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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Elegron looks at Crystal for a minute then finally responds "I love you too, but after what happened.... I'm sorry. I didn't think I would ever love a mare again after that until I met dash..... well, at least we understand each other. I just can't let that happen to another mare. and if it happens to dash....." he went silent. "enough about that, sorry for being so depressing, we should get going, we can talk more when we're done, and hopefully about more cheerful things" he said with a smile before turning to follow dash.


'ugh i hate how this world works sometimes, this is so complicated. why did I say that I love her too? I just can't let go of the past huh? we're just close friends now. who have slept with each other. DAMNIT! I need to stop thinking about that. I need to just stop thinking. yup. not thinking, just do the mission...... I'm still thinking to myself aren't i?

"they're getting bored"

'who's getting bored?'

"I shouldn't say, but have you gotten the sense that everything we say and think is dictated by another?"

'well maybe, but that's just because I'm crazy'


'ridiculous. not even IM that crazy.'

Crystal can sense his unease and she does what she feels is needed. As Dashia begins heading to the next room, She pulls Elegron into a hug and gifts him her love. He can feel it welling in his heart as she gives him a deep passionate kiss. The kiss lasts only a moment and then she pulls back. She asks, "Better now?"
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Cunning puts a hoof to her mouth as she stifles a snort of shock.


Did she just do that? Did she seriously just do that?!


Her caravan destroyed, getting captured, becoming the wise-cracking lockpicker for a ragtag team of rebels, and now an awkward love triangle?

This day is just getting more and more interesting.


She silently addresses the others in the group, nodding toward the door Dashia had gone through with a sheepish smirk.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ebony looked over the small play being presented before her and rolled her eyes, 'Looks like he's more of a sleeze than I originally though...' She looked back to Dashia, "Let get going. The quicker we blow everything up the quicker we can go... Do something... Else?" She shrugged, although she'd nearly died a few times she'd actually enjoyed being apart of this silly band of odduns and would rather be here than on a backstreet alley after another day of binge drinking. Actually being drunk while doing this sounded like a fantastic idea.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dyna looked shocked as she saw the other mare kissing Elegron. Her face puffed up and became red. "No one cheats on Dashie" she whispered to herself. "I promised her father... or was it her mother? That I would blow him up if he hurt her". She started tossing a dynamite up and down, thinking. 

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Dashia turns at the door and says, "Are you too done yet? I like a good show and all but can we save it for another time. We have a Darkeyes flank to kick and a portal to find."


Surprisingly enough Dashia doesn't seem fazzed by the act. She actually has a grin on her face. 'Nice one my friend Crystal. You know we can still share.' Dashia thinks, no one physically heard.


Crystal thinks back, "There you are Dashia. I thought you were else where. Guess time will come for it to be seen. So you still hold our little link. Should I share it with him?'


Crystal looks to Dashia in her power armor. Dashia shakes her head as a response. Crystal nods in return.

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such shades of red of only been heard of in legends until now. "uh.... right.... if you excuse me, I'm going to dig a hole and bury myself." he jokes as he follows the group with the weirdest half grin on his face. "so uh... dash, I didn't exactly plan that you know." he says awkwardly.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Cunning raises her eyebrow in total confusion at Dashia's response to that changeling hussy moving in on her man.


Either she's really chill, or there's something going on here.


She spots Dyna's puffed up scowl and gives her a soft pat on the head. "Anypony ever told ya you have the cutest angry face? Cuz ya do."


She puts Lil' Starbuster into her coat and hovers along with the others, perking up at Elegron's little comment.


"I'd sell you a shovel if I had one," she smirks at the unicorn, then pats his shoulder, "Don't worry though, next one we find, you're first on my list of buyers!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ebony rolled her eyes again, she'd been doing that a lot lately. "Well, Dyna deary, this is what some couples do. I can tell you plenty more but you're far too young for it. So don't blow stud up, ok? Even if he is a better shot than me..." She loaded her shotgun and looked ahead, "So... What kind of resistance can we be expecting up ahead?"


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Oh, I know about these things, I have been a year on my own in the Wasteland and I know about these kinds of relationships. It is just that most of the times they are forced, forced by slavers" she sighed. "I don't know what to think of this, but I am not dumb" she made a pouted face. She held a dynamite in her mouth, ready.... just in case. 

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"dyna, I didn't exactly plan that. I guess she misinterpreted what I said, but honestly, I'm really only in love with Dash." he Elegron says, still blushing a little. "Crystal is a close friend, but that's as far as it goes. there's a difference between loving someone, and being in love with someone."

'aw crap, what if Crystal is serious? I don't want to do that to her... but still, I can't pretend to be in love with her.'



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna was near tears now. "I look up to you and Dashie. My parents nearly divorced because daddy had been with another mare sometimes. It was terrible, my family nearly got separated. And now I am seeing this--this--- this 'thing'". She thought for a while and her hair deflated again. "Perhaps if my parents had divorced, I wouldn't have killed them" she said with a very sad tone. "Perhaps things would have been better". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Ebony looked at Elegron again, "For a stable dweller I wouldn't have expected you to be like this, also if you kiss a pony like that, she probably has feelings for you. I'll be honest here, hence why I got this thingy" she says as she taps her necklace. "You need to clear stuff up the next time you see her or you'll be..." She lowers her voice to a whisper so only he hears her, "Messing with fate." She looks thoughtfully at Dashia for a moment, "Or maybe... Maybe she had your pip buck because she killed you for being doing that, you know the future Dashia." She made sure only he heard her. "Just remember not to mess up time and space, that'd be bad!" She walks ahead humming to herself.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Cunning frowns at Dyna's sudden outburst, ears lowering in a sign of actual concern.


Damn, this kid's really had it rough...


"Aww c'mon kid," she speaks up, fluttering down to land next to her, and gently ruffles her mane, "you're way too young to act like everything's your fault. Accidents happen, right? Well, sometimes mind-warping, childhood-ruining accidents, but still accidents!"


She perks up as an idea enters her head. She reaches for the box of magical pins and lifts out one of the shiny pins, then out of another pocket comes a looped piece of string. She has no idea why she's held onto it, but she figures it will work.

She clips the pin onto the string, and puts it over Dyna's head.


"There ya go, nice lil' present from Auntie Cunning," She grins, ruffling her mane again, "Don't worry, I got plenty of 'em."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"dyna, it wasn't your fault. you didn't mean for anything to happen.... but think of us like your family now" he says with a smile "the wasteland is tough, and I know you've been through a lot, but you don't have to worry now. we will make sure nothing happens to you. that's a promise."

Edited by Kirito



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dashia looks to Dyna And Elegron. She then looks to Crystal, who just nods. "May as well let them know how I meet ya." Crystal says.


Dashia nods and says, "Have yall heard of a place called, The Pitt? She was my battle partner while I was held there untill 10 months ago. I am always cool with sharing my stallions or mares with her and she is a bucking good lay. Being a changeling has its advantages. I had actually considered her offer to become one. However, things kind of went south as far as the pitt was concerned. Her and I have a special Hive link that allows for us to speak telepathically With eachother. It's been 10 months sense I last saw her."


"Elegron, I had left the stable shortly after the event because I made them regret what they did to me in the most horrific of ways. That is why you haven't seen me in a year. Love me as your heart can, be it in friendship or truth. I will always bear those feelings for you. It is a part of the changeling honor within me. I had always wanted to be your queen and you be my king. Dashia has earned the right to be called my co-queen." Crystal says.


Crystal looks to Dyna and says, "As long as Dashia isn't hurt, Elegron has nothing to fear of Dashia's Mother or Father. I made the same promise two days ago, before darkeyes captured me."

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"well huh. I guess if dash is ok with it... meh, I'm open minded, so alright. maybe things will be different this time Crystal." he says with a smirk.

"and I promise, nothing like what happened in the stable will happen to you again. none of you for that matter, not on my watch."

'I'll tell them sometime when dynas not around. she doesn't need to hear it'

he gave dash the look that if she had her future memories, she would know all too well. "can't wait to get back to the base"

Edited by Kirito



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna felt a little bit better as Cunning gave her the necklace thingy. She smiled, however, she was still quite depressed. She looked at Elegron as he spoke with herm telling to think of them as a family. "And what am I to think of her" she pointed a hoof towards Crystal, hurt evident in her tone. "This reminds me of Daddy's 'special friend'. She was never nice to me" she shuddered. 

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"dyna, it's not going to be like that. I know how that works, and this is different. both dash and Crystal are perfectly fine with it, and you'll like Crystal, she's really nice." he gives dyna a hug "things may not make much sense right now, and even I'm a little confused, but we can get all those things sorted out." he says, smiling.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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She started crying and returned the hug. She was so unsure of things and she did not want everything to fall apart. She was afraid that Crystal might be damaging to the relationship between Elegron and Dashia. She wanted both to be happy and wanted to see them both smile. She just could not imagine them smiling, not after what happened with her own family. She cried into Elegron's mane. 

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She started crying and returned the hug. She was so unsure of things and she did not want everything to fall apart. She was afraid that Crystal might be damaging to the relationship between Elegron and Dashia. She wanted both to be happy and wanted to see them both smile. She just could not imagine them smiling, not after what happened with her own family. She cried into Elegron's mane.

Crystal comes over and says, "Little Dyna Mite. I have been told by a 'special' friend, and no not anypony in the group or as your father had put it, you hold a smile as a source of power. I can sense the unease you have towards me and I would be glad to have you as a friend or maybe more...such as a daughter? I would like to see that famed smile of yours. You will need it to beat Darkeyes."


She joins the hug and gives Dyna a peck on the forehead. She then looks around and says, "I will need time to gather my hive and maybe get the help of Changeling Queen Cacoon. Once I am able to do this, I will be more then happy to help yall kick that Darkeyes' flank. For now I leave you all with this. The secret to destroying the next part is, to use that which can't be pierced. Only then can you break the blade. Once the blade is broken that part of the device then becomes vulnerable to a explosion party with a gattling barrage. Use the gattling guns to suppress the enemy while Dyna and Elegron make it go boom."


She then begins to head back. She turns to Dyna one last time and asks, "How much did you love your mother Dyna?"

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How much did you love your mother Dyna?


Dyna looks down, a tear dropping from one of her eyes, landing on the ground. "With all my heart" she whispered. She thought of the time when her mother had told her how to conquer her own fears, by laughing at them. She had told her many stories and always been there for her. She had comforted her. Everything Dyna was, she owed to her. 

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Crystal says, in Dyna's mother's voice, "Then look at me and be happy." Crystal waits for Dyna to look. What Dyna sees is an exactly double of her mother standing where Crystal was once before. Crystal then walks out and leaves the group to their task.


Dashia has been waiting for the group to finish the needed heart to heart with Dyna. As Crystal leaves Dasia thinks, 'Till we meet again, Crystal.'

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Ebony sighed, although it was touching she still never fully trusted changelings as a rule of thumb. She was willing to try to be nice to one but that was it. "Let's get going then... We still need to blow more stuff up before we can go home, y'know the whole stopping the blood rainbows and shizz." She looked into her saddlebags for a moment then looked ahead, her patience running thin.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Well, that was a thing," Cunning speaks up, after watching the touching little scene unfold, "never met a changeling before, but she seems pretty cool."


Can't believe she totally snubbed me when I spoke to her. Princesses, what can ya do?


She hovers along with the group, speaking up again.

"How exactly should we 'use what can't be pierced'? And for that matter, what can't be pierced?" She rolls into a face-up position, flying upside-down once again. "Cuz I imagine the whole friggin' machine is pretty damn pierce-resistant."


Then, would that mean she's implying we use the device to destroy itself? The hell...?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia says, "That's a new one for me. I guess something that is hard to cut. Also could be something one of us already has."


Dashia starts opening the next door.


-Room 10-

What is seen here can only be described as utter chaos. Something happened here. Looks to be one hay barrel of a war zone. There are shields of all types, one glowing with magic, and power armored bodies all over the place.


For those with a Perception of 7 or more, you can see the tail end of that Mare Doo Well character going into the next room.

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