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private Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (RP)


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Elegron takes cover and sets up his hunting rifle, taking aim at an enemy. he takes a deep breath as the scope lines up over a small break in the armor..... and the armored soldiers head comes clean off from the critical hit, and it falls down below.

Elegron swaps out his hunting rifle for the semi auto and slams in armor piercing rounds, taking a few shots at them, and finishing off one that dash hit.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna hoofs out a frag grenade and pulls the plug. "Boom" she yells to Elegron and the others as a warning as she tosses the grenade in the direction of the enemies near the gate. She then runs and tries to find cover. While she does that, she tries to think of a strategy. 

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Elegron spots the glint of a snipers scope aimed at dash's head, but a little too late.

he can't think or say anything, there's not enough time. instead, he does the only thing he knows that he can do.

"NO!" Elegron leaps in front of dash as the high caliber anti-material rifle round tears through his side. he looks up at dash in fear as a pool of blood spills from the wound.

"Dash... I...." was all he can say before he falls unconscious, very close to death.


the bullet didn't damage any vital organs, but left a large hole that he will bleed out from very soon (medicine or perception check upon close inspection)



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Ebony heads on through and immediately spots Elegron down on the ground, she quickly looks to where the shot may have come from and hid behind cover accordingly. She then pulls out her sub and fires on the closest armored target to her, only a few shot hit for potentially lethal damage but does it's job of breaking the armor by hitting the suits power sources and shutting off the aiming and HUD systems, now the pony was just wearing a big suit of metal while being incapable of aiming well. "Go for the guy who's armor just shut off!" Ebony yells to Dyna, knowing full well that they'd have no way of avoid any explosives in that state.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Dashia watches as Elegron falls and yells, "Big Mistake! No more miss nice mare."


Dashia downs a vile of black liquid and ebony knows what it is. (rad poison level 1. Touched by the taint active level 3.)


She then places a healing potion in Elegron's mouth and forces him to drink. It stops the bleeding and partly closes the wound.



The enemies have aimed at the members of the group. The shot Elegron fired from his rifle hit a shield, as the enemies are encased in shield spells.


The one Dashia had critically hit is downed by Elegron's assault. The sniper moves to a new spot in the court yard.



The grenade hits the outer enemies and almost hits the prisoners.

"Dyna be careful. You almost hit innocence. Not good for us. Aim more carefully." Dashia says.


Dashia is now airborne. She looks to be readying an attack. "Cover me."


(Elegron no one shoting. Please refrain from it next time. These enemies are not weaklings. I say if you attacks hit or miss. one more like that from you and I will remove you. Same for any other.)

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Ebony yells out to her, "Okay then! Incoming shots!" She empties out another clip of ammo at the group. She glances back over to Dashia and Elegron then thinks to herself, 'Do I have to do all the medical work?' She then makes a break for Elegron and Dashia. She gets halfway then a shot hits her leg. She ignores it through the adrenaline of the gunfight. She gets to the other side and dives behind cover, next to Elegron. "Gimme like a few minutes. I can patch the rest of this up quickly but I'll need to have a window of time, it's delicate work ya' know... Stitching an open wound isn't easy under gunfire." She opens her saddlebag and pulls out an ice pack and needle and thread. She looked at Dashia after she downed the chemical, "Y'know that works better injected than... Never mind you'll feel the aftereffects soon enough. I know how to treat most've this stuff anyway. Just keep shooting. I forgot to stock up on ammo." She shouts to Dashia. She looks back at herself, "Did I get stung by a bee or something..?" She shrugs and gets back to stitching the hole in the unicorn up.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Elegron looks around, and sees nothing. wait... a pony. the buck he sees is wearing an old duster. Elegron approaches the strange pony. "so.... am I dead?"

"no.... not quite. your friends seem to care about you, and for that reason you are alive. barely."

"I messed up didn't i"

"yup. she's not weak you know."

"I know I just...."

"you love her?"

that grants the strange pony a surprised look.

"how did you know?"

"because you made me."

a long silence follows

"so how are they doing without me?"

"they can handle themselves."

"right, they don't need me, I'll only get in the way."

"I never said that"

"but you know it. I know it"

no response.


Elegron looks the odd pony in the eye. he doesn't know why this is happening. "does this always happen when your unconscious? no... I'm definitely starting to lose it" he thought.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Spike in his subconscious appears and says, "did you forget about my scroll already. You shouldn't have. Yes, I am your mind reminding you to only us it on self and now looks like a good time."


Spike nudges him and then says "I guess it is time for you to wake. Also one final thing. Trust your heart. Let her grow to love you if you love and care for her. Dragon's honor."

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Elegrons eyes shot open to find ebony stitching him up. "GACK! was it really that bad?" he slowly pushes ebony off of him, not too worried about his own injuries but more for the group, and ebony was almost done anyway from the looks of it.

he pulls out the scroll that he received earlier and begins to cast the spell.


"come on" he thought to himself "I need to be stronger. for everypony. for Dash"


(if GM approves: perk added: mysterious pony. will in rare occasions aid the character in combat. but mostly just give cryptic advice

he will probably only help in a fight once or twice)

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Ebony jumps back alittle as he awakens then gets pushed away. "Fine... Stitch yourself back together, also you might want to pull the needle out of your hole and tie a knot in in quickly." She said. She then thought to herself, 'He's gonna feel THAT in a few seconds unless he knows how to sow skin...' She then looked herself over, "Oh goody... I got shot in the flank." She then gets a pair of rusty needles blunt together by a spring and some tape out her saddlebag. "Anyone here able to make fire?" She asks to the group.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
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Dyna had heard what Dashia had yelled to her and yelled back from her own cover. "I knew about them, that is why I am the one that handles the explosives, not you guys" she giggled. After a few minutes she realized that she had gotten a little bit separated from her group and she looked over to see where they were taking cover. She decided that she would take the risk and run over to them. She ran. 

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The enemy begins advancing on the group, As Dashia downs another two viles of black liquid. (Rad poison level 2. 600 rad points. Touched by the taint active level 3.)


She then dives towards the enemies colliding in melee with a power armored enemy. She slashes with her tail blade and cuts into his armor. His wound isn't bad but something about dashia makes him afraid.




When you use the scroll, you body is covered in dragon scales. Your current wound closes with no sign it was ever there. You can feel a flame bellow in your stomach, As if you want to let it go.


(scale armor gained. Breath weapon gained. Fast healing 1. You have the equivalent of touched by the taint 1 without the need for rad poison.)



As you advance towards your allies several energy lines force you to duck and dodge and weave. Your smaller size made it harder for you to be hit. You make it to your allies unharmed.



Your wound looks superficial. It missed all major organs and bearly nicked your skin. You see Dyna approaching. She looks to have dodged all attacks from the enemy.


(Elegron, it is fine. Bonus quest perk.)


The remaining enemies begin escorting the prisoners towards the factory.


(3 rounds till prisoners are on factory grounds.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Elegron gets up in his new form "aww yeah, time to kick some flank! or roast it!"

with a breath, a gout of fire billows from his open mouth right at the enclave soldiers. "armor won't help you now, I'll just melt you in it!"

he looks to the side to see the buck from earlier "you gunna help or not?"

"no, not like you need it anyway. and call me The Guide"


"careful, someone's going to wonder why your talking to a barrel."

with that, The Guide vanished.

"what?" Elegron thinks. "at least it doesn't sound too crazy, and I don't think anyone heard. whatever, back to burning"


he lets loose another burst of fire "guys, we need to quickly help the prisoners, I'll hold them off, I can't burn the guards without hurting the prisoners!"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna's ears perked at what Elegron was saying. She was having a hard time believing what was happening. She had seen unicorn magic before, but not like this one before. "I can go to the prisoners and lead them to safety. Just provide me with covering fire.... and not literal fire" she giggled. 

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A flash happens right where Dashia is and the critically injured darkeye minion is sent flying back.


(special maneuver: Filly Flash.)


The guards stop at the gout of flame and then the flash. "Go tell the boss about this. Those interlopers still live. That Dashia brat is with them."


Says one of the escort guards. One of the others bolts into the factory and is out of combat. It says to the rest, "Death to the enterlopers! Death to the treat!"


The escort guards join the fight. Dyna sees her chance but also sees she will be needed to help the allies win.

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One of the pegasus prisoners was a bronze-coated mare with a messy brown mane, wearing a large coat with many pockets, and a pair of goggles just above her eyes.


Well, Cunning, look what you've gotten yourself into now. She mentally chided to herself. You just had to take that detour, didn't you? Just had to go up to those weird-looking ponies and ask "Hey, you guys wanna buy something?" Now dad's caravan's a fireball and all you've got to your name is dad's old coat and goggles, a couple of caps, and one of mom's old service pistols. Won't they be proud?


(Lockpick check; 30) She glanced down at the chains holding her forelegs together; they didn't look exactly state of the art. And come to think of it, as the jingling in her pockets from wriggling herself would suggest, they hadn't searched her. Morons.


Let's see, what was that trick mom taught me? She flexed her wings, making sure they worked properly. With careful precision, her left wingtips entered one of the coat's pockets, and fished out a bobby pin. Lucky pick, don't fail me now.


She sat down and placed the bobby pin between her teeth, placing it in the lock and moving it around. With a bit of fiddling, and a final click, the lock sprung open and freed her.

"Yes!" She laughed, hopping free of the chain of pegasi and flexing her legs, popping the pin back in her pocket. "Aaah, that's more like it. Chain gang life just ain't for me."


She glanced toward the others, all of them wearing faces of either shock that she'd escaped, jealousy that they couldn't escape themselves, or just facing the floor in sheer defeat.

"But who am I to leave my fellow winged warriors behind?" She smirked, and flew to the front of the chain to start picking lock after lock.


No pegasus left behind, that's what mom would say.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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As Cunning started to pick the locks. The first released was a Dashite warrior with a few scares. "Where is my wife you sorry bastards."


He barrels into one of the guards and starts pounding away.


(Say hello to Dashia's father.)


More and more Dashites join the fray. It was total chaos now as more minnions join in to combat the emboldened warriors.


Some of the ones he freed took flight to flee.


One of the minions advanced on Cunning with a tail blade. He takes a swings and cuts the head of the last Pegasus clean off. He then goes to attack Cunning.


(What does Cunning do?)


(meet the level 7 lieutenant.)

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Elegron throws up a ward quickly, then starts firing multiple bolts of fire, using his magic to guide them towards his targets. "make sure the prisoners get out safely, we don't want any more casualties, I'll try and hold them off for as long as I can."


as long as his ward stood he would be able to withstand most attacks. if things got bad he could teleport out, but for now he just needed to keep the prisoners from being attacked as much as he could. many of them were un armored and wouldn't be able to take much.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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(Whelp :wacko: )


"'Scuze me?" Cunning blinked, and quickly ducked out of the way as the Dashite pounced one of those weirdos, proceeding to beat the everloving crap out of him. She blinked and turned to the next pony in line. "Well, least he wasn't talking to me, huh?"


Without anymore hesitation, she freed more and more of the pegasi. Most of them, all Dashites, stayed to basically wage all out war on these creeps, and the rest wisely decided to take off. She was at the last prisoner now.

"Alright, let's get you outta here, and it's ho-LY HELL!"


She quickly dodged as one of the creeps came at her with a tail blade, and in missing her he effortlessly decapitated the last prisoner.


"Now that wasn't very nice," she scowled, reaching into her coat and pulling out the magnum revolver her mom had left her.


So, my only options are 'fight' or 'flee'. She mulled, quickly setting up the gun's mouthpiece. I'll go for Option C.


She aimed for the pony's leg and fired. Hopefully he'd be slowed down enough for her to make a getaway.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The orbs of flame it their marks. A few Dashites pounced them. Another two close on him forcing him into a melee. He then realises he has claws.


(Elegron you have two claws and sharp fangs. Have fun.)



Dashia sees the lieutenant and heads to engage. Cunning's shot bounces harmlessly off his power armor. Dashia comes down on him with her tail blade deflecting another attack. She says to Cunning, "Help the others. I got this scrub."


Her and the Lieutenant clash in a battle of the powerhouses.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Elegron swipes upwards with his claws, and as we all know dragon claw is far stronger than most metals. using a flurry of attacks he does his best to hold them off and hopefully kill a few.

every time his ward wears down he recasts it, but he can only keep this up for so long.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Dyna sees that there is no need to free the prisoners, it has already been done. As the rest do battle, Dyna sees that her explosives won't be of use any more as many of the freed pegasus were now in close combat with the enemies. She puts away the grenade she had ready in her mouth. She instead heads in the direction of where Dashia and Cunning are. "You could always use that C-4 of yours to blow up one of those power armored meanies" she thought. She came up to Cunning. "Heya there fella, I can't really be chit chatting with you right now, but we gotta make sure that most of the former prisoners survive. 

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"Uh, help! Yes, right! I'm helping!" Cunning stammered, a nervous grin on her face as she looked around at all the chaos she'd helped create.

Now how the hell do I help exactly...?


Those Dashites, and those other ponies, could always use a hoof, but she was rather fond of living, and she was sure the runners felt the same way.

Fight or flee.


"Aah!" She yelped, jumping from the filly that seemed to come out of nowhere. "My thoughts exactly, kid! But, uh...who're we helpin' with what?"


She pointed her gun at one of the creeps and took a shot. May as well make herself useful while she waited for some sort of plan.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Your shot hits one of the lesser enemy ponies. It strikes them in the side allowing for Elegron to finish him with a claw swipe.




Elegron can feel the flame within wanting out. a group of enemies have cornered the lead Dashite. They are close together. You could have swarn the lead Dashite winked at you.



You can see the lead dashite get cornered by a group of baddies. You also saw him wink towards Elegron. Only the lead dashite is in range of the explosives. You feel he is wanting you to do something. Maybe an explosive to the group of baddies?

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Elegron sees the dashite's wink and starts to send a bolt of fire, but stops

(from now on single quotes are thoughts)

'what if I kill him? well.... I guess that's what he wants... maybe it won't.'

Elegron opens his mouth as a wave of flames are sent forth to the group of enemies.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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