keysha transforms into some kind of, dragon-pony creature, and proceeds to essentially hand the demon's ass to him.


Since when could pegasi do that?! Maybe she can teach me.


She floats over to hover above Storm, Lil' Starbuster still aimed at the demon just in case things went bad.

"How're ya holding up, tough guy?" She smirks, firing a few more shots at the demon.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sand jumps as Keysha roar, attacking the Demon. "Oh now I see why."


   A dragon. Okay self note, do not do anything to hurt her daughter!


As he fires of the rest of his magazine, as the guns clicks empty, he drops the mag to the floor, loading in one of his last magazines.


As cunning floats over. He holds his fire for a moment, turning to face her. "I am great! Feel kind of sick but who cares! I get to spray!" He gives a maniacal laugh as he sprays the demons chest, being careful not to hit anyone else.


She came to me? Yes! Wait hold it together Sand, just keep firing and watch Kaysha tear the demon a new one.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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Dyna's dynamite is not able to damage the demon as he is knocked back by Keysha. She looked at Keysha and was a afraid for a moment, but remembered that the best way to deal with fear was laughing, so she laughed to herself. She thanked her deceased mother silently. 

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Ebony picks up her weapon and heads over to the group, she puts the smaller barrels she'd taken out earlier back into the main barrel with a soft click. "Does anyone have any way of making a small fire?" She says rolling her eyes at the question, she was talking to two dragons, she held out a lot of tinder wood. "It's so I can fix this big crack in the gun, otherwise every time I shoot it till take half my face off."


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"little busy ebony." Elegron says between attacks. "what about that shotgun I gave you? you still got it? that could work for now. if not, I have another gun I can spare. just try not to break that one also."

'ugh, what is it with her and breaking weapons? she literally just got that. it's become a habit or something.'

Edited by Kirito



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia flys by dropping a repair kit before ebony. "Everything you need is inside the kit. I keep them to make repaires as needed to my items."


She then downs another vial of taint. Now back to full power, she joins elegron and her mom in fighting. He tries to grab her but she dodges him.


The spra y to his chest hurts him. Even the rads he took aren't helping anymore.


The group begins to notice Dashia's element of harmony is still glowing brightly.

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Cunning reloads Lil' Starbuster, attempting to aim for the demon's heart. If he has one.


Stars above, if this guy wasn't such a lead sponge, we'd have blown this place the hell up hours ago!


"Don't just sit there yappin' then!" She yells down to Storm, "Spray it, don't say it!"


As she takes a shot toward his chest, she glances over and notices Dashia's Element necklace thingy was beginning to glow.


So, if you're really a spawn of the great first Dashite herself, let's see some fireworks, girl.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia had been distracting him her mother withdrawing. She knew her daughter can fight now and she needed to back off.


Dashia says, "Elegron get back! Incoming!"


Elegron only had enough time to dodge before Dashia impacted with the demon. "Loyalty's Filly Flash!"


A flash of rainbow light right before she impacts with the demon. He goes sprawling from the attack with enough hoof marks to suggest he had been on the recieving end of a stampede.

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As Sand fires off his last rounds, he turns to cunning. "I would fire if you had any extra magazines?" He turns just in time to see Dashia, with an amazing lights display of a rainbow, impact the Demon.


   Okay I am staying with her. Yeah. Now where to find some ammo?


Sand took a quick look around, hoping to find a dead body with a Assault rifle, "Wait where did I put that hammer? Ah there you are!" Sand walks over to his hammer, Holstering his AR. As he pick up the hammer he takes a swing into the ground, returning to beside Cunning.


 Well I guess this did get interesting, very quick indeed.


Sand gives a small smile as he watches the demon get beaten up.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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The demon smacks the ground hard, he is motionless. Dashia lands and says, "That takes care of that."


She returns to the group, "Shall we say hi to the next area."


Dashia's mom, returned to normal, says, "I will wait here for your father, my dear. Show that Darkeyes why he don't mess with the Dashia family."


"Will do mom. I will never leave my friends hangin." The glow of Dashia's necklace pulses for a moment and then settles down.

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