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open Code Lyoko 2.0 v.3 (reboot, non pony, SoL, scifi, romance, action)

Drago Ryder

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@@,@@child of the night,



Axiom moved beside Clayton and gazed at the symbol on the screen. As he did, a voice appeared in his head. It was raspy, and faint, but Axiom could hear it clear as day. 'Cooooome to meeeee.' It said. Axiom quickly shook away the voice. 'w-what was that?' he thought. He was then pulled from his thinking by the sound of an elevator opening. "It seems we have visitors my Russian friend." He said to Clayton.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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@@The Dark Lord,@, @,  


Amber peeked into the room but without leaving the elevator and was amazed at the room before her for just a couple of moment. Her eyes quickly locked with one of the two boys in it and she squeaked before hiding back against the elevator wall waiting for Ryu to do something, "There are two other boys in there that I don't know..." She said this as she slid to the floor and into a kneeling position and trying to make herself as small as possible behind Ryu.



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Ryu nodded and exited the elevator. The teen was stunned by the technology within the room before he turned his attention to the two other people in the room aside from himself and Amber. "So, who are you two?" He asked. Ryu figured that they were probably students at Kadic but hadn't seen them around. "By the way, I'm Ryu and the cute girl behind me is Amber."

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Clayton looked at Ryu and Amber. "Nice to meet you two." He said. "My name is Clayton. What brings you two lovebirds to this part of the factory?" The teen figured that there was something between the two by the way Ryu spoke and figured it was a good gamble. "Before you ask, I know as much about this as you do."

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@, @@child of the night,@,


"And i'm Axiom by the way." Axiom said after Clayton. He remembered seeing these two at the party, but they were just faces in the crowd at the time. "I'm just as lost about all this stuff as him." He said, pointing to Clayton. "So what brings you two to this er...place?"


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Amber stood up and slowly put her heels on before peeking out at the other people within the room that she had not seen before, "hello, I am just going to stay in the corner over here while you people have fun with your machine." She scurried over to the edge and watched  the boys within the room with intrest as she didn't know most of them.



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Ryu shrugged slightly and looked around. "When you make a noise that can be heard over the music upstairs, someone's probably going to notice." He said, giving a smirk. "I would bet that whatever you stumbled upon is a virtual world of some kind, judging from the large map in the center of the room." This train of thought led deeper than Ryu was letting on. If there was some sort of virtual world, then there must be some way to get in. "I'll be right back." The teen then walked into the elevator and pressed the button to make it go lower. To his surprise, the door closed and the container droped lower. "Tempest, what have you gotten yourself into this time?" Ryu then rolled his eyes, seemingly having a conversation with himself.


Xana was slightly surprised by the new boy's intuition. He was a lot smart than he looked and could be a problem. Then again, he could use him in some way.


(Yeah. I may want to add that Ryu has a bit of multi personality disorder. It only happens when he's not around people so it's not very noticable.)

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Axiom looks after the now named Ryu as he descends further into the factory. "Well he works fast now doesn't he?" He said out loud to no one in particular. He then decided to follow after him. He spotted a ladder in the corner that would suit his needs just fine. "I'm gonna follow him down." Axiom said, making his way toward the ladder and moving down to the lower level to meet Ryu.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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"Why are you thanking me...?" Yukie asked, confused by the seemingly out of place word. "I should be thanking... You! I'm happy with my fortune." she said, a genuine grin on her lips. Normally it took her a while to warm up to people, but she could sense that Skye was earnest about the fortune, and that gave her hope for their friendship. "If you have fun... It's more valuable than anything." she said, nodding a little in agreement with her own statement. "Explore? Sure! Who knows what we'll find?" she asked, excitement bubbling in her voice.

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"Why did I thank you? I did it because you thought that what I did with the fortune was cool. Besides, it just felt right to say." Skye said with a tiny shrug. She was warming up to the girl and seems like a friend worth keeping. With a smile, Skye turned and walked back towards the factory, beckoning for Yukie to follow. She stopped though when she thought of something. "Oh yeah. What about your cat?" Skye asked, tilting her head towards where she last saw the unlucky white cat.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Yukie smiled back, before following Skye into the factory. When the other girl suddenly stopped, she almost walked right into her back, letting out a small squeak of surprise as she recovered. "Oh, the cat?" the cyan haired girl asked, turning and looking to where she had been moments before. "She'll be fine. She's used to... being alone anyway. Besides, I'll feed her later."

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Skye smiled at what Yukie said and nodded to herself. "Okay then." Skye mumbled and stepped to the side so that she could walk beside Yukie. "I wonder if this place has any basement levels." Skye wondered aloud. She looked around at the gigantic factory floor and found a cargo elevator nearby. "Hey, do you think this still works?" Skye asked, pointing to the cargo lift.



What else am I meant to put here?


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Yukie fell into pace beside Skye, finding that it was soothing to watch their feet step in synchronization. She fell silent, content with just the company, before shrugging at Skye's question. "Who knows? There could be... worlds down there." she said, raising an eyebrow at the idea. Seeing the cargo elevator, she frowned a bit, shrugging again. "Maybe? I mean..." she began, before pausing as she inspected the button and the hinges of the lift. "It seems to have been used recently."

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Skye watched Yukie inspect the hinges and buttons before giving her a nod. "If it has been used recently, then that means that it's still in working order right?" Skye asked. She pushed the down button and wondered if it actually did still work. "It will probably be old boxes and stuff down there but it still doesn't hurt to check it out right?" Skye clenched her fist in her pocket and held the dice in nervous excitement.



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"Probably?" Yukie said, deciding not to bring up the fact that they had no idea what had happened to the people who had recently used it. "I bet you there's a room down there with interesting stuff." she said, smirking at Skye as the lift rattled up, making a somewhat worrying groaning sound before shuddering to a stop. She fought back her apprehension, however, and walked in, turning around to face Skye. "Come on!"

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Amber waited for the two boys to disappear down to a lower level before walking out and over to the guy still in the control room. She punched him in the face lightly before talking to him,"Why would you think we were a couple, for all you know he had just kidnapped me and brought me down." She sighed and walked over to the map withing the center of the room, "So what is this worlld that we have here, it certainly doesn't look like anything I have ever seen. Is it a game of sorts or what?"



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Clayton was surprised that Amber had punched him, but quickly recovered. "Well, you weren't unconscious or beat up so I just assumed that by the way he spoke. I guess you could call it intuition." The teen then shrugged. "I would probably say some sort of virtual world. If it is a game, it's not any that I've seen." The teen then stood, accidentally hitting a few buttons.

Edited by Dire Miralis
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Skye bit her lip as she watched the elevator come up. When Yukie walked in she gulped and slowly walked in, hoping that the elevator wouldn't plummet to the bottom level. "Interesting ... stuff? I hope that they have .... stuff related to the ... occult. What do you ... think?" Skye said slowly as she tried not to think about the enclosed space she was in and pressed a random floor button.



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"Lets assume it is a  game, how would we play it, there seems to be a control console right over there but this room seems a bit too good for it just to be a computer." She sits down as the computer and looks at the images going on the screen, "If this was a  game I wonder why they would go through so much trouble to keep it such a big secret from the world. I also wonder what is going down on the lower level."



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By the time the elevator had gone back to get Skye and Yukie, Ryu had already entered a room of what looked like scanners. "Well, this is interesting." He thought to himself. There were five in total at a height of around ten feet. The teen then walked into one of the chambers. He felt a sense of déjà vu as he stood in the chamber as it slid closed and began to whir to life. A bright light then flooded his vision.


On the monitor a new message appeared. "Virtualization complete." A map then appeared and showed a green dot that remained stationary.

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Axiom descended on the adder until he reached the same scanner room just in time ti see Ryu walk into one of them. He then saw it close on Ryu and a flash emanated from the scanner. As it opened again, Ryu was gone. "What the hell?" He asked out loud. He made his way to the scanner and inspected it, "That cannot be good"


@@child of the night,@,  


He then yelled upstairs to Clayton and Amber, "Guys, we have a problem!"


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Clayton heard Axiom and walked over to the ladder he had gone down. "What's wrong?" He asked, his tone holding a palpable amount of concern. The teen then noticed the new map on the screen and it's message. He then felt a pit form in his stomach. "What just happened?"

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@,@@child of the night,


"Okay,well it seems as though That Ryu character kind of...disappeared. I just want to say that while normally something like this would be my fault, It isn't this time." Axiom yelled back up to the others. "One of these machines did it. What does that computer say now?"


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Yukie smiled, watching Skye press a button. Only when she started talking did she notice something was wrong. "Oh. Are you... okay?" she asked, hesitantly. She didn't want to have to put someone she just met through something horrible, but it seemed she wanted to do it anyway as they started to descend. "The occult? Maybe. Who knows?" she asked, playing with her side fringe a little bit out of nervousness.

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Skye nodded a bit too quickly for her liking but at least she was with a friend. "I'm fine. I just ... don't ... like ... enclosed spaces. They just ... freak me ... out." Skye said in a high-pitched voice with a shudder. She focused her gaze on Yukie and tried to give a warm smile but it didn't seem to work. "What do you think ... we'll find?"



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