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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Cunning smirks as the lock pops open.

"Finally, here we g- AH!" As soon as the door opens, she's blown back by a dart of pink fire, which blazes past the group and into the two guards.


She sits back and watches as the newcomer lets out a blaze of sun-like light, making her shield her eyes.


The ponies I help, can't even get a friggin' thank-you these days.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Activate the shield. This just got real." He says as he acquires one of the Battlesaddles. Sand dives back, giving a quick kiss to the cheek of Cunning. "Cya in Tartarus!" He runs out, blazing hell on anything that moves, Laughing manically as he spits out all he can.


Chilling and killing, you just kissed someone! Okay enough chatter crush, kill, destroy!


He quickly turns back to the group, "Destroy that machine! I got these guys in a noose! A ha ha!" He lets a wide smile fill his face, watching the beauty of chaos around him.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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The featherwinged changeling dodges effortlessly the onset of bullets passing her. She falls back to the group and says to cunning, "You are skilled with locks and I thank the for it. Help the others. Me him and her have these guys."


She cuts loose a barrage of magic missiles from her horn, hitting more enemies.


Dashia joins them with her own battlesaddle. She is taking out any enemy that so much as moves.


Dyna remembers Dashia's words, 'only a combo attack of dragon's fire and explosives can destroy the pegasus device.'

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Ebony finally gets up after the group, falling down the flight by accident and forgetting to yell out to wait, she has a slight limp becaus of it, "I'm... Here... At... Last..." She pulls back a chamber on her tesla rifle and fires at the closest target, completely missing. "And boom goes the... COME ON, HOW ARENT YOU DEAD YET?!?" Her horn beginning to gather a faint red glow from her rising temper, first falling down a flight of stairs and now this joker wouldn't die? There was only so much this mare could take. She whipped out her shotgun and plastered 4 rounds of buckshot into his chest. "And stay dead!!"

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Cunning blinks up at the...feathered...bug...pony...thing, and listens to her order.


Well, I've gotten requests from stranger things!


"Rightyo, what's-your-face," she salutes, and flies off to the other cells, attempting to free their occupants, "Alright everypony, the nice bug-pony lady wants me to get you all out, and since she can set herself on fire I don't have much to argue with. But don't get me wrong, the more free pegasi, the better!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Two Dashites step up to their doors and grin. "We thought the general had been captured but seeing yall at the entrance made us antsy."


Dashia, the generals daughter zooms past and decides to engage the other large pony in melee. Her tail blade coming down with a sickening squelch. She lays this guy out with not much effort.


Ebony's attack didn't hit the original target but did hit one of the ammo toting baddies his ammo bag goes boom boom boom. He then goes boom with his parts going all over the place.


Cunning is able to get the cages for the two Dashites open before an enemies tries to engage in melee with her. "Thanks." Says the two pouncing on the enemy With grins as their hooves make contact and send him flying.

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Sand continuously sprays down range as he yells over the screaming barrage.


"Some one give a little cover! I am moving to the lift. Or don't let me just tank it!"


'Dude I need to name this gun. Bloodlust he he he. You are my baby now.' Sand begins to slowly move, caking the area in sparks.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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"Anytime," Cunning smirks to the Dashites, saluting to them, "Tell mom I said hi."


See, is a little gratitude so hard to give?


She hears Sand calling for help over the rainstorm of bullets being sent in his general direction.




"I got ya, tough guy!" She calls back, and lines up Lil' Starbuster to take a shot at the guard pinning Sand down.

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I gotcha sand" Elegron yells as he runs to help the pony with his now smoking void blade. if it were any normal sword it would have been trashed by now from all the bullets. He slices through one of the guards fighting sand with relative ease. "let's end this."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna remembered Dashia's words on how to destroy the Device. "Elegron, we need to destroy the Device. Our 'special' attack should be able to do just that" she blinks him as she readies a few dynamites. She held 5 in her hooves. "Should be enough" she thought to herself. 

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Ebony yells out. "Cover me I have a plan!" Ebony starts throwing her spare traps about the room randomly at the enemies hoping it hits them or the step in it. She throws all 4 and no one is hit so she levitates one and throws it directly at the face of an ammo carrier. "Owch, That's a real trap you've fallen into." She looks back at her team in the middle of combat, "What? I never said it was a good plan." And with that she starts to reload her shotgun. She realised the cover wasn't even nessassary as she'd simply hidden behind some wreckage and randomly thrown some traps around the room.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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@ Ebony


With the chaos caused by the gatts, the enemy seems to move right over the traps.


@ Sand

It takes a bit before you hear a clicking from you gun. There is several drums laying around but the other one is still firing. You pass by one of Ebony's traps as an enemy tries to jump you. The enemy lands on the trap.


@ Elegron and Dyna


The enemies are destracted giving you and Dyna the opening you two need to destroy the lift.


@ Cunning


The more cages you open, the more the enemy has to deploy. With the combined effort of Sand, Dashia and Crystal, the enemy is really destracted.


@ all


The enemy try to throw grenades at yall but Crystal just keeps throwing them back. The lift is taking minor damage from all this.


Dashia's weapon finally clicks empty and she just disconnects the gattling guns from her battlesaddle and with Crystal's help gets Spitfire's Thunder reattached. She then begins flying around popping a head every now and again.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Cunning continues to unlock more cages, releasing more prisoners, and notices more guards being deployed.


"Stars alive, am I causing some kind of chain reaction?" She muses, watching the group take care of the creeps, "Well, least these guys are keeping the heat off me."


She keeps working on the cages, moving her lucky bobby pin through the tumblers until they click open.


I haven't picked this many locks since Tenpony Tower. Now that was a great profit. Too bad I probably can't go back there without getting shot at, chances are some of them remember me. Killjoys.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"dyna, let's take it out" Elegron says as he charges a bolt of fire and looks at the lift, waiting for just the right moment. he realizes that he doesn't have much time to wait, and sends the burst of fire hurtling towards the lift.


'as soon as this is over I need to talk to Crystal. how did she even get out of the stable? and after everything that happened.....'



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna nodded to Elegron and tosses the dynamites she had been readying in the direction of the lift. She hoped that it would work. "It should work, with the 5 dynamites combined the explosion should spread out further and Elegron's fire should make it hotter, causing even more damage" she thought to herself. 

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Sand notices his gun give the hated clicking sound.


Come on not now. Hey more conveniently placed drums! I wonder if their might be a conveniently placed flame thrower? Show the kind of person I am with face burning goodness!


Sand detaches the empty drum as he rushes to one of the others, as a enemy tries to jump him. Before he could react the enemy lands on one of the random traps Ebony threw around the place. He happily strolls through the chaos, not giving a care as he comes to a drum, reloading his beauty.


Now where was I? Oh yes!


Sand finishes loading his gun as he stands tall, aiming at the closest grouping, Firing a constant trail blaze at them.


"Come one! Come all! To the fabulous show of carnage that will send you to Tartarus!" He gives a loud laugh as he begins to sing.

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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@ all


Sand's renewed attack was halted as a loud and large explosion erupted from the lift as Elegron's dragon fire and Dyna's dynamite Took the whole thing in a cloud of fire and smoke. Sand being just a bit to close had been sent flying to sprawl out not far from Crystal who helps him to his hooves. Despite the blast throwing him, he was relatively unharmed.


the enemy began to retreat as Cunning gets the last cage open. All the now free prisoners cheer for the group in happyness that no more lift.


(Battle Over: Reward time.)



you find more ammo for your new toy and an upgrade kit that seems to fix the overloading problem.


@ Elegron

on one of the bodies is what looks to be a torn page of a book. Your black book glows and draws you right to it.


[Discovers page 1/5]

Thus page holds a spell and notes.

The notes read, Do not use this spell, unless you wish to be singled out alone. this spell is....


The notes continue on another page but the book doesn't have the needed page.


It also contains half of the spell mentioned.


The spell is as follows;


From one to another,

another to one....


However it looks incomplete. Maybe another page will hold the rest of both the notes and the spell itself.



You are able to collect without over burdening yourself two more drums. Dashia collects three more and her gatts. She places all of her stuff in her pipbuck's inventory management system.



You find a few health potions. And some bits.


@ Cunning

You are given ammo for your weapon and one says, "You might need this." He gives you a magical set of lockpicks. No more needing to use the lucky pin. You also find another 1200 caps.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Cunning manages to get the last cell door open, and the prisoners escape and cheer for the group as they drive back the guards.


I get everypony out, and everypony else kicks those guys' asses. I love when a plan comes together.


She begins looting the guards lain on the ground, much to her habits. She grabs some ammo for Lil' Starbuster and decides to load some into her.

"There ya go, sweetie," she smirks, cocking the gun, "some nice tasty bullets for ya."


One of the freed stallions trots up to her and gives her a box of magical lockpicks.

"I might, might I?" She mutters, looking over the picks. "'Magical', you say?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Dyna starts inspecting the health potions. The last time someone had been in need, she had not been able to help anyone as she did not have any health potions. "I am not going to let anypony get close to death again" she thought to herself determinedly. She looked to the others and giggled as she saw Cunning talking to her gun. 

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Ebony looks at the equipment she's been provided and let's out a gasp of realisation, "Ah, I see! THATS why it keeps overloading!" She quickly assembles the new part to the gun and plugs in a new battery. She puts the gun on a sling on her back and loads her shotgun. "Right, what's the next step in this plan?" She asks to Dashia.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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As sand gets blown to the floor, he lies for a moment as Crystal approaches, offering him a hoof. He gets up, rubbing his ears.

"Fair warning before you blow the lift next time! I am all for excitement but I think that burnt some hair!"


He gives a small thanks to Crystal as he takes a small look around. Taking a gander around the room as he collects two more drums, smiling to himself content.


Well everyone seemed to have survived, and all thanks to this mini gun! And that Alicorns' magic. But mainly the mini gun!


Sand begins nuzzling his Gun, smiling happily. "Hmm. I need to properly name you... Road block. Hmm. Maybe..." Sand shakes his head as he takes one last look around the room. Making sure the retreating hostiles did not turn back around.

Edited by Frozen_star

Team speak? Don't worry this is just a myth we tell to scare children.
OC's I made:
FO:E : Sand Storm

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Elegron walks up to Crystal. "how did you get out? unless you left just after I did....." he really did not want to bring up the incident from last year, but he knew it still bothered her. "so... how are you doing? we haven't talked in a while."

he doesn't seem bothered by her not being a normal pony. after all, he isn't normal himself.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Crystal says, "Elegron, the stable is no more. Someone by the name of Darkeyes tried invading. They lost of course. Also I have always been this way sense birth. I just never showed it. This is what I truly look like. If your wondering about that event a year ago. They got what was coming to them. I had feared they would tell you my secret. I still care and love you but was afraid of what you would think of me once you found out. I also don't mind your heart falling for her. It was bound to happen. As well as what comes later."


She looks around. She then asks, "Where is that Alicorn? She said she would be here in a sense. I can't even feel her heart."



He says, "I found them just before the bucktards caught me. I don't know. If their magical or not. Their yours now." all the pegasi released head back down to join up with the General or to get to safety.




Dashia says, "We press on. Two more parts to destroy. The extractor is nest. They can't make any more Blood rainbows once we take that out."




Dashia looks around and collects all the items the group doesn't get and then begins to head for the next room.

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"Oh, well, they're shiny, so I'll take 'em," Cunning shrugs, pocketing the box of supposedly 'magical' pins, "Thanks, brother!"


She turns her attention to Crystal, blinking in curiosity.


Let's crack open this little book and find out what she's all about.


She flutters over to the changeling, inspecting her closely.

"So, you're a changeling, right?" She inquires, smirking, "I read about you guys, apparently you feed on love or somethin'? Well you ain't gonna find much of that in the wastes, and I doubt the lovebirds would appreciate you snackin' on them." She nods toward Dashia and Elegron.


Wait, did she just say she loves him? Awkwaaaard!


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Elegron looks at Crystal for a minute then finally responds "I love you too, but after what happened.... I'm sorry. I didn't think I would ever love a mare again after that until I met dash..... well, at least we understand each other. I just can't let that happen to another mare. and if it happens to dash....." he went silent. "enough about that, sorry for being so depressing, we should get going, we can talk more when we're done, and hopefully about more cheerful things" he said with a smile before turning to follow dash.


'ugh i hate how this world works sometimes, this is so complicated. why did I say that I love her too? I just can't let go of the past huh? we're just close friends now. who have slept with each other. DAMNIT! I need to stop thinking about that. I need to just stop thinking. yup. not thinking, just do the mission...... I'm still thinking to myself aren't i?

"they're getting bored"

'who's getting bored?'

"I shouldn't say, but have you gotten the sense that everything we say and think is dictated by another?"

'well maybe, but that's just because I'm crazy'


'ridiculous. not even IM that crazy.'



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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