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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Cunning yelps and shields her eyes with her hooves as Dashia unleashes her...Filly Flash.


She snickers quietly as the attack goes on, smirking as it dies down. She looks down and all humour in her face is replaced with shock as the demon looks literally run over!


A quick glance to Dashia, and her looking rather smug about 'taking care of that', tells her all she needs to know.


Oh, the day when I get brave, stupid or drunk enough to make a joke out of that.


For now, she lowers herself onto the ground and smirks to the mare in question. "Pretty nice ultimate attack ya got there, chief."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia says, "Its Rainbow Dash's Attack. It also isn't my ultimate. I am not strong enough to unleash it yet."


She makes a motion as if to make a boom spreading out over the field. She says, "That is what will be my ultimate. It is only acheavable by one with speed. The Sonic Rainboom. My ancestor's most powerful flight move."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Sand stops looking for ammo as he perks his head up, turning to Dashia. "Some one say boom? Now that! That I want to see!" He drags his hammer along the ground as he walks up to beside the demon. "That's how we wastelanders do punk!" He kicks the body once. Standing up straight as he holsters his hammer.


"So what is our next move?" Sand says exitedly. Waiting to see what he could bash next.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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Cunning nods, smirk unwavering.


Sonic Rainboom...that's a much cooler name than Filly Flash, but like hell I'm gonna tell that to the daughter of a friggin' dragon-pony-thing.


She glances to Storm as he walks over, watching as he gives the dead demon a little kick in the face.

"Have fun, hammer brother?" She grins, giving him a light nudge with her hoof.


Looking at all the bodies strewn in the room, she suddenly realises she could be looting them for stuff to sell, and facehoofs.


Not bringing your A game today, are ya Cunning?

Shut up brain, it's been a long day.


She begins floating around the corpses and turning out their pockets for anything valuable. Like caps or drugs to sell.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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[Loot Time!]


Cunning you find about 600 caps to split between the group. You also find 3 full clips of ammo for your pistol. (about 18 rounds.)


Sand, You find 7 rounds of energy ammo. You also find three more clips for your AR.


Elegron, you find 20 rounds of ammo for one gun you possess. You also find an empty and slightly damaged magic cannon. You find your element of magic pulsing.


Dyna, You randomly finds a case of dynamite. The case is half full. You also find your element of laughter pulsing.


Dashia finds 2 energy sabers with silver blades. A book with instructions to locating the heart of the Pegasus Device.


Ebony finds a few extra repair kits to use on her gun. You also see that your element of honesty is pulsing.


@ all

The other 3 elements are pulsing in time with Loyalty.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dyna looked at the case with dynamites and then looked at Sand. "If you want a boom, then you can talk to me" she giggled. Even though she was talking to the raider pony, she still felt bad. She knew she should not feel that way, that everypony deserved a second chance and that everypony deserved to be happy, but she still felt a little depressed. Her hair seemed to be deflating a little bit. 

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Cunning smirks as she collects around six hundred caps and three full ammo clips for Lil' Starbuster from the bodies.


"Alright, cash money!" She cackles, and goes to pocket the lot for herself, but then, she is in a team now.


could split this with the others, but...why should I? Dad's caravan's gone, and everything on me is all I have left.

...well, and these guys too. I have them.

...dammit. Alright, if there's six hundred, and six of us, then that's a hundred each. Eh, I'll take it.


She lets out a sigh, and her smirk returns as she jingles the sack she put the caps in.

"Who wants a fresh hundred caps!" She declares, giving everyone in the group a hundred caps each.


She notices Dyna looking a little upset, and gives her her share.

"Here's your allowance, kid. Don't go spendin' it all on candy." She smirks with a wink.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ebony gets to fixing her gun fairly quickly, welding the crack shut, then looking at it deciding for a,few modifications. She picks up the sub she threw earlier and pulls it apart, then doing the same with the shotgun she was given earlier. She puts most the parts into her bags and puts the foregrip of the shotgun on the cannon. She notices he pendant glowing and taps it gentally, "Anyone know why this is doing this?" She says, motioning to the element.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dashia comes over to Dyna, "Dyna dear, what's wrong? Tell sisy Dashia all about it."


Dashia places a hoof on her back and gives her a back rub. She hopes the sisterly gesture will make her feel better. She does her best to act like yhe big sister Dyna Mite needs.




"It seems to pulse with my now active element of loyalty." She says to Ebony.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Dyna starts shaking. She talks in a very low voice. "I have tried to remain strong for other ponies, tried to make other ponies happy my entire life, especially after my... my... my family died. I killed my own parents" tears were streaming "and raiders killed my sister. I have never had a family ever since, been wandering the Wasteland for a year, barely surviving. No home, no friends..... no family". She cried. 

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Dashia comforts her and holds her close. She says, "Well you have a family and friends now, little sister. I am an only child. So i can tell what it's like not to have them. For the last two years, I have not come home. Now I come home with a colt who likes me, a sister I never had and friends that I would die to protect. Now I want to see your smile. You look better with it then like this."

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Dyna lifts up her head and looks at Dashia, her emerald eyes looking at Dashia's. A smile started to creep up her face. "Do you-- do you really mean it? Would you think of me as your sister?" she looked at her questioningly. Tears had stopped streaming down, however, she still felt a little bit unsure. 

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"Ouch," Cunning mutters, frowning at Dyna's story and feeling pretty awful for her.


That'd explain a lot of things, actually. I know I'd be screwed up if I blew my own parents to the stars, especially at her age.


Her grin returns as Dashia gives her speech about she considers Dyna a little sister. Pretty touching, she has to admit.


She floats down to the filly's other side and gently ruffles her mane.

"You can throw me on the Only Child Express with you two," she chimes in, and nods to Dashia, "she can be your sister, and I can be the aunt who gives you cool stuff and makes inappropriate jokes in your presence!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dashia pulls Dyna Mite into a Sisterly hug. She now understands loyalty isn't just for a team. It is for all aspects if one's relationships with others. It can form as a familial bond, a bond of friendship or a bond of companionship in true love as well.


The Element of Loyalty sparks brightly and flashes. A voice says, "Behold the new Bearer of Loyalty."

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Dyna hugs Dashia back, tears streaming again, however, these were not tears of sadness, these were tears of joy. She felt a lot of her pain melting away, being replaced with joy. She then looked at Dashia and saw the Element sparking. "Dashie... you are glowing" a smile creeps up her face. 

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He turns to cunning quickly before looting some more bodies. "Nice name, now to find you a hammer?"


As he picks up the ammo he gives a small sigh of relief. As he notices Dyna offering some dynamite.


'Me? Dynamite? Oh definitely not star! Remember last time?'


As he begins to load his AR cunning floats over giving him 100 caps, "Hmm thanks cunning."


He perks his head up, hearing raiders killed Dynas' sister. "Uhh that was not uhh junction town, was it?"


As she gives the small sister speech he stares, showing little emotion.


'So that's what it means to have a sister? Heh you wish you had been luckier, don't you sand?' Sand lets out a small sigh as he just sits back, listening to everyone else

Edited by Frozen_star

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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Elegron walks over to dyna and dash "hey dyna, you wanna know something? I had a brother once. his sacrifice was the reason I am here today. he gave his life so I could escape a horrendous monster from the stable. your not the only one who lost family, but we're in this together. we're your family now" he says with a reassuring smile



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"'Atta girl!" Cunning grins, happy to see Dyna cheer up, and gives her another ruffle on her mane. She leans down and whispers to her, "No, really, I know a lot of dirty jokes." She adds a wink and a smirk, as if to say 'If you ask for one, don't expect me not to oblige'.


She spots Dashia's element glowing, and blinks at it. "Hey boss, you know your...thing is shining. Somepony trying to call you?"


She listens in to Elegron's story, and frowns a bit.

Does everypony here have a tragic backstory? Would mine count? 'I lost my dad's trading caravan to a bunch of pegasus-murdering lunatics who we helped each other get away from. Thanks for that, by the way'.


He's right though. They all pretty much are a family. Dysfunctional to the stars, but a family nonetheless.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sand stands, walking over to the group of them.
"Sorry to break this lovely unity of 'sisters', but what is on the other side of that door and will I need a bigger gun than I have because I will look around for a rocket, even a minigun! So awesome!" He starts to slowly drool, smiling as he thinks of the fire power.


Let them believe you want fire power. Come on just make a move before you all die Sand! Do it!

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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"Uhh... Not that isnt obvious but Dashia, but your necklace is kinda glowing. But anyway, I'm going to side with Sand here, do you think we'll need bigger guns or will what we've got do?" Ebony asks, looking onward from the group into the facility. She'd heard the stories but, when you've lived in the wastes for nearly 20 years, you get used to them. She of all people would know. She went into her bags again and pulled out a small timer and some buttons, "Dyna, dear? Could you pass a me something that blows up?"

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dashia says, "I feel that is the last of his kind that are here. But a darker force remains. What we have should do it."


Dashia looks to her element and says, "I think it means my element has awakened."


Dashia then heads for the stairs leading up higher into the factory.

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Cunning raises an eyebrow as she follows Dashia toward the stairs.

"Why can't I get a fancy little necklace that blinks when my element awakens?" She pouts jokingly, crossing her forelegs in midair, "Hell, why can't I get an element in general?"


"A darker force, huh?" She repeats, "Hope somepony brought a flashlight then."


No response.

Tough crowd.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dyna looked at Ebony. "I handle the explosives here" she made a pouted face. She then followed her 'sister', "A darker force? What do you mean by that". She started to think of all kinds of dark magic like in the fairy tales of old that her mother had told her about. 

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"Darkeyes. He is here but he isn't as strong as he was in great grandpa spike's tale. He taught me how to sense for him using my Pegasus magic."


Dashia waits for the others at the stairs. She also repositions the Spitfire's Thunder in her battlesaddle so it rests better.

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Ebony blinked, "Fair enough." She put the scrap parts back into her bag. "Darker forces? What would you mean by that? Like fairytale dark or something along the lines of dark magic?" She'd seen dark magic once before, it wasn't stable stuff and wouldn't be easy to beat without an equally unstable weapon, she looked to her necklace. 'Could the stories be true?' She thought to herself as the walked behind the group.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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